Practice test four

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Which of the following would likely be most important for a sixth-grade English language arts teacher to keep in mind when planning instruction for a class that includes a student with muscular dystrophy?

Build in breaks during written assignments to allow for muscle fatigue and recovery.

A teacher in the district's Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) is preparing to receive a new student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading comprehension. What steps should the teacher take to prepare for the student's arrival?

Contact the case manager, request and review the IEP, request and review the student's most recent assessment data in core classes.

The parents of an eighth-grade student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) email their son's language arts teacher with concerns about his lack of progress in writing. They request that he be allowed to type his essays on a computer instead of writing them by hand. Which of the following would be the most logical course of action for the teacher to take before drafting a reply?

Evaluate the student's available written work in various formats to determine if he is more successful on written assignments when using word processing software.

Which of the following actions by a teacher is most likely to help a second-grade student with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) maintain focus and limit impulsive behaviors?

Assigning the student small chores that allow her to assist the teacher and require her to get up and move around at regular intervals during the school day.

Student groups are given a six-sided die, with each side labeled a number 1 through 6. Each student group rolls the die 75 times and records the number that is rolled. If there are 8 groups of students participating in this activity, which of the following is most likely the total number of times a 4 was rolled?


Malcolm is a third-grade student with a mild intellectual disability. He reads with fluency that is only slightly below grade level but struggles to demonstrate comprehension of texts. Malcolm is significantly below grade level in written expression and often guesses at answers when given multiple-choice questions. Which of the following alternative means of assessment could best help Malcolm's teachers establish a baseline for his reading comprehension level?

Allow Malcolm to draw pictures representing important elements of the texts he reads.

If the parents of a student with an IEP express to the student's special education case manager that they are dissatisfied with the progress their child is making, which of the following would be the best response for the case manager to make?

Ask the parents if they would like to request an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting to discuss potential changes to the IEP.

During independent reading time, a teacher walks around and holds mini book conferences with each student. She asks basic comprehension questions like, "What's happening now?" or "How did the character respond to X?" While conferencing with Jane, the teacher has trouble getting Jane to relate anything that has happened other than the characters' names. In order to help Jane succeed, what is the first step the teacher should take?

Assess Jane's current reading level and make sure the text is not above her independent reading level.

Mr. Carter is a special education teacher who works with middle school students. He receives a request from a sixth-grade science teacher to help evaluate data for a new student whose primary home language is Spanish. Upon reviewing the student's data, Mr. Carter finds that the student performs well on lab assignments and other hands-on tasks with visual elements, but that she struggles with tasks involving grade-level academic vocabulary. Which of the following would be the most logical next step for Mr. Carter to take?

Provide the science teacher with some options for including visual aids when introducing and testing new vocabulary and check back to see if the student's performance improves.

What is the first step in initiating a referral when the district suspects a student may require special education services?

Request consent from the student's parents or guardian to begin an evaluation for possible disability.

Which of the following is the best method for demonstrating the concept of equivalent fractions to a group of fourth-grade students in an inclusion math class?

Using sidewalk chalk, explore how many student-length segments it would take to equal two teacher-length segments.

When preparing for a student's annual IEP meeting, the special education teacher should be sure to solicit input from:

all general education teachers who work with the student, regardless of subject taught.

Mrs. Latham is a tenth-grade English teacher with multiple inclusion classes. Which of the following reading strategies Mrs. Latham uses in class is most likely to be beneficial to students in other content areas?

annotating text to identify key information and concepts

Which of the following strategies would be most effective in helping a fifth-grade student with dyslexia learn to decode words?

consistently reviewing and referring to the phonic alphabetic code chart

Direct instruction in the meaning and usage of various prefixes and suffixes would most likely help a student who is struggling with which of the following skills?

decoding and recognizing words

Samuel is a third-grade student who is attentive and hardworking in class. He has good grades in math, science, and social studies, but struggles in reading. He has poor fluency, struggles to decode unfamiliar words, takes longer than other students to copy notes from the board, and struggles to answer questions that require a written response. Which of the following disabilities is Samuel most likely struggling with?


