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Interpersonal Communication Patterns

Control outward verbal or nonverbal signals that might impede the essential transactions you need to have with your subordinates

_________ to _______ interpersonal communication is often driven by supervisory responsibilities, including setting standards, evaluating performance, and providing effective feedback

Supervisor, Subordiante


Supervisor-centered. One way communication and supervisor is responsible for determining the nature of problem, best solution, and how to implement solution. used when issue/problem is time sensitive

Autocratic Management

Supervisors and managers do not listen to, or have a receptive attitude towards their subordinates' input or suggestions.


Support Material, Personal Knowledge and Experiences, Common Knowledge, Standard Information, Folk Literature, Commonsense Observations

Support Material

Supporting arguments, sound background data, and facts to authenticate and sustain the validity of the briefing or paper.

An active communication process where you're evaluating or judging subordinate performance and responding either to promote a change in behavior, or to reinforce present performance


Rehabilitative feedback

feedback done after a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability

Preventative feedback

feedback done before a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability

examples of personal situation counseling

financial or marital problems, a death in the family, or family member illness


fixed or distorted generalization about ALL members of a particular group that share a particular diversity characteristic

Lateral communication

flows across organizational channels. Allows for coordination or integration of all diverse functions within and outside an organization between different individuals, sections, watches or units on the same organizational level.

Narrative writing

focuses on telling a story. This may mean telling a fictional story — one that is made up — or it may mean telling a real-life story. Narrative writing can also take the form of an essay, in which the author will use a personal story to prove a point or state an argument. Also, it helps the author connect with an audience to prove a point, state an argument, or address an important issue.

During an initial EPR feedback session, MSgt Aldo tells SSgt Alexander, "I expect you to know what your job is, how to do it, and to perform it to the best of your ability. Furthermore, I will accept nothing less than ethical behavior at all times and I expect NCOs to accept full responsibility for their actions. Finally, faithfulness, obedience, respectfulness, and initiative are important to me." MSgt Aldo's comments BEST explain _____________. a. powers b. leadership traits c. followership traits

followership traits

the five stages of team building

forming - putting a team together and slowly meeting each other and getting to know the boundaries, storming - the most difficult time where members learn the task at hand might be more difficult than previously thought, norming - member reconcile differences and start delegating and working together, performing - roles are set and agreed upon and the team is functioning well together, adjourning - teams will either adjourn when the task is completed or transform as they move on to other tasks


"An opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action or conduct."

Article 7

"Apprehension." As an NCO, the UCMJ authorizes you to apprehend individuals in certain situations. If you truly believe a crime is about to happen, (drinking and driving, fighting, sexual assault, etc.) try and stop it from happening without placing yourself into jeopardy.

Article 92

"Failure to obey an order or regulation." This article covers anyone who 1) has a duty to obey an order; 2) has knowledge of the order and 3) violates or fails to obey the lawful order or regulation.

Article 92 of the UCMJ

"Failure to obey an order or regulation." This article covers anyone who 1) has a duty to obey an order; 2) has knowledge of the order and 3) violates or fails to obey the lawful order or regulation.

Article 91

"Insubordinate conduct toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer." This article ensures others obey NCOs' orders and protects NCOs from assault, insult, or disrespect.

Article 91 of the UCMJ

"Insubordinate conduct toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer." This article ensures others obey NCOs' orders and protects NCOs from assault, insult, or disrespect. ie) if you are the NCOIC of a section, and an airman is rude, vulgar, or makes inappropriate comments to you or about you, he or she may have violated Article 91.


"Perception is the reception and deception of your conception." In other words, what we observe and experience becomes our "reality" until we are convinced or proven otherwise

deliberate development plan

"To carefully think about and discuss strengths, areas of improvement, current and future roles, and responsibilities with followers for the purpose of creating a detailed plan (or expanding an existing one) that intentionally and methodically develops personal and professional growth over time."


"To offer or suggest information or ideas as a reaction from an inquiry."


"Work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole."

Social Biases

"an inclination [predisposition] of temperament or outlook, a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment."41 Being socially biased is where one unfairly favors or prefers one person, culture, group, or race to another

Resource Stewardship and Types of Resources

"careful and responsible management of resources under one's control." Personnel - most valuable Financial - required in order to procure the material, information and technology, and warfare resources we need to accomplish our missions Material- (natural) agriculture, air, land, water, wood (man made) clothing, food, office/industrial equipment, plastic, vehicles


"most valuable resource," the appropriate amount (and mix) of skilled and qualified individuals provides the workforce necessary for organizations to meet ongoing and future mission requirements.


"take" on things based on our position on particular subjects, issues, and matters that relate or are important to us. It is how we mentally view or "see" a situation or the world around us from a particular angle

NCO Authority

"the right to act and command," and is complimented by three legal sources found within the UCMJ: Article 91, Article 92, and Article 7.

Nonjudicial Punishment (NJP)

(aka article 15) works in conjunction with the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) to allow an individual to accept punishment in lieu of trial by courts martial.


Adjourning takes place as the team begins to break up and individual members move on to other activities. Transforming teams continue to exist, moving from one objective to the next


Adjusting your behaviors and other resources based on what you have diagnosed in a way that helps close the gap between the current situation and what you want to achieve

What are some of the consequences of violating the Anti-Deficiency Act?

Administrative and punitive measures to include: suspension from duty without pay or removal from office


Adversary with the capability and intent to undertake any actions detrimental to the success of program activities or operations


Adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without gathering all the facts and is usually based on deeply held beliefs

Rehabilitative feedback

After a subordinate violates a standard. discuss subordinate weekness before it becomes official part of their record

Tips for Solving Problems

Airmen will not only accept problem solving, they will also seek problem solving opportunities if these four conditions exist: 1. They possess the skills needed to solve the problems that arise in their jobs. 2. They experience success in using those skills. 3. They are rewarded for successfully solving their problems. 4. They do not fear failure

Preparing and Delivering the Communication

All communication consists of an introduction, body and conclusion.

Change Targets

All individuals or groups affected by the change


All sentences or points discussed support the topic, which, in turn, supports the main point.

Non Judicial Punishment

Allow an individual to accept punishment in lieu of trial by courts martial. Rehab tool, promotes positive behavior changes without court marshall

Continuing Resolution Authority

Allows government to continue operations at a minimum level for a specific amount of time. Funding authority for approximately 80%


Taking advantage of opportunities before the interview to get the reporter interested in what you want to talk about. The idea is to entice the interviewer into your agenda.


Clearly state which portion of the interview is "off-the-record" to ensure there is no chance of confusion. Be advised, there is always a risk that the reporter will not honor your agreement.

goal setting

ASOM Achievable, Specific, observable, measurable


Ability of a unit to perfrom its mission and it is based on professional, as well as technicial standards of excellence

Power base

Ability to influence, or influence potential


Accept change


Accept change and grapple for ways to proceed. Anxiety builds


Accept roles and responsibilities, Collaboration and camaraderie grow, Productivity is high, Members "Agree to Disagree"

Follow-up feedback

Accomplished within 30 days of EPR close out date or when they sign EPR

Editing bullet statements

Accomplishment - ensure single accomplishment is described Impact- ensure impact is described Mechanics - ensure it's mechanically sound, grammatically and structurally

Cut delivery time by eliminating unnecessary steps of priority item

Accomplishment and impact elements are not properly arranged (Cut delivery time - impact) Impact element contains specificity error (Cut delivery time by how much?)

Powerfully organized base's annual blood drive, collecting many units of blood

Accomplishment contains word choice error ("powerfully" doesn't properly modify "organized") Bullet contains punctuation error (comma should be deleted) Impact contains specificity error (many units)

Editing Bullet Statements

Accomplishment, Impact, Mechanics

Before submitting an Enlisted Performance Report for review, MSgt Wilson makes sure the information he uses is correct and truthful. He is careful not to exaggerate the truth or embellish the facts because he believes that falsifying the truth hurts his subordinates, and damages his credibility as a supervisor. MSgt Wilson's actions BEST illustrate ______________ and its impact on his effectiveness. a. Brevity b. Accuracy c. Specificity



Accuracy, Brevity (short, but clear and concise), specificity

Streamline the Final Product

Accuracy, Brevity, Specificity, Using ABS

List the three attributes of effective bullet statements

Accuracy, Brevity, and Specificity

Always follow use the following when writing accomplishment impact bullets

Accuracy: Don't stretch the truth. Info must be correct. Brevity: Select short, clear words that are descriptive to the readers. Reduce number of unnecessary words. Specificity: Contain detailed facts. Do not estimate or generalize

Major command (MAJCOM) leadership

Acknowledges the objective and message; consistently communicating and/or routing the message to their respective wing's whose missions contribute to the objective.

Identify the five characteristics of a diversity supportive environment where individuals work cohesively in your workplace. List each characteristic and give an example of how each one supports a diverse organization

Act proactively, leadership driven, encourage ownership of initiatives, think inclusively, and mainstream diversity


Action Impact Result

List the three variations of the accomplishment-impact bullet statement

Action Verb, Modified Verb, and Specific Achievement

Interview Techniques

Hooking, bridging, flagging, and personal credibility


How you behave in response to the subordinate's verbal and nonverbal messages

What is the purpose of the Budget Execution Review?

Identify funding shortfalls for potential funding at installation level and then levels above the installation level


Identify waste, focus activities on eliminating it, maximize resources

Task orientation

Importance of resolving the problem to meet your needs

What are the three types of improvement plans?

Improve the job, subordinate or situation


Improvement in personal and/or professional areas, by providing guidance and recommendations


Assemblage of persons or objects located or gathered together

What are the six types of resources?

Assigned personnel, financial, material, warfare, information, and technology

Perfomance Standards

Attainable, Specific, Observable, Measureable

Takt time

the available production time divided by customer demand. Takt time precisely matches production with demand.


(whether verbal or written) is the first step in the PDP because it encourages two-way communication merely the recording of an infraction. It's a formal way of describing an acceptable behavior so that the receiver cannot fail to understand it.

How does appropriate use of the PDP impact NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness?

- NCOs who use the PDP appropriately demonstrate consistent and fair leadership, which motivates subordinates and builds morale. - Unit: whenever clear standards are established and enforced equally, discipline and morale increase, which increases team work and in turn enhances unit effectiveness. - Mission: The PDP ensures corrections are made quickly and as necessary, thereby


- This pitfall is evident when evaluations of individuals don't show appropriate differences in performance. This absence of differentiation may be the result of: - Evaluator Leniency—some evaluators tend to give high ratings and are reluctant to give low ratings - Evaluator Strictness—this error occurs when an evaluator's standards are unreasonably high - Central Tendency—this pitfall occurs when evaluators rate everyone as average - Halo Effect—evaluators commit this error when one factor, or possibly a characteristic of the subordinate, influences the evaluation of other factors - Personal Bias—this occurs when evaluators allow their personal likes and dislikes of an individual to influence the evaluation. - Recency—this occurs when evaluations are disproportionately affected by the recent performance of a subordinate - Primacy—this pitfall involves being unduly influenced by the first impression made by the subordinate—first impressions don't always reflect typical performance - Reputation—when evaluators allow past performance to influence current periods, they fall victim to this pitfall. Don't allow a subordinate's reputation as a good, or poor performer to spill over into the present evaluation


A description of how close a measurement is to the true value of the quantity measured.


A diary on a web site: usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary intended for public viewing.


A duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task


-Evaluator Leniency—some evaluators tend to give high ratings and are reluctant to give low ratings - Evaluator Strictness—this error occurs when an evaluator's standards are unreasonably high - Central Tendency—this pitfall occurs when evaluators rate everyone as average - Halo Effect—evaluators commit this error when one factor, or possibly a characteristic of the subordinate, influences the evaluation of other factors - Personal Bias—this occurs when evaluators allow their personal likes and dislikes of an individual to influence the evaluation. - Recency—this occurs when evaluations are disproportionately affected by the recent performance of a subordinate - Primacy—this pitfall involves being unduly influenced by the first impression made by the subordinate—first impressions don't always reflect typical performance - Reputation—when evaluators allow past performance to influence current periods, they fall victim to this pitfall. Don't allow a subordinate's reputation as a good, or poor performer to spill over into the present evaluation

Define, measure, analyze, improve, control

5 step problem solving, High performance, reliability and value to the end customer.

Eight-Step Problem Solving

1 Clarify and validate problem 2 breakdown the problem/identify performance gaps 3 set improvement targets 4 determine root cause 5 develop countermeasures 6 see countermeasures through 7 confirm results and processes 8 standardize successful practices

Organizational barriers

1) environmental noise, 2) weak communication policies/norms, and 3) autocratic management. Examples are duty schedules, floor layouts, jet engine noise, operations tempo, and improper management.

Barriers to effective communication

1) organizational barriers and 2) psychological barriers

Put the steps for building bullet statements in the correct order

1. Define the accomplishment and impact 2. Check for accuracy, brevity, and specificity 3. Connect the accomplishment and impact elements together

AFSO21's Five Desired Effects

1. Increase productivity of our people: Doing more of the right things with the same or less effort. 2. Increase critical equipment availability rates: All assets available at a greater rate from aircraft, to information technology, to range, space, etc. 3. Improve response time and agility: Quicker response time to the Warfighter. 4. Sustain safe and reliable operations: Reduce injury rates, increase people safety and safe use of materiel assets. 5. Improve energy efficiency: Make energy conservation a consideration in everything we do

AFSO21's Three Levels of Priorities

1. Just Do It : It is an improvement that, when implemented, yields immediate results; energy conversation = turn off lights. no need to ask or tell anyone, just do it. 2. Rapid Improvement Events (RIE) : determine root causes of problems and to eliminate waste, set improvement targets and establish clear performance measures to reach desired effects Four components of a successful RIE are: 1. Strong Leadership 2. Knowledgeable participants 3. Focused Event Scope 4. Implementation Plan and Result Metrics 3. High Value Initiative (HVI) : more complex and involve a cross functional team to ensure that identified improvements are incorporated into the day-to-day operations of an organization; typically require four to six months in order to successfully define and implement the required process changes

What are the two elements of option building?

1.) Define the problem. 2.) Identify possible resources (information, power, time, people, money, etc.) that may be available

Weak Communication Policies

A lack of such structure can create an environment of miscommunication where personnel are unsure of what to communicate, to whom it should be communicated, when it should be communicated, etc.

What is the Anti-Deficiency Act?

A law where congress exercises its constitutional control over the public purse


A legal binding agreement between the government and another party. The Air Force has entered a contractual obligation; however, no goods or services have yet been received


A legal binding agreement between the government and another party. The Air Force has entered a contractual obligation; however, no goods or services have yet been received.


A proposed or adopted course or principle of action

Mission Statement

A short sentence or paragraph that describes the organization's essential task(s), purpose, and action containing the elements of who, what, when, where, and why

Mission statement

A short sentence or paragraph that describes the organization's essential task(s), purpose, and action containing the elements of who, what, when, where, and why.

Vision Statement

A statement of what an organization, workcenter, or team would like to achieve and/or look like in the future

Vision statement

A statement of what an organization, workcenter, or team would like to achieve and/or look like in the future.

What is the difference between a supervisor and a rater/reporting official?

A supervisor is that directs the activities of an individual or team. A reporting official/rater is the official in your chain of command that provides performance feedback and initiates performance reports.


A technique used to emphasize your message. Use verbal clues such as tone of voice and non-verbally with hand gestures or facial expressions to emphasize a point.


A technique used to move from the reporter's agenda to your message. Also, bridging is a way to smoothly transition from the reporter's question to your message.

WEB 2.0

A term coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004 to describe blogs, social networking sites and other Internet-based services that emphasize collaboration and sharing, rather than less interactive publishing

WEB 2.0

A term coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004 to describe blogs, social networking sites and other Internet-based services that emphasize collaboration and sharing, rather than less interactive publishing (Web 1.0)

Security, Accuracy, Propriety, and Policy (SAPP)

AF Core Value of Integrity First ensures your communication will always be truthful, credible and remain within the bounds

Which AFI provides information to process EPRs?

AFI 36-2406


Alternative to negotiation, execute independent of opposite. Prepared to execute even if you don't get what you want

Media Engagement

Always follow SAPP: Security - is the communication violating OPSEC? OPSEC's desired affect is to influence the adversary's behavior and actions by protecting friendly operations and activities. - Accuracy - does it tell the right story, does the communication contain facts? - Propriety - is the communication appropriate to the purpose or circumstances of the media engagement based on established standards? (see Interviews Do's and Don'ts later in this Student Guide) - Policy is everyone who is engaging the media adhering to Air Force policy (dress and appearance, military bearing, ethical behavior, etc.).


Amount of enthusiasm and dedication to a commonly shared goal that unifies a group

Anti-Deficiency Act Violations

An act that results in exceeding limitations [misuse] of funds authorized and appropriated by Congress in support of contract obligations

Anti-Deficiency Act Violations

An act that results in exceeding limitations [misuse] of funds authorized and appropriated by Congress in support of contract obligations.

Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement

An alternative to negotiation that you can execute independent of your 'opposite'. It is a solution you are prepared to execute even if you don't get what you want in the negotiation. To formulate a practical BATNA, you must have both the capability (resources) and the will to execute this alternative on your own without any assistance

Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

An alternative to negotiation that you can execute independent of your 'opposite'. It is a solution you are prepared to execute even if you don't get what you want in the negotiation. To formulate a practical BATNA, you must have both the capability (resources) and the will to execute this alternative on your own without any assistance.


An interest is what you need. It is the underlying reason behind your position


An interest is what you need. It is the underlying reason behind your position.

Evaluate sources

Analyze, Interpret, Synthesize, Evaluate

What are the four attributes of effective performance standards?

Attainable/achievable, specific, observable, and measureable

In order to evaluate sources you must...

Analyze: ask yourself questions. Why are you reading the material, what questions are you trying to answer. Interpret: Understand the significance of the material to form opinions or beliefs. Synthesize: Put different elements together to draw new conclusions. Evaluate: Make judgments about the work. Relevance: Determining what info you need and if the source meets the need. Reliability: You must determine if the author of the source can be considered reliable. Unity: All sentences or points support the topic. Internal Transitions: ensures your communication is coherent by tying ideas and sentences together. External Transitions: Statements that provide a link between main points.

Unfunded Requirement

Another list identifying mission-essential requirements that exceed projected funding. Again, include a narrative justifying each requirement

Strategic Communication

Applies to every airman. A focused effort by the United States government to create, strengthen, or preserve advancement of interests, policies, or objectives through use of programs, plans, messages, etc. Policies and objectives are determined by the Department of State.

Citing Sources

Appropriately and legally you must document them properly and give credit where credit is due.


Art and science of motivating, influencing and directing airmen to understand and accomplish the AF mission

What factors should you consider when diagnosing the developmental needs of Airmen?

Aspirations, personality, self-concept, attitudes, and values

Factors to Consider When Diagnosing the Developmental Needs of Airmen

Aspirations- what an individual hopes to attain or has to desire to accomplish Personality- how an individual usually behaves or thinks Self-Concept- based how an individual may think and feel about their selves and on feedback from external sources Attitudes and Values- when an individual responds positively or negatively to a person, place, thing or situation and values are beliefs that an individual regards as very important


Assemblage of persons located or gathered together

Due to an upcoming mission change, the chief tells TSgt Abel to reclassify the skill level and security clearance of several positions. After a quick check with the manpower office, Abel submits the proper document to request the chief's changes. Several months later, new personnel with the right skills begin arriving just in time to help the squadron begin its new mission. TSgt Abel's submission BEST illustrate use of the __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Unit Personnel Management Roster b. Authorization Change Request c. Unit Manpower Document

Authorization Change Request

Funded Requirement

Authorized and funded positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload. Funded manpower positions are allocated by category (officer, enlisted, and civilian

Unfunded Requirement

Authorized, but unfunded positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload.

How would you describe the purpose of the Financial Execution Plan?

Balances the available funding while delivering goods and services to customers within the Operations and Maintenance appropriation.


Based on position comes from the leaders title, rank, or assignment in an organization


Be an active participant and focus your full attention of the subordinate as he/she speaks. combination of watching for nonverbal cues and listening

Closing Skills

Be sure to effectively summarize the highlights of the session, and restate/reinforce the solutions agreed to by you and the subordinate. When you summarize the session, restate the main points of discussion, proposed goals or solutions, task assignments, and any timelines or milestones that were established. Have the subordinate summarize the session to ensure that they understand what needs to be done, and to make corrections if they are off track with what was discussed and agreed upon

In your own words, how does OPSEC play a vital role in protecting the nation?

Because there are many countries and organizations in the world that would like to harm the United States and destroy its influence as a world leader.


