ServeSafe - questions in back of book

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A customer called an operation and told the manager about getting sick after eating there. The customer complained of vomiting and diarrhea a few hours after eating the raw oysters. What pathogen probably caused the illness? a. Norovirus b. Shigella spp. c. Salmonella Typhi d. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli


A customer had a reversal of hot and cold sensations after eating sea food. What most likely caused the illness? a. Toxin b. Virus c. Bacteria d. Parasite


A deli serves cold sandwiches in a self-serve display. Which step in the flow of food would be a critical control point? a. Storage b. Cooling c. Cooking d. Reheating


A food handler drops the end of a hose into a mop bucket and turns the water on to fill it. What has the food handler done wrong? a. created a cross-connection b. created an air gap separation c. prevented backflow d. prevented atmospheric vacuuming


A food handler has diarrhea and has been diagnosed with an illness from Shigella spp. What should the food handler tell this food handler to do? a. Stay home until doctor approves a return to work b. Wear gloves while handling food c. Work in a non-food handling position d. Wash hands frequently while handling food


A food handler stored a sanitizer spray bottle on a shelf above the prep table that had just been sanitized. Throughout the day the food handler used the sanitizer on the prep table, storing it in the same spot. What should the food handler should have done differently?/ a. Stored the sanitizer bottle away from the prep area b. Stored the sanitizer bottle on the floor between uses c. Stored the sanitizer bottle on the prep table between uses d. Stored the sanitizer bottle with food supplies below the prep table


A thermometer used to measure the temperature of food must be accurate to what temperature? a. +/- -2 F or +/- 1 C b. +/- -4 F or +/- 3 C c. +/- -6 F or +/- 5 C d. +/- -8 F or +/- 7 C


An operation has a build up of grease and condensation on the walls and ceiling. What is the most likely problem? a. The ventilation system is not working correctly b. The cleaning chemicals are not being used correctly c. The staff are not cleaning the walls correctly d. The grill is not being operated at a high enough temperature


Cleaning the surfaces of some cans of tomato sauce so that they can be accepted is an example of... a. reconditioning b. spot-inspecting c. calibrating d. documenting


How should flatware and utensils that have been cleaned and sanitized be stored? a. With handles facing up b. Below cleaning supplies c. In drawers that have been washed and rinsed d. Four inches from the floor


If food-contact surfaces are in constant use, how often must they be cleaned and sanitized? a. Every 4 hours b. Every 5 hours c. Every 6 hours d. Every 7 hours


If pesticides are stored in an operation, where should they be kept? a. In a secure location, away from food and equipment b. In a glass container, in a walk in cooler c. In dry storage on a shelf below the food d. In a plastic container in any location


In top-to-bottom order, how should a fresh pork roast, fresh salmon, a container of lettuce, and a pan of fresh chicken breasts be stored in a cooler? a. Lettuce, fresh salmon, fresh pork roast, fresh chicken breasts b. Fresh salmon, fresh pork roast, fresh chicken breasts, lettuce c. Lettuce, fresh chicken breasts, fresh pork roast, fresh salmon d. Fresh salmon, lettuce, fresh chicken breasts, fresh pork roasts


Live shellfish must be received with what documentation? a. Shellstock identification tag b. USDA inspection stamp c. Certified fisheries tag d. USDA grading stamp


Signage posted at a hand washing station must include a reminder to staff to... a. wash hands before returning to work b. use hot running water when washing c. scrub hands and arms for 10 to 15 seconds d. avoid touching faucet handles after washing


The three basic rules of an integrated pest management program are: work with a PCO, deny pests access, and... a. deny pests food, water, and a nesting or hiding place b. document all infestations with the local regulatory authority c. prepare a chemical application schedule and post it publicly d. notify the EPA that pesticides are being used in the operation


What is the correct way to clean and sanitize a prep table? a. Remove food from the surface, wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry b. Remove food from the surface, wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry c. Remove food from the surface, wash, sanitize, air dry, rinse d. Remove food from the surface, air dry, wash, rinse, sanitize


What is the first task in training a large group of servers to prevent contamination of food? a. Asses the training needs of the servers on this topic b. Make a list of possible information to cover c. Provide servers with operation manuals on the topic d. Put the servers into small groups based on service experience


What is the most important way to prevent a food borne illness from bacteria? a. Control time and temperature b. Prevent cross contamination c. Practice good personal hygiene d. Practice correct cleaning and sanitizing


