SPC1017 Midterm Review Module 1-3

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Which of the following is a strategy you can maintain face?

-use communication that is consistent with other's perceptions of you. -use words and actions consistent with the face you are trying to present. - anticipate and manage events that could contradict your face

your self-fulfilling prophecies can result in both positive and negative predictions about your future behavior


Your "face" is an aspect of the self that only you can see.


In what type of relationship do you regard people as " objects which we observe, that are there for our use and exploitation"?


Which is NOT a physical distance zone?

Individual space; Physical distance incluse personal space, social space, and public space

In what stage of relational development does the depth of self-disclosure increase?


Which type of communication has the FEWEST participants?


What are the emotional, mental, and physical involvments forged with others through communication?

Interpersonal relationships

Which type of listener listens to establish bonds with and empathy for others?

People-oriented listener

Which is NOT a relational dialectic?

Self-disc;osure versus self esteem Relational dialectics include Autonomy vs connection, Intimacy vs seperation, and openness vs protection

Which of the following is NOT a component of self?


Which of these refers to sudden termination of communication contact?


Depth refers to disclosing increasingly personal information, and breadth refers to revealing more at each layer.


If Marc and Stefan are dating and begin to refer to one another as "babe" and " identify as "we", not " you or I," they are probably in the intensifying stage of relationship development.


Interpersonal communication occurs between co workers and romantic partners.


It is common for passionate love to change into companionate love over time.


Nonverbal communication can be intentional or unintentional


Of all the body movements, facial expressions convey the most information and have the most impact


One can communicate dominance or submissiveness nonverbally


Passionate love is negatively linked to relationship duration.


People from collectivistic cultures avoid direct confrontation and discussion of conflict.


Research suggests that during verbal communiations, men and women respond in a similar manner 99 percent of the time.


Someone who suddenly declares that your relationship is over during a conflict is delivering a sudden-death statement.


Texting, skyping, and tweeting are all examples of mediated communication


The process of social comparison can result in positive or negative self esteem, depending on whether you copare favorably or unfavorably with others.


symbols can have multiple meanings, which can lead to misunderstanding.


the halo effect occurs when you make positive attributions about someone for whom you already have already formed a positive gestalt


A person from a collective culture communicating with someone an individualistic culture would likely benefit from all of the following EXCEPT

a using lengthy, detailed explanation

What type of listeners perfers, clear focused messages?

action-oriented listeners

If you overindulge at a buffet and the next day explain that your friends pressured you to eat more and more, you are exhibiting which perceptual error?

actor-observer effect

Which of the following perceptual errors results from from the tendency to make external attributions for your own behaviors?

actor-observer effect

During Steve's presentation to the class, he constantly scratches his head and adjusts his tie. What type of gestures is he using?


Intentional or untentional nonverbal behaviors that depict actual or feigned emotion are called

affect displays

Listeners who attend to what others say only attack or ambush them are engaged in

aggressive listening

loni's boyfriend, Rick, often asks what she predicts will happen in one of their favorite tv shows, but when she does, he laughs, and calls her ideas ridiculous. Rick is engaging in

aggressive listening

After reading that your favorite singer has been fighting, drinking, and antagonizing the media, you allow this negative information to overshadow your positive impressions. This an example of

algebriac impression

Which is the term for analyzing the positive and negative things you learn about someone to calculate overall impression, then updating as you learn new information?

algebriac impressions

Desiree actively evaluates and mentally critiques the information in her communication professor's lecture. Desiree is listening to


When communication matches expectations of how people should communicate, it is considered


Forming attributions is the process of

assigning meaning and understanding to others' behaviors

Messages that communicate how much a relational partner means to you are


Your evaluations of your self and others ( whether postive or negative) are called


Explanations of behavior based on internal and external factors are called


Convictions that an individual believes to be true are


When Kim's Boyfriend tells her that he loves her while staring aimlessly at the TV instead of her, she is more likey to

believe his nonverbal behavior

Your girlfriend just received a notice from IRS for not paying her federal taxes, and you assume it was just a mistake. What tendency are you exhbiting?

halo effect

Which of the following may help increase your self-esteem?

having consistency between your ought self and ideal self

Competent communicators repot all of these EXCEPT

higher divorce rates

Your friend tells you about a phone call she had with her mother. As she does so, she holds her hand up to her her ear as to demonstrate a telephone. What type of gesture is she using?


effective feedback is

immediate, appropiate, and positive ( all options are correct)

Mental Images of who people are and how you feel about them are called


Mental images of who people are and how you feel about them


Marya notices her manager hunched over her workstation holding her head up with her hande and asks her, "Are you okay? You look upset." Her manager replies, "I'm fine." The manager is illustrating

incongruent message

Verbal and nonverbal behaviors that have contradictory meanings are called

incongruent messages

You are trying to persuade your communication professor to let you take a makeup exam. What type of communication goal are you trying to achieve?


