psyc 376 final

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The patient H.M. underwent surgery that removed a substantial portion of his medial temporal lobes, including his


REM sleep behavior is linked to an increased risk of developing

Parkinson's disease

Huntington's disease is caused by

a genetic mutation

A split-brain patient presented with the word "water" to the right visual field and "fall to the left visual field would likely draw:

a glass of clear liquid and a person falling

A lesion to which of the following brain structures in the rat would be most likely to produce impairments in the T maze?

caudate nucleus

The striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) of the basal ganglia receive input from the

cerebral cortex and substantia nigra

What neurotransmitter is released at neuro-muscular junctions?


Caffeine promotes wakefulness by

acting as an antagonist at adenosine receptors

Under conditions of water deprivation, the kidneys stimulate a process that ultimately results in the release of the hormone ______ from the ______ lobe of the pituitary

angiotensin II; posterior

behavioral/cognitive changes due to stroke/insula damage

apraxia dysphagia struggles with memory unsure of self disinterest in previous addictions

Which of the following functions have been ascribed to the noradrenergic projections originating in the locus coeruleus?

arousal/attention, anxiety, and mood regulation

What are the positive (presence of abnormal behavior.cognition) symptoms of schizophrenia

delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate affect, incoherent/disorganized speech and/or thought, bizarre behaviors, difficulty completing plans/everyday activities

Which of these is not a symptom of Parkinson's disease

choreiform movements

which of the following is an example of habituation?

decreased perception of a clock ticking after repeated exposure to the ticking noise

Following habituation of the gill withdrawal reflex in Aplysia, which of the following changes was observed at the synapse between the sensory neuron and the motor neuron?

decreased size of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the motor neuron

Regarding activity of the diffuse modulatory neurotransmitter systems during sleep/wake states, which of the following is most likely to be seen when a person is falling asleep?

decreasing activity of locus coeruleus norepinephrine neurons

Which of the following manipulations would be most likely to inhibit LTP in mice?

decreasing production of CamKII within postsynaptic neurons

Which of these is currently FDA-approved to treat Parkinson's Disease in humans?

deep brain stimulation

A researcher wants to study the effects of stimulating various medial temporal lobe structures on recognition memory in monkeys. Which of the following tasks should she use in her study?

delayed non-matching to sample

Which of the following statements about neural control of movements is true?

motor neurons in the spinal cord control execution of movements

which of the following statements is true regarding declarative and non-declarative memories?

non-declarative memories are not easily formed and not easily forgotten

What causes schizophrenia?

genetics environmental factors neurotransmitter abnormalities

the basal ganglia structure that sends direct inhibitory output to the VLo nucleus of the thalamus is the ______

globus pallidus

The symptoms of narcolepsy are thought to occur due to a(n)

reduction in the number of hypocretin-producing neurons in the hypothalamus

You have just finished exercising at the gym and decide to sit in the sauna for 20 minutes afterward. Which of the following will occur as your body temperature increases from 98 degrees to 100 degrees F?

increased firing of heat-sensitive neurons in the hypothalamus, reduced release of TSH from anterior pituitary, & sweating

what are the effects of cortisol on the body?

increased plasma glucose levels decreased immune function inhibition of insulin

Parabiosis experiments with mice revealed that

information about the body's level of fat reserves is sent to adipose tissue by a hormonal signal from adipose tissue

Which of the following is an example of a declarative memory?

remembering what you ate for lunch knowing the name of the University President recalling your most embarrassing moment

A pharmaceutical company has designed a new drug that successfully halts panic attacks in individuals that suffer from panic disorder. It has been determined that the drug works as a parasympathomimetic. This means that the drug ________ in the autonomic nervous system

inhibits noradrenergic activity and promotes cholinergic activity

When Simon LeVay examined interstitial nucleus 3 in 41 people who had died, he found that it was:

larger in male heterosexuals than either female heterosexuals or male homosexuals

Parkinson's disease results from degeneration of neurons that produce the neurotransmitter ________ within the _______

dopamine; substantia nigra

Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of treatment with the hormone leptin?

leptin treatment reserves obesity in ob/ob mice but is largely ineffective in humans

Which of the following is an example of a gonadotropic hormone?

luteinizing hormone

What is the role of the midbrain PAG in aggression

medial hypothalamus sends input to midbrain PAG electrical stimulation of PAG induces affective aggression, whereas lesions reduce it

