Wciv Reading Quiz Final

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All of the following were problems in the Late Middle Ages except a) decline in agricultural production b) the Black Death c) peasant revolts d) increased population

d) increased population

According to your text, the "finest work of Mesopotamian literature" was the a) Old Testament b) Epic of Gilgamesh c) Code of Hammurabi d) Epic of Akkad

b) Epic of Gilgamesh

Henry 4 clashed with which great reforming pope in the Investiture Controversy? a) Nicholas 2 b) Gregory 6 c) Urban 2 d) Boniface 8

b) Gregory 7

The great value that western tradition places on the individual derives in part from the a) ancient Egyptians b) ancient Hebrews c) Sumerians d) Babylonians

b) ancient Hebrews

Among the invaders who threatened Medeival Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries were all of the following except a) Vikings b) Muslims c) Vandals d) Magyars

c) Vandals

All of the following were battles during the Hundred Years' War except a) Crecy b) Poitiers c) Verdun d) Agincourt

c) Verdun

Which religion came to be associated with Persian rulers? a) Worship of Marduk b) Judaism c) Zoroastrianism d) The monotheism of Akhenaten

c) Zoroastrianism

The Hellenistic Age began with the death of Alexander the Great and lasted until a) 30 BC b) 800 BC c) 323 BC d) 476 AD

a) 30 BC

By the fifth century bc, Greeks believed the only way to the good life was through a) loyalty to the family b) amassing enough wealth to live without fear c) the polis d) devotion to the gods of their city

c) the polis

During the era of the Delian League a) Athens dominated and abused other Greek states b) states could withdraw from the League only after paying a crushing fine c) money from the League treasury was distributed equally to each member state d) there was increased admiration and loyalty to Athens among the Greeks

a) Athens dominated and abused other Greek states

Who wrote City of God? a) Augustine b) Jerome c) Paul d) John Chrysostom

a) Augustine

Which Roman poet from Northern Italy is regarded as one of the world's great lyric poets a) Catallus b) Terence c) Plautus d) Cato

a) Catallus

Considering the treatment of their subjects by Islamic rulers, one could note that a) Christians and Jews had to pay a special tax b) Jews, but not Christians, were considered a protected group c) generally, the Islamic people had a policy of persecution of other faiths d) Jews were victimized by scurrilous stereotypes and caricatures

a) Christians and Jews had to pay a special tax

The term used by city officials frozen into their positions under the emperors Diocletian and Constantine was a) Curiales b) Princeps c) portico d) Ostracon

a) Curiales

Which of the following speculated that the world was composed of atoms a) Democritus b) Parmenides c) Thales d) Pythagoras

a) Democritus

Which of the following tragic poets subjected the problems of human life to critical analysis and challenged human conventions? a) Euripides b) Sophocles c) Aristophanes d) Aeschylus

a) Euripides

Which of the following terms refers to the governmental structure of the Middle Ages? a) Feudalism b) Manorialism c) Homage d) Vassalage

a) Feudalism

All of the following can be considered successor states to Rome except a) Greek civilizations b) Islamic civilization c) Byzantine civilization d) Latin Catholic civilization

a) Greek civilization

Which of the following women was inspired by the Roman poet Terrence to write six dramas- the first since Roman times? a) Hroswitha b) Eleanor c) Joan d) Isabel

a) Hroswitha

Who was responsible for the codification of Roman law? a) Justinian b) Theodoric c) Boethius d) Charlemagne

a) Justinian

The term Gentiles derives from the a) Latin world for nation b) Hebrew word for other c) Greek word for followers d) Aramic word for heretics

a) Latin word for nation

Fredrick Barbarossa lost which battle in an attempt to control Italy, and the Pope? a) Legano b) Bouvines c) Poitiers d) Tours

a) Legano

Which was a Roman historian who described the Republic's worst days in the Punic Wars a) Livy b) Catallus c) Plutarch d) Tacitus

a) Livy

Which ruler of Upper Egypt conquered the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt? a) Menes b) Ramses c) Amenhotep d) Tutankhamen

a) Menes

The origins of the Estates can best be associated with a) Philip 4 b) Eleanor of Aquitaine c) Louis 9 d) Hugh Capet

a) Philip 4

Which of the following poets established a school to teach music and singing to well-to-do girls and to prepare them for marriage? a) Sappho b) Euripides c) Aristophanes d) Sophocles

a) Sappho

Which of the following statements is inaccurate? a) Saul was the son of David b) David succeeded in uniting the monarchy c) Cyrus the Persian allowed the Hebrews to return to Judah when Babylon was conquered d) while in Babylon, Hebrew priests developed the Torah

a) Saul was the son of david

Which of the following was not a prophet? a) Solomon b) Amos c) Hosea d) Isaiah

a) Solomon

Who established a monastic rule calling for both work and prayer? a) St Benedict b) St Pachomius c) St John Chrysostom d) Origen

a) St Benedict

Cunieform was found in ancient a) Sumeria b) Egypt c) Greece d) Anatolia

a) Sumeria

Which of the following civilizations provided a basis for Mesopotamian civilization? a) Sumerian b) Egyptian c) Assyrian d) Hittite

a) Sumerian

What was the darkest moment in the history of the Hebrews? a) The Babylonian Captivity b) The defeat by the Assyrians c) The Persian Captivity d) the Egyptian conquest

a) The Babylonian Captivity

The first sign that Roman power had eroded so greatly that it could not protect itself from invasion was a) The Battle of Adrianople b) The Visigothic looting of Byzantum c) the Vandal's movement into Africa d) Attila's sack of Rome

a) The Battle of Adrianople

Who founded a dualistic religion in the Near East? a) Zoroaster b) Moses c) Akhenaton d) Joshua

a) Zoroastor

The word Koine refers to a) Greek internal trade b) a two-masted Greek ship c) the uninhabited world d) a form of Greek that was spoken throughout the Mediterranean world

a) a form of Greek that was spoken throughout the Mediterranean world

All of the following are feature of Egyptian belief in the afterlife except a) a longing for death b) pyramid tombs c) mummification of the dead d) funerary art

a) a longing for death

The term oikoumene stands for a) a world community b) A Jewish Zealot c) a nation d) the first Jewish convert to Christianity

