The Etruscans and Ancient Rome

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From among the following choices, which material did the Roman emperors prefer for their sculpture?


Mythological figures are rare in Etruscan tomb paintings.


Match each Roman cultural and political term with its most appropriate definition. 1. Patrician 2. Plebeian 3. Princeps 4. Tetrarch 5. Augustus

1 The Roman social class that included wealthy, freeborn landowners, usually from old, established families 4 "One of Four Rulers," a title used by Diocletian and his co-rulers in the later 3rd century to share power over a vastly expanded Empire 5 "Majestic" or "Exalted," the title conferred by the Senate upon Octavian in 27 BCE, marking the point from which the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire 2 The Roman social class that included small farmers, merchants, and freed slaves 3 "First citizen," a title used by the first Roman emperor and his successors to distinguish themselves from Hellenistic

Match each Roman artwork with its most appropriate style designation. 1. Classical Style 2. Late-Antique Style

2 "Distribution of Largess," from the "Arch of Constantine," Rome, Italy 2 "Decursio," from the "Column of Antoninus Pius," Rome, Italy 1 "Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius and Faustina," from the "Column of Antoninus Pius," Rome, Italy 1 "Female Personification (Tellus?)," from the "Ara Pacis Augustae," Rome, Italy

Match each example of Roman wall painting with its most appropriate "style" designation (as developed by August Mau). 1. First Style of Roman Wall Painting 2. Second Style of Roman Wall Painting 3. Third Style of Roman Wall Painting 4. Fourth Style of Roman Wall Painting

2 "Garden Room," Villa of Livia at Primaporta, Italy __3 "Cubiculum M," Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, Boscoreale, Italy __4 "Ixion Room," House of the Vettii, Pompeii, Italy __1 "Fauces Wall," House of

Match each style of Roman wall painting with its most appropriate description. 1. First Style 2. Second Style 3. Third Style 4. Fourth Style

2 A style that sought to dissolve the flat surface of the wall and create the illusion of a three-dimensional world that exists beyond the confines of the room 4 A style that sought to emphasize eclectic illusionism through the combined use of architectural vistas, irrational fantasies, imitative stone paneling and illusionistic framed panel paintings 3 A style that sought to assert the solidity of the wall surface and emphasized delicate linear fantasies set against monochrome backgrounds 1 A style that sought to imitate expensive marble wall revetment using painted stucco relief

Match each style used by the Romans with its most appropriate description. 1. Classical Style 2. Veristic Style 3. Late Antique Style

2 A style that used hyper-realistic features of old age and other distinctive physical characteristics to communicate messages of authority, experience, and individuality 3 A style that abandoned three-dimensional illusionism in favor of clear legibility, stiff frontality, and linear patterns, among other abstractions 1 A style that used perpetually youthful features and idealized representations to communicate messages of peace, prosperity, and stability

Match each description with the artistic technique to which it belongs. 1. Granulation 2. Repoussé 3. Hollow-Cast Bronze 4. Encaustic 5. Tempera 6. Terracotta

3 Create full-size model figure in clay to later create a wax model of the intended figure. Encase the wax model in an investment of clay to melt out the wax and replace it with molten bronze to create the final figure. 5 Mix pigment with a binding agent such as egg yolk or milk casein and work quickly to paint an image onto a prepared, hard surface such as wood panel. 2 Beat a thin metal plate from behind in order to generate a decorative pattern in relief on the front side. 1 Fuse tiny spheres of metal onto a metal surface to generate a decorative pattern. 4 Mix pigment with melted wax and work quickly to paint an image onto a prepared, hard surface such as wood panel. 6 Model a full-size figure in clay and bake it in an oven or kiln at high temperatures until it hardens.