Which of the following neuropeptides is NOT among those used by neurons found in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus?

melanin concentrating hormone (MCH)

The retinohypothalamic pathway is the projection of axons from the retina to the SCN, which indirectly controls production of the hormone _______ by the ________

melanopsin; pineal gland

Which of the following correctly depicts the indirect loop of the basal ganglia circuitry?

dorsal striatum -> GPe -> subthalamic nucleus -> GPi -> VLo thalamic nucleus -> motor cortex

What is the amygdala regulation of the HPA axis?

emotionally relevant stimuli activate the amygdala, which stimulates the HPA axis through a variety of inputs

what are the structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia?

enlarged ventricles and fissures indicating loss of gray matter widespread loss of neurons disorganization of neurons in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

True or false: Research has shown that right hemisphere brain damage cause aphasias in deaf individuals who communicate using sign language


True or false: researchers have been successful in training gorillas to use spoken language, whereas chimpanzees can only be trained to use sign language


true or false: all short-term memories are converted to long-term memories through the process of consolidation


motor neuron units consist of a single alpha motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates. Maintenance of upright posture generally involves the use of _____ motor units. ______ motor units are needed for running and jumping

fast; slow

What is fear conditioning?

fear in response to a previously neutral stimulus after it has been repeatedly paired with a fear-inducing one (based on classical conditioning)

The motor cortex is comprised of several interconnected areas in the _______ lobe


What is Kluver-Bucy syndrome?

result of temporal lobectomy in monkeys marked by a profound reduction in expression of fear

Which of the following examples describes the phenomenon of sensory-specific satiety?

sally eats more at events where there is a buffet with many different foods available

When LTP is induced, glutamate is released from presynaptic neurons. Which of the following occurs first with regard to the postsynaptic neurons?

sodium ions enter through AMPA receptors channels

Drug chemists have created a compound that has a neural mechanism of action that is very similar to LSD. This compound most likely works by

stimulating serotonin receptors

What is the role of the hypothalamus in aggression?

stimulation of the medial hypothalamus -> affective aggression (threat attack) stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus (silent biting attack)

an important experiment conducted in 1980 investigated the role of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in movement. In this experiment they used PET scans to measure activity in the SMA and other regions during simple finger movements and complex finger movements. Which of the following was a finding of this experiment?

the SMA was active when participants performed complex but not simple finger movements

what is the second step in the stress response (HPA axis)

the anterior pituitary releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

According to Hebb's cell assembly theory, learning is a result of

the strengthening of connections between reciprocally connected cells

With regard to development of male reproductive ducts in a generally male fetus, which of the following is true?

the testes secrete Mullerian-inhibiting substance

What is the Cannon-Bard theory?

the theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers (1) physiological responses and (2) the subjective experience of emotion

lower motor neuron cell bodies are located in

the ventral horn of the spinal cord

Which of the following is true about hormones

their effects last much longer than those of neurotransmitters

The FOXP2 gene is critical for normal human speech. What is the known difference between the human form of this gene and the corresponding form in the chimpanzee?

there is a difference of only two amino acids

What happens to the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients?

there is less activity in prefrontal cortex at rest and during the Wisconsin card sort task (reduced activity in frontal lobe)

What happened to rats with amygdala lesions?

they approached sedated cat and nibble on its ear without any fear

which of the following most accurately describes the function of alpha motor neurons in the somatic motor system?

they generate the force required for muscle contractions

How is the mPFC thought to regulate emotion?

through connections to limbic areas (amygdala) functional connectivity matures between childhood and late adolescence

A split-brain patient that was briefly shown an apple in the left visual field and a banana in the right visual field would report seeing _______ True or False: If the patient were asked what she saw using her LEFT hand, she would draw an apple.


True or False: In the parasympathetic nervous system, the autonomic ganglia are located close to the target organ rather than near the spinal cord


According to the neural network theory, what would be most likely to happen if Neuron A underwent cell death?

your memory for all three fruits would fade a bit

Night terrors are most likely to occur during

stage 3/4 sleep

what is the James-Lange theory on emotion?

stimulus -> physiological changes -> emotion e.g. we are sad because we cry

Which of the following is true regarding research findings on the role of PKM-zeta in maintenance of long-term memories?