a) a world community

Helots were a) agricultural slaves of the Spartans b) Athenian light infantry c) oarsmen in the city-states' fleets d) Spartan hoplites

a) agricultural slaves of the spartans

Ptolemy, the second century AD Alexandrian scholar, summarized the Greco-Roman world's knowledge of a) astronomy b) medicine c) physics d) anthropology

a) astronomy

Vassals and lords were bound by ties of a) beneficium b) deaconate c) squirearchy d) homage

a) beneficium

The greatest Hellenistic mathematician, responsible for the synthesis of geometry was a) Aristarchus b) Eratosthenes c) Ptolemy d) Euclid

d) Euclid

The idea behind the Conciliar Movement would have a) created a general council limiting papal power b) developed a new procedure for electing popes c) abolished monasteries and convents d) reunited the Greek Orthodox and Roman churches

a) created a general council limiting papal power

The Hitties are best associated a) early development of iron b) early bone tools c) bronze weapons d) the first war chariots

a) early development of iron

The Roman constitution a) evolved slowly and was never written down b) was created by Cicero c) was written down when the Tribal was created d) was copied from the Athenians

a) evolved slowly and was never written down

Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire at the end of the a) fourth century b) third century c) second century d) first century

a) fourth century

the geocentric model of the universe fit with the Christian worldview in that a) it accorded with the idea that God created the universe for human beings b) some monotheistic groups worshiped the sun c) Christians did not think of heaven as a physical place d) Christians were opposed to sun worship because it was pagan

a) it accorded with the idea that God created the universe for human beings

In the early Middle Ages, the principal education centers in the West were a) monastery schools b) universities c) cathedral schools d) parish schools

a) monastery schools

In the Hellenistic Age, the intermixing of Greeks and non-Greeks caused a shift away from the polis to a) oikumene b) cosmopolis c) res publica d) koine

a) oikumene

Scholastics may best be defined as a) philosophers b) advanced students at universities c) those who have finished their work at universities d) those students who had proven they were competent in Latin

a) philosophers

Under the leadership of Theodoric the Great a) powerful aristocratic Roman families still held government offices b) the Roman Senate was eliminated c) those schools that still existed were destroyed d) the pope was forced into exile

a) powerful aristocratic Roman families still held government offices

Jewish history is marked by spiritually inspired individuals called a) prophets b) kings c) judges d) teachers

a) prophets

The university curriculum of the Middle ages was likely to have a) relied heavily on the works of Aristotle b) neglected mathematics and astronomy c) stressed Roman law d) introduced the study of the arts

a) relied heavily on the works of Aristotle

One can say of Roman slavery that a) slaves might hope for manumission, particularly under the Empire b) freed slaves were barred from citizenship c) the numbers of slaves might be freed, they and their children continued to suffer the loss of civic rights d) although slaves might be freed, they and their children continued to suffer the loss of civic rights

a) slaves might hope for manumission, particularly under the Empire

The Roman and Greek Orthodox clergy disagreed on each of the following issues except a) That Christianity was the true religion b) the authority of the pope c) ceremonial differences d) holy days

a) that Christianity was the true religion

Homer's major epics were a) the Iliad and the Odyssey b) Lysistrata and The Frogs c) Antigone and The Bacchae d) The Symposium and The Republic

a) the Iliad and The Odyssey

The Emperor Nerva began a) the adoptive system to provide for competent Roman rulers b) a policy to free slaves in their old age c) the cult of Mithra d) the opening of the army to barbarian enlistment of soldiers

a) the adoptive system to provide for competent Roman rulers

One Greek contribution to Western Civilization was a) the application of reason to understanding the meaning of life b) Hellenistic foreign policy c) increasing women's political rights d) joining together religion and politics to derive Greek ethics

a) the application of reason to understanding the meaning of life

All of the following are indicators of the rising status of women in Rome except a) the banning of prostitution b) a law prohibiting fathers from marrying their daughters against their will c) a law allowing women to draw will without the consent of their husbands d) Roman women were not secluded in their homes as upper-class Greek women were

a) the banning of prostitution

Zama is associated with a) the defeat of Carthage b) the legendary location where the Twelve Tables were found c) a major Roman defeat d) the Senate's suppression of plebeian riots

a) the defeat of Carthage

The work of Heinrich Schliemann resulted in a) the discovery of Mycenaean civilization b) the earliest translation of Homeric works c) excavations on the island of Crete d) an understanding of the Dorian invasions

a) the discovery of Mycenaean civilization

Mount Olympus was famous as a) the home of the Greek gods b) the area where the gods fought for supremacy c) a shrine for those who died in the Peloponnesian Wars d) Agamemnon's home

a) the home of the Greek gods

The consul Marius' most significant innovation was a) to recruit the urban poor for army service and offer them land grants after discharge b) introduction of the office of Dictator c) the sale of provincial governorships to the highest bidder d) encouraging a cult that worshiped him as a god

a) to recruit the urban poor for army service and offer them land grants after discharge

Athenian conceptions of the state included each of the following except that a) ultimately legitimate rule comes from the gods b) the community is self-governing c) government is created by people d) they supported concepts of democracy

a) ultimately legitimate rule comes from gods

Frederick Barbarossa a) was defeated by an alliance of Italian cities b) suppressed the Italian communes and revolutionaries c) was a staunch ally of the pope d) maintained control over the German princes

a) was defeated by an alliance of Italian cities

Who were the creators of the earliest civilizations? a) Hittites and Egyptians b) Egyptians and Sumerians c) Sumerians and Assyrians d) Persians and Egyptians

b) Egyptians and Sumerians

Which period in Greek History is referred to as the Dark Age? a) 1400-1230 BC b) 1100-800 BC c) 800-500 BC d) 2000-19000 BC

b) 1100-800 BC

Mycenaean civilization thrived between a) 1700-1650 bc b) 1400-1230 bc c) 1000-850 bc d) 800-600 bc

b) 1400-1230 bc

Which of the following Tragedians believed that the world was governed by divine justice? a) Sophocles b) Aeschylus c) Euripides d) Aristophanes

b) Aeschylus

The greatest city of the Hellenistic Age was a) Pergamum b) Alexandria c) Athens d) Helicarnassus

