World History

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What might a member of the Zhou Dynasty who believed in the Mandate of Heaven infer about a tyrannical emperor?

That he had lost the Mandate of Heaven -- the favor of the gods -- and so would be overthrown.

Who were governors?

Nobles of certain areas who sought land because land translated to power.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the collapse of the Roman empire?

Population increased in the provinces of the empire, which made the empire less centralized.

Which roles were performed by the Brahmin caste?

Priest and scholars

How successful were Norman attacks on the Byzantines?

They took the south of the Italian Peninsula.

Which of the following is an accurate characterization of the feudal system?

A class-based social system structured around nobles' ownership of land and loyalty to the king.

Which of the following describes how the Shang Dynasty was similar to the Xia Dynasty?

Both ended by being overthrown by a subsequent dynasty.

Why did Emperor Leo III begin iconoclasm?

He wanted to "purify" the Christianity practiced.

Which of the following theories about the Neolithic Revolution is correctly matched with its name?

Hilly Flanks hypothesis - agriculture began in fertile land and wetter climates

Which of the following contributed to Julius Caesar's rise?

His early political alliance with Crassus and Pompey. His military successes in Britain. The death of senate optimates such as Cato the Younger during a period of civil war

According to Homer, how should a Greek man act in war?

Hold one's formation in phalanx formation

How did the political stability in the Maurya Empire influence trade?

Merchants and farmers paid a national tax via a common economic system

Which of the following is an accomplishment of Nebuchadnezzar I and his sons?

Nebuchadnezzar I devoted himself to peaceful projects late in his reign.

Which of the following statements regarding the Hittite Empire is true?

The Hittites were manufacturing iron artifacts before the dawn of the Iron Age

Through different periods, the Phoenicians fell under the rules of several empires. Which of the following empires ruled over the Phoenicians?

The Persians

Which of the following describes the Xia Dynasty?

The Xia Dynasty's existence may have been fabricated to justify the Zhou's Mandate of Heaven.

Choose the correct hierarchy of the social class system during the Shang Dynasty, from most to least respected.

The aristocracy; the military; the artisans; the peasants

The uniformity of Harappan artifacts suggested that:

The cities had a form of central authority and government

The political structure of the Phoenician culture is most like that of _______________.

The city-states of the Ancient Greeks.

What did Cleisthenes' reforms give to Classical Greece?

They established institutions that would lead to further democratic reforms.

Why are Cicero's works important to the study of Roman history?

They offer a vivid picture of the public and private life among the Roman governing class.

How did Athens eventually fall from its powerful, prestigious position as the leader of the Delian League?

They used the Delian League for their own ambitions and were defeated in the Peloponnesian War

Why were the Byzantines upset when Charlemagne was named Roman Emperor?

They viewed themselves as the true successors of Rome.

Select the most accurate description: The Eastern Han period was a time of ______.

reunification, military success, prosperity, and innovation.

Why did Augustus have to employ propaganda to make the Pax Romana tenable to Romans?

He had to persuade Romans prosperity through peace was better than the gains of fighting a war.

Why did Diocletian establish the Tetrarchy?

He sought to reorganize and stabilize a crumbling and overextended empire.

What method of philosophical inquiry did Socrates most often employ?

Question and answer.

Which civilization did the Romans finish off at the end of the Samnite Wars?

The Etruscans.

How was the Zhou Dynasty able to overthrow the Shang Dynasty?

The Shang king became cruel and corrupt, and the Zhou had alliances among the Shang nobility.

What led to the decline of the Gupta Empire?

The relentless invasion of the Huns (Huna) from the northwest

Who defeated Heracluis militarily?

The Muslim Arabs

Which of the following was NOT an innovation of the Shang Dynasty?


Was Carthage connected to other cultures except through military conquest?

Yes, they were prolific traders.

What were the Punic Wars?

A series of wars between the Cathaginians and Romans fought from 265-146 BCE.

How did the Maurya Empire offer internal stability?

A standing army promoted peace and civil services provided justice

Which of the following pharaohs is matched correctly with his or her achievements/

Akhenaten - exclusive worship of a deity is history's first instance of monotheism

How were libraries and museums in Alexandria different from Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum?

Alexandria's institutions had the royal patronage of the Ptolemies.

How was the Tetrarchy structured?

An Augustus and a subordinate Caesar in both the East and the West

What is the Indus Script?

An ancient language that remains undiciphered

What aspect of the Byzantine Empire's government was often imitated for centuries after its collapse?

An emphasis on diplomacy and treaties.

What is the primary and most important use for Sanskrit?

As the language of important religious literature

Which of the following statements best describes how the model Roman dictator should act during times of crisis?

Assume absolute control to resolve the crisis, then promptly return power back to the senate.

Which of the following is an accurate characterization of the significance of the Three Kingdoms period?

China had split into three factions; it was a time of warfare but also great innovation.

What is now accepted as the cause of the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Climate change shifted the monsoons and the cities dissolved as people followed the rain eastward

What are the two churches called today that resulted from the East-West Schism?

Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church

Which of the following statements regarding the Third Intermediate Period is true?

Egypt's international prestige had fallen, and Assyria had taken most of their allies.

How did the caste system most likely originate?

From the social stratification of the gods as told in the Rig-Veda

Amenemhet I enacted various political processes to strengthen his dynasty. Which of the following did he do?

He appointed his son, Senusret I, as coregent.

