AP Euro Midterm Study Guide

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Charles V

Which European ruler posed the biggest obstacle to the spread of protestantism in the 16th century?


"Blank" dominated European elite culture in the late-seventeeth century.

Leopold I

The advances into central europe by the ottoman empire during the late seventeenth century were pushed back by:


The specific abuse that Luther addressed in his "Nintey-Five Theses" was:


between 1689 and 1815 the central issue in European diplomacy was to limit the power of ________.

Continue to meet until France was given a Constitution

As a result of the tennis court Oath, representitives of the third estate swore to.

Demonstrated how the universe worked through explainable natural forces

Isaac newton's Principia was a milestone in science because it:

Catholic Church

The council of trent was significant because it reformed the abuses within the:

olympe de gouges

_________ was an important spokesperson for the increased rights of women during the French Revolution.

publication of written materials

a major difference between european society in the renaissance compared to society in the later middle ages was that Renaissance society experienced?


during the renaissance the most widely read book of manners for the wealthy was _______

male suffrage

the chartists were strong supporters of increasing ________.


An important characteristic of the "New Monarchs" of the late-Fifthteenth and early-Sixteenth centuries was their sucess in reducing the power of the:


In general, upper class women during the italian Renaissance experienced a _________ in economic and political opportunities.

political problems

Elizabeth I of England and henry IV of France were similar in their use of practical compromise to solve _________.


The Commercial revolution in the years btween 1500 and 1700 had an"Blank" in the political and economic influence on the middle class.


________ is most closely associated with advances in human anatomy during the 16th century.

30 years war

defenestration of Prague was the immediate cause of the __________


what country had the most important trade and finance center during the first half of the 17th century?

Catherine the great

what ruler of Russia has the most success in achieving long-term expansion

Ignatius Loyola

_______ supported repressive measures in order to combat heresy within Catholic countries


the first country to introduce African slavery to the new world was:


who had the biggest impact on the philosophy and the practices of fredrick the Great?

John Wycleff

The 14th-century english reformer whose veiws were embodied in the lollard movement was


The arrest and persecution of "Blank"leaders by charles I was the immediate cause of the English Civil War

italian city states were subject to foreign domination

in the period from 1450 to 1550, which of the following best explains a major difference between society in renaissance italy and the societies of France and England

baltic sea region

one of the key accomplishments of Peter the great was his development of Russias:

Crop rotation

the most important innovation of the agricultural revolution that led immediately to dramatic increases in food production was the:

reign of terror

the most radical phase of the French revolution occurred during the __________.


the social group that succeeded in maintaining most of its gains during the french revolution and napoleonic eras was the:

polish kingdoms

the liberum veto is most notable for its failure to preserve the integrity of the __________ in the 18th century.


which Italian city-state dominated the Renaissance during the 15th century?

lasez fare economic policies

what would supporters of classical liberalism likely support?

Fredrick William the Great Elector

The principle architect of Prussian statehood and its emergence as a European power in the 17th century was:

maintain a favorable balance of trade

The underlying goal of mercantilism was to


The doctrine of the Anglican Church under Henry VIII was the salvation could be attended by


the treaty of ______ settled colonial disputes in the new world between spain and portugal.

the right to slaves

The asiento, granted Great Britain in the peace of utrecht, gave it:

Teresa Avila

Which of the following sixteenth-century Catholic figures had a significant impact in promoting emotionalism and a personal relationship with God?

Joseph II, Fredrick the Great, Catherine the Great, Napoleon I

name 4 enlightened rulers in Europe.

re immersion

the english civil war and the french revolution were similar because both saw the _____ of the ruling family that had been overthrown.


the most important consequence of the treaty of Utretch was that the _________ of louis XIV was contained.

small pox

the work of lady mary wortley montagu and edward jenner paved the way for the control of which of the following diseases by the early 19th century?


_______ was a belief system that represented a secular view of the universe.

ancient greece and rome

A major difference between the Italian Renaissance and the northern renaissance was that the Italian renaissance focused more on the writings of:

held the sacraments of baptism and communion

The ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin were both similar in that they:

the edict of nantes

what was replaced by King Louis XIV's edict of fontainebleau?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Who said "A wise ruler ought never to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interests."


________ was the last of the Major European powers to industrialize

francis bacon

_________ is an important figure in the scientific revolution because he argued for empiricism and inductive reasoning in analyzing the physical world.


__________ was prominent in advocating the responsibility of governments to rule by the consent of the people.

religious toleration

a key to the economic prosperity of the Dutch republic in the early 16th century was its __________ and cosmotolitan culture.

Great Britain

which country saw the largest number of its people migrate to the new world during the 17th and 18th century?

german states

the zollverein was significant in the mid-19th century due to its facilitating increased trade among ________.


Baroque ideas and values were embodied most profoundly in the work of:


Name 4 technilogical innovation used in navigation during the sixteenth century?1.Portuguese,2.Improved Map making3. Lateen sail and

Bartolome de las Casas

Who would most likely have been opposd to the cruel treatment of american Indians in the sixteenth-century New World?

Vasco de Gamma

the first European explorer to find an all-water route to india by rounding the southern tip of Africa was:

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