Mktg 351 ch11 testbank

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322. To try to be creative in developing a label is not worth the effort; most people prefer products to be labeled only with the brand name and relevant consumer information. a. True b. False


308. Family packaging cannot be used for individual product lines; it must apply to the entire product mix of the firm. a. True b. False


312. Sandwich bread would more likely be packaged in a green wrapper than a yellow one. a. True b. False


317. A red-and-white label on a soup can is an example of innovative packaging. a. True b. False


319. A unique cap or applicator is an example of secondary-use packaging. a. True b. False


321. Multiple packaging interferes with handling and storage of products. a. True b. False


325. Labeling is most important for branding reasons. a. True b. False


326. Labeling is used to perform only two roles: to promote and to inform. a. True b. False


328. Nutritional information on labels is required by law, though consumers are indifferent to its availability. a. True b. False


330. The Federal Trade Commission is solely responsible for establishing and enforcing packaging regulations. a. True b. False


369. The depth of product mix is measured by the number of product lines a company offers. ​ a. True b. False


371. Consumers spend a great deal of time comparing specialty products to determine the one that best fits their needs ​ a. True b. False


373. Brand preference is the highest degree of brand loyalty. ​ a. True b. False


376. Labels should be a separate feature that can be detached from the package. ​ a. True b. False


32. Nick Arnold's Auto Towing Service would best be described as a(n) ____ product. a. convenience b. unsought c. specialty d. durable e. shopping


31. Jose went skiing one weekend with several of his friends. While at the slope, Jose injured his leg and needed to see a doctor. Jose is likely going to view solutions to his problem as a. specialty products. b. installations. c. unsought products. d. shopping products. e. convenience products.

unsought products.

374. Surnames are difficult to protect as brand names. ​ a. True b. False


375. Packaging is sometimes altered to make it easier to handle in the distribution system. a. True b. False


99. A product need not be a physical product. a. True b. False


302. Packages are always secondary ingredients of a marketing strategy. a. True b. False


304. The basic purpose of packaging is to create eye appeal. a. True b. False


305. Recently, buyers have shown an unwillingness to pay more for improved packaging. a. True b. False


289. A brand name used for a product line should be compatible with most of the products in the line. a. True b. False


267. A brand name is the part of the brand that is spoken. a. True b. False


291. Brand names should be different from the company name to avoid confusion. a. True b. False


268. Customers use brands to help judge product quality. a. True b. False


292. Suggestive brand names are easier to protect legally than fanciful names. a. True b. False


1. What is a product? Provide an example of each type of product. ANSWER: ​A product is a good, a service, or an idea received in an exchange. It can be either tangible or intangible and includes functional, social, and psychological utilities or benefits. It also includes supporting services, such as installation, guarantees, product information, and promises of repair or maintenance. A good is a tangible physical entity, such as an iPad or a Subway sandwich. A service, in contrast, is intangible; it is the result of the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects. Many intangible products try to make their products more tangible to consumers through advertising and tangible images. An idea is a concept, philosophy, image, or issue. Ideas provide the psychological stimulation that aids in solving problems or adjusting to the environment. For example, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) promotes safe consumption of alcohol and stricter enforcement of laws against drunk driving.

1. 제품이란? 각 제품 유형의 예를 제공하십시오. 답변: 교환으로 받은 상품, 서비스 또는 아이디어. 그것은 유형적이거나 무형적일 수 있으며 기능적, 사회적, 심리적 효용이나 이익을 포함한다. 또한 설치, 보증, 제품 정보, 수리 또는 유지보수 약속 등의 지원 서비스도 포함한다. 재화는 아이패드나 지하철 샌드위치 같은 유형적인 물리적 실체다. 이와는 대조적으로 서비스는 무형이다; 그것은 사람이나 사물에 대한 인간 및 기계적인 노력의 결과물이다. 많은 무형의 제품들은 광고와 실체적 이미지를 통해 소비자들에게 더욱 가시적인 제품을 만들려고 노력한다. 아이디어는 개념, 철학, 이미지 또는 이슈다. 아이디어는 문제를 해결하거나 환경에 적응하는 데 도움이 되는 심리적 자극을 제공한다. 예를 들어, 음주운전을 반대하는 엄마들은 안전한 음주와 음주운전 금지법 시행을 장려한다.

10. Discuss the marketing efforts that are likely to be used during the growth stage of the product life cycle. ANSWER: In the growth stage, profits begin to decline later as more competitors enter the market, driving prices down and creating the need for heavy promotional expenses. At this point, a typical marketing strategy encourages strong brand loyalty and competes with aggressive emulators of the product. During the growth stage, the organization tries to strengthen its market share and develop a competitive niche by emphasizing the product's benefits. Marketers should also analyze competing brands' product positions relative to their own brands and take corrective action. Aggressive pricing, including price cuts, is also typical during this stage. As sales increase, management must support the momentum by adjusting the marketing strategy. The goal is to establish and fortify the product's market position by encouraging brand loyalty. To achieve greater market penetration, segmentation may have to be used more intensely. This requires developing product variations to satisfy the needs of people in several different market segments. As a product gains market acceptance, new distribution outlets usually become easier to obtain. Marketers sometimes move from an exclusive or a selective exposure to a more intensive network of dealers to achieve greater market penetration. Marketers must also make sure the physical distribution system is running efficiently so that customers' orders are processed accurately and delivered on time. Promotion expenditures may be slightly lower than during the introductory stage but are still quite substantial. As sales increase, promotion costs should drop as a percentage of total sales. A falling ratio between promotion expenditures and sales should contribute significantly to increased profits. The advertising messages should stress brand benefits. Coupons and samples may be used to increase awareness as well as market share.

10. 제품 라이프사이클의 성장단계에서 활용될 가능성이 높은 마케팅 노력에 대해 논의한다. 답변: 성장 단계에서는, 더 많은 경쟁자들이 시장에 진입함에 따라 수익이 감소하기 시작하고, 가격을 낮추고, 많은 홍보 비용을 필요로 한다. 이 시점에서 전형적인 마케팅 전략은 강력한 브랜드 충성도를 부추기고 제품의 공격적인 에뮬레이터들과 경쟁한다. 성장 단계에서는 제품의 장점을 강조하여 시장 점유율을 강화하고 경쟁력 있는 틈새시장을 개척하려고 한다. 마케터들도 자사 브랜드에 비해 경쟁 브랜드의 제품 포지션을 분석해 시정 조치를 취해야 한다. 가격 인하를 포함한 공격적인 가격 책정도 이 단계에서는 전형적이다. 매출이 증가함에 따라 경영진은 마케팅 전략을 조정해 모멘텀을 뒷받침해야 한다. 브랜드 충성도를 부추겨 제품의 시장 지위를 확립하고 공고히 하는 것이 목표다. 시장 침투율을 높이려면 세분화를 더 강도 높게 사용해야 할 수 있다. 이것은 여러 다른 시장 부문의 사람들의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 제품 변형을 개발해야 한다. 제품이 시장 수용을 얻으면, 새로운 유통점을 얻는 것이 보통 쉬워진다. 마케터들은 시장 침투율을 높이기 위해 때때로 독점적 또는 선택적 노출에서 보다 집중적인 딜러망으로 이동한다. 마케터들은 또한 고객의 주문이 정확하게 처리되어 제때 배달되도록 물리적인 유통 시스템이 효율적으로 운영되도록 해야 한다. 프로모션 지출은 도입 단계보다 약간 낮을 수 있지만 여전히 상당히 많다. 매출이 증가함에 따라 프로모션 비용이 전체 매출의 백분율로 감소해야 한다. 판촉비 지출과 매출의 감소율이 이익 증가에 크게 기여해야 한다. 광고 메시지는 브랜드 이익을 강조해야 한다. 쿠폰과 샘플은 시장 점유율뿐만 아니라 인지도를 높이기 위해 사용될 수 있다.

11. What major changes in a marketing strategy may be required as a product moves into the maturity stage of the product life cycle? ANSWER: During the maturity phase, the producers who remain in the market are likely to change their promotional and distribution efforts. Advertising and dealer-oriented promotions are typical during this stage of the product life cycle. Marketers also must take into account that as the product reaches maturity, buyers' knowledge of it attains a high level. Consumers are no longer inexperienced generalists; instead, they are experienced specialists. Marketers of mature products sometimes expand distribution into global markets. Often the products have to be adapted to fit differing needs of global customers more precisely. Because many products are in the maturity stage of their life cycles, marketers must know how to deal with these products and be prepared to adjust their marketing strategies. There are many approaches to altering marketing strategies during the maturity stage. To increase the sales of mature products, marketers may suggest new uses for them. Arm & Hammer has boosted demand for its baking soda by this method, providing multiple uses for this product. Because frozen yogurt has reached the maturity phase, Ben & Jerry's has released new flavors and yogurt types to appeal to changing consumer tastes.

11. 제품이 제품 수명 주기의 성숙 단계로 이동함에 따라 마케팅 전략에 어떤 큰 변화가 필요할 수 있는가? 답변: 성숙 단계 동안, 시장에 남아 있는 프로듀서들은 홍보와 유통 노력을 바꿀 가능성이 있다. 광고와 딜러 중심의 프로모션은 이 제품 수명 주기 단계에서 전형적으로 나타난다. 마케터들은 또한 제품이 만기에 도달하면 구매자들의 그것에 대한 지식이 높은 수준에 도달한다는 것을 고려해야 한다. 소비자들은 더 이상 경험 없는 일반주의자가 아니라 경험 많은 전문가들이다. 성숙한 상품의 마케터들은 때때로 세계 시장으로 유통을 확대한다. 종종 제품들은 글로벌 고객들의 다양한 요구에 더 정확하게 맞춰져야 한다. 많은 제품들이 라이프 사이클의 성숙 단계에 있기 때문에, 마케터들은 이러한 제품들을 어떻게 다루어야 하는지 알고 그들의 마케팅 전략을 조정할 준비가 되어 있어야 한다. 성숙단계에서 마케팅 전략을 바꾸는 방법은 많다. 성숙한 상품의 판매를 늘리기 위해, 마케팅 담당자들은 그것들을 위한 새로운 용도를 제안할 수 있다. Arm & Hammer는 이 방법으로 베이킹 소다에 대한 수요를 증가시켜 이 제품에 여러 가지 용도를 제공하고 있다. 얼린 요구르트가 성숙기에 이르렀기 때문에 벤앤제리는 변화하는 소비자 취향에 어필하기 위해 새로운 맛과 요구르트 종류를 출시했다.

152. Explain the difference between brand name and trademarks. ANSWER: ​A brand name is the part of a brand that can be spoken—including letters, words, and numbers—such as 7UP or V8. A brand name is often a product's only distinguishing characteristic. Without the brand name, a firm could not differentiate its products. To consumers, a brand name is as fundamental as the product itself. Indeed, many brand names have become synonymous with the product, such as Scotch Tape, Xerox copiers, and FedEx delivery. Through promotional activities, the owners of these brand names try to protect them from being used as generic names for tape, photocopiers, and overnight shipping. A trademark is a legal designation indicating that the owner has exclusive use of a brand or a part of a brand and that others are prohibited by law from its use. To protect a brand name or brand mark in the United States, an organization must register it as a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

152. 상표명과 상표의 차이점 설명 답변: 브랜드 이름은 7UP 또는 V8과 같이 문자, 단어 및 숫자를 포함하여 말할 수 있는 브랜드의 부분이다. 브랜드 이름은 종종 제품의 유일한 구별되는 특성이다. 브랜드 이름이 없다면, 회사는 그들의 제품을 차별화할 수 없었다. 소비자들에게 브랜드 이름은 제품 자체만큼이나 기본이다. 실제로 스카치 테이프, 제록스 복사기, 페덱스 배송 등 많은 브랜드 이름이 제품과 동의어가 되었다. 이러한 브랜드 이름의 소유자들은 홍보 활동을 통해 테이프, 복사기, 야간 배송의 일반적인 이름으로 사용되는 것을 보호하려고 노력한다. 상표권이란 소유자가 브랜드나 브랜드의 일부를 독점적으로 사용하고, 그 밖의 상표는 법으로 그 사용을 금지하고 있음을 나타내는 법적 명칭이다. 미국의 상표명이나 상표권을 보호하기 위해, 조직은 그것을 미국 특허청에 상표로 등록해야 한다.

157. What are the factors that marketers should consider while selecting a brand name? ANSWER: ​Marketers should consider several factors in selecting a brand name. First, the name should be easy for customers to say, spell, and recall. Short, one-syllable names, such as Cheer, often satisfy this requirement. Second, the brand name should indicate the product's major benefits and, if possible, should suggest in a positive way the product's uses and special characteristics; negative or offensive references should be avoided. For example, the brand names of household cleaning products such as Vanish toilet bowl cleaner, Formula 409 multipurpose cleaner, and Wisk laundry detergent connote strength and effectiveness. There is evidence that consumers are more likely to recall and to evaluate favorably names that convey positive attributes or benefits. Third, to set it apart from competing brands, the brand should be distinctive. Further research findings have shown that creating a brand personality that aligns with the products sold and the target market's self-image is important to brand success—if the target market feels aligned with the brand, they are more likely to develop brand loyalty. If a marketer intends to use a brand for a product line, that brand must be compatible with all products in the line. Finally, a brand should be designed to be used and recognized in all types of media. Finding the right brand has become an increasingly challenging task because many obvious names have already been used.

157. 마케팅 담당자들이 브랜드명을 선정하면서 고려해야 할 요인은 무엇인가? 답변: 마케팅 담당자는 브랜드 이름을 선택할 때 몇 가지 요소를 고려해야 한다. 첫째, 그 이름은 고객들이 말하고, 철자하고, 회상하기 쉬워야 한다. 치어리더와 같이 짧고 한 음절 가능한 이름들은 종종 이 요건을 충족시킨다. 둘째, 브랜드 이름은 제품의 주요 이점을 나타내야 하며, 가능하다면 제품의 용도와 특수 특성을 긍정적으로 제안해야 한다. 부정적이거나 불쾌한 참조는 피해야 한다. 예를 들어, 바니쉬 변기 세척제, 포뮬라 409 다목적 세정제, 위스크 세탁세제 등 가정용 세정제품의 브랜드명은 강도와 효과를 내포하고 있다. 소비자들이 긍정적인 속성이나 이점을 전달하는 호칭들을 더 많이 떠올리고 평가할 수 있다는 증거가 있다. 셋째, 경쟁 브랜드와 차별화하려면 브랜드가 차별화되어야 한다. 추가적인 연구 결과는 판매되는 제품과 목표 시장의 자아 이미지에 부합하는 브랜드 인격을 만드는 것이 브랜드 성공을 위해 중요하다는 것을 보여주었다. 만약 타깃 시장이 브랜드와 일치한다고 생각한다면, 그들은 브랜드 충성도를 발전시킬 가능성이 더 높다. 마케팅 담당자가 제품 라인에 브랜드를 사용하려는 경우 해당 브랜드는 제품 라인의 모든 제품과 호환되어야 한다. 마지막으로, 브랜드는 모든 종류의 미디어에서 사용되고 인식될 수 있도록 설계되어야 한다. 이미 많은 명백한 이름들이 사용되었기 때문에 올바른 브랜드를 찾는 것은 점점 더 어려운 과제가 되었다.

296. The brands used for co-branding cannot be owned by the same company. a. True b. False


153. What is brand loyalty? Explain the three degrees of brand loyalty. ANSWER: Brand loyalty is a customer's favorable attitude toward a specific brand. If brand loyalty is strong enough, customers may purchase this brand consistently when they need a product in that product category. Customer satisfaction with a brand is the most common reason for loyalty to that brand. There are three degrees of brand loyalty: recognition, preference, and insistence. Brand recognition occurs when a customer is aware that the brand exists and views it as an alternative purchase if the preferred brand is unavailable or if the other available brands are unfamiliar. This is the mildest form of brand loyalty. The term loyalty is clearly used very loosely here. Brand preference is a stronger degree of brand loyalty. A customer definitely prefers one brand over competitive offerings and will purchase this brand if it is available. However, if the brand is not available, the customer will accept a substitute brand rather than expending additional effort finding and purchasing the preferred brand. When brand insistence occurs, a customer strongly prefers a specific brand, will accept no substitute, and is willing to spend a great deal of time and effort to acquire that brand. If a brand-insistent customer goes to a store and finds the brand unavailable, he or she will seek the brand elsewhere rather than purchase a substitute brand. Brand insistence is the strongest degree of brand loyalty; it is a brander's dream. However, it is the least common type of brand loyalty.

153. 브랜드 로열티란? 브랜드 충성도의 3단계에 대해 설명하십시오. 답변: 브랜드 충성도는 특정 브랜드에 대한 고객의 호의적인 태도다. 브랜드 충성도가 충분히 높은 경우, 고객은 해당 제품 범주에 제품이 필요할 때 이 브랜드를 지속적으로 구입할 수 있다. 브랜드에 대한 고객 만족이 그 브랜드에 대한 충성도의 가장 일반적인 이유 입니다. 브랜드 충성도는 인정, 선호, 고집 등 3가지다. 브랜드 인지도는 고객이 브랜드가 존재한다는 것을 알고 선호 브랜드를 사용할 수 없거나 다른 사용 가능한 브랜드가 낯선 경우 대체 구매로 볼 때 발생한다. 이것이 브랜드 충성도의 가장 온화한 형태다. 충성이라는 용어는 여기에서 매우 느슨하게 사용되고 있다. 브랜드 선호도는 브랜드 충성도가 더 높은 것이다. 고객은 분명히 경쟁 제품보다 한 브랜드를 선호하며, 만약 이 브랜드가 가능하다면 이 브랜드를 구입할 것이다. 그러나, 만약 그 브랜드를 구할 수 없다면, 고객은 선호하는 브랜드를 찾기 위해 추가적인 노력을 기울이기 보다는 대체 브랜드를 받아들일 것이다. 브랜드 고집이 일어나면 고객은 특정 브랜드를 강하게 선호하고, 대체 브랜드를 받아들이지 않으며, 그 브랜드를 획득하기 위해 많은 시간과 노력을 들일 것이다. 브랜드에 불응한 고객이 매장에 가서 브랜드를 사용할 수 없다고 판단되면 대체 브랜드를 구입하기보다는 다른 곳에서 브랜드를 찾는다. 브랜드의 고집은 브랜드 충성도의 가장 강한 수준이다. 그것은 브랜드가의 꿈이다. 그러나 브랜드 충성도가 가장 낮은 유형이다.