Mr. Sanders, a special education teacher in a language arts inclusion classroom, is working to improve the reading comprehension of several students in his class. Which of the following strategies is Mr. Sanders most likely to use?

emphasizing the use of context clues to help decode text

Which of the following practices by a first-grade teacher is the most important to developing independent readers?

facilitating a variety of literary experiences

A third-grade teacher notices that some of her students are struggling with putting fractions in order from least to greatest. What would be the most appropriate manipulative to help students with this concept?

fraction strips

Which of the following is the first step in drafting an effective behavior intervention plan (BIP)?

identifying the behavior that is to be replaced

All of the following are benefits of using pre-planned visual cues to remind a student of available behavior supports EXCEPT:

it allows the teacher to remove the student from class if the behavior continues because the visual cue counts as a correction.

Mr. Jackson is a seventh-grade science teacher who teaches multiple inclusion classes. Before beginning a unit of study on cell structure and function, Mr. Jackson instructs his students to combine their knowledge and complete a chart detailing what they already know and questions they have about specific cell organelles. The primary benefit of this type of frontloading activity is that:

it stimulates background knowledge and gives Mr. Jackson insight into the level of understanding his students possess.

Which of the following difficulties displayed by a third-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in math calculation could be supported by allowing the student to complete his work on graph paper?

keeping place value consistent when performing calculations

Regan is a ninth-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading comprehension. During Regan's annual IEP meeting, her father requests that she be dismissed from special education services since her last report card showed As and Bs in all core classes. The most appropriate response to Regan's father is to:

point out that the classroom accommodations Regan receives as part of her IEP are likely contributing to her academic success and that she may struggle or regress without these supports.

If a student with epilepsy suffers a grand mal seizure during class, the best thing the teacher can do is:

position the affected student on the floor with support for his head and neck and send a classmate to the nearest adult to get help.

A teacher has provided her class with a descriptive writing assignment. The students have chosen a topic and are now filling out a sensory-focused graphic organizer in which they list descriptions that align with each of the five senses. What step in the writing process are the students most likely to be in?


Which of the following would be most helpful for a first-grade student who is having difficulty understanding how letters combine to form words that represent real objects?

using cards that pair three-letter words with pictures of the things or concepts the words represent

Marisol is a second-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in math calculation. Which of the following supports can best help Marisol learn to complete two-digit subtraction problems?

concrete reinforcers, such as counting sticks and blocks

A fourth-grade teacher in a language arts class uses the following assessments in class: 1.An early, mid-year, and final measure of the number of words students can read correctly in 60 seconds. 2.A rating scale for emotional affect displayed when students read aloud during any activity. 3.Charting student attention to punctuation while reading aloud, both before and after direct instruction on the topic. The data collected from these assessments would be most appropriate in measuring progress toward an IEP goal in which of the following areas?

reading fluency

Cody is a sixth-grade student with a moderate intellectual disability who performs below grade level in language arts and math. He struggles with executive function, impulse control, and work completion, but has shown that he can be academically successful with close supervision and redirection. Which of the following placements would be most appropriate for Cody?

resource for language arts and math and general-education classes for other core subjects and electives with paraprofessional support in all classes

A second-grade reading teacher plans to regularly incorporate all of the skills that support reading comprehension. For an upcoming reading activity, the teacher has marked several locations in the text. When the students reach each of the pre-marked locations, they will stop and turn to their partner to make a comment, ask a question, make a connection, or make a prediction. Which reading comprehension skill is the teacher supporting with this activity?

self-monitoring or metacognition

Which of the following would be illegal when considering a child for special education services?

testing all children in English

Which of the following behaviors are appropriate for learners in the Early or Beginning stage (Stage 2) of literacy development?

using a finger to move through a text, word-by-word

Sometimes reading difficulties are known not to be the outcome of lack of opportunities in education or limited intellect. Recent educational research has found that these difficulties are most often the result of what instead?

lack of skills in phonological processing

Which of the following could be considered assistive technology for a physical education class that includes several students with disabilities that impair their movement and force generation?

lowering the basketball hoop

Which of the following would be an appropriate method of assessment when reporting progress on an IEP goal that measures a student's ability to understand and use newly acquired vocabulary?

Ask the student to choose from a word bank the vocabulary word that best fits the blanks in a series of sentences.

To help encourage a third-grade student with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to maintain focus and complete assignments, which of the following would be the best approach?

Offer him short-term incremental rewards that add up for the opportunity to earn larger rewards.

