ServSafe Alcohol Exam

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Count the drinks: 60 ounce pitcher of beer


When are you allowed to serve alcohol?

9AM - 2AM

If a fight occurs, you should a) Separate other guests from the situation b) Wait and see if the situation resolves itself c) Stand between the guests who are fighting d) Try to physically restrain the guests who are fighting


The liver can break down alcohol at the rate of ___ drinks per hour a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


Today is March 8, 2009. Based on these birth dates, which guest is old enough to drink? a) March 7, 1988 b) March 9, 1988 c) April 10, 1988 d) November 1, 1988


Which action can help prevent a guest from becoming intoxicated? a) serving one drink at a time b) offering bread or other carbohydrates c) over pouring drinks d) offering a guest approaching intoxication a beer instead of a martini


Which behavior is a sign that a guest is experiencing relaxed inhibitions? a) becoming loud b) slurring speech c) having difficulty making eye contact d) drinking faster and switching to stronger drinks


Which feature is an indication that an ID is valid? a) A birth date b) Pictures of "locks" c) The word "authentic" d) A photo with raised edges


Which is a criminal violation related to the sale and service of alcohol? a) serving alcohol to a minor b) failing to fill out an incident report c) firing a server who over-served a guest d) refusing to serve a guest who arrived intoxicated


Which is a role of the liquor authority? a) issue liquor licenses b) initiate law suits against drunk drivers c) issue citations to minors for presenting fake IDs d) initiate criminal charges against establishments who serve minors


Types of Illegal ID's

Birth Certificate School ID Voter's Registration Card

What is the BAC?

Blood Alcohol Content; Amount of alcohol that has been absorbed into the bloodstream. It is stated as a percentage.

A guest has consumed three 12 ounce beers in an hour. How many drinks have built up in the guest's bloodstream? a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3


Most of the alcohol a person drinks is absorbed into the bloodstream from the a) lungs b) mouth c) small intestine d) liver


State or municipal liquor authorities can issue citations for a) drunk driving b) serving a pregnant woman c) serving alcohol to a minor d) fighting in the establishment


What should you do to verify that an ID belongs to the guest? a) Check for splits in the lamination b) Verify that the state seal is in the proper location c) Compare the guest to the physical characteristics listed on the ID d) Check the license number to see if the coding matches the personal information


It is December 15, 2009: To serve or not? Guest born on March 13, 1988


It is December 15, 2009: To serve or not? Guest born on September 19, 1987


Who is alcohol authority?

State or municipal agency that enforces alcohol regulations and licensing laws. - Often called ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control)

Where is alcohol absorbed into the bloodstream? How long it takes to absorb alcohol?

The small intestine; the Liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol at a rate of one drink per hour.

How does alcohol effect a person?

The smaller you are, the higher the BAC. Larger percentage of body fat will have a higher BAC. A woman will have a higher BAC than a man because we have a small amount of the stomach enzyme. The more alcohol in the drink, the higher the BAC. The older you are, the higher the BAC (senior citizen) Carbonation can speed the rate of BAC Someone who has not ate will have a higher BAC

Estimate BAC: 240 pound man who drank five shots (five ounces) of 100 proof bourbon in one hour

This man actually had five drinks, since each 100 proof shot is considered one drink. His approximate BAC would be .062.

Estimate BAC: 160 - pound man who drank five 12 ounce beers in one hour

This man had 5 drinks, since a 12 ounce beer is considered one drink. His approximate BAC would be .101.

Estimate BAC: 180 pound woman who drank three mixed drinks, each containing 1 1/2 ounces of 80 proof vodka in one hour

This woman has had three drinks, since 1 1/2 ounces of 80 proof liquor is considered one drink. Her approximate BAC is .059

Estimate BAC: 100 pound woman who drank three 5 ounce glasses of wine in one hour

This woman has had three drinks, since a five ounce glass of wine is considered one drink. Her approximate BAC is .119

Proof and Percentage of Alcohol

100 - Proof Whiskey = 50% alcohol (100/2) 80 - Proof Vodka = 40% alcohol (80/2)

How old do you have to be to serve alcohol?

18 Years Old

Count the drinks: 12 ounce beer and a shot of 100 proof whiskey


Incident reports should be completed when:

- Alcohol service has been stopped to a guest - Alternate transportation has been arranged for a guest - A guest's ID has been confiscated - An illegal activity or violent situation has occurred - A guest has become ill

When stopping service to a guest, you should:

- Alert a backup - Enlist the help of other guests (if possible) - Wait until the guest orders the next round before stopping service - Tell the guest you are stopping service - Offer nonalcoholic alternatives

Dram Shop Laws

- Allow a third party to sue for injuries caused by a guest who was drinking there. - Allow third parties to sue business, employees, etc. - Provide limits on money damages that can be awarded to third parties.

