Sport and Exercise Psych Exam 2

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Which of these is a component of the model of understanding interpersonal conflict in sport?

ALL OF THESE consequences of conflict, nature of the conflict itself, determinants of conflict

Which of these is a way to improve active listening skills?

ALL OF THESE employ both verbal and nonverbal listening behaviors, use supportive behaviors as you listen, mentally prepare to listen

Which of these is a guideline for electronic and social media communication?

ALL OF THESE; obtain written permission before recording clients, never use personal accounts for professional business, when communicating with minors, you should copy the parent

It was obvious which line was the same height as the standard line, but everyone was consistently picking a different line. When it got to the participant, one-third conform; they would pick the wrong line in order to match everyone else's answer. These participants were part of _______ study of group effects. This research shows how strong an influence social ______ can have on individuals in a group.

Asch's, norms

emergent leaders

Leaders who simply emerge from the group and take charge

check each correct/true statement about cohesion

More sacrifices are made by players when cohesion is high, Team building strategies are associated with increased cohesiveness, Higher normative expectations are associated with higher levels of cohesion.

Which of these results from Smith and Smoll's studies on coaching behaviors is true?

Players for coaches who displayed high levels of general technical instruction evaluated their teammates and sport more positively.

The questionnaire used most often in the early research on cohesion in sport was called the

Sport Cohesiveness Questionnaire

Two classes went head to head for tug-o-war at field day. According to ______, the ______ the class, the ______ force each individual class member will pull.

The Ringelmann Effect, bigger, less

aware listening

Those who use effective ________________ are flexible and alert for barriers and breakdowns in communication.

According to Chelladurai's multidimensional model of sport leadership, which of these are categories of leader behavior?

a and b, required leader and preferred leader behavior

In a study comparing coaches and peer leaders, coaches tended to exhibit more

a and c, autocratic and training instruction behaviors

GROW Model

a communication tool that can be used to guide you when asking questions with the purpose of enabling another person to work through problems, formulate goals, express what they have tried, and clarify the options for moving forward

All of these are reasonable assumptions when dealing with a confrontation EXCEPT

a confrontation should be viewed as a competition

Which of these is NOT a reasonable assumption when dealing with a confrontation?

a confrontation should be viewed as a competition

pendular theory

a group development theory that holds that groups develop in a pendulum-like manner

Linear Theory

a group development theory that holds that groups develop in stages: forming, storming, norming, performing

contingency model

a model of leadership that contend the effectiveness of leadership depends equally on the leader's style of interacting with the group and on the favorableness of the situation


a person translates or ____________ thoughts into a message to send to others

supportive listening

a person using ___________ communicates that he or she values the other's message by using supportive, confirming, and verbal and nonverbal listening behaviors

active listening

a person who using ______________ attends to the main and supporting ideas, acknowledges and responds, and gives appropriate feedback

The "sandwich approach" consists of which of these elements?

a positive statement and then future-oriented instructions


a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal


a receiver interprets or _______________ the message in order to understand it and respond

Team climate can be defined as

a representation of how an individual perceives the interrelationships among the team members

interpersonal conflict

a situation in which relationship partners perceive a disagreement about, for example, values, needs, opinions, or objectives that is manifested through negative cognitive, affective, and behavioral reactions


a small, exclusive group of people

Female teams, compared to male teams, had higher perceptions of norms for

all of these

In a study by Spink and Carron on building cohesiveness in a fitness class, which of these strategies was employed?

all of these

In a study interviewing players about being injured or having a teammate injured, which of these were major themes that developed?

all of these

Research using the Group Environment Questionnaire has revealed that group cohesion is related to which of these?

all of these

Which of these is a guideline put forth based on 25 years of Smith and Smoll's research?

all of these

Which of these is part of the GROW Model?

all of these, goal reality option questions

sandwich approach

an effective technique to give constructive feedback in a sensitive yet effective manner that consists of starting with a positive statement, continuing with a future-oriented instruction, and then finishing with a compliment

nonverbal communication

an important part of interpersonal communication that consists of nonverbal cues such as body language, the tone and speed of voice, and facial expression

multidimensional model of sport leadership

an interactional model that posits leader effectiveness in sport will vary depending on the characteristics of the athletes and constraints of the situation