Which of the following mathematics lessons would be most helpful in preparing a high school resource class for independent living?

a lesson on managing a personal checking account and paying bills

Which student profiled below would more than likely qualify for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

a student who needs related services

A kindergartener has started showing the ability to decode words by breaking them into simple forms. Which of the following best describes this student's current stage of literacy development?

Beginning Reader

Which of the following assistive technology devices would be most appropriate in supporting a medically fragile student who has lost the ability to speak clearly?

A touchscreen text-to-speech tablet programmed with key words and phrases the student can identify.

Kate, an eighth-grade student with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), struggles with organization and planning in her life outside of school. She is able to complete and submit most in-class assignments with little trouble, but when it comes to longer projects, she often misses deadlines or forgets to complete her work. Kate's district provides all students with tablets, which can be utilized off-campus. Which of the following supports discussed in her annual IEP meeting would be most helpful for Kate as she transitions to high school?

A. an electronic calendar that coordinates with the district's learning management system (LMS)

Ms. Nakaroti wants to teach her students about properties of points, lines, planes, and angles. Which of the following should she include in her planning for the unit?

Analyze the standards to determine learning objectives before she starts writing lesson plans.

Which part of the transition planning process is most valuable in helping students establish a purpose for education as they move into high school and toward post-secondary life?

Creating the transition plan with the student so that it focuses on and reflects the student's true interests and goals for their future.

Callie is a 4-year-old who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by a private diagnostician at her parents' expense. Callie has not previously been enrolled in preschool or daycare because both her parents work from home and have provided care themselves. After receiving the diagnosis, Callie's parents want to have her enrolled in the Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) to help prepare for her transition to public school. Which of the following is the logical next step in this process?

Callie needs a full individual evaluation (FIE) to determine if she is eligible for PPCD before being enrolled.

Madison is a second-grade student who was recently diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability. Even though she has been educated in the general education classroom for the last two years with no issues aside from occasionally needing more academic support, during her initial IEP meeting, her parents express concern that she won't receive the instruction she needs unless she is moved to a self-contained classroom. How should the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee respond to Madison's parents' concerns?

Emphasize the benefits of the general education classroom for students with disabilities and highlight the flexibility offered by the co-taught model of instruction.

Which of the following activities is most likely to help assess and build reading comprehension among students in a fifth-grade language arts inclusion class?

In small groups of three to four, have students read and discuss a passage, then develop a group summary to share with the class.

Which of the following strategies would be most effective in helping a struggling reader in first grade apply rules of phonemic awareness to decode new words?

Group words according to consonant blends or interior vowel sounds, starting with words the student knows and progressing to new words which follow the same patterns.

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), IEP goals must meet all of the following criteria except:

IEP goals must be applicable to a trade or vocation.

Which of the following are the most important considerations when drafting IEP goals?

Identifying data-supported weaknesses the student has displayed and aligning goals to curriculum standards that will allow the student to practice and improve on their deficiency at the appropriate rigor.

Which of the following is the proper next step for a local education agency (LEA) to take once it has received communication from a parent within its district who believes her preschool-aged child may have a developmental disability?

Investigate the parent's concerns, and, if necessary, initiate the procedure for completing a full individual evaluation (FIE) of the child.

John is an incoming second-grade student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who is enrolled in a new district and school. John's parents have expressed concerns about his transition to the new campus. Which of the following would be the best way to help John prepare for the new school year?

Offer to provide a private tour of the campus during which John and his parents can meet his teachers and the administrative staff.

Which of the following procedural safeguards is included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

Parents have the right to obtain an Individual Education Evaluation (IEE) if they are in disagreement with the school district's evaluation.

Marvin, a sixth-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading fluency also receives speech therapy for a slight stutter and is hesitant to read aloud during class. Which of the following strategies would best help Marvin gain confidence for oral reading and allow him to work on his fluency?

Provide Marvin with a preview of any text to be read aloud in class so he can practice the night before. Then, encourage him to volunteer to read as much or as little of the text as he's comfortable with.

Which of the following supports would be most beneficial in helping a fifth-grade student who is deaf participate in an activity that requires students to listen to selected song lyrics to identify and decode examples of figurative language?

Provide a transcript of the lyrics with multiple choice options to help identify the figurative language in each song.

Which of the following supports would be most beneficial when introducing new vocabulary to a student with a mild intellectual disability?

Provide an image to help explain each new vocabulary word.