Beging working their first BER


Behaving in a proper manner; obeying rules and customs


Belief and or evidence that the opposite interactions with you are genuine, sincere and honest

Insist strategy

Believe that obtaining your objective is paramount regardless of the cost to the opposites interests or the relationship. Leave little room for movement. Winner takes all

Aspiration Point

Best each party hopes to get out of a negotiation

Personal trust

Between two people who share the same interests

Program Objective Memorandum (POM)

Biennial memorandum submitted to the Secretary of Defense from each Military Department and Defense agency. It proposes total program requirements for the next six years.

Program Objective Memorandum (POM)

Biennial memorandum submitted to the Secretary of Defense from each Military Department and Defense agency. It proposes total program requirements for the next six years. It includes rationale for planned changes from the approved Future Years Defense Program baseline within the Fiscal Guidance issued by the Secretary of Defense

Program Objective Memorandum

Biennial memorandum submitted to the Secretary of Defense from each Military Department and Defense agency. It proposes total program requirements for the next six years. It includes rationale for planned changes from the approved Future Years Defense Program baseline within the Fiscal Guidance issued by the Secretary of Defense.

What makes up the body?

Body: Where you deliver your message and achieve your objective. Consists of main ideas and supporting arguments. Support Materiel: Back up main points using data and facts. Personal knowledge and Experiences: Can you acknowledge yourself as a source? Common Knowledge: Standard information, no need to acknowledge the source ie) Standard Information: ex. Four season in a year, 365 days in a year, dates of a historical event. No source required even if the information has to be looked up Folk Literature: Myths, Legends, traditions. Requires no source. Commonsense Observation: "something most people know" No source needed.

Process trust

Both parties have faith in a governing institution and believes that it supports their negotiations

What are four types of interview techniques?

Bridging: A technique used to move from a reporters agenda to you own. Hooking: verb; the act of being a *****. Taking advantage of opportunities before an interview to get the reporter interested in what u have to say. Flagging: Technique used to emphasize your message. Tone of voice, hand gestures. Personal Credibility: Use your personal authority, experience to establish your professional credentials


Brief Example

Supporting material can also be...

Brief Examples Clarification Support: Make a point easier to understand. Proof Support: Establish something true and factual. Narrative: Include names, dates, and details. Provide effective support. Statistics: Used as proof of a point or assertion. Used to clarify, show relationships, summarize data. Comparison: emphasize relational likeness, focus on similarities. Explanations/Definitions: Used to clarify unfamiliar terms.


Brief and concise review of all main points and supporting ideas that are critical to achieving your goal.


Budget representative for an organization

Resource Advisors (RA)

Budget representative for an organization

Resource Advisors

Budget representative for an organization. The resource advisor participates actively in resource management, including the planning, programming, budgeting, acquiring, consuming, storing, and disposing of resources. And, is directly responsible to the RCM

Resource Advisors (RA)

Budget representative for an organization. The resource advisor participates actively in resource management, including the planning, programming, budgeting, acquiring, consuming, storing, and disposing of resources. And, is directly responsible to the RCM

Improving subordinate

Build on strengths, tie performance improvement efforts to subordinates personal goals

Improving the subordinate

Build on their strengths, tie performance improvement efforts to personal goals

The ______ ________ you compose for EPRs and award packages can affect how you are perceived by your superiors, your peers, and your subordinates.

Bullet Statements

First Christmas party committee volunteer in his unit

Bullet doesn't contain impact Accomplishment contains a personal pronoun error (his) Bullet doesn't start with an action verb or modified verb


Bullet statements present accomplishments

Which of the following is NOT a reason the Air Force uses the bullet statement style of writing? Bullet statements present a clear picture of an idea or accomplishment and its impact. Bullet statements allow the writer to concisely deal with specific points. Bullet statements take less time to read. Bullet statements present all achievements in one sentence. Bullet statements allow the writer to communicate more information within a smaller

Bullet statements present all achievements in one sentence (Each bullet should contain only one achievement)

The Nature of Interpersonal Communication

Can be as small as one-to-one interactions between two people, expanded to one-on-two transactions between three people, or even include one person exchanging ideas with a large audience.


Can be categorized as deficiency, distortion or contamination

Resource stewardship

Careful and responsible management of resources under ones control

Forming Stage

Cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior. Stage of transition

Secondary dimensions of diversity

Characteristics that can be changed ie) work ethic, income, martial satus, personality

Social Media Guidelines

Classified Info, Stay In Your Lane, Don't Lie, Replace Error with Fact, Not Argument, Use Disclaimers, Admit Mistakes, Use Your Best Judgment, Be Aware of the Image you Present, Avoid The Offensive, Avoid Copyright, Trademarks, Avoid Endorsements, No Impersonations, Link, Don't Be Afraid To Take Calculated Risks, The Enemy Is Engaged, Use Common Sense

You cannot release _________ _______(information that is not available to the public and would not be released under the Freedom of Information Act) except to authorized individuals with the proper security clearance and a need to know.

Classified Information

Social media guidelines

Classified info: Think before you post, don't divulge sensitive material, photos, or videos. Stay in Your Lane: Stick to your AFSC and personal experiences. Don't lie: Credibility is critical. Use Disclaimers: When stating you think make sure others know its your own opinion. Be Aware of the Image You Represent: Properly wear the uniform, be professional. Avoid the Offensive: Don't post any hateful or obscene information. Avoid Copyright: Don't post copyright info unless you have permission from the copyright. Trademarks: Logos, marks, intellectual property. Need permission from the owner. Avoid Endorsements: Don't use the AF name to promote products. No impersonations: do not forge anything, disguise, impersonate or misrepresent your identity Use Common Sense

Leaders Job

Clearly articulate expectations and guidelines to show team members appropriate ways to fulfill expectations

Achievement of the desired objective

Collective effort to reach the desired objective and is the real reason for the teams existence


Combining several of the subordinates thoughts into broader comments. Keep the session on track

Support Material can come from personal knowledge, experiences, and _______________

Common Knowledge


Commonly used to request increased, decreases, or realignments of manpower requrirements and/or to change attributes on the UMD

What are the three responsibilities of the team leader?

Communication skills, human relations skills, and participation skills



What are the four followership traits?

Competence, integrity, loyalty, and initiative

Followership Traits

Competence- knows what the job is, how to do it and does it to the best of their ability Integrity- honest, ethical, responsible Loyalty- supports and enhances effectiveness of leaders Faithfulness- refraining from complaining to others about leadership obedience- willingness to submit to those in positions of authority Respectfulness- respect those in authority and behave in accordance with that attitude Initiative- motivation, determination, perseverance, risk-taking, excelling at tasks

Third way of observing

Completed products or service and talking to customers

Initial feedback

Completed within 60 days of when supervision began. Lays foundation for supervisors to inform their subordinates about standars and expectations


Completes the communication process, and perpetuates a further exchange or dialogue. is a reaction to the received message. Promote a change in behavior, or to reinforce present performance.


Composite of individual characteristics, experiences, and abilities consistent with the AF core values and AF mission

Abstract words

Concepts not identified with specific objects and could have multiple meanings.

Single Idea Bullets

Concise written statement of a single idea or concept.


Condition where friendly actions provide indicators that may be obtained and accurately evaluated by an adversary in time to provide a basis for effective adversary decision-making.

Sentence Clarity

Confusion often occurs when too many items are combined in a single sentence; when modifiers are crossed; and when numbers (singular, plural), perspectives (1st, 2nd, 3rd person), or times (past, present, future) are mixed up

Connecting the Elements Together

Connecting the accomplishment and impact elements together can be accomplished several ways.


Consider everything you say "on-the-record." Never say anything you don't want to see printed or broadcasted. The quote is attributed to your name.

Commander actions/ discipline

Considered punishment and must therefor be carried out by a commander. UIF (unfavorable information file) and being placed on a control roster for 6 months (under observation, file held at MPF, last action before non-judicial punishment), Non-judicial punishment (punishment without court hearing, aka, article 15. If article 15 is refused, court action may be necessary)

What are the three characteristics of effective feedback?

Consistent, objective, and sensitive

The communication process

Contains four elements: sender, message, receiver and feedback Poor communication impedes relationships with subordinates and superiors but can also cause mission to suffer

Define Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement is the strategic, never-ending, incremental refinement of the way we perform our duties and responsibilities

Primary Dimensions

Gender-Sexual affiliation/orientation, Age-Mental and Physical abilities/qualities, Race-Ethnicity and Culture

four examples of non-verbal communication

Gestures, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact, Body Language

Nonverbal Communication

Gestures, Facial expressions, Eye Contact, Body language

Nonverbal Cues

Gestures, Facial expressions, Eye contact, Body language, Positioning


Determining what evaluating sources you need.


Determining what you need and determining if the source material meets this need


Develop people who are able to control themselves and do what is right all the time

Phases of effective communication

Diagnose Communication Needs Prepare and Deliver communication

The three broad phases you need to work through to ensure effective communication.

Diagnose the communication, prepare the communication, & deliver the message

Effective leaders can use the skills blank, blank and blank (DAC) to ensure mission accomplishment and to develop and inspire others within the unit.

Diagnose, Adapt, Communicate

Pre-Session Activities

Diagnose, Prepare, Determine your approach; Directive, Nondirective, Combined, Setting

What are the three essential leader skills?

Diagnose, adapt, and communicate


Measure of the potential degree to which critical information and indicators are subject to loss through adversary exploitation.

The Receiver

Obtain messages through reading, listening, observing, and even touching. the target for the sender's message.

SMSgt Lannen, squadron superintendent of civil engineering, forwarded the commander's Physical Training Policy Memorandum to all flight chiefs in the shop. In the email he stated, "Brief the new policy to your subordinates as soon as possible. In addition, make sure that the personnel on leave or TDY are briefed as soon as they return. SMSgt Lannen's action's BEST illustrate ___________. a. Upward Communication b. Downward Communication c. Lateral Communication

Downward Communication


Obvious ending that provides a sense of finality

Supervisor to Subordinate Interpersonal Communication

Driven by supervisory responsibilities, such as, setting standards, evaluating performance, and providing effective feedback.

AFI 36-2406

EPR process

AF form 910

EPR, section 3 has meets, does not meet etc. section 5 numerical rating system 1 poor, 2 needs improvement, 3 average, 4 above average, 5 truly among the best

Improving the situation

Organizational design, physical layout, resources available to accomplish tasks, work schedule

Unit Manning Document

Organizations structure, and position number

is focused on improvement, in personal and/or professional areas, by providing guidance and recommendations



Creativity is high as members are willing to share ideas without fear of negative criticism and reprisal, Heightened morale and loyalty to the team and its success

The Message

Critical factor when communicating, since not all terms and phrases mean the same thing to all people. It is very beneficial to carefully choose words that will not be misconstrued. Idea, feeling, or information that the sender transfers to his or her audience.


Critical factor when communicating, since not all terms and phrases mean the same thing to all people; consider your vocab, language, paralanguage, phrases, sentence structure, sentence clarity and non verbal cues when communicating the idea, feeling, or information that the sender transfers to his or her audience.

Types of Waste - D.O.W.N.T.I.M.E.

DEFECTS - Defects that cause rework or scrap are a tremendous cost to organizations and have a direct impact on the bottom line. OVERPRODUCTION - Producing an item before it is actually required. WAITING - Whenever goods are not moving or being processed, the waste of waiting occurs. NON-STANDARD OVER PROCESSING - Often termed as "using a bazooka to swat flies," many organizations use expensive high precision equipment where simpler tools would be sufficient. TRANSPORTATION - Moving product(s) between processes is a cost that adds no value to the product. INTELLECT - Not recognizing skill sets people bring to the job. Any failure to fully utilize the time and talents of people. MOTION -Unnecessary movement of data, files, tools, or equipment. Excessive motion to get the job done i.e. (bending, walking, lifting, reaching, etc.). EXCESS INVENTORY - Having more files than can be processed during a specified period of time.

Popular Social Media Sites



Declaring something about a situation not supported by fact


Defects that cause rework or scrap are a tremendous cost to organizations and have a direct impact on the bottom line


Defined as an example that provides very effective support.

Proof Support

Defined as establishing something as true and/or factual.

Clarification Support

Defined as making it easier to understand

Comply strategy

Delegate responsiblity to the other person or party. Passive approach to negotiations. Used to preserve relationships between you and other party

Air Force narrative

Deliberately developed story about the Air Force

Plane do check act

Deming Cycle. 4 step model

Personal Power

Derived from the confidence and trust that other people, normally the followers have in the leader. THis is earned and by being the type of leader people follow because they want to


Describes the person's actions or behavior.


Determine if the author has sufficient expertise in the area.


Determine the meaning or understand the significance of the elements and how the elements fit into the whole.

Pre-Session Activities

Diagnose- Know why you are conducting the session Prepare (and determine approach)- Determine what approach you will use. Plan your purpose and objective. Directive: Supervisor centered. Uses one way communication, Supervisor is responsible for determining the problem, solution, and how to implement the solution. Nondirective: Subordinate centered. Uses two way communication. Subordinate determined a problem and has developed potential solutions. Supervisor is there to clarify the situation and help the subordinate understand the problem. Combined: Uses both Directive and Nondirective approaches. Supervisor and subordinate have to be on the same page. Uses 2 way communication. Prepare a setting as well: Time/space/location

Phases of Effective Communication

Diagnosing, Preparing and Delivering the Communication, deliver the message.


Different ways to potentially solve a problem or come to a mutual agreement and are often referred to as solutions, choices and alternatives

What are the three methods of observation?

Direct, Indirect, and checking completed products or services

Change Cycles

Directive Change Cycle - changed by external force (ie commander) consists of position power used to change group behavior, then individual behavior, which causes an increase in knowledge, and ultimately a change in attitude; short term effect Participative Change Cycle - implemented when new knowledge is made available to the individual or group; doesn't typically happen in military; most effective on innovators and early adopters

three approaches to counseling

Directive, Non-Directive, and Combined


Directly influences the amount of information that is shared between you and the opposite

Types of Narrative Writing

Disciplinary Writing, Awards and Recognition Writing


Discovering/ determining the general purpose for communication.

"stay in your lane"

Discuss only issues related to your AFSC or personal experiences.

Stay in your lane

Discussing only issues related to your AFSC or personal experiences.


Distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person

The ability to recognize and respond to the needs of various groups within an organization to improve working relationships, productivity, customer satisfaction, and unit and mission effectiveness is

Diversity Awareness

Letter of Reprimand

Document clear violations of standard and is used for more serious offenses

Post Session Activities

Documenting the Session, Follow-Up Actions

Post Session Activities

Documenting the Session: Crucial for follow up and future sessions. Record a summary of the session immediately follow the event so it is fresh in your mind. Follow Up Actions: Finding out if your subordinate is progressing toward resolving the problem or if it has resurfaced. If it does develop a new course of action.

Social Media Guidelines

Don't divulge classified, FOUO (For Official Use Only), or sensitive materials, photos, or video.


Effective leaders must also master this critical skill in order to make diagnoses in their work centers and with their subordinates as well


Effectively summarize the highlights of the session, and restate/reinforce the solutions agreed to by both you and the subordinate

What problem solving model does the Air Force currently use?

Eight Step Problem Solving Process

AFPD 36-28

Eligibility requirements and award authorities for decorations and for achievement, service, foreign and unit awards. It describes how to prepare, submit, process and record the various decorations and awards.


Emphasize relational likeness, by making an argument that because objects (event, situations, people, and the like) are comparable in some way, similar actions/results should occur in both situations.


Emphasize your message

Earned Authority

Encourages airman to trust you and want to follow you, based on your referent power


End of year closeout begins. FWG takes control of all unspent and unobligated funds

Financial Execution Plan

Ensure an equitable distribution of the presidents budget

Internal transitions

Ensure your communication is coherent by tying ideas and sentences together.


Ensures funds provided in the Presidents Budget are distributed in a manner to ensure AF objectives can be accomplished

organizational barriers to communication?

Environmental noise, weak communication policies/norms, and autocratic management, Examples include: jet engine noise, operations tempo, duty schedules, floor layouts

Proof Support

Establishing something as true and/or factual

Negotiation Strategy Selection

Evade ("Not now, can you come back later?") Comply ("Yes, absolutely, let's do it your way!") Insist ("Take it or Leave it") Settle ("Let's just split the difference and call it a day")


Evaluates factors that are unratable


Evaluation does not show appropriate differences in performance


Evaluator attempts to evaluate factors that are essentially unrateable like interest in job, loyalty, and attitude

Personal Situation

Event-oriented, reactive in nature since it occurs after a situation arises

Adjourning/ Transforming

Eventually the team reaches their goal, Teams disassemble and members separate from the team

Encourage ownership initiatives

Everone is committed to carrying out their role in valuing diversity, allowing it to flourish

Business Process Reengineering

Examines aspects of a business and its interactions and attempts to improve the effieiency of underlying processes. Radical changes are possible


Example that provides very effective support

Anti-Deficiency Act Violations

Exceedes limitations of funds


Exceptional followers commit to the action plan of the organization and to the mission, which in turn requires them to understand that mission and concur with its goals.

How to write accomplishment-impact bullets

Extract the Facts: Performance that stands out, trends in performance and training, outstanding achievements, or substandard performance. Build the Structure: Create the bullet statement using extracted information. Accomplishment: Briefly describes the persons actions or behavior. Impact: Results of the persons accomplishment. Streamline the Final Product: Apply critical attributes of Accuracy, Brevity, and Specificity. Accuracy: Don't stretch the truth. Info must be correct. Brevity: Select short, clear words that are descriptive to the readers. Reduce number of unnecessary words. Specificity: Contain detailed facts. Do not estimate or generalize

Writing Accomplishment Impact Bullet Statements

Extract the facts, Build the Structure, Streamline the Final Product

Explain the FAIR Way strategy. List the explanation for each strategy under the correct letter

F- Feedback is giving and receiving information about expectations as well as how to meet those expectations. A- Assistance is making sure workers have what they need to work to their fullest potential. I- Inclusion is making sure everyone has the opportunity to fully participate in the Workplace. R- Respect is recognizing each person's unique value, contributions, and potential to the organization.


FWG holds it's first BER. All unfunded request are considered and prioritized

interpersonal communication

Face to face, one way, or multi-directional exchange of verbal messages and nonverbal signals between two or more people for the purpose of gaining a shared meaning.

The body is where you deliver your message and quiz your audience. (True or False)


True or False: A topic sentence describes and clarifies the other topic sentences


True or False: The mission statement communicates both the purpose and values of the organization.


True or False: The statement, "Its prime function is internal - to define the key measure or measures of the organization's success" BEST describes Vision Statement.


True/False: Groups are committed to their members' personal growth.


True/False: Groups are described as a collection of people assembled and organized to work together.


Facial expressions

Fear, surprise, joy, sadness, anger, disgust, etc., are conveyed through brow, eye, and mouth configurations.

Feedback vs counseling

Feedback - Telling a subordinate how they are doing. Evaluating or judging there performance and responding to reinforce or change their behavior Counseling - Provides guidance and recommendations. Helping a subordinate through a tough personal time or setting goals and future plans; mentoring.


Feedback, assistance, inclusion, respect


First, you should select words (replacing as necessary) that are shortest, clearest, yet most descriptive to the readers. That means that long, confusing words or phrases get swapped out with shorter, clearer, more common terms. Second, you need to reduce the number of unnecessary words

Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA)

Fiscal law authority that allows the government to continue operations at a minimum level for a specific amount of time, usually a few days to a few weeks

Continuing Resolution Authority

Fiscal law authority that allows the government to continue operations at a minimum level for a specific amount of time, usually a few days to a few weeks. This is important for NCOs to know because it usually delays the initial distribution of funds. During CRA, units typically receive funding authority for approximately 80% of the previous year's budget amount. A CRA is needed to prevent agencies from shutting down because without it, agencies have no authority to incur fiscal obligations

Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA)

Fiscal law authority that allows the government to continue operations at a minimum level for a specific amount of time, usually a few days to a few weeks. This is important for NCOs to know because it usually delays the initial distribution of funds. During CRA, units typically receive funding authority for approximately 80% of the previous year's budget amount. A CRA is needed to prevent agencies from shutting down because without it, agencies have no authority to incur fiscal obligations.


Fixed or distorted generalization about all members of a particular group that share a perticular diversity characteristic

Lateral communication

Flow across organizational channels. (Communication between units. Ex age - flight line)

Upward communication

Flow of communication through the chain of command from the lowest organizational position to the highest.

Lateral communication

Flows across organizational channels

Folk Literature

Folklore, myths, legends and traditions,

How might you gather information for a job description?