FIT training

an intervention program that attempts to prevent an athletic team from underperforming because of mental issues; it uses interventions based on focus, intensity, and tenacity

organizational stress

an ongoing transaction between an individual and the environmental demands associated primarily and directly with the organization within which he or she is operating

Two ice dancing partners became increasingly frustrated with the differences in their styles of learning. They rather than dealing with the conflict, they avoided it and continued in frustration, leading to a fight during practice, storming off the ice, an escalation of negative feelings, and an interruption in training. The problem persisted the entire season, and for the first time, they did not end up qualifying for the championships. The frustration over learning styles was the _______ of the conflict. The fight, storming away, and negative feelings was the _______ of the conflict. The failure to qualify for the championships was the _____ of the conflict.

antecedents, nature, consequence


any group of people who must interact with each other to accomplish shared objectives

"The driver works harder than anyone. He is the first to show up and last to leave," the coach said, looking intently at his pick for that position, "He is not only responsible for every of the course, but also responsible for the lives of the others on his team." The driver is a(n) ________ leadership position.


In most organized sport teams, leaders and coaches

are appointed

The three critical aspects of communication are conveying information, listening, and

asking questions

When coaches obtain the necessary information from relevant players and then come to a decision, what type of decision style are they using?


Check every correct answer: Role acceptance depends on

autonomy, feedback and role recognition, competence, role significance

Check each correct answer: Which of these tips can build team cohesion?

avoid excessive turnover, develop pride within subunits

One way athletes interpret whether they are being treated fairly is based on

b and c, the amount of time reserved for social activities and special privileges, the coach's manner in communicating her views to the athletes

spontaneous behaviors

behaviors initiated by the coach

Proxemics is the study of how we communicate

by the way we use space

Leadership Traits

characteristics or dispositions that are common to great leaders and tend to be relatively stable over time

A swimming relay team is made up of 4 swimmers. The Moore high school relay team needed one more swimmer to be complete. Using the top 4 fastest times, the roster was clear. However, the 4th fastest swimmer was also one who missed a lot of practices and when he did show up to practice, he did not put in much effort. The 5th fastest swimmer (a mere 2/10ths slower than the 4th) was a consistently hard worker. The coach called a meeting with the top 5 swimmers to discuss whether the 4th or 5th fastest swimmer should get the last spot on the relay team. He was utilizing a _____ strategy to solve the problem. If the coach knew the upcoming race would be close and 2/10ths of second could really make a difference, he might decide to choose the top 4 swimmers in spite of the 4th swimmer's practice efforts, regardless of the other swimmers' opinions or his own frustration with the 4th fastest swimmer. In this case, he would be utilizing a ________ strategy to make his decision. Let's say the coach wants to choose the 5th fastest swimmer, but the top 3 swimmers argue for the 4th fastest. They fear taking a slower swimmer means they may lose the race. If they beg for the coach to give the 4th fastest swimmer another consequence for his poor practice habits instead, and the coach agrees, then the coach and swimmers engaged in a _________ communication style. Perhaps the coach has a policy to simply choose the top 4 swimmers by time regardless of behavior, opinions of others, or his own feelings. The swimmers express their opinion that the 4th swimmer should have some consequences, and the coach reiterates that times are black and white. In this case, the coach would be using a _______ style.

collaboration, competing, accommodating, avoiding

The Enhancement of Leadership Interpersonal Teamwork and Excellence (ELITE) program resulted in the improvement in what type of skills?


interpersonal communication

communication that involves at least two people and a meaningful exchange

The two major categories of behavior found with the use of the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire are

consideration and initiating structure

Which type of exercise leader was associated with cohesive exercise groups?



developed to measure leadership behaviors, including athletes' preferences for specific behaviors, athletes' perceptions of their coaches' behaviors, and coaches' perceptions of their own behavior

Intramural powder puff football season is about to commence. The rosters have been posted. One team decided to name themselves the "Ninja Puff Masters" and designed shirts that feature powder puffs dirtied with dark make-up foundation, wearing with ninja masks, and carrying footballs. They made up a slogan, song/ditty, and secret handshake. They were using a ___________ strategy to increase their group cohesiveness.


