Midterm notes Chapter 1-9 Janda

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1. In most democracies other than the United States, there is ____________ support for the view that jobs and incomes for the unemployed are a right.

businesses, interest groups, and wealthy individuals. (all of the above).

Political Action Committee (PAC) money comes from

they are biased toward institutionalized, or conventional, politics, and it is easier to collect data on conventional practices.

Political scientists know less about unconventional forms of political participation because

Dependent on advertising revenues

Private ownership of the media in the United States makes American news which of the following?

more Americans believe that government is responsive.

Psychological explanations of turnout suggest that voting will rise if

the United States

The country with the lowest voter turnout among eligible voters in congressional elections is

reduce the national voter turnout rate.

The effect of the Twenty-sixth Amendment, which enfranchised eighteen-to-twenty-year-olds, was to

prolonged exposure to and good communication with the agent, as well as being receptive.

The extent to which any socializing agent is influential depends on

there are limits to the national government's ability to regulate behavior based on the commerce clause.

The general conclusion of the Supreme Court in United States v. Lopez was that

Interest groups do not nominate candidates to run as their avowed representatives.

What most distinguishes political parties from interest groups like the AFL-CIO and the National Association of Manufacturers?

No provisions exist for the use of referenda at the federal level.

What rules govern the use of referenda at the federal level?

normal distribution.

When Americans are asked to identify themselves on left-right ideological scales ("liberal," "moderate," or "conservative"), the data plotted on a graph is a(n)

order, equality

When elementary schools introduce students to authority figures outside the family, like the teacher, they prepare students for the value of __________; when they stress norms of democratic decision making and respecting the opinions of others, they teach ______________.


When journalists consider it their job to be critical of politicians, searching for inaccuracies in fact and weaknesses in argument, this is called which of the following?

Watchdog journalism

When journalists consider it their job to be critical of politicians, searching for inaccuracies in fact and weaknesses in argument, this is called which of the following?

join demonstrations

1. Americans are less likely to ____________ than citizens of other countries.

enforce new voter identification laws.

A 2013 Supreme Court decision regarding the Voting Rights Act allowed numerous states to


A January 2014 poll showed that _____________ percent of Americans knew that the Affordable Care Act prohibits companies from denying health insurance to people because of any illnesses they may have.


A form of government that puts power in the hands of an elite is a (n)


A polling company surveying public opinion on Obama's health-care plan finds public opinion to be almost evenly divided, for and against. The graph of such a distribution would be characterized as

agenda setting

A television network decides to run a series of news stories highlighting the need for stronger regulations over gun sales and purchases. This example is representative of which of the following?


About a _________ of immigrants in America are undocumented.


According to the 2012 American National Election Study (ANES), about ____ percent of Americans believe the government should permit abortions in many, if not all, instances.


According to the _____________ view of democracy, anti-gay marriage laws are democratic.

The government sometimes does not do what people want.

According to the text, which of the following is not a characteristic of public opinion?

Democratic party

After winning office in 1828, Andrew Jackson shortened the name of his party to what, signaling that it was a new kind of political party organization?

minority rights.

All of the following are principles of procedural democracy except

Freedom, rights, or liberties.

Americans tend to define democracy in terms of ____________


An election on a public policy issue is called a (n)

more women and Latinos were elected to the state legislature.

As a result of redistricting and the introduction of term limits,

adult peer groups and the mass media

As parental and school influences wane in adulthood, ______________ emerge as more important socialization agents.

limit individual freedom

Because it depends on mass participation in politics, majoritarianism tends to


By which of the following means may the voters draft a new law?

53 members

California's delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives consists of

bolster the power and authority of the state.

Elections, as an institutional mechanism

the Supreme Court tended to support expansion of National authority.

From the 1930s to the mid 1990s,


Historians estimate that ______________ percent of Americans supported the Revolution in July 1776.

the wealthy will most often prevail.

In America, when the wealthy and the rest of the population have differing policy goals the preference of

at about the same rate as men.

In general today, women politically participate

about 60 percent of the voters have been non-Latino whites.

In recent California elections,

mentally disabled and /or seventeen years old.

In recent years, the Supreme Court has denied states the power to execute individuals who are

Democrats than as Republicans

Journalists are more likely to identify as which of the following?