Which of the following are the best ways for a teacher to help students develop independent reading skills? Select all answers that apply.

Provide in-class time for students to choose independent reading books and some time for quiet reading.

Which of the following activities is most likely to aid a seventh-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in written expression who frequently writes incomplete sentences?

Teach the student to diagram his sentences and identify which parts of speech are missing when he writes sentence fragments.

What is the primary benefit of educating students with disabilities in general education classrooms alongside non-disabled peers?

Special education students in general education classes benefit from accessing the gen-ed curriculum and gaining the same social and emotional experiences as their non-disabled peers.

During a parent-teacher conference, the father of a non-disabled student in an inclusion class mentions that his child has had friction in the past with another student in the class who has an emotional disturbance. The father mentions several disagreements that the two have had and then asks if any progress has been made in the disabled student's classroom behavior. How should the teacher respond?

Thank the father for his time and his concerns and firmly but politely indicate that you are only allowed to discuss his own child during the parent-teacher conference.

A first-grade student with a visual impairment has been added to an inclusion class. Which of the following would be most important for her teachers to keep in mind when arranging the classroom?

The student should be seated near enough important visuals for her to engage with material that is shared visually.

Which of the following functional goals would most likely be found in the IEP of a student on the autism spectrum who receives speech therapy once per week?

The student will wait for his turn without complaint in 3 out of 5 tries while participating in a preferred activity with a teacher and peer.

Which of the following would NOT be considered assistive technology for a student with a visual impairment?

calculation aids

A seventh-grade student with an intellectual disability is working on basic algebra problems. His special education teacher notices the following mistake: Which of the following would be the best intervention to try with the student?

Use an equal arm balance scale and dried beans to illustrate the concept of adding and removing things to and from both sides to keep the scale even.

Alfredo is a fourth-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading comprehension. During a small-group activity that incorporates oral reading, Alfredo's special education teacher notes that while he correctly pronounces most grade-level words, he reads in a robotic, monotonal voice and that his pauses and pacing do not match the punctuation of the text. Which of the following would be the best way for Alfredo's teacher to help him improve his reading comprehension during future small-group work?

Utilize dramas with stage directions that cue emotional affect and break the speaking parts into short lines among multiple characters.

A fourth-grade teacher wants to provide realistic experiences in the understanding and development of graphic representations. After she models the development of a class birthday month bar chart, the teacher assigns her students to choose a question to investigate in order to develop their own bar chart. Which of the following questions would be least appropriate for students to investigate for the purpose of developing a graph?

What do you like best about school?

Which of the following questions should take precedent when determining the least restrictive environment for any student during the initial referral process for special education services?

Which instructional arrangement will provide the best opportunity for the student to demonstrate her strengths while receiving support for her weaknesses?

Mrs. Price is a language arts teacher in a sixth-grade inclusion class. She is preparing to have her students compose an expository essay answering the following question: Why is honesty important? Which of the following types of graphic organizer would be most effective in helping Mrs. Price's students with a specific learning disability (SLD) in written expression compose an essay that aligns with the prompt?

a brainstorming web with space for personal observations related to a specific topic

Who is responsible for understanding and implementing the IEP of a student with a disability?

any individual with a direct educational interest in the student

The Texas Education Code (TEC) sets legal standards for all schools in the state of Texas. What schools are required to abide by these laws?

any public school that receives taxpayer fund

Of the following, which parental concern is most likely to result in an evaluation of a child under the age of three?

failure to meet multiple milestones of adaptive development

A third-grade student is struggling with rounding numbers to the nearest hundred. Which of the following is the best first step for his teacher to take?

having the student plot numbers on a number line and identify the closest hundred value

Following the second reading fluency assessment of the school year, a third-grade teacher noticed that a few of her students have shown no or very little fluency growth from the first assessment nine weeks before. Which of the following would be the least effective way to support their fluency development?

increase the difficulty of their independent reading

Mrs. Gonzalez is a special education teacher assigned to co-teach with the sophomore English language arts team. At the team's first common planning time meeting, team members are establishing norms and choosing which of the shared responsibilities they will take on. Which of the following roles would be the most logical fit for Mrs. Gonzalez?

make needed accommodations to assignments and tests

Connie is a fifth-grader with an emotional disturbance who frequently has angry outbursts when she is required to work with others in a group setting. The best way for her teacher to help her is to:

make time for a private conversation with Connie about what is upsetting her and how to help her work more cooperatively with others.