Practical goals you want to achievement through communication are known as

instrumental goals

What is the term for an exchange or series of messages?


What was the first communication model to incorporate feedback and fields of experience?


In which type of communications do messages significantly influence the relationship between 2 people?

interpersonal communication

In which stage of the perception process fo you assign meaning to information you have already selected?


what is the process of identifying connotative meaning?


The feeling of emotional bonding or union between ourselves and others is


A culture that values personal objectives over group or societal goals

is individualistic

what is a characteristic of interpersonal communication?

it impacts participants' relationships

When Rob sat down with Pat to discuss their relational separation. Pat began by bringing up old issues and problems that had long since been addressed. Pet is engaing in

kiteching sinking

which communication model is illustrated by text messaging and email?


The reason or purpose for listening is (the)

listening functions

If Simon Cowell, a judge on America's Got talent, listens specifically to a contestant's vocal quality, what listening function is he demonstrating?

listening to analyze

When communicating online, typing in all capital letters is the noverbal equivalent of


Intense emotional connection is called


Brian prefers encounters in which he can act like himself by expressing his values and beliefs

low self monitor

A communication major can pursue careers in:

marketing, sales, and public relations( all options)

If a public figure is not "out of the closet" to her fans, she is using which strategy to maintain her public self?


Which is a public self that is designed to hide your private self?


Which is a public self that is designed to hide yourself?


What type of communication is transmitted using a technological device?

mediated communication

communicating using email, text messages . Skype, ot Twitter is referred to as

mediated communication

Which of these is a "package" of information?


When one person misperceives another verbal communication, what occurs?


face-to face interaction, photos, soocial media posts, and texting are examples of


Compared to verbal communication, nonverbal communication is

more trusted

David is a son, brother, and uncle within his family. What characteristic of family is he experiencing?

multiple roles

Communication rules are

negiotiated between lovers or friends

Transmission of meaning through nonspoken physical and behavioral cues is

nonverbal communication

Misunderstandings occurs frequently online due to lack of

nonverbal cues

"Communication is irreversible" means

once you have communicated something, you can not take it back

collectivistic cultures tend to value

people-and content-oriented listening

A useful method for testing your impressions in order to avoid errors in judgement is

perception checking

Whhich physical distance zone would you maintain when talking with one of your close tet platonic friends?

personal space

When you're able to understand a friend's point of view without necessarily experiencing her emotions, you're exhibiting which componentof empathy?


Which of thse refer to your ability to perceive yourself as a unique person and to reflect upon your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?


The beliefs, attitudes, and values you have about yourself come together to create your


your overall evaluation of your self


The tendency to act in ways that ensure interactions occur as you believed and predicted they would is called (a)

self-fullfilling prophecies

the process of observing our own communication and the norms of the situation in order to make appropiate communication choices is called


A tendency to take credit for a succes by making an internal attribution is called the

self-serving bias

If you are winning at a blackjack table and explain to the other players that you have a knack(skills) for numbers, what perceptual error are you exhibiting?

self-serving bias

which of these asserts that you are more likely to choose friends who provide support for your self-concept?

self-vertification theory

In the linear and interactive models, the individual who generates information to be communicated is the


The components of the linear model of communication are

sender, receiver, and noise

Both linear and interactive communication models

show both senders and receivers influence communication equally

Which of these influences your self-concept?

significant others, culture, and family

When is the beautiful-is-good effect occurs, we tend to perceive others as all of these EXCEPT

similar to us Beautiful-is-good effect include competent, intelligent, and well-adjusted

Which is a type of communication?

small group, interpersonal, and public

Which behavior communicates submissiveness?


The process of observing and assigning meaning to others' behaviors by comparing them against your own is called

social comparison

What physical distance zone is appropiate for use in a workplace?

social space

Which types of touch is most appropiate when you are hoping to acknowledge another person according to the norms or rules of a society?

social-polite touch

What method of impression formation is most likely to lead to prejudice?


What is the term for items that represent other things?


Which of the following is NOT one of Cicero's three goals of public speaking?

to make peace

which communication model introduces the concept of communicatin as collaboration?

transactional communication

Which model of communication recognizes the multidirectional, complex nature of communication?

transactional model of communication

A ballgame, work, or a classroom are all examples of communication contexts.