Gather information for a job description from: • Your knowledge of the job • Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) • Specialty Training Standard (STS) • Job Qualification Standard (JQS) found in most OJT records • Knowledge from people currently performing the job

Cost center

Gathers and distributes cost data

_________ actions need to focus on finding out if your subordinate is progressing towards resolving his/her problem, and whether or not the problem has resurfaced later on down the road



For anything to be "accurate" it must be "correct."


Forced to confront external change

Financial Execution Plan

Formally called Financial Plan or Fin Plan, the basic purpose of the FEP submission is to ensure an equitable distribution of the President's Budget (PB) for the next fiscal year (budget year) consistent with accomplishing Air Force program objectives. The FEP is the main vehicle for distributing anticipated funding (direct & reimbursable) in an equitable manner. All organizational levels contribute their corporate knowledge and expertise

Financial Execution Plan (FEP)

Formally called Financial Plan or Fin Plan, the basic purpose of the FEP submission is to ensure an equitable distribution of the President's Budget (PB) for the next fiscal year (budget year) consistent with accomplishing Air Force program objectives. The FEP is the main vehicle for distributing anticipated funding (direct & reimbursable) in an equitable manner. All organizational levels contribute their corporate knowledge and expertise

Stages of team development

Forming: being a group/becoming acquainted Storming: Figuring out what they are doing and how and their place/minimal camaraderie - need to focus on objective for success Norming: high productivity; working together/compromising; accept the team, team ground rules, roles and other members. Preforming: getting it done; high sense of moral and loyalty Adjourning: done with the group; moves onto other things once objective is met Transforming: moving from one objective to the next as a team, focusing on next mission


Foundation for expectations. Morals, ethics or habits established by an authority, custom or an individual as acceptable behavior

Position Power

From your position within the organization and is given or delegated to you by your superiors


Fulfill our obligation to provide truthful, timely, and accurate information about military activities and personnel, consistent with security guidelines, which enhances public trust and support for our AF.

Organization Structure

Functionality of organizations, specifically activation, inactivation, redesignation and reorginization

Funded Requirement

Funded manpower positions are allocated by category

What is the difference between a funded and unfunded position?

Funded requirements are authorized and funded positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload. Unfunded requirements are authorized but unfunded positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload


Funding for training, R&D, weapon system procurement, cilitary construction projects, and overseas contingency expences. Day to day

Leading through Feedback, Assistance, Inclusion, and Respect (the FAIR Way)

Giving Feedback- giving and receiving information about expectations. Offering Assistance - making sure workers have what they need to work to their fullest potential Assuring Inclusion - everyone has the opportunity to fully participate in the workplace. Giving Respect - recognizing each person's unique value, contributions, and potential to the organization.


Greet the subordinate properly as he/she enters the room


Group organized to work together

Late majority

Hampered by feelings of insecurity and skepticism, looking for guarantees before getting involved

Excess Inventory

Having more files than can be processed during a specified period of time

Interaction of individuals

Heart of the process

Interview Techniques

Hooking, Bridging, Flagging, Personal Credibility

Cooperative Negotiation Strategy

High interests in both people and task orientations. Mutually satisfying outcome

Information power

His/her perceived access to important data and useful information, like reenlistment information or promotion statistics

Information power (from matching knowledge check)

His/her perceived access to important data and useful information, like reenlistment information or promotion statistics.

Expert power

His/her special knowledge or skills related to the job

Expert power (from matching knowledge check)

His/her special knowledge or skills related to the job.

List the three variations of the accomplishment-impact bullet statement.

In most performance related documents (i.e., performance reports, award submissions, etc.), the Action Verb and Modified Verb variations are predominantly used, whereas the Specific Achievement variation is used sparingly.


In negotiations, a position is what you want, not necessarily what you need. It is your vision of your best possible outcome. A negotiating position is not based on haphazard thought. It should be based on carefully developed interests and desired outcomes


In negotiations, a position is what you want, not necessarily what you need. It is your vision of your best possible outcome. A negotiating position is not based on haphazard thought. It should be based on carefully developed interests and desired outcomes.

Action Verb

In the action verb variation of the accomplishment-impact bullet, the accomplishment element begins with a strong action verb and ends with an expressly stated impact element

Modified Verb

In the modified verb variation of the accomplishment-impact bullet, the accomplishment element begins with a modifier, such as an adverb, in front of the action verb and ends with an expressly stated impact element.

Specific Achievement

In the specific achievement variation of the accomplishment-impact bullet, the accomplishment element may begin with a noun, verb, or modifier. Specific achievement bullets may not contain a separate impact statement; the impact is not explicitly stated but implied.

Six Sigma

Increases effiency by statistical process control. 3.4 defects per million opportunities. 5 step problem solving method

SSgt Tolley is writing a performance report on SrA Folk, one of his customer service representatives. Tolley received information from Folk's shift leader, reviewed Folk's training records, and even spoke to some of his customers. Finally, he looked at Folk's quality assurance inspection results. Using all this information, he proceeded to compose the performance report. SSgt Tolley's actions BEST illustrate ________ and their impact on NCO effectiveness. a. Direct and Indirect Observation b. Direct Observation and Checking Completed Products c. Indirect Observation and Checking Completed Products

Indirect Observation and Checking Completed Products


Influence based on position comes from the leader's title, rank, or assignment in an organization; it is called legitimate power

Legitimate power

Influence based on position; it comes from the leader's title, rank, or assignment in an organization

Legitimate power (from matching knowledge check)

Influence based on position; it comes from the leader's title, rank, or assignment in an organization.


Influence no one, less educated and uninformed closed minded and afraid of change

Environmental Noise

Originates from many things and the flood of constant sounds can render communication ineffective.

Initial, Mid-Term, and Follow-up Feedback

Initial: 60 days Mid-term: Half way between begin and closeout Follow-up: must be accomplished within 30 days of the EPR close out date

Change Sponsors

Initiate change because they have the power and authority to determine why, when, and how changes will occur

Reactions to Change

Innovators are a small percentage of the population—those who immediately embrace new ideas Early adopters are usually social and opinion leaders who are often popular, educated, and able to see a competitive advantage in adopting new ideas early Early majority makes up one of the largest groups of people, providing an important link in the change process because they tend to represent mainstream thinking; deliberate before adopting new ideas Late majority is the other large group in the middle of the curve; insecurity and skepticism, which prevent them from taking risks Laggards are the last people to embrace new ideas, and they influence no one! They are usually less educated and uninformed, which tends to make them close-minded and afraid of change.

Written projects

Integration and citation

Spoken Projects

Integration and qualification


Other countries and different cultures occasionally use different terms to describe the same thing

Act Proactively

Intergrate diversity into everyday thinking and action

What makes up the introduction?

Introduction: Consists of an attention step (introducing yourself), purpose step (address your purpose for communication), and a motivation/hook (Why the audience needs to listen, how they can use info. Make the audience want to listen). Overview: Clues the audience in on the structure of the communication. What point you start with and what point you end with. Transitions: Smooth connection between major points.


Introductory Statement, Purpose Statement, Motivation (Hook), Overview, Transitions

Accomplishment-impact bullets

Is a concise written statement of a person's single accomplishment and it impact on the unit's mission, organization, etc..

Folk Literature

Is popularly known and cannot be traced to a particular writer.

Directive Change Cycle

It begins with change imposed upon the group or organization. As the group is forced to comply, individual behavior is affected through compliance within the group.

Six "S"

It focuses on achieving visual order, organization, cleanliness, and standardization


It gives clues to the structure of the communication (main points), tells the audience where you will begin (main point 1) and end (main point X), and tells how you're going to accomplish your purpose.

Just Do It

It is an improvement that, when implemented, yields immediate results

Purpose Statement

It must be well focused because it provides the underlying theme for the rest of your communication and addresses your reason for communicating. Does three things, narrows, assertion, and inform.


It not only completes the communication process, but also perpetuates a further exchange or dialogue.

2nd Quarter of Budget Cycle

January - Resource advisors submits 1st BER; Cost Centers submit inpurt for next FY's Financial Execution Plan (FEP) March/April - 50% budget obligated and/or spent

Common pitfalls

Judgment- Subjective vs objective Subjective- Personal bias Objective- Facts based Ratability Relevancy Variability

4th Quarter of Budget Cycle

July/August - End of FY; Close out begins and runs until midnight 30 Sept Sept 15th - Congress approves next FY budget

What are the three levels of AFSO21 priorities?

Just Do It, Rapid Improvement Event, High Value Initiative

Testimony Rules

Keep testimony as brief as possible. Use testimony in context. Integrate testimony fully. Give credit where credit is due even if you paraphrase or summarize.

Message Development

Key bits of information you want your audience to know, in a form the media can use.

List four ways you can play a role in Strategic Communication.

Know the Air Force Message, Tell the Air Force Story, Tell what I do and how it supports my wing's mission and policy, Stay in my lane


Subordinate-centered. Two way communication. Subordinate has determined a problem and developed potential solutions. Supervisors role is effective questioning

Levels of Change

Knowledge- reading a book, article; learning something new and changing their mind (easiest form of change) Attitude- difficult to change as they are emotionally charged ( - or +) Individual behavior - significantly more difficult/time consuming; putting knowledge and attitude into action as a behavior; habits can be deeply rooted; hard to change Group behavior - changing people with the idea of "we've always done it this way" is deeply ingrained; hardest one to change

One way Communication/ discipline

LOA (admonishment, more severe than LOC), LOR (reprimand, more severe than LOA, used for clear and serious infractions)

Two way communication/ discipline

LOC (letter of counseling)

Early majority

Largest groups of people, represent mainstream thinking. Deliberate for some time. Not opinion leaders. Get involved after something has become big or successful

Rapid Improvement Events

Last a week or more. Strong leadership, knowledgeable participants, focused scope, implementation plan

Diagnosing the situation

Leader must understand what is going on in their work center now and what the expectation is for the future


Leaders ability to enforce dicipline-the perception followers have of your ability to take action by counseling, giving administrative paperwork or recommending punishment


Leaders ensure mission accomplishment by effectively leading people; this is a task that leaders at all levels are accountable for

AFSO21 problem solving

Lean: A systematic approach to identify waste, focus activities on eliminating it, and maximize (or make available) resources to satisfy other requirements Six Sigma: relies on a repeatable 5-step problem solving method to project management and problem solving Theory of Constraints: philosophy and methodology for addressing logical thinking, scheduling and controlling resources and measuring performance Business Process Reengineering: Major and sometimes radical changes are sometimes associated with business process reengineering

Equal Opportunity

Legal and regulatory madates prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disablility, and reprisal


Legal binding agreement between the government and another party

Admonishments and Reprimands

Letter of Admonishment (LOA) is more severe than a LOC. It's used to document clear violations of standard. A Letter of Reprimand (LOR) is more severe than a LOA. It's also used to document clear violations of standard and is used for more serious offenses.

Disciplinary Writing

Letters of Counseling, Admonishment and Reprimand

Disciplinary Writing

Letters of Counseling, Admonishment and Reprimand - used to correct or reinforce a particular behavior tells a story about subordinates performance and behavior


Sum of traits


Summary, Restatement of Purpose/Re-motivation, Closure


Listening, explaining instructions, justifying recommendations and decisions, selling ideas, and providing feedback are just a few of the skills leaders need to be effective


Listening, explaining instructions, justifying recommendations and decisions, selling ideas, and providing feedback are just a few of the skills leaders need to be effective.

Control Roster

Listing maintained by MPF special actions of military members who on or off-duty conduct requires special attention or observation


Little or no conflict, Minimum shared feelings and feedback, Minimum shared feelings and feedback

Theory of constraints

Logical thinking scheduling and controlling resources and measuring performance

Espirit de corps

Loyalty to, pride in, and enthusiam for a unit shown by it's members

ways to document counseling sessions

MFR, Counseling, admonishment, reprimands, LOC, LOA, LOR, AF FORM 174 counseling form

Restatement of Purpose/Re-motivation

Make a recommendation—tell the audience what you want them to do with the information. Restate your position and make a final appeal to the audience.


Make judgments about the work


Making sure workers have what they need to work to their fullest potential

Team Leader Role

Manage team, calling and facilitating meetings, assigning admin details, and organizing all team activities

List at least three reasons for taking time to become acquainted with subordinates?

Match personal interests with job, predict employee responses to planned change, increase flow of employees' suggestions, basis for influencing group members, and basis for personal counseling

3rd Quarter of Budget Cycle

May - Cost Centers updated/revised BER second BER occurs June/July - 75% of budget obligated and/or spent

Specific Achievement

May not contain a separate impact statement; the impact is not explicitly stated but implied. These types of bullets are primarily used to describe professional development or personal attainment.

Enlisted Evaluation System

Meaningful feedback to subordinates on what's expected, long-term performance, best qualified enlisted personnel

Norming Stage

Members reconcile competing loyalties and responsibilities; there is an attitude change. High Productivity


Mentally view or see a situation or the world around us from a particular angle

Body language

Messages sent through body posture (slouching, sitting erectly, lounging, crossed arms, etc.), and behaviors (stomping a foot, pointing a finger, shaking the head, clicking or tapping a pen, etc.).

AF FM 931

Midterm Feedback

Mid term feedback

Midway through reporting period, typically 6 month. Inform them how well they have been meeting standards established during initial feedback

Quickly developed procedures to resolve staffing issues resulting in completion of the project on schedule This is an example of which variation of the accomplishment-impact bullet statement.

Modified Verb

BLANK performance on a regular basis makes it easy to provide feedback to subordinates in a timely manner, prevents many problems, and catches others before they get out of hand.



Morals ethics or habits established by an authority, custom or individual as acceptable behavior.

Lack of Common Core of Experience

Most common of all language barriers between the sender and receiver


Most difficult stage, Disputes and arguments occur, Members acknowledge the purpose and goal of the team, Stress and anxiety increase

Interpersonal communication

Most effective method for developing personal awareness of diversity dynamics that exist within our organizations

Late Majority

Most people in this category are hampered by feelings of insecurity and skepticism


Most valuable resource


Moving product(s) between processes is a cost that adds no value to the product


Proximity or distance between sender and receiver (which may vary as the conversation progresses), and the arrangement of their respective positions (standing, sitting, facing head-on, side-by-side, etc.

How does the inappropriate use of the PDP impact NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness?

NCOs who use the PDP inappropriately demonstrate inconsistent and unfair leadership, which de-motivates subordinates and tears down morale. - Unit: whenever standards are not clear or enforced equally, discipline and morale decrease, which decreases team work and in turn hinder unit effectiveness. - Mission: If airmen are not held to standards/the PDP is not used, those who carry all the weight while "slackers" get away with goofing off start to lose motivation, so nobody is getting the job done. - Mission: If the PDP is used too lightly (i.e.; repeated LOCs for identical violations) it loses effectiveness, proving airmen can continue not meeting standards, which hinders the mission - Mission: If the PDP is used with too heavy of a hand, Airmen are afraid to make mistakes/do not communicate with their leadership and either make more mistakes by not asking questions or they lose motivation to perform for fear or making mistakes and being overly disciplined/punished

______ ________focuses on telling a story. This may mean telling a fictional story — one that is made up — or it may mean telling a real-life story. Narrative writing can also take the form of an essay, in which the author will use a personal story to prove a point or state an argument. Also, it helps the author connect with an audience to prove a point, state an argument, or address an important issue.

Narrative writing

Follow-up actions

Need to focus on finding out if your subordinate is progressing towards resolving his/her problem, and whether or not the problem has resurfaced later on down the road.


Negotiation is a communication process involving two or more people/groups where: the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs.


Negotiation is a communication process involving two or more people/groups where: 1. the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs. 2. the parties strive to reach agreement on issues or course of action.

Continuous Improvement

Never-ending incremental refinement of the way we perform our duties and responsibilities

Regression of team development

New member New goal Team schedule Unresolved conflict

The Nature of Interpersonal Communication

Nonverbal Communication, Perceptions, Interpersonal Communication Patterns


Not recognizing skill sets people bring to the job. Any failure to fully utilize the time and talents of people

What is the purpose of OPSEC?

OPSEC Purpose: To reduce the vulnerability of Air Force Missions by preventing adversaries from obtaining and exploiting critical information. Critical Information: Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities. Threats: Adversary with capability and intent to undertake actions detrimental to AF operations. Vulnerabilities: Friendly actions provide indicators or tips that may benefit adversaries. Risk: Degree to which information is subject to loss through adversary exploitation.


OPSEC's desired affect is to influence the adversary's behavior and actions by protecting friendly operations and activities.

Direct Observation

Observing your subordinates performance with your eyes

The Receiver

Obtain messages through reading, listening, observing and even touching. is the target for the sender's message.

All good conclusions include what three elements?

Summary, restatement of purpose and/or re-motivation, and closure.

First Quarter of Budget Cycle

October- Funds allocated downward - actual funds or continuing resolution authority (CRA) - Create FY Spend Plan November - Cost Centers begin working 1st Budget Execution review (aka unfunded requests) December - 25% budget obligated and/or spent

Department of Defense (DoD)

Offers advice and input regarding the objective, the DOS makes the final determination of what the objective (and message) will entail, the audience to communicate to, and the communication medium (teleconference, newspaper, press release, etc.) to use.

Non-Standard Over Processing

Often termed as "using a bazooka to swat flies," many organizations use expensive high precision equipment where simpler tools would be sufficient

Non-standard Over Processing

Often termed as "using a bazooka to swat flies," many organizations use expensive high precision equipment where simpler tools would be sufficient


Omit essential elements of the job from consideration, undue weight to an insolated incident, include factors that don't contribute to performance

What are the three types of interviews?

On the Record: Assume everything you say is on the record. Background: Allow you to provide context to stories, express emphasis on key aspects, and report the story accurately Off the Record: Clearly state what information is off the record so there is no chance of confusion.

Types of Interviews

On-the-Record, Background, Off-the-Record


One of the greatest qualities of America and our Air Force is the diversity of the people who make them up.

Social Biases

One unfairly favors or prefers one person, culture, group, or race to another

Team dynamics

Ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to achieve the desired objective

Conducting the Session

Opening, Attending, Responding, Resolving, Closing

Conducting the session

Opening: Greet them and state the purpose of the session. Attending: Be an active participant and focus all your attention on the subordinate. Responding: refer to what you say, how you say it, and how you behave. Try to avoid impulsive responses. Provide thoughtful and considerate responses. Or just tell them to **** off or drop dead. Questioning: Open ended questions the encourage you subordinate to disclose, clarify, and examine the problem. Reflecting: Paraphrasing the subordinates content and stating it back to them. Summarizing: Combining several of the subordinates thoughts into broader comments. Silence: Gives the subordinate time to think about an answer. Try not to break wind and/or shit yourself during this process as it may distract the subordinate. Resolving: Supervisor prompts subordinate to generate solutions to their problems and reach their goals. This shows they are taking ownership and are willing to fix the problem. Closing: Last opportunity to make sure the session is successful. Summarize the highlights of the session and reinforce the solutions agreed upon.


Opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action or conduct

Helping Relationship

Optimal supervisor-subordinate relationship where both parties trust each other and subordinate knows the supervisor is there to assist

Article 92

Orders given must be followed. orders must be legal

What are the four Air Force manpower competencies?

Organization structure, Program Allocation and Control, Requirements Determination, and Performance Management


Paraphrasing the subordinates specific content and feelings, and then restating it back to them

Team Member Role

Participant, one who actively participates

Which change cycle relies on personal power?



Parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs


Passive broadcast medium in the form of blogging.

Evade strategy

Passive, unassertive strategy where you do not have any motivation to work your expectations or meet their expectations


People cooperate with others, knowingly or unknowingly, to reinforce the behaviors that prevent others from fully entering into the workplace culture

AF Form 931, section 3 and section 4 options

Performance feedback worksheet, 3. job duties in bullet form 4. select Does not meet, meets, above average, clearly exceeds for duties, fitness, standards etc

When telling a story, what are the two narratives?

Personal Narrative: Story about your experiences in the Air Force. Air Force Narrative: Deliberately developed story about the Air Force.

two types of feedback

Personal Situation, Professional Growth

Two categories of counseling

Personal Situation- event oriented; occurs after a situation arises. ie) Financial or marital problems. Professional Growth- Planning for professional short and long term goals.


Personal bias or opinion


Personal charisma, enhanced by the relationships you have with your subordinates

Psychological Barriers

Personality, Values, Language

psychological barriers to communication?

Personality, values, and language. Examples include: morals, religious beliefs, personal biases, group identification, self-image, gender, age, race, etc.


Physical goods that are required by our personnel to complete their assigned duties


Pitfalls in this area occur when an evaluator attempts to evaluate factors that are essentially unratable, like interest in the job, loyalty, and attitude

Social Networking

Place to share information and interact with the public and with Airmen from all over the world.

