Types of Sorts
Slow process using a loop. Best Case: O(N) Avg/Worst Cases: O(N^2)
Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort
Compares side-by-side values by looping through a list.
Best used to verify a sorted list. Best Case: O(N) Avg/Worst Cases: O(N^2)
Insertion Sort
Efficient process, however requires 2x the memory. All cases O(N logN)
Merge Sort
Recursive process using partitions. Best/Avg Case: O(N logN) Worst Case: O(N^2)
Quick Sort
Quick Sort
Recursive process that creates two partitions and moves values around a pivot point, then chooses a new pivot point and repeats the processes.
Merge Sort
Repeatedly divides the data in half, sorts each half, and combines the sorted halves into a sorted whole using a recursive split process.
Slow process using nested loop. All Cases: O(N^2)
Selection Sort
Selection Sort
Used nested loop process to systematically check for correct order of values by swapping two values to make sure they are in their best position.
Insertion Sort
Uses a nested loop to find the best place for the next value in an unsorted part of a list by inserting a new a value each pass.