Module Academic Argument

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You read an article about a training program for Olympic track and field athletes. Later you learn that the article's author never actually visited the training program or interviewed participants; instead he made up facts to include in his work. Which aspect of the STAR method would be most damaged by this revelation?


Which of the following is a manipulative appeal to ethos?

Attacking the opposition's character.


appeals to readers emotions


contradicting or opposing a claim


A premise is a claim, or piece of evidence, that supports the conclusion; A reason offered as support, or evidence, for another claim. It is often indicated by these words (because, for, as, since)

Which of the following should you most likely include in an effective conclusion paragraph?

A re-statement of your essay's main idea.

Which of the following is the strongest argumentative thesis?

As a new generation of students enter college, it is time for higher education to use gaming to appeal to students and make learning more engaging.

What kind of rhetorical appeal is illustrated in this example? "Before I went back to school," she said, "I used to work in the food industry. I spent 20 years as a prep cook and then a chef. The best way to chop an onion is to make sure that it is washed. Also, make sure that you wash your hands afterwards. I once wiped my watering eyes with my oniony hands, temporarily blinding myself in the process!"

Authoritative Appeal (Ethos)

Which of the following is the strongest argumentative thesis?

Because small businesses can make such an important difference in a struggling economy, right now, our government needs to offer better financial support for individuals seeking to start a business.

Smoking is a right, and Americans have rights, so the smoking ban is wrong.

Begging the question

Spencer has been assigned a paper differentiating between communism as it was applied in the Soviet Union and China. What type of essay structure would be MOST appropriate for this assignment?

Comparative Essay

Indicator words like therefore, thus, hence, and consequently help you find an argument's


Maude is writing a paper arguing for a campus smoking ban. Which kind of support would be an appeal to logos?

Data from university landscaping about the volume of cigarette butts collected from the ground.

At the beginning of his essay, Seth states that increased screen exposure is harmful for young children and adolescents. He spends the rest of his essay providing examples and evidences to prove his thesis true. Is Seth using inductive or deductive reasoning to structure his essay?

Deductive reasoning

What kind of rhetorical appeal is illustrated in this example? "Never trust someone who doesn't like pets," he said. "Moral, ethical people take care of the weak and needy; pets are weak and often needy. Most importantly, dogs and cats have been bred to look like our own children--what kind of jerk hates children?"

Emotional Appeal (Pathos)

Which mode of persuasion is the strongest in the video above?


"Teenagers are the ones who broke into our home and stole our computers and televisions. Teenagers are delinquents."

Hasty Generalization

Which is an example of a logical fallacy?

If you had been here on time, we wouldn't have gotten in an accident.

Which of the following is an argumentative thesis?

In order to combat global warming and climate change, school lunches should be mandated as meatless at least two days a week.

Which of the following is the strongest argumentative thesis?

In order to provide consumer with healthier food options, our government needs to provide the same kind of subsidies to small, organic farmers that it offers to large, factory farms.

etorical appeal is illustrated in this example? Making improvements to the local public transportation system is vital to the economic growth of our region. Ridership has risen 12% in the past year, even though some routes have been eliminated and others decreased in frequency in that time. Surveys of local businesses demonstrate increased revenue when new bus route service is introduced in their area.

Logical Appeal (Logos)

This policy is framed in terms of health outcomes and promoting individual well-being, but the University has not instituted policies regarding many other behaviors related to health such as exercising.

No fallacy

While researching for a paper about current abortion policy, Marcie finds an article discussing aboriton practices and statistics in the early 1900s. She decides not to use the statistic in her paper because the statistic doesn't relate to her argument about current policy. Which measure of the STAR method did she use to make this decision?


Question Which logical fallacy occurs in the passage below? Colorado, California, Washington, Oregon, and D.C. have legalized marijuana. Popular sentiment seems to be moving in that direction. I worry, though, that if we vote to legalize marijuana in every state, the next thing you know, we'll be talking about legalizing heroin. We already have a huge opioid epidemic in the country. Do we want even more heroin addicts? Responses

Slippery Slope


Sufficiency, Typicality, Accuracy, and Relevance

What indicator words will help you identify an argument's conclusion?

Therefore, thus, hence, consequently

What is the conclusion in the following argument? We must reduce the amount of money we spend on space exploration. Right now, the enemy is launching massive military buildup, and we need additional money to purchase military equipment to help match the anticipated increase in the enemy's strength.