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle (aka Deming cycle)

Plan - Recognize an opportunity and plan a change Do - Test the change by carrying out a small-scale study Check - Review the test, analyze the results and identify what you've learned Act - Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a different plan. If you were successful, incorporate what you learned from the test into wider changes.


Plan, Do, Check, Act

Cost Center Manager

Regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things. Also, continually monitors the relationship between resources used and products produced to allow for informed resource realignments

Professional Growth

Planning for individual and professional short-and long-term goals. Proactive

What are the two types of power?

Position and personal


Power source falls under the who you know and can quickly erode and lead to unethical situation if leaders use it as a primary source

three components of interpersonal communication skills

Pre-session, Session, Post-Session

Bullet statements

Present a clear picture of an idea or accomplishment and its impact. Allow the writer to concisely deal with specific points. Take less time to read and allow the writer to communicate more information within a smaller space

Cost Center Manager (CCM)

Regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things. Also, continually monitors the relationship between resources used and products produced to allow for informed resource realignments

Anti-Deficiency Act

Prevents over obligating or overspending

Characteristics that we usually cannot voluntarily change are


High Value Initiative

Produce significant returs against key AF challenges, involves cross functional team. Requires six to eight months


Producing an item before it is actually required

List the purposes of the EES?

Productivity, Promotions, and Force Management

What manpower competency covers the Unit Manpower Document?

Program Allocation and Control

Performance Management

Programs that increase workforce efficiency and organization cost effectiveness

Anti-Deficiency Act

Prohibits from involving the government in a contract or obligation for the payment of money before an appropriation is made unless authorized by law. Prohibits against over obligating or overspending an appropriation

Anti-Deficiency Act

Prohibits from involving the government in a contract or obligation for the payment of money before an appropriation is made unless authorized by law. Prohibits against over obligating or overspending an appropriation.


Proof of a particular point or assertion. They're also used to clarify, to show relationships, and to summarize large collections of data.

Program Objective Memorandum

Proposes total program requirements for the next 6 years


Provide a smooth connection between major thoughts (main points) and link minor points and ideas together.


Provides commanders with an offical repository of substantiated derogatory data concerning an AF member's personal conduct and duty performance


Put different elements together to form a new whole; to draw conclusions about the relationships and implication.

Checking Completed Products or Services

Quality Check


Questioning, Reflecting, Summarizing, Silence

Just do it

Quick fix to a process. Does not involve formal process reviews, teams or an improvement events. Yields immediate results

Directive Change Cycle

Quite simply, this is change imposed by some external force, such as a commander, superintendent, or supervisor. It begins with change imposed upon the group or organization.




RA finalized the units BER


Rate unratable things, interest in job, loyalty


Ratio examples


Real life support materials.


Receives funding authorizations

Accurate reporting of performance is critical to ensuring that outstanding performers receive appropriate _________


Diversity Awareness

Recognize and respond to needs of various groups within an organization to improve working relationships


Recognize the need for change, create a felt need for change. Deal with resistance


Recognizes the idea that you lack agreement. Might be your subordinate, supervisor/chain of command

Letter of Counseling

Recording of an infraction. Its a formal way of describing an acceptable behavior so the receiver cannot fail to understand. Goal is to help individual


Reduce the vulnerability of Air Force missions from successful adversary collection and exploitation of critical information.


Refers to the way we say things, and is just as important as the actual words we speak.

Cost center manager

Regulates daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment and services in producing or doing things


Should have either spent or obligated 75% of budget

Cost Center Manager (CCM)

Regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things; monitors the relationship between resources used and products produced to allow for informed resource realignments

Indirect Observation

Relying on someone else to provide you with informaiton

What is a conclusion and its contents?

Reminds the audience of points discussed, how they can benefit, and that the communication is over. Provides a sense of finality. Summary: Brief review of main points and supporting ideas. Never contain new information Restatement of Purpose/Re-motivation- ties back to the motivation used in the introduction Closure- signals the paper is over "brings it full circle"

Concrete words

Represent actual things/objects


Required in order to procure the material, info and technology


Requires supervisor and subordinate to be on same page, work together and have two way communication

Change Agents

Responsible for determining the best way to implement a change and implementing it

The Sender

Responsible for selecting and arranging (encoding) symbols, words, sounds, or gestures in such a way to create an accurate message in the receiver's mind and/or meet the audience's needs. the originator of the communication process


Results of the accomplishment and it may be either expressly stated or implied (for specific achievement bullets only!).


Review cycle conducted twice during the fiscal year to indentify, validate, prioritize and request additional resources for unfunded requirements. allow commanders reprogram funds

NCO Authority

Right to act and command and is complimented by 3 legal sources


Should have spent or obligated 50% of their budget


Should have spent or obligated all but 25% of their budget

ABS (also known as "the critical attributes of bullet statements")

Should help you make some "sweeping" changes to all the bullet statements you write.

Characteristics that can be changed are known as



Security - Opsec, Accuracy- Telling the story correctly, Propriety-politeness, respect, decency, Policy - laws, DOS


Security, Accuracy, Propriety, Policy (Integrity First Core value)


Seek resolution to a situation but see little chance for you to really get it your way. Opens not with a demand, but soft offer. Get something but not what you really need. Quick negotiation but rarely a optimal outcome

Individual Behavior

Seem to be significantly more difficult and time consuming than other levels

Milestones Associated with Budgeting Process

Significant events in the budgeting process. (CRA, BER, End-of-Quarter, Close-out, etc.)

What are the five leadership traits?

Selflessness, loyalty, integrity, commitment, and decisiveness

Leadership Traits

Selflessness- sacrificing personal wans and needs to greater cause Loyalty- faithfulness to superiors, subordinates and peers; maintaining allegiance, showing strong sense of duty Integrity- total commitment to the highest personal and professional standards with honesty, sincerity, ethics and fairness Commitment- complete devotion to duty, total dedication to US, USAF, unit and comrades Energy- enthusiasm, motivation to take the initiative Decisiveness- willingness to make decisions, act on them and accept responsibility for those decisions


Senders should continually seek input that verifies the receiver's grasp or understanding of message communicated. two forms - verbal and nonverbal. Verbal feedback is the receiver expressing feedback to a certain message with words. Nonverbal feedback is the receiver expressing feedback to a certain message with body language or facial expressions Feedback is a reaction to the received message

External transitions

Sentences or statements used to provide a link between main points within your communication.


Separate the reading into parts or elements.

Takt time

Sets pace of production to match the rate of customer demand and becomes the heartbeat of the system

Mission Statement

Short sentence or paragraph that describes the organizations essential task(s), purpose, and action containing the elements of the 5 W's

Personal Narrative

Short story about your experiences in the Air Force

Improvement plans

Shortfalls may not always be the subordinates fault consider three avenues when trying to improve subordinates performance: improving the subordinate, improving the job and improving the situation


Should have either spent or obligated 25% of their budget

When diagnosing, what areas does a leader look at?

Situation, people, and environment


Small percentage, immediately embrace new ideas. Venturesome, educated, and more willing to take risks. Big picture

Why is it important to monitor the plan?

So you can adjust the plan as necessary

SSgt Burnham tells his coworker, "I wish I was still deployed. At least the leadership of that joint unit understood the differences in personalities and the strengths and weaknesses of members from our sister services. No matter how difficult the mission, they were aware of our emotions and feelings and despite the cultural differences, they always found a way to respect individual characteristics and to tap into what each person brought to the mission. Their approach not only ensured mission success, it improved our appreciation for one another and enhanced my understanding of others' values and beliefs." SSgt Burnham's joint unit BEST illustrates ___________ impact on mission effectiveness. a. all four elements of the FAIR Way and their b. Social Sensitivity and its c. Socio-Behavioral Tendencies and their

Social Sensitivity and its

Early adopters

Social and opinion leaders. Often popular, educated and effective in spreading acceptance of new ideas

Timelines Associated with Budgeting Process

Submission deadlines associated with quarterly and annual budget requirements


Wing is attempting to use all unspent or unobligated funds


Something leaders should strive to gain from their subordinates

Common Sense Observation

Something people must know

Critical Information

Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities vitally needed by adversaries for them to plan and act effectively, so as to guarantee failure or unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment.

Common Knowledge

Standard information, folk literature and commonsense observations knowledge.

Vision Statement

Statement of what an organization, workcenter, or team would like to achieve an/or look in the future. Inspiration and framework

Change Management

Structured approach to change in individuals, teams, organizations, and societies that enables the transition from a current state to a desired futre state

Adjouring/Transforming Stage

Team begins to break up and individual members move on to other activites

Performing Stage

Team has settled it's individual relationships and expections, creativity is high. Productivity remains high. If a new person joins team, the team will go back to the forming stage

Team member roles and responsibilities

Team leader- Manage the team, calling and facilitate meetings, assign admin details, organize team activities Team member- share knowledge, participate, carry out assignments, support team efforts, seek challenges Responsibilities- communication, human relations, participation

Storming Stage

Team member want to know the goals and objectives. Usually where tensions build


Technique used to move from the reporter's agenda to your message

Narrative writing

Telling a story. Author connect with an audience to prove a point, state an argument, or address an important issue

Motivation (Hook)

Tells WHY the audience needs to listen, HOW they can use the information, and makes the audience WANT to listen.

Team Leader

There is one individual that is responsible for projecting and articulating the vision, mission, expectations, and guidelines. That is the person who "has to see the future, chart the course, lay the plans, architect the team and spawn creativity."

Eight-Step Problem Solving

The Air Force has adopted a standard Eight-Step Problem Solving model to progress from assessment of current operations to measuring results after improvements are made. It is used in everything from rapid improvement events to larger reengineering efforts or complex problems

are the ones that accomplish the mission. Without Airmen there is no mission.

The Airmen

AFH 33-337

The Tongue and Quill


The ability of a supervisor to prompt their subordinate to generate solutions to their problems and reach goals

Zone of Possible Agreement

The area between each party's aspiration point and reservation point. It is also called the 'bargaining range.'

Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)

The area between each party's aspiration point and reservation point. It is also called the 'bargaining range.'


The area between each partys aspiration point and reservation point, called bargaining range

Aspiration point

The best each party hopes to get out of a negotiated agreement

Aspiration Point

The best each party hopes to get out of a negotiated agreement.

Personal Leadership Development Plan

The final PLDP consists of four parts: -- Part I: Personal Values -- Part II: Leadership Vision Statement- visualizing self as leader -- Part III: Strengths and Improvement Areas - areas you excel and areas of weakness -- Part IV: Development Action Plan - Specifics (what, when, why and how) Measurable - how are you going to know if you met goal? Acceptable - can you do it? Realistic - will plan work? Timeframe - how long is it going to take you?

The Enlisted Evaluation System has three purposes:

The first is establish performance standards and expectations for rates, provide feedback on how well the rate is meeting those expectations, and to provide direction on how to better meet those established standards and expectations. The second purpose is to provide a reliable, long-term, cumulative record of performance and promotion potential based on that performance. The third purpose is to provide senior NCO evaluation boards, the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS), and other personnel managers with sound information to assist in identifying the best-qualified enlisted personnel for promotion, as well as other personnel management decisions.8 The fourth purpose is to document in the permanent record any substantiated allegation of a sex-related offense against an Airman, regardless of grade, that results in conviction by courts-martial, non-judicial punishment, or other punitive administrative action. See UCMJ Articles 120, and 120c for specific information.

Rapid Improvement Event

These events usually last a week or more and apply a series of problem solving steps to determine root causes of problems and to eliminate waste, set improvement targets and establish clear performance measures to reach desired effects

High Value Initiative

These initiatives produce significant returns against key Air Force challenges. These processes are more complex and involve a cross functional team to ensure that identified improvements are incorporated into the day-to-day operations of an organization


The idea is to entice the interviewer into your agenda


The impact element describes the results of the accomplishment and it may be either expressly stated or implied (for specific achievement bullets only!). The impact element is vital to describing the relative importance of the action.


The last element of good communication

Coercive power

The leader's ability to enforce discipline—the perception followers have of your ability to take action by counseling, giving administrative paperwork (LOC, LOR, etc.), recommending punishment, etc.

Coercive power (from matching knowledge check)

The leader's ability to enforce discipline—the perception followers have of your ability to take action by counseling, giving administrative paperwork (LOC, LOR, etc.), recommending punishment, etc.

Introductory Statement

The most effective way to begin any briefing is by letting your audiences know who you are.

Cost Center

The organization that gathers and distributes cost data

Cost Center (CC)

The organization that gathers and distributes cost data


The person or group with whom you are engaged in negotiations. Sometimes called the negotiation partner, the opposite recognizes the idea that you lack agreement and must negotiate to solve a problem or reach an agreement. As an NCO, your 'opposite' might be your subordinate, supervisor/chain of command, peer, etc


The person or group with whom you are engaged in negotiations. Sometimes called the negotiation partner, the opposite recognizes the idea that you lack agreement and must negotiate to solve a problem or reach an agreement. As an NCO, your 'opposite' might be your subordinate, supervisor/chain of command, peer, etc.

Referent power

The personal charisma or likeability characteristics (trust, confidence, etc.) that a person has

Referent power (from matching knowledge check)

The personal charisma or likeability characteristics (trust, confidence, etc.) that a person has.

Interpersonal Communication skills process consists of

The pre-session, session, and post-session, and the steps/skills that make up those elements.


The purpose of discipline is to develop people who are able to control themselves and do what is right all the time, every time.


The task together with the purpose that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore

location, space, and time

The three most critical factors to consider in selecting and preparing the setting

Ambiguous Terms

These words and/or phrases have different meanings to different people.


They are usually less educated and uninformed

Early Adopters

They are very effective in spreading acceptance of new ideas because they garner the respect of their peers who look to them for guidance

Early Majority

They tend to represent mainstream thinking

Program Allocation and Control

This competency centers on the Unit Manpower Document (UMD), funded and unfunded position requirements - Any change to the UMD requires a formal Authorization Change Request (ACR - commonly used to request increases, decreases, or realignments of manpower requirements and/or to change attributes on the UMD), signed by the appropriate commander

Operations and Maintenance

This includes funding for mobilization, recruiting, training, administration, and service-wide activities, civilian salaries, operating and maintaining an installation, environmental restoration, and a myriad of other costs associated with day-to-day Air Force operations

AFI 36-2803

This instruction implements the requirements of Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction (DoDI) 1348.33, Military Awards Program, and Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-28, Awards and Decorations Program.

AFI 36-2406

This instruction provides procedures for implementing Air Force (AF) Evaluation Systems policy for the Officer Evaluation System (OES) and Enlisted Evaluation System (EES). It describes how to prepare, submit, and manage forms required by this Air Force Instruction (AFI).


This is a reference to a book, article, webpage, or other published item with sufficient detail to identify the item uniquely.


This is discovering/determining the general purpose for the communication


This is discovering/determining the general purpose for the communication. It involves selecting and/or narrowing down the topic, or specific objective, by analyzing the audience, and defining the parameters.


This is the inclusion of the source directly into the text.


This is the resource that is required in order to procure the material, information and technology, and warfare resources we need to accomplish our missions


This is where we accept the change and begin to grapple for ways to proceed from the known to the unknown. When you enter the confusion stage, anxiety builds and we store this energy while we are deciding whether to invest in the change


This lets the listening audience know where you obtained your information.

AFMAN 33-326

This manual implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 33-3, Information Management, and states the procedures for preparing communications in both manual and automated environments. This publication applies to individuals at all levels who prepare official Air Force (AF) communications, including Air National Guard (ANG) units and Air Force Reserve Command.


This pitfall creeps into evaluations when you omit essential elements of the job from consideration, when you give undue weight to an isolated incident, or when you include factors that don't contribute to performance. Relevancy errors can be categorized as deficiency, distortion, or contamination.


This power source falls under the "who you know" category and can quickly erode and lead to unethical situations if leaders use it as a primary source of influence

Connection power

This power source falls under the "who you know" category and can quickly erode and lead to unethical situations if leaders use it as a primary source of influence

Connection power (from matching knowledge check)

This power source falls under the "who you know" category and can quickly erode and lead to unethical situations if leaders use it as a primary source of influence


Those who immediately embrace new ideas


Thought processes we employ to help us make sense of the world we live in, define who we are, how we act respond to situations and treat others


Time, Space, and Location


Training, correction, or following established standards

Good introductions include and Attention Step, Purpose Statement, Motivation/Hook and Overview. (True or False)


Task Orientation

a negative task orientation means that you do not wish to resolve the situation at this time or not at all. positive task orientation means that you are very motivated to resolve a problem or respond to a critical situation

Teams out perform groups because of the synergistic effect



a person of any rank that directs the activities of an individual or team and is usually responsible for the productivity of that team.

True or False: Mission Statements and Vision Statements perform two distinctly different jobs.


True/False: Collective efforts toward a shared goal help distinguish teams from groups.


True/False: Teams outperform groups because of the synergistic effect.


Article 7 of the UCMJ

UCMJ authorizes you to apprehend individuals in certain situations. If you truly believe a crime is about to happen, (drinking and driving, fighting, sexual assault, etc.) try and stop it from happening without placing yourself into jeopardy.

Strategic communication

Understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of United States Government interests, policies, and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power.


Understanding how you tend to assign meaning to words or react to certain issues or situations gives you an advantage.


Understanding the subordinates and work centers Diagnosing Situations- leader must understand what is going on in their work center now and what the expectation is for the future. Diagnosing People- to get the whole picture, look at morale, esprit de corps ( loyalty to, pride in and enthusiasm shown by members to unit), discipline and proficiency Diagnosing Environment- These conditions tend to either aid or hinder people's efforts to accomplish their jobs; are all resources available to accomplish mission? are leaders establishing directions, priorities and policies?

The Phases of Change

Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing

The phases of change

Unfreezing: Recognize the need for change; know how you're going to make the change; sell the importance of the change and its effects; understand and deal with the resistance to change; use open and honest communication; effort to help those that are resistant <- people will directly effect this outcome Change: involves actually modifying technology, tasks, structure, or people; monitor changes and adjustments; support those struggling with change Refreezing: new procedures must become permanent part of daily operations; did you obtain desired results

Program allocation and Control

Unit manpower document, funded and unfunded position requirements


Unnecessary movement of data, files, tools, or equipment. Excessive motion to get the job done i.e. (bending, walking, lifting, reaching, etc.)

Downward communication

Upper level of management and filters down through the chain of command.

Downward communication

Upper level of management and filters down through the chain of command. (communication can vary- letters, e-mails, meetings, etc.)

The three channels of communication

Upward, Downward, and Lateral.

Six "S"

Use in immediate work center, focuses on achieving visual order, organization, cleanliness, and standardization. Outcomes:DIscipline, less waste, self maintaining workplace


Use of hands to show emphasis, transition, enumeration, etc. Sometimes accompanied by tonal inflections, pauses, or other nonverbal behaviors.

Sentence Structure

Use proper English grammar to correctly arrange and express your thoughts in the form of sentences

Progressive Discipline Process (PDP)

Use the least force necessary to modify a behavior; deciding level of discipline

Personal Credibility

Use your personal authority, experience and establish your professional credentials.

What are Bullet Statements and the two types of statements

Used in performance reports and award nominations. Clear and to the point. Single Idea Bullet: A concise written statement of a single idea or concept. Accomplishment-Impact Bullets: A concise written statement of a persons single accomplishment and its impact on the units mission, organization, etc. Used in EPR reports.

Letter of Admonishment

Used to document clear violations of standard


Used to explain or clarify


Using someone else's writing as if it were your own.


Using someone else's writing as if it were your own. This serious offense can lead to severe professional and legal consequences.

Direct Quote

Using words exactly as they appear or were said.


Using your own words to restate what the author said.


Visible act, or consideration to act in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group

The Message

Vocabulary, Language, Paralanguage, Phrases, Sentence Structure, Sentence Clarity, and Nonverbal Cues

Communication skills to consider when sending a message

Vocabulary- speak with common and concrete words Language- Follow standard conventions, don't swear or make unprofessional/inappropriate remarks Paralanguage- how you say things... tone, rate, quality, diction (pronunciation, articulation), rhythm, volume and fluency Phrases- use phrases your receiver understands Sentence Structure- use proper grammar, full sentences Sentence Clarity- ^ same idea as above, speak in the proper person, singular vs plural, past, present and future tenses Nonverbal cues- gestures (hands, paralanguages, facial expressions, eye contact, body language (show good posture, don't cross your arms, don't guard glove), behaviors (don't stomp your foot, click your pen) positioning yourself at a good angle/range of receiver Understanding the receivers you communicate with is another critical element of effective interpersonal communication.