Affect displays can be untentional or intentional.


Competent communication suggests that one is able to apply his or her knowledge to repeatable goal-directed behaviors


Concealing information and being overly vague are forms of deception


Dialects include differences in accents


Effective listenersswitch between the 4 listening styles depending on the context.


If Raul's girlfriend reports she is not scared, yet she grips tightly and her eyes are glued wide open, he will believe her actions more than her words.


If you lose face, feelings of shame, humiliation, and embarrassment may result.


If your friend solicits your opinion on how to handle his relational difficulties only to discount and dismiss your opinion, he is demonstrating aggressive listening.


If your friend tells you about his bad day, you are more likely to provide support.


In individualistic cultures, time- and action-oriented listening is prevalent.


Individualistic cultures, your self, and your needs take precedence over the needs and interests of the group or collective.


Interpersonal communication can help you meet self-presentation, instrumental, and relationship goals


Many people take listening for granted, believing it just happens


Noise is present in all three models


Prejudiced language is a form of stereotyping


Research suggests that facial cues are the most important form of communication for forming impressions.


Research suggests that men tend to use more physical space than do women


Rhetoric involces theory and oractice of persuasion


Students suggest that both men and women prefer self-disclosing to women rather than to men.


The gestalts you form maybe positive or negative


The halo effect occurs when you make positive attributions about someone for whom you already formed a positive Gestalt


The horn effect occurs when you make negative attributions about someone for whom you have already formed a negative Gestalt.


The transactional model of communication is the most sophisticated of the three models


Using bakchannel cues such as "uh-huh" signal to the speaker that you are paying attention


We are likely to see those who are physically attractive as more competent, intelligent, and well-ajusted.


Women typically haze more at others during interaction than do men


the communication discipline can be an appropriate major for those pursuing careers in public relations, sales, or political consulting.


the effectiveness component focuses in achieving self-presentatiom, instrumental , and relationship goals


you can improve your listening skills by providing positive and timely feedback


Interpersonal communication involves

two people

the process of recognizing denotative meanings is


Active , effective listeners tend to

use all four listening styles, as needed

According to the cooperative principle, being relavant means speakers need to

use information applicable to the situation

Which of these isa mental construct that expresses enduring principles of what is good or bad and right or wrong?


The exchange of spoken or written language is

verbal communiation

Tone, pitch, loudness, and rate are all components of


Structual improvements occur

when people change relationship rules to prevent conflict.

Integrative agreements occur

when two people develop a creative solution to solve their problem

According to the National Communication Association, all of the following behaviors are considered to be examples of ethical behavior EXCEPT

withholding feelings and info in a significant interpersonal relationship

According to Self-Discrepancy theory, your self-esteem is highest when

your self- concept matches your ideal and ought selves.

The composite of social, psychological, and cultural characteristics that charaterize people as male or female is called


Ahmed is concerned that his friend Mark has been smoking cigarettes. Of the possible respones below, which one best refelcts the cooperative principle?

" I'm worried about uour health."

What type of message should you avoid when expressing empathy?

"I know" messages

What statement reflects the notion of self-concept is influenced by the labels that others have of you?

"My brother always says I'm not smart as he is"

Language that focuses attention in and blames others is called

"you" language

Which of the following statements about relational dialectics is TRUE?

- Relationships dialectics are only bad if not dealt with - naturally occur in interpersonal relationships - involve competing tensions ( all of the above)

Nonverbal communication can be used to

- express emotion - present your self - manage interaction (all options are correct)

To increase your ability to interpret and understand noverbal communication, you should

- practice perception-checking - consider the context - consider the other person's culture ( all options are correct)

What is considered to be the single most important characteristic of competent communication?


Which of the follwong statements about nonverbal communication is TRUE?

Nonverbal communication conveys more meaning than nonverbal communication

Which type of gestures satisfies a psychological need?


If during a medical exam, your physician maibtains a neutral face when she finds a serious proble, what type of behavior is she demonstrating?

An incongruent message

Who was the first to teach about value of a speaker's ability?


While attending a movie, you are disturbed by a child behind you who talks incessantly while repeatedly kicking back from your seat. You respond by occasionally turning around and fidgeting in your seats. What type of conflict-management style are you exhibiting?


In what stage of coming apart does communication virtually cease?


Sarah is upset because her significant other broke up with her. When her friend Kim asks her what's wrong. Sarah replies, "Nothing." Which component of cooperative verbal communiaction is Sarah is violating?

Be honest

In what stage of relationship development do partners formalize or make public their commitment to one another?


