Module 8 Test

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Argued that Greek gods were immoral


Believed bishop must trace authority back to an apostle


Believed in the law but not the scribal tradition

the emperor

Christians were persecuted for many reasons during the Roman Empire including refusal to worship who as a god?

The East's language was predominately Greek, they were consisted of Greek and Arabic ethnicities, educated layman studied theology, had strong emperors that regulated morality, saw Christ as a victor and focused on the "three-ness" of the individual Persons of the Godhead, and they had a college of Patriarchs that served like an oligarchy. The West's language was predominantly Latin, was considered Barbarian, higher education was only available for the clergy, had divided kings allowing the church to regulate morality, saw Christ as a victim and focused on the unity, and had a bishop of Rome (Pope) that served like a monarchy.

Discuss the differences between the East and the West.

1. The excitement of Christians to share the new faith 2. Jewish Diaspora—Hellenistic Jews were especially receptive to the Gospel 3. Unity of the Roman Empire—koine Greek and ideas were easily spread thanks to a network of cities and roads 4. Testimony of early Christians—especially in suffering and martyrdom

Explain four reasons the Gospel spread.


Greek philosophy is inferior to Christ


Jesus Christ was probably crucified in what year?

Christ said He was the Son of God

Jewish leaders considered Jesus a blasphemer because...

Hellenized Jews

Most open to Christianity


Rejected the priesthood and worship in the temple




Scholars suspect that both Peter and Paul were executed under the reign of which Roman emperor?


Strict adherence to the law

They thought he would encourage the Jews to rebel

The Romans were concerned about Jesus because...


The approximate date of Jesus' birth is what?


Those that opposed the use of icons were known as ____________.


Used allegories to help Christians understand the Old Testament

During the Roman Empire, there were numerous persecutions against Christians who defended the faith, who would not worship the emperor as a god, and proclaimed Christ to be the eternal Son of God. The Church suffered, but after each persecution, Christians persevered and grew stronger.

What did Tertullian mean when he said, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church?"

Political void existed in Rome

What occurred as a result of Constantine moving the empire's capital from Rome to Byzantium?

To weed out certain groups of people

What was one reason for the specificity of the creeds?

Heretical teachers began to put together a list of books

What was one reason the early church fathers decided on a canon of Scripture?

2nd Nicea

What was the church council that dealt with the issue of Iconoclasm?


What was the church council that rejected the heretical view that Jesus had two separate nature--one human and one divine?

Christ was as eternal as the Father

What was the result of the Council of Nicea?

City of God

What was the title of the literary work by Augustine of Hippo that argued that the best way to live focuses on God and not earthly desires?

1. Apostolic authority—those which came from the Apostles 2. Antiquity—It must belong to the apostolic age 3. Orthodoxy—It must conform to the teachings, life, resurrection of Christ 4. Catholicity (unity)—It must be widely read in all the churches 5. Inspiration—It must be the message of God, breathed by God

What were the five criteria did each book of in the New Testament meet for being added to the Canon?


Where was it that the term "Christian" was first used to denote a follower of Christ?


Which Roman emperor oversaw a widespread persecution of Christians in the empire?


Which ancient religious tradition focused on obtaining secret knowledge of human destiny?


Who was the young deacon that argued Arian's theology was heretical?

Some believe Thomas went to India

Why do some believe Christianity spread to India?


Wrote the Hexapla

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