Anatomy: Heart

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the fossa ovale, smooth depressed surface

At the back of the right atrium is what?

fibrous pericardium


posterior vein of left ventricle


papillary muscle - Location: * Where the chorda tendinea originates - Function: * Helps keep the AV valves closed during ventricular contraction - Mnemonic * Pap= pappy helping a momma keep normal with her child birth contractions to keep it AVerage

Name the structure, location and function

Aortic Semilunar Valve - Location: * on the left side of the chordae tendineae - Function: * prevent backflow of blood into the ventricles - Mnemonic * aortic = preventing abnormal blood from into the ventricles

Name the structure, location, and function

Fibrous pericardium

Outermost tough layer around the heart

Left Subclavian

artery that comes off of the aortterm-55ic arch (left artery); goes into arm

Left common carotid

artery that conducts blood up left side of neck

right coronary artery

artery vascularizing the right side of the heart

right coronary artery - Location: * goes all the way down to the right atrium to the right side of the back of the heart - Function: * supplies blood to the right side of the heart - Mnemonic * coroner = coronary, supplies bodies to the graveyard, like supplies blood to the heart

artery vascularizing the right side of the heart

Brachiocephallic trunk

gives rise to right common and rise subclavian

Anterior interventrincular artery (AKA LAD)

name this structure that gives off the diagonal artery from the left coronary artery

bicuspid (mitral) valve, anterior cusp


tricuspid valve


ascending aorta


left brachiocephalic vein


pectinate muscles


left auricle


crista terminalis


interventricular septum, membranous part


right atrium


Right auricle


pulmonary valve, left cusp


auricle of right atrium


bicuspid (mitral) valve, posterior cusp


left atrium


Right atrium


trabeculae carneae

name this structure

bicuspid (mitral) valve, posterior cusp


* deoxygenated RBCs go through the left and right brachiocephalic veins * to drain into the SVC, drains all the deoxygenated blood from the abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs (legs)

* Where do deoxygenated RBCs go through to become oxygenated again? * why does it do this?



pulmonary valve, anterior cusp


left lung


chordae tendineae


ascending aorta




left atrium (cut open)


left ventricle








papillary muscle


left ventricle


pulmonary trunk


trabeculae carnae on the right ventricle


left auricle


pulmonary valve, right cusp


right atrium


left coronary artery


aortic valve, left cusp


right lung


great cardiac vein




aortic valve, right cusp


Aortic valve (semilunar)


aortic valve, posterior cusp


right ventricle


Bicuspid (mitral) valve and chordae tendinea




right ventricle


papillary muscles


fat in epicardium


right auricle


left ventricular wall


apex of the heart


right atrium


interventricular septum


pulmonary valve, left cusp


Parietal layer of serous pericardium


left pulmonary artery


Fetal Life: foramen ovale = fetal remnant

Adult Life: Fossa Ovale

Fetal Life: Ductus Arteriosus mnemonic: me and my mom, us!

Adult Life: Ligamentum Arteriosum Mnemonic: M for me all day

bicuspid (mitral) valve, anterior cusp




right pulmonary artery


Ascending Aorta

Branches off the left ventricle; carries oxygen rich blood to parts of the body above the heart

right atrium


tricuspid valve, septal cusp


superior vena cava


anterior cardiac vein


tricuspid valve, posterior cusp


superior right pulmonary vein


right coronary artery


tricuspid valve, anterior cusp


inferior right pulmonary vein


aortic valve, posterior cusp


marginal branch of right coronary artery


Diaphragm (covered with parietal pleura)


aortic valve, right cusp


Inferior vena cava


aortic valve, left cusp


right ventricle


great cardiac vein



Innermost layer of the the heart

pulmonary valve, right cusp


visceral layer of serous pericardium (on heart surface)


Coronary sinus


Left ventricle


pulmonary valve, anterior cusp


Middle cardiac vein AND posterior interventricular artery


great cardiac vein


Right ventricle


Crista terminalis - Location: *Line where pectinate muscle stops (terminate like stopping or ending) ;landmark used to locate veins entering right atrium - Function: * junction between the sinus venosus and the heart in the developing embryo - Mnemonic * crista = Christening, terminalis = deleting the snotty devil. babies junction between terminating the snotty devil and helping to develop Christ following embryo