The PKM-beta inhibitor ZIP can erase previously formed memories in rats Mice whose brains do not produce PKM-zeta show normal learning and memory abilities ZIP can erase previously formed memories in mice whose brains do not produce PKM-zeta

what brain activity increases due to exposure therapy


What is the relationship between the hippocampus and fear

hippocampal lesions impair contextual fear conditioning in rodents (connections with amygdala) fits with role in spatial memory

The corticospinal tract originates in the

motor cortex

The major descending spinal tracts send axons from the brain that travel through the _________ and ________ portions of the spinal cord

lateral; ventromedial

What is the name given to the division of function between the two hemispheres?


During REM sleep, frontal areas are ________, and limbic areas are _________ as compared to during waking

less active; highly active

What is the treatment plan for insula damage?

Insula damage is fairly uncommon Emotional difficulties can be helped through psychotherapy Possible psychotropic medication Verbal memory impairment difficulties can be mediated through strict daily routines, notes, and studying Improve general health Exercise, diet, reduced criminal behavior, reduced drug use

the major source of norepinephrine the brain is the

locus coeruleus

After his surgery, which of the following tasks would the patient H.M. be most likely to have trouble with?

remembering a person he met the day before

What is the dopamine hypothesis

the idea that schizophrenia involves an excess of dopamine activity

How do SSRI's for anxiety disorders work?

Prolong action of released 5-HT by inhibiting its reuptake

True or false: Formal training is required in order for humans to acquire speech


Human egg (ovum) and sperm cells each have ______ chromosomes


What were the tests done to confirm the damage to the fusiform gyrus?

Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) Evaluates language skills Subtests Speech Auditory comprehension Reading Writing

What is the prognosis of insula damage?

By changing to a healthier lifestyle, G.R can reduce the risk of another potentially life threatening stroke Continuous psychotherapy will help manage social and inter- and intra- personal difficulties

What is the cause of the cerebellum damage?

Chronic, long-term alcohol abuse Alcohol damages cerebellar structure by causing degeneration of tissue volume Neurons deteriorate and die Cerebellum shrinks Tissue volume loss in the anterior superior vermis of the cerebellum Latin for "worm" Separates the cerebellum into two cerebral hemispheres Receives information from the spinal cord Integration of posture and locomotion

Patient H suffered a stroke that damaged the RIGHT side of the brain area (corticospinal tract in the motor cortex). Which of the following symptoms is most likely to be observed in patient H?

Difficulty moving the fingers of her left hand

Which of the following is false regarding the effects of early life exposure to sex hormones on the size of the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN)?

Estradiol exposure increases the size of the SDN in females

What are benzodiazepines and agonist for

GABAa receptor bind to and enhance activity at GABAa receptors (GABA binds more tightly)

What does cortisol bind to?

Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) which is expressed in almost every tissue in the body

What was the cause of damage to the insula?

Had a major stroke, left insula was damaged high blood pressure lack of balanced diet heavy drug use

What is the treatment of the fusiform gyrus damage?

Hypertension medications to control high blood pressure Painkillers for severe headaches Diuretics to reduce swelling

what is the prognosis of the fusiform gyrus damage?

Lifestyle changes to reduce risk of another hemorrhage Currently no cure for pure alexia but many techniques and therapies to help cope

what were the tests done for the cerebellum damage?

Medical history questionnaires genetic testing laboratory tests (vitamin levels, toxins, & alcohol) brain scans (mri & ct) full neurological exam (mental status, sensory exam, motor movement and coordination)

What are the treatments of the cerebellum damage?

No specific treatment for the ataxia itself, but you can manage the symptoms Rehab is recommended for his alcoholism along with a few different forms of therapies Speech therapy to treat.... Dysarthria (slurred speech) Dysphagia (swallowing problems) Occupational therapy Helps patients with their loss of mobility Given new skills to allow them to get around easier Physiotherapy Exercise to maintain muscle mass and prevent further damage Botulinum toxin injections Blocks signals from the brain to the muscles Controls muscle spasms, cramps, and stiffness Gabapentin Controls oscillopsia

long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus has been partially well-studied in axons called the _______ which synapse onto neurons in an area called ________

Schaffer collaterals; CA 1

What is the glutamate hypothesis?