How to prevent guests from becoming intoxicated

- Count drinks - Have every employee give imput

Follow these steps when working with a designated driver:

- Encourage the person not to drink alcohol - If the person starts drinking, watch him or her like you would any other guest - If the person does not drink, follow your company policy regarding the service of free items

To prevent injuries when handling potentially violent situations, you should:

- Notify your manager - Call the police - Separate guests from the situation

How do you deal with a fake ID?

- Refuse Service - Refuse entry to your establishment - Confiscate the ID

What are the physical signs of intoxication?

- Relaxed Inhibitions (overly friendly, being loud, bad languages) - Impaired Judgement (complain about the strength of the drink, drink faster or switch to stronger drinks, carless with money) - Slowed Reaction Time (Talk or move slowly, drowsy, can't concentrate, glassy eyed) - Impaired Motor Coordination (stagger, stumble, fall, spilling drinks, slurring)

When handling guests attempting to leave the premises, you should:

- Try to convince the guest not to drive - Ask for the guest's keys - Arrange alternate transportation

Count the drinks: 2 ounces of 100 proof whiskey


Count the drinks: 3 ounces of 80 proof vodka on the rocks


When dealing with guest who arrive intoxicated, you should:

- Try to refuse entry - Make sure the guests are not served with alcohol if they enter the establishment - Ask the guest for their keys - If the guests have agreed not to drive, find alternate transportation

How old do you need to be to purchase alcohol in all 50 states?

21 years old

Count the drinks: 15 ounce carafe of wine


List three alcohol-law violations that most states will hold you criminally liable for.

1. Serving alcohol to a minor 2. Serving a guest who is or appears to be intoxicated 3. Possessing, selling, or allowing the sale of drugs on the premises

Drink Equivalency

1 serving size = - 5 ounces of wine - 12 ounces of beer - 1 1/2 ounces of 80 - proof liquor - 1 ounce of 100 - proof liquor

Which statement about designated drivers is true? a) Over serving a guest who came with a designated driver is illegal b) A server is not liable for over seeing guests with a designated driver c) Establishments are not liable for over serving guests with a designated driver d) A guest can be allowed to become intoxicated if accompanied by a designated driver


Which statement should be avoided when stopping service to a guest? a) "You've had enough" b) "I just want to make sure you get home OK" c) "It's against the law for me to serve you any more alcohol" d) "Our company policy does not allow me to serve you any more alcohol"


You witness a drug transaction on the premises. You should: a) Call the police b) Ignore the situation to prevent a possible confrontation c) Do nothing if the transaction occurred outside the building d) Warn the offenders that you are going to inform your manager


What are the three types of damages awarded?

Actual Damages Compensatory Damages Punitive Damages

A vodka on the rocks containing 3 ounces of 80 proof vodka should be counted as ___ drink(s). a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


To prevent an intoxicated guest from driving, you should a) Have the guest's car towed b) Warn the guest that you will call the police c) Physically stop the guest from getting into the car d) Physically stop the guest from leaving the establishment


When stopping service to a guest, you should a) tell the guest that he or she has had enough b) ask the guest's companion to help you stop service c) have a backup person stand next to you as you tell the guest d) give the guest another drink if it will prevent a confrontation


Which behavior is a sign that a guest is experiencing impaired motor coordination? a) becoming drowsy b) swaying c) making rude comments d) having trouble concentrating


Which feature is used by states to indicate that an ID belongs to a minor? a) Placing the words "secure", "genuine", or "valid" on the ID b) Issuing the ID in a vertical form c) Removing the minor's signature from the ID d) Placing pictures of "keys" on the ID


Which form of ID is acceptable for verifying a guest's age? a) School ID b) Passport c) Birth Certificate d) Voter Registration Card


You have decided to stop alcohol service to a group of guests, but your manager has told you to continue serving them. You should: a) Serve the guests b) Ask the manager to serve the guests c) Tell the guests to leave immediately d) Express your concern but serve the guests anyway


Which situation requires you to fill out an incident report? a) A guest stumbles when getting out of his chair b) A guest complains about the strength of his first drink c) A guest has presented a fake ID, which was confiscated d) A guest is rude to a server after waiting too long for a drink


How do you determine that an ID is real with an ID reader?