Affirmative Action

Voluntary or mandated programs developed for the purpose of overcoming imbalances in the workforce that affect designated groups, such as members of minority groups, women, veterans, and people with diabilites

Psychological Barriers

Way people think, reason, or feel.

Process Trust

We trust that these processes promote outcomes that are justified (fair and impartial), legal, and ethically moral for both parties

Four basic patterns of thinking - Questions to ask yourself

What is going on? clarification Why did this happen? cause and effect Which course of action should we take? choices to make What lies ahead? what might happen in an hour, day or month based on this decision


What is perceived to exist


What you need. Underlying reason behind your position


What you want, based on carefully developed interests and desired outcomes


When an individual responds positively or negatively to a person

Nonverbal Cues

When paralanguage and words sharply contradict one another


Whenever goods are not moving or being processed, the waste of waiting occurs


Where you deliver your message and achieve your objective (inform, motivate, persuade, etc.).

Disciplinary Writing

Where you have to "tell the story" of your subordinate's performance.

Trusting relationship

Willing to consider the opposites needs and desires during negotiations as well as sharing information with the expectation of receiving these actions of trust in return

Secondary Dimensions

Work Ethic-Personality, Income-Educational Background, Marital Status-Language abilities, Experience-Strengths, Religious and Philosophical Beliefs-Temperaments

Organizational barriers

Work situations or to the working environment. Examples: duty schedules, floor layouts, jet engine noise.

The Enlisted Evaluation System (EES) Training Guide

Writing effective EPRs comes down to one thing: Using hard-hitting, fact-filled words with impact that paint an accurate picture of the ratee in the mind of the reader.


Written or spoken statements that endorsement or censure a person, place or things.

two examples telling why it is important to tell the Air Force story

You have a responsibility to be an ambassador for the Air Force, to give the American public accurate and relevant information.

TSgt Rivera, the NCOIC of Air Freight Management asks SSgt Graves, "Do you know why it takes so long to get our expedited cargo inspected?" SSgt Graves replies, "Apparently, the inspection team doesn't like their new government vehicle and would rather walk to each aircraft on the flightline." Frustrated Rivera says, "That's ridiculous! So instead of recognizing the need for a vehicle, they would rather walk around the flightline, causing our freight and aircraft to wait." TSgt Rivera immediately contacts the inspection team and instructs them to use their assigned vehicle. The inspection team's actions BEST illustrate _______ impact on mission effectiveness. a. a category of waste and its b. the phases of change management and their c. the PDCA Cycle for problem solving and its

a category of waste and its

Interpersonal Communication

a face to face, one way, or multi-directional exchange of verbal messages and nonverbal signals between two or more people for the purpose of gaining a shared meaning.


a legal binding agreement

Reservation point

Your 'bottom line' in negotiation. It is the point you will absolutely not got over...your limit

Reservation Point

Your 'bottom line' in negotiation. It is the point you will absolutely not got over...your limit.

Reward power

Your ability to provide rewards—the perception the followers have of your ability to reward their actions by giving or recommending letters of appreciation, 3-day passes, medals, etc.

Reward power (from matching knowledge check)

Your ability to provide rewards—the perception the followers have of your ability to reward their actions by giving or recommending letters of appreciation, 3-day passes, medals, etc.


Your audience will not have the benefit of a citation page so qualification is the only way to indicate the validity of your material.

Reservation Point

Your bottom line in negotiation


a method of achieving an end; a detailed program

phases of effective communication

diagnose (determine audience and what and how you should communicate), prepare (introduction, body, conclusion), deliver

3. SSgt Maramba decided to reward one of his subordinates so he requested a Décor 6. He reviewed past performance reports for information to complete the decoration citation. Once the Décor 6 and the citation were completed, he forwarded them to CSS for review. After making several corrections to the document, the CSS forwarded it to the commander who promptly approved the decoration. SSgt Maramba's _____________ will MOST likely ______________ his subordinate's effectiveness. a. effective use of types of narrative writing; enhance b. ineffective use of types of narrative writing; hinder c. effective use of bullet statements; enhance d. ineffective use of bullet statements; hinder


Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

alternative to negotiation that you can execute independent of your 'opposite'; solution you are prepared to execute even if you don't get what you want in the negotiation; formulate a practical BATNA, you must have both the capability (resources) and the will to execute this alternative on your own without any assistance

bullet statement

an accurate, brief, and specific bottom line of an idea or of a single accomplishment with its associated impact

team dynamics

an ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to achieve the desired objective

1. TSgt Rivera, the NCOIC of Air Freight Management asks SSgt Graves, "Do you know why it takes so long to get our expedited cargo inspected?" SSgt Graves replies, "Apparently, the inspection team doesn't like their new government vehicle and would rather walk to each aircraft on the flightline." Frustrated Rivera says, "That's ridiculous! So instead of recognizing the need for a vehicle, they would rather walk around the flightline, causing our freight and aircraft to wait." TSgt Rivera immediately contacts the inspection team and instructs them to use their assigned vehicle. The inspection team's actions BEST illustrate _______ impact on mission effectiveness. a. a category of waste and its b. the phases of change management and their c. the PDCA Cycle for problem solving and its

a. CORRECT: According to the Continuous Improvement chapter, there are eight types of waste. Waiting is one type of waste, which is whenever goods are not moving, or being processed. The inspection team's actions best illustrate this concept as evidenced by the expedited cargo waiting for inspection and inspectors are waiting on a vehicle to conduct their inspection.

1. After noticing an unusual change in SrA Dent's behavior, SSgt Wilson decides to meet with him to discuss his observations. Hoping to keep the session centered on Dent and to eliminate distractions, he reserves a small conference room for two hours with permission to use it longer if needed. He then jots down a few questions to help him open the session and establish rapport with Dent. The scenario BEST illustrates an NCO accomplishing ________________. a. pre-session activities only b. pre-session and session activities c. pre-session, session, and post-session activities

a. CORRECT: According to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, pre-session activities include Diagnose (know why you are conducting this session) and Prepare (determine approach and prepare the environment). SSgt Wilson diagnosed as evidenced by the statement, "noticing an unusual change in Dent's behavior." He determined his approach as evidenced by the statement, "hoping to keep the session centered on Dent" and he prepared the environment as evidenced by the statement, "eliminate distractions, he reserves a small conference room for two hours with permission to use it longer"

4. During a feedback session with SrA Wiley, MSgt Campbell says, "Your coworkers and I have fielded too many calls from your creditors complaining about missed payments. You and I discussed personal financial responsibility during your initial feedback. Your actions have impacted this work center; therefore, to prevent further disruption, I expect you to take care of this situation. Let's discuss your options." After working through an action plan together, Campbell tells Wiley, "I think you have the potential, but this matter needs to be handled." MSgt Campbell's _________ will MOST likely _________ SrA Wiley's effectiveness. a. appropriate use of rehabilitative feedback; enhance b. inappropriate use of rehabilitative feedback; hinder c. appropriate use of preventative feedback; enhance d. inappropriate use of preventative feedback; hinder

a. CORRECT: According to the Performance Evaluation chapter, it is appropriate to use rehabilitative feedback when subordinates violate a standard or fall below the line of acceptability. In this scenario, SrA Wiley is having financial problems (several vendors have called complaining about your missed payments) that are impacting his duty performance (productivity decreases and you are rude to your teammates). MSgt Campbell should use rehabilitative feedback to bring Wiley's behavior back within acceptable boundaries and enhance Wiley's effectiveness.

1. During A1C Hall's initial feedback, SSgt Irvin says, "When working the customer service desk, answer all phone calls before the third ring, politely identify yourself and this unit, and offer assistance to each caller. Furthermore, because our nation and other countries consider us professionals, we must strive for excellence in everything we do. Finally, if you fail to meet my expectations or to comply with all directives, you can expect a swift response from me." SSgt Irvin's actions BEST illustrate _____________. a. standards and discipline b. the Air Force Core Values c. use of earned authority

a. CORRECT: SSgt Cooper's actions best illustrate standards and discipline, which according to the Standards and Discipline chapter, includes preventive and corrective discipline. Preventive discipline stops a problem from happening before it starts. Examples of preventive discipline are initial feedbacks, safety briefings, etc. Standards form the foundation for expectations and discipline and they must be achievable/ attainable (answer phone calls), specific (before the third ring), observable (before third ring...), and measurable: quality (politely).

2. After failing their Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI), SSgt Shire must prepare her work center for the re-inspection. After taking into account the experience of the Airmen she has available to help, she calls a team meeting and opens it by saying, "We only have a few weeks left before the re-inspection and a passing score is absolutely necessary. Therefore, I have created a plan to review every item on the ORI checklist. To accomplish this, I have assigned you to teams to work specific sections of the checklist." Shire closed the meeting, answered a few questions, and reconciled a heated debate among the Airmen. Shortly after, she overhears a few Senior Airmen complaining about their assigned tasks. SSgt Shire's ____________, will MOST likely ___________ her effectiveness. a. consideration of the who, stakes, and situation; enhance b. disregard for the who, stakes, and situation; hinder c. use of all her personal and position powers; enhance d. misuse of all her personal and position powers; hinder

a. CORRECT: SSgt Shire's consideration of the Who, the Stakes, and the Situation will most likely enhance her effectiveness. According to the Introduction to Negotiating chapter, the 'Who' refers to people you are you dealing with. The 'Stakes' are what you stand to gain or lose...important/trivial. The 'Situation' refers to the criticality of the situation (time-sensitive, life threatening, etc.) SSgt Shire considered the 'Who' as indicated by the statement, "After taking into account the experience of the Airmen she has available to help..." She considered the 'Stakes' as indicated by the statement, "...a passing score is absolutely necessary." She considered the 'Situation' as indicated by the statement, "We only have a few weeks left before the re-inspection..."

SSgt Bolden plans to hold a meeting with his work section about the low morale that has been bringing down the mission lately. Up until last month, everyone enjoyed coming to work and doing his or her best on the job. Bolden thinks about it and realizes the change in everyone's demeanor must be from the new commander. Bolden realizes he must do something soon before the morale takes a deeper plummet, so he decides to hold the meeting to let his people know he is always concerned about them and their welfare. SSgt Bolden's _____________ will MOST likely ______________ his effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of resolving; decrease b. appropriate use of resolving; increase c. appropriate use of diagnosing; increase d. inappropriate use of diagnosing; decrease

appropriate use of diagnosing; increase

1. After another local village is mistakenly attacked, a reporter approaches SSgt Tubble with questions regarding the faulty targeting systems used on today's rocket systems. Tubble responds, "Although I may not work directly with munitions, I am confident in our weapons system technologies; further, I support all efforts that provide our enemies a miserable death." Within days the paper releases comments; Twitter, Facebook, and similar sites explode with hate mail toward the USAF and temporarily interrupt the mission. SSgt Tubble's comments BEST illustrate ineffective ______ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. media engagement b. use of social media guidelines c. strategic communication

a. CORRECT: This is ineffective media engagement because, according to the Culture of Engagement portion of the Supervisory Communication lesson, SSgt Tubble's statement violates two of the "do's" which include discussing only matters of which you have direct knowledge of and avoid repeating or using "color words" that may have a negative connotation such as "massacre", "scandal", "deaths", "corruption", etc. These induce overly strong, emotional reactions and may be counterproductive to your objectives

1. A1C Ivey asks SSgt Johnson, "What is the best way to write a talking paper. SSgt Johnson replies "Make sure you use bullet statements that are concise with one concept that serves a purpose. This will help keep you on track while you're writing." SSgt Johnson's comments BEST explain the ____________. a. single idea bullet statement b. specific achievement bullet statement c. accomplishment impact bullet statement

a. CORRECT: This scenario best illustrates the single idea bullet. According to the Supervisory Writing chapter, the single idea bullet is a concise written statement of a single idea or concept that is typically used for Talking Papers, Point Papers, and Bullet Background Papers

2. During a mid-term performance feedback session, TSgt Finn reminds SSgt Rafferty, "As I've said in the past, faithfulness to peers, subordinates, and to me is important. So is your enthusiasm and motivation for taking the initiative. I appreciate your willingness to make decisions, act on them, and accept responsibility for your decisions. Your actions seem to prompt your subordinates to always support the unit's mission with passion." This scenario BEST illustrates _____________ and their impact on unit effectiveness. a. leadership traits b. followership traits c. leadership powers

a. CORRECT: This scenario is about leadership traits, which according to the Leader Influence chapter, include among others: loyalty (faithfulness to peers, subordinates, and to me), energy (enthusiasm and motivation for taking the initiative), and decisiveness (willingness to make decisions, etc.)

List four ways you can play a role in Strategic Communication:

a. Know the Air Force Message b. Tell the Air Force Story c. Tell what I do and how it supports my wing's mission and policy d. Stay in my lane


ability to adjust to changed, unexpected or ambiguous situations by actively seeking information and by demonstrating openness and support of different and innovative change ideas

Influence and two basic sources of a leader's influence

ability to affect/impact behaviors Position power Personal power


ability to affect/impact behaviors through personal and positional power

Diversity Awareness

ability to recognize and respond to the needs of various groups within an organization to improve working relationships, productivity, customer satisfaction, and unit and mission effectiveness. (diverse groups: contractors, ncos, sncos, airmen, officers, majcoms)

Language barriers

abstractions, ambiguous terms, and lack of common core experience.


accept roles and responsibilities, collaboration and camaraderie grow, productivity is high, members agree to disagree

epr bullets

accomplishment and impact with action verbs

attributes of effective bullet statement

accuracy, brevity, and specificity

Diversity Supportive

act proactively - orgs know value of diversity leadership driven- top down management endorses and active champions orgs diversity initiatives encourage ownership of initiatives- everyone in org values diversity think inclusively - everyone is considered valuable member of org mainstream diversity- make diversity part of every effort, process and procedure

characteristics of a cohesive group

act proactively, leadership driven, encourage ownership of initiatives, think inclusively, and mainstream diversity

accomplishment bullet statements

action verb, modified verb, specific achievment

job description

activities oriented not results oriented. tells what to do, not how, or how well. maybe result in only doing what is in description

Improving the job

address necessity and appropriateness of tasks and job design; are mission essential, eliminate unnecessary tasks job rotations- keeps them from being bored and giving opportunity for growth job enlargement- give wide range of tasks job enrichment- offer high level motivators more responsibility, freedom and autonomy

progressive discipline

administering discipline appropriate to the infraction


adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without [gathering] all the facts and is usually based on deeply held beliefs

Standard Work

agreed upon set of work procedures that: effectively combine people, materiel, and machines to maintain quality, efficiency, safety, and predictability


aka negotiation partner; person or group with whom you are engaged in negotiations; recognizes the idea that you lack agreement and must negotiate to solve a problem or reach an agreement


all sentences or points discussed support the topic and main point

Background Interview

allows you to provide context to stories, ensure the proper emphasis is placed on key aspects, and stories are accurately reported.

essential leader skills

diagnose, adapt, and communicate

methods of observation

direct, indirect, and checking completed products or services

MSgt Berry, evaluations section NCOIC, says to SSgt Renzi, "Fix our problems with the overdue EPRs ASAP!" Renzi tells her airman, SrA Embry, " We've been told to fix the EPR process, and here's how we're going to do together all the unit EPR monitors, solicit their ideas and opinions, cut the waste, and standardize the process. MSgt Berry's ___________ will MOST likely ___________ mission effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of directive change; hinder b. appropriate use of directive change; enhance c. inappropriate use of participative change; hinder d. appropriate use of participative change; enhance

appropriate use of directive change; enhance

TSgt Smith is writing performance reports on two Airmen. Although he cannot actually observe the Airmen working because they work on another shift, he reviews their completed work and occasionally asks their shift supervisor for feedback on their performance. In the final report, he leaves out factors that do not contribute to performance, ignores nonessential elements of the job, and is careful not to give undue weight to isolated incidents. TSgt Smith's __________ will MOST likely __________ his effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of evaluation principles; hinder b. appropriate use of evaluation principles; enhance c. inappropriate use of performance feedback; hinder d. appropriate use of performance feedback; enhance

appropriate use of evaluation principles; enhance

During a feedback session with SrA Wiley, MSgt Campbell says, "Your coworkers and I have fielded too many calls from your creditors complaining about missed payments. You and I discussed personal financial responsibility during your initial feedback. Your actions have impacted this work center; therefore, to prevent further disruption, I expect you to take care of this situation. Let's discuss your options." After working through an action plan together, Campbell tells Wiley, "I think you have the potential, but this matter needs to be handled." MSgt Campbell's _________ will MOST likely _________ SrA Wiley's effectiveness. a. appropriate use of rehabilitative feedback; enhance b. inappropriate use of rehabilitative feedback; hinder c. appropriate use of preventative feedback; enhance d. inappropriate use of preventative feedback; hinder

appropriate use of rehabilitative feedback; enhance


are a person of any rank that directs the activities of an individual or team and is usually responsible for the productivity of that team


are a small percentage of the population—those who immediately embrace new ideas. They are usually venturesome, educated, and more willing to take risks than the rest of the population. Innovators are "big picture" thinkers who see potential and imagine possibility in almost anything, and are able to put both into action

Job Descriptions

are activities-oriented rather than results-oriented. an excellent starting place in developing performance expectations

Performance Standard

are mandatory requirements the subordinate must meet that aren't clearly identified in the job description


are morals, ethics, or habits established by an authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable behavior


are primarily used to explain or clarify unfamiliar terms, jargon, processes, or to establish a common core of experience.

The two roles associated with teams

are team leader and team member


are the foundation for expectations. Standards are "morals, ethics, or habits established by an authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable behavior."


are the last people to embrace new ideas, and they influence no one! They are usually less educated and uninformed, which tends to make them close-minded and afraid of change. They rely mainly on neighbors and friends as their main sources of information, and have no desire for new ideas or personal success

Reporting official

are the official in your chain of command designated by management to provide performance feedback and initiate performance reports

Change targets

are the people affected by the change

Change agents

are the people responsible for implementing the change

Socio-behavioral Tendencies

are the thought processes we employ to help us make sense of the world we live in. Influenced by our beliefs and values, they define who we are, how we act, respond to situations, and treat others

Early Adopters

are usually social and opinion leaders who are often popular, educated, and able to see a competitive advantage in adopting new ideas early. They are very effective in spreading acceptance of new ideas because they garner the respect of their peers who look to them for guidance

Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)

area between each party's aspiration point and reservation point. It is also called the 'bargaining range.'

attributes of performance standards

asom, attainable, specific, observable, and measurable

factors to consider when diagnosing airmens needs

aspirations, personality, self-concept, attitudes and values

types of resources

assigned personnel, financial, material, warfare, information, and technology

good introductions include

attention step, purpose statement, motivation/hook, and overview

5. Which of the following is NOT a reason the Air Force uses the bullet statement style of writing? a. Bullet statements present a clear picture of an idea or accomplishment and its impact. b. Bullet statements allow the writer to concisely deal with specific points. c. Bullet statements take less time to read d. Bullet statements present all achievements in one sentence. e. Bullet statements allow the writer to communicate more information within a smaller space.


As a leader, understanding ______ will help to maximize individual/unit performance and allow your Airmen to reach their highest potential.


three most critical factors to consider in selecting and preparing the setting

location, space, and time

3. TSgt Smith is writing performance reports on two Airmen. Although he cannot actually observe the Airmen working because they work on another shift, he reviews their completed work and occasionally asks their shift supervisor for feedback on their performance. In the final report, he leaves out factors that do not contribute to performance, ignores nonessential elements of the job, and is careful not to give undue weight to isolated incidents. TSgt Smith's __________ will MOST likely __________ his effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of evaluation principles; hinder b. appropriate use of evaluation principles; enhance c. inappropriate use of performance feedback; hinder d. appropriate use of performance feedback; enhance

b. CORRECT: According to the Performance Evaluation chapter, Evaluation Principles include Methods of Monitoring (Direct, Indirect, Observing a Completed Product/Service) and Common Pitfalls (relevancy errors: factors that do not contribute to performance, nonessential elements of the job, and undue weight elements). TSgt Smith monitors his Airmen's performance as evidence by the statements " their completed work" and "discusses their performance with their shift supervisor." Smith also writes EPRs that do not include factors that do not contribute to performance and nonessential elements of the job nor give undue weight to isolated incidents. All of these actions are appropriate and will MOST likely enhance, not hinder Smith's effectiveness.