Business partners Arnetta and Xavier are designing their new office space and furnishings. They want to communicate success and impress visiting clients, so they choose high-quality hardwood flooring and elegant furniture. Which aspect of nonveral communication does this illustrate?

Both fixed and semi-fixed environmental features

Which statement is TRUE about companionate love?

Companionate love is an intense form of liking with emotional investment.

Frank influences his partner, Alicia, and seems to always get her to comply with his needs and wishes. However, it seems she always has to accomodate to his needs. What short-term conlfict resolution form is Frank demonstrating?


What component of competent communication pertains to achieving your goals?


Which of these is a method of communicating more competently that involves perspective-taking and feeling concern for how other people are feelng?


Before Mark departs for service in Iraq, he tells his girlfriend he loves her. How is his nonverbal communication functioning in this situation?

Enhancing the verbal message

Joachin is telling his parents about a funny cat video he saw online. hen he describes the video, he imitates the cat's actions. How is Joachin's nonverbal communication functioning inthis situation?

Enhancing the verbal message

Nikolas and Eric have gone out a couple of times. Their conversation is primarily composed of small talk where they learn about each other' s similarities. Which stage best characterizes their relationship?


Which of the following is NOT considered to be an influence on the self?


Communications scholars have only recently begun to explore the challeges and promise of human communication


Conflict begins with communication.


Listeneers who are able to multitask demonstrate more effective listening


Power seems only to be present in our relationships in the workplace.


Research suggests that men are better than women at using and understanding nonverbal communication


Selective listening is a useful way to overcome the barriers to listening.


When Miranda's athletic trainer wrapped her ankle with an elastic bandage after she twisted her ankle, what type of touch was the trainer using?

Functional-professional touch

Which communication model demonstrates communication as a one-way process from start to finish?


Which of these communication skills transends communication type and context?


What listening function would be most appropiate if your sister, who is very shy, decided to sing a song at your locl karaoke bar?

Listening to provide support

A communication major can pursue careers in:

Marketing and public relations, sales, political consulting ( all options are correct)

Are new neighbor moves in next door and you see her often in the halls, at the mailboxes, and in the parking lot. You end up forming a frienship with her. What phenomenon are you experiencing?

Mere exposure effect

Whixh of the following is NOT a true statement conflict?

Most people blame themselves for a conflict Conflicts include most confict occurs between those who know each other well, most conflicts proceeds through several stages, and occurs between family members and romantic partners.

When you're able to understand a friend's point of view without necessarily experiencing her emotions, you're exhibiting which component of empathy?


Language that expresses contempt, dislike, or disdain for a group or its members is called

Prejudiced Language

Bill was raised in a family where commmunication was devalued. Sensitive topics and issues were not talked about and, instead, only safe topics such as the weather and current events were discussed. Bill's family could be described as having a focus on which characteristics?


While listening to a grieving friend, it is wise to avoid

Pseudo listening

Which of the following does NOT result from destructive messages?


Which is NOT a competent way to manage verbal online aggression?

Remember to use "you" language.

When Amy's friend finishes giving his presentaion, Amy tells him "You did great" and gives him a thumbs up. How is is Amy's nonverbal communication functioning in this situation?

Repeating the verbal communication

Beth raises her voice and increases her volume on the word stop when she tells her two-year-old daughter, " Please STOP throwing your bottle.". How is Beth's nonverbal communication functioning in this situation?

Spotlighting the verbal message

Jackson and sophia have been married for 15 years. They both feel like they are just going through the motions, only using communication as needed to maintain their household. what stage of coming apart are they experiencing?


What is the final stage of coming apart, in which partners end the relationship?


Which strategy can be used to achieve cooperative verbal communication?

Use more " we" language

Separation is

a conflict ending in which one party withdrawa

Auditory, visual, and tacticle are examples of


Communication is your primary vehicle for all of the follwing EXCEPT:

choosing a major

Women's verbal communiaction has been stereotypically associated with all of these EXCEPT

clarity; women stereotypes include wordiness, indirectness and tentativeness, and flowery adjectives

Brenden is hunting around in the kitchen and asks he wife, "Hac=ve you seen my..." and she says "Keys?" Whar characteristic of the transactional model of communication does this illustrate?


The most constructive approach to managibg conflict is


small group communication involves all of the following EXCEPT

communicating between two people

The process through which people use message to generate meanings within and across contexts, cultures, channels, and media


Communication that is appropriate, effective, and ethical is considered


When Mark's boyfriend is upset, Mark carefully listens to not only the words his boyfriend is saying but also how are they said. Mark is listening to


When listening to a lecture in class, you are most likely listening to


Which is the most frequent form of deception?


