nutrition exam 3

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In most U.S. states, what is the legal blood alcohol level limit for drivers?

0.08 or higher

How many ounces of alcohol can the liver metabolize per hour?


How much sodium should be recommended to those who are age 51 and older, are Black Americans of any age, or who have high blood pressure?

1,500 mg

Anthony expends 2,300 calories per day to maintain his weight. About how much total fluid does he need to consume?

2,300 to 3,450 mL

It is recommended that individuals consume between 1.0 and 1.5 mL of water per calorie expended. If a person expends 2,100 calories and consumes 1.5 mL of water per calorie expended, how much water is consumed?

3,150 ml

At approximately what age is peak bone mass is reached?


How many calories are in seven grams of alcohol?


How much calcium (in mgs) could be obtained from two cups of milk?


Manu weighs 130 pounds and is at a healthy body weight for her height. Approximately what portion of her weight is composed of water?

78 pounds

Fruits and vegetables are a good source of water. Approximately how much water are these foods made of?

85 to 95 percent

Acetaldehyde affects production of red blood cells by destroying which vitamin?


Which of the following statements accurately depicts choline?

Choline is a conditionally essential nutrient.

Which statement about energy drinks is correct?

Consuming energy drinks while exercising may cause light-headedness and nausea.

What recommendation helps minimize the loss of vitamins that can occur as a result of improper food handling?

Cook vegetables in a microwave oven in as little water as possible.

Which statement accurately depicts milk consumption?

Cow's milk is a nutrient-dense food that is high in vitamin D and potassium.

Which part of the U.S. government responsible for monitoring municipal water supplies?


Saanvi recently learned about the nutritional benefits of vitamins and their contribution to overall health. She sets a goal to improve her intake to so she can meet the RDA for all vitamins. What is the BEST way for Saanvi to reach her goal?

Eat a variety of all food groups and food colors daily.

Elijah is a young cybersecurity analyst who avoids fried foods and fast food, consumes 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, uses olive oil when preparing meals, drinks only black coffee and water, and occasionally has an alcoholic drink. What advice would you get Elijah to further decrease his cancer risk?

Incorporate regular physical activity.

Ella is at a sorority party and her friends are drinking beer and smoking marijuana. What interaction might this combination have?

It may prevent vomiting, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

How much alcohol consumption has been proven to be safe during pregnancy?

No amount of alcohol has been proven to be safe.

Which statement accurately describes herbal supplements?

One or more compounds in herbal supplements are often diluted, so they typically take longer to act than regular medicinal products.

Why are strict vegetarians at risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency?

Only animal foods contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B12.

Which statement accurately describes phytochemicals?

Phytochemicals give foods their bright colors.

Which statement about regular soft drinks is accurate?

Regular soft drinks are low in nutrient density.

Which of the following can occur as a result of drinking alcohol excessively on a regular basis?

Stomach ulcers may develop.

Baktair's doctor wants his blood pressure to be reduced because his systolic pressure is too high. What does systolic pressure measure?

The force exerted by the heart as it contracts to pump blood throughout the body.

Which statement accurately describes alcohol metabolism in a man and woman of the same height and weight?

The woman has a lower capacity for metabolizing alcohol than the man because of hormones.

Your friend, who is comparing vitamin-mineral supplements at the local health food store, calls you for advice. Which factor would you stress as the leading determinant in selecting a safe, quality product?

USP symbol

Which statement accurately describes a downside to vegetable juices?

Vegetable juices contain salt.

Which statement accurately describes vitamin E?

Vitamin E is found mostly in vegetable oils.

Which vitamin plays a key role in blood clotting?

Vitamin K

Which statement accurately describes vitamins?

Vitamins are essential nutrients.

Which one of these options would fail to qualify as a food rich in sodium?

Whole foods are a rich source.

What statement accurately depicts alcohol absorption and metabolism?

Women have a lower metabolic capacity for alcohol because their bodies have less water than men's bodies.

Which description is a sure way to tell that you have high blood pressure?

You have it measured and it is rated as elevated.

What is a precursor?

a compound that can be converted into a different compound a

What is the definition of tolerance?

a decrease in effectiveness of a drug after a period of prolonged or heavy use

Define osteoporosis.

a disease in which the bones become porous and fragile

Which is a condition associated with selenium deficiency?

a form of heart disease

What is one of the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia?

a reduction of the number and size of red blood cells and a loss of their color because of iron deficiency

What is the definition of alcohol dependency?

a reliance on alcohol marked by compulsive uncontrollable drinking with negative effects

What is acetaldehyde?

a substance into which drinking alcohol is metabolized

Which is a symptom of a chromium deficiency?

abnormal glucose metabolism

In the body, what is the primary function of vitamin E?

act as an antioxidant

What facilitates the conversion of alcohol, and what is the alcohol converted into?

alcohol dehydrogenase; acetaldehyde

What is functional tolerance?

an actual change in sensitivity to a drug, which allows a person to function normally with higher intake

Define a heat stroke.

an acute and dangerous reaction to heat buildup in the body

What is the condition in which the blood is unable to deliver oxygen to the body's cells?


