27 Club Info

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"Anna Wohlin believes that Frank Thoroughgood killed Brian Jones, but by her own account, she did not actually witness the murder. She was in the house on the telephone when it happened. She claims that Thoroughgood threatened her twice afterward—at the police station on the night of the incident and five days later at the coroner's inquest—urging her strongly not to implicate him" Thoroughgood signed a deathbed confession on the urging of Tom Keylock,the Rolling Stones chaffuer, though this has never come to be released publicly, often giving rise to the idea that his death was originally hushed up by the Stones members, or their management


"Cynthia McKinney, US House Representative and Green Party nominee for President of the United States in 2008, has pinned Hendrix's murder on a government plot to eradicate such leaders."


"I think the great creative burst of energy that happened 3 or 4 years ago was hard to sustain for sensitive artists. You know? I guess they might be dissatisfied with anything but 'the heights'. When reality stops fulfilling their inner visions,they get depressed. But that's...not my theory of why people die. Sometimes, it could be an accident. Sometimes, it could be suicide. Sometimes it could be...murder. There are a lot of ways people die. I don't know"


"It was reported that Mike Jeffery was intent on manipulating Hendrix's life as well as siphoning his money into his own offshore bank accounts. There is also a mention of a million dollar life insurance policy covering Hendrix and listing Jeffery as the beneficiary. Although Jeffery was in Spain during Hendrix's death, conspiracy theorists speculate that he may have had a part in it."


"Numerology for those who have been lucky enough to avoid it, is the false idea that numbers in and of themselves hold some kind of innate power."


"The deaths of Jeffery in a mysterious mid-air collision over France in 1973 and the suicide of Monika Dannemann in 1996 leave very few people who were present at the time of Hendrix's death able to offer information."


"Winehouse was quoted saying, "I have a feeling I'm gonna die young", in 2008 to her former personal assistant, Alex Haines who's exact quote was: "She reckoned she would join the 27 Club of rock stars who died at that age. She told me, "I have a feeling I"m gonna die young.'" December 2008, also the exact year of her Blood Sacrifice art sculpture of her shown dead and shot with blood out of her brains *Monarch Mind Control and a Minnie mouse mask *Mickey Mouse Programming, November 2008. Her sacrifice was planned out 3 years later, and she died 3 days after last performance. Many artists do a photoshoot or movie that depicts their own death and in that exact way they are dead. In her case, a blood sacrifice art sculpture left her in a blood sacrifice for the 27 Club. She predicted her own death after the photoshoot which is typical: Brittany Murphy, Tupac, Heath Ledger, and many more all knew they were going to die. However she was heavily under mind control and programming at the time of her death. Amy Winehouse was programmed since birth or rather born into ritual/typical Mk-Ultra abuse, and Kelly Osbourne tweeted that who is also a Mk-Ultra slave whom her dad has the key to her alters."


(cont) Most common idea: he snorted heroin thinking it was cocaine and his gf Pamela Courson nodded off instead of getting help, resulting in him bleeding to death Another idea - he overdosed at the Rock and Roll circus (a paris nightclub) and the people who sold him the drugs moved him to his apartment after he died Some say it was a fake death and he is roaming the US as a cowboy lol


A satanic pact - some believe all of the members have signed a deal with the devil to achieve fame and fortune. (mainly through rock and roll) This idea starts with Robert Johnson, who apparently had no guitar talent but wanted to be successful. "One night, he heard a voice that told him to visit the crossroads by Dockery's plantation at midnight. There, he was met by a large black man who apparently was the devil in disguise. The big man took the guitar from Johnson, tuned it, and returned it to him. This devil offered him the guitar in exchange for his soul. Robert Johnson returned from the plantation with the magic guitar and became a blues virtuoso overnight." "According to an "anonymous" Satanic high priestess, all members of The 27 Club since Johnson have been promised fame and fortune in exchange for their agreement to teach youth to serve Satan. She claims that they hold special ceremonies during recording sessions where they place satanic blessings on their music. As the music is played, these demons are called into the room to afflict the person playing the music and anyone who is listening."


According to the British Medical Journal, the chance for premature death of any kind is 2-3 times higher for popular musicians.


Alan Wilson (from Canned Heat) - Suffered from depression, not accepted by his family, lacked confidence, had a habit of sleeping outside, his body was found in Bob Hite's yard on Sep. 3, 1970. Arms crossed over chest with bottle of barbiturate Seconal by his side. Cause of death: accidental overdose. But drummer Fito de la Parra says it was suicide.


