APUSH PERIOD 5 (1844-1877)

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William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, & "Tippecano & Tyler Too"

"Tippecano & Tyler Too", This was what Americans called William Henry Harrison and his vice presidential candiate Tyler, because Harrison had won the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 and that was the main platform he was campaigning off of/catchy slogan. -In 1840 Whigs look to war hero Harrison & to John Tyler from VA. Whig's go to win presidency. -Harrison catches pneumonia as he delivered inaugural address dying a month later --> his successor John Tyler taking his place in presidency. -Politically John Tyler leaned more to Democrats agenda than Whigs as prez, vetoing #'s of legislation pieces sent by Whig-dominated Congress (including recreation of Bank of US that could've eased economic conditions in the country). In 1841 all of his cabinet except Daniel Webster resign & congressional caucus expelled him from the party. -Tyler's priority=annexation (takeover) of Texas. He resolved to admitting Texas as a state using a joint resolution from congress rather than an annexation treaty. Tyler=admitted texas. TYLER=PREZ FROM 1840-1844.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

(1854) Senator Stephen A Douglas of ILLINOIS is trying to get support for a transcontinental railroad from Chicago to the Pacific Coast. To Douglass, the issue didn't seem like it would intrude w/ the issues of slavery-but it did. -Douglas & democratic congressman William A. Richardson introduce bills into congress in 1853 that would organize remaining territory of the Louisiana Purchase (aka Nebraska Territory, which was vital to Douglas in his plan for a transcontinental railroad as railroad would be included in that territory.) -South blocks the bill out of fear of Nebraska becoming a free state. After several fails, Douglass proposes splitting Nebraska into 2 territories: Nebraska&Kansas & allow each territory to decide on their own weather they were going to allow slavery. (aka POPULAR SOVREIGNITY which although had been introduced before, becomes well known/widely known through Stephen A. Douglas. Popular sovreignity=terittorial residents, not congress deciding slavery's fate. -HOWEVER, through Douglas's suggested idea of splitting Nebraska into 2 territories & popular soveriengty, it would REPEAL the MISSOURI COMPROMISE of 1820 (which banned slavery north of Missouri). (Pro-slavery) Southern senators, were for Douglas's proposal BUT, IT CREATED A HELL OF A STORM. As Missouri compromise held the union together for 34yrs & tampering w/ it seemed=risky/dangerous. -North abolitionists saw this as taking steps towards expansion of slavery & saw the Nebraska-Kansas act as outrageous&unaceptable. South supported it. -The Nebraska-Kansas Act of 1854 bill was passed in 1854, Prez Pierce signed it, & Douglas got his territory which he believed was essential for his railroad plan. -K-N ACT VIRTUALLY DESTROYED THE WHIG PARTY. -NORTH & SOUTH TENSIONS ARE REACHING A PEAK. IN A NUTSHELL: direct result of Gadsden Purchase A. Stephen Douglas proposed carving Nebraska Territory into 2: Nebraska, Kansas 1. Slavery issue would be based on popular sovereignty 2. His main motive was to give Illinois the eastern terminus for the proposed Pacific railroad. 3. Kansas would presumably become slave; Nebraska free 4. 36-30 line prohibited slavery north of it; Kansas above it. -- Solution: Repeal Compromise of 1820 5. Southerners fully supported it and pushed Pierce to support KS-NB Act B. Douglas successfully rammed the bill through Congress; great orator of his generation 1. Northerners reacted furiously: some saw Compromise of 1820 as a sacred pact. 2. Douglas miscalculated effects of his proposal on the North; more concerned with railroad, his state, and his presidential prospects than slavery issue. C. Kansas-Nebraska Act passed in 1854 1. Northern reaction a. Refused to honor Fugitive Slave Law b. The antislavery movement grew significantly c. North unwilling to compromise on future issues 2. Southern reaction a. Angry that northern free-soilers tried to control Kansas, contrary to the presumed "deal." b. Democratic party was shattered (into Northern and Southern) 3. Effectively wrecked the Compromises of 1820 & 1850 D. Birth of the Republican Party!!!! Helllooooo Mr. Lincoln!! 1. Republican party formed in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. a. Included Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soilers, Know-Nothings, and other opponents of the Kansas Nebraska Act. b. Became nation's 2nd major political party overnight. 2. Republican party not allowed South of Mason-Dixon line!!! E. Considered by historians to be the main short-term cause of the Civil War. *****The Kansas-Nebraska Act was problematic because it opened the new territories to the possibility of the expansion of slavery *******as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act particularly in the North, the Democratic Party lost a significant number of seats -Causes N democrats & N Whigs to unite. S democrats & S whigs unite. *Regional loyalty overcomes political parties/views >K-N Act --> Democrats in N loose seats -Pushes divison further -Forced people to become single issue party (either Norther or Southern) -Senator Stephen A Douglas of ILLINOIS pushing for transcontinental R.R. In N area but popular sovereignty to bring balance & please all including S, in reality, creates CRISIS -Douglas things he made a good compromise-not so much

Lincoln-Douglas debates (Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas - what were they debating?)

