Anatomy Lab Exam 2- Chapter 12 & 13 Pre/Postlab

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Match the muscle listed in column A with the appropriate compartment of the leg listed in column B. Each compartment may be used more than once. Column A 1. extensor digitorum longus 2. fibularis (peroneus) brevis 3. fibularis (peroneus) longus 4. flexor hallucis longus 5. gastrocnemius 6. soleus 7. tibialis anterior Column B A. anterior compartment B. lateral compartment C. posterior compartment

1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A

Match the muscle listed in column A with the appropriate compartment of the thigh in column B. Each compartment may be used more than once. Column A 1. adductor magnus 2. biceps femoris 3. gracilis 4. rectus femoris 5. sartorius 6. semitendinosus 7. vastus lateralis Column B A. anterior compartment B. medial compartment C. posterior compartment

1 B, 2 C, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A

Match the description listed in column A with the appropriate muscle listed in column B. Column A 1. depresses the ribs and assists with forced expiration (2 answers) 2. elevates the ribs and assists with inspiration 3. primary muscle used for breathing Column B A. diaphragm B. external intercostals C. internal intercostals D. transversus abdominis

1 C & D, 2 B, 3 A

Match the muscle group listed in column A with the appropriate muscles listed in column B. Answers may be used more than once. Column A 1. infrahyoid muscle 2. muscle that moves the neck 3. supra hyoid muscle Column B A. longissimus capitis B. mylohyoid C. omohyoid D. stylohyoid

1 C, 2 A, 3 B & D

Match the action(s) described in column A with the compartment listed in column B. Actions are those performed by the majority of muscles within the listed compartment. Column A 1. eversion of the ankle 2. extension of the leg, flexion of the thigh 3. extension of the thigh, flexion of the leg 4. dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle, extension of the toes 5. adduction of the thigh 6. plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle, flexion of the toes Column B A. anterior compartment of the leg B. anterior compartment of the thigh C. lateral compartment of the leg D. medial compartment of the thigh E. posterior compartment of the leg F. posterior compartment of the thigh

1 C, 2 B, 3 F, 4 A, 5 D, 6 E

Match the action(s) described in column A with the compartment listed in column B. Actions are those performed by the majority of muscles within the listed compartment. Column A 1. extension of arm and forearm 2. extension of the wrist and digits 3. flexion of arm and forearm c. posterior compartment of the arm 4. flexion of the wrist and digits Column B A. anterior compartment of the arm B. anterior compartment of the forearm C. posterior compartment of the arm D. posterior compartment of the forearm

1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B

Match the muscle listed in column A with the corresponding muscle group to which it belongs, listed in column B. Column A: 1. rectus abdominis 2. digastric 3. orbicularis oris 4. longissimus Column B: A. erector spinae B. muscles of facial expression C. abdominal wall muscles D. supra hyoid muscles

1 C, 2 D, 3 B, 4 A

Match the movements listed in column A with the corresponding muscle that creates the movement listed in column B. Column A 1. protracts and rotates scapula superiorly 2. flexes and medially rotates arm; prime mover of arm abduction; extends and laterally rotates arm 3. prime mover of arm extension; adducts and medially rotates arm 4. prime mover of arm flexion; adducts and medially rotates arm Column B A. deltoid B. latissimus dorsi C. pectoralis major D. serrates anterior

1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C

Match the direction of the muscle fibers listed in column A with the corresponding muscle of the abdominal wall listed in column B. Column A 1. horizontal 2. inferolateral (down and away from middle) 3. inferomedial (down and toward middle) 4. vertical Column B A. external obliques B. internal obliques C. rectus abdominis D. transversus abdominis

1 D, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C

During normal locomotion, which of the following muscles on the stance limb must function correctly for the foot of the swing limb to clear the ground? (Check all that apply.) a. gluteus minimus b. gluteus medius c. piriformis d. psoas major e. quadratus femoris

A, B

Which of the following muscles compose the rotator cuff? (Check all that apply.) a. infraspinatus b. subscapularis c. supraspinatus d. teres major e. teres minor

A, B, C, E

One or more of the rotator cuff muscles cause which of the following movements of the arm? (Check all that apply.) a. abduction b. adduction c. extension d. flexion e. lateral rotation f. medial rotation

A, B, E, F

Which of the following muscles compose the hamstring muscles? (Check all that apply.) a. biceps femoris b. gracilis c. rectus femoris d. semimembranosus e. semitendinosus

A, D, E

The triceps surae is composed of which of the following? (Check all that apply.) a. flexor hallucis longus b. gastrocnemius c. plantaris d. soleus e. tibialis anterior

B, C, D

A patient is told he has a "torn hamstring." List the possible muscles that could have been torn in this case. Then, describe the actions that would demonstrate weakness in the muscle as a result of the tear.

The "hamstrings" include the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris muscles. These muscles perform the actions of hip extension (aided by gluteus maximus) and knee flexion. Thus, the greatest weakness would likely be demonstrated in knee flexion.

Describe how to distinguish between the semitendinosus muscle and the semimembranosus muscle.

The semitendinosus muscle is superficial to the semimembranosus muscle in the posterior thigh. In addition, semitendinosus has a long, thin tendon at its distal attachment whereas semimembranosus has a broad, flat tendon at its proximal attachment.