2. MSgt Berry, evaluations section NCOIC, says to SSgt Renzi, "Fix our problems with the overdue EPRs ASAP!" Renzi tells her airman, SrA Embry, " We've been told to fix the EPR process, and here's how we're going to do together all the unit EPR monitors, solicit their ideas and opinions, cut the waste, and standardize the process. MSgt Berry's ___________ will MOST likely ___________ mission effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of directive change; hinder b. appropriate use of directive change; enhance c. inappropriate use of participative change; hinder d. appropriate use of participative change; enhance

b. CORRECT: In this situation, MSgt Berry used directive change appropriately, because according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, this type should be used when, 1) change must be implemented quickly and 2) subordinate input is not required or sought. MSgt Berry's actions will most likely enhance the mission because the change is necessary to prevent mission failure.

2. While on her favorite blog site, SrA Allen, a former model, uploads a picture taken during a recent interview. In the photograph, she is wearing a tight "I Love NY" t-shirt with her ABU pants. Within days, she receives hundreds of positive responses to her post. SrA Allen' actions _____ and will MOST likely have a ________ impact on public perception. a. comply with social media guidelines; positive b. violate social media guidelines; negative c. comply with interview do's and don'ts; positive d. violate interview do's and don'ts; negative

b. CORRECT: SrA Allen violated social media guidelines, which according to the Culture of Engagement portion of the Supervisory Communication lesson, prohibit posting photos showing improper wear of the uniform. Because military members are on duty 24/7, 365 days a year, this violation of good order and discipline could negatively impact the public's perception of the military's professionalism.

1. Due to an upcoming mission change, the chief tells TSgt Abel to reclassify the skill level and security clearance of several positions. After a quick check with the manpower office, Abel submits the proper document to request the chief's changes. Several months later, new personnel with the right skills begin arriving just in time to help the squadron begin its new mission. TSgt Abel's submission BEST illustrate use of the __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Unit Personnel Management Roster b. Authorization Change Request c. Unit Manpower Document

b. CORRECT: TSgt Abel used the Authorization Change Request (ACR), which according to the Resource Stewardship lesson, "is a document used to change (reclassify) attributes of positions listed on the Unit Manpower Document when there is a change in mission."

1. SSgt Burnham tells his coworker, "I wish I was still deployed. At least the leadership of that joint unit understood the differences in personalities and the strengths and weaknesses of members from our sister services. No matter how difficult the mission, they were aware of our emotions and feelings and despite the cultural differences, they always found a way to respect individual characteristics and to tap into what each person brought to the mission. Their approach not only ensured mission success, it improved our appreciation for one another and enhanced my understanding of others' values and beliefs." SSgt Burnham's joint unit BEST illustrates ___________ impact on mission effectiveness. a. all four elements of the FAIR Way and their b. Social Sensitivity and its c. Socio-Behavioral Tendencies and their

b. CORRECT: The scenario best illustrates Social Sensitivity, which, according to the Diversity chapter, is genuinely internalizing the essence of diversity and seeking ways to incorporate diversity in behaviors, daily routines, and operations. It includes developing a keen awareness and understanding of others' emotions, feelings, personality, temperaments, strengths, cultural differences, values, and beliefs in order to better understand the individual characteristics of who we work with, what each person brings to the mission, and to improve our appreciation and respect for one another.

3. MSgt Ottmo noticed that some of his crew members were relying on their memorization of procedures instead of following technical orders. Despite engine runs and planes launching, he holds a meeting on the flight line to address the problem. After the meeting several people expressed frustration because they barely heard anything MSgt Ottmo said." MSgt Ottmo's ____________ will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. understanding of organizational barriers; enhance b. misunderstanding of organizational barriers; hinder c. understanding of psychological barriers; enhance d. misunderstanding of psychological barriers; hinder

b. CORRECT: This scenario best illustrate MSgt Ottmos's misunderstanding of organizational barriers. According to the communicator skills chapter organizational barriers are: duty schedules, floor layouts, jet engine noise (...Despite engine runs and planes launching, he holds a meeting on the flight line to address the problem..... several people expressed frustration because they barely heard), operations tempo, and improper management.

2. Before submitting an Enlisted Performance Report for review, MSgt Wilson makes sure the information he uses is correct and truthful. He is careful not to exaggerate the truth or embellish the facts because he believes that falsifying the truth hurts his subordinates, and damages his credibility as a supervisor. MSgt Wilson's actions BEST illustrate ______________ and its impact on his effectiveness. a. Brevity b. Accuracy c. Specificity

b. CORRECT: This scenario best illustrates accuracy. According to the Supervisory Writing chapter, "For anything to be "accurate" it must be "correct." People who have the most trouble with accuracy are those who try to stretch the truth. Mild exaggeration or embellishment of the facts is poison and is only a half-step away from outright lying and falsifying the facts."

2. SMSgt Lannen, squadron superintendent of civil engineering, forwarded the commander's Physical Training Policy Memorandum to all flight chiefs in the shop. In the email he stated, "Brief the new policy to your subordinates as soon as possible. In addition, make sure that the personnel on leave or TDY are briefed as soon as they return. SMSgt Lannen's action's BEST illustrate ___________. a. Upward Communication b. Downward Communication c. Lateral Communication

b. CORRECT: This scenario best illustrates downward communication which according to the Communication Skills Chapter normally begins with the organization's upper level of management and filters down through the chain of command (SMSgt Lannen, squadron superintendent of civil engineering, forwarded the commander's Physical Training Policy Memorandum to all flight chiefs in the shop).

1. SSgt Granger tells his students, "Whenever you deliver your message, you must ensure your communication is effective. You do this by determining the purpose of communication, preparing the communication, and lastly, deliver the message. SSgt Granger's comments BEST explain the _____________. a. communication process b. phases of effective communication c. barriers to communication

b. CORRECT: This scenario best illustrates the phases of effective communication, According to the Communication Skills chapter there are three broad phases which are diagnose the communication(determine the general purpose), prepare the communication, and lastly deliver the message..

- Quickly developed procedures to resolve staffing issues resulting in completion of the project on schedule. This is an example of which variation of the accomplishment-impact bullet statement. a. Action verb b. Modified verb c. Specific achievement.

b. modified verb


basis for any relationship; defined as your belief and/or evidence that the opposite's interactions with you are genuine, sincere, and honest


be an active participant and focus your full attention of the subordinate as he/she speaks

Action verb variation of accomplishment-impact bullet

begins with a strong action verb and ends with an expressly stated impact element.

Aspiration Point

best each party hopes to get out of a negotiated agreement

program objective memorandum

biennial memorandum submitted to the secretary of defense from each military department and defense agency

resource advisors

budget representative for an organization

followership traits

competence, integrity, loyalty, and initiative


composite of individual characteristics, experiences, and abilities consistent with the Air Force Core Values and the Air Force Mission

Abstract words

concepts not identified with specific objects and could have multiple meanings.

2. SSgt Bose, the new NCOIC of Pharmacy Services, grows tired of her Airmen complaining about their section's outdated equipment. Realizing she has several unknown, unfunded requirements, she submits a request for funds to the unit's resource advisor (RA) in October. Since Bose's request is so thorough, the RA makes one minor change, and then submits the request to the wing's Budget Execution Review committee in January. The resource advisor's ____________ will MOST likely ____________mission effectiveness. a. appropriate use of the financial execution plan; enhance b. inappropriate use of the financial execution plan; hinder c. understanding of the budget cycle; enhance d. misunderstanding of the budget cycle; hinder

c. CORRECT: According to the Resource Stewardship lesson, the first Budget Execution Review (BER) occurs during the 2nd Quarter (typically January) of the Budget Cycle. The resource advisor (RA) clearly understands the budget cycle as evidenced by her waiting until the 2nd Quarter of the Budget Cycle to submit SSgt Bose's request for funds. According to the Budget Cycle, Cost Centers begin working the 1st BER (aka unknown, unfunded requests) in October for submission by the RA in January. Therefore, the RA's actions will most likely result in the pharmacy receiving the funds necessary to purchase new equipment.

2. SSgt Vera is concerned about her subordinate, A1C Jackson. When he first arrived to the unit, he was an eager self-starter and had plenty of questions during his initial feedback to make sure he understood his supervisor's line of acceptability. However, last week Jackson failed to complete his assignments by the deadline, causing production to fall. Vera waits and hopes he will self-correct. Today, Jackson missed another important deadline. Fed up, Vera issues Jackson a letter of admonishment. SSgt Vera's _____________ will MOST likely ______________ her effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of punishment; decrease b. appropriate use of punishment; increase c. inappropriate use of PDP; decrease d. appropriate use of PDP; increase

c. CORRECT: According to the Standards and Discipline chapter, counseling is the first step of the PDP. SSgt McCarty should have started with either a verbal counseling or an LOC the first time Anderson failed to meet standards (failed to complete assignments). Although supervisors have flexibility for what level of PDP a supervisor can start with, counseling should still be the first step in situations that are not exceptionally severe. A1C Anderson will probably become distrusting of his supervisor and the mission will likely suffer due to the deteriorated relationship.

1. During an initial EPR feedback session, MSgt Aldo tells SSgt Alexander, "I expect you to know what your job is, how to do it, and to perform it to the best of your ability. Furthermore, I will accept nothing less than ethical behavior at all times and I expect NCOs to accept full responsibility for their actions. Finally, faithfulness, obedience, respectfulness, and initiative are important to me." MSgt Aldo's comments BEST explain _____________. a. powers b. leadership traits c. followership traits

c. CORRECT: MSgt Aldo's comments best explain followership traits which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, include competence (know what your job is, how to do it, and to perform it), integrity (ethical behavior...accept full responsibility for their actions), loyalty (faithfulness, obedience, and respectfulness), and initiative.

2. SSgt Bolden plans to hold a meeting with his work section about the low morale that has been bringing down the mission lately. Up until last month, everyone enjoyed coming to work and doing his or her best on the job. Bolden thinks about it and realizes the change in everyone's demeanor must be from the new commander. Bolden realizes he must do something soon before the morale takes a deeper plummet, so he decides to hold the meeting to let his people know he is always concerned about them and their welfare. SSgt Bolden's _____________ will MOST likely ______________ his effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of resolving; decrease b. appropriate use of resolving; increase c. appropriate use of diagnosing; increase d. inappropriate use of diagnosing; decrease

c. CORRECT: SSgt Bolden appropriately used diagnosing, as evidenced by "...thinks about it and realizes the change in everyone's demeanor." According to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, diagnosing is "knowing why you're conducting the session."

2. SSgt Tolley is writing a performance report on SrA Folk, one of his customer service representatives. Tolley received information from Folk's shift leader, reviewed Folk's training records, and even spoke to some of his customers. Finally, he looked at Folk's quality assurance inspection results. Using all this information, he proceeded to compose the performance report. SSgt Tolley's actions BEST illustrate ________ and their impact on NCO effectiveness. a. Direct and Indirect Observation b. Direct Observation and Checking Completed Products c. Indirect Observation and Checking Completed Products

c. CORRECT: SSgt Tolley uses both indirect observation and checking a completed product. According to the Performance Evaluation chapter, indirect observation involves relying on someone else to provide you with information about how your subordinate is performing (received information from Folk's shift leader). Checking a completed product involves reviewing products or services and talking to customers who received the product or service. It also includes staff assistance visits and assessments (QA inspection results).

1. During a training session, one of the Airmen asks, "Why do we need to know this?" SrA Amide says, "First, accurate record keeping provides a reliable, long-term, cumulative record of performance and potential based on that performance. Second, good record keeping also provides sound information to assist leadership in identifying the best-qualified enlisted personnel for various tasks and assignments. Finally, we can use the information to provide meaningful feedback to subordinates on what's expected of them and how to meet those expectations." SrA Amide's comments BEST explain ________________. a. steps for evaluating performance b. steps for developing improvement plans c. purposes of the enlisted evaluation system

c. CORRECT: SrA Amide's comments explain the three purposes of the Enlisted Evaluation System, which according to the Performance Evaluation chapter, include 1) provide meaningful feedback to subordinates on what's expected of them, advice on how well they're meeting those expectations, and on how to better meet those expectations; 2) provide a reliable, long-term, cumulative record of performance and potential based on that performance; and 3) provide sound information to assist in identifying the best-qualified enlisted personnel


describe the ways in which actions should (and should not) be accomplished


describe the ways in which actions should or should not be accomplished

Vision statement

describes what an organization, work center, or team would like to achieve and or look like in the future

2. As the new NCOIC, TSgt Milton reviews customer surveys and immediately calls a work center meeting. "This morning I will share my expectations for this team and discuss how we can assist one another," says Milton. "I also need to know what you need and expect from me that will help you accomplish your responsibilities more effectively. For example, do you need equipment, additional training, or help with a personal matter?" Cautiously SrA Brady asks, "I get the impression that you think our section is in need of drastic improvement. Is this true?" Milton replies, "Not exactly. I simply believe that there is a lot of untapped potential within this team." TSgt Milton's ________ will MOST likely ________ unit effectiveness. a. appropriate use of Socio-Behavioral Tendencies; enhance b. inappropriate use of Socio-Behavioral Tendencies; hinder c. effective use of the FAIR Way; enhance d. ineffective use of the FAIR Way; hinder

c. CORRECT: TSgt Milton's effective use of the FAIR Way will MOST likely enhance unit effectiveness. According to the Diversity chapter, the FAIR Way includes Feedback (giving/receiving) about expectations, how to meet them, and discovering what subordinates need (equipment/training/resources). Assistance is making sure workers have what they need and its encouraging workers to assist one another. Inclusion is making sure everyone has the opportunity to participate fully in the workplace. Respect is recognizing each person's unique value, contributions, and potential to the organization.

1. TSgt West contacts the Vehicle Distribution Flight and says, "I would like to request a large truck to haul away some old office equipment." The dispatcher on duty, SSgt Freeman replies, "I have one truck available, but you would need to return it by noon today so I can support another high-priority request." West says, "That won't work. I'll need it for at least two days." After some thought Freeman says, "Could you wait until tomorrow? That way I could use the vehicle to support this other requirement and you can use it for the rest of the week." West tells Freeman, "I understand the position you're in and will gladly stop by in the morning to sign out the truck." This scenario BEST illustrates the use of the _____________ strategy for negotiating and its impact of NCO effectiveness. a. settle b. comply c. cooperate

c. CORRECT: TSgt West and SSgt Freeman cooperate which, according to the Introduction to Negotiating chapter, is useful when a party desires to achieve a mutually satisfying outcome while simultaneously managing the relationship. SSgt Freeman attempts to achieve a mutually satisfying outcome as evidence by the statements, "Could you wait until tomorrow? That way I could use the vehicle to support this other requirement (Freeman's need) and allows you to use it for the rest of the week (West's need)." West, in-turn, acknowledges the challenge Freeman is facing (supporting West and a high-priority request) and agrees to his offer, which supports not only the tasks at hand but the relationship as well.

1. While reading his newcomer's orientation package, SSgt Rooney sees the statement, "In order to become the best public affairs office in the military, we need to advance public understanding of the military, share information with the public, and represent the interests of military journalists by instilling tradition, knowledge, and leadership in our journalists." This statement BEST illustrates a _____________. a. team mission statement and team roles and responsibilities b. team vision statement and team dynamics c. team mission and vision statement

c. CORRECT: The statement illustrates a team mission and vision statement. According to the Team Leader chapter, a mission statement defines the "where and what" work centers, units, wings, etc. accomplish on a daily basis. A vision statement considers what the organization wants to be (a preferred end state). It can provide the "how well" when it comes to accomplishing one's mission.

2. As his team considers potential solutions for solving a long-term problem SSgt Clive hears SrA Staple say to A1C Lew, "Initially, I acted like your scheduling idea was too simplistic, but the truth is I was jealous because I didn't think of it. It's actually a great idea and I think we should try it right away." Lew responds, "Thanks, I appreciate your honesty and I am glad we're able work out our differences." SSgt Clive chimes in with, "I think your cooperation will keep all of us from working 12-hour shifts and by continuing to develop your relationship, you are setting a good example for our new team members." If this team remains in the ____stage, then its productivity will MOST likely ________. a. storming; slowly increase b. storming; remain low c. norming; remain high d. norming; slowly decrease

c. CORRECT: The team is in the Norming Stage during which, according to the Team Leader chapter, is the stage when attitudes change (...idea was too simplistic...actually a great idea team) 'norms' are accepted, relationships become more cooperative (...your cooperation will keep all of us) and members reconcile disputes ( work out our differences). During this stage, productivity is high.


can be categorized as deficiency, distortion or contamination


capacity to follow a leader


comes from the term web log (also called Weblog). A diary on a web site: usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary intended for public viewing.

3 responsibilities of the team leader and a team member

communication skills, HR skills, and participation skills

After failing their Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI), SSgt Shire must prepare her work center for the re-inspection. After taking into account the experience of the Airmen she has available to help, she calls a team meeting and opens it by saying, "We only have a few weeks left before the re-inspection and a passing score is absolutely necessary. Therefore, I have created a plan to review every item on the ORI checklist. To accomplish this, I have assigned you to teams to work specific sections of the checklist." Shire closed the meeting, answered a few questions, and reconciled a heated debate among the Airmen. Shortly after, she overhears a few Senior Airmen complaining about their assigned tasks. SSgt Shire's ____________, will MOST likely ___________ her effectiveness. a. consideration of the who, stakes, and situation; enhance b. disregard for the who, stakes, and situation; hinder c. use of all her personal and position powers; enhance d. misuse of all her personal and position powers; hinder

consideration of the who, stakes, and situation; enhance

characteristics of effective feedback

consistent, objective, and sensitive

Combined Approach

consists of components of both the directive and nondirective approaches. It requires the supervisor and subordinate to be on the same page and work together to set goals or determine solutions, therefore two-way communication is needed/desired


contain detailed facts

in jansens model

content, denial, confusion, renewal. renewal is when people accept the change

TSgt West contacts the Vehicle Distribution Flight and says, "I would like to request a large truck to haul away some old office equipment." The dispatcher on duty, SSgt Freeman replies, "I have one truck available, but you would need to return it by noon today so I can support another high-priority request." West says, "That won't work. I'll need it for at least two days." After some thought Freeman says, "Could you wait until tomorrow? That way I could use the vehicle to support this other requirement and you can use it for the rest of the week." West tells Freeman, "I understand the position you're in and will gladly stop by in the morning to sign out the truck." This scenario BEST illustrates the use of the _____________ strategy for negotiating and its impact of NCO effectiveness. a. settle b. comply c. cooperate



creativity is high without fear of criticism, eventually the team reaches their goal, heightened morale and loyalty to the team and its success


creeps into evaluations when you omit essential elements of the job from consideration, when you give undue weight to an isolated incident, or when you include factors that don't contribute to performance

vision statement

describes what an organization, work center, or team would like to achieve and/or look like in the future

Social sensitivity

develop keen awareness and understanding of others' emotions, feelings, personality, temperaments, strengths, cultural differences, values, beliefs, etc.

Improving the Situation

devise improvement plan that will address organizational design, facility, resources to accomplish tasks, work schedules, personal supervisory methods

3. SSgt Cordell tells his team, "I know the task before you is going to take a lot of overtime. It will require personal sacrifice on your part; however, I believe you are up to the challenge so expect a one-day pass when it's all finished." SSgt Cordell's use of ______ power will MOST likely__________ unit effectiveness. a. personal; hinder b. personal; enhance c. position; hinder d. position; enhance

d. CORRECT: According to the Leader Influence chapter, position power includes legitimate, reward, coercive, and connection and is derived from the position within the organization. In this situation, SSgt Cordell uses his position as team leader to promise a reward (one-day pass). The promise of a reward (effective use of position power) will most likely increase subordinate commitment levels, which in turn will enhance unit effectiveness.

Insist ("Take it or Leave it")

declared with demand that leaves little room for movement/compromise; "winner takes all" T- no trust, not needed or valued; strategy is how much you win, not if you win I- don't need / trust their information; you have all info needed for decision P- requires overwhelming power; need sufficient power to execute agreement O- trust is low, power is high, no valuable info; negotiating with self for preferred solution to meet interests and ignore other party

order of building a bullet statement

define accomplishment and impact, check for accuracy, brevity, and specificity, then connect the accomplishment and impact elements together

What is NCO authority? Where does it come from?

defined as "the right to act and command," and comes from two legal sources: Article 91 of the UCMJ (Insubordinate conduct toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer), and Article 92 of the UCMJ (Failure to obey an order or regulation).

