VTNE: Medical Nursing

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How many white blood cells per high-power field are considered normal in typical canine urine?

0 to 3

Normal central venous pressure readings for dogs are

0 to 5 cm

How long does a modified live vaccine remain effective after it is mixed, if it is left at room temperature?

1 hour

The serum creatinine level of a normal dog is

1 to 2 mg/dl

What is the normal capillary refill time in a dog?

1 to 2 seconds

The blood urea nitrogen of a normal dog is

10 to 28 mg/dl

The total plasma protein level of a normal dog is

10 to 30 g/dl

Hospitalized patients that require nutritional support are those that have lost _____ of their body weight.


What is the approximate degree of dehydration in a patient that shows increased skin turgor, prolonged capillary refill time, dry mucous membranes, and eyes sunken into the orbits?

10% to 12%

Puppies are expected to gain

10% to 20% of their birth weight in the first week of life

The normal rectal temperature of an adult cat is

100° F to 102° F

What are the normal temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate of a dog? a.101.5° F, 90/min, 20/min b.101.5° F, 180/min, 25/min c.100° F, 90/min, 20/min d.100° F, 180/min, 25/min

101.5° F, 90/min, 20/min

A struggling sheep rapidly becomes hyperthermic in hot weather, because its normal body temperature is

103° F (39.4° C)

How long do platelets survive in stored fresh blood?

12 hours

Plaster of paris-type casting material can bear weight in approximately

12 hours

The hemoglobin level of a normal adult dog is

12 to 18 g/dl

At what age should a dog or cat be first vaccinated against rabies?

12 weeks

How much urine does an average adult cat normally produce in 24 hours?

15 ml/kg

For canine distemper and hepatitis, the most commonly recommended time for the last vaccine in a puppy series is at

16 weeks of age

When taking body temperature via the ear or the axilla, the temperature obtained is usually assumed to be

2 degrees lower than the rectal temperature

A delayed hemolytic reaction is indicated by a drop in PCV how many days posttransfusion?

2 to 20 days

The blood smear of a normal dog should have what percentage of eosinophils?

2% to 10%

When applying physical therapy to a patient, cold or hot compresses are usually applied for what time period?

20 minutes

The blood smear of a normal dog should have what percentage of lymphocytes?

25% to 60%

For accuracy, a central venous pressure reading should be taken at least

3 times

How much urine does an average dog normally produce in 24 hours?

30 ml/kg

Normal mucosal bleeding time in a dog is

30 to 90 seconds

The normal MCHC of a dog is

32 to 36 g/dl

The normal PCV of a horse is

32% to 52%

The PCV of a normal adult dog is

37% to 55%

The opening of the anal sac ducts is on the rectum at the

4 and 8 o'clock positions

A chest or abdominal bandage, when applied firmly for compression, should not remain in place on a small animal for longer than

4 hours

How soon after a significant exposure to the feline leukemia virus will a cat have a positive result on a feline leukemia test (ELISA antigen test)?

4 to 8 weeks

When examining a patient, you count 7 pulses in 10 seconds. How should you record this animal's pulse rate?

42 beats/min

The blood glucose level of a normal dog is

45 to 70 mg/dl

Use of a cephalic catheter for IV fluid administration is usually limited to

48 to 72 hours

Subcutaneous fluids are usually absorbed in

5 to 8 hours

To calculate the quantity of food to administer at one feeding to a 2-day-old orphaned puppy, you would multiply the body weight in grams by


The total RBC count of a normal dog is

5.5 to 8.5 × 106/μl

Normal daily water maintenance requirements for a typical adult dog and cat are approximately

50 to 100 ml/kg

The normal white blood cell count of a horse is

5000 to 12,500/μl

When using a mercury thermometer to measure rectal temperature, what is the minimum time the thermometer should be left in the rectum?

60 seconds

The normal mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of a dog is

60 to 77 fl

The total white blood cell count of a normal adult dog is

6000 to 17,000/μl

What is the average length of gestation for a dog?

63 days

When using isopropyl alcohol as a disinfectant, what is the recommended concentration?


The stomach capacity of puppies and kittens is approximately

9 ml/kg

If you are syringe-feeding a patient, the most appropriate positioning of the head would be

A natural position

A glass rectal thermometer has

A round bulb and a mercury constriction

Analgesia should be provided by a regimen that

Administers the analgesic before the onset of anticipated pain returns

Before doing a skin scraping for a fungal culture, apply


Which of these agents should not be used to control blood flow from a nail that was cut too short? a.Styptic powder b.Alcohol c.Silver nitrate d.Cornstarch


People infected with Dirofilaria immitis via a mosquito could develop lesions in the

Alveoli of the lungs

A pharyngostomy tube is used when a patient is


From what area is it best to approach a horse?

At a 45-degree angle from the left shoulder

What disease of monkeys that causes small sores in and around the mouth can be fatal to people?

B-virus encephalitis

Abdominal palpation in large animals is correctly termed


Eating raw or rare meat from which wild animal can cause trichinosis in people?


The cages of immunocompromised animals should be cleaned

Before cleaning the general nursing wards

Fluids administered via the subcutaneous route should be at

Body temperature and isotonic

A previously nonvaccinated mature horse that receives a traumatic wound that becomes contaminated should be given

Both tetanus antitoxin and tetanus toxoid

What tissue is the preferred tissue to be submitted for rabies diagnosis?


What respiratory disease of cats causes ulcerative stomatitis?

Calicivirus infection

Infertility and abortion in cattle can be caused by

Campylobacter fetus

Blue eye, or corneal edema, can occur with what canine disease or after vaccination against that disease?

Canine adenovirus infection

Against what disease should ferrets be vaccinated?

Canine distemper

Two of the most common viral infections of dogs include

Canine distemper and canine hepatitis

An animal with what condition is more prone to fluid overload?