b) Alexandria

Which two of Caesar's friends joined Octavius, Caesar's nephew to defeat the senatorial conspirators who conspired to assassinate Caesar? a) Brutus and Cassius b) Antony and Lepidus c) Antony and Cleopatra d) Marius and Sulla

b) Antony and Lepidus

Romans were shocked by their defeat by Hannibal at a) Zama b) Cannae c) Pontus d) Cisalpine passes

b) Cannae

In the third and second centuries BC, Rome's major rivals in the Mediterranean were a) Gaul and Egypt b) Carthage and Macedonia c) Syracuse and Athens d) the Alans and the Persians

b) Carthage and Macedonia

Who issued the Edict of Milan? a) Diocletian b) Constantine c) Valerian d) Decius

b) Constantine

Which city was built at the Bosporus, a strait where Asia meets Europe? a) Ankara b) Constantinople c) Ephesus d) Corinth

b) Constantinople

Which of the following statements describe Anaximander's work with the Ionian school of philosophy? a) He believed the primary substance was fire b) He argued that Nature was lawful c) Water was referred to as the primary substance d) Floods were said to have been caused by Poseidon

b) He argued that Nature was lawful

Which of the following is least well matched? a) Hellenistic art---ordinary people b) Hellenic sculpture---everyday life c) Hellenistic sculpture---realism d) Hellenistic philosophy---concern for the individual

b) Hellenic sculpture---everyday life

The papacy was said to reach the height of its power under Pope a) Urban 2 b) Innocent 3 c) Gregory 7 d) Leo 3

b) Innocent 3

A peasant revolt may best be associated with a) the Lollards b) Jacquerie c) the liberation of Orleans d) the Peasant's Crusade

b) Jacquerie

Which of the following statements about eighth-century BC Athens is accurate a) Hereditary kings continued to rule Athens b) Kings lost power to the aristocrats c) Merchants, enjoying profits, were satisfied with the legal system d) Draco published a new, more moderate legal code

b) Kings lost power to the aristocrats

The holy city of Muslims was a) Medina b) Mecca c) Bagdad d) Jerusalem

b) Mecca

The "land between the rivers" refers to a) The Hittite kingdom b) Mesopotamia c) Egypt d) Persia

b) Mesopotamia

Who led the Peasants' Crusade? a) Bernard of Clairvaux b) Peter the Hermit c) Stanislas of Bohemia d) Gregory 9

b) Peter the Hermit

Jesus was condemned to death during the administration of a) Trajan b) Pontius Pilate c) Marcus Aurelius d) Claudius

b) Pontius Pilate

One of the consequences of Roman expansion during the Republic was a) the introduction of slavery into Rome b) Roman contact with the legal experience of the Greeks and other peoples, which influenced the law of nations c) the concept of equal citizenship except for freed slaves d) the enslavement of Roman citizens

b) Roman contact with the legal experience of the Greeks and other peoples, which influenced the law of nations

The First Punic War began because a) Carthage appeared to be economically weak compared to Roman power b) Rome was concerned that Carthage would take Messina and interfere with Roman trade c) Hannibal led troops into Spain d) both Rome and Carthage were rivals in Spain

b) Rome was concerned that Carthage would take Messina and interfere with Roman trade

Who was a very early Christian missionary? a) Saint Ambrose b) Saint Paul c) Saint Jerome d) Saint John Chrysostom

b) Saint Paul

The most powerful leader of the Muslims during the Crusades was a) Ishmael b) Saladin c) Samori d) Abdul Hamid

b) Saladin

Which poet wrote poems of friendship and love? a) Pindar b) Sappho c) Sophocles d) Aeschylus

b) Sappho

The greatest Hellenistic power of the third century was a) Pergamum b) Seleucid Syria c) Ptolemaid Egypt d) Antigonid Macedonia

b) Seleucid Syria

Of the following, the pair that is least well matched is a) Homer- Iliad b) Solon- Spartan military leader c) Draco- law code d) Pesistratus- tyrant

b) Solon- Spartan military leader

Which Greek Tragedian held that individuals should shape their character in the way a sculptor shapes a form? a) Euripides b) Sophocles c) Aeschylus d) Aristophanes

b) Sophocles

Which scholastic philosopher taught at Paris and Italy? a) Ibn Khaldun b) St. Thomas Aquinas c) St. Anslem d) Abelard

b) St. Thomas Aquinas

In the fifth century, German invaders founded kingdoms in all the following areas except a) North Africa b) the Balkans c) Italy d) Spain

b) The Balkans

The Jews became a dispersed people after which of the following conquests a) The Babylonian Captivity b) The Roman conquest c) The Persian conquest d) The Assyrian conquest

b) The Roman conquest

Who may be remembered as the first actor in history because he engaged in dialogue? a) Pindar b) Thespis c) Sappho d) Aeschylus

b) Thespis

The Norman conquest of England was the result of the success of a) Edward the Conqueror b) William the Conqueror c) Alfred the Great d) Harold of Wessex

b) William the Conqueror

The Egyptian writing system known hieroglyphics a) a wedge-shaped writing system b) a form of picture writing in which physical figures represented words or sounds that could be combined to form words c) the world's first writing system d) the only writing system of the earliest high civilizations

b) a form of picture writing in which physical figures represented words or sounds that could be combined to form words or sounds that could be combined to form words

