Unit 4: World History Renaissance and Reformation Q/A

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deposed Somerset

Which of the following was NOT one of the problems in England in 1558, when Elizabeth inherited the throne.

the Queen of Spain ordered her beheaded.




"Sistine Madonna"

da Vinci

"The Last Supper"

Match the following: 1. papal bull 2. simony 3. nepotism 4. diet

1. An official statement issued by the pope 2. Obtaining a church office by paying for it 3. Granting favors or appointments to one's own relatives 4. A formal assembly to discuss and act upon public or state affairs

All Jesuits had to be: 1. Physically fit 2. Intelligent 3. Educated 4. Of strong character 5. All of the above


Erasmus' The Praise of Folly is:

A satire

A religious belief not expressed by Zwingli was:

All men were saints

Adult baptism, peace, separation, of church and state, and no swearing of oaths were the beliefs of the_____.


The Act of the Six Articles established the doctrine of the_____ church


The word which prefers to the Church of England is_____ church.


The three parts that made up Christian Spain in 1140 were:

Castile and Leon Portugal Aragon

The factor preventing France from helping Mary claim the throne was:

Elizabeth's decision to help Scotland

Three factors that caused economic problems in England:

England was in debt because of the war with France. The French were unhappy with the English possession of Boulogne. An alliance between Scotland and France was prompted by Somerset's invasion of Scotland

Wycliffe's most important contribution was his translation of the Bible into the_____ language.


Although the French won most of the battles after 1350, the English won the war.


France became officially Protestant in 1560.


Edward III's major contribution was to restore Archbishop Stratford as chancellor.


In spite of the help she provided the French, Joan of Arc was eventually tried as a witch and burned at the stake by French leaders.


Mary Tudor restored Protestantism to England.


Mary turned against the Catholics and burned almost 300 of them at the stake.


Queen Mary married Philip of France.


The Netherlands was a united country by the sixteenth century.


Under Calvin's leadership, Zurich soon became a haven for over six thousand Protestants,


The man who first used the term Platonic love was:


Van Eyck

Flemish painter

Which of the following was not true of France during the period before 1364?

France was a strong national power.

Two Englishmen who wrote about an idealized world were Sir Thomas More and_____.

Francis Bacon

Notre Dom in Paris is a famous cathedral built in _____ style.


Four changes that came with the Renaissance:

Government Art Science Literature

Why did Henry want an annulment of his first marriage?

He wanted a male heir

Who discovered that planetary orbits were oval, not circular? He also discovered three laws of planetary motion.

Johannes Kepler

Who was the man that spread Wycliffe's beliefs in Bohemia?

John Huss

Who was the Englishman that denounced clerical abuses and questioned papal authority?

John Wycliffe

A neoclassicist who wrote satirical comedies was:


Who contributed to the fields of botany, anatomy, engineering and geology? He sketched muscle and bone. He drew invention for man's flight and various weapons and machines. He studied rock and water (geology) and developed canals and locks.

Leonardo da Vinci

Who discovered heliocentric theory? He wrote a book on heliocentrism.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Guildford Dudley

Northumberland's son and Lady Jane Grey's husband

The 14th century Italian who tried to spread an interest in the classics was:


Four decrees of the Council of Trent were:

Provide for more clerical discipline Remove church abuses Reaffirm the sacraments Provide system for educating clergy

The movement to drive out the Moors from Southern Spain was called the:


Archbishop Cranmer

Reformer who prepared a new prayer book

Who wrote a book (Opus Majus), encouraged experimentation, and described eyeglasses?

Roger Bacon

Who discovered laws of gravity and motion? He discovered aspects of light and color, leading to today's spectrum analysis:

Sir Isaac Newton


Spanish painter

Henry became head of the Church of England as a result of the Act of_____ passed by Parliament in 1534.


King Henry IV of France became the first of the Bourbon kings.


The Edict of Nantes gave Protestants more freedom.


Calvin prohibited many personal practices of Protestants, such as gambling or dancing.


Four accomplishments Ferdinand and Isabella received were:

Under Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish Inquisition, a form of church court, was established, Granada was recaptured, and the Moors and Jews living there were either converted or expelled. For the first time unity existed among the people of Spain, a unity of both faith and of territory. During Ferdinand and Isabella's reign the beginnings of a world power were established.

Which is NOT one of the three major styles of medieval architecture?


The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre:

Was the idea of Catherine the Queen Mother

The greatest literary figure in the English language was_____.

William Shakespeare

Zwingli preached in:

Zurich, Switzerland

Which of the following ideas was not expressed by Luther? a. the pope could not forgive the sinners himself b. marriage is a sacrament c. faith in God would lead to salvation d. the worship service should not be conducted only in Latin.



became lord protector

Jesuits took vows of_____,_____, and_____.

chastity, poverty, obedience

Miguel de Cervantes is best known for his satire about_____ , titled Don Quixote


Cardinal Cisneros first held office as Queen Isabella's_____


The Papal States:

consisted of Rome and the central portion of the Italian Peninsula

The man who most closely approached the ideal of a universal man was_____.

da Vinci

The Reformation of England was both a_____ movement.

political and religious

One factor which did not lead to the Hundred Years' War was:

the marriage between Richard II and the daughter of Charles VI

The Republic of Florence:

was an important banking center, governed by seven major guilds.

A government ruled by only a privileged few is a(n)


Robert Kett

led rebels against enclosures


the illusion of depth

Philip II of Spain proposed marriage to Elizabeth because he wanted:

to prevent England from becoming completely Protestant

Lady Jane Grey

was crowned Queen upon Edward's death

The Republic of Venice:

was the wealthiest and most politically stable of the Italian States.

The Kingdom of Naples:

was under French rule until Spain took over


perspective and chiaroscuro

The person remembered as being responsible for the first printing of the entire Bible in the original language, Hebrew and Greek is_____.


Three methods used by the Catholic church to enforce the Catholic principles included:

Concordats, the Index, the Inquisition

Renaissance art became more:

natural realistic

The Venetian school of painting used_____.

oil painting


portrait of Henry VIII

Germany's political and religious differences:

prevented its being a strong national state

Henry VIII had appointed a council of_____ to help his son rule if he were not of age when he inherited the throne.


Luther was supported by:

Frederick the Wise

Who discovered the concept of specific gravity, and laws of pendulum?


Who invented telescopes and discovered four satellites around Jupiter? (He also found out that earth's moon was rough and only reflected light)


Followers of Wycliffe were called_____.


The founder of "Society for Jesus" was Ignatius of_____.


The author of The Prince, which justifies many unethical practices in politics was:


Mary hoped to strengthen her claim to the throne by:

Marrying Lord Donley

Heliocentric means having the_____ as a center.


A very efficient form of government consisting of a ruling assembly of 200 merchants and bankers in Venice was:

the Great Council

Most Renaissance painter chose_____ subjects


Henry VIII was married first to_____.

Catherine of Aragon

Northumberland plotted Mary's succession to the throne because Mary was a devout_____, and she would not at all be sympathetic to the_____ Northumberland.

Catholic, Protestant

The Pilgrimage of Grace was a rebellion that demanded the restoration of_____.


Two groups that Henry VIII persecuted if they spoke against the Church of England.

Catholics, Lutherans

Four words which might describe Elizabeth's characteristics:

Self-confident, complex, capable, intelligent

The barons deposed Edwards II because they feared a strong monarchy, which paved the way for a parliamentary government.


Calvin believed that the church should be led by elders.


Elizabeth restored Protestantism to England.


John Knox established the Presbyterian Church in Scotland.


Mary I was bitter because she suffered religious persecution and separation from her mother.


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