Maintaining social order is the most important political concept for which of the following groups?

Early partisan newspapers

More and more cable news channels like MSNBC and Fox News seem analogous to which of the following?

interest groups, businesses, and wealthy individuals.

Most of the money for political campaigns in California comes from

participatory democracy

New England town meetings are an example of

Single winners chosen by a simple plurality of votes

One of the most convincing explanations for the persistence of the two-party system in the United States lies in its use of which of the following?

Gallup Poll

One of the nation's oldest polls, the ___________ was started in the 1930s, and was most notably wrong in 1948 when it predicted that Thomas Dewey, the Republican candidate, would defeat the Democratic incumbent, Harry Truman in the presidential election.

submitting redistricting plans to the Justice Department for approval.

Preclearance is the process of

Perpetuate several political parties.

Proportional representation tends to do which of the following?

the Massachusetts' Militia.

Shay's Rebellion was ultimately defeated by

an emphasis on business -related legislation.

Studies of the congressional agenda demonstrate that it is characterized


Survey methodology did not become a powerful research tool until the

Ended a rule prohibiting foreign ownership of any media in the United States.

The 1996 Telecommunications Act did which of the following?

Substantive theories of democracy.

The Bill of Rights is at the core of our

the national government and state governments.

The Constitution explicitly recognizes

The mainstream media

The amount of information online is so vast that most people rely on which of the following to help them determine which news is real and important?


The concept of democracy was initially defined centuries ago in ancient

created a national system to check the background of gun buyers.

The controversial 1993 Brady Hill

Backfire effect

The fact that ideological conservatives believed even more strongly that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 war after they were informed that subsequent investigations concluded that this was not true is an example of the

to reflect the views of the population with some predictable degree of accuracy.

The goal of the statistical theory of sampling is

state legislatures

The lines that define congressional districts are usually drawn by

Relax the rules governing media ownership

The main focus of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was to do which of the following?

family, school, community, and peers

The major agents of early socialization in the United States are


The national government has come to rely increasingly on its _______ power to shape state policies.

Setting the public agenda

The power of the media to determine what the government ought to do is referred as which of the following?

checks and balances.

The power of the president to veto laws is an example of

discourage African American from voting.

The purpose of the literacy tests that were used in the southern states after 1870 was to

National chairperson

The task of planning the next campaign and convention, obtaining financial contributions, and publicizing the national party belongs to which of the following?


The text defines suffrage and franchise as the right to


The text suggests that the United States fulfills the ____________ model quite well.

Electoral College

The winner-take-all principle can be observed in the United States when which of the following selects the president and the vice president?

older people

Voter turnout is usually highest among

in presidential elections

Voter turnout or participation is highest

increased or remained stable.

Voting in the United States decreased during the 1970s and 1980s. Other forms of participation

When their party is in control

When do voters favor one-party control of the presidency and Congress?

Setting the public agenda

When the media uncovers public wrongdoing and brings that wrongdoing to the public's attention, it is engaged in which role of the media?


Which group constitutes California's most underrepresented minority in terms of elected officials?

Older, more affluent voters, whites, residents of inland and Central California (all of the above)

Which groups usually vote for candidates of the Republican Party?

Television ads

Which is the most important campaign medium for candidates for statewide in California?

an increase in independent expenditures

Which is thought to be an "unintended consequence" of campaign spending limits introduced in California in 2000?


Which of the following allows voters to approve or reject actions of the legislature?

First Amendment

Which of the following amendments to the Constitution protects the freedom of the press?

The Whig Party split over the issue of slavery, and antislavery factions of many parties coalesced to form the Republican Party.

Which of the following best describes political parties during the period leading up to the Civil War?

A winner-take-all, or plurality, system

Which of the following best describes the American electoral system?

The Boston Tea Party

Which of the following was the first known act of unconventional participation in America?

They do not operate free of government regulation

While most of the mass media in the United States is privately owned, which of the following is also correct?

Plurality requires parties to form alliances with other parties to win elections.

Why are elections based on a plurality system discouraging to new party formation?

There were three significant contenders for the Presidency.