Match each description with the Etruscan artwork to which it belongs. 1. An artwork that represents the taste for ostentatious display that is frequently associated with newly acquired wealth 2. An artwork that demonstrates the vigorous motion and gesticulation that is characteristic of Archaic Etruscan art 3. An artwork that demonstrates the growing power of Rome as a cultural center in Italy in the 4th c. BCE 4. An artwork that demonstrates the assimilation of the Etruscans into Roman culture by the first century BCE

3 Novios Plautios, "Ficoroni Cista," from Palestrina, Italy 2 "Apollo of Veii," from Veii, Italy 4 "Aule Metele (L'Arringatore/ The Orator)," from Cortona, Italy 1 Fibula from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb, Cerveteri, Italy

Match each architectural term with its most appropriate definition. 1. Basilica 2. Triumphal Arch 3. Spolia 4. Revetment

3 The reuse of older works of art, usually statues or reliefs, in later periods, especially on monuments of the Late Antique period 1 In Roman architecture, a public building for legal and other civic proceedings 4 Material used as a wall covering or facing, usually flat slabs of decorative marble or other stone 2 In Roman architecture, a freestanding monument commemorating an important event, usually a military victory

Match each art or cultural term with its appropriate definition. 1. Fibula 2. Cista 3. Cuirass 4. Apotheosis 5. Decursio

4 The elevation of an individual to the rank of the gods 3 A military leather breastplate 1 A decorative pin used to fasten garments 5 The ritual circling around a Roman funerary pyre 2 A cylindrical container made of sheet bronze used for women

Put the following Roman imperial dynasties or groups in chronological order from earliest to latest.

4 Severan Dynasty 6 Tetrarchy 5 Soldier Emperors 1 Julio-Claudian Dynasty 2 Flavian Dynasty 3 Antonine Dynasty

Match each artwork with its most appropriate technique or artistic medium. 1. Terracotta 2. Gold with repoussé and granulation 3. Hollow-Cast Bronze 4. Marble 5. Porphyry

5 Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs, from Constantinople, ca. 300 CE 2 Fibula from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb, Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 650 BCE 3 "Chimera of Arezzo," from Arezzo, Italy, early 4th c. BCE 1 "Sarcophagus of a Reclining Couple," from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 520 BCE 4 Portrait of a General from Tivoli, Italy, ca. 75-50 BCE

Match each part of the Roman domus with its most appropriate description. 1. Atrium 2. Impluvium 3. Tablinum 4. Cubiculum 5. Triclinium 6. Peristyle

6 A garden space usually located toward the back of the domus, characterized by a colonnade and often containing statuary, paintings, pools, or other decorative features 4 A room, sometimes located off the main reception space, that often served as a bedroom 1 The main reception space that was partly open to the sky, where clients of the owner could gather for the morning salutation ritual 5 A secondary reception space, usually located away from the main reception space, that served as a dining room 2 A basin located in the middle of a room to collect rainwater 3 A room located off the

What is a "chimera?"

A Greek mythological creature that is a hybrid mixture of a lion, serpent, and goat, killed by the hero Bellerophon

What is a christogram?

A monogram comprising the first three letters of Christ's name in Greek

With which of the following monuments is the Emperor Titus best associated?

A monumental arch with a single bay on which relief decoration celebrates his military accomplishments, imperial virtues, and apotheosis

With which of the following monuments is the Emperor Constantine best associated?

A monumental arch with three bays that combines spolia that associate him with the virtues of the "good" emperors as well as new relief decoration to clearly communicate his good works

With which of the following monuments is the Emperor Trajan best associated?

A monumental column decorated with a continuous spiral frieze detailing his wars against the Dacians

Why is the Emperor Constantine so significant? (Select all that apply)

Although he was not baptized until his deathbed, he is credited as being Rome's first Christian Emperor. He was the patron of traditional forms of Roman imperial architecture such as arches as well as innovative forms, including the first Christian churches. Many scholars regard his transfer of Roman power from the city of Rome to Constantinople as the official end of the period of "antiquity" and the beginning of the "Middle Ages."

Where would an oculus most often be found?

At the top center of a dome

What is the most common theme for Etruscan tomb painting?

Celebration of the good life

Which of the following objects or images symbolized regeneration in Etruscan iconography?


Which phrase best characterizes Archaic Etruscan art such as the "Apollo of Veii?"

Energy and excite

Which phrase best characterizes Archaic Etruscan art such as the "Apollo of Veii?"

Energy and excitement

Ancient Etruscan tomb painting follows the ancient convention of depicting male figures with light skin and female figures with dark skin.


Ancient Roman houses served no other purpose than to shelter the owner and his family members.