Amount of red wine in his lungs suggests that he was water boarded rather than drinking excessively, you must drink A LOT to get it in your lungs and there was too much in his body to even get into his blood stream


Amy Winehouse - she wanted to change things in her life but couldn't get around to them, most likely became a product of her image and was tired of it. Anton Yelchin - from 2011-2015 he appeared in 18 films, died in a freak accident. Pinned against a brick pillar by his own car!


Another aspect of this ritual is, those who give their blood for fame or vita (life) substantia (essence) for Celebritas(fame) are expected to worship their new idol in all they do, similar to how the bible says in Exodus and Psalm:


Apparently Brian Jones was a great swimmer, which makes his drowning incident strange. The most common explanation is that Frank Thoroughgood, a man working for him at the time, drowned him while they were at the pool discussing his work that he had done that day.


As always, the fallen angel mocks God by using 27 as the age because it represents the whole new testament's 27 books.


Biographer for Jim Morrison gets calls and letters that people have seen Jim alive since his death, or have claimed to BE Jim


Bob Dylan made a startling confession about selling his soul to the Devil for fame.


Brian Jones - No one knows the real story, Keith Richards: "I don't know what happened, but there was some nasty business going on." Combo of alcohol, drugs, and swimming pools


Chris Bell (Big Star)- Quit Big Star, sinked lower into his depression and drug addiction, later had to work in his family's restaurant. December 1978, crashed his Triumph TR-7 sports car into a pole while he drove home from band rehearsal, killing him instantly. Solo stuff released after his death.


D. Boon (Minutemen) - December 1985, came down with fever, laid down in back of bus to rest, driver fell asleep at well and he flew out the back window and broke his neck and died. Geez


Dave Alexander (From The Stooges)- Took too many downers before a music festival and couldn't perform, Iggy Pop fired him. He spent the rest of his life battling addiction and health issues. Developed pancreatitis, went to the hospital where his lungs were filled with liquid, died of pulmonary edema in February 1975.


Drug Decay - Most members have a history of drug/alc abuse. According to Psychotherapist Stephanie Sarkis, 27 may be the age that drugs begin to catch up with the body. Tolerance = more drugs = overdose.


Exodus 15:1 "Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the Lord, saying, "I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea."


Fans have constantly asked police enforcement in Seattle to reopen the case of Kurt's death


His gf claimed to have woken up with him and he was fine so she left to get cigs, came back and he was vomiting and having trouble breathing. She called Eric Burdon (from the Animals) who they had partied with the night before and he demanded she call an ambulance. She went in it with him and claims he died on the way.


In Mathematics 27 is a perfect cube(3x3x3). There are 27 straight lines on a smooth cubic surface.


In religion, philosophy and the occult the number 27 has many meanings including: The Greek Strongs number G27 is "Agapetos" which means "Beloved", as found in the New Testament of the Bible and also relates to the love of the beloved to give their life for the master.


In the Kabbalah there are 27 letters, corresponding to 27 channels of communication with God and 27 combinations of the names of God and - 13 overt and 14 covert.


Is the 27 club a curse for rock music? (begun by Johnson)


It has been argued they were killed for being against the Vietnam War and exposing those who control the world


Janis Joplin - October 4, 1970. High on heroin, she hit her head on a nightstand while bending down and died. Found the next day. Jim Morrison - found dead in a Paris hotel bathroom (heroin)


Jean-Michel Basquiat - developed serious drug issue during gain of fame, died in 1988 due to "acute mixed drug intoxication." (opiods and cocaine mainly)


Jim Morrison's cause of death is unknown because there was no autopsy or sign of "foul play." This has created many theories surrounding his death.


Jim's death was listed as a heart failure


Jimi died from having 9 sleeping pills, Vesperax, in his system along with hella red wine in his stomach and lungs. He was an insomniac so he did not feel the symptoms from the sleeping pills.


Jonathan Brandis - committed suicide in 2003, child star. His big break at the age of 17 on the show SeaQuest DSV got him a loooot of attention from fans. After the show was cancelled in 1996, he struggled to keep up his career. He later thought he would have a comeback by being in the movie Hart's War, but all of his scenes were cut and he later hanged himself in his apartment and died in the Cedars-Sinai Hospital


Kristen Pfaff (from Hole) - died two months after Kurt from a heroin overdose in her bath in her apartment in Seattle. Third person to die at that age in that year from Seattle!


Kurt Cobain - body was discovered by an electrician on Friday 8th, 1994. Had a huge amount of heroin in his system and supposedly shot himself. There is a lot of controversy surrounding his death.