A special education teacher has been working with a student on phonological awareness skills. Which of the following skills is most likely to be the final phonological awareness skills that the student will master before the teacher transitions from phonological awareness to explicit phonics instruction?

manipulating phonemes

A kindergarten teacher is planning a unit on financial literacy. What are some elements that the teacher should plan to include in this unit?

money models (pretend money), children's books, guest speakers

Who should be interviewed when collecting data for a functional behavior assessment (FBA)?

multiple people who have observed the target behavior in a variety of settings and conditions

Caleb is a tenth-grade student with a learning disability and currently reads at a second-grade level. Which of the following is the most appropriate accommodation for Caleb's math teacher to provide during assessments?

oral administration of tests and assignments

Ms. Hernandez is a second-grade inclusion teacher who will be meeting with her students' parents for back-to-school night. Ms. Hernandez will have the opportunity to share a brief presentation regarding topics of study this school year. She has asked each family to fill out an index card with key information. Which of the following items would be important for her to ask parents to include?

parents/guardians' preferred contact number during the school day

A special education teacher in a first-grade inclusion class uses index cards to label places and objects in the room, like doors, windows, shelves, and desks. Which of the following concepts is the teacher most likely trying to reinforce?

the idea that words (symbols) represent real-world objects

When helping a general education teacher plan instruction for a student with a specific learning disability, the first thing the special education teacher is likely to share is:

the relevant sections of the student's present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) in the IEP.

Which of the following is NOT an important consideration when determining the least restrictive environment for a student with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

the student's effect on peers

All of the following topics would be appropriate for discussion and consideration during an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting EXCEPT:

the student's interactions with specified classmates who have similar IEPs

Maddie is a first-grade student with a specific learning disability, specifically dyscalculia. During mathematics, Maddie's class is working on adding two-digit and one-digit numbers. One strategy that Maddie's special education teacher suggests to support Maddie in learning addition within the general education classroom is:

to allow Maddie to use graph paper to help her keep track of the placement of the numbers.

When collaborating with stakeholders about the goals and services for a student who receives special education services, a key aspect of the collaboration is:

to ensure that the student is successful and learns.

If a student who uses a feeding tube at school experiences nausea or vomiting during or shortly after feeding, which of the following is the most likely cause?

too much formula or too high a feeding rate

Which landmark special education court decision held that school districts may be required to reimburse parents of students with special needs for the costs of private education in certain situations?

Burlington School Committee v. Massachusetts Board of Education

Bryce is a student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who performs at grade level in math but whose reading ability is multiple grade levels below his current fifth-grade placement. Bryce has received instruction in a co-taught classroom for the last four years. At his annual IEP meeting, in preparation for his transition to middle school, his special education case manager recommends that Bryce be placed in a resource class for language arts to accommodate his lower reading level. His parents argue against this placement, saying that they don't want Bryce to feel singled out. Which of the following is the most appropriate response to this concern?

Emphasize to Bryce's parents that their input will always be a valuable component to any decisions regarding their child's education and explain how the lower student-to-teacher ratio in resource classes allows for more personalized instruction and support.

Richard is an eighth-grade student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). At his annual IEP meeting, Richard's parents expressed a desire to dismiss him from speech therapy services since he has no trouble speaking clearly, and they are concerned that his weekly sessions with the campus speech therapist are causing him to fall behind in his classes. The speech therapist has previously told Richard's case manager that their sessions focus on intentionally teaching Richard how to interpret the facial expressions and body language of others and how to positively engage in social interactions through reciprocal communication. What is the best response to Richard's parents' concerns?

Encourage the speech therapist to share data that measures Richard's ability to engage in and maintain a conversation and how their sessions aim to help him build this skill.

Which of the following should be part of post-secondary schooling transition planning for a high school sophomore with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Establishing whether the student plans to live independently or in a supportive environment.

What is the primary benefit of having students paraphrase or summarize a text after they've read it?

It increases metacognition and is the purest way for a student to prove he or she understands the text.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate use of wall space for a sixth-grade inclusion classroom consisting of multiple students with various disabilities?

Keep the space around the primary focal point of the room (smartboard/whiteboard) mostly clear and utilize space on the side walls toward the rear for anchor charts that reinforce key concepts and processes.

