Theology - Chapter 7 - Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ

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Describe 3 things that are results of Christ's Ascension.

1. Jesus has full authority over Heaven, earth, and even hell. 2. Jesus opened Heaven to humanity. All humanity now enjoys the possibility of spending eternity with God in heaven 3. Jesus is more present to us. He is more present to us now than before his ascension because he isn't limited by time and space.

Give 4 arguments for believing in the Resurrection as a historically valid event.

1. We can trust the validity of the New Testament books and letters. 2. The Resurrection was a consistent belief in the early Church. 3. The tomb was empty. If it wasn't, the Romans or Jewish leaders would have produced the corpse. 4. The Resurrection appearances of Jesus caused a profound change in his follower.


A statement that seems contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is true.

Why does Christ have to descend into hell?

Christ had to descend into hell to bring salvation to bring salvation to all the righteous souls who died before his own resurrection.

Why does Christ's Resurrection give us hope for our resurrection?

Christ's Resurrection opens the way to a new life and is the source of our future resurrection. Death is not the end but rather the doorway to new and eternal life in full communion with God.

What question or concern was St. Paul addressing in First Corinthians, chapter 15?

He was answering the question of there being no such thing as a bodily resurrection from the dead.

Describe several of Jesus' resurrection appearances.

Jesus met the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where he gave them a mission to make "disciples of all nations." Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. Jesus appeared to the disciples walking away from Jerusalem. Jesus appeared to and commissioned the apostles. Jesus appeared to the apostles, even Thomas. Jesus appeared to Peter and six other disciples in Galilee. Jesus appeared to Saul/Paul. Jesus appeared to groups of disciples wishing them peace and charging them to carry on his mission.

How will our resurrected body be different than our earthly form?

Our resurrected body will be different than our earthly form because our earthly form is corruptible, dishonorable, and weak, but out resurrected body will be incorruptible, honorable, and powerful.


Something that can be spoiled or contaminated or made rotten, especially to be made morally perverted.

Resurrection of the dead

The raising of the righteous on the last day, to live forever with the Risen Christ. The resurrection of the dead means that not only our immortal souls will live on after death, but also our transformed bodies.

What revealed truths are confirmed by the Resurrection?

The revealed truths are that Jesus is the Son of God and all Jesus' teachings are true.


a group of heretical religious movements that claimed salvation comes from secret knowledge available only to the elite initiated in that religion.


the "going up" into Heaven of The Risen Christ forty days after his Resurrection.


the bodily rising of Jesus from the dead on the third day after his death on the cross; the heart of the Paschal Mystery and the basis of our hope in the resurrection from the dead.

Biblical exegesis

the critical interpretation and explanation of Sacred Scripture.


to be sinless and without guilt; those who are in such standing before God

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