We must reduce amount of money we spend on space exploration.

What is the conclusion in the following argument? It's flu season and you work with kids, so you should get a flu shot.

You should get a flu shot.

You read an essay analyzing the methods used by codebreakers in World War II. Later you learn that the book's author exaggerated her credibility as an expert source. Which of the following would be most damaged by your discovery?

Your opinion of the author's appeal to ethos


a statement or opinion that is either true or false

Arthur is preparing an argument to present for his class debate about addressing climate change, and he chooses to go with a classical framework in which he presents his case that climate change can be significantly slowed if meat consumption were lower. What should he do next?

addressing the opposing viewpoint

inductive reasoning

bottom-up reasoning; a method of reasoning in which several premises provide evidence of a probable conclusion.

Concluding that all dogs are vicious because one dog snarls and bites is a

hasty generalization


proving a claim is false; arguing against something

What is the conclusion in the following argument? Abortion is wrong because all human life is sacred.

Abortion is wrong.

Appeals to pathos are which of the following?

Appeals to emotions

Read the following passage from "Can 8 Servings of Fruits and Veggies Make You Happier?" A study of 12,000 people published in the scholarly journal American Journal of Public Health found that those who started eating more fruits and vegetables felt much happier. On the basis of the study's findings, health professionals at the University of Queensland are developing an ambitious and costly educational program to persuade people to consume more fruits and vegetables. Suppose you are on the university board and have been asked to review the study yourself and decide whether the educational program should receive funding. Which of the following questions will be most important to your assessment of the study's conclusions?

Are there other explanations for the participants' increased happiness besides fruits and vegetables?

Read the following passage. Determine whether it demonstrates deductive or inductive reasoning.Carrie was convinced that the rest of the students didn't like her. She was surprised when one of the popular girls took her under her wing before the dance. The most handsome senior then asked her out on a date. While getting out of the house was difficult because her mother was a little obsessive, Carrie went to the dance with the handsome young man and was crowned Queen. Immediately after, a bucket of pig's blood was dumped on her head. The whole auditorium laughed. Based on their reactions to this rather messy trick, Carrie concluded that she was disliked after all and proceeded to enhance the decorations in the auditorium with various flying students.

Carrie used deductive reasoning, because she tested a hypothesis against the specific series of reactions of her classmates.

Which of the following is not a way in which an author may try to connect with an audience in an attempt to appeal to pathos?

Connecting through critical reasoning

"Because my opponent is a Democrat, you cannot expect her to balance the budget. Democrats cannot balance budgets."

Guilt by Association

In Evan's Political Science class, everyone read an essay about why the electoral college is effective, and Evan is supposed to write a rebuttal to the essay. What approach should he take?

He should outline the arguments he read in the essay and challenge each of the ideas, one by one.

Sophomore student Marcus is writing a paper for his philosophy course on Plato. He has never studied Plato before. Which of the following is a good way for him to establish ethos in the paper?

Incorporate evidence from well-regarded philosophy journals.

What is the conclusion in the following argument? John will probably receive the next promotion since he's been here the longest.

John will receive the next promotion.

Which of the following statements meets all the criteria of an argumentative thesis?

Legalizing undocumented immigrants benefits the economy.

Which of the following is the BEST description of an argumentative essay?

Lexi writes a paper about the causes of World War I. She claims that it was mostly caused by rising nationalism and militarism among countries, and provides evidence to support her assertions.

Each of the following is a way to establish your ethos as a writer EXCEPT:

Linking the opposition with an unpopular group.


Logos is about appealing to your audience's logical side; presenting a line of reasoning in our arguments that is logical and clear. We use evidence, such as statistics and factual information, when we appeal to logos; appeals to logic

A student wants to convince her audience about the problems associated with climate change and shows images of polar bears who have died from exhaustion trying to swim to the next chunck of ice. Which mode of persuasion is strongest here?


"If we allow funding for charter schools, this will take away funds from public schools, leaving our public schools in shambles. Charter schools will undermine our entire educational system."

Slippery slope

What's next? Will we ban potato chips and Cokes on campus? Will we force-feed broccoli and carrots to first-year students?

Slippery slope

"My opponent says that he supports developing a system where every student in this state can go to college for free. It sounds like to me that he's for raising taxes to an extreme level in order to make this possible. These taxes may not even go directly to education. This kind of system is unheard of."