According to Fiedler's contingency model, a task-oriented leader would be most effective in which type of situation?

either favorable or unfavorable

Marsha is sitting on the bench in the locker room before practice crying. Aleia walks over, sits down next to her, and says, "I'm here if you want to talk." Then she is silent. Finally Marsha tells Aleia between sobs that she and Alex just broke up. Aleia leans over and puts her arm around Marsha. "That's tough," she says quietly. Aleia is using _______ listening.

emotional support

When Amanda fell backward on the soccer field and broke her wrist, her teammates gave her ______ support when they took a knee and patiently waited for her to be assisted off the field. During her recovery she she started to doubt her ability to get all her skills back with comments such as, "I'm so out of shape, now" and "The season will be nearly over when I can play again; why try?" Her best friend and teammate countered with "It's not like you're just sitting around; I think you'll find you get back in shape quickly, and even if it's just for a game or two, I want you there!" Her friend is offering _________ support. Amanda is having difficultly keeping up with notes in class with her cast on. Another teammate who is in the same class offers to let her photocopy her notes. She is giving her ____ support. Amanda is very appreciative of the help and support her friends are giving her while she is sidelined. She texts them a message to let them know. This is an example of __________ support.

emotional, emotional-challenge, personal-assistance, task-appreciation

Which of these are good suggestions for enhancing peer relationships in sport?

enable athletes to engage in shared decision making, select peer leaders on criteria (such as leadership skills) other than athletic ability

Both eligibility requirements and the number of athletes holding scholarships are examples of which antecedent of cohesion?

environmental factors

A study by Millar and colleagues examining the feedback rowing coaches provided their rowers concluded the coaches did NOT use which two types of feedback?

evaluative, affective

Research by Gano-Overway and colleagues on underserved youth participating in a summer camp found that with increased caring from the coaches and counselors, underserved youth

exhibited a decrease in antisocial behavior

The driver, first middle man, second middle man, and brake man on a bobsled team are examples of _______

formal roles

"The driver works harder than anyone. He is the first to show up and last to leave," the coach said, looking intently at his pick for that _____ role, "He is not only responsible for every of the course, but also responsible for the lives of the others on his team." This coach provided a description of the position in order to quell an argument, inspire leadership, and provide ________ According to Carron's conceptual model, by picking the right person for the leadership role, he helped build ______ among the team members as well as improve individual and group outcomes.

formal, role clarity, cohesion

The members of a new bobsled team are meeting each other for the first time. When the second person shows up, the first remarks, "Look Baldies here!" Later on when the bald-headed team member threatens, "I'll beat your butt," the first retorts, "I'll draw a line down the middle of your head so it looks like a butt." The other two team members also bicker incessantly. According to the linear perspective, the team is in the ______ stage. According to the cyclical perspective, the team is in the ________ stage.

forming, orientation

The members of a new bobsled team are meeting each other for the first time. When the second person shows up, the first remarks, "Look Baldies here!" Later on when the bald-headed team member threatens, "I'll beat your butt," the first retorts, "I'll draw a line down the middle of your head so it looks like a butt." The other two team members also bicker incessantly. According to the linear perspective, the team is in the ________ stage. According to the pendular perspective, the team is in the ______ stage.

forming, orientation


friendship, mutual trust, respect, and warmth between the leaders and subordinates

Check each correct answer: From an athlete's perspective, to help build team cohesion you should

give teammates positive reinforcement, be responsible for yourself

If a rookie tried to take charge and exert leadership in critical games despite the fact that there was a veteran leader on the team, this would be considered a violation of

group norms

All of these statements are true concerning findings from studies of the consequences of leadership behaviors EXCEPT

high levels of cohesion are related to autocratic coaching behaviors

Which of these statements is FALSE concerning findings from studies of the consequences of leadership behaviors?

high levels of cohesion are related to autocratic coaching behaviors

Personal Factors

individual characteristics of group members

According to Carron and Dennis, the most important personal factor regarding the development of social and task cohesion is

individual satisfaction

prescribed leaders

leaders and coaches appointed by someone in authority

relationship-oriented leaders

leaders who develop interpersonal relationships, keep lines of communication open, maintain positive social interactions, and ensure that everyone is involved and feeling good

task-oriented leaders

leaders who primarily work to get the task done and meet their objectives

leadership factors

leadership style and behaviors that professionals exhibit and the relationships they establish with their groups

