Unit 5

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Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt Corollary was a addition to the Monroe Doctrine and it stated that the United States had the right to interfere in the econonmic matters of Latin America, South America, and Caribbean nations.

Big Stick Diplomacy

Roosevelt belived that a country should speak soft and carry a big stick, you will go far. That means that a country should attempt to solve international matters in a peaceful way by talking, but it must be willing to use force if necessary.


Increasing the size and capabilities of a nation's military.

Zimmerman Telegram

It was a secret coded message sent from Germany to Mexico to have them be on their side and fight against us. An is they won Mexico would receive the land they lost in the Mexican American War.

Monroe Doctrine

Its a Doctrine that states that you can not interfere in the western hemisphere.

Foreign Policy

Its how the United States relates to other countries. Before it used to be Isolationism which means not becoming involved in other countries affair but then they started to practice globalism and become world power.

U.S.S. Maine

Its was a ship sent to Maine to protect Americans in Cuba but it mysteriously exploded in Hayana Habor and so U.S. newspapers blamed Spain for the explosion.


The allied power is the side we were on and it included Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, and Belgium.

League of Nations

The members of this peace-keeping organization would help each other settle disputes and agree to respect the rights of the other members.

Fourteen Points plan

This plan called for the League of Nations. An President Woodrow Wilson came up with this plan.


This was a Bristish passanger ship carrying over 100 americans but then a German submanrine sunk it.

World Power

This was the first was the U.S. showed its power than the world began to see the U.S. as a legitimate country and now the U.S. has a big influence over Latin America.


To stay out of the war. President Woodrow Wilson belived the U.S. should remain neutral.


When stronger countries take over weaker countries in order to get more natural resources and gain more power.


As nations became more powerful, countries began to form alliances to defend each other.

Woodrow Wilson

At this time Woodrow Wilson was our president and he was the one who came up with the Fourteen Points plan. He also presented the treaty to the U.S. Senate for approval, but the failed to pass it.

Economic and political ties to Great Britian

Before the war the U.S. was sending weapons, money, and other supplie to the allies but supplies were often hid in non-military ships. It was a way for the U.S. to support the allies without fighting.

Theodore Roosevelt

He became president of the United States in 1901. He was president for 8 years. An he believed that a country should "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

Yellow Journalism

Exaggerated news reports to make americans think about something else that is not true.


Excessive pride and loyalty to one's nation or culture.

Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines

The U.S. gains control over Spanish territores and that included Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines but Guam and Puerto Rico remained a U.S. territories.

American Business Interests in Cuba

The Americans owned plantations but Spain tried to block the American trade so the U.S. wanted to protect the American business.

Central Powers

The Central Power is the side we fought against and it included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.

Panama Canal

The U.S. built a canal in Panama to shorten the distance from Atlantic to Pacifc Coast.

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