Political Science Final

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it would not be by necessity, but as a result of deliberate US choices

If Pax Americana were to come to an end in the next decade, what does the author posit would be the root cause of this?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

a U.S. Supreme Court case from 1896 that upheld the validity of state imposed racial segregation through the now in-famous "separate but equal"

Test scores were declining and functional illiteracy was increasing

Among the most important findings of the 1983 report "A Nation at Risk" were that.......

unipolar (one power)

Currently the world in terms of power distribution is___________

bipolar international system with US and Russia (two powerful states)

During the Cold War Era the world in terms of power distribution was characterized as _________.

to cut higher education funding.

In 2003, state political leaders found themselves staring up at a $10billion shortfall in the upcoming budget period. One way to close the budget gap without raising taxes was.......

National federation of Independent Business V. Sebelius

In which case did the majority of US supreme court justices conclude that a tax penalizing people who did not get medical insurance was constitutional?


Most of the water in Texas is for......


Most of the water used in Texas comes from....

intergovernmental organization (example)

NATO is an example of which of the following?

Motor vehicle/ rental tax federal funds= most money

Next to revenue generated by state taxes, the second largest source of state revenue come from.....

Rogue Actors

Not formally participating on world stage (cause the most interference) Terrorist (ISIS) Somali pirates revolution (RAF) Irredentist groups (IRA)


Rather than seeking to rationally understand everything that is involved in a particular policy or optimize every action taken to address a problem, policy makers may actually seek to _____________ which can lead to less- than- rational and less-than- efficient public policy.

Selective engagement, Strategic Patience, Just because we have the best hammer does not mean every problem is a nail.

President Obama was a proponent of which foreign policy strategy?

athletic programs

Ross Perot was appointed by Governor Mark White to chair a committee on education. As committee chair, he was particularly scornful of.......

low service, low tax

Texas has the reputation of being a __________ state

liberal internationalism

The US development of foreign policy now aligns with which of the following?


The US historic development of foreign policy aligns with which of the following?

the first person to "capture" the water or oil by pumping it from the ground and using it owns it

The law of capture, as it pertains to water policy in Texas, essentially means that.......

China, the potential rival superpower of the future.

The most visible threat today is.....

President Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal

The origins of modern welfare policy lie in.......

6.25%, allowed to impost 2% more, accounts for 58.8% taxes

There is a high sales tax in Texas of __________ percent

the focus on conservation and expanding and developing available surface water.

Two of the strategies that have been developed by the Texas Water Development Board to meet the long-term needs of Texas include........

Brown v. Board of Education

Which US supreme court case overturned Plessy vs Ferguson, ruling that state imposed segregation in schools isolated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment?

a complicated system of private property rights derived from 3 sources, Spanish Law, traditional English common law, and statutory law

Underlying water policy in Texas is.....

neoconservativism, the Iraq War of 2003 led by President George W. Bush and his vice president Dick Cheney

Which action taken as preemption under the Bush doctrine introduced the idea of a preventative war

1) protection of the United States and the lives of it citizens, both while they are in the United States and when they travel abroad. 2)to ensure the nation maintains access to key resources and markets across the world. 3)preservation of a balance of power in the world. 4)protection of human rights and democracy.

What are the four main goals of the US in foreign policy

Both don't want to be the worlds policeman, both want restraint on helping foreign aids.

What are the similarities taken by the Obama and Trump administrations approach to foreign policy?

By limiting the areas the U.S. military was committed to defending and forcing other states to pull their own weight, it would reduce the resources Washington must devote to defense, allow for greater investment and consumption at home, and put fewer American lives in harm's way

What do the authors claim are the virtues of offshore balancing?

the idea of testing to promote academic excellence was not being abandoned completely, but it no longer held center stage for reformers

What happened during the 2013 legislative session that changed the high-minded expectations about the education reform movement?

limiting the spread of communism (Cold war)

What is the US strategy of containment for?

with americas first committee (AFC) established to oppose US entry to WW2

Where did the slogan "America First" originate?

Huge amounts of money, out of direct control of legislature general revenue= most state tax/ fees general revenue- dedicated= specific purpose (200 ex parks) federal funds= all payment from fed gov (grants, reimbursements) other funds= high ways (just not in previously included) all funds= all above

Which important fact(s) must be noted about this complicated system of public financing through these various budgets?

problem identification 1 policy formulation 2 implementation3 evaluation 4

Which of the following steps in the policy making cycle occurs first?

evaluation 4 implementation 3 policy formulation 2 problem identification 1

Which of the following steps in the policy making cycle occurs last?

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Which program provides coverage for children in families with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid?

It covers a two year period, minimize state spending, not raise taxes

Which statement about the Texas Budget is true

executive and legislative branch

Which two branches of government are involved in making foreign policy?

Constituents are more directly affected by domestic policy topics than foreign ones.

Why do House members and senators tend to be less active on foreign policy matter that domestic ones?

The constitution mandates legislature must operate this way, revenue is equal or exceeds the amount of expenditures

Why must the Texas legislature maintain a balanced budget?

Robin hood plan

_________ calls for wealthy districts to transfer funds to poorer districts in order to equalize funds available to all public schools across the state

general revenue fund budget

__________ is a nondedicated revenue account and is the states primary operating fund.

intergovernmental organization is...

a formal institution where government makes up an organization (European union, North Atlantic Treaty, World Health Organization)

Federal Matching Funds

federal monies going to a state based on state spending for a program

nongovernmental organization

founded by citizens (includes clubs/ associations) that provide services and benefits

finance health care for the poor

in 1965, congress created the Medicaid program, a state-federal program to..........

Selective engagement relies upon...

retaining a strong military presence and remaining engaged across the world through alliances and formal installations is used to protect the national security interests of the United States. However, this strategy also seeks to avoid being the world's policeman.


the most persistent social problem facing Texas is....

Sales tax

what is the most important single tax financing Texas government

States are the main, have own foreign policy working to pursue individually.

who are the principle actors in international relations?

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