Cardiac insufficiency

When performing a wing clip on a bird, the wing should be grasped firmly at the

Carpal joint

Causing an animal to lie on its side with pressure exerted its muscles and nerves by a series of carefully placed and tightened ropes is called


Another term for a laxative is


Blood transfusion reactions that result from incompatibility are rarest in


What vein is located on the cranial (dorsal) surface of the front leg?


Increased carbon dioxide levels are detected by

Chemoreceptors at the bifurcation of the carotid arteries

The scientific name for heaves in horses is

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Signs of snuffles in rabbits include

Chronic rhinitis

The principal anion in extracellular fluid is


Equine infectious anemia is diagnosed by

Coggins test

A client calls to say that her horse is sweated up, keeps looking at his belly, and is trying to roll; the veterinarian will most likely find that the horse is suffering from


Ninety-five percent of the circulating antibodies in puppies younger than 48 hours old come from the


People can contract tetanus, caused by Clostridium tetani, by

Contact with sheep

A wet-to-dry bandage is best for what type of wounds?

Contaminated wounds that need to be debrided

How often should controlled substances be inventoried?

Continuously, with use

When taking a respiration rate,

Count inspiration and expiration as one breath.

Q fever in sheep is caused by

Coxiella burnetii

What coccidian is most likely to infect people who drink contaminated water?


The blood group of canines that is synonymous with the term universal donor is

DEA 1.1 negative

What phase of healing begins approximately 6 hours after tissue injury?


One clinical sign of hypothermia is

Decreased blood pressure

How deep should you scrape the skin for a fungal culture?

Deep scraping after surgical scrub

The higher the hematocrit and total protein values, the greater the degree of


Eating raw or partially cooked salmon can infect people with what tapeworm?


A client brings her new 7-week-old puppy into the clinic and is curious about the ideal vaccination schedule for her pet. You tell her that the ideal schedule is

Distemper at 8, 12, and 16 weeks with rabies at 12+ weeks

What type of drug is used to stimulate urine production?


How can a person develop sarcocystosis?

Eating contaminated beef

What sling is used to stabilize the coxofemoral joint?


Agents used to induce vomiting are called


The term sleeping sickness in horses refers to


What condition is produced by a migrating Toxocara canis larva if it moves into a human brain?


For what disease is the Coggins test used in diagnosis?

Equine infectious anemia

What organism causes diamond skin disease in pigs?

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae

The purpose of the fluorescein dye test is to

Evaluate for corneal abrasions/ulcerations

The most critical factor to expedient healing of decubital sores is

Exposure to air so that the area remains dry

The pulse of a horse is most conveniently palpated using the

Facial artery

The incidence of trichinosis in people is decreased by

Feeding cooked garbage to hogs

What disease of cats interferes with production of immunoglobulins during vaccination?

Feline leukemia virus infection

Probably the most prevalent serious viral infection of cats is

Feline panleukopenia

The most common artery used in dogs and cats to obtain a pulse is the

Femoral artery

The term pyrexia refers to


When gavage is used to feed young puppies, vomiting immediately following the feeding is usually the result of

Giving too much formula and overextending the stomach

What is the basic tool of restraint for the horse?


Sinus arrhythmia occurs when the

Heart and pulse rates increase with inspiration and decrease with expiration.

The two most common agents involved in feline respiratory disease complex for which vaccines exist are

Herpesvirus and calicivirus

The proper way to restrain and carry a rabbit is

Hold the rabbit by the scruff with one hand, and grasp the hocks of the rabbit with the other.

What vaccine is used to vaccinate people against rabies?

Human diploid cell vaccine

Yersinia pestis is most pathogenic to


What defect can be produced in a human fetus exposed to Toxoplasma gonii?


Failure of an organ or a part of an organ to grow to its full size is an example of


Sterile water is


High mountain or brisket disease of cattle is caused by

Hypoxia from low oxygen pressure

The accepted abbreviation for the intracardiac route of drug administration is


The accepted abbreviation for the intramuscular route of drug administration is


The accepted abbreviation for the intravenous route of drug administration is


Which route of drug administration produces the fastest onset of action?


Hypertonic solutions must be given

IV only

Isotonic solutions may be given

IV, subcutaneously, or intraperitoneally

Why are intranasal vaccines so effective against respiratory diseases?

Immunoglobulin A is produced at the site of virus entry.

One clinical sign of hyperthermia is

Increased respiratory rate

What fungus can cause ringworm in people?


The two most common types of vaccines in common use today in veterinary practices are

Modified live and killed

What animal is the most likely reservoir for infectious hepatitis A for people contacting the animal's feces?


Equine encephalomyelitis (EEE, WEE, VEE) is a viral disease that can be transmitted to people by the bite of an infected


The principal cation in extracellular fluid is


The most common type of leukocyte found in the peripheral blood of dogs is the


What species is the most likely source of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) for people?

Nonhuman primates

An irregular heart rhythm that results from variations in vagal nerve tone as a result of respiration in dogs is

Normal sinus arrhythmia

Transfusions in cases of autoimmune hemolytic anemia are

Not recommended, because they may increase hemolysis

What is the best route of fluid administration for a slightly dehydrated patient that can drink water and is not vomiting?


The urine of a normal rabbit can be what colors?


What instrument is used to examine the ear canal?


When tube feeding a bird, the gavage tube should be passed into the crop by positioning the tube

Over the tongue and to the right side of the mouth

Which phase of the electrocardiogram (ECG) represents the depolarization of the atria?

P wave

The tests that are very useful in assessing fluid loss in a patient are

PCV, plasma protein, and urine specific gravity

The accepted abbreviation for the oral route of drug administration is


Dyspnea is

Painful breathing

For Doppler assessment of the pulse rate, the most commonly used arteries are the

Palmar and plantar

Which canine disease responds to antibiotic therapy?