The term Pax Romana applies best to a) the period of the early Latin tribes b) a long period of peace, beginning with Augustus c) the stipulation that the father controlled a Roman household d) the comparatively uncomplicated politics of the Roman Republic

b) a long period of peace, beginning with Augustus

The Peloponnesian War was a) The Persian invasion of Greece just after 500 BC b) a war between the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League c) a war between Thebes and Sparta d) the Macedonian invasion of Greece

b) a war between the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League

The Stoic principle of order may best be associated with the concept of a) creation by a living anthropomorphic god b) all humanity being bound by similar moral obligations c) destruction of the logos d) humans devising their own sense of order because nature itself is chaotic

b) all humanity being bound by similar moral obligations

The Peace of God was a) preached by the monk Brother Joachim, who was branded as a heretic by the Church b) an attempt by Church officials to limit private fighting among nobles c) supposed to Herald the arrival of the Messiah's Second Coming d) the peace treaty reached between Muslim and Christian rulers in Spain

b) an attempt by Church officials to limit private fighting among nobles

The education of Alexander the Great can best be associated with his a) understanding of military strategy b) appreciation of the Homeric Epics c) attempt to become a poet d) idea that if he conquered Persia, this would unite the Greek world

b) appreciation of the Homeric Epics

Qualities of truth and justice a) were really lacking in the Egyptian religion b) are associated with Ma'at c) were traditions Egyptians absorbed from the Hebrews during their Captivity d) was the primary code of loyalty to pharoh

b) are associated with Ma'at

Sargon the Great may be said to have been a) one of a kind, a benevolent ruler b) aware of the need to centralize authority through appointed officials c) reluctant to make demands of tribute from conquered peoples d) able to utilize an organized army when danger appeared

b) aware of the need to centralize authority through appointed officials

One could accurately describe Byzantine civilization as a) being predominantly Islamic b) being economically more advanced than the Latin West c) letting cultural life lag while pursuing trade d) being centered on Cairo

b) being economically more advanced than the Latin West

When the authorities in Athens charged Socrates,he a) named others, who had incited the young b) denied the charges c) pleaded to be permitted to leave Athens d) fled Athens before the authorities could find him

b) denied the charges

The significance of Octavian's willingness to give up his power in 27 BC lies in a) the magnitude of his military failure b) his belief that it created legitimacy and removed his rule from the accusation of despotism c) his hopes that the Senate would proclaim him a god d) the fact that it never happened; his admirers later created this myth

b) his belief that it created legitimacy and removed his rule from the accusation of despotism

Which of the following decisions was not among those that Alexander the Great made? a) His decision to conquer the world b) his decision to overthrow his father's rule so he could become king c) His decision that Persians could become part of the Greek army d) his decisions to marry a Persian

b) his decision to overthrow his father's rule so he could become king

According to the text, the eighth century prophets prophesied during a time of a) Religious upheaval b) increasing stratification and complexity of Hebrew society c) Assyrian invasion d) failure of the Hebrews to discipline their slaves

b) increasing stratification and complexity of Hebrew society

Torah originally meant a) feast b) instruction c) tribe d) ritual

b) instruction

One can credit Ashurbanipal with a) building the Hanging Gardens b) maintaining a large library of clay tablets c) furthering the ideas of Zoroaster d) restoring Ninevah

b) maintaining a large library of clay tablets

The author of your text characterizes Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus as a) radicals trying to overthrow existing political and property relationships b) moderate reformers trying to deal with real social problems c) intransigent defenders of patrician interests d) agents of the Carthaginians

b) moderate reformers trying to deal with real social problems

The term sophrosyne refers a) uncontrolled arrogance b) moderation and self-discipline c) inconsequential philosophical arguing d) skillful rhetoric

b) moderation and self-discipline

The essential form of government during the Hellenistic Age was a) democracy b) monarchy c) republic d) oligarchy

b) monarchy

John 1 was forced to sign Magna Carta by a) clergy b) nobles c) a church council d) merchants of London

b) nobles

Following the adoption of Christianity as the state religion of Rome, a) religious tolerance occurred b) persecution of pagans began c) pagans received special protections d) Jews reacted violently against this

b) persecutions of pagans began

Thucydides a) ascribed the final outcome of the Peloponnesian wars to divine intervention b) rejected the idea that the gods interfere in History c) commanded the Greek fleet at Salamis d) commanded the Athenian expedition to Syracuse

b) rejected the idea that the gods interfere in History

Significant features of the Paleolithic Age include each of the following except a) there was tool making b) scavenging and hunting for food was no longer necessary c) they discovered how to cook meat d) they used fire as a protection against dangerous animals

b) scavenging and hunting for food was no longer necessary

In the view of St Paul a) Jesus' teachings were primarily for Jes b) The Christian community was an oikoumene c) Mosaic law could never be superceeded d) Hebrew ritual should be followed at least by those who were Jews

b) the Christian community was an oikoumene

Plato would have argued against which of the following statements? a) Those who were inclined toward intellectual pursuits should be rulers b) The adjective "courageous" should only be applied to those willing to become child-bearers c) Humans must live an ethical life as citizens of a rational state d) In an unjust state, people cannot achieve Socratic wisdom for their souls will mirror the state's wickedness

b) the adjective "courageous" should only be applied to those who willing to become child-bearers

Classical Greece borrowed all of the following from the Near East except a) the Phoenician writing system b) the concept of the democratic polis c) artistic imagery d) religious practices

b) the concept of the democratic polis

The Princeps Vespasian is best remembered for a) establishing the death penalty for disobeying a higher-ranking officer b) the construction of the great Colosseum of Rome for gladiatorial contests c) ending the recruitment of soldiers outside the city of Rome d) increasing soldiers' rations

b) the construction of the great Colosseum of Rome for gladiatorial contests

The reputation of Cleisthenes rests upon his work as a) a demagogue who rallied Athens against Sparta b) the father of Athenian democracy c) the oracle at Delphi d) a compiler of medical texts

b) the father of Athenian democracy

Which of the following wrote the Canterbury Tales? a) Abelard b) Thomas Aquinas c) Imerius d) Geoffrey Chaucer

d) Geoffrey Chaucer

Aristarchus is best known for a) further refining principles of geometry developed by earlier mathematicians b) the idea that the sun was the center of the universe c) the idea that the earth was the center of the universe d) mapmaking

b) the idea that the sun is the center of the universe

Aristotle believed that the "Best political community" should be composed of a) both men and women b) the middle class c) an oligarchy of the best citizens d) intellectuals

b) the middle class

In Plato's ideal republic a) the citizens were to elect a single leader b) the philosophers were to rule absolutely c) an aristocratic council would elect the leaders d) democracy would be the ideal form of government

b) the philosophers would rule absolutely

Which treaty marks the beginning of Germany? a) the treaty of tours b) the treaty of verdun c) the treaty of strassburg d) the treaty of cologne

b) the treaty of verdun

Hebrew recommendations to seek a more just and equitable society may be best associated with a) Solomon's orders b) the work of eighth-century prophets c) writing of the Pharisees d) the cause of the Maccabees