Why was the presidential election of 1912 unique?

preliminary election to choose party candidates.

a direct primary is a

Majoritarian model

1. For some years our two congressional parties have been increasingly polarized, working less together to fashion compromise legislation. This consistent with the ________________ of democracy.


1. Of all the social and economic variables affecting political participation, ____________ is the strongest single factor.​

5 to 10 percent

1. The typical procedure for an initiative requires petitions to feature the signatures of ________________ of the number of registered voters in a state.

unconventional participation into conventional participation

1. To maintain order, the government has a stake in converting ______________ whenever possible.​

establish a National bank.

A central question in the McCulloch case was whether or not Congress had the power to


A citizen's group gathers enough signatures on a petition to force a popular vote on a statewide lottery proposal. This proposal would represent a (n)

special district

A government unit created to perform particular functions, such as fire protection and water purification and distribution is known as a (n)

Organize to win elections and operate the government

A group of people who do which of the following is called a political party

citizens can affect its policies by acting through its institutions.

A practical test of whether or not a government is democratic is whether

Fact that the best represented sectors in Washington are business and professional groups.

A sign that pluralist democracy might not be working well in the United States is the

The Telecommunications Act of 1996

A single corporation can offer television, phone, and Internet services due to which of the following?

pay more attention to polls on policy questions.

Based on polls testing how closely Americans follow news about politics, the text implies that policy makers should

choose what benefits them personally.

According to the self-interest principle, people tend to


By 2013, _________ grants consumed more than 50 percent of national governments grants.

a problem because it created an appearance that the standards threatened state authority.

Federal government support for the common core was


Formula grants and project grants are both types of __________ grants


Generally, the first agent of political socialization that people are exposed to is

demonstrated that these value choices cannot be explained by a one-dimensional liberal-conservative continuum.

In a 2012 election survey, respondents were asked whether abortion should be outlawed by government or a matter of personal choice, and whether government should guarantee people a job and a good standard of living or people should get ahead on their own. People's responses to the two questions

Politicians at all levels of government office have a placed importance on having a web presence.

In what ways do social networking, blogging, and the Internet play a role in politics today?

favored states' rights

Since 1995 the Supreme Court has frequently

skewed toward conservatism.

Since surveying the American public about ideology began, the ideological distribution of the public has become skewed toward conservatism.


Since the present two-party system was established, how many minor-party candidates have been elected to the presidency?


Someone who asserts that elections "socialize political activity" is contending that elections are mechanisms that maintain


Someone who believes that the elastic clause of the Constitution should be narrowly interpreted is most likely to endorse the concept of _______ federalism.

civil rights and liberties.

The basic standard of substantive democracy is that government must guarantee


The complexity of the American federal system encourages

Agenda setting

When the media regularly focus public attention on violent crime, political corruption, or economic woes, they are engaged in which of the following?

Formed to champion the interests of small farmers.

Which of the following best describes the populist movement, which supported inflation to reduce the value of outstanding debts?

The functions and responsibilities of the national and state governments are clearly defined.

Which of the following is an incorrect description of the cooperative federalism model?

All of the above are reasons states have increased their capabilities.

Which of the following is not a reason that states have improved their ability to govern capably over the last few decades?

Personal correspondence

Which of the following is not usually considered to be a part of the media?

The candidate who gets the most votes wins.

Which of the following is true of a winner-take-all electoral system?

The two major parties have a clear advantage because the laws have fewer obstacles for them.

Which of the following is true of federal and state laws with regard to third parties?

Political parties win seats in a legislature based on the proportion of the vote they receive.

Which of the following occurs in a proportional representation electoral system?


Which of the following political groups strongly supports property rights and opposes attempts to regulate personal behavior and moral values?

property ownership

Which of the following qualifications for voting was virtually eliminated in all states by the 1850s?

mass media

Which of the following refers to news sources such as newspapers, television, radio, and the Internet that provide a large audience with information about the nation and the world?

Women are more likely to favor going to war.

Which of the following statements concerning gender and political beliefs is incorrect?

Congress temporarily claimed extra constitutional powers to meet the national emergency.

Which of the following statements regarding the New Deal era is incorrect?


_____________ theory prescribes that a group should decide to do what the majority of its participant wants to do.


____________ allows a person to acquire information and documents complaints to government officials.

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