A teacher wants to model for students how to pull the main idea(s) from a nonfiction text. Which activity below would be the most effective way to demonstrate this for the students?

Read a text that's projected for the class and take notes in the margins while reading.

During its financial literacy unit of study, a seventh-grade math resource class has been introduced to and mastered the concept of computing credits and debits to keep a balanced checking account. Which of the following would be the logical next step in teaching this unit?

Teach the difference between static expenses and variable expenses.

Which organization below specifically provides information to parents, communities, educators and the general public on specific disabilities; programs and services for infants, children, and youth; U.S. special education law; and effective educational practices?

The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)

A fifth-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in written expression would likely benefit most from which of the following supports when completing an assigned essay?

a graphic organizer with sentence stems and transition sentences related to the essay's topic already printed

Charles is a high school junior with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He performs above grade level in all core subjects, but struggles with decision-making in non-school settings and suffers extreme anxiety when dealing with the unexpected. During transition planning prior to his annual IEP meeting, Charles has expressed interest in web development as a career, even though he has not gained any real-world training or experience in this pursuit. Which of the following resources would be most helpful for a member of the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee to provide to Charles and his family?

a list of colleges and universities that offer online degrees in website development

Jacob is a non-verbal fourth-grade student with a severe intellectual disability. Which of the following types of assistive technology would likely be most beneficial for Jacob and his teachers?

a picture exchange communication system (PECS)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) specifies that no more than 1 percent of all students should take alternate assessments not aligned to the academic standards of their grade level. For which of the following students would an alternate assessment be most appropriate?

a student with a severe intellectual disability who receives all instruction in a self-contained classroom

Matthew is a seventh-grade student who is suffering from an emotional disturbance following a recent traumatic experience that resulted in several physical injuries. His initial IEP meeting is scheduled for later this month, and the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee is requesting behavior data from Matthew's general education teachers. Which of the following behaviors is likely related to Matthew's disability?

avoidance of physical contact and a strong desire to control all interactions with others

Jeremy is a third-grade student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Jeremy's teachers report that he has begun disrupting class by loudly repeating the things that others say, until he is sent to a behavior redirection classroom, where he is allowed to work on a jigsaw puzzle to calm down. This behavior began shortly after Jeremy's most recent IEP meeting, where the redirection room was added to his IEP as a behavior support. The most likely explanation for the change in Jeremy's behavior is that:

he has learned that exhibiting disruptive behaviors in class will lead to the opportunity for a preferred activity in a relaxing environment.

Which of the following behaviors would most likely be exhibited by a student with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

nability to focus on one task or subject for extended periods and poor impulse control

Hafsa, a first-grade student diagnosed with a developmental delay, has begun to recognize familiar words in the environment or in text. Which of the following literacy skills is she most likely to be working on during small-group guided reading?

recognizing sight words and using illustrations and writing patterns to help decode each sentence

Maxwell is a fifth-grade student with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). During his annual IEP meeting, the special education teacher shares the results of Maxwell's most recent unit tests in the four core subjects. This data falls under which type of assessment?

summative assessment

Which of the following is the best activity for reviewing percentages with fifth-grade students?

using a variety of methods and scenarios to determine percentage

A key consideration when determining the least restrictive environment for a student is to consider:

whether the student is able to receive education to the maximum extent appropriate alongside peers who are not disabled.

Which of the following is an appropriate use of a behavioral redirection placement?

Marisol, a sixth-grade student with an emotional disturbance, is allowed to visit the redirection room when she gets overwhelmed by anxiety due to the amount of activity and noise in her general-education classes.

Which is the most appropriate section of a student's IEP to include information about the student's post-secondary goals as well as activities and services that the student can access now to prepare for post-secondary education and/or employment?

transition plan

Which of the following is NOT an example of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)?

cochlear implants

Which of the following would be most helpful in aiding a high school junior with a mild intellectual disability to prepare for a job placement as a stocker at a retail business?

Help her practice categorizing, organizing, and displaying various products that could be sold at the location.

Bailey, a fourth-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in math problem-solving, struggles to solve word problems that require multiple computations. Which of the following would be an appropriate support for Bailey's math teacher to implement?

Highlight the key information and operational signal words within the word problems on Bailey's worksheets and give her direct instruction on how to find and emphasize this information herself.