Personal Power

derived from the confidence and trust that other people, normally the followers, have in the leader consists of: referent- personal charisma or likeability characteristics (trust, confidence, etc.) that a person has expert- his/her special knowledge or skills related to the job (being the go-to guy) information power- power is his/her perceived access to important data and useful information, like reenlistment information or promotion statistics

Position power

derived from your position within the organization and is given or delegated to you by your superiors four powers that affect the amount of positional influence a leader has: legitimate- comes from the leader's title, rank, or assignment in an organization connection- falls under the "who you know" category and can quickly erode and lead to unethical situations if leaders use it as a primary source of coercive- leader's ability to enforce discipline (holding people accountable reward- perception the followers have of your ability to reward their actions

Mission statements

describe the organizations essential task(s), purpose, and action and contain the elements of who, what, when, where, and why.


describe the particular standards to which actions must be performed to accomplish the mission


describe the particular standards to which actions must be performed to accomplish the mission

Interviewing do's and don'ts

do's- short, simple and specific statements, respond and stop; discuss matters you have direct knowledge in; you don't have to tell everything you know; I don't know is ok; take a second to think; Don'ts: Don't mirror hostile interviewers, Don't answer with just yes or no, don't pretend to be perfect, don't use acronyms, don't lie or dodge questions.

interpersonal communication

face to face, one way, multi directional exchange of messages.

As the new NCOIC, TSgt Milton reviews customer surveys and immediately calls a work center meeting. "This morning I will share my expectations for this team and discuss how we can assist one another," says Milton. "I also need to know what you need and expect from me that will help you accomplish your responsibilities more effectively. For example, do you need equipment, additional training, or help with a personal matter?" Cautiously SrA Brady asks, "I get the impression that you think our section is in need of drastic improvement. Is this true?" Milton replies, "Not exactly. I simply believe that there is a lot of untapped potential within this team." TSgt Milton's ________ will MOST likely ________ unit effectiveness. a. appropriate use of Socio-Behavioral Tendencies; enhance b. inappropriate use of Socio-Behavioral Tendencies; hinder c. effective use of the FAIR Way; enhance d. ineffective use of the FAIR Way; hinder

effective use of the FAIR Way; enhance

SSgt Maramba decided to reward one of his subordinates so he requested a Décor 6. He reviewed past performance reports for information to complete the decoration citation. Once the Décor 6 and the citation were completed, he forwarded them to CSS for review. After making several corrections to the document, the CSS forwarded it to the commander who promptly approved the decoration. SSgt Maramba's _____________ will MOST likely ______________ his subordinate's effectiveness. a. effective use of types of narrative writing; enhance b. ineffective use of types of narrative writing; hinder c. effective use of bullet statements; enhance d. ineffective use of bullet statements; hinder

effective use of types of narrative writing; enhance


effectively summarize the highlights of the session, and restate/reinforce the solutions agreed to by both you and the subordinate

problem solving model

eight step problem solving process

Diversity-Supportive Organization

embraces all aspects of diversity and exhibits the following five characteristics: Act Proactively, Leadership Driven, Encourage Ownership of Initiatives, Think Inclusively, Mainstream Diversity


emphasize relational likeness, by making an argument that because objects (event, situations, people, and the like) are comparable in some way, similar actions/results should occur in both situations.


employs core military capabilities of psychological operations (PSYOP), OPSEC, military deception (MILDEC), counterintelligence (CI) operations, public affairs (PA) operations, and counterpropaganda operations to affect behaviors, protect operations, and communicate commander's intent and project accurate information to achieve desired effects across the battle space.

Social Sensitivity

enables the power and benefits of diversity to thrive

financial execution plan

ensure an equitable distribution of the presidents budget for the next fiscal year consistent with the AF program objectives. balances the available funding while delivering goods and services to customers within the operations and maintenanve appropriation

a leaders primary responsibility

ensuring organizational effectiveness and success

Personal Trust

established between two people who share the same interests


evaluates factors that are unratable

Anti deficiency act violations

exceeding limitations of funds authorized by congress in support of contract obligations. congress exercises its constitutional control over the public purse

Stages of Change (Janssen's Model of Change)

four stages of change: Comfort: where things are routine and we are comfortable, satisfied, and calm Denial: we are forced to confront external change; more we resist change or procrastinate, the more stress we inevitably experience Confusion: where we accept the change and begin to grapple for ways to proceed from the known to the unknown Renewal: where we accept the change; you don't have to like it but you can still accept it

funded -vs- unfunded position

funded - authorized and funded position needed to finish the workload. unfunded - authorized but unfunded

cost center

gathers and distributes cost data

non-verbal communication

gestures, facial expression, eye contact, body language

Enlisted Evaluation System - EES and its purpose

gives meaningful feedback, provide reliable long-term cumulative record of performance, provide senior NCO evaluation board WAPS information to assist in identifying the best-qualifying the best enlisted personnel and document in the permanent record any substantiated allegation of a sex-related offense against an Airman

continuing resolution act

government continues operations at a minimum level for a specific amount of time, until funding is figured out


greet the subordinate properly as he/she enters the room

late majority

hampered by feelings of insecurity and skepticism

Internal transitions

help ensure your communication is coherent by tying ideas and sentences together.

ABS Attributes

help you make some "sweeping" changes to all the bullet statements you write

The specific interpersonal skills you develop will help you maintain a ________ ________ in all of your supervisor-subordinate interactions

helping relationship


how we mentally view or "see" a situation or the world around us from a particular angle.


how you behave in response to the subordinate's verbal and nonverbal messages

budget execution review

id funding shortfalls for potential funding at installation level and then levels above the installation level


identifies how trust influences your use of information, power affects the way you develop, and how well you develop, options or solutions to solve or resolve a current problem, conflict, or situation


immediately embrace new ideas

improvement plans

improve the job, subordinate or situation

2. SSgt Vera is concerned about her subordinate, A1C Jackson. When he first arrived to the unit, he was an eager self-starter and had plenty of questions during his initial feedback to make sure he understood his supervisor's line of acceptability. However, last week Jackson failed to complete his assignments by the deadline, causing production to fall. Vera waits and hopes he will self-correct. Today, Jackson missed another important deadline. Fed up, Vera issues Jackson a letter of admonishment. SSgt Vera's _____________ will MOST likely ______________ her effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of punishment; decrease b. appropriate use of punishment; increase c. inappropriate use of PDP; decrease d. appropriate use of PDP; increase

inappropriate use of PDP; decrease

Communication Process

includes four elements: sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

Professional growth counseling

includes planning for individual and professional short- and long-term goals

legitimate power

influence based on position, title, rank, or assignment

preventive discipline

initial feedback, safety briefing, rewards

What are some examples of preventive discipline?

initial feedbacks, safety briefings, rewards, and training/education. Preventive measures are important because they emphasize communication of standards, two-way communication, and encouraging each person to do his/her best

Change Sponsors

initiate change because they have the power and authority to determine why, when, and how changes will occur

change sponsor

initiates change

The change sponsor

initiates the change

Organizational Change Request (OCR)

instrument used to activate, inactivate, redesignate, or reorganize organizations

Negotiation Preferences and Styles Chart (NPSC)

interest-based business model for negotiations and converted to a practical model for military negotiations and problem- solving; task and people oriented


involves adjusting your behaviors and other resources based on what you have diagnosed in a way that helps close the gap between the current situation and what you want to achieve

Direct Observation

involves observing your subordinate's performance with your own eyes

Indirect Observation

involves relying on someone else to provide you with information about how your subordinate is performing


is "[the creation] of an adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without [gathering] all the facts and is usually based on deeply held beliefs."


is "the art and science of motivating, influencing, and directing Airmen to understand and accomplish the mission."


is a "fixed or distorted generalization about ALL members of a particular group that share a particular diversity characteristic


is a composite of individual characteristics, experiences, and abilities consistent with the Air Force Core Values and the Air Force Mission

Accomplishment-Impact Bullet

is a concise written statement of a person's single accomplishment and it impact on the unit's mission, organization

Single Idea Bullet

is a concise written statement of a single idea or concept

OPSEC vulnerability

is a condition where friendly actions provide indicators that may be obtained and accurately evaluated by an adversary in time to provide a basis for effective adversary decision-making.

Air Force narrative

is a deliberately developed story about the Air Force


is a duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task

Interpersonal Communication

is a face to face, one way, or multi-directional exchange of verbal messages and nonverbal signals between two or more people for the purpose of gaining a shared meaning.

Strategic communication

is a focused United States Government effort to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of United States Government interests, policies, and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power.

Progressive Discipline Process

is a foundational tool to use with wisdom and discretion. When an airman's performance falls below the standard/line of acceptability (LOA) you must apply the PDP (see Figure 6) to ensure compliance and maintain discipline.


is a group organized to work together

Control Roster

is a listing, maintained by Military Personnel Flight Special Actions, of military members whose on or off-duty conduct requires special attention or observation

OPSEC risk

is a measure of the potential degree to which critical information and indicators are subject to loss through adversary exploitation.


is a military capability within Information Operations (IO).

What is the purpose of the progressive discipline process?

is a model for administering discipline appropriate to the infraction, and its purpose is to help supervisors enforce standards consistently and equally, as well as provide a method for achieving maximum results with minimum force necessary.


is a passive broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size.

Social networking

is a place to share information and interact with the public and with Airmen from all over the world.


is a reaction to the received message.

Budget Execution Review

is a review cycle conducted twice during the fiscal year to identify, validate, prioritize, and request additional resources for unfunded requirements. The BER is the annual two-part process where funding shortfalls are reviewed for potential funding at installation level and then levels above the installation level

Six Sigma

is a strategy that increases efficiency by statistical process control


is a systematic approach to identify waste, focus activities on eliminating it, and maximize (or make available) resources to satisfy other requirements


is a term that can be used interchangeably with the term reporting official

Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle

is also referred to as the Deming cycle. It is a four-step model for solving problems and carrying out change

bullet statement

is an accurate, brief, and specific "bottom line" of an idea or of a single accomplishment with its associated impact.


is an adversary with the capability and intent to undertake any actions detrimental to the success of program activities or operations. The primary sources to obtain threat information are your local intelligence and counterintelligence organizations.


is an assemblage of persons (or objects) located or gathered together

Performance Feedback

is an on-going communication process where you evaluate subordinate performance and respond in an effort to either promote a change in behavior, or to reinforce present performance

Team Dynamics

is an ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to achieve the desired objective

NCO Authority

is defined as "the right to act and command," and is complimented by three legal sources found within the UCMJ: Article 91, Article 92, and Article 7.


is defined as the task, together with the purpose

Trust as it pertains to TIPO

is defined as your belief and/or evidence that the opposite's interactions with you are genuine, sincere, and honest

Personal Power

is derived from confidence and trust others have in the leader and is earned

Personal Power

is derived from the confidence and trust that other people, normally the followers, have in the leader

Position Power

is derived from your position within the organization and is given or delegated to you by your superiors

Personal Situation

is event related counseling


is giving and receiving information about expectations. It also includes information on how to meet expectations


is his/her perceived access to important data and useful information, like reenlistment information or promotion statistics


is his/her special knowledge or skills related to the job

Participative Change Cycle

is implemented when new knowledge is made available to the individual or group

Participative Change Cycle

is implemented when new knowledge is made available to the individual or group.


is making sure everyone has the opportunity to fully participate in the workplace


is making sure workers have what they need to work to their fullest potential

Letter of Counseling

is merely the recording of an infraction. It's a formal way of describing an acceptable behavior so that the receiver cannot fail to understand it

Letter of Reprimand

is more severe than a LOA. It's also used to document clear violations of standard and is used for more serious offenses

Letter of Admonishment

is more severe than a LOC. It's used to document clear violations of standard

Helping Relationship

is one where both parties trust each other and the subordinate knows the supervisor is there to assist. It takes consistent commitment, honesty, and respect to build this type of trusting relationship


is recognizing each person's unique value, contributions, and potential to the organization

The sender

is responsible for selecting and arranging (encoding) symbols, words, sounds, or gestures in such a way to create an accurate message in the receiver's mind and/or meet the audience's needs.

Critical information

is specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities vitally needed by adversaries for them to plan and act effectively, so as to guarantee failure or unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment.

Non-Directive Approach

is subordinate-centered and uses two-way communication. In this approach, the subordinate has determined a problem exists and developed potential solutions

Strategic Communication

is successfully influencing a particular audience.

Directive Approach

is supervisor-centered. Typically, this approach uses one-way communication and the supervisor is responsible for determining the nature of the problem, the best solution, and how to implement the solution

Job Rotation

is systematically moving subordinates from one job to another within the entire range of possible tasks


is the "capacity to follow a leader."

Resource Stewardship

is the "careful and responsible management of resources under one's control."

Takt time

is the available production time divided by customer demand. Takt time precisely matches production with demand

Upward communication

is the flow of communication through the chain of command from the lowest organizational position to the highest.

The message

is the idea, feeling, or information that the sender transfers to his or her audience.


is the integrated employment of three operational elements: influence operations (IFO), electronic warfare operations, and network warfare operations. aims to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial human or automated decision-making while protecting our own.


is the leader's ability to enforce discipline—the perception followers have of your ability to take action by counseling, giving administrative paperwork

The sender

is the originator of the communication process.

Late Majority

is the other large group in the middle of the curve. Most people in this category are hampered by feelings of insecurity and skepticism, which prevent them from taking risks. As a result, members of the late majority usually wait too long to adopt change by looking for guarantees before getting involved


is the personal charisma or likeability characteristics (trust, confidence, etc.) that a person has

Continuous Improvement

is the strategic, never-ending, incremental refinement of the way we perform our duties and responsibilities

The receiver

is the target for the sender's message

Rehabilitative Feedback

is the type of feedback done after a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability

Rehabilitative feedback

is the type of feedback done after a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability.

Preventative Feedback

is the type of feedback done before a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability

Preventative feedback

is the type of feedback done before a subordinate violates a standard or falls below your supervisory line of acceptability.


is the visible act, or consideration to act, in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather than on individual merit or value

Legitimate Power

is typically associated with one's rank, position, or level of authority; legitimate power affords you the right to accomplish a task, issue an order, or insist an action based on your position or authority

personalized letters

is used to write to an individual on a private matter for praise, condolence, sponsorship, etc.

The Mission

is whatever the unit, or person is responsible to do; the task to get done


is when we take the liberty of declaring something about a situation, item, or someone else that is not supported by fact


is where team members want to know the goals and objectives. It is as if members jump in the water and, thinking they are about to drown, start to thrash about


is your ability to provide rewards—the perception the followers have of your ability to reward their actions by giving or recommending letters of appreciation, 3-day passes, medals, etc.

Mid-term Feedback

is your opportunity to evaluate your subordinate's performance midway through the evaluation period, and inform him/her of how well he/she has been meeting the standards established during the initial feedback

afso21 priorities

just do it, rapid improvement event, high value initiative

AFSO21 - Air Force Smart Ops for the 21st Century

key to success is a culture where all AF employees think about process improvements and feel empowered to communicate with their chain of command or change agent;

your role in strategic comm

know the AF message, tell the AF story, what I do and how it supports the wings mission and policy, stay in my lane

What is the supervisor's role in punishment?

know your Airman well enough to advise the commander on appropriate punishment based on past performance and future potential and current (and future) family and financial situations. Support the commander's decision, even if you do not agree with it. Also to monitor and support the airman as he or she goes through the punishment process.

supervisors role in punishment

know your airman both personally and professionally, support commanders decision, support your airman

Info for a job description

knowledge of the job, career field education and training plan, specialty training standard, job qualification stand found in most ojt records, knowledge from people currently performing the job

Initial Feedback

lays the foundation for supervisors to inform their subordinates about standards and expectations

Ensuring organizational effectiveness and success is a

leader's primary responsibility

During a mid-term performance feedback session, TSgt Finn reminds SSgt Rafferty, "As I've said in the past, faithfulness to peers, subordinates, and to me is important. So is your enthusiasm and motivation for taking the initiative. I appreciate your willingness to make decisions, act on them, and accept responsibility for your decisions. Your actions seem to prompt your subordinates to always support the unit's mission with passion." This scenario BEST illustrates _____________ and their impact on unit effectiveness. a. leadership traits b. followership traits c. leadership powers

leadership traits


less educated and uninformed


level of trust in the opposite and the information presented will influence the negotiating style you choose to use which will determine the amount of power you will need to select and the execution of your negotiating strategy

Control Roster

listing, maintained by Military Personnel Flight Special Actions, of military members whose on or off-duty conduct requires special attention or observation.


little or no conflict, minimum shared feelings and feedback, minimum shared feelings and feedback


made up of both verbal and nonverbal components. it has the greatest potential for misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and therefore can have a positive or negative impact on interpersonal communication.

Unity means all sentences or points discussed support the topic, which, in turn supports the ___________

main point

early majority

mainstream thinking

Team Member

make up the bulk of the team. They are usually functional experts in their respective areas and bring a wealth of ideas to the team. Their contributions to the success of the team's goals and objectives can never be underestimated

Early Majority

makes up one of the largest groups of people, providing an important link in the change process because they tend to represent mainstream thinking. They slowly follow with calculated willingness to adopt innovations, and they tend to deliberate for some time before completely adopting new ideas. Unlike the early adopters, the early majority are seldom looked to as opinion leaders because they tend to get involved only after something has become big or successful

reasons for becoming acquainted with subordinates

match personal interest with job, predict responses, influence

Specific Achievement variation of accomplishment impact bullet

may begin with a noun, verb, or modifier; may not contain a separate impact statement; the impact is not explicitly stated but implied; usually used for professional development/personal attainment

Attending Skills

means being an active participant and focusing your full attention of the subordinate as he/she speaks. It is a combination of watching for nonverbal cues and listening to words. You will need to make a conscious effort to maintain eye contact with the subordinate so you can observe his/her gestures, body posture, and other nonverbal cues. It's imperative that you show, through body posture, gestures, and verbal/nonverbal cues that you're receptive to what the subordinate is saying so that he/she will remain actively involved in the session.

Stay in your lane

means discussing only issues related to your AFSC or personal experiences.

Outside your Lane

means that it is outside of their responsibility. It's meant to tell others to mind your own business.

Outside of your lane

means that it is outside of your responsibility. If you engage the media outside your lane, then it could have a huge negative impact on your professional career, national security, the Air Force mission, and the public's perception of the Air Force and the military.

After another local village is mistakenly attacked, a reporter approaches SSgt Tubble with questions regarding the faulty targeting systems used on today's rocket systems. Tubble responds, "Although I may not work directly with munitions, I am confident in our weapons system technologies; further, I support all efforts that provide our enemies a miserable death." Within days the paper releases comments; Twitter, Facebook, and similar sites explode with hate mail toward the USAF and temporarily interrupt the mission. SSgt Tubble's comments BEST illustrate ineffective ______ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. media engagement b. use of social media guidelines c. strategic communication

media engagement


members reconcile competing loyalties and responsibilities; there is an attitude change. They accept the team, team ground rules (or "norms"), their roles on the team, and the individuality of fellow members


memo for record, used for verbal counseling,

MSgt Ottmo noticed that some of his crew members were relying on their memorization of procedures instead of following technical orders. Despite engine runs and planes launching, he holds a meeting on the flight line to address the problem. After the meeting several people expressed frustration because they barely heard anything MSgt Ottmo said." MSgt Ottmo's ____________ will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. understanding of organizational barriers; enhance b. misunderstanding of organizational barriers; hinder c. understanding of psychological barriers; enhance d. misunderstanding of psychological barriers; hinder

misunderstanding of organizational barriers; hinder


morals ethics, or habits established by an authority


most difficult stage, disputes and arguments occur, members acknowledge the purpose and goal of the team, stress and anxiety increase

social media guidlines

never divulge classified info, stay in your lane on your subject area, don't lie, give your opinion

organizational barriers to communication

noise, policies, management

Downward communication

normally begins with the organization's upper level of management and filters down through the chain of command via memos, letters, meetings, phone calls, etc

Affirmative Action

refers to voluntary or mandated programs developed for the purpose of overcoming imbalances in the workforce that affect designated groups, such as members of minority groups, women, veterans, and people with disabilities

Modified verb variation of accomplishment-impact bullet

the accomplishment element begins with a modifier, such as an adverb, in front of the action verb and ends with an expressly stated impact element (usually an -ly word)

As his team considers potential solutions for solving a long-term problem SSgt Clive hears SrA Staple say to A1C Lew, "Initially, I acted like your scheduling idea was too simplistic, but the truth is I was jealous because I didn't think of it. It's actually a great idea and I think we should try it right away." Lew responds, "Thanks, I appreciate your honesty and I am glad we're able work out our differences." SSgt Clive chimes in with, "I think your cooperation will keep all of us from working 12-hour shifts and by continuing to develop your relationship, you are setting a good example for our new team members." If this team remains in the ____stage, then its productivity will MOST likely ________. a. storming; slowly increase b. storming; remain low c. norming; remain high d. norming; slowly decrease

norming; remain high

Distorted evaluations

occur when they are unduly influenced by a single event


occurs when people cooperate with others, knowingly or unknowingly, to reinforce the behaviors that prevent others from fully entering into the workplace culture


occurs when people cooperate with others, knowingly or unknowingly, to reinforce the behaviors that prevent others from fully entering into the workplace culture. It can take the form of silence (neither supporting nor defending the right to inclusion of a certain person or group), denial (ignoring the existence of problems), or active participation (assisting others to reinforce exclusion)

Autocratic Management

occurs when supervisors and managers do not listen to, or have a receptive attitude towards their subordinates' input or suggestions. The supervisor implies both the suggestion, and the individual making it, are not valuable.