Line where pectinate muscle stops (terminate like stopping or ending) ;landmark used to locate veins entering right atrium

anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery




Bundle of His - Location: *From the AV node and down into the bundle of tissue in the interventricular septum; bifurcates into 2 branches that are V shaped - Function: * translate the electrical impulse from the AV node to the purkinje fibers of the ventricles - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

Circumflex Artery - Location: * Vessel that goes all around the head; gives off a few arteries, similar to the marginal artery

Name the structure, location, and function

Esophagus - Location: *smoothie tube how food gets from the mouth into the stomach - Function: * - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

Moderator Band/septomarginal trabeculae - Location: * Raised portion in the right ventricles - Function: * communicates to the right branch of the AV bundle of the conducting system - Mnemonic * Moderator like communicator like telling you what to do.

Name the structure, location, and function

Myocardium - Location: * Cutting into the heart to see the muscle tissue that makes up the walls - Function: * responsible for keeping the heart pumping blood around the body - Mnemonic * My= mine, cardium = hear drum beat. keeps my heart beating like a drum

Name the structure, location, and function

Parietal pericardium - Location: * Inside layer of the fibrous pericardium - Function: * - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

Pectinate muscle - Location: *muscles that line the wall of the atria

Name the structure, location, and function

Pericardial cavity - Location: * space between the fibrous pericardium and the heart - Function: * Filled with serous fluid to lubricate the heart - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

Pulmonary Trunk - Location: * Large vessel above the pulmonary semilunar valve; the pulmonary trunk bifurcates into 2 vessels

Name the structure, location, and function

Purkinje Fibers - Location: * Wispy fibers that come off of the bundle branches - Function: * Where signal finally terminates/ ends - Mnemonic * funky fibers at the ends of the V shaped left and right bundle branches

Name the structure, location, and function

Semilunar valves - Location: * at the base of each major artery that leaves the ventricles - Function: * Helps transmit blood from the ventricle outside of the heart somewhere; leaving the head

Name the structure, location, and function

Trabeculae Carnae: - Location: * Under the ventricles - Mnemonic * Trabeculae carne asada

Name the structure, location, and function

apex - Location: *lower tip of the heart; point at bottom of the heart

Name the structure, location, and function

artrioventricular node (AV node) - Location: * The signal moves from the SA node across the right atrium to a node that's buried in the interatrial septum * located in the septum between two atria - Function: * Helps the atria move signals down into the ventricles (how they communicate) * the nodes don't contract, they spark - Mnemonic * Afterwards node

Name the structure, location, and function

bicuspid (mitral) valve - Location: * has 2 valve flaps - Function: * Permit a one way flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles - Mnemonic * bicuspid = cussing, can only go one direction from there from the atria to the ventricles

Name the structure, location, and function

conis arteriosus - Location: * For the RBCs become oxygenated it heads towards the lungs - Function: * - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

endocardium - Location: *Anything toughing anything inside all the way of the chamber * lines the inside of all the chambers along with all the valves - Function: * helps provide protection to the valves and the heart chambers - Mnemonic * endo= inside, pretty much everything inside the walls of the chambers

Name the structure, location, and function

fibrous pericardium - Location: * sandwich bag looking structure surrounding the heart; tough and hard to pull apart - Function: * protecting the heart - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

great cardiac vein - Location: * On the left side of the heart * On the front of the heart, runs with the circumflex all around to about before #24 heading up * looks like a pitchfork - Function: * carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart

Name the structure, location, and function

inferior vena cava (IVC) - Location: * below the SVC - Function: * drains deoxygenated blood from the abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs (legs) - Mnemonic * cava = cave, lower cave Name the structure, location, and function

Name the structure, location, and function

interatrial septum

Name the structure, location, and function

interventricular septum - Location: * Wall between two the right and left ventricles

Name the structure, location, and function

left atrium - Location: * Is huge across the back of the heart - Function: * receives oxygenated blood from the lungs - Mnemonic * left train = left atrium. get the cargo (oxygenated blood) from the lungs

Name the structure, location, and function

left auricle - Location: * Top of the atria, flaps of tissues - Function: * Allows the atria to expand when they fill with blood - Mnemonic * (think of the ear bc of earmuffs)

