World History

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Which strategy did Adolf Hitler use to gain control over Germany?

Eliminating political opposition

In order to justify expanding the territorial borders of Germany, Adolf Hitler made which claim?

Germany had become overcrowded and needed more space.

Which of the following best completes the diagram? _____, European political leaders fail to provide stability, Support for communism grows in Europe, Support for fascism grows in Europe.

Great Depression

How did Adolf Hitler become chancellor of Germany?

He was appointed by the president

A country desiring to expand its power and wealth by seizing control of another country is engaging in:


Which statement best completes the sequence? Renaissance movement begins in Italy, Better maps and navigation tools are developed, ...

Scientific innovations are introduced in Europe.

Which strategy did the Allies adopt against Japan in World War II?

Island Hopping

Which idea was Baron de Montesquieu's primary contribution to the development of democracy?

Separation of powers

How did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk affect the course of World War I?

It led to the end of fighting on the Eastern Front.

Which nations adopted a fascist system of government before World War II?

Italy and Germany

Which Enlightenment thinker focused on individual freedom and believed that civilization corrupted people?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which Protestant reformer preached the idea of Predestination?

John Calvin

Which Enlightenment thinking believed that the people have the right to overthrow a tyrannical government?

John Locke

What were the three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution?

Land, labor, capital

Which group imposed the Reign of Terror?

The Committee of Public Safety

Robespierre's decision to eliminate his political enemies during the radical phase of the French Revolution was enforced by:

The Committee of Public Saftey

Which of the following was an effort to resolve Germany's inability to pay the war reparations required by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

The Dawes Plan

Which of the following most accurately identifies the theme of Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden?

Modernization of non-western peoples

Which statement best completes the list? Cultural achievement were financed by cities, Classical texts and art were valued and studied, ..

People embraced secular ideas.

How were the works of Leonardo da Vinci an example of the importance of the Renaissance?

Perspective and dimension were emphasized in paintings.

Banks, Bills of exchange, Business partnerships The early spread of these innovations are evidence of which stage in Europe's economic development?

The transition from a mercantilist economy to capitalism.

Which philosopher proposed the idea that people need a powerful absolute monarch to establish and maintain order in society?

Thomas Hobbes

What was one purpose of the U.S. strategy of island hopping?

To move land because bombers within range of Japan

What was the main purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

To prevent fighting of European nations over the division of Africa

According to John Locke, what was the primary purpose of government?

To protect the natural rights and individuals.

Economic difficulties experienced in Germany between 1923 and 1933 can be linked to the harsh restrictions of the:

Treaty of Versailles

Which motivation for imperialism is best reflected in this quotation? Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British rule . . . for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? —Cecil Rhodes, British Imperialist

A belief in a superior culture

What was one effect of the ideas expressed in this excerpt? "... I say that every prince ought to desire to be considered clement [pleasant] and not cruel. Nevertheless he ought to take care not to misuse this clemency... Therefore a prince, so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal, ought not to mind the reproach of cruelty; because... he will be more merciful than those who through the much mercy, allow disorders to arise..." -Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince 1532

An increased in royal authority.

Which of the following contributed to Germany's economic difficulties after World War 1?

Article 231 (the war guilt cause)

Dividing up Africa among European countries was the goal of the:

Berlin Conference

Hitler's use of fast traveling airplanes and tanks followed by massive infantry forces to conquer Poland in 1939 was referred to as:


"The foundation... is the conception of the State, its character, its duty, and its aim... [It] conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the State." -Benito Mussolini, 1932 This excerpt describes a government that would:

Control the economy

17th to 19th Century Industrialization Increase in coal mining output Improvements in agricultural production Innovations in electrical power systems Improvements in textile manufacturing Which country first experienced these changes during the Industrial Revolution?


What happened as a result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

Europeans divided Africa into colonies without consulting African leaders

Extreme nationalism combined with militarism and rule by a single dictator best defines the concept of:


Based on the information below, which term describes a major driving force of the Industrial Revolution? During the Industrial Revolution, business owners and investors were able to earn immense profits. Many used these profits to develop new technology, processes, and products that helped advance the Industrial Revolution.

Free enterprise

Characteristics of the Industrial Revolution Originated in Great Britain Changed the ways goods were produced Fostered advancements in technology Encouraged the development of urban areas What factors contributed most to these characteristics?

Free enterprise and competition

Which statement best supports this philosophy? "... the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State... It is opposed to classical liberalism... Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual ..." -The Doctrine of Fascism, Benito Mussolini, 1932

Individuals rights are secondary to government concerns.

In 1923 the currency printed in the Weimar Republic lost most of its value. This is an example of:


Which figure from the French Revolution led the Committee of Public Safety to carry out the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien Robespierre

Which of the following directly resulted in Benito Mussolini's coming to power in Italy?

Mussolini led the March on Rome

All of the following statements were true of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini except..

Mussolini's leadership resulted in numerous Italian victories over Allied military forces throughout World War II.

Which leader's ideas of imperialism and militarism brought stability and order to revolutionary France?

Napoleon Bonaparte

A strong feeling of pride and devotion to one's country is called:


Which of the following explains one reason for the high number of military casualties in the Soviet Union during World War II?

Nazi Germany invaded using blitzkrieg tactics.

Which World War II battle involved the greatest mobilization of land and sea forces in World History?


Which 1944 victory turned the tide of World War II in favor of the Allies in Europe?

The Normandy landing

What book was authored by Niccolo Machiavelli?

The Prince

Increased dissatisfaction with religious leadership, Invention of the printing press, Spread of religious criticism...

The Protestant Reformation

Which phrase best completes this table? Cause: Renaissance Effect: .....

The Protestant Reformation

What was an effect of Luther's assertion? "The pope cannot remit [forgive] any guilt, except by declaring and showing that it has been remitted [forgiven] by God..." -Martin Luther's Ninety-five Theses

The authority of Church officials was questioned.

Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice?

The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.

What is the primary reason the invasion of Normandy is considered a turning point of World War II?

The invasion positioned the Allied forces to begin the Western Europe campaign

World War II ended with an unconditional surrender. The emperor accepted Allied rule. General Douglas MacArthur was named supreme commander. Which event resulted in the actions on the list?

Using an atomic weapon on Hiroshima

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