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True or False? African slaves began to outnumber white indentured servants as the primary labor supply in the plantation colonies by the 1680s.


True or False? Because men greatly outnumbered women in the Chesapeake region, a fierce competition arose among men for scarce females to marry.


True or False? Most of the European immigrants who came to Virginia and Maryland in the seventeenth century were poor indentured servants.


True or False? New Englanders' long lives contributed to the general stability and order or their childrearing and family life.


True or False? Pregnancies among unmarried young women were common in the seventeenth century colonial South.


True or False? Slaves brought to North America developed a culture that mixed African and American speech, religion, and patterns of life.


True or False? The development of the Half-Way Covenant, in the 1660s, reflected both a decline in Puritan religious fervor and a broadening of religious participation.


True or False? The headright system of land grants to those who brought laborers to America primarily benefited wealthy planters rather than the poor indentured servants.


True or False? New Englanders' Calvinist heritage and stern, self-reliant character created a legacy of high idealism and reform that greatly affected later American society.


True or False? Bacon's Rebellion involved an alliance of white indentured servants with Virginia's Indians in an attack on the elite planter class.


True or False? Chesapeake Bay tobacco planters responded to falling prices by cutting back production.


True or False? Directly beneath the wealthy slaveowning planters, in the southern social structure, were the white indentured servants.


True or False? Life expectancy among the seventeenth century settlers of Maryland and Virginia was about sixty years.


True or False? New England expansion was carried out primarily by independent pioneers and land speculators who bought up large plots and then sold them to individual farmers.


True or False? The Salem Witch Trials reflected the persecution of poor women by upper class males and clergy.


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