154. How do sellers benefit from the use of brand names and brand marks? ANSWER: Sellers benefit from branding because each company's brands identify its products, which makes repeat purchasing easier for customers. Branding helps a firm to introduce a new product that carries the name of one or more of its existing products because buyers are already familiar with the firm's existing brands. It facilitates promotional efforts because the promotion of each branded product indirectly promotes all other similarly branded products. Branding also fosters brand loyalty. To the extent that buyers become loyal to a specific brand, the company's market share for that product achieves a certain level of stability, allowing the firm to use its resources more efficiently. Once a firm develops some degree of customer loyalty for a brand, it can maintain a fairly consistent price rather than continually cutting the price to attract customers.

154. 상표명과 상표의 사용으로 판매자가 얻는 이익은? 답변: 각 회사의 브랜드가 자사 제품을 식별하기 때문에 셀러는 브랜딩의 혜택을 누리며, 이는 고객의 반복 구매를 용이하게 한다. 브랜딩은 구매자들이 이미 회사의 기존 브랜드에 익숙하기 때문에 기업이 기존 제품 중 하나 이상의 이름을 가진 신제품을 소개하는데 도움이 된다. 그것은 각 브랜드 제품의 홍보가 간접적으로 다른 모든 유사 브랜드 제품을 홍보하기 때문에 홍보 노력을 용이하게 한다. 브랜딩은 또한 브랜드 충성도를 높인다. 특정 브랜드에 대한 구매자의 충성도가 높아지면 해당 제품에 대한 회사의 시장 점유율은 일정 수준의 안정성을 달성해 기업이 자원을 보다 효율적으로 사용할 수 있게 된다. 일단 기업이 브랜드에 대한 고객 충성도를 어느 정도 발전시키면, 고객을 끌어들이기 위해 지속적으로 가격을 인하하기 보다는 상당히 일관된 가격을 유지할 수 있다.

155. What are private distributor brands? Describe their characteristics. ANSWER: Private distributor brands also called private brands, store brands, or dealer brands are initiated and owned by resellers—wholesalers or retailers. The major characteristic of private brands is that the manufacturers are not identified on the products. Retailers and wholesalers use private distributor brands to develop more efficient promotion, generate higher gross margins, and change store image. Private distributor brands give retailers or wholesalers freedom to purchase products of a specified quality at the lowest cost without disclosing the identities of the manufacturers. Familiar retailer brand names include Sears's Kenmore and JCPenney's Arizona. Many successful private brands are distributed nationally. Kenmore appliances are as well known as most manufacturer brands. Sometimes retailers with successful private distributor brands start manufacturing their own products to gain more control over product costs, quality, and design in the hope of increasing profits. Sales of private labels have grown considerably as the quality of store brands has increased.

155. 사설 유통업체 브랜드는? 그들의 특성을 설명하시오. 답변: 개인 브랜드, 스토어 브랜드 또는 딜러 브랜드라고도 하는 개인 유통 브랜드가 시작되어 리셀러(도매업자 또는 소매업자)가 소유한다. 민간 브랜드의 주요 특징은 제품에서 제조업체가 식별되지 않는다는 점이다. 소매업체와 도매업체는 보다 효율적인 판촉을 개발하고, 총 마진을 더 많이 창출하며, 점포 이미지를 바꾸기 위해 개인 유통업체 브랜드를 이용한다. 민간 유통업체 브랜드는 소매업체나 도매업자에게 제조사의 신상을 밝히지 않고 정해진 품질의 제품을 최저 비용으로 구매할 수 있는 자유를 준다. 친숙한 소매업체 브랜드 이름으로는 시어스의 켄모어와 JCPenney의 애리조나가 있다. 많은 성공적인 개인 브랜드들이 전국적으로 유통된다. 켄모어 가전제품은 대부분의 제조업체 브랜드만큼이나 잘 알려져 있다. 때때로 성공적인 민간 유통업체 브랜드를 가진 소매업체들은 이윤을 늘리기 위해 제품 비용, 품질, 디자인에 대한 더 많은 통제권을 얻기 위해 그들 자신의 제품을 생산하기 시작한다. 매장 브랜드의 품질이 높아짐에 따라 개인 라벨의 판매가 상당히 증가했다.

156. What is brand equity, and what are the major elements that underlie brand equity? ANSWER: ​A well-managed brand is an asset to an organization. The value of this asset is often referred to as brand equity. Brand equity is the marketing and financial value associated with a brand's strength in a market. Besides the actual proprietary brand assets, such as patents and trademarks, four major elements underlie brand equity: brand name awareness, brand loyalty, perceived brand quality, and brand associations. Being aware of a brand leads to brand familiarity, which in turn results in a level of comfort with the brand. A familiar brand is more likely to be selected than an unfamiliar brand because the familiar brand often is viewed as more reliable and of more acceptable quality. The familiar brand is likely to be in a customer's consideration set, whereas the unfamiliar brand is not.

156. 브랜드 형평성이란 무엇이며, 브랜드 형평성의 밑바탕이 되는 주요 요소는 무엇인가? 답변: 잘 관리되는 브랜드는 조직의 자산이다. 이 자산의 가치는 종종 브랜드 형평성이라고 불린다. 브랜드 형평성은 시장에서 브랜드의 강점과 관련된 마케팅 및 재무적 가치다. 특허 및 상표와 같은 실제 독점적 브랜드 자산 외에도 브랜드 인지력, 브랜드 충성도, 인지된 브랜드 품질, 브랜드 협회 등 4가지 주요 요소가 브랜드 형평성을 뒷받침한다. 브랜드를 인지하는 것은 브랜드에 친숙함을 가져오고, 이는 브랜드에 대한 편안함을 가져다 준다. 익숙한 브랜드가 낯선 브랜드보다 선택될 가능성이 높은 것은 익숙한 브랜드가 더 신뢰도가 높고, 더 수용 가능한 품질로 여겨지기 때문이다. 익숙하지 않은 브랜드는 고객이 고려하는 반면, 익숙하지 않은 브랜드는 그렇지 않다.

158. Discuss the branding strategies marketers can use. What are the two policies used by a firm to brand its products? ANSWER: ​Before establishing branding policies, a firm must decide whether to brand its products at all. If a company's product is homogeneous and is similar to competitors' products, it may be difficult to brand in a way that will generate brand loyalty. Raw materials such as coal, sand, and farm produce are hard to brand because of the homogeneity of such products and their physical characteristics. If a firm chooses to brand its products, it may use individual branding, family branding, or a combination. Individual branding is a policy of naming each product differently. Nestlé S.A. is the world's largest food and nutrition company. Nestlé uses individual branding for many of its different brands, such as NESCAFÉ coffee, PowerBar nutritional food, Maggi soups, and Haagen-Dazs ice cream. A major advantage of individual branding is that if an organization introduces an inferior product, the negative images associated with it do not contaminate the company's other products. An individual branding policy also may facilitate market segmentation when a firm wishes to enter many segments of the same market. Separate, unrelated names can be used, and each brand can be aimed at a specific segment. When using family branding, all of a firm's products are branded with the same name or at least part of the name, such as Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, Kellogg's Rice Krispies, and Kellogg's Corn Flakes. In some cases, a company's name is combined with other words to brand items. Arm & Hammer uses its name on all its products, along with a general description of the item, such as Arm & Hammer Heavy Duty Detergent, Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda, and Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodorizer. Unlike individual branding, family branding means that the promotion of one item with the family brand promotes the firm's other products.

158. 마케팅 담당자가 사용할 수 있는 브랜딩 전략을 논의한다. 회사가 자사 제품을 브랜드화하기 위해 사용하는 두 가지 정책은 무엇인가? 답변: 브랜딩 정책을 수립하기 전에, 기업은 자사 제품의 브랜드화 여부를 결정해야 한다. 기업의 제품이 동질적이고 경쟁사의 제품과 유사하다면 브랜드 충성도를 높일 수 있는 방식으로 브랜드화를 하기가 어려울 수 있다. 석탄, 모래, 농산물 등 원자재는 동질성과 신체적 특성 때문에 브랜드화하기 어렵다. 만약 기업이 자사 제품의 브랜드를 선택한다면, 그것은 개인 브랜딩, 가족 브랜딩 또는 조합을 사용할 수 있다. 개별 브랜딩은 각 제품의 이름을 다르게 짓는 정책이다. 네슬레 S.A.는 세계 최대의 식품영양 기업이다. 네슬레는 NESCAFE 커피, 파워바 영양식품, 마지스프, 하겐다즈 아이스크림과 같은 다양한 브랜드에 개별 브랜드를 사용한다. 개인 브랜딩의 주요 장점은 조직이 열등한 제품을 도입할 경우 이와 관련된 부정적인 이미지가 회사의 다른 제품을 오염시키지 않는다는 것이다. 또한 개별 브랜드 정책은 기업이 동일한 시장의 많은 부문에 진출하고자 할 때 시장 세분화를 촉진할 수 있다. 별개의 관련 없는 이름을 사용할 수 있으며, 각 브랜드는 특정 세그먼트를 겨냥할 수 있다. 가족 브랜딩을 사용할 때, 켈로그의 프로스테드 플라이크, 켈로그의 라이스 크리스피즈, 켈로그의 콘 플라이크 등 기업의 모든 제품들은 같은 이름이나 적어도 일부의 이름을 가진 브랜드가 된다. 브랜드 아이템에 회사명을 다른 단어와 합친 경우도 있다. 암앤해머는 팔&해머 헤비듀티세제, 팔&해머 퓨어 베이킹 소다, 팔&해머 카펫 탈취제 등 품목에 대한 일반적인 설명과 함께 전 제품에 이름을 사용한다. 개별 브랜딩과 달리 패밀리 브랜딩은 패밀리 브랜드로 한 품목을 홍보하는 것이 회사의 다른 제품을 홍보하는 것을 의미한다.

159. What steps should a marketer take to protect a brand name from use by others? ANSWER: A marketer should design a brand so that it can be protected easily through registration. To protect its exclusive rights to a brand, a company must ensure that the brand is not likely to be considered an infringement on any brand already registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. A marketer should guard against allowing a brand name to become a generic term used to refer to a general product category. Generic terms cannot be protected as exclusive brand names. For example, aspirin, escalator, and shredded wheat—all brand names at one time—eventually were declared generic terms that refer to product classes. Thus, they could no longer be protected. To keep a brand name from becoming a generic term, the firm should spell the name with a capital letter and use it as an adjective to modify the name of the general product class, as in Kool-Aid Brand Soft Drink Mix. Including the word brand just after the brand name is also helpful. An organization can deal with this problem directly by advertising that its brand is a trademark and should not be used generically. The firm also can indicate that the brand is a registered trademark by using the registered symbol.

159. 마케팅 담당자는 다른 사람이 상표명을 사용하지 못하도록 보호하기 위해 어떤 조치를 취해야 하는가? 답변: 마케팅 담당자는 등록으로 쉽게 보호될 수 있도록 브랜드를 설계해야 한다. 브랜드에 대한 독점권을 보호하기 위해, 회사는 그 브랜드가 미국 특허청에 이미 등록된 어떤 브랜드에 대한 침해로 간주되지 않도록 해야 한다. 마케팅 담당자는 브랜드 이름이 일반 제품 범주를 지칭하는 데 사용되는 일반 용어가 되는 것을 방지해야 한다. 일반 용어는 독점적인 브랜드 이름으로 보호될 수 없다. 예를 들어 아스피린, 에스컬레이터 및 잘게 썬 밀(모든 브랜드 이름)은 결국 제품 클래스를 가리키는 일반 용어로 선언되었다. 따라서, 그들은 더 이상 보호받을 수 없었다. 상표명이 총칭이 되지 않도록 하기 위해서는 이름 철자를 대문자로 써서 쿨에이드 브랜드 청량음료 믹스에서처럼 일반 상품 등급의 이름을 수정하는 형용사로 써야 한다. 브랜드 이름 바로 뒤에 있는 브랜드라는 단어를 포함시키는 것도 도움이 된다. 조직은 자신의 브랜드가 상표이고 일반적으로 사용되어서는 안 된다고 광고함으로써 이 문제를 직접 처리할 수 있다. 회사는 또한 등록된 기호를 사용하여 그 브랜드가 등록 상표임을 나타낼 수 있다.

160. What is co-branding? Explain what makes co-branding effective. ANSWER: Co-branding is the use of two or more brands on one product. Marketers employ co-branding to capitalize on the brand equity of multiple brands. Co-branding is popular in several processed-food categories and in the credit card industry. The brands used for co-branding can be owned by the same company. For example, Kraft's Lunchables product teams the Kraft cheese brand with Oscar Mayer lunch meats, another Kraft-owned brand. The brands also may be owned by different companies. Credit card companies such as American Express, Visa, and MasterCard, for instance, team up with other brands such as General Motors, AT&T, and many airlines. Effective co-branding capitalizes on the trust and confidence customers have in the brands involved. The brands should not lose their identities, and it should be clear to customers which brand is the main brand. Nike and Apple successfully teamed up to release a co-branded running shoe, the Nike +. It syncs with an iPod to track running performance. The co-branded shoe and iPod accessories helped boost sales for both brands. It is important for marketers to understand that when a co-branded product is unsuccessful, both brands are implicated in the product failure. To gain customer acceptance, the brands involved must represent a complementary fit in the minds of buyers. Trying to link a brand such as Harley-Davidson with a brand such as Healthy Choice will not achieve co-branding objectives because customers are not likely to perceive these brands as compatible.

160. 공동브랜드란? 공동 브랜딩이 효과적인 이유를 설명하십시오. 답변: 공동 브랜딩은 한 제품에 두 개 이상의 브랜드를 사용하는 것이다. 마케터들은 여러 브랜드의 브랜드 형평성을 이용하기 위해 공동 브랜드를 사용한다. 공동 브랜딩은 몇몇 가공식품 범주와 신용카드 업계에서 인기가 있다. 공동 브랜딩에 사용되는 브랜드는 같은 회사가 소유할 수 있다. 예를 들어 크래프트의 도시락 제품군은 크래프트가 소유한 또 다른 브랜드인 오스카 메이어 점심 고기와 함께 크래프트 치즈 브랜드를 팀으로 구성한다. 그 브랜드들은 또한 다른 회사들에 의해 소유될 수도 있다. 예를 들어 아메리칸 익스프레스, 비자, 마스터카드와 같은 신용카드 회사들은 제너럴 모터스, AT&T, 그리고 많은 항공사와 같은 다른 브랜드들과 협력한다. 효과적인 공동 브랜딩은 고객이 관련 브랜드에 대해 갖는 신뢰와 자신감을 활용한다. 브랜드가 정체성을 잃어서는 안 되며, 어떤 브랜드가 주요 브랜드인지 고객들에게 분명히 알려야 한다. 나이키와 애플은 성공적으로 협력하여 공동 브랜드의 러닝화인 나이키+를 출시했다. iPod와 동기화하여 실행 성능을 추적한다. 공동 브랜드의 신발과 아이팟 액세서리는 두 브랜드의 판매를 증가시키는데 도움을 주었다. 마케팅 담당자들은 공동 브랜드 제품이 성공하지 못했을 때 두 브랜드 모두 제품 고장에 관여한다는 것을 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 고객의 동의를 얻으려면 관련 브랜드가 구매자의 마음에 상호 보완적인 적합성을 나타내야 한다. 할리-데이비슨과 같은 브랜드를 건강한 선택과 같은 브랜드와 연결하려고 하는 것은 고객이 이러한 브랜드가 호환된다고 인식하지 않을 가능성이 높기 때문에 공동 브랜드 목표를 달성하지 못할 것이다.

161. ​What functions do packages perform? What are the factors marketers should consider when developing packages? ANSWER: ​Effective packaging involves more than simply putting products in containers and covering them with wrappers. First, packaging materials serve the basic purpose of protecting the product and maintaining its functional form. Fluids such as milk and orange juice need packages that preserve and protect them. The packaging should prevent damage that could affect the product's usefulness and thus lead to higher costs. Because product tampering has become a problem, several packaging techniques have been developed to counter this danger. Some packages are also designed to deter shoplifting. Another function of packaging is to offer convenience to consumers. For example, small, aseptic packages—individual size boxes or plastic bags that contain liquids and do not require refrigeration—strongly appeal to children and young adults with active lifestyles. The size or shape of a package may relate to the product's storage, convenience of use, or replacement rate. Small, single-serve products may prevent waste, make storage easier, and promote greater consumption. A third function of packaging is to promote a product by communicating its features, uses, benefits, and image. Sometimes a reusable package is developed to make the product more desirable. For example, the Cool Whip package can be reused as a food-storage container. As they develop packages, marketers must take many factors into account. Obviously, one major consideration is cost. Although a number of different packaging materials, processes, and designs are available, costs vary greatly. In recent years, buyers have shown a willingness to pay more for improved packaging, but there are limits. Marketers should consider how much consistency is desirable among an organization's package designs. No consistency may be the best policy, especially if a firm's products are unrelated or aimed at vastly different target markets. To promote an overall company image, a firm may decide that all packages should be similar or include one major element of the design. This approach is called family packaging. Sometimes it is used only for lines of products, as with Campbell's soups, Weight Watchers foods, and Planters Nuts.