What substance, when combined with alcohol, may lead to a dangerous increase in blood pressure?


Which of the following is a general function of vitamin C?


Which property of phytochemicals protects cells from damage?

antioxidant properties

What substance in coffee is thought to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals who drink coffee regularly?


Consuming a fresh apple instead of an equivalent amount of apple juice is a more nutrient dense choice. Why is the apple a better option?

apple has fiber

Which deficiency disease is characterized by extreme wasting and loss of muscle tissue, and what vitamin deficiency causes it?

beriberi; thiamin deficiency

Which vitamins are so widespread in foods that people who eat a varied diet have little to no risk for deficiencies of these vitamins?

biotin and pantothenic acid

People from which ethnic background tend to have the lowest risk for osteoporosis?

black american

Women who consume moderate amounts of alcohol may have an increased risk for which condition?

breast cancer

How do body cells keep the right amount of water inside themselves?

by pumping ions across their membranes

Which hormone can be used as a treatment therapy in the form a nasal spray or by injection to inhibit bone resorption activity of osteoclasts? Correct answer:


Which of the following calcium supplements would be better absorbed, especially by older people whose secretion of stomach acid tends to be reduced.

calcium citrate

Which one these would qualify as a binder found in milk that hinders zinc absorption?


Which one of these minerals helps maintain the strong acidity in the stomach and the appropriate balance of acids and bases in the blood?


Which 8-ounce beverage has the lowest caffeine content?

chocolate milk

Which of the following trace minerals works closely with insulin to help the cells take up glucose?


What factor is classified as a cancer initiator?

cigarette smoke

Which action is MOST likely to cause vitamin A toxicity?

consuming high-dose vitamin A supplements

Which of the following describes alcohol abuse?

continued use of alcohol in spite of psychological, social, family, employment, or school problems

Which of the following is a major function of chloride?

contributes the stomach secretions

Along with iron, which minerals are associated with hemoglobin and the ability of the body's red blood cells to carry oxygen?

copper and zinc

Which water-contaminating parasite is insensitive to chlorine and poses a potential threat to people with weakened immune systems?


What condition would be the most likely outcome of a fluoride deficiency?

dental decay

How would one define the term "contamination iron"?

dietary iron obtained when cooking in iron cookware

What would be a symptom/sign of fluorosis?

discoloration of the teeth from ingestion of too much fluoride during tooth development

Which herb is correctly matched with its purported use

echinacea—reduces duration of colds

What is the primary role of thiamin?

energy release from carbohydrates

What is goiter?

enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency

What does the body typically do if it detects an excess intake of water-soluble vitamins?

excretes the vitamins from the body

A diet low in fat-soluble vitamins will result in a more rapid onset of deficiency symptoms than one low in water-soluble vitamins.


Alcohol is a nutrient.


All forms of table salt sold are iodized.


All public water in the United States is fluoridated.


Because zinc is stored in the liver, it can be replenished by consuming good sources only occasionally.


Bottled water is pure and free from contaminants.


Bottled water typically contains adequate amounts of fluoride to prevent cavities.


Changes in metabolism only occur in those who consume excessive alcohol.


Choose a calcium supplement derived from dolomite, oyster shell, or bone meal when selecting a calcium supplement.


Consuming foods high in vitamin C reduces the amount of iron that the body absorbs.


Engaging in weight-bearing exercises can increase the risk for osteoporosis.


High intakes of B6, B12, and folate are associated with higher levels of homocysteine and a lower risk of blood clot formation.


Iron deficiencies are more common in men than women.


It is safe for pregnant women to consume beer as long as they avoid hard liquor such as vodka.


Most caffeine in the United States is consumed in carbonated soft drinks.


Of the two forms of iron found in foods, nonheme iron is more reliably absorbed than is heme iron.


Physiologically, alcohol is a stimulant.


Potassium deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world.


Research has proven that the common cold can be prevented by increasing intake of Vitamin C.


Risk factors for colon cancer include a high fiber intake and low red meat intake.


Some vitamins serve as sources of energy.


Taken regularly, vitamin supplements are the BEST way to obtain balanced nutrition.


The DASH diet resembles a low-carbohydrate diet, low-sodium diet that is high in protein.


The chief mineral in bones and teeth is phosphorus.


The nutritional composition of milk is very similar across mammal species.


The trace minerals are needed in minute amounts in the body, so deficiencies rarely ever occur.


Vegetables in the cruciferous family include carrots, sweet potatoes, and corn.