(1858) - Senate seat in Illinois >A. Lincoln's nomination speech: "A house divided cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. >B. Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of seven joint debates >C. Freeport debate most famous -- Freeport Doctrine 1. Lincoln forced Douglas to answer whether or not a territory could vote down slavery despite the Dred Scott decision. 2. Douglas answered that territories could refuse to pass laws protecting slavery thus effectively ending slavery in that territory. 3. Although Douglas and others had publicly answered this question before in Kansas issue, his position led to a split in his party and an end to his chances to win the presidency. 4. Douglas' popular sovereignty position prevailed in the election 5. Despite his loss, the debates catapulted Lincoln into the national spotlight and became the political stepping stone to the Republican nomination in 1860. -1858, Abraham Lincoln=republican, Stephen A. Douglas=Democrat. The 2 held debates across Illinois campaigning to be elected to represent Illinois in U.S. senate. Lincoln speaks on/against: fugitive slave act, K-N crisis, & Dred Scott decision. Lincoln fears spread of slavery/civil war. Lincoln attacks Douglass' belief in popular sovreignty. Douglas as well criticizes Lincolns views & it goes back & forth. -Republicans looses campaign for legislature --> Lincoln loosing senatorial election of 1858. -DEBATES SHOWED CORE BELIEFS OF THE 2 PARTIES & SPLIT OF THE COUNTRY ON THE ISSUE OF SLAVERY THROUGH LINCOLN & DOUGLAS. *******The core issue for Lincoln at the heart of the debates between he and Stephen Douglas was the expansion of slavery into the territories Senator Stephen A Douglas of ILLINOIS. Abraham Lincoln of ILLINOIS too both running for head senate position against another in 1858. -Debating to win senate seat. -Lincoln challenges Douglas by asking if Douglas agrees with the Dred Scott decision putting Douglas in a corner. Lincoln's posing Q. Of the Dred Scott decision and issue becomes widely pondered.

Gettysburg Address

(1863) -Abraham Lincoln's oft-quoted speech, delivered at the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg battlefield. In the address, Lincoln framed the war as a means to uphold the values of liberty. -Est. Decloration of Ind. as document founding law, equality became supreme commitment of federal gov't, & est. idea of nation over union (U.S. is... instead of U.S. are...) -Short and sweet -Making the war about saving democracy, ending slavery, & saving the union.

Wade-Davis Bill

(1864) bill made re-admittance to the Union for former Confederate states contingent on a majority in each Southern state to take the Ironclad oath (they were not now disloyal to the Union nor had they ever been disloyal), pocket vetoed by Lincoln -Doesn't pass. Model for radical reconstruction.

Freedman's Bureau

(1865) temporary agency created after the Civil War, worked to provide food and medical care, to help the freedmen to resettle, to ensure justice for the freedmen, to manage abandoned or confiscated property, to regulate labor, to establish schools, and to employ them -Agency est. by congress March of 1865 to provide social, educational, & economic services as well as advice & protection to former slaves. Proposed by Lincoln, Freedman's Bureau would last longer & do more than Lincoln could've ever imagined -Did much to aid the people of the South (White & black) as it sought to reunite families & provide education and medical care. -Purpose: to help unskilled, uneducated, poverty-stricken ex-slaves to survive. -Provided food, clothing, medicine, & education to ex-slaves & poor whites. Taught many blacks how to read; many freedman eager to read the bible. -Negotiated labor agreements between freedmen & planters. -Authorized to provide "40 acres & a mule" from confiscated or abandoned land to black settlers.

Reconstruction Act

(1867) act placing Southern states under military rule and barring former supporters of the Confederacy from voting. -Passed by Congress over Johnson's vetoes, these acts placed the South under military occupation. They divided the former Confederate states into five military districts and increased the requirements for getting readmitted to the Union. Each ex-Confederate state had to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment and place guarantees in its constitution from granting the right to vote for all males. The acts did not include Tennessee, which had already passed the Fourteenth Amendment and was readmitted. -Military districts subjected to martial law -Required constitutional conventions, elected by universal manhood sufferage -Ratify 14th ammendment (1868) -Recontruction act of 1867.... Declared null & voided existing state legislatures & divided South into 5 military districts. Under Reconstruction Act, Southern States now could become part of the union only after they wrote State Constitutions guaranteeing universal male suffarage & if they ratified 14th ammendment. -Reconstruction act of 1867 ushered into the period of Congressional Reconstruction (lasting till end of Grants 2nd term) -Through this act, black people of all ages (as well as poor whites) able to attend school

Matthew Perry & Kanagawa Treaty

***Cont' expansion as America becoming a dominant force. >Background: Britain was forcing China to open to the West, importing opium and then negotiating a series of treaties that benefited Britain and its trade. -In 1844, the U.S. negotiated the Treaty of Wang-hsia, which gained the U.S. the same trade rights as the British. -In July of 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry led four large warships into Tokyo Bay and began negotiations with Japan. He returned a year later with an even larger force, and the Japanese grudgingly agreed to the Kanagawa Treaty, opening two relatively isolated ports to the U.S. -The purpose of Commodore Perry's mission to Japan was to open the isolated empire of Japan to the West. U.S. wanted Japan as another coaling station beyond Hawaii on route to China & wanted to trade w/ Japan. Prez Fillmore sends Commodore Perry to "open up" Japan to U.S. -Commodore Perry gets Japan to grudgingly agree to KANAGAWA TREATY:Agreement in 1854 (the 1st between US & Japan) opening up 2 (relatively isolated) Japanese ports to American commerce, protected shipwrecked America sailors, & ended Japan's 200 years of isolation *U.S. Est solid presence in Japan & China by late 1850's.

