NCSF PT Exam 2019 ch.6 (weight management)

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If a new exerciser works out twice per week with an exercise professional, what is a reasonable weight loss goal per week assuming the caloric expenditure is 250-300 kcal per hour?

1/2 pound - Most exercisers burn between 200-400 kcals per hour. If a negative caloric balance is needed, the total of 500 or 600 kcals a week from exercise will provide limited results. Shooting for a negative caloric balance of 1,750 kcal would produce 1/2 lbs (3500kcal = 1lb of fat) of weight loss. This suggests in addition to exercise twice a week, the individual will need to reduce calories or add activity for an additional 1,250 kcals, the equivalent of more than 10 miles of running.

What is an appropriate increase in calories for adding muscle mass above a neutral caloric balance when bodybuilding?

120-200 - 30-50g of protein is the recommended increase for strength training and bodybuilding; equating to 120-200 kcals. Additional calories should come from timed carbohydrates around training times. Individuals who have genetic limitations to weight gain may move to the next level (>500 kcal day) but should be supervised.

. When is a male considered obese? a.BMI of 30 b.Body fat percentage >25% c.Central girth measure >40 inches (102 cm) d.All the above are indications

All of the above - All of the values are predictive of obesity. Male body fat measured at 25% or higher is the compositional classification for obesity. BMI is a product of height and weight, with obese classifications starting at a value of 30. Central girth measures for males is also used with ties to obesity at values over 40 inches.

What type of exercise is most associated with improved body composition?

High-volume resistance training - Resistance training has the greatest impact on lean mass gains and maintenance. Aerobic exercise is useful for caloric expenditure, but as volumes increase lean mass is reduced. Sprinting combined with high-intensity resistance exercise consistently maintains lean mass and reduces fat when diets are isocaloric.

Your female client wants to start strength training but does not want to add muscle mass. Which of the following prescriptions will result in the lowest amount of lean mass gain when performed to volitional failure?

Light weight (30-50% 1RM) total-body movements performed in circuits - Light weight, high repetition, total-body movements would provide very limited effect on increasing lean mass. If the client's goals are strength gains without mass, the focus should be on either training the nervous system using very low repetitions or training the metabolic system which requires high-repetition schematics. Moderate-repetition schemes of 6-12 seem to stimulate the greatest increases in lean mass.

Medical referral prior to participating in an exercise program is required for a body fat measure equaling:

Males - 30%; Females - 40% - Medical clearance is required for males with a body fat equal or greater than 30% and females equal or greater than 40%. These fat percentages indicate a classification of morbid obesity. Once cleared by a doctor, the primary goal of the exercise prescription should be caloric expenditure, without omitting the precautions necessary with obese individuals.

What calculation is needed to determine the caloric needs of an individual?

Resting Metabolic Rate - Resting metabolic rate makes up the majority of the caloric needs per day; about 65%. Normally 35% of the daily need is from the thermic effect of food (<10%) and voluntary metabolism (25%). Individual differences exist, but voluntary metabolism rarely makes up much more than 35% of daily caloric need because the body is at rest most hours of the day.

What is the major health concern for females who become too lean?

amenorrhea - Amenorrhea is a primary concern among female clients whose body fat drops below essential levels (less than 11%-14%). It denotes the occurrence of menstrual irregularities, and is commonly seen in women who restrict calories while also performing high-intensity exercise. In addition to infertility, it is also linked to an increased risk for osteoporosis.

If your client is not properly hydrated, which body composition technique would be most affected?

bioelectrical impedance - Bioelectrical impedance is measured based on tissue conductivity. Fat reduces conduction as it contains less water than muscle. When muscle tissue is inadequately-hydrated, it too will be less conductive and increase an estimate of body fat. In general, bioelectrical impedance analysis has high levels of variability between methods of assessment and machines; requiring a variety of factors to be controlled such as hydration, skin temperature, assessment sites and measurement position.

Which body composition assessment would you want to avoid when assessing an individual with a large amount of muscle mass?

girth measurements - Girth or circumference measurements decrease in accuracy when used with muscular clients due to the fact that the method does not have a mechanism to differentiate lean mass from fat mass. However, girth measurements can serve as a useful tool to measure body fat in the general population since they are reliable and easy to use.

When assessing body composition, which of the following is true concerning circumference (girth) measurements?

they have limited accuracy for individuals with large amounts of muscle mass - Girth measurements hold merit at the central location for everyone, but when circumference values are used with athletes and bodybuilders for body composition, they always over-predict body fat. Lean, muscular individuals can be tracked with skinfold measures or hydrostatic weighing methods.

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