Politic science

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Confucius lived in...


Representative of the political thought of the Ancient East


Which definition more accurately reflects the subject of political science?

Political science is the science of politics, i.e. about the special sphere of people's life related to power relations.

The army and the police ...

Power resources of power

The head of state in the Republic of Kazakhstan is


In what historical period did political science acquire the official status of an independent branch of scientific knowledge?

The end of the XIX century

The author of "On Democracy in America" is....


In the form of power, a constitutional monarchy is


J. Madison, T. Jefferson and A. Hamilton are the authors....

US Constitution

The constitution of... is considered as an ideal model


The first presidential republic was proclaimed


The author of the theory of rational bureaucracy is....


The term "state" has developed in.... century


Socialist parties arose in.... century


What is the essence of the legitimacy of political power?

recognition of the rule of law and support for power by the majority of the population, lack of resistance to it from the main part of citizens.

The administrative units of a part of the territory of a unitary state are

region, district

Laws, political traditions are included in the subsystem.... political system


The state is a subsystem of the political system....


Power is

relations between people, where the will and actions of some dominate the will and actions of others

A sign of the rule of law is

separation of power into 3 branches

T. Hobbes, John Logg and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed the theory....

social contract

The constitutional monarchy was first established as a result of

the English bourgeois revolution

The first ever constitutional monarchy established as a result of

the English revolution

The form of government in states in which the supreme state power is concentrated (in whole or in part) in the hands of the sole head of state is called

the monarchy

In parliamentary republics, the constitution provides for an elected post

the president

The guarantor of the Constitution in the Republic of Kazakhstan is

the president

The state in which the government is formed by the president and is accountable to him is

the presidential republic

Has the right to make laws

the state

The central institution of the political system is

the state

The most important element of the political system of society is

the state

The right to legitimate violence in the implementation of their decisions has only

the state

The state as a sacred institution granted to humankind by God was considered by the theory...


Material and other social benefits, with the help of which power can be bought not only by politicians, but also by entire social groups as resources....


The essence of the function of political communication performed by the political system is

various interactions between elements of the political system

The subject of human politics makes

vigorous political activity

The dominant form of power over everyone else


The exclusive right to issue laws belongs to the authorities....


Aristotle called the form of an ideal state dominated by the majority


The German thinker G. Hegel considered the foundation of civil society

private property

The first political science work in Russia is considered to be a five-volume "History of Political Studies" B.N. Chicherin, whose publication began in.... year


The United Nations was established in.... year


Which of the wordings most closely matches the concept of "ruling political elite"?

A privileged social group in the structure of political power, which has the right to make and implement responsible political decisions

Local executive bodies in Kazakhstan are


The term "politics" was introduced into scientific use....


Who introduced the term "politics" into scientific use?


The author of the theory of the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial

C. Montesquieu

The founder of the theory of political systems is

D. Easton

Famous political scientist belongs to the French school of modern foreign political science


The structure of the policy does not include ...

Educational institutions

At the beginning of the XX century. the Entente block was formed, which included:

England, France, Russia

The form of government in which several sovereign state entities are combined into one union state is called


The author of the concept of "end of history" is....


For the first time, the term "political culture" used....


He compared the state with Leviathan, the monster described in the Bible.


The author of Leviathan is....


The incentive to exercise political power are....


In the sixteenth century, the process of shaping political issues is connected with the name of....


The author of the work "The prince" is....


The term "state" for the definition of a politically organized society was the first to introduce into scientific circulation


Who can be considered as the founders of political science?

Machiavelli, S. Montesquieu

Politics as the sphere of class struggle determines....


Which of the concepts is the main reason for the emergence and development of political conflict considers the contradictions that arise on the basis of class inequality of people?


Who is the founder of the concept of separation of powers?


The origin of the power concept of power is associated with the name

N. Machiavelli

The author of the dialogues "State", "Politician" and "Laws" was....


Who was the first in the history of political thought to create a model of an ideal state system?


Absolute monarchies established in countries

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE

The authors of the conflict-logical direction of the policy explanation were....

Smelser, Darendorf

Justification of the theological concept of power is characteristic of political

The Middle Ages

Which of the following categories relate to political science?

The party. State. Power

Civil society is

a system of independent from the state public institutions and associations

The monarchy may be....


Practical policy is a subject of study ...

applied political science.

Indirect military means include....

arms race

Bipartism means....

bipartisan system

Depending on the concentration and distribution of power, political systems are divided into

centralized and decentralized

After the collapse of the Second International, parties arose....


The interstate system, in which units constituting a common state, while maintaining their sovereignty, voluntarily transfer part of their powers to the central authorities and administrations to coordinate activities with other members of the state association, is in the form


The doctrine focused on the preservation of historically established forms of public life is called


The concept that explains the origin of the state by agreement between the ruler and subjects is called


In the USA, the party system consists of parties....

democratic and republican

Political science from the ancient Greek language is translated as

doctrine of the state

What function does the political system of society not fulfill?

ensuring the socio-economic development of the country.

The relationship of ethnic and political reality is studied by science.


A characteristic feature of the presidential republic is

executive accountability to the president

The unitary state consists

from administrative units

Political psychology, slogans, ideals make up a subsystem.... political system


Holding the president accountable through a special procedure is called


The idea of sharing power is

in distinguishing the specifics of their functioning

By the criteria of orientation, politics is divided into....

internal and external

If power is established on the basis of the Constitution, then such power is

legally legitimate

The concept of the rule of law was formulated by supporters of ideas


Timocracy is power....


A party that does not have much weight in society is....


The democratic system of power does not accept ...

monopoly power

The policy governing national relations in the state is

national policy

At the heart of the nature of power is....


The main features of the state include....

people, territory, taxes

Power acting as supreme in relation to others


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