Harriet Beecher Stowe & Uncle Tom's Cabin

-1851/1852 -Angered at Fugitive Slave Act, Harriet Beecher Stowe (well known author) decides to do something for the anti-slavery cause. Stowe, living in Maine had spent many years in Cincinnati, OH & seen slavery from OH river --> Kentucky. -She writes what becomes known as Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1st published in serial form in the Nation Era (1851&1852) then a book. Becomes bestselling book of century (other than the bible). -Stowe's book is a story of a kind patient slave named Uncle Tom, his evil owner Simone Legree, & heroic Eliza Harris, the slave mother who jumps on ice floes in the OH river yo escape slave catchers. -Uncle Tom's Cabin=literary & political phenomenon of 1850's & 1860's. This book enrages a pro-slavery South & angers Northerners who first saw the nature of slavery through the book (Gives Northerners a picture of slavery) the effects of Harriet Beecher Stowe's, Uncle Tom's Cabin: it galvanized both pro-slavery forces and anti-slavery forces, and made it difficult for anyone not to have an opinion about the institution of slavery -READ BY ALL, BECOMES N IMAGE OF S SLAVERY. -TURNS N & S AGAINST ANOTHER.

Zachary Taylor

-General Zachary Taylor= chief in command of troops ordered by Polk to go to territory between the two river of the Rio grande & Nueces river. (In Mexican-American War) -Whigs nonimated war hero Zachary Taylor (a southern slaveholder & warhero) president for election in 1848 & he wins presidency however he dies a year into his presidency (in 1850) --> his vice president Millard Fillmore filling in for his place as President of the United States. >The election in which Taylor won, exemplified/ showed how politics was splitting across sectional lines

Cotton Diplomacy

-Southern notion of Embargoing cotton export in order to bring Britain to their knees. -did not work because South overestimated its power, and bumper crops in the 1850's weakened demand for cotton as they found new suppliers in Egypt and India -Only thing South had was cotton, and they thought it would help them draw in England & France into the war onto their side. Fails. British already had pilestocks of cotton & with civil war becoming a moral war, outside countries don't want to be involved/support south.

Free-Soil Party

-Started w/ the end of James K. Polk presidency/reelection in 1848. While Democrats nominated Lewis Cass (an expansionist) as president in 1848, Whigs nonimated war hero Zachary Taylor (a slaveholder). W/ this some Northernewrs felt their was no choice at all so they started the Free-Soil Party -The Free-Soil party=committed to ensuring that all new territories would be free from slavery. -Former president Martin Van Buren was their nominee for election in 1848, >In the end war hero premoted by Whig party Zachary Taylor won presidency ***The Free-Soil Party's purpose in limiting the expansion of slavery was to protect free laborers from getting their wages undercut by slave labor or by free blacks who might work for lower pay

Republic of Texas

-Texian leaders (aka Americans in Texas) declare the Republic of Texas independent & adopt a constitution (March, 1836). In April 1836, Sam Houston (aka guy who commanded army, calling for self-government within the Republic of Mexico) defeated Mexican president Santa Anna at the BATTLE OF SAN JACINTO. The next day, Santa Anna captured & forced to sign the TREATY OF VEASCO, promising to END THE WAR & RECOGNIZE TEXAS INDEPENDENCE. -Sam Huston=president of new Republic & Austin=secretary of state. -Texian political leaders didn't seek long-term independence, but hoped for annexation (takeover) by US. US=wary b/c Americans worried about consequences of the addition of what would almost certainly be a slave state & concern of interference in Mexican-American trade. US RECOGNIZES THE REPUBLIC, BUT THAT WAS ALL. Created March, 1836 but not recognized until the next month after the battle of San Jacinto. Its second president attempted to establish a sound government and develop relations with England and France. However, rapidly rising public debt, internal conflicts and renewed threats from Mexico led Texas to join the U.S. in 1845. ***IN A NUTSHELL: W/ Mexico independence in 1821, the land/area became open to all. By 1835, the settlers were numerous, powerful, & tended to ignore Mexican gov't --> dictator Santa Anna to tighten control. This sparked a REBELLION, which culminated in TEXAN INDEPENDENCE. >Texas opened annexation negotitations w/ Washington&Tyler, eager to gain the 1844 Democratic nomination, pushed for it. The Senate however, rejected it-Northerners & Whigs didn't like the idea. -TYLER GETS TEXAS ADMITED INTO THE UNION 1845 THROUGH A JOINT RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS. >However Polk in his presidency still wants more land & presses Mexico. -Mexico INVITED Americans, but only asked for them to obey a few rules (i.e. No slavery, speak spanish, be catholic not protestant) however, so many Americans came into the region & were breaking the rules --> movement for TX independence. -MEXICON DOES NOT RECOGNIZE TEXAS AS INDEPENDENT WHEN THEY GAIN THEIR INDEPENDENCE, similarity how GB did w/ the US. ****2 WARS NOT TO CONFUSE!!!!! -1=FOR TX INDEPENDENCE (ALAMO, ETC) Other -2 MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR -Texas=its own country for about 10 yrs. It applies for US statehood, it doesn't work in 1837 b/c would through off balance in the senate (due to slavery) -PRESIDENT TYLER APPLYING TX FOR STATEHOOD IN 1844 --> IT HAPPENING IN 1845 UNDER POLKS PRESIDENCY

Impacts of Civil War

-The civil war makes the United States 1 country. Before civil war... United states ARE. After civil war... United states IS. -The war ends slavery (13th amendment=slavery abolished), but it left the undecided future of 3.5 million freedmen (former slaves). Lots of questions there as to how things will work from now on that are brought up in reconstruction -The civil war--> stronger federal gov't, heightened nationalism, & weakened states' rights.