Parvovirus infection

Colostrum is important for the newborn because it provides

Passive immunity from the dam

In smaller birds (parakeets), the most accessible sites for IM injections are the

Pectoral muscles

The rabies virus introduced by a bite from an infected animal travels from the bite area to the brain via

Peripheral nerves

Pinpoint hemorrhage of the mucous membranes and skin is termed


The most appropriate solution to use as an ear cleaner in an animal that does not have an intact tympanum is

Physiologic saline

Erysipeloid of people, caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, is the result of wound infection with contaminated material. What farm animal is most likely to carry this organism?


Which lymph node may be palpated caudal to the stifle?


An animal in sternal recumbency is

Positioned with its abdomen on the table or floor

The principal intracellular cation that is commonly measured in a blood chemistry profile and that contributes to maintaining the acid-base balance is


When "clearing" a skin scraping in search of a dermatophyte infection, heat the slide after applying

Potassium hydroxide

The function of the anal glands is to

Produce a scented material used to mark territory

In the avian species, intraosseous fluid administration is performed by using the

Proximal tibia

During fluid therapy, a low plasma protein combined with a decreased cardiac rate can easily result in

Pulmonary edema

What muscle located cranial to the femur can be used for IM injections?


You are monitoring a patient under anesthesia. Fluid therapy helps

Raise the blood pressure

Tachypnea is

Rapid respiration rate

What phase of healing begins 3 to 5 days after tissue injury?


When a healthy animal's airway is obstructed, thereby decreasing its ability to properly ventilate, the most likely condition that will result is

Respiratory acidosis

What area of the bovine body does hardware disease affect?


What disease is most dangerous in a herd of breeding horses?


With reference to the eyes, the abbreviation OD (oculus dexter) refers to

Right eye

A Wood's lamp can be used to detect what condition in the dog?


What bandage is most commonly used for temporary immobilization of fractures distal to the elbow or stifle before surgery?

Robert Jones

Bubonic or pneumonic plague (Yersinia pestis) can be transmitted to people by the bite of

Rodent fleas

The function of a Robert Jones bandage is to

Stabilize a fracture before surgery

The equine joint that is never splinted is the


Purpura hemorrhagica is a complication of what disease in horses?


Which phase of the ECG represents the repolarization phase of the ventricles?

T wave

A contaminated wound differs from one that is infected in that

The bacterial count is lower in a contaminated wound.

The term nystagmus refers to

The eyes moving in a horizontal or vertical motion

A pulse deficit occurs when

The heart rate is faster than the pulse rate.

A significant difference in IM injections in small animals compared to large animals is

The needle is first inserted into large animals before the syringe is attached.

Flushing the external ear canal is contraindicated if

The tympanic membrane is ruptured.

If 1 hour after surgery, it is suspected that an animal is bleeding, and the packed cell volume (PCV) remains normal, it would be beneficial to evaluate the

Total protein

What canine parasite can cause the disease called visceral larva migrans in children?

Toxocara canis

A Thomas splint is an example of a

Traction splint

Rabbits can transmit what disease to people?


How frequently should splints be adjusted on foals?

Twice a day

When collecting blood using a needle and syringe, how should the bevel of the needle be positioned?


Pigs naturally pull back when pressure is applied around their

Upper jaw (maxilla)

Isosthenuria is best described as

Urine with a specific gravity and osmolality similar to glomerular filtrate and plasma

When restraining a domestic cat, the best rule to remember is

Use the least amount of restraint possible for the procedure.

When applying a tendon support bandage on a horse's front leg, the outer wrap may be secured by

Using adhesive tape and ensuring that the ends of the tape do not overlap

Campylobacter fetus, which can cause abortion in cattle, is transmitted by

Venereal contact

On a deep skin scraping, sarcoptic mange mites are

Very difficult to find, because very few are often on the patient

Feline infectious peritonitis is caused by a


A person who ingests Toxocara canis ova is most likely to develop

Visceral larva migrans

What fluid should you choose to lavage a deep traumatic wound? a.Warm sterile saline b.Undiluted Nolvasan c.50% dextrose d.Hydrogen peroxide

Warm sterile saline

Besides skin tenting, one of the best physical signs to access fluid status is


The two infectious agents most often involved in otitis externa in the dog are

Yeast and bacteria

What does it mean when you hear rales on auscultation of the lungs of a foal?

You hear moist congestion in the lungs.

What drug cannot be given IM? a.Penicillin G procaine, an antibiotic b.Doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin; chemotherapeutic drug) c.Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (Adequan; arthritis treatment) d.Dexamethasone (Decadron Phosphate; antiinflammatory drug)

b.Doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin; chemotherapeutic drug)

The breed of pig that is red is the a.Berkshire b.Duroc c.Yorkshire d.Landrace


Which of these tapeworms uses people as intermediate hosts and causes the disease known as hydatid disease? a.Taenia pisiformis b.Echinococcus granulosus c.Dipylidium caninum d.Taenia solium

b.Echinococcus granulosus

Which of the following is the least desirable method of warming a recumbent patient? a.Instant-heat pads b.Electric heating pad c.Wrapped hot water bottles d.Infrared lamps

b.Electric heating pad

What breed of dog is particularly susceptible to heat stroke? a.Beagle b.English bulldog c.Italian greyhound d.Schipperke

b.English bulldog

Which disease is the result of a blood parasite infection that causes anemia in cats? a.FIV b.FIA c.FIP d.Malaria


Bacterins are commonly used to vaccinate animals against all of the following except a.Blackleg b.Feline distemper c.Leptospirosis d.Borreliosis

b.Feline distemper

Which of these animals is most likely to transmit the rabies virus to people? a.Marmot b.Fox c.Mule deer d.Bear


Which statement concerning zoonotic diseases is true? a.Tuberculosis is never transmitted from dogs to people. b.Histoplasmosis is seldom transmitted from dogs to people. c.Animals with toxoplasmosis are always visibly ill. d.Blastomycosis occurs in reptiles and amphibians only.

b.Histoplasmosis is seldom transmitted from dogs to people.