Atmospheric perspective is a method of depicting illusionistic three-dimensional space on a flat surface by plotting its objects along measured orthogonal lines that meet at a single vanishing point.


The "Garden Room" at the Villa of Livia at Primaporta can be called the ultimate example of Fourth Style Roman Wall Painting because all four walls present an eclectic mix of illusionistic and flat spaces, such as fantastical architectural vistas and fake framed panel paintings


The "Heroic Portrait of Trebonianus Gallus" from the mid-third century is significant because it revived the intensely emotional, naturalistic style of the Hellenistic period.


The aspect of Etruscan society that contributed the most to their eventual downfall was their lack of mineral wealth.


The fifth (5th) century BCE was a golden age in Etruria just like in Greece.


The most common subject for Etruscan tomb paintings is mythological narrative.


The narrative portrayed in the spiral frieze running around the Column of Trajan is such a reliable, chronological account of his two wars against the Dacians that ancient historians have been able to fill in missing pieces from the literary sources with information contains in its images.


How does the portrait sculpture of "Aule Metele (L' Arringatore/ The Orator)" illustrate the Romanization of the Etruscans in the first century BCE? (Select all that apply)

He is shown wearing the toga and high-laced boots typical of a Roman magistrate. The date of the sculpture coincides with total Roman political domination over Etruria His close-cropped hair and slightly aged face resemble contemporary Roman portraits.

How did Augustus change the style of Roman portrait sculpture?

He used Republican verism for his portrait face but combined it with various Greek-style idealized bodies to communicate he possessed the strength of the gods.

Why is the Portrait Statue of Augustus as a General from the Villa of Livia at Primaporta, Italy, so significant for the study of art history?

His stance and head emulate Polykleitos's Doryphoros and evoke idealized, youthful beauty. The Cupid and dolphin portrayed at his feet allude to his divine ancestry through Julius Caesar who traced his family ancestry back to the goddess Venus. The reliefs on his cuirass breastplate carry images of an important diplomatic victory to evoke his success as a political leader.

Which of the following statements best describes Etruscan art?

It combined motion and vitality.

Why is the Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy so significant for the study of art history? (Select all that apply)

It combines reused decorative elements from the monuments of earlier, "good" Roman emperors in order to associate Constantine with their memory and virtues. Its particular combination of classical and late antique styles demonstrates a simultaneous respect for the past and rejection of many of the norms of the earlier style to pave the way for later iconic art. Its newly-executed reliefs demonstrate the Late Antique preference for squat figures and linear patterning to emphasize clear communication of the ideas contained therein.

Which of the following statements best explains the significance of the Roman statue "Portrait of a general from the Sanctuary of Hercules at Tivoli, Italy" (Figure 7-9), shown here, for the study of art history? (Select all that apply)

It demonstrates a desire to emphasize different aspects of the sitter, such as his heroic character as well as his determination and experience. It demonstrates a willingness to combine different styles through the use of a Roman veristic portrait head on an idealized body in the Greek manner.

Why is the equestrian portrait of Marcus Aurelius from Rome, Italy, so significant for the study of art history?

It demonstrates an updated version of Republican verism that explores the sitter's personality or character. It demonstrates a significant trend in the portraiture of Marcus Aurelius that portrayed the emperor as weary, saddened, or worried. It is a rare example of an imperial equestrian portrait that was common in antiquity.

Which of the following statements best explains the significance of the Roman statue "Portrait of a man carrying ancestor busts" from Rome, Italy (Figure 7-7), shown here, for the study of art history? (Select all that apply)

It demonstrates the patrician use of portraiture as a means by which they could celebrate their elevated status in Roman society. It demonstrates the characteristically realistic portrait style of the later Republican period It demonstrates Roman patrician pride in their noble genealogy.

Which of the following statements best describes ancient Etruscan art? (Select all that apply)

It demonstrates the relative independence and equality that women enjoyed in Etruscan society. It demonstrates a combination of motion and vitality. It demonstrates the growing interaction with the rising power of Rome in the fourth through first centuries BCE.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the particular depiction of the four embracing and identically-dressed Tetrarchs in their porphyry portrait sculpture from Constantinople?

It typifies their habit to appear in art as a unified group in order to convey their harmonious partnership as co-rulers of the vast Roman Empire.