161. 패키지는 어떤 기능을 수행하는가? 마케터들이 패키지를 개발할 때 고려해야 할 요소들은 무엇인가? 답변: 효과적인 포장은 단순히 용기에 제품을 넣고 포장지로 덮는 것 이상의 것을 포함한다. 첫째, 포장재는 제품을 보호하고 기능적인 형태를 유지하는 기본적인 목적을 제공한다. 우유와 오렌지 주스와 같은 액체는 그것들을 보존하고 보호하는 포장이 필요하다. 포장은 제품의 유용성에 영향을 미쳐 더 높은 비용으로 이어질 수 있는 손상을 방지해야 한다. 제품 조작이 문제가 되었기 때문에, 이러한 위험에 대응하기 위한 여러 포장 기법이 개발되었다. 일부 포장들은 또한 들치기하는 것을 막기 위해 고안되었다. 포장의 또 다른 기능은 소비자에게 편의를 제공하는 것이다. 예를 들어, 액체가 들어 있고 냉장할 필요가 없는 개별 크기의 상자나 비닐 봉지 같은 무균 패키지는 활동적인 라이프스타일을 가진 어린이와 젊은 성인들에게 강하게 어필한다. 포장의 크기나 모양은 제품의 보관, 사용 편의성 또는 교체율과 관련이 있을 수 있다. 소규모의 단일 서비스 제품은 낭비를 방지하고, 저장을 용이하게 하며, 소비 증가를 촉진할 수 있다. 포장의 세 번째 기능은 제품의 특징, 사용, 이점 및 이미지를 전달함으로써 제품을 홍보하는 것이다. 때때로 재사용 가능한 패키지는 제품을 더 바람직하게 만들기 위해 개발된다. 예를 들어, Cool Whip 패키지는 식품 저장 용기로 재사용될 수 있다. 그들이 패키지를 개발함에 따라, 마케터들은 많은 요소들을 고려해야 한다. 분명히, 한 가지 주요 고려사항은 비용이다. 비록 많은 다른 포장 재료, 공정, 그리고 디자인을 이용할 수 있지만, 비용은 매우 다양하다. 최근 몇 년 사이 구매자들은 포장 개선 비용을 더 내겠다는 의지를 보였지만 한계가 있다. 마케터들은 조직의 패키지 설계 중 어느 정도의 일관성이 바람직한지 고려해야 한다. 특히 기업의 제품이 관련이 없거나 매우 다른 목표 시장을 목표로 하는 경우에는 일관성이 최선의 정책이 아닐 수 있다. 전체적인 회사 이미지를 촉진하기 위해, 기업은 모든 패키지가 비슷하거나 설계의 하나의 주요 요소를 포함해야 한다고 결정할 수 있다. 이러한 접근 방식을 가족 포장이라고 한다. 때때로 그것은 캠벨의 수프, 웨이트 워처스 음식, 플랜터 너트와 같이 제품 라인에만 사용된다.

162. In what ways can packaging be used strategically? ANSWER: ​Packaging can be a major component of a marketing strategy. A new cap or closure, a better box or wrapper, or a more convenient container may give a product a competitive advantage. The right type of package for a new product can help it to gain market recognition very quickly. For instance, one company produces high-quality organic baby food packaged in convenient resealable pouches. Even though the package costs more to use than the traditional glass jar packaging, its design with the zipper closure decreases the time it takes to heat up the baby food, allows it to fit more conveniently in diaper bags, and keeps food fresh for three days after it is first opened. At times, a marketer changes a package or labeling because the existing design is no longer in style, especially when compared with the packaging of competitive products. A package may be redesigned because new product features need to be highlighted or because new packaging materials have become available. An organization may also decide to change a product's packaging to make the product safer or more convenient to use. A product's packaging can also be changed to make it easier to handle in the distribution channel—for example, by changing the outer carton or using special bundling, shrink-wrapping, or pallets. In some cases, the shape of the package is changed. Outer containers for products are sometimes changed so that they will proceed more easily through automated warehousing systems. Marketers also use innovative or unique packages that are inconsistent with traditional packaging practices to make the brand stand out from its competitors. Finally, multiple packaging can also be implemented in a firm's packaging strategy. Rather than packaging a single unit of a product, marketers sometimes use twin-packs, tri-packs, six-packs, or other forms of multiple packaging. Multiple packaging may increase demand because it increases the amount of the product available at the point of consumption. It also may increase consumer acceptance of the product by encouraging the buyer to try the product several times. Multiple packaging can make products easier to handle, store, and increase consumption.

162. 포장은 어떤 방법으로 전략적으로 사용될 수 있는가? 답변: 패키징은 마케팅 전략의 주요 구성요소가 될 수 있다. 새로운 뚜껑이나 닫힘, 더 좋은 상자나 포장지, 또는 더 편리한 용기는 제품에 경쟁 우위를 줄 수 있다. 신제품에 적합한 유형의 패키지는 시장 인지도를 매우 빠르게 획득하도록 도울 수 있다. 예를 들어, 한 회사는 편리한 재판매 가능한 주머니에 포장된 고품질 유기농 이유식을 생산한다. 기존 유리병 포장에 비해 사용료가 더 비싸지만 지퍼 클로져로 아기 음식을 데우는 데 걸리는 시간을 줄이고 기저귀 가방에 더 편리하게 넣을 수 있으며 처음 개봉한 후 3일 동안 신선하게 음식을 보관한다. 때때로 마케터들은 기존의 디자인이 더 이상 유행하지 않기 때문에, 특히 경쟁 제품의 포장과 비교했을 때, 포장이나 라벨을 바꾼다. 새로운 제품 특징을 강조해야 하거나 새로운 포장 재료를 사용할 수 있게 되었기 때문에 패키지가 재설계될 수 있다. 조직은 제품을 더 안전하고 편리하게 사용할 수 있도록 제품의 포장을 변경할 수도 있다. 또한 제품의 포장은 유통 채널에서 다루기 쉽도록 변경될 수 있다. 예를 들어, 외부 상자를 변경하거나 특별한 번들링, 수축 포장 또는 팔레트를 사용한다. 포장의 모양이 바뀌는 경우도 있다. 제품용 외부 컨테이너는 자동 입고 시스템을 통해 더 쉽게 진행할 수 있도록 변경되기도 한다. 마케터들은 또한 전통적 포장 관행과 일치하지 않는 혁신적이거나 독특한 패키지를 사용하여 그 브랜드가 경쟁사들로부터 두각을 나타내도록 한다. 마지막으로, 다중 포장은 기업의 포장 전략에서도 구현될 수 있다. 마케터들은 제품의 단일 단위를 포장하는 대신에 때때로 트윈팩, 트라이팩, 식스팩 또는 다른 형태의 복합포장을 사용한다. 여러 개의 포장은 소비 시점에서 사용할 수 있는 제품의 양을 증가시키기 때문에 수요를 증가시킬 수 있다. 또한 구매자가 제품을 여러 번 사용해 보도록 장려함으로써 제품에 대한 소비자 수용도를 높일 수 있다. 여러 개의 포장을 사용하면 제품을 취급, 보관 및 소비 증대를 용이하게 할 수 있다.

42. A distributor of plumbing supplies purchases a desktop computer to aid in inventory control. This computer is an example of which type of business product? a. Raw material b. Installations c. Accessory equipment d. Component part e. Process material

Accessory equipment

163. What are the major functions of a label? ANSWER: ​Labeling is very closely interrelated with packaging and is used for identification, promotional, informational, and legal purposes. Labels can be small or large relative to the size of the product and carry varying amounts of information. A label can be a part of the package itself or a separate feature attached to the package. The label on a can of Coke is actually part of the can, whereas the label on a two-liter bottle of Coke is separate and can be removed. Information presented on a label may include the brand name and mark, the registered trademark symbol, package size and content, product features, nutritional information, potential presence of allergens, type and style of the product, number of servings, care instructions, directions for use and safety precautions, the name and address of the manufacturer, expiration dates, seals of approval, and other facts. Labeling can be an important part of the marketing strategy. A label can be attached to the packaging to communicate that the product is eco-friendly. Labeling can include claims about sustainability as well as other information that is potentially valuable to the buyer. Labels can facilitate the identification of a product by displaying the brand name in combination with a unique graphic design. By drawing attention to products and their benefits, labels can strengthen an organization's promotional efforts. Labels may contain promotional messages such as the offer of a discount or a larger package size at the same price or information about a new or improved product feature. Several federal laws and regulations specify information that must be included on the labels of certain products. Food product labels must state the number of servings per container, serving size, number of calories per serving, number of calories derived from fat, number of carbohydrates, and amounts of specific nutrients such as vitamins.

163. 라벨의 주요 기능은? 답변: 라벨링은 포장과 매우 밀접하게 관련되어 있으며 식별, 홍보, 정보 및 법적 목적에 사용된다. 라벨은 제품의 크기에 비해 작거나 클 수 있으며 다양한 양의 정보를 전달할 수 있다. 라벨은 패키지 자체의 일부일 수도 있고 패키지에 부착된 별도의 기능이 될 수도 있다. 콜라 캔의 라벨은 실제로 캔의 일부인 반면, 콜라 2리터 병의 라벨은 분리되어 제거될 수 있다. 라벨에 표시된 정보는 상표명과 표시, 등록 상표 기호, 패키지 크기 및 내용, 제품 특징, 영양 정보, 알레르겐의 잠재적 존재 여부, 제품의 종류 및 스타일, 인원의 수, 관리 지침, 사용 지침 및 안전 주의사항, 남성의 이름과 주소를 포함할 수 있다.ufactureer, 만료 날짜, 승인 도장 및 기타 사실 라벨링은 마케팅 전략의 중요한 부분이 될 수 있다. 포장에 라벨을 부착하여 제품이 친환경적이라는 것을 알릴 수 있다. 라벨링은 지속가능성에 대한 주장과 구매자에게 잠재적으로 가치가 있는 기타 정보를 포함할 수 있다. 라벨은 독특한 그래픽 디자인과 함께 브랜드 이름을 표시함으로써 제품 식별을 용이하게 할 수 있다. 상품과 그 혜택에 관심을 끌면, 라벨은 조직의 홍보 노력을 강화할 수 있다. 라벨에는 동일한 가격으로 할인 또는 더 큰 패키지 크기를 제공하는 것과 같은 홍보 메시지 또는 새롭거나 개선된 제품 기능에 대한 정보가 포함될 수 있다. 몇몇 연방법과 규정은 특정 제품의 라벨에 반드시 포함되어야 하는 정보를 명시한다. 식품 제품 라벨에는 용기당 인분 수, 서빙 크기, 인분당 칼로리 수, 지방으로부터 파생된 칼로리 수, 탄수화물 수, 비타민과 같은 특정 영양소의 양을 명시해야 한다.

2. Describe and illustrate the four major categories of consumer products. ANSWER: The most widely accepted approach to classifying consumer products is based on characteristics of consumer buying behavior. It divides products into four categories: convenience, shopping, specialty, and unsought products. Convenience products are relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort. They range from bread, soft drinks, and chewing gum to gasoline and newspapers. The buyer spends little time planning the purchase or comparing available brands or sellers. Even a buyer who prefers a specific brand will generally choose a substitute if the preferred brand is not conveniently available. A convenience product is normally marketed through many retail outlets, such as 7-Eleven, ExxonMobil, and supermarkets. Shopping products are items for which buyers are willing to expend considerable effort in planning and making the purchase. Buyers spend much time comparing stores and brands with respect to prices, product features, qualities, services, and perhaps warranties. Shoppers may compare products at a number of outlets. Appliances, bicycles, furniture, stereos, cameras, and shoes exemplify shopping products. These products are expected to last a fairly long time and are purchased less frequently than convenience items. Shopping products require fewer retail outlets than convenience products. Specialty products possess one or more unique characteristics, and generally buyers are willing to expend considerable effort to obtain them. Buyers actually plan the purchase of a specialty product; they know exactly what they want and will not accept a substitute. Examples of specialty products include a Mont Blanc pen and a one-of-a-kind piece of baseball memorabilia, such as a ball signed by Babe Ruth. When searching for specialty products, buyers do not compare alternatives. They are concerned primarily with finding an outlet that has the preselected product available. Unsought products are products purchased when a sudden problem must be solved, products of which customers are unaware, and products that people do not necessarily think of purchasing. Emergency medical services and automobile repairs are examples of products needed quickly to solve a problem.

2. 소비자 제품의 4대 범주를 설명하고 설명한다. 답변: 소비자 제품을 분류하는 데 가장 널리 받아들여지는 접근법은 소비자 구매 행동의 특성에 기초한다. 제품을 편의, 쇼핑, 특산품, 비구입품 등 4가지로 나눈다. 편의용품은 비교적 저렴하고, 구매자가 최소한의 구매 노력만 하는 자주 구매하는 품목이다. 빵, 청량음료, 껌부터 휘발유, 신문까지 다양하다. 구매자는 구매 계획을 세우거나 사용 가능한 브랜드나 판매자를 비교하는 데 거의 시간을 소비하지 않는다. 특정 브랜드를 선호하는 구매자라도 선호하는 브랜드를 쉽게 구할 수 없다면 대체 브랜드를 선택할 것이다. 편의 제품은 보통 세븐일레븐, 엑손모빌, 슈퍼마켓과 같은 많은 소매점을 통해 판매된다. 쇼핑 상품은 구매자들이 구매 계획을 세우고 구매하는 데 상당한 노력을 기울일 의향이 있는 품목이다. 구매자들은 가격, 제품 특징, 품질, 서비스, 그리고 아마도 보증과 관련하여 상점과 브랜드를 비교하는데 많은 시간을 소비한다. 쇼핑객들은 많은 매장에서 상품을 비교할 수 있다. 가전제품, 자전거, 가구, 스테레오, 카메라, 신발 등이 쇼핑 상품의 본보기가 된다. 이 제품들은 상당히 오래 지속될 것으로 예상되며 편의 품목에 비해 구매 빈도가 낮다. 쇼핑 상품은 편의용품보다 소매점을 적게 요구한다. 특산품은 하나 이상의 독특한 특성을 가지고 있으며, 일반적으로 구매자들은 이를 얻기 위해 상당한 노력을 기울일 용의가 있다. 구매자들은 실제로 특산품의 구매를 계획한다; 그들은 그들이 원하는 것을 정확히 알고 있고 대체를 받아들이지 않을 것이다. 특산품의 예로는 몽블랑 펜과 베이브 루스가 서명한 공과 같은 독특한 야구 기념품이 있다. 특산품을 찾을 때 구매자들은 대안을 비교하지 않는다. 그들은 주로 미리 선택한 제품을 사용할 수 있는 아웃렛을 찾는 것에 관심이 있다. 구매하지 않은 제품은 갑작스러운 문제를 해결해야 할 때 구매하는 제품, 고객이 모르는 제품, 사람들이 반드시 구매를 생각하지는 않는 제품이다. 응급의료서비스와 자동차 수리는 문제를 해결하기 위해 빠르게 필요한 제품의 예다.

3. Distinguish between consumer products and business products. ANSWER: The most widely accepted approach to classifying consumer products is based on characteristics of consumer buying behavior. It divides products into four categories: convenience, shopping, specialty, and unsought products. However, not all buyers behave in the same way when purchasing a specific type of product. Thus, a single product can fit into several categories. To minimize this problem, marketers think in terms of how buyers generally behave when purchasing a specific item. Business products are usually purchased on the basis of an organization's goals and objectives. Generally, the functional aspects of the product are more important than the psychological rewards sometimes associated with consumer products. Business products can be classified into seven categories according to their characteristics and intended uses: installations; accessory equipment; raw materials; component parts; process materials; maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) supplies; and business services.

3. 소비자 제품과 비즈니스 제품을 구분한다. 답변: 소비자 제품을 분류하는 데 가장 널리 받아들여지는 접근법은 소비자 구매 행동의 특성에 기초한다. 제품을 편의, 쇼핑, 특산품, 비구입품 등 4가지로 나눈다. 그러나 모든 구매자가 특정 유형의 제품을 구입할 때 같은 방식으로 행동하는 것은 아니다. 따라서 단일 제품은 여러 범주에 적합할 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 최소화하기 위해, 마케터들은 구매자들이 특정 품목을 구매할 때 일반적으로 어떻게 행동하느냐 하는 관점에서 생각한다. 비즈니스 제품은 대개 조직의 목표와 목표에 기초하여 구매한다. 일반적으로 제품의 기능적인 측면은 때때로 소비자 제품과 관련된 심리적 보상보다 더 중요하다. 비즈니스 제품은 설치, 액세서리 장비, 원자재, 부품 부품, 공정 재료, 유지보수, 수리 및 운영(MRO) 공급, 비즈니스 서비스 등 그 특성과 용도에 따라 7가지 범주로 분류할 수 있다.

4. Discuss the implications for a firm's marketing strategy of classifying a product as a convenience, shopping, specialty, or unsought item. ANSWER: The most widely accepted approach to classifying consumer products is based on characteristics of consumer buying behavior. It divides products into four categories: convenience, shopping, specialty, and unsought products. However, not all buyers behave in the same way when purchasing a specific type of product. Thus, a single product might fit into several categories. To minimize complexity, marketers think in terms of how buyers generally behave when purchasing a specific item. Examining the four traditional categories of consumer products can provide further insight. A convenience product is normally marketed through many retail outlets, such as gas stations, drugstores, and supermarkets. Because sellers experience high inventory turnover, per-unit gross margins can be relatively low. Producers of convenience products, such as Wrigley's chewing gum, expect little promotional effort at the retail level and thus must provide it themselves with advertising and sales promotion. Packaging and displays are also important because many convenience items are available only on a self-service basis at the retail level, and thus the package plays a major role in selling the product. Shopping products are expected to last a fairly long time and are more expensive than convenience products. These products, however, are still within the budgets of most consumers and are purchased less frequently than convenience items. Shopping products are distributed via fewer retail outlets than convenience products. Because shopping products are purchased less frequently, inventory turnover is lower, and marketing channel members expect to receive higher gross margins to compensate for the lower turnover. In certain situations, both shopping products and convenience products may be marketed in the same location. A marketer must consider several key issues to market a shopping product effectively, including how to allocate resources, whether personal selling is needed, and cooperation within the supply chain. Although advertising for shopping products often requires a large budget, an even larger percentage of the overall budget is needed if marketers determine that personal selling is required. The producer and the marketing channel members usually expect some cooperation from one another with respect to providing parts and repair services and performing promotional activities. Marketers will approach their efforts for specialty products differently from convenience or shopping products in several ways. Specialty products are often distributed through a very limited number of retail outlets. Similar to shopping products, they are purchased infrequently, causing lower inventory turnover and thus requiring high gross margins to be profitable. Unsought products are those purchased when a sudden problem must be solved, products of which customers are unaware until they see them in a store or online, and products that people do not plan on purchasing. Emergency medical services and automobile repairs are examples of products needed quickly and suddenly to solve a problem. Speed of problem resolution is more important than price or other features a buyer might normally consider if there were more time for making a decision.