The breed of chicken known for its white eggs is the a.Rhode Island red b.Leghorn c.White Plymouth rock d.New Hampshire


Which of the following are both agranulocytes? a.Monocytes and neutrophils b.Lymphocytes and monocytes c.Eosinophils and basophils d.Lymphocytes and eosinophils

b.Lymphocytes and monocytes

The breed of goat with long, wide, pendulous ears and a Roman nose is the a.Toggenburg b.Nubian c.Saanen d.French alpine


What is one clinical sign of shock? a.Increased blood pressure b.Pale mucous membranes c.Decreased heart rate d.Increased cardiac output

b.Pale mucous membranes

Which of the following is a virus that is not highly contagious and does not have a commercial vaccine available for non-human animals? a.Parvovirus b.Papillomavirus c.Distemper virus d.Coronavirus


Which of the following is not done on a routine physical examination of a cat? a.Open the mouth and look at the teeth, tongue, and gums. b.Perform a rectal examination. c.Listen to the heart and lungs. d.Palpate the abdomen for masses.

b.Perform a rectal examination.

Cystocentesis is contraindicated in all of the following except a.Bleeding disorders b.Periparturient dams c.Pyometra d.Bladder tumors

b.Periparturient dams

What drug is used as an anthelmintic? a.Penicillin b.Piperazine c.Pyrethrin d.Streptomycin


Bandaging provides all of the following except a.Keeping the wound warm b.Promoting an alkaline environment c.Minimizing postoperative edema d.Absorbing wound exudates

b.Promoting an alkaline environment

Which of the following is not true of inactivated vaccines? a.A finite antigen mass at injection b.Provides cellular and mucosal immunity c.Requires adjuvant d.Relatively stable and safe

b.Provides cellular and mucosal immunity

The breed of dog particularly prone to parvoviral infection after 4 months of age is the a.German short-haired pointer b.Rottweiler c.Yorkshire terrier d.Afghan hound


Of the breeds listed, the breed of dog most commonly affected with gastric dilatation/volvulus (bloat) is the a.Pug b.Saint Bernard c.Lhasa apso d.Shar-Pei

b.Saint Bernard

The breed of dog born with no tail is the a.Old English sheepdog b.Schipperke c.Miniature poodle d.Miniature schnauzer


The toes of a bandaged limb should be monitored daily for all of the following except a.Warmth b.Sensitivity c.Color d.Swelling


Subcutaneous fluids are contraindicated when a.The patient has mild dehydration. b.The patient requires 5% dextrose. c.The patient is very small. d.There is evidence of chronic heart failure.

b.The patient requires 5% dextrose.

What type of preparation is a biologic? a.Antibiotic b.Vaccine c.Anesthetic d.IV fluid


If you are advising a pregnant woman to avoid Toxoplasma gondii, which of the following would you tell her? a.Store cat feces in an open container. b.Wear gloves while gardening to avoid contact with cat feces. c.Wash your hands after handling your dog. d.Avoid procedures involving horses.

b.Wear gloves while gardening to avoid contact with cat feces.

Of the following horse breeds, which is in the pony class? a.Arabian b.Welsh c.Morgan d.Appaloosa


Which of the following sites should not be used for blood sampling in rabbits? a.Cephalic vein b.Jugular vein c.Medial saphenous vein d.Ear vein

c.Medial saphenous vein

Which of these drugs comes in an oral form only? a.Enrofloxacin (Baytril; antibiotic) b.Metoclopramide (Reglan; antacid and antiemetic) c.Methimazole (Tapazole; hyperthyroidism treatment) d.Cimetidine (Tagamet; antihistamine)

c.Methimazole (Tapazole; hyperthyroidism treatment)

The breed of dog frequently exhibiting inherited idiopathic epilepsy is the a.Great Dane b.Miniature schnauzer c.Miniature poodle d.Siberian husky

c.Miniature poodle

Which statement about immunizations is true? a.Older animals have more effective immune systems and thus require less frequent vaccinations. b.Young animals have passive immunity, making vaccination unnecessary for the first year of life. c.Older animals can have reduced immune status and may require more frequent vaccination. d.Young animals should be given only killed vaccines because of the passive immunity they get from their mothers.

c.Older animals can have reduced immune status and may require more frequent vaccination.

Which of the following is not a parenteral route of drug administration? a.Subcutaneous b.IM c.Oral d.IV


Which of the following is not an infectious disease of small animals? a.Distemper b.Leptospirosis c.Patent ductus arteriosus d.Pneumonitis

c.Patent ductus arteriosus

Which of these compounds can be safely given via IV? a.Metoclopramide (Reglan; antacid and antiemetic) b.Tap water c.Penicillin sodium succinate (antibiotic) d.Penicillin G procaine (antibiotic)

c.Penicillin sodium succinate (antibiotic)

What breed of cat is most likely to develop hairballs? a.Domestic shorthair b.Burmese c.Persian d.Siamese


The breed of dog prized for its lack of shedding is the a.Collie b.Labrador retriever c.Poodle d.Pug


What dog breed has Scottish ancestry? a.Brittany spaniel b.Wheaten terrier c.Rough collie d.Pembroke corgi

c.Rough collie

Which statement about scabies is true? a.People cannot get scabies from dogs. b.Scabies is diagnosed by a fecal examination. c.Scabies is transmissible between dogs and humans. d.Scabies is incurable even with an adulticide treatment.

c.Scabies is transmissible between dogs and humans.