Why was the Roman invention of concrete so significant? (Select all that apply)

It was very cheap: it cost much less to build large monuments in concrete faced in small amounts of stucco or marble revetment than to build the entire structure of expensive imported materials. It was very versatile: because it could be poured over a wooden framework of any shape, concrete allowed for the construction of previously impossible designs such as unsupported domes and vaults. It was very durable: because it hardened into a seamless sheet of "artificial stone," concrete could be pierced by windows at any point to allow light to enter the interior space.

Why is the Ara Pacis Augustae in Rome so significant for the study of art history? (Select all that apply

Its decorative program was designed to present Augustus' rule as a new Golden Age to rival that of Periclean Athens. Its decorative program features historical figures, including members of the Imperial family, participating in a procession in imitation of the Parthenon's Panathenaic frieze Its decorative program features a specific historical event with recognizable figures that include children who truly behave as children, who had never before been included in any Greek or Roman state monument. Its decorative program features mythological subjects carefully selected to promote Augustus' political ideology, such as a personification of a woman who may represent the prosperity of the new Augustan Peace.

By what evidence do art historians determine that the ancient Etruscans of the Archaic and Classical periods wanted to emphasize the joys of good living, rather than sadness or fear of death, in their funerary art? (Select all that apply)

Many of their tumulus tombs replicate the furnishings and decorations that must have been typical of their domestic space, creating houses within a "city for the dead." The scenes painted in the Tomb of Leopards show couples banqueting in the open air. Figures demonstrate lively facial expressions and emphatic, communicative gestures that are unique in ancient art.

Ancient Etruscan artists were most renowned for their skill in which of the following artistic media?


By what evidence can art historians interpret the Arch of Titus as celebrating the deified Titus' imperial virtues, rather than simply serving as a record of his military successes? (Select all that apply)

One of the relief panels inside the passageway includes the allegorical figures of Victory, Honor, and Valor. Personified Victory figures occupy the spandrels.

How does Flavian portraiture, including portraits of the Emperor Vespasian, compare to Augustan and Julio-Claudian portraiture?

Portraits of the Emperor Vespasian rejected Augustan classicism and revived verism to emphasize the new emperor's Republican values in contrast to the hated last Julio-Claudian emperor Nero.

Etruscan terra-cotta sarcophagi showing life-size reclining figures were most typical of which of the following centuries?

Sixth (6th) century BCE

Why is the Pantheon so significant for the study of art history? (Select all that apply)

So much of the marble flooring and wall revetment survives that modern visitors can truly appreciate the original magnificence of ancient Roman architecture. Its innovative use of concrete allowed its engineers to construct the largest dome in the world, a feat not to be surpassed for nearly another 1400 years. Its revolutionary combination of a cylindrical drum to support a hemispherical dome created a vast, open interior space that was shaped by the use of concrete, rather than limited by it, revolutionized architecture for centuries to come. The perfect circle enclosed by the structure can be understood as symbolic both of the orb of the earth as well as the vault of heaven, an effect enhanced by the effect of sunlight from the oculus traveling across the interior surfaces during the day.

Which phrase best characterizes Classical Etruscan art such as the "Chimera of Arezzo?"

Tension and ferocity

From among the following choices, which material did the ancient Etruscans prefer for their sculpture?


Which of the following statements best explained why the relief decoration on the Arch of Titus in Rome is so significant for the study of art history? (Select all that apply)

The "Spoils of Jerusalem" relief presents a convincing illusion of movement in its representation of the triumphal parade through the streets of Rome. The "Triumph of Titus" relief is the first known instance of the commingling of divine beings and human figures on official Roman historical relief. Instead of continuing the low-relief technique previously used on Augustus' "Are Pacis," the sculptor chose to carve the figures more deeply to generate more dramatic contrasts of highlights and shadows to emphasize the sense of movement.

With which of the following monuments is the Emperor Augustus best associated?

The Ara Pacis, an altar dedicated to the peace he established which brought Rome into a new era of prosperity and stability

Which Imperial dynasty succeeded (came after) the Julio-Claudians to rule the Roman Empire?

The Flavian Dynasty

With which of the following monuments is the Emperor Hadrian best associated?