Transactional Leadership

leadership that focuses on reinforcing and punishing followers relative to team tasks and monitoring follower performance

servant leadership

leadership that focuses on service to others

Transformational Leadership

leadership that occurs when the leader takes a visionary position and inspires people to follow that vision and supportively work with each other to excel

You could suggest all of the following for communicating with empathy EXCEPT

make sure the other person understands your point of view

Ryan missed a spike on the volleyball court. His coach yelled, "It's alright! You've got the next one. Let's go!" Her response is an example of ________ on the CBAS.

mistake-contingent encouragement

"Hold on, guys!" the coach called a time-out after Ryan made a mistake on the volleyball court. She spoke directly to him, "So you're going in quick, good. You gotta keep your elbow up. You're keeping in low. Keep going in quick and just get it high. Okay?" Her response is an example of ______ on the CBAS.

mistake-contingent technical instruction

Susie was the last swimmer in a neck-in-neck relay race. Unfortunately, she was slow off the block, and then her team ended up losing by less than a tenth of a second. Her coach used _______ when he said, "That's okay, Susie. Even with a slow start, you still put in your best split ever. Next time track the racer coming into the wall, dip your head down lower, and start your arm swing earlier. That's a small change I know you can easily do." His use of the ______ , allowed Susie to accept the instruction easier, but she still felt guilty. She broke down crying. Her teammates sat with her and then responded, "It seems as if you are blaming yourself entirely for the close second!" Susie nodded. Mary added, "I did not swim my fastest time, so it could also be my fault." Her teammates are using _______.

mistake-contingent technical instruction, the sandwich approach, active listening

Research by Feltz and colleagues on exercising with virtual partners found the most motivation gains when the discrepancy between the partners' abilities was


According to Fiedler's contingency model, a relationship-oriented leader would be most effective under which type of situation?

moderately favorable

According to the latest definition provided by Carron, Brawley, and Widmeyer, cohesion is seen to be


Which of these is NOT a principle of energy management developed by Loehr?

never push beyond the comfort zone

"Awful. Awful. I don't even know why I have you in the gym right now, Ryan! Are you incapable of getting your feet there? Come on!" The coach has a nonconfrontational body posture and is smiling in jest, even though she is serious. Her _______ communication ensures the athlete interprets her message as motivational rather than demeaning; a process explained by the ________ .

nonverbal, the cognitive-mediational model

The team has now been working together for nearly 3 months. There is definitely a sense of teamwork among the group. There are few arguments and disagreements that can't be resolved among the team. They support each other on the project - problem solving issues, making decisions as a team, sharing information and ensuring that the ground rules put in place for the team are followed. Additionally, the team members are helping each other to grow and develop their skills. For example, Ameya has worked closely with Sarah to teach her many of the skills he has learned in database design and development and she has been able to take the lead on accomplishing some of the components of their aspect of the project. Overall, the team members are becoming friends. They enjoy each other's company - both while working on the project and after hours via communicating on email, via instant messaging, on Twitter, or over the telephone. According to the linear perspective, this team appears to be in the ___________ stage.


motivation losses

occur when team members do not give 100% effort

Francis got in an argument with Paula about hogging the ball, and then the argument spilled over into ongoing animosity between the players even off the field. The team captain called Francis over and asked her what she thought she could do to make the situation better. According to the GROW model, the team captain was using ________ questions. After Francis has offered three possible suggestions, the team captain asked her what she thought might be the best strategy and when she was going to implement it. According to the GROW model, this is an example of using ________ questions.

options, will

Check every correct answer: Which of these is a key concept within the organizational psychology of sport discussed by Wagstaff?

organizational stress, organizational resilience

Role clarity is a multidimensional concept including all of these EXCEPT

perceived locus of causality

Task and affiliation motivation are examples of which antecedent of cohesion?

personal factors

Female teams, compared to male teams, had higher perceptions of norms for

practice, competition, social setting

Check every correct answer: According to Chelladurai's multidimensional model of sport leadership, which of these are categories of leader behavior?

preferred leader behavior, actual behavior, required leader behavior

Having athletes eat together or live together is an example of which factor that is important in developing an effective team climate?