The breed of dog frequently affected by entropion is the a.Basset hound b.Samoyed c.Shar-Pei d.Saint Bernard


What breed of sheep is used predominantly for meat? a.Merino b.Romney marsh c.Suffolk d.Karakul


Which of these veins is not used to collect blood in a dog? a.Saphenous b.Cephalic c.Tail d.Jugular


Which urine specific gravity would you expect to see in a dehydrated dog? a.1.007 b.1.025 c.1.015 d.1.060


Which of these needles has the largest interior diameter? a.18-gauge b.27-gauge c.22-gauge d.16-gauge


Which of the following heart rates would be considered abnormal for a healthy adult cat? a.150 beats/min b.175 beats/min c.200 beats/min d.250 beats/min

d.250 beats/min

Which statement concerning subcutaneous administration of fluids is true? a.Fluids should be infused with a large-bore needle. b.Fluids should be first warmed to above body temperature. c.A 9% saline solution can safely be administered subcutaneously. d.A 50% dextrose solution cannot safely be administered subcutaneously.

d.A 50% dextrose solution cannot safely be administered subcutaneously.

Which breed of cattle is a beef breed? a.Guernsey b.Holstein c.Jersey d.Angus


What is the best method of handling an extremely agitated cat? a.Apply firm restraint b.Use a cat bag c.Use a cat muzzle d.Back off and allow the cat to calm down

d.Back off and allow the cat to calm down

Rabies is a fatal viral disease that is most likely to be transmitted to people by the bite of a a.Guinea pig b.Macaw c.Rhesus monkey d.Bat


The breed of dog known for its ability to track scents is the a.Boston terrier b.Welsh corgi c.Bedlington terrier d.Bloodhound


What breed of dog is more commonly born by cesarean section? a.Collie b.Beagle c.Pomeranian d.Boston terrier

d.Boston terrier

The breed of beef cattle noted for its heat tolerance is the a.Angus b.Longhorn c.Hereford d.Brahman


Which of the following causes diarrhea in dogs and humans? a.Staphylococcus b.Streptococcus c.Pseudomonas d.Campylobacter


What dog breed is considered to have the greatest tendency to exhibit aggressive behavior? a.Irish setter b.Labrador retriever c.Saint Bernard d.Chow Chow

d.Chow Chow

The breed of dog known for its predisposition to retinal problems is the a.Pekingese b.Dalmatian c.Doberman pinscher d.Collie


Which of these dog breeds is sensitive to ivermectin? a.Husky b.German shepherd c.Pug d.Collie


A compression bandage used to immobilize a structure aids in all of the following except a.Controlling swelling b.Reducing movement c.Supporting damaged structures d.Containing an infectious inflammatory condition

d.Containing an infectious inflammatory condition

Bandaging promotes wound healing by all of the following except a.Protecting the wound from additional trauma and contamination b.Preventing desiccation c.Immobilizing the wound to prevent cellular disruption d.Decreasing oxygen availability

d.Decreasing oxygen availability

Which statement is true about rabies? a.Contact with infected urine is the most common mode of transmission. b.Bites from suspected animals should be left untreated to prevent spreading the virus. c.Rural dogs develop natural immunity to rabies because of their exposure to wild animals. d.Dogs, cats, horses, and cows can transmit rabies, but rabbits, gerbils, hamster, and mice seldom do.

d.Dogs, cats, horses, and cows can transmit rabies, but rabbits, gerbils, hamster, and mice seldom do.

Which of the following is not a sign of fluid volume overload? a.Restlessness b.Hyperpnea c.Serous nasal discharge d.Dry mucous membranes

d.Dry mucous membranes

What condition must be reported to the Department of Health? a.Toxocariasis b.Ancylostomiasis c.Strongylosis d.Echinococcosis


Which statement concerning parasitism is true? a.Demodex is the tapeworm of people. b.Equine pinworms have major significance in people. c.Toxocara canis larvae can eat blood from the human intestine. d.Echinococcus multilocularis can use people as intermediate hosts.

d.Echinococcus multilocularis can use people as intermediate hosts.

Which of the following lists the stages of wound healing in the correct order? a.Collagen, maturation, exudative b.Maturation, collagen, exudative c.Exudative, maturation, collagen d.Exudative, collagen, maturation

d.Exudative, collagen, maturation

What drug is not an antibiotic? a.Chloramphenicol b.Amoxicillin c.Tetracycline d.Furosemide


What species of reptile is venomous? a.King snake b.Iguana c.Water dragon d.Gila Monster

d.Gila Monster

Which of these dog breeds is most likely to get hip dysplasia? a.Beagle b.Yorkshire terrier c.Borzoi d.Golden retriever

d.Golden retriever

Which of these IV fluids would increase oncotic (osmotic) pressure? a.Lactated Ringer b.5% dextrose in water c.Normal saline d.Hetastarch


Milk fever may have all of the following clinical signs except a.Staggering b.Ascending paralysis c.Neck kink d.Hypersalivation


Where are the anal sacs located?

d.In the perianal area

Failure to use adequate padding in bandages on limbs can produce any of the following except a.Tendonitis b.Pressure sores c.Severe edema d.Instability


The breed of dairy cow whose milk contains the highest percentage of butterfat is the a.Holstein b.Ayrshire c.Guernsey d.Jersey


Which of the following diseases of sheep is not zoonotic? a.Rabies b.Chlamydia infection c.Toxoplasmosis d.Johne's


The breed of dog most likely to be affected by hip dysplasia is the a.Wirehaired fox terrier b.Brittany spaniel c.Whippet d.Labrador retriever

d.Labrador retriever

The breed of cat known for its normally stubby tail is the a.Persian b.Maine Coon c.Siamese d.Manx


Which of the following would not be seen in a peripheral blood smear from a normal dog? a.Erythrocytes b.Platelets c.Leukocytes d.Megakaryocytes


What breed of rabbit is most commonly used in research? a.Angora b.Mini Lop c.Netherland dwarf d.New Zealand white

d.New Zealand white

Which of the following is not a symptom of hypostatic pneumonia? a.Fast and frequent shallow breathing b.Increased respiratory effort c.Moist noises when breathing d.Nonproductive cough

d.Nonproductive cough

The breed of dog that commonly has its tail docked is the a.Dachshund b.Siberian husky c.Newfoundland d.Old English sheepdog

d.Old English sheepdog

Which of the following is the best way to retrieve a parrot from a cage? a.Grasp the parrot's legs in one hand, the neck in the other hand, and pull out the parrot. b.Place a towel over the body, hold the wings tightly to its chest, and pull out the parrot. c.Grasp the tail near the base of the body with one hand, the wings with the other hand, and pull out the parrot. d.Place a towel over it, firmly hold its neck, hold the towel lightly wrapped around the wings and body, and pull out the parrot.

d.Place a towel over it, firmly hold its neck, hold the towel lightly wrapped around the wings and body, and pull out the parrot.