Hammurabi is considered one of history's greatest rulers. Which of the following did he do to build and improve his empire?

He established a code of law by which his empire was governed.

Which of the following is one of Aristotle's achievements?

He established his own school, the Lyceum, in Athens.

How did Cyrus the Great maintain authority over his vast empire?

He installed regional satraps to govern territories in his stead

The discovery of the ancient sites of Harrapan and Mohenjo-daro was important because the sites:

Revealed a third, urbanized Bronze Age civilization (besides Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt)

Which of the following occurred as a result of the Neolithic Revolution?

Specialization in diverse forms of new labor

How are the Roman and Byzantine Empires related?

The Byzantine Empire is the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Why did the Holy Roman Empire ally the Byzantine Empire before the crusades?

The Byzantine Empire was a buffer between the Holy Roman Empire and the Muslim Empire.

What happened after the Siege of Constantinople?

The Byzantine Empire was defeated and parceled up.

Why was the Battle of Manzikert significant?

The Byzantine defeat severely weakened the empire and marked the end of the theme system.

Why did the Roman Catholics not defend the Byzantines against the advancing Turks?

The Byzantines refused to convert to Roman Catholicism until it was too late, a condition of aid.

Mined talents paid for the construction of warships.

The common occurence of Greek buildings such as the gymnasia More realistic portraits on the reverse of coins The identification of Greek gods with local deities

Although there are many reasons for Rome's Golden Age, there is one characteristic of the first five of the six successions during this period to which the Golden Age is often attributed. What is that characteristic?

The conscious adoption of an emperor's successor over inheritance.

How did the Edict of Milan change the standing of Christianity in the Roman empire?

The edict made the empire officially neutral with regard to religious worship.

Babylonia boasts of many cultural achievements, many of which are still relevant today. For which of the following were they NOT responsible?

The first known mortar and pestle

What was the Byzantine Empire?

The medieval empire centered on Constantinople in which Christianity and Greek language and heritage dominated daily life.

Which of the following is true regarding Sensuret III's reign?

The power of the Nomarchs dropped off. Egypt was divided into three administrative divisions. Egypt enjoyed economic prosperity due to the exploitation of its resources.

Which of the following is an accurate characterization of the significance of the Battle of the Red Cliffs?

Cao Cao wanted to reunite the Han Empire but was defeated; China splintered into 3 kingdoms.

Why was iconoclasm overturned after the First Iconoclasm?

Irene wanted to establish herself as a ruler different from Leo IV.

Which of the following was done by emperors to celebrate times of peace and promote the Pax Romana?

Issuing coins with Pax on the reverse Putting on lavish ceremonies and games Commissioning literature extolling the benefits of the Pax Romana

Why was Justinian's unification of the legal code important?

It served as the basis for the Catholic Church's canon law.

Why might the Qin Dynasty be described as one of the most important periods of China's Classical Age, despite its short duration?

It was characterized by a strong sense of cultural unity and vital technological inventions.

For what reason was Socrates purportedly put to death?

It was impious to investigate things above the heavens and below the earth.

Why was this period of time called the Golden Age of India?

It was marked by discoveries in science, technology, literature, mathematics, and philosophy.

The Phoenicians are known for many of their distinct cultural characteristics. Which of the following is a Phoenician cultural achievement?

Its alphabet, from Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek all derive. Its monopoly on purple dye. Its maritime trade, especially its use of the bireme.

How did the discovery of silver in the Laurion aid in Greek efforts against the Persians?

Mined talents paid for the construction of warships.

Which of the following innovations did NOT emerge under the legendary rulers of China's Mythical Period?


How was the Etruscan form of government different from the surrounding Italics?

The Etruscans had a state system, while the others did not.

Select the most accurate comparison of the Han Dynasty with the earlier Qin Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty saw greater expansion than the Qin Dynasty and established crucial trade routes & The Han Dynasty allowed more freedom than did the Qin Dynasty, which led to prosperity and growth.

Why is the image of the she-wolf so iconic in Roman history?

The she-wolf nursed the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, the former of whom would found Rome.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Akkadian Empire?

The shift away from the belief that kings were representatives of the people began with Naram-Sin

The First Intermediate Period transitioned into the Middle Kingdom after the _______ Kings defeated the ________ Kings.

Theban; Heracleopolitan

How did using Aramaic as a standard language affect the Achaemenid Empire?

Their system of trade was more efficient and commodities were traded across the empire

Each of the Seven Kings of Rome is credited with _________________.

Tradition or building in the city landscape.

How were the Sao organized?

A collection of patrilineal clans in modern-day Cameroon and Chad.

Why was Julius Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon with a legion significant?

It symbolized his entering of Roman territory under arms against the city.

Which of the following resulted from the Persian Wars?

The Delian League was established and Athens rose to unchallenged power. The Persians never attempted another invasion of Greece after the war. The story of King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans became a famous story of Greek bravery.

How did Chandragupta II expand the Gupta Empire?

Through conquest and political marriages

From where does the best evidence for the Minoan civilizations outside Crete derive?

Minoan handicraft items

Why was the Achaemenid Empire described as the world's first global empire?

The empire ruled over almost half of the world's population

What was the Zhou Dynasty's justification for overthrowing the Shang Dynasty? Complete the following sentence: Under the "Mandate of Heaven," _______.

the Shang had lost the favor of the gods and so deserved to be and were able to be overthrown.

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