California Gold Rush

-The discovery of gold in California in January of 1848 brought TONS of people to the region. -Prospective miners from everywhere (including far away regions of the world) poured in. -$10million in gold produced in California in 1848 & within 3yrs had grown to $220million. -Thousands of people who hoped to "strike it rich" made their way to Cali despite hardship of the journey (1 of 3 routes being: slow/long/expensive trip around tip of South America, shorter/more dangerous trip across the isthmus then up to San Francisco, or overland journey across the North American continent) NEGATIVES OF THE GOLD RUSH: -California Gold Rush came at TERRIBLE COST FOR CALIFORNIA INDIANS whose population declined very rapidly after 1848 b/c of disease&murder. -CHINESE & SOUTH AMERICAN MINERS ALSO FACED INTIMIDATION& VIOLENCE. -Initially few women came to Cali & those who did often TRICKED INTO PROSTITUTION to pay for their passage -By 1851, opportunities for the type of mining practiced by individual minders had dwindled as MINING OPERATIONS WERE CONTROLLED BY LARGE COMPANIES using new & expensive equitment, which contracted with miners to work for them. *Gold in Cali, Irish potatoe famine, & b/c its the W --> Immigrants (Lots of Chinese. & Irish & Germans too.


-Throughout 1835-1836, Texians (aka Americans in Texas) fought pitched battles w/ Mexican troops, taking command of the Alamo fortress in 1836 & occupying the town of Goliad. -In response, Mexican President Santa Anna sent Mexican army to put down the rebellion, capturing the Alamo & killing its defenders in March 1836. "Remember the Alamo"=rallying cry for Texas independence, & later in war w/ Mexico. -Later that month, Goliad surrendered as well, w/ all troops there executed too. -The Alamo was a defeat for TX, but they withheld the Mexican forces --> independence eventually. -Alamo=a mission/fortress. A spanish catholic mission. Americans use Alamo as fortress. -Mexico does not recognize Texas as independent.

John Tyler

-Vice president of Harrison who was elected in 1840. Harrison dies shortly after his inaugural speech; therefore, Tyler takes over the role of presidency in place of Harrison from 1840-1844. -Tyler strongly asserts himself to be recognized as President. -Politically John Tyler leaned more to Democrats agenda than Whigs as prez, vetoing #'s of legislation pieces sent by Whig-dominated Congress (including recreation of Bank of US that could've eased economic conditions in the country). In 1841 all of his cabinet except Daniel Webster resign & congressional caucus expelled him from the party. >Tyler=MAN W/O A PARTY -Tyler's priority=annexation (takeover) of Texas. He resolved to admitting Texas as a state using a joint resolution from congress rather than an annexation treaty. Tyler=admitted texas. TYLER=PREZ FROM 1840-1844 >Intrested in territorial expansion (aka Texas). South=for it, but North=hesitant to adding a pro-slavery state *S&N cont' to divide over issue of slavery TYLER PUSHES ISSUE OF TEXAS --> EXPANSION BEING ON THE TABLE (WHICH THEN POLK IN HIS PRESIDENCY OF 1844-1848 DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT)

Emancipation Proclamation

1/1863. Applied only to areas in the South in rebellion against U.S., regions that were not technically under Union control. Still, the proclamation made abolishing slavery a military goal, provided the energy/encouragement for 10's of thousands of enslaved people in the South to flee to the protection of Union lines, changing the meaning of the war. -This all came w/ challenges: >Peace Democrats in North opposed Emancipation Proc. as they advocated for lettingSouth go instead of more war. -Free blacks were now citizens-although they couldn't vote yet. Many join Union army. -Announced by Lincoln, formally issued on 1/1863 freeing slaves in all Confederate states still in rebellion. -Military measure intended to create chaos in the South. SLAVES ONLY FREED IN STATES OF REBELLION (Aka the confederacy) -Its a military tactic for lincoln. -Washington making it a war about slavery pushes out Engaland & France from helping South too. -The Emancipation Proclamation was limited & still needed an ammendment to end slavery as... >It only said South states (in rebellion)=slaves free >It was only a war time effort (Lincoln knows the legality of it is questionable)

Spots Resolution

1846, put forth by Abraham Lincoln demanding to know precise location of where Mexico allegedly shed American blood on American soil. -Abraham Lincoln challenging the Mexican-American War

Thomas Hart Benton speech: The Destiny of Race

1854, Thomas Hart Benton speech is really talking about economy/economic activity. However, his race to us nowheredays comes off as SUPER RACIST. -In a twisted way however, Benton is right b/c white superiority has proven to be dominant in taking over land. Also, Benton is on target w/ the economic aspect & free trade. -Benton speaks of California & new land acquired by America. -SUPPORTS OPEN TRADE BUT HIS SPEECH IS MARKED AS RACIST -Speaks of European expansion w/ Tehcnology& Science all the way but into America & so on to california -Speaks of the asian civilization being a good one even before whites. The asian civilization "went to sleep" & whites planning on waking it up -Benton=rash, supports manifest destiny, & justifys terrible actions of whites to other races -Idea of Manifest Destiny & Whites=superior is clear through his speech

"The Crime Against Kansas"

1856. Name of speech given by Massachusetts Senator Charles SUMNER who blamed South & Pro-slavery for events in Kansas. SUMNER specifically targeted Sentator Andrew BUTLER of SC. -Literal physical fighting in the senate. Pro-slaveryS v. Anti-slaveryN. -Congress, who represent the U.S. Country fighting themselves exemplifies how bad the anger, hatred, divison, and blood shed is becoming

The civil war

1861=1865. Left nation weary of war & uncertain about its course after the actual fighting concluded. -New stratagies & new reasons for fighting involved nearly all Americans. -Federal gov't expands, prez wielded new powers that had been unanticipated before. -Industries grow to meet needs of the large armies/machines of war. -For blacks-in both N&S, war offered new set of challenges & oppurtunities offered by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. -Brings the MOST U.S. CASUALTIES ever in war!! -UNION=SUPERIORITY IN #'S --> WINNING THE WAR -The vast amount of R.R.'s in North as well as the technology of the Telegraph=huge benefits of the north over the south which Lincoln uses as weapons. >W/ use of telegraph (that south didn't have), Lincoln knows everything all the time on whats happening in war. W/ use of R.R.'s union is able to quickly transport men & supplies.