The Pantheon, a temple to all the gods that solved the problem of constructing the largest dome ever made by using concrete of varying composition to intersect two circles and place a dome atop a drum

Which of the following best explains the lifelike verism of Republican Roman portraits of old men?

The Roman tradition of the treasured wax imagines displayed in the atrium of the Roman house

Why are the origins of the Etruscans debated? (Select all that apply)

The ancient historian Dionysius of Halikarnassos claimed that the Etruscans were native Italians. Although their language is written in a Greek-derived script, it is unrelated to other Indo-European languages and remains largely undeciphered. The ancient historian Herodotus claimed that the Etruscans were immigrants from Asia Minor.

Which of the following statements is true about the Roman "Sarcophagus of a Philosopher" from the later third century CE?

The central composition of a frontal central figure flanked by two subordinate figures is typical of the Late Antique style

By what evidence can art historians determine that the imagery on the "Ficoroni Cista" was an adaptation of a lost Greek panel painting? (Select all that apply)

The figures are placed on multiple ground lines in the manner innovated by the Greek artist Polygnotos. It depicts the Greek myth of the Argonauts. Some of its figure are depicted in three-quarter view or entirely from behind.

What is the significance of Pompeii and the other cities and villas around Mount Vesuvius for the study of art history?

The houses and villas excavated there provide the most complete record of changing fashions in interior decoration than anywhere else in the ancient world.

Who was Vulca of Veii?

The only Etruscan artist named in ancient literary sources

Why is the decoration on the pedestal of the Column of Antoninus Pius in Rome, Italy, so significant for the study of art history? (Select all that apply)

The stylistic shift evidence on its relief decoration represents a major turning point in the history of Roman art, and foreshadows the prevalent style of the Late Antique period. The style of the relief sculpture on its four sides do not match with each other: the side depicting the emperor's apotheosis uses a classical style whereas the decursio scene breaks away from that tradition with its stocky figures and refusal to place all of its figures on a single ground line.

Which of the following contributed most to the transformation of Etruscan society in the Orientalizing period?

Their great mineral wealth

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the allegorical figures shown in the "Triumph of Titus" relief from the Arch of Titus in Rome?

They allude to his imperial virtue

Which of the following privileges did Etruscan women enjoy, that Greek and Roman women did not? (Select all that apply)

They dined alongside their husbands on the same banquet couch. They regularly attended sporting events alongside men. They retained their own names upon marriage. They could legally own property independent of their husbands.

Which of the following statements best supports the art historical speculation that 7th c. BCE Etruscans of the Orientalizing period were enjoying newly acquired wealth?

Tombs such as the Regolini-Galassi Tomb demonstrate a remarkable quantity of high-quality and expensive grave goods such as gold jewelry, bronze cauldrons, and painted pottery imported from Greece.

A groin vault can be distinguished from a barrel vault in that it forms from the intersection of two barrel vaults to form an X or cross shape.


Although the phenomenon of damnatio memoriae was not unique to ancient Rome, the Roman government deployed it as a political tool more frequently and more systematically than any other civilization.


Atmospheric perspective is a method of depicting illusionistic three-dimensional space on a flat surface by increasingly blurring the appearance of objects in the far distance


In Etruscan iconography, an egg usually symbolized regeneration.


In order to contrast his rule against the extravagant excesses of his predecessor Nero, the Emperor Vespasian revived Republican verism in his portraiture to communicate his old-fashioned virtues.


Many art historians believe that the models for many of the mythological scenes painted on Third and Fourth Style walls in Roman houses were inspired by lost Greek panel paintings.


One of the most distinctive characteristics of ancient Roman art is their creation of 'historical reliefs' that often contain very little factual, historical content.


One of the most outrageous behaviors exhibited by Etruscan women that horrified ancient Greek men was the fact that they banqueted alongside their husbands on the same dining couch.


One of the most significant aspects about ancient Roman art is that no other government, either before or after, ever used art more effectively as a political tool.


One of the most significant aspects of the "Ficoroni Cista" for the study of art history is its inscription identifying the location of the artist's workshop in Rome.


One of the most significant aspects of the Column of Trajan is its innovative spiral frieze decoration, which was frequently copied in later centuries.