4. 제품을 편의성, 쇼핑, 전문성, 또는 구매하지 않은 품목으로 분류하는 기업의 마케팅 전략에 대한 함의를 논의한다. 답변: 소비자 제품을 분류하는 데 가장 널리 받아들여지는 접근법은 소비자 구매 행동의 특성에 기초한다. 제품을 편의, 쇼핑, 특산품, 비구입품 등 4가지로 나눈다. 그러나 모든 구매자가 특정 유형의 제품을 구입할 때 같은 방식으로 행동하는 것은 아니다. 따라서 단일 제품은 여러 범주에 적합할 수 있다. 복잡성을 최소화하기 위해, 마케터들은 구매자들이 특정 품목을 구매할 때 일반적으로 어떻게 행동하는지 고려한다. 소비자 제품의 네 가지 전통적인 범주를 살펴보는 것은 더 많은 통찰력을 제공할 수 있다. 편의 제품은 보통 주유소, 드러그스토어, 슈퍼마켓과 같은 많은 소매점을 통해 판매된다. 판매자는 재고회전율이 높기 때문에 단위당 총이익률이 상대적으로 낮을 수 있다. 리글리의 껌과 같은 편의용품의 생산자들은 소매 수준에서 거의 홍보 노력을 기대하지 않으며 따라서 스스로 광고와 판매 홍보를 제공해야 한다. 많은 편의 품목들이 소매 수준에서 셀프 서비스 방식으로만 이용 가능하기 때문에 포장과 디스플레이도 중요하다. 쇼핑 상품은 꽤 오래 지속될 것으로 예상되며 편의용품보다 비싸다. 그러나 이 제품들은 여전히 대부분의 소비자들의 예산 범위 안에 있고 편의 품목에 비해 구매 빈도가 낮다. 쇼핑 상품은 편의용품보다 적은 수의 소매점을 통해 유통된다. 쇼핑 상품 구매 빈도가 낮아 재고 회전율이 낮아지고, 마케팅 채널 회원들은 낮은 매출액을 보상하기 위해 더 높은 총 마진을 받을 것으로 기대하고 있다. 어떤 상황에서는 쇼핑 상품과 편의 상품을 모두 같은 장소에서 판매할 수 있다. 마케팅 담당자는 쇼핑 상품을 효과적으로 마케팅하기 위해 자원 배분 방법, 개인 판매가 필요한지 여부, 공급망 내의 협력 등 몇 가지 주요 이슈를 고려해야 한다. 쇼핑 상품에 대한 광고는 종종 많은 예산이 필요하지만, 마케팅 담당자들이 개인 판매가 필요하다고 판단한다면 전체 예산의 훨씬 더 큰 비율이 필요하다. 생산자와 마케팅 채널 회원들은 보통 부품 및 수리 서비스 제공과 홍보 활동과 관련하여 서로 어느 정도 협력을 기대한다. 마케터들은 편의성이나 쇼핑 상품과는 다른 특산품을 위한 그들의 노력에 여러 가지 방법으로 접근할 것이다. 특산품은 종종 매우 제한된 수의 소매점을 통해 유통된다. 쇼핑 제품과 비슷하게, 그것들은 자주 구매되지 않기 때문에 재고 회전율이 낮아지고 따라서 높은 총 마진이 수익성이 요구된다. 구매하지 않은 제품은 갑작스러운 문제를 해결해야 할 때 구매하는 제품, 고객이 매장이나 온라인에서 볼 때까지 알지 못하는 제품, 사람들이 구매를 계획하지 않은 제품이다. 응급의료서비스와 자동차 수리는 문제를 해결하기 위해 빠르고 갑작스럽게 필요한 제품의 예다. 문제 해결의 속도는 구매자가 일반적으로 생각할 수 있는 가격이나 다른 특징보다 더 중요하다.

282. Green Giant is an example of a private distributor brand. a. True b. False


5. Discuss some of the issues a marketer should consider when marketing a shopping product. ANSWER: To market a shopping product effectively, a marketer considers several key issues. Although large sums of money may be required to advertise shopping products, an even larger percentage of resources is likely to be used for personal selling. The producer and the marketing channel members usually expect some cooperation from one another with respect to providing parts and repair services and performing promotional activities. Marketers should consider these issues carefully so that they can choose the best course for promoting these products.

5. 쇼핑 상품을 마케팅할 때 마케팅 담당자가 고려해야 할 몇 가지 문제에 대해 논의한다. 답변: 쇼핑 제품을 효과적으로 마케팅하기 위해, 마케팅 담당자는 몇 가지 주요 이슈를 고려한다. 비록 쇼핑 상품을 광고하기 위해 많은 돈이 요구될 수 있지만, 훨씬 더 큰 비율의 자원이 개인 판매에 사용될 가능성이 있다. 생산자와 마케팅 채널 회원들은 보통 부품 및 수리 서비스 제공과 홍보 활동과 관련하여 서로 어느 정도 협력을 기대한다. 마케터들은 이러한 문제들을 신중히 검토하여 그들이 이 제품들을 홍보하기 위한 최상의 과정을 선택할 수 있도록 해야 한다.

6. Identify and describe the major categories of business products. ANSWER: Business products are usually purchased on the basis of an organization's goals and objectives. Business products can be classified into seven categories according to their characteristics and intended uses: installations; accessory equipment; raw materials; component parts; process materials; maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) supplies; and business services. Installations include facilities, such as office buildings, factories, and warehouses, and major equipment that is nonportable, such as production lines and very large machines. Normally, installations are expensive and intended to be used for a considerable length of time. Accessory equipment does not become part of the final physical product but is used in production or office activities. Examples include file cabinets, fractional-horsepower motors, calculators, and tools. Compared with major equipment, accessory items usually are much cheaper, purchased routinely with less negotiation, and treated as expense items rather than capital items because they are not expected to last as long. Raw materials are the basic natural materials that actually become part of a physical product. They include minerals, chemicals, agricultural products, and materials from forests and oceans. Component parts become part of the physical product and are either finished items ready for assembly or products that need little processing before assembly. Although they become part of a larger product, component parts often can be identified and distinguished easily. Spark plugs, tires, clocks, brakes, and headlights are all component parts of an automobile. Process materials are used directly in the production of other products. Unlike component parts, however, process materials are not readily identifiable. For example, a salad dressing manufacturer includes vinegar in its salad dressing. MRO supplies are maintenance, repair, and operating items that facilitate production and operations but do not become part of the finished product. Paper, pencils, oils, cleaning agents, and paints are in this category.

6. 비즈니스 제품의 주요 범주를 파악하여 기술한다. 답변: 비즈니스 제품은 대개 조직의 목표와 목표에 기초하여 구매한다. 비즈니스 제품은 설치, 액세서리 장비, 원자재, 부품 부품, 공정 재료, 유지보수, 수리 및 운영(MRO) 공급, 비즈니스 서비스 등 그 특성과 용도에 따라 7가지 범주로 분류할 수 있다. 설치에는 사무용 건물, 공장, 창고 등의 시설과 생산라인, 매우 큰 기계 등 비포터블의 주요 장비가 포함된다. 일반적으로 설치는 비용이 많이 들고 상당한 시간 동안 사용하도록 계획되어 있다. 부속 장비는 최종 물리적 제품의 일부가 되지 않고 생산이나 사무 활동에 사용된다. 예로는 파일 캐비닛, 부분 마력 모터, 계산기 및 도구를 들 수 있다. 주요 장비와 비교했을 때 액세서리 품목은 대개 훨씬 저렴하고, 협상은 덜한 채 일상적으로 구입하며, 자본 품목보다는 비용 항목으로 취급하는 것이 일반적이다. 원자재는 실제로 물리적 제품의 일부가 되는 기본적인 천연 물질이다. 그것들은 광물, 화학 물질, 농산물, 그리고 삼림과 바다의 재료들을 포함한다. 부품 부품은 물리적 제품의 일부가 되어 조립 준비가 된 완제품 또는 조립 전에 거의 가공할 필요가 없는 제품이다. 비록 그것들이 더 큰 제품의 일부가 되긴 하지만, 종종 부품들을 식별하고 쉽게 구별할 수 있다. 스파크 플러그, 타이어, 시계, 브레이크, 헤드라이트는 모두 자동차의 부품이다. 공정 재료는 다른 제품의 생산에 직접 사용된다. 그러나 부품과 달리 공정 재료는 쉽게 식별할 수 없다. 예를 들어, 샐러드 드레싱 제조업체는 샐러드 드레싱에 식초를 포함한다. MRO 공급은 생산과 운영을 용이하게 하지만 완제품의 일부가 되지 않는 유지보수, 수리, 운영 품목이다. 종이, 연필, 기름, 세정제, 페인트가 이 범주에 속한다.

7. Discuss the dimensions of a product mix. ANSWER: ​A product mix is the composite, or total, group of products that an organization makes available to customers. Procter & Gamble's product mix comprises all the health-care, beauty care, laundry and cleaning, food and beverage, paper, cosmetic, and fragrance products the firm manufactures. The width of product mix is measured by the number of product lines a company offers. General Electric offers multiple product lines, including consumer products such as housewares; healthcare products such as molecular imaging; and commercial engines for the military. The depth of product mix is the average number of different product items offered in each product line. Procter & Gamble is known for using distinctive branding, packaging, segmentation, and consumer advertising to promote individual items in its detergent product line. Tide, Bold, Gain, Cheer, and Era—all Procter & Gamble detergents—share the same distribution channels and similar manufacturing facilities, but each is promoted as a distinctive product, adding depth to the product line.

7. 제품 믹스의 치수에 대해 논의한다. 답변: 제품 혼합은 조직이 고객에게 제공하는 복합 제품 또는 총 제품 그룹이다. Procter & Gamble의 제품 믹스는 이 회사가 제조하는 모든 건강 관리, 미용, 세탁 및 청소, 식음료, 종이, 화장품, 향수 제품들로 구성되어 있다. 제품 믹스의 폭은 회사가 제공하는 제품 라인 수로 측정된다. 제너럴 일렉트릭(General Electric)은 하우스와 같은 소비자 제품, 분자 이미징과 같은 의료 제품, 군을 위한 상용 엔진을 포함한 여러 제품군을 제공한다. 제품 믹스의 깊이는 각 제품 라인에서 제공되는 평균 다른 제품 항목 수입니다. Procter & Gamble은 자사의 세제 제품군에서 개별 품목을 홍보하기 위해 독특한 브랜드, 포장, 세분화, 소비자 광고를 사용한 것으로 알려져 있다. 타이드, 볼드, 게인, 치어리더, 시대—모든 프로텍터 & 갬블 세제—는 동일한 유통 채널과 유사한 제조 시설을 공유하지만, 각각 특색 있는 제품으로 홍보되어 제품 라인에 깊이를 더한다.

8. Identify the major stages of the product life cycle, and explain how industry sales and profits vary across these stages. ANSWER: ​A product life cycle has four major stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. As a product moves through its cycle, the strategies relating to competition, pricing, distribution, promotion, and market information must be evaluated periodically and possibly changed. The introduction stage of the product life cycle begins at a product's first appearance in the marketplace, when sales start at zero and profits are negative. Profits are below zero because initial revenues are low, and the company generally must cover large expenses for product development, promotion, and distribution. During the growth stage, sales rise rapidly; profits reach a peak and then start to decline. The growth stage is critical to a product's survival because competitive reactions to the product's success during this period will affect the product's life expectancy. Profits begin to decline late in the growth stage as more competitors enter the market, driving prices down and creating the need for heavy promotional expenses. During the maturity stage, the sales curve peaks and starts to decline, and profits continue to fall. This stage is characterized by intense competition because many brands are now in the market. Competitors emphasize improvements and differences in their versions of the product. As a result, during the maturity stage, weaker competitors are squeezed out of the market. During the decline stage, sales fall rapidly. When this happens, the marketer considers pruning items from the product line to eliminate those not earning a profit. The marketer also may cut promotion efforts, eliminate marginal distributors, and, finally, plan to phase out the product.

8. 제품 수명 주기의 주요 단계를 식별하고, 산업 매출과 이익이 이 단계에 걸쳐 어떻게 달라지는지를 설명하라. 답변: 제품 수명 주기는 도입, 성장, 성숙, 쇠퇴의 네 가지 주요 단계를 가진다. 제품이 사이클을 거치면서 경쟁, 가격, 유통, 판촉 및 시장 정보와 관련된 전략을 주기적으로 평가해야 하며 변경될 수 있다. 제품 수명 주기의 도입 단계는 제품이 시장에 처음 등장할 때 시작되는데, 이때 판매는 0에서 시작하고 이익은 마이너스다. 초기 수익이 낮기 때문에 수익은 영(0) 이하인데, 일반적으로 제품 개발, 판촉, 유통 등에 많은 비용을 부담해야 한다. 성장 단계에서는 매출이 빠르게 상승하고, 수익이 최고점에 도달한 다음 하락하기 시작한다. 이 기간 동안 제품의 성공에 대한 경쟁적 반응이 제품의 기대 수명에 영향을 미칠 것이기 때문에 성장 단계는 제품의 생존에 매우 중요하다. 경쟁사가 시장에 진입하면서 가격을 끌어내리고 홍보비 부담이 커짐에 따라 성장기 후반부터 수익이 감소하기 시작한다. 만기 단계에서는 판매 곡선이 정점을 찍고 하락하기 시작하며 이익은 계속 하락한다. 이 무대는 현재 많은 브랜드가 시장에 나와 있기 때문에 치열한 경쟁이 특징이다. 경쟁사들은 제품의 버전에서 개선과 차이를 강조한다. 그 결과, 성숙 단계에서는 약자인 경쟁자들이 시장에서 밀려나게 된다. 하락 단계에서는 매출이 급격히 감소한다. 이렇게 되면, 마케터들은 이익을 얻지 못하는 사람들을 제거하기 위해 상품 라인에서 아이템을 분리하는 것을 고려한다. 마케팅 담당자는 또한 프로모션 노력을 줄이고, 한계 유통업체를 제거할 수 있으며, 마지막으로 제품을 단계적으로 폐기할 계획이다.

9. Explain the major stages of the product adoption process. ANSWER: The stages of the product adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. In the first stage, when individuals become aware that the product exists, they have little information about it and are not concerned about obtaining more. Consumers enter the interest stage when they are motivated to get information about the product's features, uses, advantages, disadvantages, price, or location. During the evaluation stage, individuals consider whether the product will satisfy certain criteria that are crucial to meeting their specific needs. In the trial stage, they use or experience the product for the first time, possibly by purchasing a small quantity, taking advantage of free samples, or borrowing the product from someone. Individuals move into the adoption stage by choosing a specific product when they need a product of that general type. Entering the adoption process does not mean that the person will eventually adopt the new product. Rejection may occur at any stage, including the adoption stage. Both product adoption and product rejection can be temporary or permanent.

9. 제품 채택 과정의 주요 단계 설명 답변: 제품 채택 과정의 단계는 인식, 관심, 평가, 시험 및 채택이다. 첫 번째 단계에서는, 개인이 제품이 존재한다는 것을 알게 되면, 그것에 대한 정보가 거의 없고 더 많은 것을 얻는 것에 대해 염려하지 않는다. 소비자들은 제품의 특징, 사용, 장점, 단점, 가격 또는 위치에 대한 정보를 얻기 위해 동기가 부여될 때 관심 단계로 진입한다. 평가 단계 동안, 개인들은 제품이 자신의 특정한 요구를 충족시키는 데 중요한 특정 기준을 충족시킬지 여부를 고려한다. 시험 단계에서는 소량을 구매하거나 무료 샘플을 이용하거나 누군가로부터 제품을 빌려서 처음 사용하거나 경험한다. 개인은 그런 일반적인 유형의 제품이 필요할 때 특정 제품을 선택하여 채택 단계로 진입한다. 채택 과정에 들어간다고 해서 결국 그 사람이 새로운 제품을 채택하게 되는 것은 아니다. 채택 단계를 포함한 어떤 단계에서도 거부반응이 발생할 수 있다. 제품 채택과 제품 거부 모두 일시적일 수도 있고 영구적일 수도 있다.

235. When designing a package, which characteristic is least important? a. An association with the company's brand mark b. Cost-effectiveness c. Environmental responsiveness d. Safety e. The value it has as a promotional tool

An association with the company's brand mark

86. As Jessica enters Audio Jetz car electronics department, she is asked by the salesperson if she has seen the new plug-in cell phones with coffee-warming app. She answers that she didn't know that this type of app for cars was available. Based on this information, she is now in what stage of the product adoption process for this item? a. Awareness b. Interest c. Evaluation d. Trial e. Adoption


90. An individual knows that a product exists, but has little information regarding the product and does not seek additional information. In what stage of the product adoption process is that person? a. Trial b. Adoption c. Interest d. Awareness e. Evaluation


37. An accountant buys a supply of pencils to be used in calculating the taxes of other business firms. Based on this information, pencils in this case would be considered what type of product? a. Business b. Process materials c. Raw material d. Convenience e. Consumer


17. Which of the following is always used to determine the classification of a good? a. Buyer's intent for using the product b. Amount of shopping required by the buyer to obtain the product c. Price of the product d. Specific product features e. Industry competitors

Buyer's intent for using the product

38. Which of the following is not a business product? a. Oil to be refined into fuel b. Chips to be integrated into components for personal computers c. Paper, pens, and tape to be used in an office d. Marketing consulting services to aid a company in marketing a new product e. Calculators bought to help individuals complete their personal federal income tax forms

Calculators bought to help individuals complete their personal federal income tax forms

219. Duncan Hines Brownie Mix has revised its packaging with the words "Real Hershey's Chocolate In the Mix" on its box. This is an example of ____ . a. Brand extension b. Brand licensing c. Family branding d. Co-branding e. Cohort branding


226. Trying to link a motorcycle brand like Harley-Davidson to a food brand like Healthy Choice would be considered a poor decision in this type of branding. a. Co-branding b. Individual branding c. Family branding d. Product branding e. Wholesaler branding


22. Which of the following statements does not apply to convenience goods? a. Consumers are brand loyal to convenience products and are not likely to substitute other brands. b. Convenience products require minimal shopping effort. c. Marketing of convenience products requires intensive exposure of these goods in as many stores as possible. d. Consumers tend to feel that the most desirable retail facility for convenience products is the closest one. e. Colas, gasoline, and bread are good examples of convenience goods.