The major functions of a stent bandage include all of the following, except a.Works in regions that are difficult to cover b.Applies direct pressure and decreases motion c.Reduces the tension on the primary incision line d.Provides good absorption of exudates

d.Provides good absorption of exudates

What is true about psittacosis (chlamydiosis)? a.Psittacosis is spread to humans only by direct contact with an infected bird. b.Testing live birds for psittacosis is easy and highly accurate. c.Psittacosis causes a severe rash on the hands and face in people. d.Psittacosis in birds is controlled by adding antibiotics to bird feed.

d.Psittacosis in birds is controlled by adding antibiotics to bird feed.

The breed of cat with uniquely folded (bent over) ears is the a.Persian b.Burmese c.English flop d.Scottish fold

d.Scottish fold

What is the most important skill that a restrainer can develop? a.Hypnosis b.Firm voice c.Slow movements d.Self-confidence


Tularemia, caused by Francisella tularensis, could infect people who perform which activity? a.Examining cat feces b.Vaccinating cattle c.Deworming horses d.Skinning rabbits

d.Skinning rabbits

Which of these tapeworms uses people as its definitive host? a.Dipylidium caninum b.Echinococcus granulosus c.Taenia pisiformis d.Taenia solium

d.Taenia solium

What type of cat is most likely to be deaf? a.Calico b.Orange tiger c.Tortoiseshell d.White


The abbreviation meaning "divided" is


Grass tetany in cattle is caused by a low

low blood magnesium level

Hypocalcemia in dogs occurs most often in

mid to late lactation

The abbreviation meaning "as needed" is


A pulse deficit occurs when the

pulse rate lags behind the heart rate.

The abbreviation meaning "every" is


A Velpeau sling is used to support the

shoulder joint after surgery

Passive antibodies give

temporary protection to the puppy

Decubital sores are found on

the skin because of urine scalding and pressure from lying in one position too long

Scours in calves requires

treatment to replenish fluids

When a blood transfusion is to be administered, the blood should be

warmed to body temperature before administration

What disease can cause cyclic fever in people and can be contracted from cattle?


What disease causes abortions in cattle, fistulous withers in horses, and undulant fever in people?


How are people commonly exposed to Giardia from wild or domestic animals?

Infected water supplies

People who own cats can be exposed to Toxoplasma oocysts from cat feces in a litter box. After being passed in the feces, the oocyst is

Infectious after 2 to 4 days

What phase of healing begins immediately after tissue injury?


What is the correct order for the processes of wound healing?

Inflammation, debridement, repair, maturation

What does a tonometer measure?

Intraocular pressure

When an animal has a sinus bradycardia, the heart rate

Is too slow

For subcutaneous administration of fluids, the fluids are preferred to be


Lactated Ringer solution is


The term pruritus refers to


An intra-articular injection is given into a/the


Blood sampling in cats is best achieved from the

Jugular vein

The vein of choice for blood sampling in horses is the

Jugular vein

The colloquial term for acetonemia in cattle is


A benzoyl-peroxide shampoo is used to

Kill bacteria and flush the hair follicles

The ties of the many-tailed spider bandage are positioned on which aspect of the affected limb?


To auscult the pulmonic, aortic, and mitral valves of the dog, you should place your stethoscope in

Left intercostal spaces 3 to 5

What canine bacterial disease can be transmitted through the air by aerosolization of urine?


What disease is transmissible from horses to humans?


When setting a sheep up on its haunches, you should never

Lift the head over the neck

The feeding tube used in gavage is measured to equal a distance from the

Lips to the eighth rib

Milk fever is caused by a

Lowered blood calcium level

The instrument used in measuring central venous pressure is called a


The abbreviation meaning "treatment" is


The first concern when dealing with any animal should be the

Safety of the handlers

What bacterium that is pathogenic to humans is contracted from chickens, horses, and reptiles?


What splint is used on simple, closed fractures of the radius and ulna or tibia and fibula in young dogs and occasionally on large animals (mostly the rear limbs of cattle)?


When giving an IM injection, it is good practice to withdraw the syringe plunger after the needle is inserted to

See whether the needle has been inserted into a blood vessel

Cheyne-Stokes respiration signifies a

Severe cortical injury

Contagious ecthyma (orf) is an infectious viral dermatitis of


Mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) is thought to have originated in what species?


The easiest large domestic animal to handle is the


Bleeding from a nail during a nail trim is frequently stopped by using

Silver nitrate sticks

Rumen inoculation is

Siphoning ruminal contents from a healthy animal and introducing them into the rumen of a debilitated animal

What area of the human body does creeping eruption affect?


What animal is a common reservoir for the rabies virus?


When planning the appropriate nutritional treatment for a patient, the caloric intake should

Slightly exceed the metabolic requirements of the patient

Long-handle neck tongs can be used to grasp a pig to apply a

Snout rope

Which disinfectant is most effective against parvovirus?