What is the only completely reliable method for preventing backflow? a. Air gap b. Ball valve c. Cross-connection d. Vacuum breaker


What is the problem with storing raw ground beef above prepped salads? a. Cross-contamination b. Poor personal hygiene c. Time-temperature abuse d. Cross-contact with allergens


What item must customers take each time they return to a self-service area for more food? a. Clean plate b. Extra napkins c. Hand sanitizer d. New serving spoon


What must food handlers do to make sure sanitizing solution for use on food contact surfaces has been made correctly? a. Test the solution with a sanitizing kit b. Use very hot water when making the solution c. Try out the solution on a food-contact surface d. Mix the solution with equal parts of water


What should a manger of a hospital cafeteria do if a cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea? a. Tell the cook to stay away from work and see a doctor b. Tell the cook to come in for a couple of hours and then go home c. Tell the cook to rest for a couple of hours and then come to work d. Tell the cook to go to the doctor and then immediately come to work


What should food handlers do to prevent food allergens from being transferred to food? a. Clean and sanitize utensils before use b. Buy from approved, reputable suppliers c. Store cold food at 41 degrees F or lower d. Label chemical containers correctly


What smell may be a sign that cockroaches are present? a. Strong, oily b. Warm, spicy c. Sharp, musty d. Mild, seaweed


What was the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water? a. 70 F b. 65 F c. 60 F d. 55 F


When should hand antiseptic be used? a. After washing hands b. Before washing hands c. When soap is unavailable d. When gloves are not being used


When should staff receive food safety training? a. When hired, and then periodically after that b. When they do not have food service experience c. When a new FDA Food Code comes out d. Only when they request it


Which food should NOT be offered on a children's menu: a rare hamburger, fried chicken tenders, grilled cheese sandwich, or spaghetti with meat sauce? a. Rare hamburger b. Fried chicken tenders c. Grilled cheese sandwich d. Spaghetti with meat sauce


Why are pre-school age children at a higher risk for food borne illnesses? a. They have not built up strong immune systems b. They are more likely to spend time in a hospital c. They are more likely to suffer allergic reactions d. Their appetites have increased since birth


A back up of raw sewage and significant lack of refrigeration can result in... a. a delay of an inspection until the situation is corrected b. closure of the operation by the regulatory authority c. improved inspection scores d. being issued a permit to operate


A broken water main has caused the water in an operation to appear brown. What should the manager do? a. Boil the water for one minute before use b. Contact the local regulatory authority before use c. Use the water for everything except dishwashing d. Use the water for everything except handwashing


A food handler will be using single use gloves to chop lettuce for an hour. When must the food handlers hands be washed? a. After putting on gloves b. Before starting the task c. Half-way through the task d. Each time the gloves are changed


A person arrives at a restaurant claiming to be a health inspector. What should the manager ask for? a. Inspection warrant b. Inspector's identification c. Hearing to determine if the inspection is necessary d. One-day postponement to prepare for the inspection


A server cleans a dining table with a wiping cloth and then puts the wiping cloth in an apron pocket. What is the risk that could cause a food borne illness? a. Cross-contamination b. Poor cleaning and sanitizing c. Poor personal hygiene d. Time-temperature abuse


An operation is located in a jurisdiction that allows it to hold TCS food without temperatures control. How many hours can it display hot TCS food without temperature control before the food must be sold, served, or thrown out? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8


Eggs and peanuts are dangerous for people with which condition? a. FAT TOM b. Food allergies c. Chemical sensitivity d. Poor personal hygiene


How should carton of coleslaw be checked for the correct receiving temperature? a. Check the interior air temperature of the delivery truck b. Open a carton and insert a thermometer stem into the food c. Place a thermometer against the outside of the carton d. Touch the carton to see if it is cold


In which training method does a trainer ask a series of questions to draw on the knowledge and experience of the learners? a. Information search b. Guided discussion c. Jigsaw design d. Games


Milk can be received at 45 F under what condition? a. It is thrown out after 2 days b. It is cooled to 41 F or lower in four hours c. It is immediately cooled to 41 F or lower d. It is served or used in the operation within two hours


Reviewing temperature logs and other records to make sure that the HACCP plan is working as intended is an example of which HACCP principle? a. Monitoring b. Verification c. Hazard analysis d. Record keeping


The temperature of a roast is checked to see if it has met its critical limit of 145 F for 4 minutes. This is an example of which HACCP principle? a. Verification b. Monitoring c. Record keeping d. Hazard analysis