Straw man

Which of the following statements meets all the criteria of an argumentative thesis?

While they are often seen as threats or pests, bees play an important role in pollination, and a look at the collapse of bee colonies around the country indicates we should invest in beekeeping in urban areas.


a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action; the opportune and decisive moment.

Josh has been assigned to write an essay evaluating whether a book in his Young Adult Literature class is fit to be taught in high schools. What will make his argument the most effective?

listing three specific criteria he'll use to evaluate the book as good or bad

What are the supporting claims in an argument?


deductive reasoning

top-down reasoning; a method of reasoning in which a certain conclusion follows general premises.


A conclusion is the main idea (or the "so what?") of the argument, which is supported by the premises; Main claim of an argument that is supported by one or more premises. It is the logical result of the relationship between the premises. Identifying the conclusion is the first step in understanding the argument. (as a result, therefore)

You read a sociological study of marriage rituals in rural India. Later you learn that the study's authors had fabricated some of the data. Which of the following would be most damaged by your discovery?


It's simple: either we are a freedom-loving campus or we aren't? I choose freedom, and I believe all of America's veterans would agree with me. Perhaps the Chancellor has an ulterior motive for instituting the ban and is using smokers as a scapegoat.

Ad hominem

Your classmate Lily is struggling with writing her introduction. Which of the following should you advise her to include?

An overview of the problem or issue her paper discusses.

I am a smoker, and I have a lot of friends who are smokers, and we all agree that this policy should be overturned.


Which of the following is an argumentative thesis?

Because cheating is prevalent in online courses, universities should require students to take midterms and finals in face-to-face, proctored environments.

Which of the following illustrates an example of inductive reasoning?

Deidre saw bunnies on her lawn the last three times she left her house at night. Deidre concludes that bunnies only appear on her lawn at night.

Which question would you ask yourself to determine if a piece of evidence meets the Sufficiency measure of the STAR method?

Is there enough cited evidence to support the conclusion?

Based on this map, which of the following statements is factually correct?

Texas and California have the most crimes committed in 2004


An argumentative thesis must be focused and narrow. A focused, narrow claim is clearer, more able to be supported with evidence, and more persuasive than a broad, general claim. Let's take a look at an example: The U.S. House of Representatives should vote to repeal the federal estate tax because the revenue generated by that tax is negligible.

Which of the following is the strongest argumentative thesis?

Animal abuse laws in most states are so lenient that offenders face almost no punishment, so stronger, stricter laws are necessary to protect animals.

"I question the scientists who say that climate change is a real problem for our planet because these are the same scientists who are not smart enough to figure out a cure for cancer. How can we even begin to trust scientists who say that climate change is a serious issue when they cannot figure out anything?"

Ad hominem


An argumentative thesis takes a position, asserting the writer's stance. Questions, vague statements, or quotations from others are not argumentative theses because they do not assert the writer's viewpoint. Let's take a look at an example: Federal immigration enforcement law needs to be overhauled because it puts undue financial constraints on state and local government agencies.

Appeals to logos are which of the following?

Appeals to logic or reasoning.


An argumentative thesis must be able to be supported by evidence. Claims that presuppose value systems, morals, or religious beliefs cannot be supported with evidence and therefore are not argumentative theses. Let's take a look at an example: Rehabilitation programs for individuals serving life sentences should be funded because these programs reduce violence within prisons.


An argumentative thesis must make a claim about which reasonable people can disagree. Statements of fact or areas of general agreement cannot be argumentative theses because few people disagree about them. Let's take a look at an example: Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government.


An argumentative thesis must make a claim that is logical and possible. Claims that are outrageous or impossible are not argumentative theses. Let's take a look at an example: City council members should not be allowed to receive cash incentives from local business leaders.

Which of the following is BEST illustrates deductive reasoning?

Apples are a fruit. Honeycrisps are apples. Therefore, honeycrisp apples are a fruit.

When using Toulmin's schema to organize an argument, it's important to include a claim, data, and a warrant. Which of the following is the best example of a claim?

Abortion should be illegal in America.

While researching for his paper, Claude came across an article that opposed the main claim in his paper. The article made strong reasonable claims. Claude doesn't want to include them in his rebuttal because he cannot prove the opposing claims completely wrong. Why should he reconsider?