Which of the following are attachment points for the sternocleidomastoid muscle? (Check all that apply.) a. mastoid process of the temporal bone b. medial third of the clavicle c. spine of the scapula d. sternum

a, b, d

Which of the following muscles compose the anterior abdominal wall? (Check all that apply.) a. external oblique b. internal oblique c. quadratus lumborum d. rectus abdominis e. transversus abdominis

a, b, d, e

Which of the following muscles are classified as muscles of facial expression? (Check all that apply.) a. buccinator b. masseter c. orbicularis oris d. temporalis e. zygomaticus major

a, c, e

Which of the following terms describes a muscle that is primarily responsible for causing a given action about a joint? (Circle one.) a. agonist b. antagonist c. protagonist d. synergist

a. agonist

Which of the following muscles is a major hip extensor whose antagonist is the psoas major muscle (a major flexor of the hip)? (Circle one.) a. gluteus maximus b. gluteus medius c. iliacus d. quadratus femoris e. tensor fascia latae

a. gluteus maximus

The sternocleidomastoid and splenius muscles act as (antagonists/synergists) for neck extension and flexion.


What is the origin (proximal attachment) of the rectus femoris?

anterior inferior iliac spine

The (anterior/posterior) compartment of the arm consists largely of forearm flexors, whereas the (anterior/posterior) compartment consists largely of forearm extensors.

anterior, posterior

a broad, flat tendon


The upper limb includes the (arm/forearm) located between the shoulder and elbow and the (arm/forearm) located between the elbow and wrist.

arm, forearm

Which of the following muscles are classified as muscles of mastication? (Check all that apply.) a. epicranius b. masseter c. platysma d. risorius e. temporalis

b, e

Identify the largest and most important respiratory muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. (Circle one.) a. anterior scalene b. diaphragm c. middle scalene d. posterior scalene e. transversus thoracis

b. diaphragm

Which of the following muscles is found in the posterior compartment of the leg? (Circle one.) a. tibialis anterior b. gastrocnemius c. fibularis longus d. rectus femoris

b. gastrocnemius

Which of the following is classified as a muscle of mastication? (Circle one.) a. hypoglossus b. masseter c. platysma d. risorius e. zygomaticus major

b. masseter

Identify the most superficial muscle of the chest. (Circle one.) a. deltoid b. pectoralis major c. pectoralis minor d. rhomboid major e. trapezius

b. pectoralis major

pertaining to the cheek


compress cheeks


Internal oblique abdominal muscles are (deep/superficial) to the external oblique abdominal muscles


wrinkle forehead, raise eyebrows


The fibularis longus and brevis (invert/evert) the foot at the ankle joint. Both the tibialis anterior and the tibialis posterior oppose this action by (inverting/everting) the foot at the ankle joint.

evert, invert

an increase in joint angle


outside of


The only two muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh that cross the hip joint are the rectus femoris and the sartorius muscles. The action of these two muscles about the hip is to (flex/extend) the hip.


The actions of anterolateral abdominal wall muscles include rotation and __________ (flexion/extension) of the trunk.


What two muscles insert onto the iliotibial tract (IT band)?

gluteus maximus & tensor fascia latae

the groin region


grind food side to side

lateral and medial pterygoid

protract mandible, depress chin

lateral and medial pterygoid, masseter

depress the mandible

lateral pterygoids

The portion of the lower limb from the knee to the ankle is the (leg/thigh).


The iliopsoas muscle is composed of two muscles with a common insertion. The two muscle have a distal attachment on the (great/lesser) trochanter of the femur and function together to (flex/extend) the thigh.

lesser, flex

elevate mandible

masseter, medial pterygoid, temporalis

The tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle attach to the (proximal/middle/distal) phalanges, whereas the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus attach to the (proximal/middle/distal) phalanges.

middle, distal

blink or close eyes

orbicularis oculi

close mouth

orbicularis oris

Name three muscles that attach to the coracoid process of the scapula.

pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, short head of biceps brachii

tense skin of neck


The erector spinae is a collective term for (posterior/anterior) group of muscles that function to straighten the spine.


What is the insertion (distal attachment) of the rectus femoris?

quadriceps tendon (to tibial tuberosity)

Which muscle of the quadriceps muscle group is the only muscle to cross the hip joint?

rectus femoris

A synergist of the trapezius in retraction of the scapula is the (rhomboids/serratus anterior), whereas a synergist of the trapezius for the action of elevation of the scapula is the (latissimus dorsi/levator scapulae).

rhomboids, levator scapulae

The palmaris longus is (deep/superficial) to the flexor retinaculum and inserts onto the palmar aponeurosis


There are two sets of intercostal muscles. The external intercostals are (deep/superficial) to the internal intercostals


The biceps brachii is a prime mover for the action of forearm (flexion/supination). The biceps brachii is a synergist with the brachialis muscle for the action of forearm (flexion/supination).

supination, flexion

The sternocleidomastoid and splenius muscles act as (antagonists/synergists) for lateral rotation of the neck.


he portion of the lower limb from the hip to the knee is the (leg/thigh).


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