What can occur if prep tables are not cleaned and sanitized between uses? a. Off flavors in food b. Cross-contamination c. Toxic-metal poisoning d. Time-temperature abuse


What is the best method of checking the temperature of a delivery of fresh fish? a. Feel the fish, making sure that it is cold to the touch b. Insert a thermometer probe into the thickest part of the fish c. Place a time-temperature indicator on the surface of the fish d. Use an infrared thermometer to check the fishes temperature


What is the correct temperature for receiving cold TCS food? a. 32 F or lower b. 41 F or lower c. 45 F or lower d. 50 F or lower


What is the first step in developing a HACCP plan? a. Identify corrective actions b. Conduct a hazard analysis c. Establish monitoring procedures d. Determine critical control points


What must good handlers do to food immediately after thawing it in the microwave oven? a. Hold it b. Cook it c. Cool it d. Freeze it


When installing tabletop equipment on legs, the space between the base of the equipment and the tabletop must be at least... a. 2 inches b. 4 inches c. 6 inches d. 8 inches


Which FAT TOM condition will a food service operation be most able to control? a. Acidity b. Time c. Oxygen d. Moisture


Which area of the operation is usually required to be the brightest? a. dry storage b. preparation c. refrigerated storage d. service


Which food items can be displayed in a self service area without the use of packaging, sneeze guards, or a display case to protect them from contamination? a. Bulk deli rolls b. Nuts in the shell c. Sushi-grade fish d. Cooked shrimp


Which pathogen can be controlled by washing hands and controlling flies inside and outside the operation? a. Hepatitis A b. Shigella spp. c. Clostridium botulinum d. Vibrio parahaemolyticus


Which pathogens are found in high numbers in an infected persons feces, are hight infectious, and can cause severe illness? a. Histmine, aflatoxin, brevetoxin, ciguatoxin, saxitoxin, and domoic acid b. Hepatitis A, norovirus, salmonella typhi, nontyphoidal salmonella, shigella spp., and shiga toxin producing E. coli c. Anisakis simplex, Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardoa duodenalis, Vibrio vulnificus, and Clostridium botulinum


Which type of thermometer can read temperature without touching the item's surface? a. TTI b. Infrared c. Air probe d. Immersion probe


A food handler can cool a stockpot of clam chowder by placing it into a a. cooler b. freezer c. sink of ice water d. cold-holding unit


A food handler has finished trimming raw chicken on a cutting board and needs to prep vegetables. What must be done to the cutting board? a. It must be dried with a paper towel b. It must be turned over to the other side c. It must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized d. It must be rinsed in hot water and air-dried


A food handler prepares and delivers meals to elderly individuals receiving cancer car services at home. What symptoms require this food handler to stay home from work? a. Thirst and itching b. Soreness with fatigue c. Sore throat with fever d. Headache with soreness


A food handler pulled a hotel pan of tuna salad from the cooler and used it to prepare six tuna salad sandwiches. What is the problem with this situation? a. Cross-contamination b. Poor personal hygiene c. Time-temperature abuse d. Poor cleaning and sanitizing


A food handler was assigned to clean a slicer that was too difficult to move. The slicer was unplugged. Then the removable parts were taken off of the slicer and cleaned and sanitized in a three compartment sink. Food bits on the slicer were removed. After the machine was wiped down with detergent and water, it was sanitized and allowed to air dry. Then the food handler put the machine back together. What mistake did the food handler make? a. Failed to dry the machine with a clean cloth after sanitizing it b. Failed to sanitize the machine before taking the removable parts off c. Failed to rinse the machine after wiping it down with detergent and water d. Failed to wash the machine with detergent and water before taking it apart


All new staff should receive training on.. a. HACCP b. crisis management c. general food safety d. active managerial control


An operation received a violation in the outside area of the facility. The manager reviewed the area and saw that the dumpster was placed of a freshly graveled drive. The lids were closed and the drain lid was in place to prevent the dumpster from draining. What was the problem? a. The dumpster lids should have been open to allow it to air out b. The drain plug should have been removed to allow the dumpster to drain correctly c. The surface underneath the dumpster should have been paved with concrete or asphalt d. The dumpster should have been freshly painted so that food debris would not stick to surfaces


At what maximum internal temperature should cold TCS food be held at? a. 0 F b. 32 F c. 41 F d. 60 F


At what minimum temperature should hot TCS food be held? a. 115 F b. 125 F c. 135 F d . 145 F