Kurt Cobain's death in 1944 burgeoned talk about how his age was the same as Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones and Jimi Hendrix Those four artists died within 2 years of each other Amy Winehouse's death in 2011 raised more questions


Many famous people have died tragically at a young age, but the age of 27 sticks mainly to music.


Maria Serrano Serrano 11/24/01 Plane Crash. (Background singer for Passion Fruit.) Jeremy Michael Ward 5/25/03 Heroin overdose. (The Mars Volta and De Facto sound manipulator.) Bryan Ottoson 4/19/05 Prescription drug overdose. (Guitarist for American Head Charge.)


Mia Zapata (the Gits) - Brutally beaten, raped, and strangled to death in July 1993. Pearl Jam and Nirvana raised a lot of money to hire a PI to find her murderer, wasn't convicted until 2003. Her friends launched Home Alive - a self defense organization


Monika Danneman testified that he had unknown to her taken 9 of her sleeping pills, and claims that he was alive when placed in the ambulance, however the ambulance reports he had been alone in the flat and dead for some time when they had found him. Danneman's testimony has been called into doubt by his ex-girlfriend Kathy Etchingham, and Eric Burden of The Animals, who thought that Danneman may have avoided calling an ambulance until it was too late because of fear that drugs would be found in her apartment, though when Scotland Yard reopened the case in 1993 no further evidence was found and the matter was dropped.


More famous people die at the age of 27 than any other age


Most likely wasnt suicide because he was generally happy and had a huge pack of Vesperax with him -- if he were trying to kill himself he would have taken all of them


Numerology - In numerology the number 27 reduces to the number 9 which is the end of a cycle. These cycles are highly charged and hard to handle for some people. Many turn to drugs and alcohol, along with suicide and reckless behavior in general for help, since they cannot understand what changes they are going through. Numerologists look at different life path numbers, period cycles, and pinnacle cycles. In the easiest way possible - when the cycles and numbers align at 27, it may cause and "untimely death."


Only connection between Janis' death and other members is the person that sold her the fatal dose, Frenchman Jean De Breteuil, who at the time was in a relationship with Jim Morrison's on off girlfriend Pamela Courson.


Other related meanings of the number 27: According to Feng Shui, to raise money, keep in the house 27 identical coins- 27 equals wealth. In ancient Incan culture there were 27 roads to El Dorado- 27 roads to ruin or destruction.


Paramedics claim when they got there no one was there and he was already dead, so they attempted to revive him but to no avail.


Pete Ham (from Badfinger) - only death other than Cobain that was determined suicide. "Dont worry I know a way out." (said 3 days before his 28 bday) Hung himself in his garage that night, April 24th 1975 (suicide note expressed anger towards manager)


Pigpen had internal hemorrhaging due to excessive alcohol abuse


Plato and Pythagoras were ahead of their time, I mean way ahead of their time.Why? They say the number 3 cubed (i.e 27) represent the Cosmos. Once again, those who control the world are openly claiming they own the universe as well under their master.


Possibly was killed by the government Counter Intellegence Program which tries to weed out people with reckless behavior, especially those who have such a big influence on the general population


Psalm 100:2 "Serve the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing."


Randy "Stretch" Walker - skilled producer and strong rapper, assassinated in Queens in November 1995 (less than a year before Tupac was shot) Jeremy Michael Ward - found dead of a heroin overdose in his LA home in May of 2003. None of the band's music afterwards was as successful


Richey James Edwards 2/1/95 Disappeared; presumed dead (Manic Street Preachers.) Fat Pat 2/3/98 Shot. (Screwed Up Click.) Freaky Tah 3/28/99 Shot. (Lost Boyz.)


Robert Johnson - A talent from the Delta Blue's, recorded less than 50 songs (later performed by awesome artists like Cream and The Rolling Stones,) August 1938 3 months after 27 birthday he made moves on the wife of the owner of a roadhouse where he was playing, drank from an open bottle of whiskey he was offered, and died three days later of strychnine poisoning and pneumonia. He is buried in an unmarked grave in Mississippi.


Robert Johnson supposedly made deals with the devil to achieve fame, some say he set up the curse for other musicians while some say they set themselves up anyways his mom said "When I went in where he at, he layin up in bed with his guitar crost his breast. Soon's he saw me, he say, "Mama, you all I been waitin for." "Here," he say, and give me his guitar. "Take and hang this thing on the wall, cause I done pass all that by. That what got me messed up, Mama. It's the devil's instrument, just like you said. And I don't want it no more." And he died while I was hangin his guitar on the wall."