What are the two major categories of behavior from the Coaching Behavior Assessment System?

reactive and spontaneous

In a study by Lorimer (2013), each of these were given as a way to improve the accuracy of coaches' empathy EXCEPT

reflective listening

The volleyball coach called out at various times throughout the practice, "Good serve, Leah!" "Good swing, Dave!" "Good hustle, Ash!" According the CBAS, this coach is using [type].


Fiedler's research has identified which two types of leadership styles?

relationship-oriented and task-oriented

interactive sports

require team members to work together and coordinate their actions

reactive behavior

responses to a specific player behavior after the behavior occurs

All of these are purposes of communication EXCEPT


Check every correct answer: In setting up a team goal-setting program, which of these guidelines should be followed?

reward progress toward team goals, involve all team members in establishing goals

intrapersonal communication


Servant leadership focuses on

service to and growth and development of followers

initiating structure

setting up rules and regulations, channels of communications, procedural methods, and well-defined patterns of organization to achieve goals and objectives

When the bobsled members first meet they constantly argue about petty, and often personal, things. They have low _________ . One member, though, does try to increase ___________ by remarking, "as long as you're here to bobsled."

social cohesion, task cohesion

Although increasing group size often leads to less effort by individuals, sometimes it can lead to greater effort. This special case is called

social laboring

coactive sports

sports that require relatively little interaction between team members, such as golf, wrestling, and skiing

Team members have gone back to their home offices and are beginning work on their project. They are interacting via the SharePoint site and the project is off to a good start. And then the arguments begin. Peter has put up the project schedule based on conversations with only Mohammed and Ameya on the team. Donna and Sarah feel as if their input to the schedule was not considered. They believe because they are more junior on the team, Peter has completely disregarded their concerns about the timeline for the project. They challenged Peter's schedule, stating that it was impossible to achieve and was setting up the team for failure. At the same time, Sarah was arguing with Ameya over who should lead the database design and development effort for this project. While Sarah acknowledges that Ameya has a few years more experience than she does in database development, she only agreed to be on this project in order to take a lead role and develop her skills further so she could advance at the company. If she knew Ameya was going to be the lead she wouldn't have bothered joining this project team. Additionally, Mohammed appears to be off and running on his own, not keeping the others apprised of progress nor keeping his information up to date on the SharePoint site. No one really knows what he has been working on or how much progress is being made. According to the linear perspective, this team appears to be in the ________ stage.


Developing knowledge to perform a specific task is known as

taskwork knowledge


the ability of a person to perceive, recognize, and understand the feelings, behaviors, intentions, and attitudes of others


the final stage of group development when team members band together to channel their energies for team success


the first stage of team development, in which team members meet each other, form initial impressions, and begin to establish team norms

The effectiveness of social support (as noted by Rees) depends on all of these EXCEPT

the gender of the provider of social support

attractiveness of the group

the individual's desire for interpersonal interactions with other group members and a desire to be involved in the group's activities

The key ingredient in Steiner's model of productivity is

the losses due to faulty group processes and their impact on actual productivity

the key ingredient in Steiner's model of productivity is

the losses due to faulty group processes and their impact on actual productivity

Ringelmann Effect

the phenomenon by which individual performance decreases as the number of people in the group increases

social laboring

the phenomenon that can occur under transformational leadership for an increase in group size to increase effort and performance

Check every correct answer: Breakdowns in communication can occur because

the receiver fails to listen, the receiver is fatigued or overwhelmed, the messages are inconsistent, the receiver misinterprets the message


the second stage of development, characterized by conflict and disagreement, in which team members disagree over what the team should do and how it should do it


the set of behaviors required or expected of a person occupying a certain position in a group


the study of how people communicate by the way they use space


the third stage of team development, in which team members begin to settle into their roles, group cohesion grows, and positive team norms develop


the turnover rate for group membership and the length of time group members have been together

Which of these statements best represents the relationship between cohesion and performance?

this relationship is circular

According to the multidimensional model of sport leadership, performance and satisfaction are a function of the degree of congruence among

three types of leader behavior


two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals


usually a face-to-face discussion among people in conflict

In their classic study of the coaching (leadership) behaviors of legendary basketball coach John Wooden, Tharp and Gallimore found that his most often-used coaching behavior was

verbal instruction on what to do and how to do it

decision-making styles

whether or not a coach makes decisions autonomously, autocratically, democratically, and so on

Intrapersonal communication is communication with


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