Battle of Shiloh

1862. 20,000 casualties. It became clear that their was No turning back and the war wouldn't be short. Couldn't let people just be dying in vein, everyone is all in.

Homestead Act

1862. Act that allowed a settler to acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, improving it, and paying a nominal fee of about $30 - instead of public land being sold primarily for revenue, it was now being given away to encourage a rapid filling of empty spaces and to provide a stimulus to the family farm. (turned out to be a cruel hoax because the land given to the settlers usually had terrible soil and the weather included no precipitation, many farms were repo'd or failed until "dry farming" took root on the plains , then wheat, then massive irrigation projects) -After civil war, pressure for space for white settlement greatly intensified. In 1862, a Republican Congress had passed, (& prez Lincoln had signed) the Homestead Act, fulfilling a major Republican campaign promise to make more federal land available for white settlement. The act provided 160 acres of federal land to a family that would settle & maintain the land for 5 yrs. -The act HOWEVER, did not specify where the land would come from. Much of the initial homestead settlements were in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, & Kansas, all on lands that had been primary buffalo hunting locations for various Indian Tribes. MORE WHITES W--> FURTHER RACIAL CONFLICT W/ NATIVE AMERICANS -Homestead Law=Passed by congress in 1862 providing 160 acres of free land to anyone who'd live on the plot & farm it for 5 yrs. -Gov't giving people incentive to settle westward land. Gov't giving free land if people could live their for 5yrs & make land profitable. Proved difficult to do.

Morrill Tariff Act

1862. Each state received 30,00 acres of public lands for each senator & congressman in congress. -Profits from sale of lands financed agricultural & mechanical colleges in each state -Southern states who rejoined union enjoyed the same terms

Legal Tender Act

1862. National Currency and allowed the government to issue paper money; Authorized $150 million greenbacks (paper money). Union officials made it legal tender, but they were fiat money- not based on any specie. they represented no specific value and fluctuated with the success of the war. first time the federal government had worked to create a uniform currency.


1863 often referred to turning point of the war. "High tide of the Confederacy" came at Gettysburg. 3 days of battle saw 51,000 killed or wounded on both sides. -Lee took the offensive in the East and lead an army into enemy territory (MD and PA) thinking that if he could destroy the Union army or capture a major northern city, Lee hoped that he could force the North to call for peace or get foreign intervention in the South; 1863, surprised Union soldiers HERE; most crucial battle of the war; Lee -Bloodiest battle of the war led to Lee's withdrawl back to VA, ending the threat to Washington DC (7/1863) -Turning point. General Lee again trying to capture D.C. (Like he did in 9/1862 and failed). Another attempt for the South to bring quick end to war. Planning on getting shoes for troops in Gettysburg & then continue on to capture D.C. However, Union troops/people scouting them out through the hills in Gettysburg --> Battles of Gettysburg 51,000 Casualties in 3 days. -From confederate perspective: if they could mess w/ the union line, they could win. Union perspective= if they could keep their stance they could win. -Joshua Chamberland=Professor at a college, enlists in army. Rises in ranks as union kernel. In Gettysburg, fate of war is all up to his command. -Chamberland protects little roundtoe & keeps his stance. -Major turning point in union favor. South needed a quick war which wasn't possible anymore, S now had to fight a defensive war.

Plans of Reconstruction

2 plans. Presidential Plan & Congressional Plan Presidential Plan= -Lincoln -Moderate punishment to South -His plan includes "10% plan" (aka Southern rebelled states have to have 10% of population take loyalty oath to union to be allowed to be reunited into union. (Letting south off easy) Congressional Plan= -Thaddeus Stephens -Radical (hence calling for full political & social equality for former slaves and blacks) -Wanted to harshly punish south, break it into 5 sections -Wanted to require 50% loyalty oath & Southern rebelled states to agree to 13th & 14th ammendment before rejoining the union. WHAT ACTUALLY PLAYS OUT & HAPPENS= -Lincoln dies --> Johnson taking over as president & congress works to have him impeached. -Withing ONLY 3 years, almost all of South is returned to the Union. RECONSTRUCTION DIDN'T PLAY OUT AS WANTED FOR RADICAL REPUBLICANS (The South was left off the hook easy, not harshly punished at all)