Sodium hypochlorite

Which of the following values is a normal rectal temperature for a dog? a.102° F b.98° F c.106° F d.95° F

a.102° F

The normal temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate (TPR) of swine are a.102° F to 103.6° F, 60 to 80/min, 8 to 18/min b.99.5° F to 101.5° F, 28 to 45/min, 8 to 16/min c.101.5° F, 110 to 140/min, 26/min d.99.5° F, 66 to 114/min, 330 to 480/min

a.102° F to 103.6° F, 60 to 80/min, 8 to 18/min

Which of these bandages should not be used on wounds with exudate? a.An occlusive bandage b.A dry-dry bandage c.A wet-dry bandage d.Wound lavage without a bandage

a.An occlusive bandage

Which of the following are potential side effects of chemotherapy? a.Anorexia, anemia, and alopecia b.Vomiting, constipation, and flatulence c.Anorexia, increased hair growth, and hyperactivity d.Aggression, drooling, and polyphagia

a.Anorexia, anemia, and alopecia

Which of the following conditions is/are more common in geriatric patients? a.Arthritis and degenerative joint disease b.Viral and bacterial infections c.Lameness that results from accidents and muscle damage d.Gastric torsion and dilatation

a.Arthritis and degenerative joint disease

What horse breed is considered a draft horse? a.Clydesdale b.Standardbred c.Thoroughbred d.American saddlebred


The breed of chicken bred for meat is the a.Cornish b.Leghorn c.Rhode Island red d.Wyandotte


The breed of dog that frequently has urate crystals in its urine is the a.Dalmatian b.German shepherd c.Chihuahua d.Cocker spaniel


The Robert Jones bandage is not appropriate for stabilizing fractures of the a.Femur or humerus b.Radius or carpus c.Tibia or third metacarpal bone d.Third metacarpal bone

a.Femur or humerus

Which of these pet birds is sexually dimorphic? a.Grey cockatiel b.Yellow-naped Amazon c.Green parakeet d.Blue and gold macaw

a.Grey cockatiel

An ideal breed of dog to be kept as a blood donor is the a.Greyhound b.Basset hound c.Dachshund d.Chihuahua


For which of the following are there no commercially available vaccines? a.Guinea pig b.Ferret c.Parrot d.Chicken

a.Guinea pig

The breed of dairy cow that is usually black and white is the a.Holstein b.Guernsey c.Ayrshire d.Jersey


The dairy breed with the highest average milk yield is the a.Holstein b.Guernsey c.Jersey d.Ayrshire


Which of the following is the best route to give epinephrine in an emergency if a vein is inaccessible? a.Intratracheal b.Subcutaneous c.Oral d.Drip under the tongue


Which statement about intraperitoneal fluid therapy is true? a.It is not routinely used because of the slow rate of absorption. b.It is used commonly in veterinary practice when a vein cannot be accessed. c.It is used for shock therapy when there is venous collapse. d.It is used to administer nutrients and fluids because of its closeness to the stomach and intestine.

a.It is not routinely used because of the slow rate of absorption.

Which of the following would delay wound healing? a.Moisture b.Dessication c.Antibiotics d.Drains


The breed of dog that is brachycephalic is the a.Pekingese b.Collie c.Greyhound d.Malamute


A long-coated guinea pig is the a.Peruvian b.Abyssinian c.American d.Crested


Which of these shows the correct order for placing a splint on the antebrachium? a.Place tape stirrups; place a contact layer on the wound, a layer of padding, a gauze conforming layer, and the splint; and attach stirrups to the gauze layer and wrap with protective tape. b.Place tape stirrups; then the splint, a layer of padding, and gauze to conform to the limb; and then wrap with protective tape. c.Apply a padded layer to the wound, place the splint, and then wrap with tape. d.Place the splint on the leg, secure it with a layer of gauze, and wrap with tape at the top of the leg.

a.Place tape stirrups; place a contact layer on the wound, a layer of padding, a gauze conforming layer, and the splint; and attach stirrups to the gauze layer and wrap with protective tape.

The all-white breed of goat is the a.Saanen b.French alpine c.LaMancha d.Toggenburg


Which of these veins is found on the lateral aspect of the back leg? a.Saphenous b.Cephalic c.Femoral d.Jugular


The breed of cat that frequently has crossed eyes and a kinked tail is the a.Siamese b.Himalayan c.Persian d.Maine Coon


Fiberglass cast materials have all of the following advantages except a.Slow setting time b.Lightweight c.Good ventilation d.Extreme rigidity

a.Slow setting time

What horse breed is used for harness racing? a.Standardbred b.Thoroughbred c.Percheron d.Palomino


The breed of dog that requires a smaller dose of thiobarbiturate anesthetic per pound than that calculated by its weight is the a.Whippet b.Labrador retriever c.Collie d.Newfoundland


What are the normal temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate of a cow? a.100° F, 30/min, 50/min b.101.5° F, 60/min, 20/min c.102.5° F, 30/min, 50/min d.102.5° F, 60/min, 20/min

b.101.5° F, 60/min, 20/min

Which of the following is the maximum length of time that a compression bandage should be left on? a.1/2 hour b.4 hours c.72 hours d.1 week

b.4 hours

Which statement concerning newborn foals is true? a.Equine encephalitis vaccine should never be given to a newborn foal. b.An injection of tetanus antitoxin is recommended. c.Newborn foals should be kept in lateral recumbency for at least 2 hours. d.The umbilical cord should be severed.

b.An injection of tetanus antitoxin is recommended.

The breed of beef cattle that is black and polled is the a.Limousin b.Angus c.Charolais d.Hereford


Which is not a route of injection? a.IV b.Anteroposterior c.IM d.Subcutaneous


Which statement about anthrax is true? a.People cannot get anthrax from eating contaminated meat. b.Anthrax is caused by bacteria. c.Anthrax spores can survive outside of the host for a few hours only. d.Anthrax affects cattle and humans only.

b.Anthrax is caused by bacteria.