At what temperatures do most food borne pathogens grow most quickly? a. Between 0 F and 41 F b. Between 45 F and 65 F c. Between 70 F and 125 F d. Between 130 F and 165 F


Besides information on chemical concentration and water temperature, what other machine setting information should be posted on dishwashing machines? a. Water pH b. Water salinity c. Water pressure d. Water hardness


Frozen shrimp is rejected during receiving for having large ice crystals on the food and packaging. What is the problem that caused this? a. Cross-contact b. Cross-contamination c. Time-temperature abuse d. Incorrect cleaning and sanitizing


How long can ready-to-eat TCS food that was prepped in-house be stored if it was held at 41 F or lower? a. 3 days b. 5 days c. 7 days d. 9 day


Parasites are commonly linked to what type of food? a. Rice b. Poultry c. Sea food d Canned food


The manager's responsibility for staff food safety training is to... a. tests the staffs safety knowledge b. provide all staff with videos of DVDs for training c. make sure that staff have the knowledge and skills to keep food safe d. let staff learn on their own


What are the most common symptoms of a food borne illness? a. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal cramps, and dizziness b. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal cramps, and headache c. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal cramps, and jaundice d. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal cramps, and tiredness


What device can be used to record time temperature abuse during the delivery of food? a. Thermocouple b. Thermistor c. Time-temperature indicator d. Bimetallic stemmed termometer


What is required for measuring the sanitizing rinse temperature in a high-temperature dishwashing machine? a. Infrared thermometer b. Time-temperature indicator c. Maximum registering thermometer d. Thermocouple with immersion probe


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs that will be hot-held for service? a. 135 F for 15 seconds b. 145 F for 15 seconds c. 155 F for 15 seconds d. 165 F for 15 seconds


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground beef? a. 135 F for 15 seconds b. 145 F for 15 seconds c. 155 F for 15 seconds d. 165 F for 15 seconds


What is the most important way to prevent a food borne illness from viruses? a. Control time and temperature b. Prevent cross contamination c. Practice good personal hygiene d. Practice correct cleaning and sanitizing


What is the purpose of a food safety management system? a. Keep all areas of the facility clean and pest free b. Identify, tag, and repair faulty equipment within the facility c. Identify and control possible hazards throughout the flow of food d. Identify, document, and use the correct methods for receiving food


What must be included on the label of TCS food that was prepped in-house? a. Date that the food was received b. Name of each TCS ingredient included c. Date that the food should be thrown out d. List of all potential ingredients in the food


What probe should be used to check the temperature of a large stockpot of chili? a. Air probe b. Surface probe c. Immersion probe d. Penetration probe


What should be done when throwing away chemicals? a. Seal the container and recycle it b. Seal the container in a bag and place it in the garbage c. Follow label instructions and regulatory requirements d. Pour leftover chemicals into drain and throw the container away


What should be done with food-contact surfaces after pesticides have been applied? a. Used after only 20 minute wait b. Checked with a sanitizer test kit c. Washed, rinsed, and sanitized d. Replaced with new equipment


Wheezing and shortness of breath are symptoms of what? a. Hepatitis A b. Bacillus cereus c. Allergic reaction d. Hemorrhagic colitis


When is it acceptable to eat in an operation? a. When prepping food b. When washing dishes c. When sitting in a break area d. When handling utensils


When storing food using the FIFO method, where should the food with the earliest use-by dates be stored? a. Below food with later use-by dates b. Behind good with later use-by dates c. In front of food with later use-by dates d. Alongside food with later use-by dates


Which agency enforces food safety in a restaurant? a. Center for Disease control an Prevention b. Food and Drug Administration c. State or local regulatory authority d. U.S Department of Agriculture


Which is a TCS food? a. Bread b. Flour c. Sprouts d. Strawberries


Which piece of jewelry can be worn on a food handler's hand? a. Watch b. Diamond ring c. Plain band ring d. Medical bracelet


Who is responsible for keeping food safe in an operation? a. Food and Drug Administration b. Health Inspectors c. Manager/operator d. State health department


Who should apply pesticides? a. Shift manager b. Person in charge c. Pest control operator d. Designated pest staff member


A cook wore single use gloves while forming raw ground beef into patties. The cook continued to wear them while slicing hamburger buns. What mistake was made? a. The cook did not wear reusable gloves while handling the raw ground beef and hamburger buns b. The cook did not clean and sanitize the gloves before handling the hamburger buns c. The cook did not wash hands before putting on the same gloves to slice the hamburger buns d. The cook did not wash hands and put on new gloves before slicing the hamburger buns


