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where do opportunistic pathogens originate from

normal microbiota

what does the envelope of mycobacteria contain


what respiration require to function

a source of electrons

what do catabolic processes release


what ae catabolic process coupled to (linked to)

ATP formation reactions ADP + P -- ATP

a motile bacterium moving a completely random manner

produce more tumbles than runs within its flagella

if ribophase biphosphate carboxylase were absent from an autotroph, what would it be NOT able to fix


what becomes reduced during light independent reactions


metachromatic granules

contains polymerized phosphate and represents a storage form for inorganic phosphate and energy

light is directly involved in the Calvin benson cycle


if light energy was the light was also involved in the process, which of these reactions would represent photosynthesis as cyanobacteria would carry it out

H2O ---- NADP+

what is being reduced in the picture


what does glycolosis yield


Do gram positive bacteria have an outer membrane?

No. Gram positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan layer and no outer lipid membrane.

what component is an absolute requirement for growth, may be toxic for others, and some can live with or without it



RuBisCO enzyme for CO2 fixation during photosynthesis found in some autotrophic bacteria

the classification of microbes into domains revealed the existence of two distinct taxonomic groups of prokaryotes


the metabolic capabilities have of bacteria and archaea have importance at all ecosystem levels


there are bacterial types that lack a cell wall


viruses are not capable of taking in and metabolizing nutrients and carrying out most other of lifes activities



a flexible spirally twisted bacterium, especially one that causes syphilis

ribulose biphosphate (RuBP), the molecule that CO2 is attached to (fixed) in the cycle must continually...

be regenerated to maintain CO2 fixation (attachment)

potential virulence factors for pathogens

capsule, fimbriae, flagella

after adding 10 g/L of a nutrient is added to a growing liquid culture of E Coli, the quantity of cell mass has doubled. what nutrient source added yielded this effect


what is endospore formation induced by

chemical, physical and nutritional stress

only one type of these would be found in prokaryotic cell


normal microbiota provide protection from infection by

compete with pathogens for nutrients, produce antibacterial chemicals, make chemical environment unsuitable for nonresident bacteria, can change pH of their environment

what does glycolosis initially require

energy in the form of ATP

what is true about respiration

it occurs in the absence of oxygen depending on the bacterial type

what all three groups considered include members that are microbes

eukaryote, archaea and bacteria

various concentrations of the following: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, peroxidase, or some combination of these enzymes would be found in

facultative anaerobe, aerotolerant anaerobe, obligate aerobe and microaerophile

gas vacuoles

flotation, depth adjustment

what comes before formation of a mature endospore

forespore development

what do catabolic processes lead to

formation of smaller molecules from larger complex molecules

what are endospore forming bacteria

genus bacillus and genus clostridium

what does glycolysis begin with

glucose and ends with 2 pyruvate molecules

what supplies ATPs for fermentation


what forms ATP

glycolosis; via substrate level phosphorylation

what bacterium is O polysaccharide (O antigen) associated with

gram negative

which bacteria contains endotoxin activity if it were lysed

gram negative bacteria

Where are techoic acids found?

gram positive bacteria

what do crystal violet and bile salts inhibit the growth of

gram positive bacteria

what are endospores highly resistant to

heat, Chemical treatment and radiation

where is glucose oxidation completed and ATP, NADH, FADH2 are formed

in the Krebs cycle

what is occurring at phase A

inoculation of the medium comes immediate before (precedes) this phase

which is oxidized in the picture

isocitric acid

PHB inclusions

lipid inclusions used as an energy reserve

what is happening at phase B & D

logarithmic changes in cell numbers

what comprise many members of archaea

methanogens, thermophiles, halophiles

what defines this as anaerobic respiration in electron transport chain

molecule B (2nd molecule on bottom next to 2e-)

what is happening at phase C

new cells are forming at the same rate they are dying

what is the electron source for respiration

organic like glucose or a completely inorganic chemical form

what does respiration rely on

oxidative phosphorylation to produce most of its energy as ATP

what becomes reduced during cellular respiration


endosymbioant theory comes from

presences of DNA and ribosomes in mitochondria and chloroplasts, mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotic cells; they are NOT able to grow and divide outside their own cell

peptone, proteose peptone, lactose monohydrate, bile salts, sodium chloride, neutral red, crystal violet, and agar are

selective, differential, and complex mediums


sterilization process that eliminates microorganisms in living tissues


sterilization process that eliminates microorganisms on inanimate objects

sulfure granules

sulfur oxidation product

commensalistic bacteria

they will not harm you

what 3 bacterial types would be capable in growing in the absence of oxygen

type 1: psychrophilic, alkalophilic, facultative anaerobe type 2: mesophilic, halophilic, aerotolerant anaerobe type 3: hyperthermophilic, acidophilic, obligate anaerobe

what is the source of electrons for oxygenic photosynthesis


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