Week 4: Readiness to Learn

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Measures of ability

Do they have the ability to learn or do the task involved in the learning?

Frame of mind

Does the person have a here and now mindset focused on survivial or are they more forward thinking?

Health status

Does the person have the energy to learn? Are there things such as pain or illness that may hamper learning?

(P.E.E.K.?) Anxiety level

Emotional readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Developmental stage

Emotional readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Motivation

Emotional readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Risk-taking behavior

Emotional readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Support system

Emotional readiness

The health professional is planning an educational session and determines the patient/client demonstrates appropriate motivation for learning the information. This is which type of "readiness to learn?"

Emotional readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Frame of mind

Emotional readniess

Complexity of task

How difficult or new is the task to the learner?

Level of aspiration

How driven is the learner to achieve their goals?

Present knowledge

How much does the person already know about the topic?

Environmental effects

Is the environment conductive for learning?

Locus of control

Is the patient internally or externally motivated to learn?


Is the patient more closed or open minded in their thinking?


Is the person willing to take action to learn and grow?


Is there an issue such as risk taking, or willingness to receive medical care and information that may be gender related?

Gaps in knowledge between the desired level of performance and the actual level of performance are:

Learning needs

(P.E.E.K.?) Complexity of task

Physical readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Environmental effects

Physical readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Gender

Physical readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Health status

Physical readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Measures of ability

Physical readiness

Past coping mechanisms

What are the learners past strategies, will they be conductive to current learning?

Cognitive ability

What is the learner capable of understanding? Are their cognitive impairments impacting learning?

Learning needs

What the learner needs and wants to learn

What is the educator's role in learning? (6)

assessment of problems/deficits, provide information in interesting ways, provide feedback, evaluate learners abilities, reinforce new learning, identify progress

Risk taking behavior

Too much risk taking causes poor health choices; too little may mean a fear to try. Need a balance.

T/F: Women are generall more receptive to health care interventions than men.


Learning style

how the learner best learns

5 methods to assess learning needs

informal conversations, structured interviews, focus groups, self-administered questionnaries, observations

Readiness to learn

when the learner is receptive to learning

A learner demonstrates an interest in learning the information necessary to maintain optimal health or to become more skillful in a job. This is known as:

readiness to learn

What are the four types of readiness to learn?

physical readiness, emotional readiness, experimental readiness, knowledge readiness

Information most important to meet learner needs:

preferred learning style of the learner

Support system

Are the support systems in place strong?

(P.E.E.K.?) Cultural background

Experiential readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Level of aspiration

Experiential readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Locus of control

Experiential readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Orientation

Experiential readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Past coping mechanisms

Experiential readiness

During an intial evaluation the health professional realizes the patient/client does not have english as a first language and seems to have some difficulty understanding english spoken to them. Which type of readiness to learn would this issue impact the most?

Experiential readiness

A patient/client who is in a great deal of pain during an interview with the health professional presents which of the following factors that may cause a decrease in his readiness to learn?

Health status

(P.E.E.K.?) Cognitive ability

Knowledge readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Learning disabilities

Knowledge readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Learning styles

Knowledge readiness

(P.E.E.K.?) Present knowledge base

Knowledge readiness

Developmental stage

The age and development impact readiness to learn and have different learning needs

A moderate level of _____ is best for success in learning and is considered the optimal time for teaching.


Actively listening and remaining nonjudgemental with a patient are key to builind a strong foundation for:


Cultural background

effects of illness beliefs, language issues related to culture and race

Patient/client interview

find out more about the patient/client and what his/her life is like

"What do you feel you need to know to achieve your goals" would be a question to ask to assess what?

learning needs

Anxiety level

some degree of anxiety is a motivator to learn, but if too high it can decrease readiness

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