Rodrigo Bueno 6/24/00 Automobile Accident. (Argentine cuarteto singer.) Sean Patrick McCabe 8/28/00 Asphyxiated on vomit (Ink & Dagger.)


Ronald McKernan (Pigpen) - drinking problem, started drinking at 12 so by his 20s he had cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, and other health issues. He died in his apartment in Corte Madera on March 8th, 1973 when he died. His landlady found him two days later.


Saturn is "is connected with the educational value of pain," (psychological astrologer Liz Greene) "we may be fulfilling the prophecy of its creation ourselves: because of the folklore and legend surrounding it, any music-affiliated person, however big or small, who dies at age 27 is much more likely to receive attention than others who die at any other age. By actively looking for examples, we create a body of evidence that suits the case itself. Call it fate, call it karma, or call it just a plain statistical error of coincidence: the 27 Club, in music and in legend, lives on."


Soaked in bleach documentary "Yet Vedic astrologers see it a different way: our lives and personalities are, according to astrology, influenced by our physical position within the universe and by the alignment of the planets from the time we are born. Not only do the celestial spheres affect our lives at the time of our birth, but they can predict phases and patterns for decades to come."


The Erikson Explanation - German psychologist Erik Erikson created a theory about eight stages of psychological development starting from birth to 65 and on. There is a crisis between the ages of 18 and 35 which is mainly a struggle between intimacy and isolation. Many people who have depression or drug issues can look at this crisis as if there is no way out.


The Saturn Return - this happens when Saturn circles back to its position at the time of your birth. Most astrologists say it begins to be felt at the age of 27. When it crosses over a second time, the person transitions into adulthood through a major threshold--it is a great and also brutal transition. (according to those who have been through it) Relationships and parents die, careers change, friendships change. It all depends on the person and how they control/embrace these changes. And those with depression and drug addiction can fall fatal to this phenomenon.


The authors conclude that the "27 club" is based on myth, but warn that musicians have a generally increased risk of dying throughout their 20s and 30s. They say: "This finding should be of international concern, as musicians contribute greatly to populations' quality of life, so there is immense value in keeping them alive (and working) as long as possible."


The number 27 represents the highest level of knowledge in Buddhism, those who have taken their oath to the master have gained all knowledge of the world and how it is controlled.


The research team found some evidence of a cluster of deaths in those aged 20 to 40 in the 1970s and early 1980s. Interestingly, there were no deaths in this age group in the late 1980s and the authors speculate that this could be due to better treatments for heroin overdose, or the change in the music scene from the hard rock 1970s to the pop dominated 1980s.


There are currently 45 known members of the Forever 27 Club


There is a myth going around that Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin and Jones each had a white lighter in their possession according to the autopsy report. The theory is discredited by the fact that Jim Morrison was found in the bath and also that the myth suggested it was a BIC lighter (which weren't invented until 1974). We are investigating further.


This website is created to commemorate all of the members of the 27 club


Valentín Elizalde 11/25/06 Murdered. (Mexican banda singer.) Orish Grinstead 4/20/08 Kidney failure. (R&B group 702.) Lily Tembo 9/14/09 Severe gastritis. (Zambian musician.)


Weird shit/suspiciousness about Kurt's death: Signs of homicide Impending divorce The suicide note may have been about retirement and maybe another note hidden by Love Amount of heroin injected into his system was THREE TIMES the LETHAL dose. The gun was not even needed in this situation to kill him -- also how would he be able to hold a gun and shoot himself?


When Jim died, The Doors created an album called "Other Voices" and it was just not the same


When Kurt died, Peal Jam commemorated him by putting a K on the left chest part of their shirts.


When Kurt died, his mother claimed "Now he's gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club." While we do not know what kind of club she was referring to (at the time), we can assume she was talking about the 27 club. It is later revealed in the Rolling Stone magazine investigative report that she was referring to the 27 club. His family has a long history of mental illness, two of his great uncles and great grandfather committed suicide.


drummer Fito de la Parra says it was suicide. Jimi Hendrix - Sep. 18, 1970 while staying with a gf in London he took sleeping pills (Vesparax.) No one knows how much he took or if he knew he was taking them. Also was drinking. Choked on his puke in his sleep, although many believe he was killed by someone.


three rising stars were killed in a ritual known as ingravesco( aburden) adeptio(obtaining) celebritas (fame), when a person with great talent steps forward to be taken for the promise of fame. These desperate deals are made with the promise that diabolus(satan) will collect his due when he feels it's time.

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