The breed of dog that is considered naturally barkless is the a.Pug b.Basenji c.Pomeranian d.Lhasa apso


What disease of cattle cannot be prevented by vaccination? a.Blackleg b.Botulism c.Malignant edema d.Brucellosis


Which statement about central venous pressure (CVP) is true? a.CVP is an indirect method of measuring blood pressure. b.CVP measures fluid pressure in the right atrium. c.CVP rises when the amount of circulating fluid falls. d.CVP falls when cardiac output rises.

b.CVP measures fluid pressure in the right atrium.

Which of the following agents is not safe for cats? a.Halogens b.Coal tar c.Benzoyl peroxide d.Chlorhexidine

b.Coal tar

Psittacosis (ornithosis) is a chlamydial disease that people can develop from contact with infected animals. What species is most likely to transmit psittacosis to people? a.Ferret b.Cockatiel c.Llama d.Horse


Of the breeds listed, the breed of dog most commonly affected with intervertebral disk disease is the a.Dalmatian b.Dachshund c.Great Dane d.Irish setter


The least desirable method of administering insulin is a.Intramuscular (IM) b.Subcutaneous c.Per os d.Intravenous (IV)

c. Per os

Which of these catheters is best to use to draw multiple blood samples? a.24-gauge femoral catheter b.22-gauge cephalic catheter c.18-gauge jugular catheter d.24-gauge catheter in the lateral saphenous vein

c.18-gauge jugular catheter

Which of the following could be a symptom/sign of toxoplasmosis in people? a.Subcutaneous, red tracts b.Chronic cough c.Abortion during first trimester d.Chronic diarrhea

c.Abortion during first trimester

Which of these can be positive in the urine of a normal, healthy dog? a.Glucose b.Ketones c.Bilirubin d.Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)


Which of the following is the most aseptic technique for collecting urine for culture and sensitivity? a.Free catch b.Expression c.Cystocentesis d.Catheterization


The breed of dog that commonly has its ears cropped is the a.Borzoi b.Keeshond c.Doberman pinscher d.Cocker spaniel

c.Doberman pinscher

Which of these birds does not eat seeds? a.Finch b.Macaw c.Duck d.Parakeet


Which is the most common sign of ear mite infestation in cats? a.Purulent discharge from the ear b.Serosanguineous discharge from the ear c.Ear flap hematomas d.Persistent head shaking

c.Ear flap hematomas

Which of the following is not a primary skin lesion? a.Macule b.Vesicle c.Excoriation d.Wheal


In most cases of respiratory, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal disorders, which of the following is contraindicated? a.Feeding b.Drinking c.Exercise d.Grooming


What dog breed would probably require the smallest amount of thiobarbiturate anesthetic per pound of body weight? a.Jack Russell terrier b.Lhasa apso c.Great Pyrenees d.Keeshond

c.Great Pyrenees

The long-haired breed of cat that resembles the Siamese in color is the a.Manx b.Burmese c.Himalayan d.Persian


Which statement concerning zoonotic diseases is true? a.Cat-scratch fever produces high fever in affected cats. b.Ringworm is not transmitted from cats to people. c.Human pinworms are not found in dogs or cats. d.Rabies does not affect horses.

c.Human pinworms are not found in dogs or cats.

A fracture in what bone is least likely to be effectively immobilized with a splint?


Which of the following is not an observable skin condition? a.Alopecia b.Seborrhea c.Hyphema d.Erythema


Which statement about PCV measurement in acute blood loss is true? a.It is an accurate assessment of the condition, but only if combined with serum albumin determination. b.It is an accurate assessment of the condition, but only if combined with a BUN determination. c.It is an inaccurate assessment of the condition because of vasoconstriction and splenic contraction. d.It is an inaccurate assessment of the condition because of vasodilation and hepatic contraction.

c.It is an inaccurate assessment of the condition because of vasoconstriction and splenic contraction.

What is true about a degloving injury in a dog? a.It commonly results from tight bandages. b.It is considered a clean wound. c.It results in skin loss. d.It can never be closed surgically.

c.It results in skin loss.

The breed of goat with almost no external ears is the a.Oberhasli b.French alpine c.LaMancha d.Saanen


Which of the following is generally not a core vaccine for dogs? a.Distemper b.Adenovirus c.Leptospira d.Parvovirus


What clinical sign is not associated with canine distemper? a.Seizures b.Coughing c.Limping d.Behavioral changes


Which of these compounds is not found in lactated Ringer solution? a.Sodium chloride b.Potassium chloride c.Magnesium chloride d.Calcium chloride

c.Magnesium chloride

What dog breed is considered to have the greatest tendency to exhibit destructive behavior? a.Chihuahua b.Pomeranian c.Malamute d.Shih Tzu


Which of these is an example of a disease transmitted by an arthropod vector? a.Lice infestation transmitted by community use of a saddle blanket b.Toxoplasmosis transmitted by contact with infective cat feces c.Malaria transmitted from one person to another by a mosquito d.Ascariasis transmitted by eating contaminated dirt

c.Malaria transmitted from one person to another by a mosquito

Which of the following statements is true as it pertains to clipping overgrown nails in a dog? a.The nails should be immediately clipped back to 1/4 inch in length. b.A Dremel-type instrument should be used to file each nail to 1/2 inch. c.The nails should be gradually trimmed back over the course of several weeks. d.The dog should be temporarily housed on concrete to encourage each nail to break at an appropriate length.

c.The nails should be gradually trimmed back over the course of several weeks.

Which of the following is considered a potential vector for Lyme disease (borreliosis), which can cause severe human illness? a.Flea b.Mite c.Tick d.Louse


Which of the following procedures would be chosen to allow a wound to heal by second intention? a.Two surgeries performed 1 week apart b.Wound closed surgically and a drain placed c.Wound left open and not closed surgically d.Three days after the injury, wound closed after a local antiseptic is applied

c.Wound left open and not closed surgically

The breed of pig that is white and has erect ears is the a.Landrace b.Hampshire c.Yorkshire d.Berkshire


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