SB Q&A Topic 7

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David McClelland's theory about the drivers of employee behavior is the:

acquired needs theory

McClelland's theory states that employees are motivated by acquired needs that include the need for:

achievement affiliation power

Psychologist J. Stacy Adams first applied _____ theory in the workplace.


In equity theory, inputs can include:

-education -skills and knowledge -personality traits

The outcomes of an equity comparison include which of the following?

Equity Positive inequity Negative inequity

Job design terms that individuals negotiate for themselves involving schedule flexibility, career development, or other adjustments are known as _____ deals.


What role does cognitive dissonance play in equity theory?

It motivates people to maintain consistency between their beliefs and their behavior.

Who pioneered the use of equity theory in the workplace?

J. Stacy Adams

What should individuals do if their current job is unfulfilling but they do not want to change jobs?

Try to incorporate job crafting or I-deals.

Which of the following are among the top-down approaches to job design?

-Job enlargement -Job rotation -Scientific management

Job crafting is the:

approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work

The form of organizational justice that reflects whether people are told the truth and treated with respect is:

interactional justice

The activities that involve alteration of specific jobs or sets of interdependent jobs to improve employee experience and motivation are known as _____ _____. (Two words)

job design

Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are known as _____.


Equity theory uses a comparison of the ratio of ______ to _____.

outputs inputs

Which methods should managers use to determine the needs of their employees?

-Employee surveys -One-on-one meetings

Scientific management designs jobs based on which of the following?

-experimentation -reason -systematic observation

Which of the following are problems that often arise with jobs based on Taylor's scientific management methods?

-low sense of accomplishment -high levels of dissatisfaction and stress -poor mental health

The top-down approaches to job design include:

-scientific management -job enlargement -the job characteristics model

Pay, promotions, challenging assignments, participation in decision making are all considered ______ in Adam's equity theory.


Who formulated the theory that motivation is a function of five basic needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization?

Abraham Maslow

Expectancy theory states that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce

desired combinations of expected outcomes.

Pay, promotions, challenging assignments, participation in decision making are all considered outputs in Adams' Elements of _____ theory.


The theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges is _____ theory.


Which theory is based on comparing one's outputs and inputs with those of others?

equity theory

The theory that can be used to predict behavior in any situation where there is a choice between two or more alternatives is:

expectancy theory

What are job design terms that individuals negotiate for themselves involving schedule flexibility, career development, or other adjustments?

idiosyncratic deals

Feelings of inequity are based on whether you perceive that the outputs you receive are adequate to compensate for your collective _____.


In Adams' equity theory, knowledge, experience, education, and effort expended all are perceived as:


The approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work is known as:

job crafting

Any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific job activities to improve the quality of employee job experience and motivation is called

job design

The psychological mechanisms that guide the direction, intensity, and persistence of one's behaviors or thoughts are known as:


Vroom's expectancy theory requires that all three of the elements must be high for _____ to be high.


Hunger or thirst are examples of physiological deficiencies that arouse behavior known as ______.


The form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make organizational decisions is:

procedural justice

The theories that focus on explaining the process by which internal and situational factors influence employee motivation are known as ______ theories.


The method of job design that draws from observation, experiments, and reasoning is _____ _____. (Two words)

scientific management

Which approach to job design often creates jobs that are very simple, repetitive, and boring?

scientific management

Which theory assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness?

self-determination theory

Herzberg's theory states that there are _____ separate sets of factors that create satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the job.


Self-determination theory assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by which innate needs?

autonomy competence relatedness

How can managers incorporate the principles of expectancy theory?

by linking performance to rewards that individual employees value

What motivates corrective action in equity theory?

cognitive dissonance

Select all of the characteristics that are influenced by motivation.

direction of behavior or thought persistence of behavior or thought intensity of behavior or thought

The job design method that puts more variety into a job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty is job _____.


Which process theory explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships?

equity theory

The job design method that puts more variety into a job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty is:

job enlargement

The job design method that moves employees from one job to another is job _____.


The question that asks "How much do I value the outcomes I will receive by achieving my performance goals?" represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


Which of the following are among the top-down approaches to job design?

-Scientific management -Job enlargement -Job rotation

What are some recommended approaches for creating change when one's job is low on hygiene or motivating factors?

-Talk with the manager. -Change jobs. -Ask for new work assignments.

Using Vroom's expectancy theory to predict motivation, it can be said that:

motivation will be high when all three elements are high

Job rotation is the top-down approach that:

moves employees from one specialized job to another

The theories that focus on identifying the factors that motivate employees are known as ______ theories.


The question "What are the chances of receiving various outcomes if I achieve my performance goals?" represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


According to equity theory, people compare

their output-to-input ratio to that of relevant others.

Who wrote the book The Human Side of Enterprise, which explores two contrasting sets of assumptions about human nature?

Douglas McGregor

The theory that proposes that job satisfaction comes from motivating factors and dissatisfaction from the absence or weak presence of hygiene factors is based on research done by:

Frederick Herzberg

Kaya and Franklin just received their end-of-year bonuses. Kaya's bonus was 10% larger than Franklin's, but Kaya knows she regularly worked overtime while Franklin rarely did. Based on this equity comparison, which equity relationship is Kaya most likely to perceive?

Positive inequity

The title of Douglas McGregor's book, which formulated two contrasting views of human nature is:

The Human Side of Enterprise

True or false: Research in more than 1000 different studies from a wide range of countries show that goal setting helps achieve success.


McClelland's theory, developed in the 1940s, proposed that employee behaviors are driven by three _____ needs.


Research has shown that setting _____ helps motivate individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve success.


Which of the following are included in Maslow's need hierarchy theory?

-Physiological Needs -Esteem Needs

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