Schizophrenia is due to underactivation of glutamate receptors

After the insula damage, what tests were done to confirm

Slot Machine/Roulette Task Deliver near-miss and watch for reaction; damage will elicit no reaction Specifically geared for insula damage Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) 30-point questionnaire to understand overall mental health Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) Assesses written/oral responses Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) Assesses multitude of functions for initial diagnosis

what is the third step in the stress response (HPA axis)

The adrenal gland of the kidney releases cortisol

A person with Turner syndrome possesses the following sex chromosomes


Which of the following is most likely to be seen in a hamster whose suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has been removed

a "free running" circadian rhythm

A split-brain patient that was briefly shown an apple in the left visual field and a banana in the right visual field would report seeing _______

a banana

Sensitization of the gill withdrawal reflex is Aplysia can be induced using which of the following types of stimulation?

a mild electric shock to the tail

Which of the following has been linked to mutations in the period gene in humans

a sleep-wake cycle that is shorter or longer than 24 hours

Which of the following best describes what is recorded by electroencephalography (EEG)?

an EEG records changes in electrical charge (voltage) generated by synchronous excitation of neurons

What is fear?

an adaptive response to threatening situations

What brain area is associated with PTSD


What brain activity decreases due to exposure therapy

amygdala, cingulate cortex, insula, vmPFC

The abdominis rectus and erector spinae muscles work together to curl your trunk forward and lower it back to the floor when performing exercises such as sit ups or crunches. When the abdominis rectus muscles contract, the erector spinae muscles must stay relaxed, and vice versa. Based on this description, it can be said that the abdominus rectus and erector spinae muscles are a (n)

antagonistic muscle pair

What kind of muscles are the abdominis rectus and erector spinae muscles

axial muscles

damage to the _______ has been observed in postmortem brain tissue from patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, leading scientists to posit that this diffuse modulatory system plays a role in learning and memory

basal forebrain

where is the fusiform gyrus located?

basal surface of temporal and occipital lobes

Which of the brain structures below connects the right and let hemispheres of the cerebral cortex?

corpus callosum

which of the following statements is true about the result of activating the direct and indirect loops of the basal ganglia, respectively?

direct loop activation facilitates movement, whereas indirect loop activation inhibits movement

what is the amygdala's role in aggression?

dominant monkeys fall to bottom of social hierarchy following bilateral lesions electrical stimulation produces agitation/affective aggression across mammalian species psychosurgery that destroys the amygdala reduces aggressive asocial behavior in humans

In rats, parental care is a sexually dimorphic behavior known to be driven by activity in the hypothalamus. Females engage in high levels of care immediately after giving birth, whereas male rats display little if any care when exposed to their own newborn pups. This behavior has been linked to estradiol exposure. Which of the following would constitute an organizational effect of estradiol in females?

early life exposure to estradiol controlling development of hypothalamic circuits

For which of the following movements is the lateral vestibulospinal tract most important?

extending the arms out when falling forward

What is the neurobiology of disgust

fMRI studies- physical objects, odors, tastes -> insula, amygdala moral/social -> prefrontal cortex

True or False: A histamine agonist would likely serve as an effective hypnotic drug (i.e. sleep aid)


What is anxiety?

feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness, dread in the absence of a threat

what are the negative (absence of normal behavior/cognition) symptoms of schizpohrenia

flat affect (reduced emotional expression), alogia (reduced/absent speech), anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), avolition (no motivation), catatonia, and memory impairment

a 15-year old male was recently diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma, a benign tumor of the anterior pituitary. This tumor can be expected to compromise the release of which of the following hormones?

growth hormone, Lutenizing hormone, and thyroid-stimulating hormone

An EEG recording of an awake person engaged in a complex cognitive task would likely show waves that are ________ as compared to a brain in non-REM sleep

high in frequency and low in amplitude

Which of the following conditions is most likely found when a person is in the prandial state?

high levels of triglycerides to fatty acids

In experimental settings, LTP is induced by applying ________ stimulation to the axons referred to above and is measured by comparing the magnitude of _______ before vs. after stimulation in the schaffer collaterals

high-frequency; EPSPs

What brain areas deal with aggression?

hypothalamus, midbrain, and periaqueductal gray (PAG) (both receive input from the amygdala

Which of the following is most likely to be seen when a person is transitioning from non-REM to REM sleep?

increasing activity of pons acetylcholine neurons

You are moving to a new apartment and have several heavy boxes that need to be lifted into your car. Which of the following is a mechanism by which your somatic motor system could increase the force of contractions in your arm muscles so that you can lift the boxes?