Which of the following strategies aimed at reducing disruptive behavior is most likely to effect lasting change?

Provide praise and reward appropriate behavior while ignoring negative behavior.

Special education teacher Mr. Brown has been invited to observe Amanda, a sixth-grade student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who is on his caseload. Amanda's science teacher reports that Amanda and several other children are disruptive and unruly during whole-group instruction and asks for Mr. Brown's help in changing the behavior. The first thing Mr. Brown notices is that the front wall of the classroom is covered with vibrant, colorful, motivational posters, as well as student work. Additionally, when the teacher is delivering direct instruction, she positions herself at the front of the room near the smartboard and rarely moves. What advice should Mr. Brown offer after his observation?

The science teacher should remove some of the clutter that decorates the front wall of the room and try to move around more as she delivers instruction.

Following the distribution of periodic IEP goal progress reports, the parent of a seventh-grade student contacts Ms. Simpson, a special education case manager, to express concern over her child's lack of progress in her math goal. How should Ms. Simpson respond?

Provide copies of assignments and tasks used to compile the data for the progress report and explain how the work relates to the student's goal while soliciting parent input for how to provide better support for the student.

After completing a unit on graphing data, students are given the following table and asked what type of graph is most appropriate for displaying this data. What should they use? Preferred Flavor of Ice Cream Number of Students None 6 Chocolate 184 Vanilla 109 Mint Chocolate Chip 88 Other 152

circle graph

A kindergarten teacher begins each class by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The teacher has a poster with the words to the Pledge of Allegiance and taps each word as the class recites the Pledge. By tapping the word on the poster in correlation with reciting the word, the teacher is best demonstrating which of the following?

concepts of print

Which of the following skills are likely to be improved by regular work with an occupational therapist?

developing a comfortable and functional pencil grip

A second-grade student has shown strength in memorizing sight words and reading common, familiar words in books, but she consistently struggles with unfamiliar words even if they are decodable. Based on her specific challenge, in which of the following skills does she require further instruction?

direct phonics instruction

A formative assessment is intended to:

measure learning at various incremental points within a larger unit of study.

When the parent of a school-aged student expresses concerns about their student's lack of academic progress, and a disability is suspected, the first step of the process is for the district to obtain:

signed written consent for evaluation from the parents.

What is the primary benefit of framing behavior redirection responses in a positive manner (telling the student what they SHOULD do), rather than a negative manner (telling the student what they SHOULDN'T do)?

Modeling or describing the desired behavior creates a more positive interaction and gives the student a positive expectation to try and meet instead of a negative limit to stay within

Kayla is a fifth-grade student who is in the evaluation phase of an initial referral for special education services. Her parents have expressed frustration with her inability to follow instructions when completing chores at home. Her teachers report that she is easily distracted and exhibits impulsive actions in class, although she is respectful and easily redirected. Kayla is undergoing diagnostic testing with a district representative. In the meantime, which of the following actions by the special education teacher assigned to the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee would be most helpful?

Provide Kayla's parents and teachers with some strategies for improving focus and impulse control in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Ms. Echeveria is a special education case manager for a group of fifth-grade students. A social studies teacher who works with several of the students on Ms. Echeveria's caseload is absent due to the flu for several consecutive days. Ms. Echeveria is concerned that the substitute teachers may not understand how to provide necessary supports without explicit instructions, including IEP information specific to each student's qualifying disability. Which of the following would be the best way for her to approach the situation?

Provide relevant sections of each student's IEP to any substitute who will work with the class and make sure they understand how to implement appropriate accommodations.

A special education teacher is working on reinforcing foundational reading skills in order to support her student's literacy development. She writes the letter H on the board and makes the /h/ sound. She asks the class to name as many words as they can that start with the letter H. Which of the following is this activity most focused on improving?

phonemic awareness

Which of the following is not a component of print concepts?

phonemic awareness

Which skill is the focus of an activity in a second-grade resource class requiring students to look at animal pictures and say the letter sound that begins each animal name?

phonemic awareness

Aryanna is a fourth-grade student with a learning disability. Recent assessment data shows that Aryanna is able to find the perimeter of rectangles but struggles to find the area. When asked to calculate area, she typically adds the length and width rather than multiplying. Which of the following interventions would best help Aryanna?

providing small-group instruction in which square tiles are used to cover the surface of a rectangle