Lincoln's 1st inaugural

3/1861. W/ states of deep south seceding from the union in 12/1860 -2/1861, Lincoln makes a response through his first inaugural address. -Lincoln considers secession illegal & would assert federal authority. Insisted he had no interest in interfering in slaver where it already existed. Promised to enforce fugitive slave act but wants stronger protection against free people being kidnapped. Lincoln pleas that union must be preserved. -N response=mixed -S confederate leaders see Lincoln's refusal to recognize the right of secession & claims federal property in South as a prelude to war. >A. Inaugural 1. Vowed to preserve the Union; to "hold, occupy, and possess" Federal property in the South; -- "Physically speaking, we cannot separate" -- Ambiguous on how he would do so; careful not to offend border slave states 2. Republicans & Democratic unionists agreed with speech's firmness & moderation 3. Lower South regarded it tantamount to declaration of war. >B. Lincoln an able leader 1. Developed a genius for interpreting and leading a fickle public opinion. 2. Showed charitableness toward South and patience toward backbiting colleagues 3. Succeeded in placating both Negrophobes and abolitionists in his bid for the presidency. ****Lincoln's appeal to the South in his 1st Inaugural Address was to WAIT Notes from Lincoln's First Inaugural Address speech (3/1861): -Through his speech, Lincoln is clear that his goal is to preserve the union and that he had no intent o interfering in slavery where it already existed in the south. -Lincoln makes it clear that; he is abiding by the constitution, he does not want war (sees it pointless & won't resolve anything), people should give things time before deciding to act rash, the decision of U.S lies within the hands of the people, his duty is to "preserve, protect, & defend" the gov't./U.S. -Explains to South that he will calmly fulfill the duties of the office of prez in a Union that he sees unbroken, and that any provocative actions taken will be the choice of the south. -When he ends his speech, he knows he will likely be a prez of civil war b/c his pleas to the S will have fallen on deaf ears. -Speech=short&sweet-understandable. -Logical- backs up his points, raitonal --> deist & enlightened thinking. -Lincoln's attitude towards secession=secession is constitutional; therefore, Lincoln still views South as part of the Union even if the decide/choose to secede. This leads to revolt in South. -Lincoln states "we should not be enemies but friends" -Lincoln makes it clear that he isn't going to send troops in & force South to stay around, but just going to do his presidential duties and carry those out. Anything the south decides to do is their choice. -If South starts war, it'll put Lincoln in position to have to respond as president. Lincoln makes this clear to the south, "I told you so" moment. -Lincoln makes the point that the North & South can't physically be seperated even if South chooses secession/war. The 2 will have to work together in reality no matter what happens. -Lincoln knows that when he ends his speech he will be a prez of civil war. -Lincoln is going to treat all as part of union & will do what he has to do. -Lincoln explains that the South are being hotheads and not thinking rationally. S is letting emotion/passion dictate their decisions. S is listening to the "devils".

Harpers Ferry

>A. Brown's scheme: invade the South secretly with a few followers and lead slaves to rise, give them arms, and establish a kind of black free state. -- Gained financial assistance for weapons from certain northern abolitionists. > B. October, 1859 -- Seized the arsenal at Harper's Ferry 1. 7 innocent people killed including a free black; ten others wounded. 2. Most slaves unaware of Brown's strike; did not rise up in rebellion 3. Brown trapped in armory and eventually surrendered to Capt. Robert E. Lee >C. Brown and his followers were hanged after a brief but legal trial. >D. Brown became a martyr in the North 1. Abolitionists and free-soilers were infuriated by Brown's execution. -- Some attributed Christ-like characteristics to him (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 2. Moderate northerners, including Republican leaders, deplored Brown's attack. >E. Effects of Harper's Ferry were ominous in southern eyes. 1. Brown seen as an agent of northern abolitionism and anti-slavery conspiracy. 2. Southern states began to organize militias for protection against future threats. -- Essentially, this was the beginning of the Confederate army. 3. Perhaps the most immediate cause of disunion besides Lincoln's election. John Brown=leads a violent slave uprising in the South (John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry 1859). Brown moves from Chambersburg --> MD (near harper's ferry) Where there was a lightly guard federal arsenal at junction of Potamac & Shenandoah rivers. Brown & army of 16 white & 5 black men attack it on 10/16/1859. Brown & followers=confident slaves of region would rise up & join them. As Brown & followers entered Harper's Ferry, took hostage but were quickly attacked (by angered towns people & federal troops commanded by Robert E. Lee). Brown refuses to surrender --> federal troops attacking. Only few escape. Brown=wounded, him & others captured tried on charges of insurection & treason. All were ruled guilty by jury & ruled to be hanged. -Brown becomes a hero in the North & frightened figure in the south ***However, immeditatley after the event, Democrats, Republicans, & even many abolitionists thought Brown was insane. PUBLIC OPINION SHIFTED. People in North started considering Brown's claim of using violence to end slavery. -Pacifist's such as Thoreau & Garrison against this (Brown using violence to implicate change/abolition cause). ***Out of fear south becomes an armed camp & doubts about remaining in the Union grow -John Brown wanted to start a slave revolt in the S. South doesn't stand for it. They hate the North. South now thinks all abolitionists are here to kill them

Dred Scott v. Sandford

>A. Dred Scott had lived with his master for 5 years in Illinois and Wisconsin Territory. 1. Backed by abolitionists, he sued for freedom on basis of his residence on free-soil. 2. 1854, federal circuit court upheld Missouri court's denial of his suit for freedom. a. Ironically, courts decision to try case affirmed Scot's status as a citizen b. Scott's lawyers appealed case to the Supreme Court > B. 80-year-old Marylander Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote the 55 page opinion. 1. Taney had been a Jacksonian who helped destroy BUS while sec. of treasury. 2. Main theme of his 22-year tenure on the Court was the defense of slavery. >C. Decision: 1. Dred Scott was a black slave and not a citizen and could not sue in federal courts. -- As a result, all blacks, north & south, were no longer citizens. 2. Slaves could not be taken away from owners w/o due process of law. As private property (5th Amendment) slaves could be taken into any territory and held there. 3. The Missouri Compromise was ruled unconstitutional; Congress could not forbid slavery in territories even if states wanted to. (KS-NB Act had already done this) > D. Impact 1. Many northern proponents of popular sovereignty horrified, including Douglas -- Further split Democratic party along sectional lines. 2. Republicans infuriated; many claimed decision was merely an opinion not a decision and thus nonbinding. -- Southerners claimed that northern unwillingness to honor the Supreme Court's decisions was further cause for disunion. (1857) Dred Scott v. Sandford begins in 1846 in where abolitionists urged Scott to fight for his freedom b/c his owner had taken him from Illinois --> free state of Minnesota. Scott demands for his freedom & it is brought up in supreme court case Dred v. Sanford. The supreme court decides against Scott, Cheif Justice Taney makes 2 points, 1. Black people have no rights (uses the constitution) & 2. therefore, Scott has no standing to bring the case. After the decision, its evident in the N&S that either slavery is banned everywhere or nowhere. Scott--> back to slavery but N abolitionists purchase Scott & his wife freeing them. -The outcome of the case thrills the south. Many northern democrats delighted to see the "funeral sermon" of the new republican party. Many moderate northerners however were outraged. *****The Dred Scott decision would force people to take a stand on the issue of slavery because it declared that blacks were not citizens