Acknowledging opposing views demonstrates a solid, well-rounded understanding of the argument

Which logical fallacy occurs in the passage below? You know, that Virginia Starr may be a nice person and all, helping the orphans, feeding the stray cats, and building houses for the homeless, but she has got those tacky flamingos in her front yard and she wears those ridiculous hats. I just can't be around her and I told the preacher to talk her out of coming to the church ladies' league.

Ad hominem

Which of the following is an argumentative thesis?

Although it is unpopular, the U.S. must continue to occupy Iraq for the foreseeable future in order to prevent its total economic collapse.

Which of the following is the strongest argumentative thesis?

Although providing more educational options seems like a good idea in theory, the reality is that charter schools and other alternative school options have not proven beneficial as a whole and may, in fact, be harming the public school system.


An argument is a claim that contains premises which support a conclusion. In analyzing arguments, you can first look for the claim, or a statement or opinion on a topic; an assertion that contains both a conclusion and a supporting premise.According to the video, which of the following statements is an argument?

"If you travel during this holiday season, you are taking a big risk of contracting a deadly disease on the plane."

Appeal to Fear

What kind of rhetorical appeal is illustrated in this example? The Associated Student Body (ASB) president made a point in listening to all of the stakeholders in the debate over parking. He also called in the head of campus parking, someone who had been doing the job for twenty years. Ultimately, the ASB voted to fund the new parking lot through additional fees, based on the testimony of the experts and stakeholders.

Authoritative Appeal (Ethos)

Evaluate these two thesis statements. Which one is stronger, and why? A. The local government is comprised of the mayor, the people he elects to help him, and the police, who work hard in the community to keep the peace. B. While e-learning has been criticized for isolating learners and not letting them make the social connections essential for real learning, most recent studies show that e-learning actually strengthens learners' social skills

B, because it is a claim that is provable by research, while A's claim is much too vague.

"It is important that we speak out against this city council. Everyone is ready to fight this decision."


Concluding that vaccines cause autism is true because many celebrities believe it is


Chase is a first-year student who served in Afghanistan after high school and is now returning to school. He is writing an argument paper claiming that the military should arm active-duty soldiers with a less expensive weapon than the one being used currently. Chase owns several weapons and is quite familiar with the specifications and prices of many models. He knows that lobbyists for one of the government weapons contracts made a strong pitch recently to keep their gun as the standard issue for troops, so he is writing a section rebutting some of the information they presented. Which of the following is his best path?

Chase should use his personal knowledge to help him, but he should also check his information and find source material that might assist in making his claims.

Read the following passage. Determine whether it demonstrates deductive or inductive reasoning. The little bird found that his mother was gone. He looked high, and he looked low. He looked in gullies, tunnels, and bakeries--he could not find his mother. Running across a steam shovel, the little bird looked it over. It was warm, like his idea of his mother. It was digging up worms, which is something that he thought a mother bird should do. The steam shovel picked him up, going way way up. This is something a mother bird would do! Then the steam shovel went, "Snort!" This is something a mother bird, at least not his kind of bird, would do. The little bird concluded that this was not his mother, and he promptly flapped to the adjacent tree.

Deductive reasoning, because the little bird had specific ideas about how a mother bird should act and tested his hypothesis on the steam shovel.

What kind of rhetorical appeal is illustrated in this example? The young people labored through the night on the new pathway through the woods. If they didn't get the pathway finished by the incoming snow storm, they might lose lives and livestock. That is what happened just ten years earlier, when one of the group lost his mother when she was caught in a snow drift on this same path.

Emotional Appeal (Pathos)

What kind of rhetorical appeal is illustrated in this example?"Never trust someone who doesn't like pets," he said. "Moral, ethical people take care of the weak and needy; pets are weak and often needy. Most importantly, dogs and cats have been bred to look like our own children--what kind of jerk hates children?"

Emotional Appeal (Pathos)

A student wants to convince his audience to take a stand against standardized testing in schools. He uses his own experiences as a student but also cites experts from the field of educational research, including a researcher with a doctorate in educational psychology. Which mode of persuasion is strongest here?


"According to one consumer, 'If parents feed their children any processed foods, they are essentially abusing their children.'"

False dilemma

Miguel is working on an essay about why fishing in his local lake is bad. He did some research and found some information about the ill-effects that fishing has on the wildlife and the ecosystems in and around the lake and how it increases pollution, but he also found some reports saying that it is beneficial to the community because it promotes healthy recreational activities, raises awareness of nature and healthier eating. What's a good recommendation for Miguel on how to include the rebuttal in his argument?