A food handler thaws several frozen turkeys on a prep table. What is the danger that this poses to the food? a. Off flavors in food b. Cross-contamination c. Toxic-metal poisoning d. Time-temperature abuse


After which activity must food handlers wash their hands? a. Putting gloves on b. Serving customers c. Applying hand antiseptic d. Cleaning tables


An operation has a small salad bar with 8 different items on it. How many serving utensils are needed to serve the items on the salad bar? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8


How far above the floor should food be stored? a. At least 1'' b. At least 2'' c. At least 4'' d. At least 6''


How far must a bimetallic stemmed thermometer be inserted into food to give an accurate reading? a. Up to the tip of the thermometer stem b. Just past the tip of the thermometer stem c. Past the dimple of the thermometer stem d. Up to the dimple of the thermometer stem


In what type of places are cockroaches typically found? a. Cold, dry, and light b. Warm, dry, and light c. Cold, moist, and dark d. Warm, moist, and dark


New staff must be trained in the critical areas if personal hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing, controlling time and temperature, and... a. crisis management b. equipment handling c. HACCP plan creation d. preventing cross contamination


Raw chicken breasts are left out at room temperature on a prep table. What is the main risk that could cause a food borne illness? a. Cross contamination b. Poor cleaning and sanitizing c. Poor personal hygiene d. Time-temperature abuse


Shiga toxin-producing E. coli is commonly linked with what type of food? a. Potato salad b. Thick stews c. Dairy products d. Raw ground beef


The 5 common mistakes that can lead to food borne illness are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and... a. Reheating leftover food b. Serving ready-to-eat food c. Using single-use, disposable gloves d. Purchasing food from unsafe sources


The temperature of a pot of beef stew is checked during holding. The stew has not met the critical limit and is thrown out according to house policy. Throwing out the stew is an example of which HACCP principle? a. Monitoring b. Verification c. Hazard analysis d. Corrective action


To prevent the deliberate contamination of food, a manager should know who is in the facility, monitor the security of products, keep information related to food security on file, and know... a. When to register with the EPA b. How to fill out and incident report c. Where to find MSDS in the operation d. Who to contact about suspicious activity


What are the most important food safety features to look for when selecting flooring, wall, and ceiling materials? a. Absorbment and durable b. Hard and durable c. Porous and durable d. Smooth and durable


What does an operation that wants to smoke food as a method of preservation need to have before processing food this way? a. Food safety certificate b. Crisis-management plan c. Master cleaning schedule d. Variance from the regulatory authority


What is an important measure from preventing food borne illness? a. Serving locally grown food b. Using new equipment c. Measuring pathogens d. Controlling time and temperature


What is required when receiving fish that will be served raw or partially cooked? a. It must be alive when it is received b. It must be thawed in the microwave c. It must be used within 24 hours of receiving d. It must be correctly frozen before you receive it


What is sanitizing? a. Reducing dirt from surface b. Reducing the pH of a surface c. Reducing the hardness of water d. Reducing the pathogens to safe levels


What is the maximum distance that sneeze guards can be located from the self-service counter to protect food from contamination? a. 8 inches b. 10 inches c. 12 inches d. 14 inches


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs, meat, poultry, and seafood cooked in a microwave oven? a. 135 F b. 145 F c. 155 F d. 165 F


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for stuffed pork chops? a. 135 F for 15 seconds b. 145 F for 15 seconds c. 155 F for 15 seconds d. 165 F for 15 seconds


What is the most important factor in choosing a food supplier? a. It has a HACCP program or other food safety system b. It has documented manufacturing and packing practices c. Its warehouse is close to the operation, reducing shipping time d. It has been inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws


What organization creates national standards for foodservice equipment? a. CDC b. EPA c. FDA d. NSF


What should be done with an item that has been recalled? a. Throw it out b. Arrange a pick-up from the vendor c. Record the item's use-by date and place the item in storage d. Remove the item from inventory and place it in a secure location


What should food handlers do after prepping food and before using the restroom? a. Wash their hands b. Take off their hats c. Change their gloves d. Take off their aprons


What temperature must TCS food be reheated to if it will be hot-held? a. 135 F for 15 seconds b. 145 F for 15 seconds c. 155 F for 15 seconds d. 165 F for 15 seconds


Which part of the plate should a food handler avoid touching when serving customers? a. Bottom b. Edge c. Side d. Top


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