b) the work of eighth-century prophets

The sack of Rome was the occasion for a) the pope fleeing to North Africa b) the writing of the City of God c) concessions to those who were Gnostics d) rethinking the hierarchy of the Roman Church

b) the writing of the City of god

The teachings of the Cathari may be described in each of the following ways except that a) they were the most radical of the heresies of the Middle Ages b) their origins were in Eastern religious movements c) they argued that the soul was evil d) Jesus was said to be an angel

b) their origins were in Eastern religious movements

The Roman Empire was said to have ended when a) Diocletian died b) threats to the border from the Germans and from Persia c) Attila's invasion of Gaul d) resistance in the fortress of Masada

b) threats to the border from the Germans and from Persia

The emperors Diocletian and Constantine faced the problem of a) Alaric's invasion of the Italian peninsula b) threats to the border from the Germans and from Persia c) Attila's invasion of Gaul d) resistance in the fortress of Masada

b) threats to the border from the Germans and from Persia

Your text refers specifically to the great accomplishment of Rome as a) its military conquest of the Mediterranean b) using Roman law and politics to unite very different regions c) developing a religion that was appealing to many people d) originating a tradition of Pontifex Maximus

b) using Roman law and politics to unite very different regions

It was said that Pharaoh a) could never fail in a military undertaking b) was a god c) was a human with divine inspiration d) ruled as the "alter-ego" of the Nile god

b) was a god

Which of the following groups ended Egyptian independence? a) Libyans b) Nubians c) Assyrians d) Greeks

d) Greeks

Polybius's fame rests on a) his epic poetry b) the heliocentric theory c) his derivation of basic algebraic formulas d) his writing of History

d) his writing of History

The term satrap relates to a) a flat-bottomed sailboat that moved heavy goods b) a type of sandal that distinguished slaves from free peasants in Persia c) a governor in the Persian Empire d) a collection of cunieform tablets

c) a governor in the Persian Empire

Which term is best associated with the "Wise Lord" or the god of light and justice? a) Ahriman b) Ma'at c) Ahura Mazda d) Isis

c) Ahura Mazda

Who met his only defeat in Gaul at the hands of some Germans and remnants of the Roman army? a) Alaric b) Nero c) Attila d) Diocletian

c) Alaric

Which of the following statements is correct? a) Alexander the Great died of plague that decimated his troops b) Alexander the Great took his own life because there were no more worlds to conquer c) Alexander the Great fell ill after a drinking party and died d) Alexander the Great died in battle

c) Alexander the Great fell ill after a drinking party and died

Which of the following statements about the Great Schism is correct? a) The French monarch believed it was important to support Urban 6 b) The Holy Roman Emperor refused to become involved in it at all c) At one time there were three men claiming to be pope d) All of the above

c) At one time there were three men claiming to be pope

Virgil's epic, the Aeneid, was written because a) Virgil wanted to protest against the tyrannical rule of Augustus b) the Senate commissioned it to commemorate victory in the Punic Wars c) Augustus commissioned it to glorify his role in founding the Empire d) Pontius Pilate commissioned it to please Augustus

c) Augustus commissioned it to glorify his role in founding the Empire

As a consequence of the Edict of Milan a) the Romans attacked the Manichaeans b) Roman religious conformity was strictly enforced c) Christianity was recognized in the Roman Empire d) Roman officials were to seek out and destroy mystery religions

c) Christianity was recognized in the Roman Empire

Which of the following emperors divided Rome into two- western and eastern Rome? a) Octavian b) Valerian c) Constantine d) Claudius

c) Constantine

Julius Caesar's campaigns in______reveal his exceptional talent as a general a) Spain b) Germany c) Gaul d) Egypt

c) Gaul

According to your text, the spiritual ancestors of Wester Civilization were a) Mesopotamia and Egypt b) Rome and Parthia c) Greeks and Hebrews d) Celtic and German tribes

c) Greeks and Hebrews

A decisive figure in the strengthening of the papacy was a) St Patrick b) St Columbia c) Gregory 1 d) St Benedict

c) Gregory 1

Developments such as the Assize Jury occurred during the reign of a) William 1 b) John 1 c) Henry 1 d) Stephen 1

c) Henry 1

When the last of the Carolingian kings died, French lords offered the crown to a) Philip b) William c) Hugh Capet d) Louis

c) Hugh Capet

The Crusades led to all of the following except a) It increased the wealth of the Italian cities that furnished transportation and benefited from the trade b) It contributed the the decline of feudalism and strengthened European monarchies c) It did not lead to the massacre of Muslims and Jews d) It inspired idealism and heroism in the West

c) It did not lead to the massacre of Muslims and Jews

Which of the following was present during the siege of Jerusalem in the early sixth century BCE? a) Amos b) Hosea c) Jeremiah d) Ezekiel

c) Jeremiah

Which of the following states emerged as a first-rate power in the fourth century BC? a) Sparta b) Syracuse c) Macedonia d) Thebes

c) Macedonia

Who wrote The Defender of the Peace a) John of Paris b) Giles of Rome c) Marsiglio of Padua d) Lanfranc

c) Marsiglio of Padua

Who of the following was an advocate for anti-Judaism? a) Augustine b) Jerome c) Origen d) Ambrose

c) Origen

Who of the following was most responsible for separating Christianity from Judaism? a) John the Baptist b) Jesus c) Paul d) Peter

c) Paul

Herodotus was a historian of the a) Punic wars b) Trojan War c) Persian Wars d) Peloponnesian War

c) Persian Wars

The earliest surviving Christian writins are a) the synoptic Gospels b) Acts of the Apostles c) Saint Paul's Epistles d) Revelation

c) Saint Paul's Epistles

Concern for the breakdown of republican values was expressed by a) Plutarch b) Catullus c) Sallust d) Caesar

c) Sallust

Under which of the following kings did Israel reach the height of its political power and prosperity? a) Samuel b) David c) Solomon d) Saul

c) Solomon

The Peloponnesian league was led by a) Macedonia b) Athens c) Sparta d) Thebes

c) Sparta

which of the following Roman historians denounced imperial ruler due to his sympathy for republican government? a) Marcus Aurelius b) Mithridates c) Tacitus d) Salvianus