He should acknowledge the community, health, and recreational benefits of fishing, but then offer alternatives to those activities, emphasizing how people can choose other activities at the lake that do not harm the wildlife and environment.

Read the following passage. Determine whether it demonstrates deductive or inductive reasoning. A large Gorlax fell from the Smurfburning tree, conking Herbert on the head. He remembered all the other times that Gorlaxes had fallen from trees. Actually, many things fell, and not just from trees. Realizing that he had never seen or heard of a Gorlax--or anything else, for that matter--falling up from a tree--or anything else--he concluded that some force must draw things downward.

Inductive reasoning, because Herbert starts with a specific observation, looks for additional examples, and makes a conclusion with a theory.

Esther is searching for statistics about the number of shootings in the United States in the last ten years to support her argument for increased gun control. What is she looking to appeal to with this information?


In a Toulmin argument, Sheena presents the claim that bike helmets should be required on campus. Her warrant is that people want to be safe and avoid injury. What is the rebuttal to this argument?

Lots of people are unconcerned about minor bike injuries.

Sarah is working on her argument paper on why her campus should offer a pet-friendly dorm. Her friend at a different university posted online that she has her cat with her at school, which prompted Sarah to do some research. She found over twenty .edu websites online with pet-friendly housing options, but she couldn't find any numbers suggesting the total number of four-year schools with such policies. She is now working on her section where she is refuting/rebutting claims that pets are a distraction to students, especially in the first year of their post-secondary education, and are a bad idea on campuses. Which of the following is her best option for phrasing in her paper?

Many colleges and universities in America offer pet-friendly living options for students.

Claude wants to use this map as evidence to show that crime rates are very high in California and Texas. Is this a valid use of the data?


Is this map itself a manipulative appeal to logos?


People eighteen years old and up are adults and have the ability to make their own decisions regarding their health and habits. That type of language asks students and faculty to be informants against each other. A college campus is a place for free expression of ideas and behaviors.

No fallacy

Which is the BEST example of a thesis for a proposal argument?

Obesity among children in America increases every year, threatening their health and quality of life. In order to combat these threats, schools should increase physical education and decrease the number of sugar-rich snacks available.

Which of the following is the BEST description of an argumentative essay?

Olympia writes a paper about parking being a problem on her college campus and proposes two solutions—free bus passes for all students and changes to support bike lanes and bike parking. She cites evidence supporting how these solutions will help.

Which of the following is not normally a part of rebuttal/refutation in an academic argument?

Omission of facts that support a view opposing your main claim

Which mode of persuasion is the strongest in the video above?

Pathos (puppy vid)

Which of the following is an argumentative thesis?

Penguins should not be kept in zoos because captivity affects their psychological and physical well-being.

Assuming that because a mosquito infestation came after the building of a dam, the building of the dam caused the mosquito infestation is

Post hoc

Identify the premises in the following argument: Public libraries provide critical educational resources and safe spaces for people to study and meet, so they should be a higher priority in every city's budget.

Public libraries provide critical educational resources and a safe space for people to study and meet

Kim is writing an essay for her freshman English class. In the introduction of her essay she argues, "School uniforms equalize students and reduce distractions to learning, therefore public schools should require their students to wear uniforms." What is the conclusion of her argument?

Schools should require their students to wear uniforms.

Section Logical Fallacies Skill Differentiate between types of logical fallacies Which logical fallacy occurs in the passage below? Colorado, California, Washington, Oregon, and D.C. have legalized marijuana. Popular sentiment seems to be moving in that direction. I worry, though, that if we vote to legalize marijuana in every state, the next thing you know, we'll be talking about legalizing heroin. We already have a huge opioid epidemic in the country. Do we want even more heroin addicts?

Slippery Slope

Which logical fallacy occurs in the passage below? Colorado, California, Washington, Oregon, and D.C. have legalized marijuana. Popular sentiment seems to be moving in that direction. I worry, though, that if we vote to legalize marijuana in every state, the next thing you know, we'll be talking about legalizing heroin. We already have a huge opioid epidemic in the country. Do we want even more heroin addicts?