Vitamin K and B6 play key roles in the formation of healthy red blood cells.


Water-soluble vitamins are more stable during preparation and cooking than fat-soluble vitamins.


The replacement of red blood cells depends MOST heavily on which vitamin?


What nutrient are citrus juices are high in? What nutrient are they low in?

folate; sodium

Which food is a reliable source of vitamin D in the diet?

fortified milk

What are the toxic compounds created in the body that may contribute to certain chronic diseases?

free radicals

Which food group is the BEST source of vitamin C?

fruit group

What type of tolerance reflects an actual change in sensitivity to a drug?

functional tolerance

What condition is most likely caused by an iodine deficiency?


To reduce the incidence of neural tube defects, what food has folic acid added to it?

grain products

Milan is trying to eat less sodium by preparing more meals at home. Which of the following meals would be a good choice?

grilled chicken, brown rice, and sautéed green beans

Which herb, commonly found in energy drinks, is the chemical equivalent of caffeine?


Which ingredient in energy drinks serves as a stimulant that increases heart rate?


Which food provides iron in the most absorbable form?


What factor is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer?

high intake of calories

The DASH eating pattern was designed to prevent which of the following health disorders?


Which is a symptom of a copper deficiency?

impaired immunity

Cretinism is severe mental and physical retardation of an infant due to a lack of which mineral while the mother was pregnant?


Which one of these is a mineral that is critical to the synthesis of thyroid hormones?


What condition is caffeine consumption known to cause?


Which center of the brain is most sensitive to alcohol?


What condition can result from excessively high concentrations of vitamin D that lead to the creation of mineral deposits in soft tissues?

kidney stones

What water contaminant can cause neurologic damage in children?


On average, what provides the largest amount of the body's water input?


Which is a symptom of a zinc deficiency?

loss of taste

Which of these minerals causes muscles to relax after contractions, helps tooth enamel to retain calcium, and is found in nuts, dark green vegetables, seafood, and chocolate?


What term refers to the body's increased efficiency of removing high levels of alcohol from the blood due to long-term exposure?

metabolic tolerance

What function does vitamin D perform?

metabolizes phosphorus and calcium

Which of these foods, when overemphasized in the diet, could lead to which corresponding nutrient deficiency in children?

milk; iron

Which one these can help control the water balance between body cells and their environment?


Which is a symptom of a sodium deficiency?

muscle cramps

What nutrient deficiency leads to pellagra, and what are the symptoms?

niacin deficiency; diarrhea, dermatitis, and sometimes dementia

What disease in adults is caused by vitamin D deficiency?


What is age-related macular degeneration?

oxidative damage to the central portion of the eye that allows people to focus and see details clearly

Which deficiency disease is associated with niacin?


When consumed with an alcoholic beverage, which meal would most likely slow down the rate alcohol absorption?

pepperoni and sausage pizza

Which of these minerals gives bones and teeth their rigidity and is part of the genetic makeup of every cell in the body?


What are the two natural compounds found in food that inhibit mineral absorption from the gastrointestinal tract?

phytates and oxalates

What type of packaging will retain the nutrients in orange juice best? Incorrect answer:

plastic jug

The loss of which of the following minerals caused by dehydration as a result of fasting, severe diarrhea, or severe vomiting may lead to sudden death likely due to heart failure?


What job do antioxidants perform?

prevent damage resulting from chemical reactions involving oxygen

In the United States, what condition is fetal alcohol syndrome the most common cause of?

preventable intellectual disability

What is the source of the most sodium intake in a typical U.S. diet?

processed foods

What substance in cow's milk makes it an unsuitable alternative to human milk for infants?


Which of the following is the most reliable source of fluoride?

public water

Where is lycopene found, and what risk does it help reduce?

red peppers; prostate cancer

Which health outcome is associated with moderate coffee consumption?

reduced risk of depression

Which storage form of vitamin A supports reproduction through sperm production and fetal development?


What vitamin D deficiency occurs in children?


Which food is fortified with iodine to prevent deficiencies?


Which is a symptom of an iodine deficiency?

sluggishness and weight gain

Where is the majority of alcohol absorbed?

small intestine

In which food would you find cholesterol-lowering isoflavones?

soy products

Which food would provide a good source of vitamin K?


Which organ absorbs about 20 percent of the alcohol a person consumes?


What does the body do with excesses of the fat-soluble vitamins?

stores the excess in the liver and in body fat

Which food would enhance iron absorption from the intestinal tract when eaten with a food rich in nonheme iron?


What is the primary function of vitamin D?

supporting bone mineralization

Define hypertension.

sustained high blood pressure

Of the following, which food would contain the highest source of beta-carotene?

sweet potatoes

Which food is a good source of the vitamin A precursor, beta-carotene?

sweet potatoes

What can lead to a vitamin K deficiency?

taking antibiotics

Which beverage helps protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease?


