Quiz Questions

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Read about Nabal and Abigail in 1 Samuel 25. The name Nabal means "fool." How does Abigail, the wife of Nabal, show herself to be wise?

Abigail provides food for David and his men, after Nabal has turned them away, and Abigail affirms that the LORD has chosen David to be king and founder of an eternal dynasty

Read Jeremiah 7:1-15. What does Jeremiah say to combat the people's misguided confidence in the Jerusalem Temple

He says the LORD will protect the temple and Jerusalem only if the people stop oppressing the weak and breaking his laws, and he says the LORD threatens to destroy the temple in Jerusalem just like he destroyed his place of worship in Shiloh

Read Isaiah 1:10-20. What behavior does the LORD want to see from the people of Jerusalem that he has not been seeing from them

He wants them to treat widows and orphans with justice

Read Jeremiah 1:1-3. Then, go back and read 1 Kings 1:5-8 and 2:26-27. How might Anathoth and the priestly family of Abiathar be significant in the life of Jeremiah?

Jeremiah comes from a family of priests in Anathoth, suggesting he might have connections with the priestly line of Abiathar, whom Solomon banished from the palace

Read Hosea 1 (pg. 1456 in your study bible), which introduces us to Hosea's family. What basic message does Hosea communicate with his family

That the LORD intends to punish Israel for being unfaithful to Him

Read 1 Samuel 16. What indications are there that the LORD has chosen David as a replacement for Saul

The LORD instructs Samuel to anoint David to be king, the LORD places his spirit in David, and the people say the LORD is with David

Read Ezekiel 16:1-34. How does the LORD (metaphorically) describe the religious history of Israel

The LORD portrays Israel as an orphaned girl that he raised to be a queen, who then prostituted herself to other gods

Read 2 Samuel 7. What does the LORD promise to do for David

The LORD will establish David's house (dynasty) to stand forever

Read Isaiah 10:20-23, where Isaiah speaks of Israel as a "remnant" (small piece left over). What does the prophet say in this passage about Israel as a remnant

The LORD will punish Israel and only a remnant will return, and there will be a remnant of Israel that will genuinely rely on the LORD

Read Ezekiel 37:1-14. How do Ezekiel's prophetic words symbolically restore hope in the people of Israel, while they live in exile in Babylon

The words of Ezekiel cause dried bones to become whole bodies, and the winds he summons cause the bodies to breathe again

Read 1 Samuel 13-15, again noticing the words and actions of Saul and Samuel. What events here serve to justify the LORD's decision to withdraw his support from King Saul

There are 2 occasions when Saul does not fully carry out the LORD's instructions, which he communicates through the prophet Samuel

Read Daniel 1 and Daniel 3. How do Daniel and his three friends respond to the demands of their Babylonian overlords?

They humbly but firmly refuse to compromise their commitments to the God of Israel

Read Isaiah 36:1-22 . An Assyrian army surrounds Jerusalem. The Assyrian field commander speaks to the defenders of Jerusalem, telling them not to "depend on" or "trust in" two powers that oppose Assyria. What two powers cannot save Jerusalem, according to this Assyrian commander?

the LORD and Egypt

Read Ruth 4. What famous ruler is a direct descendant of Ruth and Boaz

King David of Israel

Read Isaiah 6:1-7, where the prophet Isaiah sees a vision of "the LORD of hosts." How is the LORD portrayed in his vision

He is a powerful king in his throne

Read Jeremiah 3:1-13. What real-life situation does Jeremiah use here as an analogy for the relationship between the LORD and Israel

He portrays Israel as the LORD's unfaithful wife, who has committed adultery with other gods

Read 2 Kings 14:23-29 and 15:8-31. There are five kings of Israel whose reigns are recorded here -- Jeroboam (son of Jehoash -- this is a different Jeroboam than the one we read about in 1 Kings 11-13), Zechariah, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah. All five do "evil in the eyes of the LORD." What is the "evil" that they did?

All 5 keep doing the sins that Jeroboam son of Nebat had done in Israel

Read 2 Samuel 18-19. Which of the following best describes the mood of David and the people following the death of Absalom

David is sad, which causes the people to be uncertain and divided about how to move forward as a nation

Read 2 Samuel 15, where David leaves Jerusalem to escape forces led by his son, Absalom. David has conversations with several individuals as he leaves. What do we learn about David's mood from these conversations?

David is uncertain whether the LORD still supports him

Read Ezekiel 47:1-12. This is part of an extended vision of future Israel and Jerusalem that Ezekiel sees. What significant part is described in this passage?

Ezekiel sees a river flowing out of the temple, with fruit trees on both banks

Read Jeremiah 31:27-34. Jeremiah speaks of a new covenant that will be different from an old covenant. What is the old covenant to which he is referring

God's covenant with Moses, established in Exodus 19-24

Read Isaiah 1:21-31. Isaiah says the sinful behavior of the people has damaged the reputation of Jerusalem. What specific sinful behavior does he mention here

Leaders accept bribes, and the needs of orphans and widows are ignored

Read Ezra 9:1-10:17. What sinful situation in Judah and Jerusalem does Ezra try to correct?

Many Jewish men have married foreign women

Read Daniel 2 and Daniel 7. How do the story-lines of Nebuchadnezzar's dream (n Daniel 2) and Daniel's dream (in Daniel 7) align with one another?

The symbolism of both dreams reveal the eventual fate of each of Daniel's three friends and, with the fourth part, the fate of Daniel himself

Read 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 again. The story of the birth of Samuel is most similar to what story from the Pentateuch

The story of the more-loved Sarah giving birth to Isaac (Genesis 21)

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