Election of 1860

>A. Lincoln elected president with only 40% of the vote; most sectional election in history. 1. Lincoln won all Northern states except NJ and MO (180 electoral votes to 123) a. Lincoln not allowed on the ballot in 10 southern states b. S.C. rejoiced at the returns; now had their excuse for secession. 2. Breckinridge won all the Deep South states plus AK, MD, and DE 3. Bell won border states of VA KY and mid-slave state of TN 4. Douglas won only MO and NJ but finished 2nd in popular votes >B. South still had control of both Houses of Congress and a 5-4 majority on Supreme Court -- Antislavery amendment could be defeated by only 1/4 of states yet South had 15 states (nearly half) that would prevent such an amendment. COUNTRY DETERIORATES INTO 4 POLITICAL PARTIES DUE TO TENSION OF SLAVERY --> MORE OPINIONS & PARTIES: -REPUBLICANS=party of the future nominate ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Party is strong in the North, non-existent in the South. Had lots going for them; united, attracted young voters, economic policies appealed to many in the north. As the Know-Nothing Party dies out, they turn to republican party. Many believed Republican win= support for South secession >Lincoln wins w/ 180 electoral votes (ALL FROM NORTH/WEST) >DEMOCRATS: Divide between North moderates & South extremists. -NORTHERN DEMOCRATS=nominate Stephen A. Douglas & are for popular sovregnity. ***Lincoln campaigns against Douglas in the north. -SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS=nominate Breckinridge. Understood the split of democratic parties would benifit Republicans. -CONSTITUTIONAL UNION=nominate Bell. A faction of old whig party reemerged as the constitutional union party. ***Breckinridge campaigns against Bell in the south. -GIVEN TENSIONS IN THE 1860, NOT SURPRISING THAT TRADITIONAL POLITICAL PARTIES SPLINTERED. -Tenions about slavery --> division into even more opinions & parties. In the Democratic party, convention held & aprox 1/3 walked out & formed their own party (S. Democratic party). Whigs turned to Constitutional Union party. ******FOUR political parties emerged in the 1860 election because consensus could not be reached on the issue of slavery

Gag rule

A procedural ruling passed in the house of representatives preventing discussion of anti-slavery petitions from 1836-1844. >It ignored abolitionist petitions & highlighted the divison over slavery -Van Buren puts these in place b/c he sees it as an attack on the union, also he does it for the southern support


A system of agriculture where a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on land. After the Civil War, sharecropping was a widespread response to the economic upheaval caused by the emancipation of slaves and disenfranchisement of poor whites. Sharecroopping helped to maintain the status quo between Blacks and Whites. -New economic arrangement born. Sharecropping, instead of working for wages, former slaves worked as independent intreprenuears who were guaranteed sharecrop of land for their labor. An owner of a Lg tract of land would provide crude housing & short term loan for expenses. Landowner & sharecropped would split harvest but planters often cheated off their illiterate tenants. Sharecropping becomes primary means of agriculture organization in much of south -Sharecropping emerged as an effective means of tying landless people to the land; the landowner supplied the land, seed, housing, a short term loan for expenses, etc., while tenants supplied labor and presumably recieved a share of the cost of the crop, minus their expenses. Too often, landowners overstated expenses and understated profits, trapping tenants in a cycle of debt & dependence. -SUBSTITUTE FOR SLAVERY. HOW SOUTH GETS AROUND 13TH AMENDMENT. -Plant owners give former slavers plots of land to live, tools, etc. all for rent to be paid at end of harvest season w/ the money they make farming (Owner & tenant suppose to split half the profit- owner often cheated off tenants). Former slaves would have to pay plantation owner at end of cropping season but being cut short on profits, were inevitably dug into hole of sharecropping forever.

Peace Democrats

Also known as copperheads, a large faction within the democratic party that advocated immediate peace w/ the confederacy on terms that would allow it to leave the union.