Name the structure, location, and function

left bundle branch - Location: * forms within the interventricular septum at the junction of the membranous and muscular parts - Function: * -stimulates purkinje fibers - Mnemonic * LBB rhymes with V, on the left side of the V

Name the structure, location, and function

left coronary artery - Location: * beginning of the pulmonary trunk before immediately bifurcating - Function: * supplies oxygenated blood to the left side of the heart * when this is blocked, the blood supply to the heart is reduced - Mnemonic * Coroner = coronary, supplies bodies to the graveyard like supplies blood to the heart

Name the structure, location, and function

left ventricle - Function: * pumps oxygenated blood to the body * when this contracts, the Aortic semi-lunar valve will open and blood will rush

Name the structure, location, and function

papillary muscles - Location: *on the end (of the string like structures) of the AV valve. - Function: * When the muscles contract they pull on the strings (chordae tendineae) to keep the valves closed. Kinda like one way doors. * Basically helps keep the AV valves closed during ventricular contraction - Mnemonic * Pap= pappy helping a momma keep normal with her child birth contractions to keep it AVerage

Name the structure, location, and function

posterior interventricular artery

Name the structure, location, and function

posterior left ventricular artery - Function: * Drains up into the great cardiac vein

Name the structure, location, and function

pulmonary artery - Location: *On the pulmonary trunk, has deoxygenated blood bc it carries blood away from the heart

Name the structure, location, and function

pulmonary semilunar valve - Location: * On the right side of the chordae tendineae - Function: * Prevent backflow of blood into the ventricles - Mnemonic * pulmonary semilunar = half pulp to keep juice from going certain places

Name the structure, location, and function

right atrium - Location: * superior to the right ventricle and medial to the left atrium - Function: * Receives deoxygenated blood from the body * directs blood into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve - Mnemonic * rd, ardy, arty, atrium= train to right ventricle

Name the structure, location, and function

right bundle branch

Name the structure, location, and function

right marginal artery - Location: * a branch of the right coronary artery, branches off at the inferior border of the heart and passes to the left towards the apex - Function: * Supplies the right ventricle - Mnemonic: * margin = mark where to supply blood to the right ventricle

Name the structure, location, and function

right ventricle - Location: * - Function: * pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs - Mnemonic * Name the structure, location, and function

Name the structure, location, and function

serous pericardium - Location: * Is the serous fluid for the pericardium and epicardium - Function: * - Mnemonic *

Name the structure, location, and function

sinoatrial node (SA node) - Location: * In the wall of the right atrium; this is where the electrical signal starts - Function: * Natural pacemaker of the heart; resting heart rate of the heart * the nodes spark, not contract - Mnemonic * SA= SAve me now node!!

Name the structure, location, and function

small cardiac vein - Location: * On the right side of the heart that runs with the right coronoid artery

Name the structure, location, and function

visceral pericardium (epicardium) - Location: * When the heart is taken out of the fibrous pericardium * the innermost layer of the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart but the outermost layer of the wall of the heart - Function: * prevents heart from stretching too much and overflowing with blood - Mnemonic * Epic= large, dium = dumb. so: stop being large dummy

Name the structure, location, and function

auricle of left pericardium


left ventricle


pulmonary trunk


circumflex artery


ascending aorta


inferior left pulmonary vein


great cardiac vein


auricle of left atrium


Pericardial cavity

Serous fluid in between the fibrous pericardium and the heart helping to ease / lubricate the heart

SA Node -> AV Node -> Bundle of His -> Split off from this are the right and left bundle branches -> then it ends in the purkinge fibers

Steps of the conduction system in order

papillary muscle - Location: * Where the chorda tendinea originates - Function: * Helps keep the AV valves closed during ventricular contraction - Mnemonic * Pap= pappy helping a momma keep normal with her child birth contractions to keep it AVerage

Structure from which chordae tendineae originate

Superior left pulmonary vein



The large arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body.

diagonal artery

This Artery Supplies the left Ventricular wall

Where do deoxygenated RBCs go through to become oxygenated again?

Through the left and right brachiocephallic veins to drain into the SVC, which drains all the D.blood from the head, arms, and most of the chest

Risk of pericarditis = friction of the heart

Too little fluid in the heart

Risk of tamponade ; restriction of the heart

Too much fluid in the heart

Right Auricle

Tops of the atria (think of the ear bc of earmuffs) flaps of tissues allows atria to expand when they fill with blood

* All cardiac veins carry deoxygenated blood * They drain into the coronary sinus

What do all cardiac veins carry? What do they drain into?