Consumers are brand loyal to convenience products and are not likely to substitute other brands.

19. Energizer batteries would be classified as which type of product? a. Convenience b. Shopping c. Specialty d. Unsought e. Industrial service


20. Dannon Yogurt represents what type of product for most consumers? a. Convenience b. Business c. Shopping d. Specialty e. Durable


283. ​Sears Kenmore is an example of a manufacturer brand. a. True b. False


252. Which one of the following is not a benefit of multiple packaging? a. Facilitates special price offers b. Increases demand c. Increases consumer acceptance of the product d. Makes handling or storage easier e. Conveys an overall image of the firm

Conveys an overall image of the firm

83. When are marketers least likely to change a product's design, style, or other attributes? a. Introduction b. Maturity c. Decline d. Growth e. Removal


203. Which of the following should be the least important concern for marketers when selecting a brand name? a. Choosing a name that is easy to say and recall b. Positively suggesting the product's major benefits c. Designing a name that can be used in all different types of media d. Developing an advertising campaign to introduce the name e. Checking to see if the name is already trademarked by another company

Developing an advertising campaign to introduce the name

284. By law, manufacturers must be identified on the labels of private brands. a. True b. False


91. When an individual considers whether a product will meet certain criteria that are critical for meeting his or her needs, in what stage of the product adoption process is this individual? a. Interest b. Awareness c. Evaluation d. Trial e. Adoption


87. Which of the following is not a stage in the buyer's product adoption process? a. Awareness b. Adoption c. Trial d. Exploration e. Interest


101. The core product element of the total product can include installation, delivery, training, and financing. a. True b. False


105. The two major product categories are business and institutional. a. True b. False


108. Consumers are reluctant to purchase substitute brands if a desired brand of a convenience product is unattainable. a. True b. False


109. Per-unit gross margins on convenience products are relatively high. a. True b. False


110. The gross margin percentage on convenience goods is usually fairly high because they are low-priced items. a. True b. False


111. Buyers want to exert only minimal effort to obtain shopping products. a. True b. False


113. Obtaining a specialty product involves a considerable amount of comparison activity. a. True b. False


114. Accessory equipment becomes a part of the finished product. a. True b. False


115. Component parts usually need to be processed significantly before they are used in production. a. True b. False


117. "Business Services" is not a category or type of business product. a. True b. False


118. A product line is a particular version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering on the organization's list of products. a. True b. False


120. Product mix refers to a related group of products in the product line. a. True b. False


121. The width of a product mix refers to the number of generic products offered by a company. a. True b. False


124. The original marketing strategy should not be altered in any way as a product travels through the stages of the product life cycle because consumers can become confused. a. True b. False


129. During the growth stage, promotion costs rise as a percentage of total sales. a. True b. False


130. Intensive competition causes price increases during the growth stage of the product life cycle. a. True b. False


131. Distribution outlets become more difficult to secure during the growth stage of a product's life cycle because of aggressive competition. a. True b. False


134. A seller's profits peak in the maturity stage of a product's life cycle. a. True b. False


137. The marketing mix should be left alone during the maturity stage of the product life cycle; tampering with it may bring an early death to the product. a. True b. False


145. Trial is the first stage of the product adoption process. a. True b. False


146. A buyer becomes aware of the product during the evaluation phase of the product adoption process. a. True b. False


149. Early adopters are the first group of consumers to adopt a new product. a. True b. False


151. When a successful brand such as Frito-Lay develops a new product, it will always succeed. a. True b. False


269. Every aspect of a brand is subject to a marketer's control. a. True b. False


272. Brand preference is the strongest form or degree of brand loyalty. a. True b. False


274. Although difficult to measure, brand loyalty represents the value of a brand to an organization. a. True b. False


277. Brand equity is a customer's favorable attitude toward a specific brand and, depending on strength, some likelihood of consistent purchase of the brand when needs for a product in this product category arise. a. True b. False


62. In which stage of the product life cycle do profits begin to decrease? a. Introduction b. Growth c. Maturity d. Decline e. Recovery


64. Which stage in the product life cycle is critical to a product's survival because competitive reactions to the product's success during this period will affect the product's life expectancy? a. Decline b. Expansion c. Growth d. Introduction e. Stabilization


204. The Anderson Advertising Agency was developing a name for their client's new paper towel product. They finally settled on the name, "Soaker." Regarding the factors that marketers consider when selecting a brand name, which one does this best fulfill? a. Compatibility with other products in the line b. Flexibility to be used in various types of media c. Using fabricated names that cannot be duplicated d. Indicating the product's major benefits e. Keeping the brand name easy to remember

Indicating the product's major benefits

212. R.J. Reynolds markets several brands of cigarettes, including Vantage, Camel, Winston, and Salem. This is an example of which type of branding policy? a. Generic b. Individual c. Family d. Line family e. Brand extension


258. Labeling is important for three specific reasons, including promotional and legal reasons. What is the third reason? a. Marketing b. Branding c. Strategy d. Informational e. Packaging


179. What degree of brand loyalty is the strongest and most desired by marketers? a. Preference b. Requirement c. Awareness d. Insistence e. Recognition


180. Recently Jose went to a neighborhood grocery store to pick up a few items. When he looked for Old Spice Ultra deodorant, it was unavailable. Although there were a number of deodorant brands available, he did not buy any deodorant. Jose's behavior indicates that he most likely has what level of brand loyalty toward Old Spice Ultra deodorant? a. Recognition b. Resistance c. Preference d. Insistence e. No brand loyalty


35. Tojitos Mexican Restaurant purchased several large ovens for use in remodeling its kitchens. These ovens are an example of which type of business product? a. Raw materials b. Installations c. Accessory equipment d. Component parts e. Process materials


265. Scenario 11.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When Silk Soymilk began packaging its chocolate milk in single-serving sizes, the company chose drink boxes that did not need refrigeration. The boxes were only sold in shrink-wrapped sets of six. Single boxes were not available at grocery stores or convenience markets. Once the Silk chocolate product was selling well, they also began offering the Silk Soymilk vanilla flavor in the same type of packaging. The Silk Soymilk brand, logo, and look of the boxes were the same as its larger half-gallon versions. The only difference in packaging style was the color brown for chocolate milk and the color white for vanilla. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.2. Which of the following is not a function of the packaging strategy chosen by Silk Soymilk? a. It protects and preserves the product. b. It offers convenience to customers. c. Its size and shape help make storage easier. d. It is less harmful to the environment. e. It most likely appeals to children and those with active lifestyles.

It is less harmful to the environment.

209. Many brand names have become so common that they are now generic terms for a particular product category. Which of the following is the best example of this? a. Mrs. Butterworths b. Charmin c. Bic d. Crispix e. Kleenex


261. Which of the following statements about labeling is false? a. The label can be used to facilitate the identification of a product. b. Labels do not have to disclose nutritional information. c. The label indicates the quality of the product. d. Labeling is used to describe the product. e. The label can play a promotional function.

Labels do not have to disclose nutritional information.

270. The term "cultural branding" describes how a brand conveys a powerful myth that consumers find useful in cementing their identities. a. True b. False


68. Which of the following tactics would typically be employed when a product is in the growth stage of its life cycle? a. Lowering prices after developmental costs have been recovered b. Raising promotion expenditures as a percentage of total sales c. Moving from intensive to selective distribution d. Raising prices to encourage competitors to enter the market e. Reducing the number of product models in the product line

Lowering prices after developmental costs have been recovered

40. Business products are classified into the following seven categories according to characteristics and intended uses: raw materials, installations, accessory equipment, component parts, process materials, business services, and a. production activities. b. service assistance. c. specialty industrial products. d. computer programming and operation services. e. MRO supplies.

MRO supplies.

342. With respect to the major product packaging considerations:​ a. Cost is not a major consideration. b. Marketers must consider the package's promotional role. c. ​Buyers are not willing to pay more for improved packaging. d. Package designs should always be consistent regardless of the target market. e. ​Resellers' needs are not a product packaging consideration.

Marketers must consider the package's promotional role.

76. Which of the following stages of the product life cycle is likely to see dealers offered promotional assistance from the producer? a. Maturity b. Growth c. Introduction d. Market reduction e. Decline


210. Which of the following types of products would be the most difficult to brand? a. Oatmeal b. Soap c. DVD players d. Automobiles e. Tax preparation services


372. Rejection can occur at the trial stage of the product adoption process. ​ a. True b. False


60. Which of the following is the most typical example of a new product introduction? a. Pringles sold in snack-sized containers b. A brand-new nut discovered in Africa c. A car that uses no oil or gasoline d. Shoes that literally make you run faster e. A device that cools your car while parked outside

Pringles sold in snack-sized containers

194. Private distributor brands are owned by retailers and do not identify the manufacturer of the product. Which of the following is an example of a private distributor brand? a. Green Giant corn b. Dell computers c. Sears Kenmore washers d. Little Debbie snack cakes e. Nike Air Jordan basketball shoes

Sears Kenmore washers

24. Shannon Hill needed to buy an airline ticket to visit her parents. She went to several websites to compare rates and chose a flight on Go Anywhere Airlines because, for a similar price to other airlines, it had a better reputation for service. For Shannon, this flight is an example of which type of product? a. Shopping b. Convenience c. Specialty d. Unsought e. Durable


25. Gap clothing stores sell primarily what type of products? a. Convenience b. Shopping c. Unsought d. Nondurable e. Specialty


186. Which of the following products is an example of a manufacturer brand? a. Great Value Corn Flakes b. JCPenney jeans c. Kmart tires d. Sony TVs e. Safeway tomato sauce

Sony TVs

206. Besides generic names, what other types of names are very difficult to protect? a. Names created by the company b. Surnames and geographic names c. Arbitrarily chosen names not related to the product d. Arbitrarily chosen names related closely to the product e. Names that contain shapes and colors

Surnames and geographic names

208. Of the following choices, which would be the easiest brand name to legally protect? a. Tarzink Yogurt b. Learn and Grow Daycare c. Scout Camping Supplies d. Sullivan Water Filtering Systems e. Western County Distributors

Tarzink Yogurt

221. Which of the following issues is least important in using co-branding effectively? a. The brands involved should represent a complementary fit in a customer's mind. b. The brands that are teamed together should not lose their individual identities. c. The brands involved should be owned by different companies. d. Co-branding should be done in a way so that it is obvious which brand is the main brand or key brand. e. Co-branding should take advantage of the distribution capabilities of the brands involved.

The brands involved should be owned by different companies.

224. To use co-branding effectively, which one of the following is probably least important? a. The brands involved should represent a complementary fit in a customer's mind. b. The brands that are teamed together should not lose their individual identities. c. The brands involved should be owned by two or more organizations. d. To avoid confusion on the part of customers, co-branding should be done in a way so that it is obvious which brand is the main brand or key brand. e. The co-branded product should be able to benefit from the distribution system of both brands involved.

The brands involved should be owned by two or more organizations.

370. The total product offering consists of three interdependent elements: the core product, its supplemental features, and its symbolic or experiential benefits. ​ a. True b. False


85. Which of the following best defines the interest stage in the product adoption process? a. The buyer tries to find the product in a retail store. b. The buyer considers the benefits and determines whether to try the product. c. The buyer tries the product to determine its usefulness. d. The buyer seeks information and is receptive to learning about the product. e. The buyer uses objective sources to learn about the product.

The buyer seeks information and is receptive to learning about the product.

95. Scenario 11.1 ​ Use the following to answer the questions. ​ Megabus is a bus line operating in the Northeast and Midwestern United States, plus in Canada. It offers travelers a cheap alternative to driving and flying between large cities, keeping the fares extremely low yet offering the latest technology. Unlike the traditional Greyhound bus line, Megabus is an express service, and is equipped with Wi-Fi, video screens, headsets, and seat belts. Many buses also run on biodiesel fuel. Additionally, Megabus picks up and drops off people in the centers of cities rather than at inconveniently-located terminals. Patrons can book tickets at, where some fares begin at just $1. Routes are limited, and are offered out of cities such as Toronto, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Recently, its competitor Greyhound has launched two new bus lines, BoltBus and NeOn, with similar fares and high-tech amenities. A fare on a NeOn bus from Buffalo, New York, to New York City is $50.00 round trip, while the same fare through Greyhound's traditional bus line costs $92.00. The benefit of Greyhound's traditional line is that there are more departure times and more stops in smaller towns along the way. ​ ​ Refer to Scenario 11.1. What product(s) is Megabus marketing? a. Megabus is a service and therefore is not marketing a product. b. The ride between cities is a service product and is the only one Megabus is marketing. c. The ride between the cities, which is the core product, plus the supplemental features of Wi-Fi, video screens, and other technology. d. The ride between cities, which is a convenience product. e. The ride between cities, which is a shopping product. 메가버스(Megaus)는 미국 북동부와 중서부, 캐나다에서 운행하는 버스 노선이다. 그것은 여행자들에게 큰 도시들 사이를 운전하고 비행하는 것에 대한 값싼 대안을 제공하고, 요금을 극도로 낮게 유지하면서도 최신 기술을 제공한다. 메가버스는 기존의 그레이하운드 버스 노선과 달리 급행 서비스로 와이파이, 비디오 화면, 헤드셋, 안전벨트 등을 갖추고 있다. 많은 버스들도 바이오디젤 연료로 운행한다. 게다가 메가버스는 불편하게 위치한 터미널보다는 도심에 있는 사람들을 태워서 데려다 준다. 고객들은 일부 요금은 단 1달러부터 시작하는 Megabus.com에서 표를 예매할 수 있다. 노선은 한정되어 있으며 토론토, 뉴욕, 볼티모어, 필라델피아, 시카고와 같은 도시들에서 제공된다. 최근 경쟁사인 그레이하운드는 비슷한 요금과 첨단 편의시설을 갖춘 두 개의 새로운 버스 노선인 볼트버스와 네온을 출시했다. 뉴욕 버팔로에서 뉴욕 시로 가는 네온 버스의 요금은 왕복 50달러인 반면 그레이하운드의 전통적인 버스 노선을 통과하는 같은 요금은 92달러다. 그레이하운드의 전통적인 노선의 이점은 길을 따라 더 많은 출발 시간과 더 많은 정류장이 있다는 것이다.

The ride between the cities, which is the core product, plus the supplemental features of Wi-Fi, video screens, and other technology.

259. The label on a window air conditioner reads "uses up to 20% less energy." For what reason is this phrase most likely used? a. To provide product use information b. To encourage multiple purchases c. To promote the product d. To satisfy legal requirements e. To encourage the proper consumption patterns of the product

To promote the product

14. Which of the following best illustrates how a firm can use a symbol to make an intangible product more tangible? a. McDonald's arches b. Mercedes Benz emblem c. Nike swoosh d. Traveler's Insurance umbrella e. Arrows on Wrigley gum packages

Traveler's Insurance umbrella

88. When Fiat offers to let qualified buyers test drive the Fiat Doblo van, the dealer is trying to stimulate which stage of the product adoption process? a. Awareness b. Interest c. Evaluation d. Trial e. Adoption


100. A service is intangible and is the result of the application of human or mechanical efforts to people or objects. a. True b. False


102. The atmosphere and décor of a retail store, the variety and depth of product choices, the customer support, even the sounds and smells all contribute to the experiential element of its total product. a. True b. False


103. The buyer's intent can determine whether an item is classified as a consumer or a business product. a. True b. False


104. Use of the product is the most important means of distinguishing consumer products from business products. a. True b. False


106. A product's classification can influence its price, distribution, and promotion. a. True b. False


107. Bread is usually a convenience product. a. True b. False


112. Service, repair work, and accessories may be important considerations in a consumer's decision to purchase a particular shopping product. a. True b. False


116. Process materials are used directly in the production of products. a. True b. False


119. A product line includes a group of closely related product items that are considered to be a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations. a. True b. False


122. A product mix is the composite or total group of products that an organization makes available to customers. a. True b. False


123. Procter & Gamble has a wider product mix than does Baskin Robbins. a. True b. False


125. Many products never get beyond the introduction stage. a. True b. False


126. Communicating product benefits to consumers is very important in the introduction stage. a. True b. False


127. New products seldom generate enough sales to bring immediate profits. a. True b. False


128. Price cuts are typical in a product's growth stage. a. True b. False


132. Intense price wars are likely to occur during the growth stage of the product life cycle as competitors attempt to gain market share. a. True b. False


133. Profits decline in the maturity stage, largely because of increased competition. a. True b. False


135. Many products are in the maturity stage of the product life cycle. a. True b. False


136. Changing the product's quality is a distinct alternative in the maturity stage of the product life cycle. a. True b. False


138. Strategies relating to price become more mixed during a product's maturity stage. a. True b. False


139. A business can justify keeping a product as long as it contributes to profits or enhances the effectiveness of a product mix. a. True b. False


140. Sometimes new marketing channels open up in the decline stage. a. True b. False


141. Promotion decreases in importance during a product's decline stage. a. True b. False


142. Advertising used in the decline stage may prolong the life of the product. a. True b. False


143. Sellers can sometimes prolong a product's life cycle. a. True b. False


144. When an organization introduces a new product, people do not all begin the adoption process at the same time, nor do they move through the process at the same speed. a. True b. False