One of the most significant aspects of the Regolini-Galassi Fibula found at Cerveteri, Italy, is that it is an object of Italic function and Etruscan manufacture but Eastern stylistic influence.


One way to describe a barrel vault is a very deep arch or a continuous series of arches set one behind the other.


Portraits of Soldier Emperors such as Trajan Decius in the third century are among the most moving ever made because of their intense emotional content depicting anxious rulers of an out-of-control world.


Roman art and architecture of the Republican period is indebted to both Greek and Etruscan styles and traditions.


The "Garden Room" at the Villa of Livia at Primaporta can be called the ultimate example of the Second Style of Roman Wall Painting because all four walls have dematerialized to present an illusionistic view of a lush exterior space populated by trees and birds.


The Ancient Etruscans were carving out large underground tombs and decorating them with extensive fresco cycles at a time when the ancient Greeks were only using simple graves and statues or vases as commemorative markers.


The Fourth Style of Roman Wall Painting can be described as a summation of the three earlier styles because it presents a combination of designs that either reinforce or dissolve the flat surface of the wall.


The Roman Emperor who most greatly admired ancient Greek art and culture was Hadrian, who even inspired a new fashion trend by being the first Roman emperor to wear a beard.


The Roman invention of concrete construction began an architectural revolution that can still be felt in the modern world today.


The ancient Roman house played an important role in Roman social rituals, such as supporting the patron-client relationship when clients came to call on their patrons at their home.


The aspect of Etruscan society that contributed the most to their eventual downfall was their lack of political cohesion


The fibula excavated from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb illustrates motifs borrowed by the Etruscans from the Orient.


The independent spirit and relative freedom of Etruscan women horrified ancient Greco-Roman authors.


The most common subject for Etruscan tomb paintings is the banquet.


The most likely reason why the equestrian portrait of Marcus Aurelius survived the Middle Ages without being melted down was because he had been mistaken for the first Christian emperor Constantine.


Whereas Archaic Etruscan artists explored some of the same artistic experiments as Greek artists, including the use of foreshortening, in their tomb decoration, the subject matter of Etruscan funerary art was entirely different from that of ancient Greece.


Which of the following statements provides the best comparison between the "Triumph of Titus" relief from the Arch of Titus in Rome, Italy and the "Chariot Procession of Septimius Severus" relief from the Arch of Septimius Severus from Lepcis Magna, Libya?

Whereas the "Triumph of Titus" convincingly uses the classical style to convey forward movement through three-dimensional space, the "Chariot Procession of Septimius Severus" demonstrates a new non-naturalistic aesthetic emphasizing frontality and "floating" figures to convey stately stillness.

Match each artwork with its most appropriate technique or artistic medium. 1. Terracotta 2. Gold with repoussé and granulation 3. Hollow-Cast Bronze 4. Marble 5. Porphyry

_5__ Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs, from Constantinople, ca. 300 CE 4) Portrait of a General from Tivoli, Italy, ca. 75-50 BCE 1) "Sarcophagus of a Reclining Couple," from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 520 BCE 3__ "Chimera of Arezzo," from Arezzo, Italy, early 4th c. 2) Fibula from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb, Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 650 BCE

Match each Latin term with its most appropriate definition or significance for the study of Roman art. 1. Imagines 2. Damnatio Memoriae 3. Felicior Augusto, Melior Traiano 4. Pax Romana 5. Res Gestae Divi Augusti

__5__ "The Achievements of the Deified Augustus," a list of the first Roman emperor's self-proclaimed accomplishments in politics, military victories, religious practice, social reform, and artistic innovation 4__ In ancient Rome, a general state of peace enjoyed by the territories controlled by Rome, during which the emperors commissioned great public works, imperial statues, and other decorative artworks 1 In ancient Rome, wax mask portraits of ancestors displayed in the atrium of the Roman house 3 In ancient Rome, a phrase used as a measure of success for later emperors, who strove to be "luckier than Augustus, better than Trajan" 2 In ancient Rome, a practice of condemning those who ran afoul of the Senate or Emperor by removing their name from public inscriptions and destroying their memorials

Contrary to ancient Greek practice, pedimental sculpture is extremely rare in Etruscan temple architecture because they only placed statuary on or in ___

the peaks of the temple roof.

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