What is thought to be the main factor contributing to a hangover?

the dehydration from the alcohol consumed

In which one of these processes are sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus found to be a major factor?

the distribution of water inside and outside body cells

What is metabolic tolerance?

the increased efficiency at which high levels of alcohol are removed from the blood due to long-term exposure

Define cortical bone.

the thick, ivory-like outer portion of bone

Selenium is required for the production of the active form of which of the following nutrients/hormones and its corresponding functions?

thyroid hormone; antioxidant

Which is a function of vitamin C in the body?

to function in collagen formation

Why would an individual let cold water stream from their faucet before drinking it or using it for food preparation?

to help flush out any lead that may have accumulated in the water pipes

Why is milk packaged in opaque plastic containers or protective cardboard instead of transparent glass bottles?

to preserve riboflavin

Why are women of child-bearing age advised to get the recommended amount of folate?

to prevent neural tube defects

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to bone loss.


Aside from malnutrition, blood loss is the primary reason for iron deficiency.


Because excesses are stored in the liver and in body fat, it is possible for megadoses of fat-soluble vitamins to build up to toxic levels. Correct answer:


Calcium is required for transmission of nerve impulses.


Cranberry juice, consumed at 10 to 12 ounces daily, may protect against urinary tract infections.


Fresh and canned vegetables vary in zinc content, depending on the soil in which they are grown.


Hard water contains a lower concentration of sodium than soft water.


Heavy alcohol use, especially when combined with smoking, appears to increase the risk of throat and neck cancers.


Iodine has a role in maintaining the basal metabolic rate.


Iron-tablet overdoses are one of the leading causes of accidental death in children.


Many studies have shown a positive correlation between moderate alcohol consumption and decreasing incidence of heart disease.


Minerals are different from vitamins in that they contribute directly to the building of body structures.


Most Americans consume almost double the sodium recommended as the Adequate Intake (AI). Correct answer:


Most protein foods are good sources of zinc.


Ninety-nine percent of the calcium in the body is in the bones.


On average, the liver is able to metabolize one alcoholic beverage per hour.


Orange juice is the most nutrient-dense juice consumed in the United States.


Osteoblasts are the bone-building cells of the body.


Peak bone mass marks the point where bones are the strongest and most dense. Correct answer:


Prebiotics stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, which some research suggests can help reduce damage that can leader to cancer.


Pregnancy and lactation decrease the calcium reserves in bones whenever calcium intake is inadequate.


Regular consumption of carotenoid-rich plant foods may prevent or delay macular degeneration.


Rinsing canned beans reduces the sodium content of the beans.


Skin, hair, and nails contain some of the body's more rigid proteins, and they have a high sulfur content.


Tea is rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and caffeine.


The DASH diet is a good eating plan to reduce the risk of hypertension, as well as heart disease and diabetes.


The more colorful a juice is, the more nutritious the juice usually is.


The only trace mineral that acts as an antioxidant in the body is selenium.


The primary function of vitamin D is the regulation of the use of calcium and phosphorus within the body.


Vegetarians have a lower risk of developing cancer.


Vitamins C, D, and K are actively involved in bone health and maintenance.


Vitamins are organic compounds whereas minerals are inorganic compounds.


Vitamins promote growth and reproduction and help maintain health.


Water is essential for life and is the body's most needed nutrient.


When a diet contains an adequate amount of protein, what amino acid can be synthesized from niacin? Correct answer:


Individuals who consume more than three cups of coffee daily are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease when they also have which of the following conditions?

uncontrolled hypertension

How much of a supply of vitamin A can the body store?

up to 1 year

What vitamin deficiency is associated with night blindness?

vitamin A

Which vitamin is MOST intensively involved in protein metabolism?

vitamin B6

In a glass of milk, which nutrient is lacking?

vitamin C

Which vitamin works with vitamin C to suppress free radicals before they injure the body?

vitamin D

Which vitamin is fat-soluble?

vitamin E

What vitamin injection are newborns given to prevent the possibility of a life-threatening hemorrhage?

vitamin K

Which vitamin acts as a coenzyme to help with the body's metabolic work?

vitamin K

Which vitamin can be synthesized by good bacteria in the intestinal tract?

vitamin K

Which vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of blood-clotting proteins?

vitamin K

Which nutrient or compound facilitates iron absorption?

vitamin c

Which deficiency is associated with scurvy?

vitaminc c

Which one of these is the most needed nutrient by the body and is indispensable to life?


Which is a symptom of an iron deficiency anemia?

weakness and inability to concentrate

What item is a good food source of copper?

whole grains

Major health organizations, such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, recognize that certain groups of people may benefit from taking a vitamin-mineral supplement when under guidance of a doctor or dietitian. Which of the following is one of these groups?

women who are breastfeeding

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