147. "The people who are in-the-know" are the early adopters. a. True b. False


148. The first adopters of a product are the innovators. a. True b. False


150. Laggards are the last to adopt a new product and usually distrust new products. a. True b. False


271. Brand recognition exists when a customer is aware that the brand exists and views it as an alternative to purchase if the preferred brand is unavailable or if the other available brands are unfamiliar to the customer. a. True b. False


273. Brand preference is a degree of brand loyalty in which a customer definitely prefers one brand over competitive offerings and will purchase this brand if available. a. True b. False


275. Brand insistence is the degree of brand loyalty in which a customer strongly prefers a specific brand, will accept no substitute, and is willing to spend a great deal of time and effort to acquire that brand. a. True b. False


276. Brand insistence is the strongest degree of brand loyalty but the least common type of brand loyalty. a. True b. False


278. Four major elements underlie brand equity including brand name awareness, brand loyalty, perceived brand quality, and brand associations. a. True b. False


279. Compared to an unfamiliar brand, a familiar brand is more likely to be selected by a customer because it often is viewed as reliable and of acceptable quality. a. True b. False


280. Brand equity helps give a brand the power to capture and maintain a consistent market share, which provides stability to an organization's sales volume. a. True b. False


281. Apple Inc. is an example of a manufacturer brand. a. True b. False


285. The production of private distributor brands for resellers may allow a manufacturer to use excess capacity efficiently. a. True b. False


286. Competition between manufacturer brands and private distributor brands is becoming more intense in several major categories. a. True b. False


287. A generic brand indicates only the product category. a. True b. False


288. A brand name should indicate the product's major benefits. a. True b. False


290. Marketers may use brand names that have absolutely no meaning to avoid negative connotations. a. True b. False


293. The brand name "Minute Rice" would be more difficult to protect legally than "Exxon." a. True b. False


294. Individual branding facilitates market segmentation. a. True b. False


295. Family branding occurs when all of a firm's products are branded with all or part of the same name. a. True b. False


297. To gain customer acceptance, the two brands involved in co-branding must represent a complementary fit in the minds of buyers. a. True b. False


298. Co-branding capitalizes on the trust that customers have in both companies involved, especially when the brands complement one another in the mind of the buyer. a. True b. False


299. Distribution capabilities can increase as a result of co-branding, which is an advantage for participating partners. a. True b. False


300. Brand licensing gives a company the ability to gain more revenue and low-cost or free promotional exposure. a. True b. False


301. A Jeep leather jacket is an example of brand licensing. a. True b. False


303. Package characteristics shape buyer impressions of a product during use. a. True b. False


306. Package safety or convenience features can perform a promotional role. a. True b. False


307. Packaging can be used to communicate symbolically the quality or premium nature of a product. a. True b. False


309. When a firm's packages are designed to appear to be quite similar, the firm is using family packaging. a. True b. False


310. Desirable product images can be created through the use of colors, design, shapes, and textures in packaging. a. True b. False


311. Package shape, graphic design, and certain colors may be used to make a product appear taller than it actually is. a. True b. False


313. Marketers must follow packaging technology and legislation to make modifications that ensure consumer safety. a. True b. False


314. A package can be used to attract customers' attention. a. True b. False


315. Marketers must balance consumer desire for convenience against environmental concerns. a. True b. False


316. The Cool Whip container is an example of a secondary-use package. a. True b. False


318. The similar jar shapes for mayonnaise products are an example of category-consistent packaging. a. True b. False


320. The crush-proof cylinder package for Pringle's potato chips is an example of innovative packaging. a. True b. False


323. Labels facilitate product identification. a. True b. False


324. Labeling and packaging are closely interrelated. a. True b. False


327. The instruction "Refrigerate after opening" on a salad dressing label is an example of the descriptive function of labeling. a. True b. False


329. The Food and Drug Administration requires that food processors indicate the amount of carbohydrates, calories, and fat in a product. a. True b. False


368. Profits peak and start to decline in the growth stage. ​ a. True b. False


266. Scenario 11.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When Silk Soymilk began packaging its chocolate milk in single-serving sizes, the company chose drink boxes that did not need refrigeration. The boxes were only sold in shrink-wrapped sets of six. Single boxes were not available at grocery stores or convenience markets. Once the Silk chocolate product was selling well, they also began offering the Silk Soymilk vanilla flavor in the same type of packaging. The Silk Soymilk brand, logo, and look of the boxes were the same as its larger half-gallon versions. The only difference in packaging style was the color brown for chocolate milk and the color white for vanilla. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.2. If Silk Soymilk were to begin offering Silk Soymilk Chocolate Ice Cream Bars, this would be an example of a. a product line extension. b. individual branding. c. a brand extension. d. a private distributor brand. e. co-branding.

a brand extension.

15. A light bulb can be all of the following except a. a consumer product. b. a business product. c. either a consumer product or a business product. d. a business product if it is used to light an assembly line in a factory. e. a consumer product if it is used to light the office of the board of directors.

a consumer product if it is used to light the office of the board of directors.

50. A product line is defined as a. products that can be designated as a unique offering among the organization's products. b. products that an organization makes available to consumers. c. a group of closely related products that are considered a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations. d. a specific group of products that are offered to the market. e. products that are sold by the same firm or a division of a firm.

a group of closely related products that are considered a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations.

213. A major advantage of using individual branding is that a. the promotion of one of the company's brands will also promote the company's other brands. b. this branding policy will prevent the overextension of a brand name to products that are completely unrelated to the original. c. a poor-quality product will not contaminate all of the company's other products with negative images. d. a specific brand name for each product will help the company grow during times of economic recession. e. the quality of one of the company's products will help increase the perceived quality image of the company's other related products.

a poor-quality product will not contaminate all of the company's other products with negative images.

230. Brand licensing agreements can fail for many reasons but usually not because of a. poor timing in the marketplace. b. a lack of manufacturing control of the licensed product. c. a strong match between the product and the licensed brand. d. using the wrong types of distribution channels to market the product. e. licensing the brand to too many unrelated products.

a strong match between the product and the licensed brand.

44. Business products that are purchased routinely, do not become part of finished goods, and are expense items rather than capital goods are called a. raw materials. b. installations. c. accessory equipment. d. component parts. e. process materials.

accessory equipment.

51. A product mix is best described as a. all products offered by a firm. b. product, distribution, promotion, and price. c. many products sold by one firm. d. all products of a particular type. e. a group of closely related products that are considered a unit because of market, technical, or end-use considerations.

all products offered by a firm.

198. Many manufacturers that produce their own brand a. also produce generic versions of their products. b. sell only to outlets bearing their brand name. c. receive most of their profits from service work. d. use low prices to build their perceived brand quality. e. also produce products for private distributor brands.

also produce products for private distributor brands.

96. Scenario 11.1 ​ Use the following to answer the questions. ​ Megabus is a bus line operating in the Northeast and Midwestern United States, plus in Canada. It offers travelers a cheap alternative to driving and flying between large cities, keeping the fares extremely low yet offering the latest technology. Unlike the traditional Greyhound bus line, Megabus is an express service, and is equipped with Wi-Fi, video screens, headsets, and seat belts. Many buses also run on biodiesel fuel. Additionally, Megabus picks up and drops off people in the centers of cities rather than at inconveniently-located terminals. Patrons can book tickets at, where some fares begin at just $1. Routes are limited, and are offered out of cities such as Toronto, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Recently, its competitor Greyhound has launched two new bus lines, BoltBus and NeOn, with similar fares and high-tech amenities. A fare on a NeOn bus from Buffalo, New York, to New York City is $50.00 round trip, while the same fare through Greyhound's traditional bus line costs $92.00. The benefit of Greyhound's traditional line is that there are more departure times and more stops in smaller towns along the way. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.1. When Greyhound launched the BoltBus and NeOn bus lines, this is an example of a. a branding extension. b. co-branding. c. an extension in the width of the product mix. d. an extension in the depth of the product mix. e. family branding.

an extension in the width of the product mix.

187. Private distributor, generic, and manufacturer are the three types of a. equity. b. brands. c. producers. d. packaging. e. trade names.


39. Intuitiv Manufacturing's large plastics molding machine suddenly broke down during its day shift. When considering the purchase of available alternatives, Intuitiv decided to rent one for the next two years instead of buying one. In this situation, the large plastics molding machine it rented would be classified as a. an installation. b. accessory equipment. c. an unsought good. d. a process material. e. MRO supplies.

an installation.

18. Ryan is on his way to work when he realizes he has a flat tire. He swings into Sam's Club and has a new tire installed. Ryan's purchase of a new tire in this situation is considered to be a. a shopping good b. a convenience good c. an unsought good d. a specialty good e. an industrial good

an unsought good

13. According to the text, a product is defined as a. anything the customer receives in an exchange. b. the physical object the customer receives in an exchange. c. the service that is rendered to a customer. d. the idea that the customer receives in an exchange. e. goods and services the customer receives in an exchange.

anything the customer receives in an exchange.

195. Traditionally, the main advantage of a private brand over a manufacturer brand was the ____; now this advantage is _____. a. better price; gradually diminishing b. better price; significantly greater c. more accessible distribution; gradually diminishing d. better quality; gradually increasing e. better quality; gradually diminishing

better price; gradually diminishing

241. Packages designed to appeal to children often use a. bold designs and primary colors. b. clear color and simple designs. c. black and white only. d. pastels and soft images. e. lots of writing and little color.

bold designs and primary colors.

185. The talking gecko used by Geico Insurance facilitates the development of a. brand associations. b. brand quality. c. product preference. d. brand loyalty. e. product equity.

brand associations.

222. When Disney characters appear on apparel made by another company, this would be an example of a. brand licensing. b. brand extensions. c. dual branding. d. co-branding. e. cooperative branding.

brand licensing.

227. If Ralph Lauren, a designer of fine clothing, authorized Dan River Mills to market a line of sheets under the Ralph Lauren name, this arrangement is an example of a. brand extension. b. brand licensing. c. product continuation. d. private branding. e. individual branding.

brand licensing.

228. If Subway made an agreement allowing another company to use its brand name on a new supermarket ready-to-eat sandwich, this would be called a. co-branding. b. brand extension. c. brand licensing. d. trademark licensing. e. cooperative branding.

brand licensing.

231. Marvel Comics allowed various organizations to use its Spiderman and Incredible Hulk characters to market a wide variety of toys and clothing items. Marvel Comics received a percentage of the gross revenues. This is a. brand licensing. b. character exploiting. c. co-branding. d. family branding. e. trademark leasing.

brand licensing.

166. McDonald's golden arches are a classic example of a a. brand. b. brand symbol. c. brand name. d. brand mark. e. trademark.

brand mark.

165. Kleenex Boutique is a ____ of tissues made by the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. a. brand mark b. brand identification c. brand name d. trademark e. trade name

brand name

164. The part of a brand that can be spoken including letters, numbers, and words is the a. brand. b. brand mark. c. brand name. d. trade name. e. trademark.

brand name.

168. Healthy Choice is a ____ manufactured by ConAgra Foods, which is a ____. a. brand mark; trade name b. brand name; trade name c. trade name; brand d. brand name; trademark e. brand mark; trademark

brand name; trade name

216. If the company that produces Garnier Fructis shampoo and conditioner were to introduce Garnier Fructis dryer sheets with the same scent, this would be called ____ branding. a. brand-extension b. licensed c. family d. individual e. new-product


36. As the production manager of an engineering firm, you went out and bought a metal-cutting machine. What you have purchased can best be classified as a a. raw material. b. processed component. c. component part. d. service. e. business product.

business product.

46. Brain Games, Inc. is a marketing research company that markets primarily to consumer products organizations. Brain Games provides products that are most likely considered a. component parts. b. MRO supplies. c. process ideas. d. business services. e. installations.

business services.

16. Products are classified as being business or consumer products according to the a. number of buyers involved in the decision. b. buyer's intended use of the product. c. seller's intended use of the product. d. location of use. e. types of outlets from which they are purchased.

buyer's intended use of the product.

244. A secondary-use package is defined as one that a. can be used as a promotional tool. b. can be reused for purposes other than its initial use. c. facilitates transportation, storage, and handling for middlemen. d. is recyclable and environmentally safe. e. promotes an overall company image.

can be reused for purposes other than its initial use.

262. Garments must be labeled with the country of manufacture, fabric content, and a. clothing style. b. size. c. inspection code. d. care instructions. e. universal product code.

care instructions.

246. Customers will more easily recognize a new product as belonging to a particular product category if the marketers use a. family branding. b. innovative packaging. c. category-consistent packaging. d. category labeling. e. product category packaging.

category-consistent packaging.

33. Business products are a. purchased for personal consumption. b. chosen on the basis of preferences expressed by a business procurement department. c. purchased for both their functional aspects and their psychological rewards. d. classified according to their characteristics and intended uses. e. not purchased by nonbusiness organizations.

classified according to their characteristics and intended uses.

220. When a product tries to capitalize on the brand equity of two separate brands, marketers are using a. licensing. b. dual-branding. c. partnerships. d. brand extension. e. co-branding.


223. A Sony laptop that has an "Intel" logo on its keyboard is an example of a. brand extension. b. brand licensing. c. co-branding. d. individual branding. e. line family branding.


237. All packaging must at a minimum a. protect and preserve the contents in the package. b. clearly communicate the contents and the product's benefits. c. be tamper-proof and safe for children. d. comply with the FDA's packaging regulations. e. be made out of the most cost-effective materials available.

comply with the FDA's packaging regulations.

45. A set of Bose car speakers sold to Ford for use in the production of a hybrid Escape would be an example of a(n) a. component part. b. specialty item. c. accessory equipment. d. raw material. e. process material.

component part.

43. Although they become part of a larger product, ____ can often be easily identified and distinguished on the larger product. a. component parts b. accessory parts c. raw materials d. process materials e. MRO supplies

component parts

183. Brand name awareness is an important element of brand equity because a familiar brand is more likely to be in a customer's ____ than an unfamiliar brand. a. inept set b. loyalty set c. preference group d. brand group e. consideration set

consideration set

167. A distinguishing factor between a brand name and a brand mark is that a brand name a. creates customer loyalty. b. consists of words. c. identifies only one item in the product mix. d. is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. e. implies an organization's name.

consists of words.

234. Individual-sized boxes and packages that do not require refrigeration are both benefits of the ____ function of packaging. a. protection b. reusability c. cost-effectiveness d. safety e. convenience


257. The overall challenge for marketers when developing packaging is to a. make it as attractive as possible to the target market of the product. b. create effective, convenient packaging that appeals to customers and keeps costs low. c. find ways to reduce costs as much as possible for packaging without letting safety suffer. d. always be more innovative than the competitors in order to make a product stand out. e. ensure that product damage is minimized during distribution.

create effective, convenient packaging that appeals to customers and keeps costs low.

242. The spray bottle for Windex Glass Cleaner could be considered a secondary-use package because a. its shape is ideal for multiple-unit packaging. b. glass cleaner works on chrome as well as glass. c. the spray nozzle has an adjustable valve. d. customers can reuse it for other purposes. e. it has a shape similar to other glass cleaner bottles.

customers can reuse it for other purposes.

205. The brand name Hamburger Helper would most likely be considered a. arbitrary. b. generic. c. suggestive. d. descriptive. e. fanciful.


79. Mercedes-Benz recognized it needed to revitalize its brand and attract different market segments. These are indications that Mercedes-Benz's products were primarily in the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. growth c. introduction d. market testing e. decline


80. Dish Network cut back advertising expenditures to minimum levels and reduced the number of channel members for its industrial satellite product. These actions indicate that its product is in the ____ stage of its life cycle. a. introduction b. growth c. maturity d. early e. decline


82. The stage of the product life cycle when marketers consider eliminating products that are not contributing to profitability or the overall effectiveness of a product mix is the ____ stage. a. maturity b. decline c. growth d. introduction e. reorganization


84. Weyerhaeuser is evaluating its complete product mix. It wishes to decrease some of its marketing expenditures and streamline its product offerings. Weyerhaeuser will most likely look at products in the ____ stage of the product life cycle as possibilities for elimination. a. not yet developed b. growth c. introduction d. maturity e. decline


52. Procter & Gamble makes at least eight different laundry detergents. This is most relevant to the issue of a. width of product mix. b. product mix consistency. c. depth of product mix. d. a market mix. e. a promotion mix.

depth of product mix.

54. Hershey Foods Corp. offers a line of candy that includes Kit Kat, Mr. Goodbar, Krackel, Hershey's Kisses, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Rolo, and Twizzlers. These candies best illustrate Hershey's product mix a. width. b. depth. c. length. d. volume. e. life cycle.


207. The well-known brand AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph) would most likely be classified as a. fanciful. b. generic. c. descriptive. d. suggestive. e. arbitrary.


53. The depth of a product mix is measured by the average number of a. convenience products as compared with the number of specialty products. b. different product lines offered by the company. c. different products offered in each product line. d. specialty products as compared with the number of convenience products. e. product features that the company offers.

different products offered in each product line.

239. To promote overall company image, packages of Pillsbury cake and cookie mixes have similar designs and colors. This approach is known as a. family branding. b. brand managing. c. line consistency. d. family packaging. e. product grouping.

family packaging.

172. Joe is an athlete who plays a variety of sports that all require various athletic shoes. He has a favorable attitude toward Nike shoes. This favorable attitude is called brand a. loyalty. b. recognition. c. preference. d. insistence. e. equity.


74. Sales usually start to decline during the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. beginning of the termination b. end of the growth c. beginning of the decline d. beginning of the growth e. end of the maturity

end of the maturity

181. The value, measured in either marketing or financial terms, associated with a brand's strength in a market is referred to as brand a. loyalty. b. value. c. share. d. equity. e. association.