Slippery Slope

Addressing the issue of standing for the national anthem during a debate about funding for immigration reform is

Straw man

Which logical fallacy occurs in the passage below? My opponent argues that funding for schools should be the number one priority of the next legislative session. I am surprised that my opponent hates the military so much. I didn't realize he was anti-soldier. I, personally, am a huge fan of our brave soldiers abroad and at home.

Straw man

Which of the following is an argumentative thesis?

The Birmingham City Council should fund a shelter dedicated specially to the needs of homeless veterans.

When you evaluate an appeal to ethos, you should consider each of the following areas EXCEPT:

The emotions the writing evokes.

Which of the following statements meets all the criteria of an argumentative thesis?

The no-kill policy at the local shelter needs to be reconsidered because the increasing stray dog population is proving a hazard to the community.

Which of the following is the most effective argumentative thesis statement?

The problem of homeless youth can best be solved by private charities.

Ashley wrote an essay for her healthy living course stating, "Smoking tobacco is addictive and results in 480,000 deaths every year, therefore the production and sales of tobacco should be illegal." What is the conclusion of her argument?

The production and sales of tobacco should be illegal.

How does this video about vehicle safety features appeal to logos?

The specific details about safety features of the car reveal a focus on logos.

Which of the following is true about the different essay structures, such as analytical, argumentative, and cause and effect?

These structure types all share similar qualities of academic writing, but they differ according to the purpose of the essay.

How does using qualifying words such as "some, most, rarely, often" in a rebuttal claim strengthen your argument?

They don't lock you into an absolute claim that can be easily refuted.

While writing about the impact of divorce on children, you find an article that cites a study that concluded a small percentage of children of divorced couples are later diagnosed with depression. Which measure of the STAR criteria does this statistic NOT meet?


What is the conclusion in the following argument? It's a beautiful day. We should go to the park. Besides, I need some exercise.

We should go to the park.

What is the conclusion in the following argument? That movie has had horrible reviews. My sister saw it and said it was boring and her friend spotted three mistakes. Pick a different movie—I am sure we can find something better.

We should pick a different movie.

According to the video, which of the following statements is an argument?

We'd better leave now. If we don't, we might miss the last train and we'll be stuck here all night.

Xavier is revising his argument paper because he received feedback that his coverage of counterargument is insufficient. His thesis statement is that football stadiums in his conference (the SEC) should be allowed to feature alcohol sales. He just found a credible source with numbers proving that the frequency of fights and arrests is higher at college sporting events where alcohol is sold. The source goes on to suggest that no additional college stadiums should feature alcohol sales because of the findings. Which of the following is the best way for Xavier to incorporate but rebut/refute the source?

Xavier should include the numbers from the source, acknowledging that an increase in drunkenness and rowdy behavior may result from alcohol sales, but suggest the extra revenue could cover increased security and still include large profits for the schools.

Eunice Higgins needs to analyze the following advertisement: She thinks the figures in the four corners of the ad represent an appeal to pathos. Is she correct?

Yes, the drunken figures are meant to look ridiculous, and remind viewers of the ad that they do not want to be drunkards.

Does the following sentence belong in the body of a strong academic essay? Why or why not? "Furthermore, tenure does not always protect good teachers: a Teacher of the Year in Texas was laid off in 2009 due to budget cuts (Hampton 46)."

Yes, this is a good piece of evidence with an effective introduction that shows what the evidence is helping to prove.

When you're writing an essay to evaluate something as "good" or "bad" what is MOST important to include in your argument?

a clear criteria for your evaluation

logical fallacy

a flaw in reasoning or a flawed structure that undermines the validity of an argument


he defining character or disposition of a person, community, or group; credibility, or good character, is established and maintained; authors background, evidence and sources, acknowledgment of opposition and complexity,

Toulmin Method

is another tool that's helpful in analyzing an argument and identifying the rebuttal; Claim, data, warrant, backing, rebuttal, and qualifier

Claire wrote a paper about gardening in her home state of Georgia. In her paper, she claimed that the soil in Georgia cannot support a garden without adding fertilizer and manure, based on her own experience. She jumped to this conclusion without research. This is an example of a hasty generalization type of

logical fallacy

Emmett was reading a paper about the importance of using water purifiers and read that people should use water filters because city water is always contaminated. The author jumped to this conclusion without providing evidence. This is an example of a hasty generalization type of

logical fallacy.

In a political speech, the candidate argued that if you don't vote for her, then you don't support children. This is an example of a false dilemma type of

logical fallacy.

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