Job Enlargement

occurs when you give an individual a wider range of tasks

Job Enrichment

occurs when you offer someone more high-level motivators like more responsibility, freedom, or autonomy

Performance Feedback

on-going communication process where you evaluate subordinate performance and respond in an effort to either promote a change in behavior, or to reinforce present performance.

primary dimensions of diversity

one we are all most familiar with and includes characteristics that are relevant to who we are and that cannot be voluntarily altered (usually). ie) gender, age, race, sexual orientation, etc

AF manpower competencies

organization structure, program allocation and control, requirements determination, and performance management

The most common barriers to effective communication

organizational barriers and psychological barriers

mission statement

organizations essential tasks, purpose and action, and elements of who what where when and why

Deficient evaluations

overlook important elements of the job

what change cycle relies on personal power?


change agent

people responsible for the change

informational power

perceived access to important data and useful information

The two categories of trust

personal and process

referent power

personal charisma or likeability characteristics that a person has

support material can come from

personal knowledge, experiences, and common knowledge

psychological barriers to communication

personality, values, language

SSgt Granger tells his students, "Whenever you deliver your message, you must ensure your communication is effective. You do this by determining the purpose of communication, preparing the communication, and lastly, deliver the message. SSgt Granger's comments BEST explain the _____________. a. communication process b. phases of effective communication c. barriers to communication

phases of effective communication

examples of professional growth counseling

planning for upgrade training or continued education, discussing possibilities of applying for special duty assignments, or retraining

SSgt Cordell tells his team, "I know the task before you is going to take a lot of overtime. It will require personal sacrifice on your part; however, I believe you are up to the challenge so expect a one-day pass when it's all finished." SSgt Cordell's use of ______ power will MOST likely__________ unit effectiveness. a. personal; hinder b. personal; enhance c. position; hinder d. position; enhance

position; enhance

After noticing an unusual change in SrA Dent's behavior, SSgt Wilson decides to meet with him to discuss his observations. Hoping to keep the session centered on Dent and to eliminate distractions, he reserves a small conference room for two hours with permission to use it longer if needed. He then jots down a few questions to help him open the session and establish rapport with Dent. The scenario BEST illustrates an NCO accomplishing ________________. a. pre-session activities only b. pre-session and session activities c. pre-session, session, and post-session activities

pre-session activities only

Developing interpersonal communication skills

pre-session, session, and post-session, and the steps/skills that make up those elements.

components of interpersonal communication skills

pre-session, session, post-session

diversity awareness

the ability to respond or recognize the needs of various groups to improve the organization

Comply ("Yes, absolutely, let's do it your way!")

preferred when preserving the relationship between you and the other party; more assertive party gets what they want and you, as the compliant side, give up whatever is at stake or gives in to the opposite T- great if you desire to continue building trust I- opposite trusts info, you trust opposite info P- you have little power or power is perceived as legitimate by opposite = negotiating strategy is limited OR high trust, no power = poor outcome OR sufficient power but need to devote to more pressing tasks O-lop-sided in favor of the opposite; quick to comply may be seen as weakness; evaluate long term impact before complying

Bullet Statements

present a clear picture of an idea or accomplishment and its impact. allow the writer to concisely deal with specific points. take less time to read and allow the writer to communicate more information within a smaller space

anti deficiency act

prevents involving the government is a contract for payment before appropriation is made


primarily used as proof of a particular point or assertion.

characteristics we cant voluntarily change


Primary vs secondary diversity

primary - cannot change (age, sex, race) secondary - can change (work ethnic, values)

purpose of EES

productivity, promotions, and force management

which manpower competency covers the unit manpower document?

program allocation and control


progressive discipline process. use the least force necessary to modify behavior. two way communication, one way communication, commander involvement.

TIPO Model

pronounced "typo"; identifies how trust influences your use of information, power affects the way you develop, and how well you develop, options or solutions to solve or resolve a current problem, conflict, or situation

Article 91

protects insubordinate actions towards NCOs, warrant officers, and petty officers. protect from insult, assault, etc

Unfavorable Information File

provides commanders with an official repository of substantiated derogatory data concerning an Air Force member's personal conduct and duty performance

Unfavorable information file

provides commanders with an official repository of substantiated derogatory data concerning an Air Force member's personal conduct and duty performance.

introduction statement

purpose statement (narrow the subject, state opinion, and then identify purpose of the communication, persuade or inform), motivation or hook (why they should listen, what they can do with the info, want to listen), Overview, transition

During a training session, one of the Airmen asks, "Why do we need to know this?" SrA Amide says, "First, accurate record keeping provides a reliable, long-term, cumulative record of performance and potential based on that performance. Second, good record keeping also provides sound information to assist leadership in identifying the best-qualified enlisted personnel for various tasks and assignments. Finally, we can use the information to provide meaningful feedback to subordinates on what's expected of them and how to meet those expectations." SrA Amide's comments BEST explain ________________. a. steps for evaluating performance b. steps for developing improvement plans c. purposes of the enlisted evaluation system

purposes of the enlisted evaluation system

supervising pitfalls

ratability - evaluating factors that are unrateable, Relevancy - things that are not relevant (deficient overlook important aspects, distorted over influenced by single event, contaminated evaluating factors that do not contribute to performance), Variability - leniency too easy, strictness, central/average, halo affect by one factor, personal bias, recency, primacy or first impression, reputation

af form 174

record of individual counseling (loc letterhead)

Resolving Skills

refer to the ability of a supervisor to prompt their subordinate to generate solutions to their problems and reach goals. It is important that subordinates generate the solutions because it shows that they are taking ownership and are willing to fix the problem/situation

Responding Skills

refer to what you say, how you say it, and how you behave in response to the subordinate's verbal and nonverbal messages

Financial Execution Plan (FEP)

refers to a product formally called the Financial Plan or Fin Plan. The FEP ensures an equitable distribution of the President's Budget (PB) for the next fiscal year (budget year) consistent with accomplishing Air Force program objectives and is the main vehicle for distributing anticipated funding (direct & reimbursable) in an equitable manner

Change Targets

refers to all individuals or groups affected by the change

Equal Opportunity

refers to legal and regulatory mandates prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, and reprisal

Equal opportunity

refers to legal and regulatory mandates prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, and reprisal. It also covers other distinctions, such as harassment, and reasonable accommodation


refers to the way we say things, and is just as important as the actual words we speak. Includes tone, rate, quality, diction, rhythm, volume, and fluency

In the action verb variation of the accomplishment-impact bullet

the accomplishment element begins with a strong action verb and ends with an expressly stated impact element

Cooperate ("Let's work together and come up with an even better idea") Cooperative Negotiation Strategy (CNS)

reflects high interests in both people and task orientations; achieve a mutually satisfying outcome while simultaneously managing the relationship; suspending judgments to work together T- great deal of trust I- info is shared freely; personal trust and process trust P- willing to share power O- works best when parties deliver multiple options; "our way" instead of "my way"

cost center manager

regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things

What is an Organizational Barriers and what are the common barriers?

relate specifically to work situations or to the working environment Environmental Noise: Workplace noise from machinery, people, ect. Weak Communication Policies: Lack of structure when communicating (Upward, Downward, Lateral) can cause miscommunication. Unsure of who, when, or what to communicate. Autocratic Management: Occurs when supervisors and managers do not listen to, or have respect for their subordinates input or suggestions.

What is a psychological barrier and what are the common barriers?

relate to the way people think, reason or feel Personality: People develop different personalities- when conflicting personalities clash communication suffers. Values: When people with different value systems work together communication barriers can form. Language: Present written and oral barriers. Abstract Words: Concepts not defined with specific objects and could have multiple meanings. Concrete words: represent actual things/objects. Ambiguous Terms: Words or phrases that have different meanings to different people. Lack of common core experience: listen, understand others and their experiences and values, don't put them down, don't be egotistic

Concrete words

represent actual things/objects.

Being Socially Sensitive

requires all Airmen to develop keen awareness and understanding of others' emotions, feelings, personality, temperaments, strengths, cultural differences, values, and beliefs

socially sensitive

requires all airmen to develop keen awareness and understanding of others emotions, feelings, personality, temper and strengths

Change Agents

responsible for determining the best way to implement a change and then actually implementing it


responsible for selecting and arranging (encoding) symbols, words, sounds or gestures in such a way to create an accurate message in the receivers mind and or meet the audience needs originator of the communication process

Corrective Discipline

restores discipline and/or improves performance. These are the measures you take once someone falls below standards and you must return him or her to the level of acceptability (the standard.)

Contaminated evaluations

result from attempting to evaluate factors that don't contribute to performance

Budget Execution Review (BER)

review cycle conducted twice during the fiscal year to identify, validate, prioritize, and request additional resources for unfunded requirements; formal process that allow commanders to internally reprogram funds or identify and justify high priority unfunded requirements and prioritize (rack and stack) for the next higher level

Comfort stage

routine, satisfied, and calm

combined approach to interpersonal communication

same page, both directive and non-directive

characteristics that can be changed



security, accuracy, propriety(respect), policy


select words that are shortest, clearest, yet most descriptive to the readers. reduce the number of unnecessary words

leadership traits

selflessness, loyalty, integrity, commitment, and decisiveness

4 components of communication

sender, receiver, message, and feedback

elements of the communication process

sender, receiver, message, and feedback

External transitions

sentences or statements used to provide a link between main points within your communication.

Enlisted Performance Report - EPR

show persons potential to handle increased responsibility

milestones associated with budgeting process

significant events in the budgeting process

A1C Ivey asks SSgt Johnson, "What is the best way to write a talking paper. SSgt Johnson replies "Make sure you use bullet statements that are concise with one concept that serves a purpose. This will help keep you on track while you're writing." SSgt Johnson's comments BEST explain the ____________. a. single idea bullet statement b. specific achievement bullet statement c. accomplishment impact bullet statement

single idea bullet statement

when diagnosing, what areas does a leader look at

situation, people, and environment

expert power

special knowledge or skills


stage of transition from individual to member status, and of testing the leader's guidance both formally and informally. everyone is on his or her best behavior and group members become acquainted with each other. Every team begins with this initial stage of team development.


stage where things are routine and we are comfortable, satisfied, and calm


the art and science of motivating, influencing, and direction airmen to understand and accomplish the mission

1. During A1C Hall's initial feedback, SSgt Irvin says, "When working the customer service desk, answer all phone calls before the third ring, politely identify yourself and this unit, and offer assistance to each caller. Furthermore, because our nation and other countries consider us professionals, we must strive for excellence in everything we do. Finally, if you fail to meet my expectations or to comply with all directives, you can expect a swift response from me." SSgt Irvin's actions BEST illustrate _____________. a. standards and discipline b. the Air Force Core Values c. use of earned authority

standards and discipline

Preventative Discipline

stops a problem from happening before it starts. Examples of preventive discipline are: initial feedbacks, safety briefings before three-day weekends, rewards, and training/education.

six sigma

strategy that increases efficiency by stats process control

Change Management

structured approach to change in individuals, teams, organizations and societies that enables the transition from a current state to a desired future state

timelines associated with budgeting process

submission deadlines associated with quarterly and annual budget requirements

non-directive approach to interpersonal communication

subordinate centered, allowed to suggest changes and problem solving

conclusion includes

summary, restatement of purpose, remotivation, and closure

supervisor -vs- rater

super directs activities of an individual team, rater provides feedback

directive approach to interpersonal communication

supervisor centered, supervisor ids problem and solution


systematic approach to id waste, focus activities on eliminating it, and maximize resources

two roles of teams

team leader, team member

While reading his newcomer's orientation package, SSgt Rooney sees the statement, "In order to become the best public affairs office in the military, we need to advance public understanding of the military, share information with the public, and represent the interests of military journalists by instilling tradition, knowledge, and leadership in our journalists." This statement BEST illustrates a _____________. a. team mission statement and team roles and responsibilities b. team vision statement and team dynamics c. team mission and vision statement

team mission and vision statement


teams disassemble and members separate from the team


the ability of a supervisor to prompt their subordinate to generate solutions to their problems and reach goals

AFI 36-2618

the enlisted force structure

coercive power

the leaders ability to enforce discipline, the perception followers have of your ability to take action by counseling, give loc lor loa


the method used in dealing with or affecting something

Direct observations

the most popular way of monitoring performance. It involves observing your subordinate's performance with your own eyes

Reporting officials/Rater

the official in your chain of command designated by management to provide performance feedback and initiate performance reports.

The helping relationship

the optimal supervisor-subordinate relationship is when both parties trust each other and the subordinate knows the supervisor is there to assist. Results should come from collaboration toward a mutually agreed outcome.


the particular standard to which the actions must be performed to accomplish the mission.

change targets

the people affected by the change


the physical goods that are required by our personnel to complete their assigned duties


the procedures and techniques characteristic of a particular discipline or field of knowledge

NCO authority

the right to act and command. article 91 and 92 of the UCMJ

article 7

the right to apprehend an individual who doesn't follow orders and is in direct position to commit a crime (fighting, sexual assault)

Continuous Improvement

the strategic, never-ending, incremental refinement of the way we perform our duties and responsibilities

continuous improvement

the strategic, never-ending, incremental refinement of the way we perform our duties and responsibilities


the task and the purpose


the team has settled its individual relationships and expectations. There is a sense of high morale, team loyalty and trust. Members begin diagnosing and solving problems, brainstorming, and choosing and implementing changes; creativity is high


the visible act, or consideration to act, in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather than on individual merit or value

Socio-behavioral tendencies (SBT's)

thought processes we employ to help us make sense of the world we live in. Influenced by our beliefs and values, they define who we are, how we act, respond to situations, and treat others. Socials biases, assumptions, stereotypes, perceptions, perspectives, collusion

why is it important to monitor the plan?

to adjust to the plan as necessary


to create or produce especially by deliberate effort over time; to expand by a process of growth

The goal of engagement

to fulfill our obligation to provide truthful, timely, and accurate information about military activities and personnel, consistent with security guidelines, which enhances public trust and support for our AF.

purpose of OPSEC

to reduce the vulnerability of Air Force missions from successful adversary collection and exploitation of critical information.


to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully


training, correction, or following standards

Collective efforts toward a shared goal help distinguish teams from groups.


Indirect observations

type of monitoring involves relying on someone else to provide you with information about how your subordinate is performing

afi 36-2907

uif program


underlying reason behind your position

strategic communication

understand and engage key audiences, in order to, create , strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable to the US

SSgt Bose, the new NCOIC of Pharmacy Services, grows tired of her Airmen complaining about their section's outdated equipment. Realizing she has several unknown, unfunded requirements, she submits a request for funds to the unit's resource advisor (RA) in October. Since Bose's request is so thorough, the RA makes one minor change, and then submits the request to the wing's Budget Execution Review committee in January. The resource advisor's ____________ will MOST likely ____________mission effectiveness. a. appropriate use of the financial execution plan; enhance b. inappropriate use of the financial execution plan; hinder c. understanding of the budget cycle; enhance d. misunderstanding of the budget cycle; hinder

understanding of the budget cycle; enhance

3 levels of communication

up, down, lateral

channels of communication

up, down, lateral

Flow of Communication

upward, downward, and laterally

topic sentence will always go at the beginning of a paragraph

use the because test. say because before each sentence to see if it satisfies the topic sentence.


used to develop people who are able to control themselves and do what is right all the time

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) methodology

used when a product or process is in existence that is not meeting customer specification or is not performing adequately. 1. Define: First define the improvement opportunity, develop an improvement project plan, define the process and evaluate the process. This can include conducting a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and identifying critical parameters. 2. Measure: Measure the existing process and identify the process capability requirement. 3. Analyze: Process is analyzed to determine its capability. Data is analyzed to identify opportunities for improvement and to develop plans for improving the process. The steps in this phase include root cause analysis, updating the FMEA, developing an improvement plan, and determining the path forward. 4. Improve: The plan that was developed in the analyze phase is implemented. The results of the change are evaluated and conclusions are drawn as to its effectiveness. This can lead to documenting changes and updating new instructions and procedures. 5. Control: Control plans are developed to ensure the process is institutionalized and to ensure the new process continues to be measured and evaluated. This can include implementing process audit plans, data collection plans and plans of action for out of control conditions, if they occur.


uses the foundation of trust and the elements of information and power to develop options; different ways to potentially solve a problem or come to a mutual agreement and are often referred to as solutions, choices, and alternatives requires two elements: 1) define the problem that needs solving 2) identify possible resources (information, power, time, people, money, etc.) that may be available


usually formed without consideration to each persons skill set

early adoptors

very effective in spreading acceptance of new ideas

While on her favorite blog site, SrA Allen, a former model, uploads a picture taken during a recent interview. In the photograph, she is wearing a tight "I Love NY" t-shirt with her ABU pants. Within days, she receives hundreds of positive responses to her post. SrA Allen' actions _____ and will MOST likely have a ________ impact on public perception. a. comply with social media guidelines; positive b. violate social media guidelines; negative c. comply with interview do's and don'ts; positive d. violate interview do's and don'ts; negative

violate social media guidelines; negative

The Who, the Stakes, and the Situation

vital information you must 'arm' yourself with going into a negotiations environment; "who" - who are you dealing with, what approach should you take? Stakes - what do you stand to lose or gain, is it critical? Situation - how critical is the situation, critical/time sensitive vs not

Affirmative Action- AA

voluntary or mandated programs developed for the purpose of overcoming imbalances in the workforce that affect designated groups, such as members of minority groups, women, veterans, and people with disabilities


ways in which expectations should (and should not) be accomplished.


what we observe and experience becomes our "reality" until we are convinced or proven otherwise.


what you want, not necessarily what you need; vision of your best possible outcome; based on carefully developed interests and desired outcomes

autocratic mgmt

when a manager doesn't listen or take value in the suggestions of subordinates


when we are forced to confront external change. We believe if we deny change, we will have less stress...yet the opposite is actually true


when we take the liberty of declaring something about a situation, item, or someone else that is not supported by fact

Settle ("Let's just split the difference and call it a day")

when you seek resolution/see little chance for winning/don't want to give in; minimally satisfy both sides T- certain amount of trust needed; sometimes found via third party I- perceive opposite is giving reasonably accurate info; back and forth bargaining P- power is even; both parties to exercise some control over the process O- determine what you need, establish wiggle room for what would settle (aspiration point) and worst you'd agree to (reservation point); between AP and RP is bargaining range (ZOPA)

Follow-up Feedback

when your subordinate signs the EPR. During this session, discuss with him/her how well he/she has performed during the evaluation period, the resulting EPR, and establish expectations for the new evaluation period

Social bias

where one unfairly favors or prefers one person, culture, group, or race to another.


where we accept the change. We may not like the change but we've accepted it

connection power

who you know, can erode and lead to unethical situations if primary source of influence

Evade ("Not now, can you come back later?")

works if the issue at hand is totally unimportant to you, if you have higher priorities, or you lack the energy and drive to tackle the problem. T- trust is low; opposite doesn't seem willing to work with you I- too little info, not motivated to get more, don't trust info you have P- you have little to no effective power O- you need resources; good strategy if you can change conditions do the road into better options

What are some ways to document counseling sessions?

would be through using MFRs to document verbal corrections, counseling, admonishments, and reprimands, Letter of Counseling, Letter of Admonishment, Letter of Reprimand, or AF Form 174 (AF Counseling Form).


written or spoken statements that endorsement or censure a person, place or things.

Opening Skills

you will need to greet the subordinate properly as he/she enters the room. You will also need to establish an appropriate rapport with the subordinate. Then you will need to state clearly the purpose/objective for the session. an unclear purpose/objective can cause you to conduct an unfocused session that doesn't address the problem and wastes time


you'll have to observe your subordinates' performance, collect examples of their work, and take note of their behaviors and the impact of those behaviors. Monitor the tasks your subordinates perform regularly and those they perform only periodically

rewards power

your ability to provide rewards

People Orientation

• Family, takes less negotiating • Friends; a bit more • Strangers, much more first variable, people orientation, are those relationships that exist between us and others

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