214. When ____ branding is used, each of a firm's products is branded with at least part of the same name. a. individual b. trademark c. family d. selective e. brand-extension


215. When Anheuser-Busch added Michelob Light to the line of Michelob beers, the firm was using ____ branding. a. brand-extension b. individual c. family d. selective e. licensed


250. Planters is concerned that acquiring a taste for its new product, honey-roasted macadamia nuts, takes time. Planters should use ____ packaging for its new product. a. family b. multiple c. tamper-resistant d. unlabeled e. transparent


217. Gorton's sells Gorton's Fish Sticks, Gorton's Fish Fillets, and Gorton's Grilled Fish. This is an example of a. family branding. b. shared naming. c. individual branding. d. brand extension. e. single branding.

family branding.

218. Lysol Basin Tub & Tile Cleaner and Lysol Disinfectant Spray exemplify a. private branding. b. product brand marks. c. family branding. d. individual branding. e. wholesaler branding.

family branding.

236. A firm may decide that all packages should be similar and include one major element of the same design. This approach to promote an overall company image is called a. family extension. b. family packaging. c. overall packaging. d. package extension. e. selective packaging.

family packaging.

263. Scenario 11.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When Silk Soymilk began packaging its chocolate milk in single-serving sizes, the company chose drink boxes that did not need refrigeration. The boxes were only sold in shrink-wrapped sets of six. Single boxes were not available at grocery stores or convenience markets. Once the Silk chocolate product was selling well, they also began offering the Silk Soymilk vanilla flavor in the same type of packaging. The Silk Soymilk brand, logo, and look of the boxes were the same as its larger half-gallon versions. The only difference in packaging style was the color brown for chocolate milk and the color white for vanilla. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.2. Silk Soymilk's strategy of packaging its single-serve boxes of chocolate milk to look like its half-gallon cartons is known as ___ a. a brand extension. b. individual packaging. c. manufacturer branding. d. family packaging. e. multiple packaging. 실크 두유크가 초콜릿 우유를 일회용 크기로 포장하기 시작했을 때, 이 회사는 냉장할 필요가 없는 음료 상자를 선택했다. 그 상자들은 수축 포장된 6개 세트로만 팔렸다. 식료품점이나 편의점에서는 싱글 박스를 구할 수 없었다. 일단 실크 초콜릿 제품이 잘 팔리자, 그들은 같은 종류의 포장에 실크 두유크 바닐라 맛을 제공하기 시작했다. 실크 두유크 브랜드와 로고, 박스 모양은 반갤런이 더 큰 버전과 똑같았다. 포장 스타일에 있어서 유일한 차이점은 초콜릿 우유는 갈색이고 바닐라 우유는 흰색이었다.

family packaging.

65. During the growth stage of the product life cycle, marketers must a. fortify the product position. b. move to exclusive distribution. c. raise the price. d. increase promotion as a percentage of sales. e. introduce private brands.

fortify the product position.

200. A package of aluminum foil at Kroger supermarket has only a white package with black letters stating "aluminum foil." This product is an example of a ____ brand. a. manufacturer's b. private distributor's c. no-name d. generic e. no-frills


202. A ____ brand type is considered the least protectable under existing trademark regulations. a. descriptive b. fanciful c. generic d. symbolic e. suggestive


199. A product that is simply labeled with the product category is considered a a. private brand. b. no-name product. c. generic brand. d. poor-quality item. e. lean manufacturer brand.

generic brand.

201. While shopping at a landscaping store, Jessie sees a green bag labeled "potting soil." This is an example of a. streamline packaging. b. generic branding. c. store branding. d. individual branding. e. category-consistent packaging.

generic branding.

238. In the packaging for a new line of beef jerky, Hormel should avoid the use of ____ in its packaging. a. red b. yellow c. orange d. green e. clear


63. Grand Resorts Hawaii has just celebrated its first profit since opening two years ago. Grand Resorts Hawaii is most likely in the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. growth c. introduction d. market testing e. stability


66. Aggressive pricing is typical during the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. decline b. growth c. introduction d. plateau e. stabilization


67. Achieving greater penetration of the market is typically a business goal during the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. growth c. introduction d. market testing e. decline


72. When a product experiences an increase in the number of competitors, it is usually in the _____ stage of the product life cycle; however, when that competition becomes intense, it is in the ____ stage. a. introduction; maturity b. introduction; growth c. growth; decline d. growth; maturity e. maturity; decline

growth; maturity

255. Nathan recently purchased a floor lamp from IKEA. The floor lamp came in a compact cardboard box and assembly was required. This is an example of ____ packaging. a. secondary-use b. multiple c. category-consistent d. innovative e. handling-improved


256. Packaging that is designed to flow through the distribution channel easily is called ____ packaging. a. category-consistent b. multiple c. innovative d. handling-improved e. logistic


260. Federal laws require the disclosure of nutritional information on labels. So far, research on this matter a. indicates that consumers regularly use the information. b. has been conducted only by the federal government. c. has shown mixed results about the use of this information. d. proves that labels are necessary only for promotional reasons. e. indicates that consumers do not use the information.

has shown mixed results about the use of this information.

61. Marissa, a product manager, thinks her company's InstaCup coffee maker is currently in the growth stage of the product life cycle. If so, the profits for the InstaCup coffee maker ___ and the number of competitors ____. a. are negative; is growing b. have peaked; is growing c. are declining; is growing d. have peaked; is declining e. are declining; is declining

have peaked; is growing

12. A(n) ____ is a concept, philosophy, or image. a. product b. good c. idea d. service e. issue


73. When banks add new services during the maturity stage, the objective they are most likely trying to achieve is a. pruning items from the product line. b. generating cash flow. c. maintaining their market share. d. filling geographic gaps. e. increasing their market share.

increasing their market share.

211. When a cell phone manufacturer uses a policy of naming each of its phone products differently, such as the Neon, the Star, the Fanfare, and the Illusion, this strategy is called ____ branding. a. brand-extension b. family c. differentiated d. individual e. new-product


94. Frito-Lay, which is widely known for producing chips and other snack products, tried to introduce Frito-Lay lemonade. The reason this new product failed is likely because of a. poor timing. b. the failure to match product offerings to customer needs. c. technical problems. d. overestimation of market size. e. ineffective branding.

ineffective branding.

245. When Jiffy-Pop packaged its popcorn in an aluminum skillet, complete with attachable handle, it designed the package to become the cooking utensil. After cooking, the handle was removed and the package became the popcorn bowl. Jiffy-Pop's popcorn in this case is an example of _____ packaging. a. secondary-use b. multiple c. innovative d. category-consistent e. "green"


247. When Glidden introduced interior house paint in plastic gallon containers, including a no-drip spout, this was an example of ____ packaging. a. category-consistent b. innovative c. traditional d. green e. convenience


248. The manufacturers of Miracle-Gro have square boxes of the plant food that serve as a flower-pot liner. The customer just puts the box inside the flower pot, fills it with potting soil, and then adds water. The Miracle-Gro chemical is activated by the water and begins feeding the plant. This would be an example of ____ packaging. a. multiple b. secondary-use c. innovative d. category-consistent e. handling-improved


92. Depending on the length of time it takes them to adopt a new product, people can be divided into five major adopter categories: early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards, and a. late adopters. b. non-adopters. c. innovators. d. middle adopters. e. middle majority.


174. The three levels of brand loyalty from strongest to weakest are a. preference, insistence, recognition. b. insistence, recognition, preference. c. insistence, preference, recognition. d. recognition, preference, insistence. e. insistence, preference, indifference.

insistence, preference, recognition.

178. A customer must have a particular brand and will accept no substitutes. This is termed brand a. preference. b. loyalty. c. insistence. d. recognition. e. requirement.


34. Facilities, factories, and production lines with very large equipment are all classified as a. accessory equipment. b. permanents. c. installations. d. component parts. e. MRO facilities.


56. The width of a product mix is measured by the number of product a. dimensions in the product line. b. features in each brand. c. items in the product line. d. lines a company offers. e. specialties a company offers.

lines a company offers.

26. Shopping products have a ____ inventory turnover and need ____ distribution outlets than convenience goods. a. similar; more b. higher; fewer c. higher; more d. lower; more e. lower; fewer

lower; fewer

97. Scenario 11.1 ​ Use the following to answer the questions. ​ Megabus is a bus line operating in the Northeast and Midwestern United States, plus in Canada. It offers travelers a cheap alternative to driving and flying between large cities, keeping the fares extremely low yet offering the latest technology. Unlike the traditional Greyhound bus line, Megabus is an express service, and is equipped with Wi-Fi, video screens, headsets, and seat belts. Many buses also run on biodiesel fuel. Additionally, Megabus picks up and drops off people in the centers of cities rather than at inconveniently-located terminals. Patrons can book tickets at, where some fares begin at just $1. Routes are limited, and are offered out of cities such as Toronto, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Recently, its competitor Greyhound has launched two new bus lines, BoltBus and NeOn, with similar fares and high-tech amenities. A fare on a NeOn bus from Buffalo, New York, to New York City is $50.00 round trip, while the same fare through Greyhound's traditional bus line costs $92.00. The benefit of Greyhound's traditional line is that there are more departure times and more stops in smaller towns along the way. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.1. Casey is searching the website of for the schedule and fares of a trip between Buffalo, New York, and New York City. Casey is most likely in which of the following stages of the product adoption process? a. adoption b. trial c. evaluation d. interest e. awareness


58. Sales of Schwinn's apartment-sized exercise machine have experienced a steady climb; however, the profits have been negative. The Schwinn exercise machine is most likely in the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. decline b. growth c. initial d. maturity e. introduction


57. The four major stages of a product life cycle include a. prosperity, recession, depression, and recovery. b. specialty, convenience, shopping, and unsought goods. c. decline, stabilization, exposure, and growth. d. introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. e. awareness, interest, trial, and adoption.

introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

93. While Alec's grandfather still prefers using a land line, he just bought his first cell phone. Alec's grandfather is most likely oriented toward the past and is a member of the ____ group. a. non-adopters b. laggards c. innovators d. late adopters e. late majority


184. Compared to creating and developing a brand from scratch, a firm sometimes buys a brand from another company at a premium price because outright purchase is a. more challenging strategically. b. less time consuming. c. less risky. d. less expensive. e. less expensive and less risky.

less expensive and less risky.

249. Multiple packaging is a. likely to decrease serving size. b. the same as family packaging. c. likely to increase demand. d. the most effective type of packaging for decreasing demand. e. the most expensive type of packaging.

likely to increase demand.

240. In marketing, family packaging means a. packaging products in a quantity suitable for use for an average-sized family. b. putting a set of related products all in the same package. c. making all of a company's or product line's packaging look similar. d. putting the same brand name on all of a company's products. e. designing and selling only products that are related.

making all of a company's or product line's packaging look similar.

188. A ____ brand usually requires a producer to become involved in distribution, promotion, and pricing decisions. a. dealer b. manufacturer c. private distributor d. store e. wholesaler


196. Kellogg's Rice Krispies, a ____ brand, is likely to be found next to Crispy Rice, a ____ brand that has very similar coloring and styling for its package. a. generic; store b. manufacturer; private c. dealer; private distributor d. producer; house e. distributor; store

manufacturer; private

193. The major characteristic of a private brand is that a. only retailers initiate and own the brand. b. manufacturers are not identified on the product. c. producers become involved with the marketing mix. d. producers price the product. e. wholesalers encourage producers to make the product available.

manufacturers are not identified on the product.

69. When a business finds itself squeezed out of a market for a product or loses interest in that product, it is a sign of being in the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. growth c. introduction d. market reduction e. decline


71. Heinz promoting its vinegar as an effective cleaner for wall, glass, kitchen, and bathroom surfaces would most likely be a strategy for the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. introduction b. decline c. growth d. maturity e. competitive


75. When Clorox introduced bleach in a no-drip bottle, the firm was taking action consistent with its product being in the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. introduction b. growth c. stabilization d. maturity e. decline


78. The producers of Schick razor blades use a marketing strategy that includes large advertising expenditures and more price flexibility for the various types of blades offered. Based on this example, razor blades are in the ____ stage of the product life cycle. a. decline b. evaluation c. growth d. introduction e. maturity


98. Scenario 11.1 ​ Use the following to answer the questions. ​ Megabus is a bus line operating in the Northeast and Midwestern United States, plus in Canada. It offers travelers a cheap alternative to driving and flying between large cities, keeping the fares extremely low yet offering the latest technology. Unlike the traditional Greyhound bus line, Megabus is an express service, and is equipped with Wi-Fi, video screens, headsets, and seat belts. Many buses also run on biodiesel fuel. Additionally, Megabus picks up and drops off people in the centers of cities rather than at inconveniently-located terminals. Patrons can book tickets at, where some fares begin at just $1. Routes are limited, and are offered out of cities such as Toronto, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Recently, its competitor Greyhound has launched two new bus lines, BoltBus and NeOn, with similar fares and high-tech amenities. A fare on a NeOn bus from Buffalo, New York, to New York City is $50.00 round trip, while the same fare through Greyhound's traditional bus line costs $92.00. The benefit of Greyhound's traditional line is that there are more departure times and more stops in smaller towns along the way. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.1. The closest competitor for Megabus is Greyhound. Greyhound has been in business for many years, offering basic transportation services, until the introduction of their new BoldBus and NeOn. Even though both companies are in the bus transportation business, Greyhound is most likely in the ____ stage of the product life cycle, while Megabus is in the _____ stage. a. maturity; introduction b. maturity; growth c. growth; maturity d. growth; decline e. decline; growth

maturity; introduction

49. Sara Lee Corporation manufactures desserts, breads, pantyhose, meats, and a variety of other products. These products make up Sara Lee's product a. line. b. item. c. mix. d. width. e. depth.


77. One of Cole's responsibilities as a marketing manager for a motorcycle parts manufacturer is to maintain market share. Cole believes that the company's products are most likely in the maturity stage of the product life cycle. In order to maintain market share, Cole should suggest that the company requires a. moderate to large advertising expenditures. b. moderate to large cuts in promotion expenditures. c. moderate production expenditures. d. moderate price increases. e. moderate price decreases.

moderate to large advertising expenditures.

264. Scenario 11.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When Silk Soymilk began packaging its chocolate milk in single-serving sizes, the company chose drink boxes that did not need refrigeration. The boxes were only sold in shrink-wrapped sets of six. Single boxes were not available at grocery stores or convenience markets. Once the Silk chocolate product was selling well, they also began offering the Silk Soymilk vanilla flavor in the same type of packaging. The Silk Soymilk brand, logo, and look of the boxes were the same as its larger half-gallon versions. The only difference in packaging style was the color brown for chocolate milk and the color white for vanilla. ​ Refer to Scenario 11.2. Silk Soymilk probably increased demand for its single servings by facilitating increased consumption of the product through its practice of ____ packaging. a. innovative b. category-consistent c. handling-improved d. secondary-use e. multiple


251. Twin-packs and six-packs are examples of a. family packaging. b. group packaging. c. package bundling. d. family branding. e. multiple packaging.

multiple packaging.

59. During the introduction stage of a successful product, profits are usually a. at their highest point. b. negative and decreasing. c. negative and increasing. d. positive and increasing. e. declining.

negative and increasing.

232. Haley is a graphic artist who is currently working on the development of a new container for mustard and mayonnaise. She is also developing its graphic design. Haley is likely working on the product's a. licensing. b. labeling. c. promotion. d. packaging. e. direct media.


176. Riley prefers to buy Pantene Shampoo for Colored Hair; however, if that is not in stock, she will buy L'Oreal or Garnier Fructis. Riley's level of brand loyalty can be described as ___. a. recognition. b. acceptance. c. preference. d. insistence. e. acknowledgement.


177. Melissa needs some spaghetti sauce and always buys Ragu. However, her local supermarket is out of Ragu and, since Melissa wants to get home to cook dinner, she settles for Prego. Melissa has brand ____ for Ragu and brand ____ for Prego. a. insistence; recognition b. insistence; preference c. loyalty; preference d. preference; recognition e. preference; loyalty

preference; recognition

191. Old Navy sells only Old Navy-labeled clothing in its retail stores. The Old Navy brand is not sold in any other outlet. Old Navy is a ____ brand. a. generic b. reseller c. manufacturer d. distribution e. private distributor

private distributor

192. Craftsman tools, sold and branded by Sears, is an example of a ____ brand. a. manufacturer b. generic c. wholesaler d. private distributor e. regional

private distributor

197. Of the different types of brands, the one that has experienced the steadiest growth is a. manufacturer. b. producer. c. generic. d. private distributor. e. imitator.

private distributor.

47. Products used directly in the production of a final product but that are not easily identifiable are categorized as a. accessory products. b. component parts. c. MRO supplies. d. assembly components. e. process materials.

process materials.

233. The most important function of packaging is a. offering convenience to customers. b. protecting the product and maintaining its functionality. c. covering the product. d. communicating information to the customer. e. attracting the attention of the customer.

protecting the product and maintaining its functionality.

41. Minerals, chemicals, timber, and agricultural products are considered a. process materials. b. accessory materials. c. MRO supplies. d. component parts. e. raw materials.

raw materials.

173. The weakest level of brand loyalty is brand a. recognition. b. insistence. c. equity. d. trial. e. preference.


175. When a customer is aware that a brand exists and considers it a possibility if his preferred brand is out, he exhibits brand a. loyalty. b. insistence. c. preference. d. acknowledgment. e. recognition.


182. Elements that help create brand equity include all of the following except brand a. quality. b. associations. c. loyalty. d. recognition. e. awareness.


21. Convenience products are a. relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort. b. frequently purchased items for which buyers are willing to exert considerable effort. c. frequently purchased items that are found in certain retail outlets. d. items that are expensive but are easy to purchase. e. items that require some purchase planning and for which the buyer often will not accept substitutes.

relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort.

28. A specialty product a. requires minimal effort to purchase. b. is purchased frequently. c. requires purchase planning, and the buyer will not accept substitutes. d. is generally less expensive than other items in the same product class. e. prompts the purchaser to make comparisons among alternatives.

requires purchase planning, and the buyer will not accept substitutes.