c) Tacitus

Arius taught that a) Christ was the reincarnation of Abraham b) Members of the trinity were equal c) The Father alone was divine d) Jesus was sent by the Demiurge to deceive mankind

c) The Father alone was divine

The term matter philosophers has been applied to a) the theoreticians of Miletus b) early Athenians philosophers c) the Ionian school d) teachers in the Sophist tradition

c) The Ionian school

As the Pax Romana ended, the Roman Empire began to experience severe difficulties. These troubles can be associated with which of the following centuries? a) First Century AD b) Second Century AD c) Third Century AD d) Fourth Century AD

c) Third Century AD

It can be said of the High Middle Ages that a) manorial farmland was still sufficient to support the population b) the power of the Roman pope was declining c) a growing spiritual vitality accompanied the economic recovery and increased political stability d) it was a period of loss of faith in religion

c) a growing spiritual vitality accompanied the economic recovery and increased political stability

Romans borrowed all of the following from the Etruscans except a) road construction skills b) architectural styles c) a secularized political system d) portrait sculpture

c) a secularized political system

Roman Stoic philosophers believed that a) slaves were not human b) Romans were a superior race c) all people were fully human because of their capacity to reason d) the Roman Empire was evil

c) all people were fully human because of their capacity to reason

Among the scientific work of the Greeks during the Hellenistic Age, one can find a) The reemergence of the idea that magic influenced the natural world b) a neglect of experimentation c) an attempt to organize scientific knowledge rationally d) a neglect of the study of botany

c) an attempt to organize scientific knowledge rationally

The Athenian statesman Solon wanted to a) restore aristocracy b) concentrate wealth in the hands of a few to make easier tax collection c) balance the interests of the wealthy aristocrats and ordinary Athenians in politics d) establish order in Athens with a law code enforcing very harsh punishments

c) balance the interests of the wealthy aristocrats and ordinary Athenians in politics

The early inhabitants of the area around Sparta a) assimilated with their conquerors b) moved to Athens c) became known as helots d) were trained as slave-warriors

c) became known as helots

The earliest Ionian philosophy a) was associated with the priesthood b) originated in Mesopotamia c) began with Thales d) still maintained the gods were the origin of nature

c) began with Thales

Scipio Africanus was known for a) leading the Italian confederation b) tracking down Spartacus after his rebellion failed c) defeating Hannibal in North Africa d) being on of Julius Caesar's subordinates

c) defeating Hannibal in North Africa

Hippocrates a) ascribed a divine origin to epilepsy b) treated epilepsy with "cupping" c) denied that epilepsy was sacred or had a divine origin d) believed epilepsy was a contagious disease spread by mosquitoes

c) denied that epilepsy was sacred or had divine origin

In the history of England's development, William the Conqueror played the role of all of the following except a) victor at the Battle of Hastings b) ruler of all of England c) extended his empire into Spain d) ordered the writing of the Domesday book

c) extended his empire into Spain

Epicurius argued that anxiety was principally caused by a) the desire to amass wealth b) strictures imposed by the government c) fear of the gods and suffering after death d) war and conflict

c) fear of the gods and suffering after death

According to the prophets, the supreme concern and commandment of God relates to a) compassion for the poor b) ending slavery c) justice d) daily prayers

c) justice

The central theme found in the Old Testament ethics was a) mercy b) religious duty c) justice d) righteous authority

c) justice

Aristophanes was comic playwrite who a) dramatized the story of Socrates' trial and execution b) praised Socrates for his positive influence on Athenian youth c) lampooned Athenian statesman, intellectuals, and government policies d) accused Socrates of embezzling state funds

c) lampooned Athenian statesman, intellectuals, and government policies

The central force in the life of the Hebrews was a) strong kings b) powerful judges c) monotheism and the belief in one God d) the charismatic leadership of Moses

c) monotheism and the belief in one God

In Mesopotamian civilization, the temple administration functioned in the following ways except to a) collect rents b) provide employment for many c) provide storage for weapons d) employ scribes to keep records

c) provide storage for weapons

One of the chief concerns of Aeschylus involved the a) decline of Minoan civilizations b) weakening moral fiber of Athenian youth c) punishment of individuals when they demonstrated hubris d) increasing freedom of Greek women

c) punishment of individuals when they demonstrated hubris

Your text refers to which of the following as the central force in "primary" civilizations? a) construction of irrigation canals b) cooperative planning for war c) religion d) exchange of goods beyond the tribe

c) religion

The most valid conclusion about the effect of the Black Death was that it a) spread quickly throughout Europe in one year b) was probably carried by rats c) resulted in about 25% to 33% of the population dying d) would have been much worse except the population was well fed

c) resulted in about 25% to about 33% of the population dying

Which of the following became the basis of the Nicene Creed? a) the Council of Chalcedon b) And individual papal decision c) The Council of Nicea d) The Council of Florence

c) the Council of Nicea

The year 1453 is long remembered for a) the Latin Crusader sack of Belgrade b) a ruinous fire in Constantinople c) the Ottoman Turk siege and capture of Constantinople d) the start of the Bulgar advance against Byzantium

c) the Ottoman Turk siege and capture of Constantinople

Which factor best accounts for the fact that a Mesopotamian king was not seen as an all-powerful ruler? a) The king was only the youngest of the gods b) Kings in ritual ceremonies tried to command floods to end c) The King was selected by the gods to rule, but responsible to them like everyone else d) Kingship was not hereditary

c) the king was selected by the gods to rule, but responsible to them like everyone else

