Review Chapter 28

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Cycad reproduction is similar to that in pines and both cycads and pines are monoecious


During the life cycle of a pine tree, pollen fertilizes the egg during the haploid gametophyte generation


Embryo sacs in the vast majority of angiosperms contain just one egg cell with two haploid nuclei


Eudicots are mostly herbaceous plants with long, narrow leaves that have paralell veins


Flowering plants have efficient sugar conducting cells called vessel elements in their phloem


One disadvantage for angiosperms is cross fertilization by the transfer of pollen from other plants which causes genetic variation among the offspring


Only angiosperms have the 2 vascular tissues: xylem and phloem


The parts of a monocot flowers usually ocurr in fours and fives


cross section through a pistil reveals that the pistil

is compound, with three fused carpels

seed plants lack

large, nutrionally independent gametophyte

immature male gametophytes of pine

pollen grains

grows through the megasporangium to the egg within the archegonium

pollen tube

transfer of pollen grains from male to female cones/reproductive structure


floral sexual reproduction parts

sepals, petals, stamen, and carpals

Angiosperms produce seeds that are totally exposed or borne on the scales of cones


results in the formation of (2n) zygote and (3n) endosperm

double fertilization

about how many species of flowering plants world wide


this flowering plant may be the nearest living relative to the ancestor of all flowering plants


An evolutionary advantage of flowering plants is the shedding of their leaves during cold or dry periods to reduce H2O loss


During double fertilization, one sperm cell unites with the egg while another unites with the two polar bodies, forming a triploid cell that gives rise to a endosperm


Flowering plants are the most successful type of plants on earth, having adapted to almost every habitat


Most conifers have seperate male and female reproductive parts in different locations on the same plant


One major advantage of gymnosperms over the seedless vascular plants is their production of windborne pollen grains


Progymnosperms descended from ancestral seedless vascular plants and had 2 derived features: leaves with branching veins and woody tissue


after fertilization, the ovary develops into a fruit, and the ovule develops into a seed


ovules of flowering plants enclosed with an ovary that develops into the fruit


floral parts in 4s or 5s, each have 2 cotyledons


zygote develops into an embryo encased inside a seed adapted for wind dispersal

after fertilization

sporophyte generation dominant

angio and gymnosperms

flowering plants that produce their seeds within a fruit (mature ovary), most diverse an successful group of plants


a simple pistil consists of a single


largest phylum of gymnosperms, woody plants that bear needles, seeds in cones, monoecious


palmlike/fernlike, dioecious


motile sperm cells are found as vestiges in 2 gymnosperm groups:

cycads, ginkgo

male and female reproductive structures on seperate plants


the female gametophyte in flowering plants is called

embryo sac

produce megaspores, 1/4 develops into an ovule

female cone

only surviving species in phylum Ginkophyta, a deciduous, dioecious tree

ginkgo bilboa

obscure clade of gymnosperms that has a few associated traits with angiosperms


conifers, cycads, ginkgo, and gnetophytes are


produce seeds that are totally exposed or borne on the scales of cones (ovary wall does not surround the ovules)


a flower that lacks stamens is both

incomplete and imperfect

produce microspores that develop into pollen grains that are carried by wind

male cones

have floral parts in 3s, seeds each contain one cotyledon


have male and female reproductive parts in seperate cones on the same plant


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