189. Another common name for a private distributor brand is a ____ brand. a. home b. manufacturer c. generic d. store e. label


243. Gain liquid laundry detergent comes in a 40-ounce plastic bottle with a pour spout. When that bottle is empty, consumers can purchase Gain in a plastic pouch designed to refill the original 40-ounce plastic bottle. The pouches use less packaging, store flat, and cost less; however, they are not for repeated usage. The use of the original Gain 40-ounce bottle is an example of a(an) a. reusable container. b. innovative package. c. second-round package. d. secondary-use package. e. dual purpose package.

reusable container.

81. During the decline stage of the product life cycle, a. sales rapidly decrease. b. market share is maintained. c. competition is at a peak. d. profits begin to fall. e. profits peak and then begin to decline.

sales rapidly decrease.

23. Products for which buyers are willing to spend much time comparing stores and brands for differences in prices, product features, and services are called ____ products. a. shopping b. specialty c. service d. convenience e. unsought


70. During the maturity stage a. product modifications are unnecessary. b. there is less emphasis on changing a product's price. c. marketing strategies are rarely altered. d. some competitors are forced out. e. limited advertising expenditures are required to maintain market share.

some competitors are forced out.

27. The Carsons are going on a vacation back to Texas. When they lived there, Gwen Carson loved Blue Bell Cookies. Blue Bell is sold only in Texas. She plans to buy two boxes at the first store she visits after they arrive. For Gwen, Blue Bell represents a(n) ____ product. a. convenience b. shopping c. specialty d. unsought e. durable


29. David Wilson is an avid collector of Major League Baseball memorabilia. He greatly desires to own the "special" bat that got the slugger Sammy Sosa a seven-game suspension due to its illegal contents. This is an example of a(n) ____ product. a. shopping b. unique c. specialty d. historical e. unsought


30. As Beth and Rob search for a new home, they are interested only in houses built by a particular builder. This purchase is characteristic of a(n) ____ product. a. branded b. non-durable c. unique d. shopping e. specialty


48. A product item is best described as a a. component of a marketing mix. b. particular brand. c. specific characteristic of a product. d. specific version of a product. e. unit of measure for the product.

specific version of a product.

169. A trademark signifies a. that the owner has exclusive use of a brand and others are prohibited from using it. b. that a product was manufactured by a particular company. c. the full and legal name of an organization. d. the level of quality of a product based on its legally protected rights. e. the inventive use of a brand name or brand mark to identify a company's products.

that the owner has exclusive use of a brand and others are prohibited from using it.

229. In a brand licensing arrangement, the licensee is responsible for a. providing the brand name to another organization for use in promoting products. b. collecting the royalties from sales of the licensed products. c. half of the financial losses in the event that the licensed brand is a failure. d. the production, but not the marketing of the licensed product. e. the manufacturing, marketing, and financing of the licensed product.

the manufacturing, marketing, and financing of the licensed product.

254. Arm & Hammer would probably not want to use multiple packaging for its baking soda because a. the product is used infrequently. b. storage would be more difficult. c. shelf space could not be maximized. d. shipping costs would increase. e. the product has a short shelf life.

the product is used infrequently.

225. A co-branded product from Sony and Martha Stewart would likely fail because a. neither of these brands is very well known to consumers. b. their products are not complementary. c. they are both food products. d. this co-branding will not provide product differentiation. e. the market segment for this product is too vast

their products are not complementary.

253. When Starbucks introduced their instant coffee brand, Via, the company only sold it in packages of three single-cup units. Starbucks' primary objective for selling Via in three-unit packages rather than single-unit packages was most likely a. to encourage the consumer to try the product several times. b. to encourage a higher consumption of all Starbucks products. c. to sell more because of infrequent coffee purchases. d. to reduce costs in the distribution and handling of the Via products. e. to engage in environmentally responsible behavior.

to encourage the consumer to try the product several times.

170. iPod is the ____ of the MP3 player made by Apple, Inc. a. trade name b. brand mark c. trade label d. brand e. identifier

trade name

171. The full and legal name of an organization is called the a. trademark. b. legal title. c. organizational name. d. brand name. e. trade name.

trade name.

89. When Minute Maid mailed out free samples of its new instant drink mix, it was trying to move prospective customers into the ____ stage of the product adoption process. a. awareness b. interest c. evaluation d. trial e. adoption


190. Private distributor brands are owned by a. manufacturers only. b. manufacturers and retailers. c. wholesalers only. d. manufacturers and wholesalers. e. wholesalers or retailers.

wholesalers or retailers.

55. One company markets such diverse products as Rosarita Mexican foods, Max Factor cosmetics, and Samsonite luggage. These various offerings exhibit this firm's product mix a. width. b. depth. c. length. d. volume. e. dimension.


331. You are head of a nonprofit organization that has been granted a license to sell products in a small booth in your local airport. You want to maximize your revenue from this venture by selling products that are inexpensive and frequently purchased. Which of the following types of products should you sell?​ a. ​Unsought products b. ​Business products c. ​Specialty products d. ​Shopping products e. ​Convenience products

​Convenience products

337. ​____________ are relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort. a. ​Consumer products b. ​Shopping products c. ​Convenience products d. ​Business products e. ​Specialty products

​Convenience products

361. Shania loves new electronic products, but she also wants to make sure she gets a good value for her money. Therefore, she waits a few months after a product is introduced to see whether all the kinks are worked out. In the meantime, she reads ratings and reviews. ​She also turns to her friend John, who is one of the first people to adopt and test out new products. She relies heavily on John's recommendations. When she is satisfied as to its value, she usually buys the product. Shania most likely fits into which category? a. ​Early adopter b. ​Early majority c. ​Innovator d. Late majority e. ​Laggard

​Early majority

340. Which one of the following terms is the best description of what happens in the third stage of the product adoption process?​ a. ​Evaluation b. ​Awareness c. ​Trial d. ​Interest e. ​Adoption


335. You just recently accepted a new job at a company on the East Coast. You will be responsible for making sure your firm's products contain labeling that meets all federal laws and regulations. Your new company makes gourmet food items. Which of the following federal regulatory agencies should you become very familiar with in order to do your job most effectively?​ a. ​WTO b. ​FTC c. ​EPA d. ​SBA e. ​FDA


333. ​You developed a new smartphone cover that you have been selling at flea markets around your hometown. You have been pleasantly surprised at how successful the covers have been so far. However, you are becoming increasingly concerned that some copycat vendors have begun selling similar products that have names that are very close to your products' name. What should you do? a. ​Incorporate your product's name. b. ​File the necessary papers to establish your legal right to your brand mark. c. ​File the necessary papers to establish your legal right to your brand. d. ​File the necessary papers to establish your legal right to your trademark. e. ​Increase your brand recognition by doing more marketing.

​File the necessary papers to establish your legal right to your trademark.

346. ​_____ is an example of a trade name and _____ is a brand name owned by that company. a. ​The McDonald's Corporation; the Golden Arches b. ​Chevy; Silverado c. ​Ford Motor Company; Escape d. ​Nike, Inc.; "Swoosh" e. ​Kleenex; tissues

​Ford Motor Company; Escape

367. For ​which of the following products would multiple packaging most likely be least effective? a. ​Coca-Cola sodas b. ​Gillette razors c. ​Sun-Maid raisins d. ​Kellogg's cereals e. ​Heinz vinegar

​Heinz vinegar

364. ​Francis works at the large corporate headquarters of a multinational company. She is a bit of a clean freak. Every week she cleans her office, including the windows. Her favorite window cleaner to use is Windex. In this case, Windex Window Cleaner is which of the following types of business products? a. ​MRO supplies b. ​Installations c. ​Accessory equipment d. ​Process materials e. ​Component parts

​MRO supplies

332. ​You just finished meeting with your boss and he is very upset about the most recent customer survey results for the firm. A majority of the respondents complained about the limited number of product lines your firm offers. Which of following recommendations should you make to your boss? a. ​The firm needs to lengthen its product life cycle. b. ​The firm needs to expand the width of its product mix. c. ​The firm needs to shorten its product life cycle. d. ​The firm needs to expand the depth of its product mix. e. ​The firm needs to expand the length of its product mix.

​The firm needs to expand the width of its product mix.

339. In which stage of a product's life cycle is the firm focused on establishing and fortifying the product's market position by encouraging brand loyalty?​ a. ​The maturity stage b. ​The introduction stage c. ​The decline stage d. ​The growth stage e. ​The rebirth stage

​The growth stage

345. ​Which of the following best describes someone who is an early adopter in terms of the major adopter categories? a. ​They enjoy new products and are willing to take a risk. b. ​They are oriented toward the past and are the last to adopt a new product. c. ​They are skeptical of new products, but eventually adopt them because of economic necessity or social pressure. d. ​They choose new products carefully and are viewed as "in-the-know" by other adopter categories. e. ​They are deliberate and cautious in trying new products.

​They choose new products carefully and are viewed as "in-the-know" by other adopter categories.

349. ​Which of the following co-branded products would be most likely to fail? a. ​Breyers Ice Cream featuring Girl Scout Cookies b. ​Lip Smacker lip gloss featuring Girl Scout Cookies c. ​Coffee-Mate coffee creamer featuring Girl Scout Cookies d. ​Weight Watchers frozen dinners featuring Girl Scout Cookies e. ​Nestle Crunch candy bars featuring Girl Scout Cookies

​Weight Watchers frozen dinners featuring Girl Scout Cookies

341. Everything associated with the product, including its symbolism and experiences is the____________.​ a. ​brand name b. ​brand mark c. ​brand d. ​trademark e. ​product appeal


348. ​If a brand is extended too many times, one major risk is that it can lead to _____. a. ​family branding b. ​brand dilution c. ​co-branding d. ​line extensions e. ​generic branding

​brand dilution

354. Millward Brown ranks the world's top 100 brands. Apple tops the list at nearly $250 billion. ​In terms of revenue, however, Walmart dwarfs Apple. Apple earned $233 billion in revenue, while Walmart earned $482 billion. While Walmart has higher revenues, Apple has greater a. ​brand name awareness. b. ​brand equity. c. ​brand power. d. ​brand recognition. e. ​brand licensing.

​brand equity.

351. ​Trudy owns a Dell laptop computer. She uses the computer in class and her classmates can see the Dell logo when she uses her laptop. One of her classmates is looking to purchase a new laptop and asks Trudy her opinion of Dell computers. Trudy informs her classmate that she is satisfied with her laptop and recommends that her classmate purchases one, too. For Dell, Trudy is exhibiting some of the benefits of _____. a. ​brand recognition b. ​brand equity c. ​brand insistence d. ​brand loyalty e. ​brand mark

​brand loyalty

353. Angela loves going shopping. After a long day at work, she stops by a local shopping center. First, she decides to stop by Barnes & Noble. Angela's favorite bookshop is the small, locally-owned book shop close to her home, but she visits Barnes & Noble because it is convenient. Next, she stops by a local Starbucks, where she likes to try new things. When she looked at the menu, she saw the name of a new latte she had heard about from friends and decided to try it. Then she went to Sephora to pick up some lipstick that she has run out of. However, when she gets there, Angela finds Sephora is out of lipstick. She is tired after her long day and annoyed that they are out of the lipstick. Because it is her favorite brand, Angela decides she will just have to come back another day. Angela displays ______________ for Barnes & Noble, _____________ for the latte at Starbucks, and ________________ for the lipstick. a. ​brand preference; brand recognition; brand insistence b. ​brand recognition; brand recognition; brand insistence c. ​brand recognition; brand insistence; brand insistence d. ​brand preference; brand insistence; brand recognition e. ​brand insistence; brand preference; brand recognition

​brand preference; brand recognition; brand insistence

362. Mary works as the purchasing agent for the business department at the local college. One of the staff members has asked her to order a new desk chair because the stuffing is coming out of her old one. Mary approves the purchase, and the school buys the desk chair. The more Mary researched the chair, however, the more impressed she became. Mary suffers from back problems, and this desk chair had a number of adjustment settings and strong cushioning. Mary operates her own small consulting business from her home office in her off-hours. The chair she currently has for her desk in the office is highly uncomfortable. Despite its expense, Mary decides to purchase the chair for her home office. The first purchase is a _____________​, and the second purchase is a ____________________. a. ​business; consumer b. ​consumer; consumer c. ​business; business d. ​consumer; business e. ​industrial; consumer

​business; business

343. Labeling is ____________ packaging.​ a. ​always included on the back of b. ​always included on the front of c. ​never required on d. ​done independent of e. ​closely interrelated to

​closely interrelated to

359. Millie's Cookie House sells cookies, pastries, and muffins. She offers 30 different types of cookies, 20 different types of pastries, and 10 types of muffins. ​While not all of these are available in-store, customers can special order or have the baked goods catered. The depth of the product mix that Millie's offers is ______________, while the width of the product mix is ___________________. a. ​shallow; deep b. ​deep; shallow c. ​deep; long d. narrow; wide e. ​extreme; narrow

​deep; shallow

352. Which of the following is least protectable to most protectable ​for brand types, as determined by a series of court decisions? a. ​descriptive; suggestive; arbitrary; fanciful b. ​descriptive; arbitrary; suggestive; fanciful c. ​fanciful; suggestive; arbitrary; descriptive d. ​arbitrary; descriptive; fanciful; suggestive e. ​fanciful; arbitrary; suggestive; descriptive

​descriptive; suggestive; arbitrary; fanciful

360. Shawna is in charge of the marketing strategy for a new toothbrush her firm introduced. The toothbrush has gotten strong accolades from critics, and Shawna's company has taken great steps using advertisements and public relations​ to promote the product. The biggest hurdle to product adoption, according to Shawna, is that consumers are much more familiar with Colgate Palmolive's toothbrushes. Colgate-Palmolive is the company's greatest competitor and is a much more established brand name. Shawna plans to release a new campaign highlighting the many benefits of its toothbrush compared to its competitors. She hopes consumers will view their product as superior to Colgate-Palmolive's. After the campaign, Shawna's firm plans to offer free samples in select stores. Shawna is using this campaign to stimulate _______________ on the part of buyers so that they will compare their benefits with Colgate's. a. ​evaluation b. ​trial c. ​awareness d. ​adoption e. ​interest


334. Your boss has instructed you to change the packaging on your firm's products so that they have a common major design element and similar packaging. Based on this directive, you should implement __________ for all the firm's products.​ a. ​consistent packaging b. ​family packaging c. ​homogeneous packaging d. ​common packaging e. ​product line packaging

​family packaging

366. Barbasol Shaving Cream products come in similar-shaped containers with a nozzle. It always puts its brand name on the container in large white letters with a dark blue background. This is an example of​ a. ​family packaging b. ​individual branding c. ​category-consistent packaging d. ​group labeling e. ​family branding

​family packaging

336. ​A(n)____________ is a tangible physical entity. a. ​idea b. ​attribute c. ​service d. ​feature e. ​good


355. Greenpeace is an environmental organization with the mission to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity." It engages in much advocacy related to environmental issues including climate change, deforestation, overfishing, and more. Greenpeace's main product is most likely a(n)​ a. ​good. b. ​tangible entity. c. ​service. d. ​idea. e. ​feature.


347. ​Procter & Gamble markets shampoo under several different brand names, including Pantene, Herbal Essences, Head & Shoulders, and Aussie. For shaving products, Procter & Gamble markets several different razors under the Gillette brand, including Gillette Mach3, Gillette Fusion, and Gillette ProGlide. They also use the Gillette name for shaving creams, aftershaves, deodorants, and body washes. Procter & Gamble is using _____ branding for the shampoo category and _____ branding for the shaving category. a. ​individual; family b. ​manufacturer; private c. ​family; individual d. ​brand-extension; private e. ​individual; individual

​individual; family

350. ​In order to manufacture its vehicles, Ford needs to purchase large robotic arms that become permanent fixtures in their assembly plants. These robotic arms are best described as a. ​component parts b. ​accessory equipment c. ​installations d. ​process materials e. ​MRO supplies


344. ​During which stage of the product life cycle are potential buyers initially becoming aware of a product's features, uses, and advantages through marketing? a. ​introduction b. ​growth c. ​expansion d. ​maturity e. ​decline


358. Scentsy introduced new products made for the skin, including the fine fragrance roller, velvet hand cream, whipped body souffle, and a moisturizing body bar. This is an example of a _______________. One of the fine fragrance rollers is called No. 27, a mix of mandarin orange, rose, and amber. ​This is an example of a __________________. a. ​brand; product b. ​product line; product item c. ​product line; product extension d. ​product mix; product e. ​product mix; brand extension

​product line; product item

357. Naked Juice, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, was placed in a negative light when it was revealed that their "Natural" claims on the labels of their Naked Juice products were not necessarily accurate. Synthetic ingredients were detected in the juice. ​Critics claimed this made the claims of "Natural" deceiving. Naked Juice agreed to remove the claim from its label. Naked Juice was most likely using the word "Natural" on its labels for ___________________ purposes. a. ​informational b. ​legal c. ​promotional d. ​convenience e. ​identification


365. The metal used to construct the body of a bicycle would be _________________. The bicycle seat would be a __________________. ​ a. ​accessory equipment; raw material b. ​raw materials; accessory equipment c. ​process materials; component part d. ​raw materials; component part e. ​process materials; raw material

​raw materials; component part

356. Ritz-Carlton is known for its customer service—so much so that it allows employees to spend $2,000 to meet customer needs per incident. Customer service at the Ritz-Carlton is an example of a(n) _________________. a. ​core product b. ​symbolic feature c. ​experiential feature d. ​personalized product e. ​supplemental feature

​supplemental feature

363. ​George totals his car and spends two days recuperating in the hospital. After he gets out, he knows he needs a new vehicle. George's old car was an Audi that he loved. There is no Audi dealership in his city. Although there are many less expensive vehicles to purchase, George convinces his friend to drive more than 50 miles to a much larger city so that he can purchase a new Audi. For George the hospital stay was a(n) ______________ product, while his purchase of the Audi is a ______________ product. a. ​unsought; shopping b. ​shopping; specialty c. ​convenience; shopping d. ​unsought; specialty e. ​specialty; specialty

​unsought; specialty

338. When we speak of the number of product lines that a company offers, we are referring to the ____________ of the company's product mix.​ a. ​width b. ​depth c. ​length d. ​size e. ​volume


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