Mrs. Johnson is teaching spatial reasoning to her eighth-grade resource math class. She wants to incorporate technology, so she finds a program that allows users to design a room. Her students create their dream bedrooms using 3D software, and then they print the bedroom designs and the furniture on separate papers. The students then move the furniture around the room until they like the designs. What shapes can the students use to recreate the furniture below?

set of squares

A teacher is planning a formative assessment to determine how well his students can differentiate between the concepts of area and volume. Which of the following formative assessments would be the most appropriate for this topic?

sorting drawings of shapes into area and volume categories

A first-grade student is struggling to decode words containing multiple syllables. While investigating what could be causing the problem, the teacher notices that she is able to read and spell single-syllable words accurately most of the time. What skill should the teacher revisit to help improve this student's decoding skills?

structural analysis

Which of these is a primary benefit of placement in a resource classroom?

All instruction is tailored to students with special needs.

Mrs. Smallwood is a third-grade teacher in an inclusion classroom. Which of the following activities introducing her students to the concept of fractions is most likely to engage kinesthetic learners of all ability levels?

Have the students stand up and arrange themselves into groups of varying sizes to represent fractions related to the makeup of the class.

What is the value of allowing students in a fourth-grade language arts inclusion class to select books from their favorite genres during silent sustained reading?

Students are more likely to engage meaningfully with a text if it matches their personal interests.

How might a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading comprehension impact a student's ability to demonstrate mastery in math?

Students with reading comprehension deficiencies will likely struggle to decode and solve word problems.

Jackson is a graduating senior with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who will soon begin a new job shelving books and helping to maintain records at the local library. Which of the following is the best way Jackson's special education case manager can support him in preparing for this transition from school to work?

Review Jackson's existing IEP accommodations with him to analyze which supports would be feasible and helpful in his new position.

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), what is the minimum number of days required for parents to receive prior written notice before changes to a student's IEP are implemented?

Schools must provide written notice at least five school days before IEP changes are to take effect unless the parent waives this requirement.

Which of the following is the most prevalent cause of due process hearings in the state of Texas?

disputes regarding the IEP

Students in Mrs. Wilson's class have mastered multiplication and have been introduced to division. Mrs. Wilson gave a test over introductory concepts in division and found that a number of students struggled. Which of the following strategies is best to help improve the students' understanding of division?

Use manipulatives to model division and connect it to multiplication.

After reading Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi and Ron Barrett, the teacher shows a short film clip of the animated feature film by the same title. This least enhances the comprehension skill of:

story recall and retelling.

In reviewing the parent questionnaire before an initial IEP meeting for a second-grade student, a diagnostician discloses the following: 1.The student did not begin talking in complete sentences until his fourth year. 2.The student prefers soft fabrics and loose, elastic waistbands. 3.The student tends to melt down and throw tantrums when his hands get dirty. 4.The student is excessively interested in trains and only wants to discuss this topic, despite repeated attempts to engage his attention in other topics. Based on this information, the student should be tested for:

autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Which of the following accommodations would NOT be helpful for a medically fragile sixth-grade student who struggles with mobility and gross motor control?

large-print textbooks and assignments

As part of the prereferral intervention in cases where a disability is suspected but not yet confirmed, all of the following are acceptable means of gathering data EXCEPT:

placing the student in a resource class for a brief time to see if his performance improves.

Transcription support, such as having an adult bubble in an answer document, would most likely benefit a student with which of the following disabilities?

specific learning disability (SLD) in written expression

The most effective way to ensure that IEP goals are properly written and implemented is to align them to:

state standards in which the student has displayed a weakness over multiple assessment opportunities.

Brandi, a seventh-grade student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has violated the district code of student conduct, and the campus discipline matrix stipulates that she will be placed in the district's disciplinary alternative education program for a minimum of 30 days. Since this placement would take Brandi out of the general education setting for more than 10 consecutive days, the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee must hold a manifestation determination review (MDR). The purpose of an MDR is to prevent:

students from being punished for behaviors that are a direct result of their disability.

Matilda is a fourth-grade student who has a specific learning disability (SLD). Matilda's parents have asked the special education teacher to provide some suggestions for how to make homework completion more manageable. Which of the following recommendations is most appropriate for the special education teacher to advise Matilda's parents to try at home?

Read aloud with Matilda and ask questions to aid in comprehension.

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