Sadness and Depression, Anger, Stress and Anxiety

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What are some stats on depression?

1 in 10 suffer women more likely than men highest risk at 25-44 runs in families can be triggered when difficult time in life exceeds person's ability to cope with them can come "out of the blue" genetic, psychological, and environmental factors can contribute

How do you monitor your stress?

Develop rating system check in with self- body scan; rate physical tension ABC

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Difficulty with meeting people having attention public speaking eating in public parties interview making phone calls eye contact sometimes develop from shyness (temperament) can develop due to certain experiences, conditioning

What helps anxiety?

Educate, increase awareness Identify triggers Problem-solving skills Social skills training Interpersonal problem-solving Relaxation techniques Exposure Coping with thoughts address it, don 't avoid it talk to someone about it

What are the different types of stress?

Hypostress- underload; bored Eustress- good short-term stress that strength un to create, act, be safe, get into action Distress- feel no control over outcome Hyperstress- overload! multiple stressors

How are internal attributions related to depression?

Internal attributions that are global and stable lead to greater feelings of helplessness and possibly depression ex: internal- it's all my fault global- I ruin everything I touch stable- and I always will

What are the two main cognitive theories of depression?

Negative thinking Learned helplessness

What is the difference between sadness and depression?

Sadness: feeling sorrow or unhappiness doesn't last long Depression: lasts longer than sadness, can las weeks, months,... can vary in people

Why are some people more angry than others?

Varies in people: some frequent, some rarely some very intense, some mild some lasts long, others come and go "hotheaded" people - get angry more easily and/or more intensely (lower frustration tolerance; harder to take things in stride) may be due to genetics, physiology, cultural backgrounds, family backgrounds

How is anger expressed and experienced?

accusatory content: you did it on purpose harsh tone: why didn't you think of me first sarcastic content: you're brilliant, aren't you? profanity gestures body posture screaming, verbal and physical aggression

What are signals of stress?

anxiety or worry not sleeping well tired forgetfulness trouble with concentration tense irritable moodiness eating more/less not feeling good about self

How do you help someone feeling down?

approach instead of avoid. engage in self-care social support, not withdraw problem-solve seek balance, shift attention break patterns, do small changes gratitude- write three things you're grateful for journal- write at least one positive thing that happened in last day

Is venting anger useful?

dangerous myth letting it rip escalates anger and aggression, doesn't help doesn't help to increase physiological arousal focusing on negative feelings intensifies and extends emotions

What are some tips for anger management?

deal with situation differently learn to react to stressors constructively express anger appropriately learn to reduce anger if disruptive, excessive, or hurtful increase awareness, observe patterns, gain understanding of certain situations look at trigger and how anger is expressed trigger is often aversive interpersonal behaviors cognitive restructuring find other perspective change environment avoid; walk away

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

excessive worry about number of situations or activities in life difficult to control worry trouble concentrating physically fatigued, muscle tension feeling restless, on edge, 'overly' sensitive trouble sleeping impacts ability to cope with daily stuff

When can fear and anxiety be useful?

help us avoid danger, keeps us safe prepares us for fight or flight when threatened motivates us helps us perform better

How do you manage your stress and anxiety?

identify, label, and rate stress don't try to eliminate it, try to manage it relaxation exercise time-outs self-talk water journal or talk manage time anticipate stress plan be organized social support have fun, balanced life problem-solve set limits tell someone!

What are the sociocultural views of depression?

interactional view lack of social support and close relationships people who are isolated and without intimacy are more likely to become depressed in times of stress

What are some physical symptoms of anxiety?

muscle tension sweating breathing heavily dizziness indigestion

When is anger useful?

natural adaptive response to threat instinctive to respond to threat with aggression defend ourselves when attacked anger is useful for *survival* when moderate in intensity helps others know you're annoyed

If you are depression, should you do the exercise (self-observation)?

no seek help scs

What is learned helplessness?

people become depressed when they think they no longer have control over reinforcements in their lives ex: electric shock of dogs

What are some symptoms of depression?

persistent sad mood or "empty " mood lack of energy loss of concentration, sometimes indecisiveness weight change sleeping difficulties slowed down or agitated restless or irritable feeling worthless, disappointed, and guilty loss of interest in activities once enjoyed increase interest in sex feelings of helplessness and hopelessness cry thoughts of death

When recording your observations, what should you record?

positive and negative events and evaluations try to observe from nonjudgemental stance, describe patterns

What is grief?

reactive reaction to loss normal sadness- will lessen over time depression- continues after 6 months, is triggered

When is anger disruptive?

revenge physical aggression excessive in frequency, duration disproportionate to event or person or trigger violates laws, social norms, common sense leads to highly negative outcomes

What are some effects of suppressing anger?

suppressing - not openly expressed can create problems might lead to passive-aggressive behavior becoming cynical and hostile being critical; putting others down, making cynical comments turn inwards-depression expressing- can do it in assertive or aggressive way

How do you monitor anger?

use the sheet rate it, labelling feelings in degrees physical sensations- check it off on list

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