Rome became a republic when a) the plebeians won the right to elect Tribunes b) the dictator Julius Caesar was overthrown c) the patricians overthrew the Etruscan king d) Romulus and Remus founded the city

c) the patricians overthrew the Etruscan king

Boethius contributed to European civilization by a) writing the City of God b) rejecting philosophy for more pragmatic approaches to contemporary needs c) translating and writing about classical philosophy d) urging that philosophers abandon the classical tradition

c) translating and writing about classical philosophy

The Romans acquired all the following from the Greeks except a) scientific thought b) philosophy c) warfare d) medicine and geography

c) warfare

During the High Middle Ages, the geocentric theory a) refuted Aristotelian views b) offered basic geometry c) was accepted by scholars d) proposed that mathematics was the basic language of the universe

c) was accepted by scholars

The empire of Charlemagne disintegrated for each of the following reasons except that it a) was too large and diverse b) had depended on the charismatic power of Charlemagne to hold it together c) was deliberately divided among his sons d) lacked economic cohesiveness

c) was deliberately divided among his sons

After Alexander's death, his empire a) remained undivided b) broke up into many different states c) was divided among three of his generals d) was ruled by his son

c) was divided among three of his generals

When Plato wrote the Republic, he a) did it as a mental exercise rather than as something to be implemented b) perceived the ruler to be a constitutional monarch c) was specifically concerned about the decline of Athenian community spirit d) intended to encourage a revival of democracy and freedom in Athens

c) was specifically concerned about the decline of Athenian community spirit

Jeus had been referred to as "Christ" because he a) multiplied the loaves and fishes b) made the dead rise c) was the anointed one d) successfully endured temptation by the devil

c) was the anointed one

Which of the following dramatists believed that through suffering, people acquired knowledge? a) Sophocles b) Euripides c) Aristophanes d) Aeschylus

d) Aeschylus

With which of the following statements about the Late Middle Ages would historians disagree? a) Trade diminished and towns declined b) General councils contested papal power c) peasant violence was not confined to just one county d) Agricultural advances continued to supply enough food for all

d) Agricultural advances continued to supply enough food for all

Who is most associated with promoting monotheistic ideas? a) Ramses b) Ahmosc c) Tutankhamen d) Akhenaton

d) Akhenaton

The first Persian Invasion of Greece was brought on by a) Persian king Darius' hatred of Greek culture b) Spartan raids on Persian territory in Phoenicia c) a Spartan invitation to the Persians to intervene in their war with Athens d) Athenian support for a Greek rebellion in Asia Minor

d) Athenian support for a Greek rebellion in Asia Minor

Which of the following popes issued Clericos Laicos? a) Gregory 8 b) Urban 2 c) Clement 3 d) Boniface 8

d) Boniface 8

Papal power was most forcefully stated by a) John Wycliffe's precepts b) Jan Huss' writings c) the Conciliar Movement d Clericos Laicos

d) Clericos Laicos

During the late Roman Empire, two emperors who tried to contain the forces of disintegration were a) Nerva and Trajan b) Antonius Pius and Marcus and Aurelius c) Vespasian and Commodus d) Diocletian and Constantine

d) Diocletian and Constantine

The term Logos refers to a) a coin that had Pericles' profile on it b) a two-masted Greek ship c) a school for rhetoric d) Divine Reason

d) Divine Reason

Two critical events that linked England and France together during the High Middle Ages were, the Norman Conquest of England and the marriage of Henry 2 to a) Hroswitha b) Matilda c) Isabella d) Eleanor of Aquitaine

d) Eleanor of Aquitaine

Of the following, which group developed a monastic-like community near the Dead Sea? a) Descendants of Sadok b) Sadducees c) Zealots d) Essenes

d) Essenes

In discussing science in the Middle Ages, one would have to admit that a) Islamic and Byzantine civilizations were far in advance of the West b) Robert Grosseteste contended that the earth was round c) Albert the Great and Roger Bacon were critical of the arrogance of those who would study nature d) Islamic and Byzantine civilizations were far in advance of the West and Robert Grosseteste argued that the earth was round

d) Islamic and Byzantine civilizations were far in advance of the West and Robert Grosseteste argued that the earth was round

What was the basis for the bishop of Rome's calims to superior authority in Christendom? a) the fact that Rome was the capital of the Roman empire b) the existence of the catacombs in Rome c) Jesus' statement that his followers should "give unto Caesar what is Caesar's" d) Jesus statement to the disciple Peter that "you are Peter and on this rock I shall build my church"

d) Jesus statement to the disciple Peter that "you are Peter and on this rock I shall build my church"

Your text argues that the Hebrew Tribes originally came from a) Egypt b) The Aegean Islands c) the Indus River Valley d) Mesopotamia

d) Mesopotamia

The foremost Jewish scholar in the Middle Ages was a) David Ben Gurion b) Peter Waldo c) Peter the Hermit d) Moses Ben Maimonides

d) Moses Ben Maimonides

The first emperor of Rome was a) Julius Caesar b) Claudius c) Marcus Brutus d) Octavian

d) Octavian

The title of princeps was assumed by a) Sulla b) Mark Antony c) Tiberius d) Octavian

d) Octavian

Which of the following least refers to the difficulties of Rome shortly before the Empire a) Political rivalries b) personal ambitions c) Ineffectiveness of the Senate d) Punic Wars

d) Punic Wars

Which new power ultimately imposed its will on the Hellenistic kingdoms? a) India b) Phoenicia c) Carthage d) Rome

d) Rome

Each of the following groups conquered and ruled Israel and/or Judah except the a) Assyrians b) Chaldeans (Babylonians) c) Romans d) Sumerians

d) Sumerians

Which of the following Biblical stories was derived from Mesopotamian sources? a) The Exodus b) The crossing of the Red Sea c) The journey from Canaan to Egypt d) The garden of Eden and the Flood

d) The garden of Eden and the Flood

By the sixteenth century, the greatest Muslim power in the Mediterranean world was a) Illyria b) Persia c) the Abbasid caliphate d) the Ottoman empire

d) The ottoman empire

Which Roman emperor made Christianity the official religion of Rome? a) Marcus Aurelius b) Diocletian c) Septimius Severus d) Theodosius 1

d) Theodosius 1

Which of the following would not be associated with Hebrew traditions? a) There is a direct relationship between the individual and God b) One must develop a social conscience c) Israelites must set an example for all humanity d) There would never be everlasting justice and peace among nations

d) There would never be everlasting justice and peace among nations

Which Roman emperor allowed the Goths to cross the Danube frontier a) Vespasian b) Diocletian c) Constantine d) Valens

d) Valens

Judging by the Domesday Book, which monarch had the bes knowledge of his kingdom's economic assets in the late eleventh century? a) Louis 9 of France b) John 1 of England c) Henry 4, Holy Roman Emperor d) William the Conqueror of England

