Vascular Registry Review

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The brachial artery courses down the upper arm, ending about _(how far)_ beyond the bend of the elbow where it divides into the ___ and ___ arteries.

1 cm, radial, ulnar

What are the 7 branches off of the axillary artery before it becomes the brachial artery?

1. Superior artery 2. Thoracic artery 3. thoracocromial artery 4. lateral thoracic artery 5. subscapular artery 6. anterior and posterior humeral artery 7. thoracodorsal artery

What are the 4 major visceral branches of the abdominal aorta?

1. celiac artery 2. superior mesenteric artery 3. renal arteries 4. inferior mesenteris artery

What are the 3 major parietal branches of the abdominal aorta?

1. inferior phrenic artery 2. lumbar arteries 3. middle sacral artery

What are the 4 most important branches off of the subclavian artery?

1. vertebral 2. thyrocervical 3. internal thoracic 4. costocervical

The capillaries form vast networks with a total surface area of about ___ acres, or ____ square meters.

1.5, 6,000

How many branches does the ascending aorta give off?


the internal iliac arteries are about _#_ in length.

3-4 cm

The deep femoral artery is a large branch off of the common iliac artery which arises approximately _#_ from the inguinal lagament on the ____ side. it can act as a collateral connection

5cm, lateral

How many branches does the axillary artery give off before becoming the brachial artery?


The arterial tree oscillates with every beat of the heart, each one of which pumps approximately _#_ of blood into the aorta and causes a blood pressure pulse

70 mililiters

Capillaries are about ___ in diameter which is about the same as the diameter of a ___.

8-10 microns, red blood cell

_____ governs the amount of blood that enters the arterial system, while ___ and ___ determines the volume of blood that leaves it.

Cardiac output, arterial pressure, total peripheral resistance

The ____ artery traverses the dorsum of the foot towards the base of the first toe


Which branch off of the arortic arch arises only off of the right side?


What is the first branch off of the aortic arch?

Innominate or brachiocephalic

What is the second branch off of the arotic arch?

Left common carotid

This artery extends obliquely down the posterior side of the leg.


The second branch of the distal popliteal artery quickly gives rise to what two arteries?

PTA and peroneal

What artey passes toward the fibula and travels down the medial side of that bone to supply structures in the lateral side of the leg and in the calcaneal region of the foot?

Peroneal artery

Which vessels distribute blood to the digits of the feet?

The deep plantar arch and the dorsal metatarsal arteries

Describe the tunica intima of an artery in terms of thickness and content

a thin, single layer of endothelial cells with a base membrane and connective tissue

The subclavian artery arches ____ the clavicle, ____ the apex of the lung, and ____ the scalenus anterior muscle.

above, in front of, behind

At the interval between the tibia and fibula at the lower portion of the politeus muscle, the popliteal artery divides into the ____.

anterior and posterior tibial arteries.

The internal iliac arteries descend into the pelvis, each dividing into two vessels -___ and ___- at the ____.

anterior and posterior, upper margin of the greater sciatic foramen

What is the first branch off of the distal popliteal artery?

anterior tibial artery

Arteries gradually decrease in size from the aorta (largest) to the ____ (smallest).


The aortic arch, formed by the ____, gives off _#_ braches.

ascending aorta, 3

The ____ are vessels of the microcirculation


Where does the left common carotid artery terminate?

carotid bifurcation

The components of smooth muscle and connective tissue which make up the tunica media of an artery are usually arranged in a ___ pattern


Describe the walls of the capillaries

consists of endothelial cells, forming a layer one cell thick.

The ____ artery arises from the lateral aspect of the external iliac near the inguinal ligament and supplies the abdominal wall muscles

deep circumflex

The _____ consists of the deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery and the distal portion of the radial artery.

deep palmar (volar) arch

The ___ artery penetrates into the sole of the foot, uniting with the lateral plantar artery to complete the plantar arch of the foot.

deep plantar

The deep plantar arch consists of what two branches?

deep plantar artery (branch off the DPA) and the lateral plantar artery (branch off the PTA)

The ulnar artery gives off a ____ palmar branch and then terminates into the ____ palmar arch.

deep, superficial

The ____ extends downward from the aortic arch to just above the diaphragm.

descending throacic aorta

The arterial reservoir resulting from left ventricular contraction stores some of the blood volume and the energy supplied to the system. It is this store of energy and volume that promotes the flow of blood into the tissues during ____


The ____ arise from the palmar arches and extend into the fingers and toes.

digital arteries

At the distal end, the ATA courses to the anterior aspect of the tibia. As it passes in front of the ankle joint it is more superficial and becomes the ____.

dorsalis pedis artery DPA

The ____ are essentially continuations of the corresponding common iliac artery.

external iliac arteries

In adults, which branch off of the common iliac artery is larger?

external iliac artery

What 2 branches does the DPA give off at the dorsum of the foot?

first dorsal metatarsal and deep plantar arteries

Capillaries are supplied by the arteries, which transport ____, _____, and other essential substances to the capillary beds.

gasses, nutrients

Once the superficial femoral artery enters the popliteal fossa, it gives off a number of ____ branches to supply the muscles, knee joint, and skin. These branches can also act as collateral connections

genicular (genicular- pertaining to the knee)`

Pressure is greatest at the ___ and gradually decreases as the blood moves ___

heart, distally

What effect does an increased or decreased heart rate have on nutrient distribution?

increased heart rate delivers an increased blood volume and therefore more nutrients. decreased heart rate pumps a smaller volume of blood and therefore less nutrients