Your friend is on an exciting trip to New Zealand and sends you photos of her travels. In response, you text her: "I hate you!" Your friend understands that what you really mean is that you are jealous but happy that she is having fun on her trip. What type of meaning is your friend applying?

connotative meaning

Asscoiated or implied meanings are callled

connotative meanings

Which defines which words represent which objects?

constitutive rules

Situations as a college class, a party, or workplace are


Telling a friend " I loved that movie" while rolling your eyes to indicates that you didn't really love the movie is an example of your nonverbal commuincation

contradicting the verbal message

Which of these is a type of self-awareness that focuses on evaluating and improving your communication skills?

critical self-reflection

Habitually attacking a person online is


The intentional use of language to misrepresent or mislead others is


A person demonstrating active and effective listening does NOT

delay feedback

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "set" has more definitions than any other english word. What type of meanings are these defintions?

denotative meanings

Literal, dictionary-based meanings are

denotative meanings

Submissiveness is characterized by all the following EXCEPT

direct gaze; submissiveness includes looking down or away, allowing others to invade your space, and taking up less space

Self-disclosure is most effectivelu used as as a relational maintainance strategy when you

disc;ose your slef and encourage disclosure from your partner

Behaviors used to exert power and influence over others communicate


Kitching sinking is

dredging up past, unrelated problems.

Losing face can cause shame, humiliation, and sadness-all components of (the)


What type of gesture substitute for verbal messages?


Henry just found out that his best friend has divorced. Having recently been through a divorce himself, Henry can understand how he is feeling and offers to listen to him when he wants to talk. Henry is demonstrating


According to Paual Grice, all of the following are characteristics of understandable verbal communication EXCEPT

empathy; cooperative principle includes honest, clarity, relevance, and informative

A leader that focuses on accomplishing the task while simultaneously disregarding how and where information is obtained is ignoring what component of competent communication?


the set of moral principles that guide your behavior is called


Affect displays are primarily displayed through (the)


The positive self you acttively creatw and present through your communication is called (the)


Mediated communication includes all of the following EXCEPT

face-to-face meeting

Accommodation is an approach to managing conflict occurs when one person refuses to give in to the needs or desires of their relational partner.


According to the mere exposure effect, you are less likely to be attracted to those whom you see often or have frequent contect with.


Algebraic impressions are quick first impressions about the people you meet.


Andy knows when he receives a text message from his father that says "We need to talk" Andy has done something wrong. This is an example of the denotative meaning of language.


Conflict happens only in troubled relationships and should be avoided.


Constitutive rules guide spelling, grammar, and conversational structure


Culture can be defined as a coherent set of attitudes, values, and practices held by individuals


If while driving you are cut off by another driver and flip them "the bird", you are using an illustrator


If you are chairing a meeting and remind members to stay focused on finishing your agenda, you are meeting relationship goals.


Most communication is reversible


Regulative rules define words' meanings


Research suggests that women are more territorial than men


There are significant differences in verbal communication between men and women.


Verbal communication conveys more meaning than nonverbal communication.


When nonverbal messages are contradict verbal messages, people tend to believe the verbal messages more.


Your self is formed at infancy and remains static overtime over life experiences


listening involves only a single act


What variables does the interactive communication model add to the linear communications model?

feedback and fields of experience

The human tendency to think others' behavior is caused by internal rather than external or environmental causes is called the

fundamental attribution error

the use of verbal and nonverbal communication to signal attention and understanding is

positive feedback

To increase your ability to interpret and understand nonverbal communication, you should

practice percepton checking, consider the context, consider the other person's location ( all options are correct)

The physical distance we use when communicating is called


If Marcie and Mark have a struggle where they believe their goals are incompatible, but in fact their goals are compatible, they are demonstrating


Pretending to listen when you are not actually paying attention is known as


which type of communication involves preparing and delivering a message to an audience to achieve a specific purpose?

public communicationor public speaking

All languages have their own rules regarding spelling, grammar, and pronuniciation. What are these rules called?

regulative rules

competing tensions or impulses experienced with a relationship partner are known as

relational dialectics

Culture can include

religion, gender, and sexual orientation

What is the ability to recall information?


If you point in a particular direction while providing someone directions, in what ways are you using nonverbal communication?

repeating the verbal message

If you point in a particular direction while providing someone directions, in what way are you using nonverbal communication?

repeating the verbal messages

Which of the following is a type of ineffective listening?

selective listening

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