Compare the readout with the information displayed on the actual ID. Check magnetic stripes for signs of tampering.

What is the difference between Criminal Law and Civil Law?

Criminal Law - May face criminal charges if you break state, county, or municipal alcohol laws. (Criminal court) Civil Law - Can be sued to pay damages to an injured guest if you contributed to the guest's injury or did nothing to prevent it. (Civil court)

Assuming that the people involved weigh the same and have consumed the same number of drinks, which is true? a) A man will have a higher BAC than a woman b) A lean man will have a higher BAC than a man with a large amount of body fat c) A woman who has eaten will have a higher BAC than a woman who has not d) A man drinking gin and tonic will have a higher BAC than a man drinking vodka and cranberry juice.


If a guest is intoxicated when arriving at the establishment, a) Ask the guest to leave b) Physically restrain the guest c) Forcibly take the guests car keys d) Refuse entry to the establishment


What is the best type of food to help prevent intoxication? a) salty food b) carbohydrates c) sugars d) fatty food


When handling a fight, when should you call the police? a) After separating the guests who are fighting b) After calming down the guests who are fighting c) After physically restraining the guests who are fighting d) As soon as your safety or the safety of guests is at risk


Which can be counted as one drink? a) 20 ounce beer b) 6 ounce glass of wine c) 2 ounces of 80 proof liquor d) 1 ounce of 100 proof liquor


Which is a good reason to reject an ID? a) It has a bar code on it b) A state seal can be seen under ultraviolet (UV) light c) There is a ghost photo on the ID d) The back of the ID is blank


Which is a possible consequence for violating the liquor code? a) jail time b) probation c) misdemeanor d) liquor - license suspension


Which situation best describes dram shop liability? a) a manager is fined for allowing the sale of drugs on the premises b) a server is fined by the liquor authority for serving alcohol to a minor c) a bartender is given jail time for serving a guest who appeared intoxicated d) a person sues the bartender who served the intoxicated guest who injured him


Types of Legal ID's

Drivers License Passport Military ID State ID card

T/F A 12-ounce beer contains less alcohol than 1 1/2 ounces of 80-proof vodka.


T/F A birth certificate is an acceptable form of ID.


T/F An ID must have a state seal to be valid.


T/F Carbohydrates are the best type of food to serve with alcohol to help prevent intoxication.


T/F Dram shop laws protect the server from being sued in the event that an intoxicated guest injures another individual.


T/F Drink for drink, a lean guest will have a higher BAC than a guest with a large amount of body fat.


T/F Guests can be served to the point of intoxication if they are traveling with a designated driver.


T/F It is illegal to serve alcohol to a pregnant woman.


T/F The liver can break down alcohol at the rate of two drinks per hour.


T/F Using statements such as, "You've had enough," when stopping service will deflect blame from you and defuse the situation.


T/F When stopping alcohol service to a guest, the backup person should stand as close to the guest as possible.


T/F You should physically restrain a violent guest so he or she does not cause injury.


List the five features of a valid ID.

Must contain the owner's birth date Must be current Must contain the owner's photo Must be intact Must contain the owner's signature

It is December 15, 2009: To serve or not? Guest born on December 15, 1990

Not serve

It is December 15, 2009: To serve or not? Guest born on December 25, 1988

Not serve

It is December 15, 2009: To serve or not? Guest born on October 15, 1989

Not serve

What are the characteristics of a genuine ID?

Optical Variable Devices UV Features Holograms Microprinting Ghost Photos License Number Proper Photo Lamination

Which food items are best for preventing intoxication? (more than one answer) -Bread -Pizza -Potato Chips -Cheese Sticks -Chili -Onion Rings -Pretzels -Peanuts -Fried Calamari -Chicken Wings

Pizza Cheese Sticks Chili Fried Calamari Chicken Wings You want protein food

T/F A guest who appears nervous while you are reviewing his or her ID may be a minor.


T/F A guest who switches to larger or stronger drinks may be intoxicated.


T/F All guests must be 21 years old to purchase alcohol.


T/F An ID with split lamination is not valid.


T/F IDs containing the words "Official", "Authentic", or "Secure" are not genuine.


T/F The state liquor authority can suspend an establishment's liquor license for allowing a minor to enter the establishment with a fake ID.


T/F You may be charged with a crime simply for serving a guest who appears to be intoxicated.


T/F You should call the police if an intoxicated guest insists on driving away from the establishment.


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