The ____ arises from the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament, supplying abdominal muscles and skin

inferior epigastric artery

when it passes under ____ the external iliac artery becomes the common femoral artery.

inguinal ligament

What are the three branches off of the aortic arch?

innominate, left common carotid, and left subclavian arteries

The three layers of the arterial wall may be separated by what?

internal and external elastic membranes

What do the common iliac arteries branch into?

internal and external iliac arteries

The hypogastric artery is another name for the ____.

internal iliac artery

After arising from the distal popliteal artery, the anterior tibial artery passes superficial to the ____ and runs deep in front of the leg along the anterior surface of the _(same)_.

interosseous membrane

The external iliac artery travels in a ___ and ___ direction along the ____ side of the ____ muscle.

lateral, inferior, medial, psoas major

The digital arteries divide into ____ and ____ branches

lateral, medial

The subclavian artery runs ____ and ___ to the outer border of ____ where it becomes the axillary artery.

laterally, downward, the first rib

What is the 3rd branch off of the aortic arch?

left subclavian

the fibrous connective tissue which makes up the tunica externa (aventitia) of an artery is usually arranged in a ____ pattern


As the pressure wave moves from the large arteries through the high resistance vessels, capillaries, and then into the venous side, the _____ gradually declines because of losses in _____.

mean pressure, total fluid energy

What does the PTA branch into and where?

medial and lateral plantar arteries just below the medial malleolus

Roughly how long are the capillaries?

not much more than a millimeter long

The left and right common iliac arteries are the diatalmost banches of the arta carrying blood to the ____, ___, and ____

pelvis, abdominal wall, lower limbs

The ____ is the distal portion of the superficial femoral artery


The heart pump generates pressure, or ___ energy, to move the blood


What 3 properties of the pressure wave change as it moves through the arterial system?

propagation speed, shape and strength

The tibiopernoeal trunk (artery) has also been called the ____.

proximal potion of the PTA

The ____ maintains a high volume of blood in the arterial side of the circulatory system that in turn sustains a high ____ between the arterial and venous sides of circulation.

pumping of the heart, pressure gradient

Which artery originates from the brachial artery and travels down the lateral side of the forearm into the hand?


The resulting distention of the arteries from the left ventricular contraction produces and arterial "___"


Arterioles are considered to be ___ vessels. Their function is to help _____ by doing what?

resistance, regulate blood flow by contracting and relaxing

What are the two branches off of the ascending aorta?

right and left coronary arteries

What does the innominate artery divide into?

right common carotid and subclavian arteries

At the beginning of cardiac contraction, the pressure in the left ventricle _^ v_ rapidly, quickly ____ that in the aorta.

rises, exceeding

Describe the tunica externa (adventitia) of an artery in terms of thickness and content.

somewhat thinner than the tunica media and contains white fibrous connective tissue and , at times, a few smooth muscle fibers.

Example: As the arterial pressure ave moves distally, away from the heart and out toward the periphery, the propogation speed- the pulse wave velocity- increases with the growing ___ of the arterial walls


The ___ of blood produced by each heartbeat creates a pressure (or energy) wave that travels rapidly throughout the arterial system

stroke volume

the amount of bloof ejected with each contraction of the left ventricle is called what?

stroke volume

What artery becomes the axillary artery as it travels along the shoulder to the upper arm?


What does the common femoral artery branch into?

superficial femoral artery and deep femoral (profunda femoris) artery

The _____ consists of the distal portion of the ulnar artery as it continues into the hand, and a branch of the radial artery

superficial palmar (volar) arch

The radial artery gives off a branch in the hand to for the ____ palmar arch and terminates in the ____ palmar arch of the hand by joining the ____ branch of the ulnar artery.

superficial, deep, deep

the rapid rise in pressure of the left ventricle at the beginning of cardiac contraction causes what?

the aortic valve to open, ejecting the blood, and the blood pressure rises

What is considered to be the most vital part of the circulatory system? Why?

the capillaries: Its through the wall of the capillaries that nutrients and waste products are exchanged between tissue and blood to maintain the constancy of the internal environment. It has been said that the circulatory system only exists to serve the capillary beds

A large portion of the energy created with each left ventricular contraction results in ____

the distention of the arteries

The ascending aorta arises from ____

the left ventricle

What controls the arterial pressure and total peripheral resistance?

the level of vasoconstriction in microcirculation

The common iliac artery divides into the internal and external iliac arteries at the level of _____, which is about _#_ cm from their origin.

the lumbosacral junction, 5

What are the terminal branches of the abdominal aorta?

the right and left common iliac arteries

Besides their typical function why else are the inferior epigastric and deep circumflex arteries important?

they can anastomose with other arterial branches and can serve as collateral connections when necessary.

Describe the tunica media of an artery in terms of thickness and content.

thicker than the tunica intima and composed of smooth muscle and connective tissue, largely of the elastic type.

Where does the left subclavian artery terminate?

thoracic outlet

What is the second branch of the distal popliteal artery?

tibioperoneal trunk

What is the outer wall of an artery called?

tunica externa (or adventitia)

What is the innermost layer of the artery wall called?

tunica intima

What is the intermediate layer of the arterial wall?

tunica media

The____ artery originates from the brachial artery and travels down the medial side of the forearm into the hand


Variations in the characteristics of the vessels (arteries) influence the alterations in blood flow. ___ and ___ vary with each heartbeat

velocity and flow direction

When does the superficial femoral artery become the popliteal atery? (Be specific)

when it passes through an opening in the tendon of the adductor hiatus known as the adductor canal, or Hunter's canal, which is located in the distal thigh

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