An artificial pacemaker needs to be put in

What happens if the SA Node malfunctions?

The right side of the heart will deal with deoxygenated blood Mneumonic: RD; like Arty, like Chef boy Ardy/ Arty

What side of the heart will deal with deoxygenated blood?

the left side of the heart will deal with oxygenated blood

What side of the heart will deal with oxygenated blood?

a large red circle, the opening for the IVC

When looking down at the right atrium what structure can be seen?

the opening of the SVC

When looking up at the right atrium what structure can be seen?

Muscle walls are thickest on the heart

Where are muscle walls the thickest?

Then it pushes the blood into the aorta

Where does blood go if it accidently goes into the right ventricle (can contract)?

The coronary sinus drains into the chamber that receives the deoxygenated blood in the body, the right atrium

Where does the coronary sinus drain into?

Opening for Coronary Sinus

Where oxygen-poor blood from coronary circulation drains into right atrium

opening for coronary sinus

Where oxygen-poor blood from coronary circulation drains into right atrium

The heart gets blood before any other muscle, artery, or vein

Which structure gets blood before any other structure in the body?

Because of the pressure and flow of blood, they need to open and close at certain times to ensure the direction of correct blood flow.

Why do chambers go through valves, how does it happen?

Because it is closed up with tissue left in adult life because it doesn't have pulmonary circulation since our lungs wouldn't be able to oxygenate that blood that way.

Why does the ductus arteriosus become a Ligamentum Arteriosus?

atrioventricular node (a.v node)

a node of specialized heart muscle located in the septal wall of the right atrium

opening for SVC

name this structure

Descending Aorta

branches into the thoracic and abdominal aortae

chordae tendinea

chords that anchor the tricuspid and bicuspid valves

opening for inferior vena cava

name this structure

right and left brachiocephalic veins

drain the head, neck, and upper extremities and unite to form the superior vena cava

Coronary Sinus

enlarged vessel on the posterior aspect of the heart that empties blood into the right atrium

coronary sinus

enlarged vessel on the posterior aspect of the heart that empties blood into the right atrium


muscle layer of the heart

chordae tendinea - Location: * long, fibrous cord like structures that anchor the valve flaps to the papillary muscles - Function: * The chordae tendinea and the papillary muscles help keep the AV valves closed during ventricular contraction. - Mnemonic: Cord = chordae & Tension = tendinea

name the structure, location, and the function

pulmonary veins - Location: * 2 on each side of the heart, the left and right. - Function: * They all empty into the left atrium chamber where newly oxygenated blood comes CHECK IM NOT SURE or goes into the left atrium - Mnemonic *

name the structure, location, and the function

Opening for Pulmonary Veins

name this structure

bicuspid (mitral) valve

name this structure

opening for IVC

name this structure

pulmonary vein

one of two pairs of vessels carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart

visceral pericardium (epicardium)

outer layer of the heart

parietal pericardium (pericardial sac)

outer layer of the pericardium; inside layer of the fibrous pericardium

S.A Node

pacemaker of the heart

Pectinate Muscle

prominent ridges lining the surface of the atria

Trabiculae carnae

raised muscle fibers in the right ventricle that help with conduction

Superior Vena Cava

receives blood from the head and arms and chest and empties into the right atrium of the heart

great cardiac vein

runs alongside the anterior interventricular artery

middle cardiac vein - Location: * Runs with the posterior interventricular artery - Function: * This one establishes dominance - Mnemonic *

runs alongside the posterior interventricular artery

circumflex artery

supplies the left atrium and the posterior walls of the left ventricle

pulmanary artery

the artery carrying blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation.

chordae tendineae

thin bands of fibrous tissue that attach to the valves in the heart and prevent them from inverting

tricuspid valve / atrium ventricular valve (the AV Valve) - Location: * Between the atria and the ventricles * Connects to the right atrium * Has 3 valve flaps - Function: * Helps transmit blood from one of the atria to one of the ventricles - Mnemonic * Name the structure, location, and function

valve between right atrium and right ventricle

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