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What regional issues have contributed to Global food insecurity

-discrimination -political sanctions and armed conflicts -crop failure, natural disasters, and wasteful agricultural practices -population overgrowth.

How can we reduce food insecurity? 2. Education is key

-one study found that societies with a more educated population enjoyed higher earning potential, improved sanitation, more small businesses and rural enterprises, lower rates of infant mortality, improved child welfare, and a higher likelihood of technological advancement.

The following populations are at increased risk for undernutrition

-pregnant and lactating women -infants -children -cricially ill -older adults

How can we reduce food insecurity? 1. Better land management and proper sanitation

. food security and land access are directly related -safe water is as important as providing food -water sanitation problems can be complex -food fortification can help alleviate micronutrient deficiencies

employment status of food-insecure households percentages 1. No one in labor force or disabled or retired 2. All retired 3. One or more adults disabled, and none in labor force. 4. One or more adults unemployed and none employed 5. One ore more adults employed part time, and none full time 6. One or more adults employed full time

1. 9% 2. 6% 3. 29% 4. 10% 5. 13% 6. 33%

USDA food programs 1. Supplemental nutrition assisstance program (SNAP)

1. income dependent - family of four net monthly income cannot exceed 1883. issued a debit card to purchase specified foods (healthy required foods).

Downward spiral of poverty and hunger

1. lack of food 2. fatigue, apathy, no ambition 3. weight loss 4. compromised health and disease 5. anemia 6. decreased growth 7. malabsorption in GI tract 8. loss of muscle mass

Give cause and effect of each condition: 1. Diarrhea 2. Acute respiratory infection 3. Malaria 4. Measles

1. pathogenic infections; severe dehydration 2. Virus or bacteria; pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, fast breathing, coughing, and fever 3. Parasite (transmitted by a mosquito); fever weakness, sweating, shivering, shaking, nausea, liver failure, infected red blood cells, kidney failure or bleeding in the kidneys. 4. Respiratory illness caused by a highly contagious virus, from airborne droplets (coughing/sneezing); pneumonia, brain inflammation, infection, diarrhea, and seizures

Food and agriculture organization of the UN estimates that, in 2009, _____ people were hungry

1.2 billion (1/7 of the world's population)

Spectrum of food security from secure to death

1.Food security 2. Food insecurity 3. Malnutrition 4. Hunger 5. Starvation 6. Death

Increased rates of infant and child mortality Approximately _ million children younger than 5 die each year in developing countries from preventable diseases including _

12 million 1. diarrhea 2. acute resspiratory infection 3. malaria 4. measles

In 2008, _______ million adults and ______ million children lived in households with very low food security.

12.1 and 5.2

In 2008, about _____ percent of the US population lived at or below the poverty level.


In 2008 _____ percent of american households were food insecure at least sometime during the year.

14.6 percent (49.1mill) highest since 1995.

In the US, family of four is impoverished if annual income is at or below _____


In 2007 the percent of households that were food insecure was ___


In underdeveloped countries (central africa), more than _____ percent of the population is undernourished.


how many individuals were classified as working poor in 2003

7.4 mill

As of 2008, The world bank estimated that ______ poor people in developing countries live on $_____ a day or less

982; 1.25

Congregate meals for the elderly and meals on wheels

Age 60 or congregate meals prepared and eaten over at churches or schools. Meals on wheel delivers.

B vitamins deficiency

Folic acid (in women) def. leads to macrocytic anemia; B12 def. leads to pernicious anemia

A situation in which members of a household are uncertain whether they will have the resources they need to get adequate amounts of nutritious food

Food insecurity

USDA describes an American household as ______ if it has access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members

Food secure

Iodine deficiency leads to

Goiter, cretinism (in pregnant women) - 13% of world's population

No reported indications of food-access problems or limitations

High food security

Reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced food intake.

Low food security

One or two reported indications-typically of anxiety of food sufficiency or shortage of food in the house. Little or no indication of changes in diets or food intake.

Marginal food security

Primarily manifested in early childhood and includes malnutrition during fetal development. Once it occurs, it is usually permanent.


Reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.

Very low food security

Hidden Hunger

Vitamin A, Iron, Iodine deficiency

Those at greatest risk of experiencing poverty and food insecurity are household headed by _______

a single woman, those with children, and those with members in a minority group, and those located in the inner city.

Iron deficiency leads to

anemia - most common nutrient deficiency worldwide

2. Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC)

at-risk low-income pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children less than 5 - provides nutritious culturally appropriate food,.

Child and Adult care food program

available to communities based on imcome data

Summer food service programs

available to communities based on income data. federal program that combines a meal or feeding program with a summer activity program for children

Vitamin A deficiency leads to

eye disease; blindness - leading cause of preventable blindness

National School Lunch Program

families with income at or below 130% of the poverty level are eligible for free meals and those with incomes between 130% and 185% of the poverty level are eligible for reduced-price meats. Eligible children receive free or reduced-price lunches each year. subsidized breakfast also available at some schools.

Health problems can contribute to


working poor

households in which, once the monthly expenses are paid, there is often too little money available to feed everyone adequately.

what's more expensive fast food, or healthy food

if you shop smart, fast food. packed lunch can cost less than half fast-food burger meal

In developing and underdeveloped countries, food insecurity results from

individual hardships as well as regional problems such as discrimination, armed conflict, natural disaster, and population overgrowth.

At local level who helps

individuals, families, churches, and community relief agencies

In developed countries, food insecurity typically results from factors affecting ______

individuals, such as poverty or poor health

In the United states food insecurity is often caused by ____


Corporations and governments can help by

providing food aid and creating economic opportunity

A condition caused by extremely low energy intake from too little food; sometimes referred to as acute malnutrition


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