d) William the Conqueror of England

Philip 4 and Boniface 8 argued over each of the following issues except a) taxation of the clergy b) the imprisoning of a French bishop by Philip c) the pope's threat to excommunicate Philip 4 d) a French grant of immunity to the Lollards

d) a French grant of immunity to the Lollards

Attitudes toward the Jewish community in medieval Europe depended upon the belief that a) All Jews were for all times guilty of deicide b) Jews practiced ritual killing of Christian children c) Jews deserved punishment for their resistance to converting to Christianity d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The existence of serfs was a) likely to be dismal b) based on the need for protection that the lord could provide c) marred by the contempt that was felt for them d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The Hebrew view of God was different from that of other Near Eastern peoples in that the gods of those people a) were limited in power b) were born or somehow created c) were anthropomorphic d) all these qualities represent differences between the Hebrew God and those of other Near Eastern peoples

d) all these qualities represent differences between the Hebrew God and those of other Near Eastern peoples

Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt a) after the Babylonian Captivity b) at the start of the Diaspora c) upon the death of Rameses d) and into a period of wandering in the Sinai

d) and into a period of wandering in the Sinai

The oration delivered by Pericles demonstrated Athenian concern for a) the condition of slaves b) civic freedom c) personal freedom d) both b and c

d) both b and c

One could conclude that Hebrew prophets a) were pacifists b) were concerned with the community but not with the inner person c) were usually anonymous individuals and therefore were free from responsibility for their words d) did not believe in war

d) did not believe in war

The Greek term "arete" means a) a theory of the absolutist state b) the notion that laws had divine sanction c) the recognition that political power and morality could be separated d) excellence

d) excellence

Women in ancient Hebrew society a) were considered equal to their husbands, but not their fathers b) were able to divorce their husbands for desertion c) never inherited property d) had a lesser status in religious rituals

d) had a lesser status in religious rituals

Before his assassination, Caesar accomplished all of the following except a) he fought corruption in the provinces b) He generously extended citizenship to more provincials c) he began a public works program that created employment for plebeians d) he discouraged the relocation of Roman citizens to the provinces

d) he discouraged the relocation of Roman citizens to the provinces

In contrast to Plato, Aristotle a) stressed the separation between the lower world of things and the higher world of Forms b) endorsed the rule of law c) believed that women should be allowed to participate in politics d) insisted that universal ideas and forms could only be accessed through study of the particular

d) insisted that universal ideas and forms could only be accessed through study of the particular

Rome's greatest legacy to Western Civilization is a) architecture b) science c) art d) law

d) law

The Seleucids founded cities that were characterized by a) their political difference from Greek cities b) the constant interference of Hellenistic kings in local politics c) their founding only in Greece d) popular assemblies and councils

d) popular assemblies and councils

The term liege homage means a) a small castle b) the wooden grid that fell down blocking a drawbridge entrance c) the area of a castle where food was stored d) primary loyalty to one's lord

d) primary loyalty to one's lord

The rule of Octavian and his successors is referred to as the a) Imperium b) tyranny c) oligarchy d) principate

d) principate

St Ambrose was renowned for each of the following except a) his status as bishop of Milan b) defending Church authority against the state c) expressing concern for the poor and oppressed d) reminding the clergy that the rich should be courted since they would support church power

d) reminding the clergy that the rich should be courted since they would support church power

Judith and Deborah are remembered as a) mothers of the ancient patriarchs b) women who found the baby Moses drifting on a raft on the Nile c) wives of foreign rulers who urged their husbands to let the Hebrews return to the promised land d) respected prophetesses

d) respected prophetesses

During the First Century, the idea of a Messiah involved a) one who must die for sins of mankind to be forgiven b) a leader of charismatic proportions, but not necessarily one chosen by god c) someone who would lead the entire world to a Utopian era d) someone who would govern with justice

d) someone who would govern with justice

The achievements of Solomon include a) the building of a mighty army b) the defeat of the Philistines c) the defeat of the Chaldeans d) the construction of a royal palace and temple

d) the construction of a royal palace and a temple

The Athenian conception of excellence is best associated with a) participating in civic affairs b) loyalty to the clan c) harmony of physical and mental tributes d) the full development and enrichment of the human personality

d) the full development and enrichment of the human personality

All the following were achievements of the Egyptians except a) pyramid building b) the invention of the solar calendar c) superb engineering skills d) the invention of the lunar calendar

d) the invention of the lunar calendar

Jewish resentment of Roman rule was made much worse between 30-40 AD by a) a Roman ban on the practice of Judaism b) Roman conversion of the Jerusalem temple into a temple for pagan gods c) the Roman introduction of Gothic colonists into Palestine d) the order of Caligula to have a statue of himself placed in the temple in Jerusalem

d) the order of Caligula to have a statue of himself placed in the temple in Jerusalem

Cunieform can be described as a) the first stage of planning for a pyramid b) the instrument used for writing on parchment c) the term for records that dealt with commercial transactions d) The symbol writing on clay tablets

d) the symbol writing on clay tablets

It is generally recognized that the synoptic Gospels a) contain very different parables b) focus on the apocalypse c) are never forgeries d) treat Jesus' life in a similar manner

d) treat Jesus' life in a similar manner

Muslims accept each of the following except they a) see their religion as the completion and perfection of Judaism and Christianity b) regard the ancient Hebrew prophets as messengers of God and value their message of compassion and the oneness of humanity c) acknowledge Jesus as a great prophet, but do not consider him divine d) view Muhammad as the least important prophet

d) view Muhammad as the least important prophet

The Gregorian Reform sought all of the following except a) a spiritual renewal b) higher moral standards c) liberation of the Church from secular control d) war with Eastern Roman Empire

d) war with Eastern Roman Empire

It is known that St. Paul a) had little knowledge of the Greek language b) was parochial rather than cosmopolitan in outlook c) was revered as the first hermit d) was responsible for separating Christianity from Jewish ritual

d) was responsible for separating Christianity from Jewish ritual

John Wycliffe believed that the sacraments a) were necessary for salvation b) were necessary for salvation except when no priest was available when an individual died c) should be limited to two alone, baptism and extreme unction d) were unnecessary for salvation

d) were unnecessary for salvation

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