increasing the amount of neurotransmitter receptors on the arm muscle fibers

An EEG recording of a person who is in a deep non-REM sleep would likely show waves that are ________ as compared to an awake brain

low in frequency and high in amplitude

Alpha motor neuron pools that innervate the muscles of the upper leg are found in the

lumbar segments of the spinal cord

when the shock to the tail of the gill is applied (sensitization), which of the following occurs?

more glutamine is released onto the sensory neuron of the reflex circuit

Which of the following peptides is known to be orexigenic?

neuropeptide Y (NPY)

The feeling of fullness we get after eating a large meal is a result of sensory inputs being carried by the vagus nerve from the stomach to the _________, which sends projections to the hypothalamus to coordinate responses that ultimately inhibit feeding behavior.

nucleus of the solitary tract

Geneticists have a identified a family whose female members all have a rare mutation in the oxytocin receptor gene that renders the receptors nonfunctional. which of the following behaviors/processes is not likely to be disrupted in these individuals?


what is some evidence for James-Lange theory?

panic attacks pure autonomic failure (a degenerative disease marked by little or no output from the ANS to the body)

The _________ nervous system is involved in "rest and digest" functions, while the ________ nervous system is involved in "fight or flight" functions

parasympathetic; sympathetic

Where is the insula located?

part of the cerebral cortex deep in the brain within lateral sulcus

supression paradigms

participants directed to inhibit their emotional reactions to unpleasant films or pictures

reappraisal paradigms

participants directed to reinterpret a picture in order to change emotional reaction to it

Which of the following is true regarding clock genes' control of circadian rhythms?

period and timeless (protein) levels are lowest in the early morning

Which brain area would be most likely to enhance performance in this task when it is stimulated?

perirhinal cortex

The cell bodies of the neurosecretory cells that direct hormone release from the pituitary gland are found within the ________ zone of the hypothalamus


Which of the following is true regarding Lashley's attempt to locate the engram?

rats were impaired in their ability to learn and remember maze regardless of which part of the cerebral cortex was lesioned

Mutations in the CNTNAP 2 gene have been linked to ________ in humans

specific language impairment

Sleep spindles and K-complexes are typically seen during ________ sleep, whereas delta waves are characteristic of _______ sleep

stage 2; stage 4

What is the first step in the stress response (HPA axis)

stressor triggers release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus

what is the evidence for Cannon-Bard theory?

studies with cats- feedback from ANS not needed for emotional expression studies investigating effects of epinephrine injection in human participants (induced physiological changes typical of SNS activation, but no emotional experience

Compared to wildtype (normal) mice, transgenic mice engineered to overexpress NMDA receptors would most likely

take less time to find the platform in the Morris water maze task

A genetically male embryo is found to have a mutation in the SRY gene that renders in unable to produce testis-determining factor (TDF). Which of the following will occur as development proceeds?

the fetus will develop female sex organs

Neurobiology of emotion regulation

the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) contains structures that integrate emotion with cognition medial orbitofrontal cortex anterior cingulate cortex

Alex the parrot became competent in certain aspects of language through use of

the model-rival technique

A group of patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease is tested on the weather prediction task and the mirror tracing task. Which of the following results would most likely be found?

the patients perform poorly on both tasks

A group of patients diagnosed with suspected Alzheimer's disease is tested on the same two tasks as the Parkinson's disease patients. Which of the following results would most likely be found?

the patients perform well on both tasks

Regarding the primary motor cortex, which of these statements is false?

the primary motor cortex controls the stretch (knee-jerk) reflex

A monkey in whom the brain and spinal cord have been served would likely still be able to do which of the following?

walk on a treadmill with support

What did Weingarten & Kulikovsky's (1989) sham eating experiments tell us about the role of conditioning in feeding behavior?

we tend to eat more when given a food we have never eaten before

A 1982 study examined the role of the premotor area (PMA) in movement. In their task, a "get ready" signal drew the monkey's attention to a button that they would need to press once they saw the "go" signal. Once the "go" signal was presented, the monkeys could press the button to obtain a reward. In this experiment, the PMA neurons

were more active when the "get ready" signal was presented and less active when monkey moved its arm

Last semester you studied abroad in Southeast Asia, where you encountered various fruits not found in the U.S. Neurons A, B, & C are now part of a neural network that stores information about three of these exotic fruits. According to the neural network theory of memory, which of the following is most likely to be true?

when you first arrived to Asia, Neurons A, B, & C showed equal levels of activation to all three fruits

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