Fort Sumter

Attack on Fort Sumter begins the Civil War >A. Located at the mouth of Charleston Harbor, Ft. Sumter was one of two last remaining federal strongholds in the South (the other Ft. Pickering in Florida) 1. The day after inauguration, Lincoln notified by Major Robert Anderson that supplies to the fort would soon run out and he would be forced to surrender. 2. Lincoln faced with choices that were all bad a. No supplies would mean surrender; would ruin his credibility to "hold, possess, and occupy" b. Reinforcements would surely lead to an armed clash which would begin the Civil War with the North seen as the provocateur. -- Also, Union detachments not available on such short notice. c. Solution: Notified South Carolinians of an expedition to provision the garrison, not to reinforce it. -- Lincoln would let the South start the war if it wished 3. April 9, 1861 -- A ship carrying supplies for Fort Sumter sailed from New York. -- Seen by S.C. as an act of aggression; "reinforcement" >B. April 12: Fort Sumter bombarded by more than 70 Confederate canon 1. Anderson's garrison held for 34 hours until 2:30 p.m. on April 13, when he surrendered. 2. Anderson's men allowed to return North. 3. No loss of life during bombardment; fort heavily damaged >C. Lincoln calls for volunteers (now has N support after being attacked) 3. April 15, Lincoln issued call to the states for 75,000 militiamen; 90 day service 4. April 19, Lincoln proclaimed a blockade of Southern seaports -- Initially ineffective; eventually strangled the South. Fort Sumter=A new federal installation guarding the harbor of Charleston SC. A dramatic symbol of federal authority in the heart of the confederacy. >In 1860 after SC secession, SC demands that outgoing Prez Buchanan remove the federal garrison & hand the fort over to them- Buchanan refuses & tries to reinforce the fort in 1/1861 >SC fired on the supply ship-not the fort & ship turned back. When Lincoln comes in office, sends a supply ship w/ food & medicine-no arms to Fort Sumter knowing Anderson was running low on supplies. >Jefferson Davis wasn't willing to allow the federal presence in what Davis considered an independent country& ordered officer in charge (Pierre G.T. Beauregard) of confederate troops in Charleston to attack the fort >Battle begins on April 12th, 1861 w/ shore batteries in Charleston shelling For Sumter >Major Anderson surrenders on April 13th out of food & ammunition . Anderson & defending troops allowed to leave, sailed to NY where they were greeted as heros, but CONFEDERATES HAD CONTROL OF THE FORT. CONFEDERATES HAD WON THE BATTLE, BUT THEY HAD FIRED (>Prez Lincoln declared that a state of insurrection existed. The attack & Lincoln's response brought unity-even if temporary-to most of the north. Within days of firing on Fort Sumter& Lincoln's call for troops, every border had begun to CONSIDER secession & four- VA, NC, Tenn., & Arkanasa voted to. Kentucky declares neutrality (remains in Union even though slave state, as well as MD & Delware) *VA & Missouri represented in both Union) >Even after attack on Fort Sumter & secession of the border states, many doubted that a real war would take place. 4/1861 at 4:30 am -SC secedes following Lincoln's First Inagural Address followed by the rest of the deep south. -US has forts throughout U.S.-which includes the South. (One of which being Ft. Sumter, an island off of coast of Charleston SC). The South is trying to claim this fort as theirs but Lincoln- as chief in command won't have it as its U.S/union property. -South tries to kick North troops out of Fort Sumter giving them until 4:30 am on 4/1861, when northern troops don't leave, the South attacks North at Fort Sumter STARTING THE WAR. -The South attack on the Union/North forces Lincoln to have to do something (aka declaring war) --> CIVIL WAR BEGINS -Significance= the firing on the federal garrison by Confederate forces was the opening of the war.

Manifest Destiny

Between 1845-1848, US nearly doubles in size thanks to the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. The term gave voice to old ideas of spreading Democracy & Protestant Christianity across the American continent, along with the notion that the spread was DIVINELY ORDAINED. -Not all supporters of Manifest Destiny had such ideas. Some were Railroad Premoters hoping for profit in extending the railroad network westward. Others were Failed Farmers seeking to start over. -There were also a number of voices who OPPOSED manifest destiny, including many WHIGS. (Led by Henry Clay, the Whigs sought a more-well-developed existing nation, complete w/ roads, canals, railroads, & industries). ANTI-SLAVERY ADVOCATES, also OPPOSED the addition to new territory-concerned that this would give new weight&power to the slave states. Some simply saw expansion by violence as MORALLY WRONG. >Democrats tend to support manifest destiny, & Whigs tend to oppose it. -America moving into new regions further west. -During this time, the twin pillars of Democratic Party (aka Jackson/Van Buren supporters) were small federal gov't & Manifest destiny -Manifest Destiny= grounded in racism & explains the economic expansion as well. -Manifest Destiny was spurred by national pride. -John O'Sullivan coins manifest destiny -Through Manifest destiny, natives are being pushed out of their lands & our trails are pushing into territories we don't own. -Post-panic of 1837, many saw expansion (& expansion of trade) as a way to revive the struggling economy. Expansion=response to depression (to get out of it)

Appomattox Court House

Black troops occupied the city of Charleston & also skirmished w/ Lee's men outside of Appomattox Courthouse, VA. On April 9th, Lee surrendered to Grant, who allowed the Confederate troops to keep their guns if they promised to return to their farms. Although the surrender didn't quite end the war, it was EFFECTIVELY OVER -Lee forced to totally surrender at this court house in 1865; Union treated enemy with respect and allowed Lee's men to return home to their families with their horses -Lee surrendered to Grant. (4/1865)

Civil Rights Act of 1866 & Fourteenth Amendment

Civil Rights Act of 1866: This amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection under the law. -Passed in reaction to Johnson's decloration of presidential Reconstruction & his veto of Freedmans Bureau in 1866 (Congress overturned him, surprise surprise) -gave blacks citizenship & aimed to destroy black codes. Johnson vetoed it but congress overrules his veto and turns to make 14th ammendment for more extreme/permanent measures. 14th Amendment: This amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection under the law. Also stated changes drastically different from 3/5 clause & other previously accepted parts of constitution; if any states limited the voting rights of males, they'd have their rep in congress reduced, confederate debts=null, & anyone w/ federal office position who went against gov't couldn't hold office position again (Ratified in 1868) -13th, 14th, & 15th amendment looked great on paper but in reality, created catastrophe, b/c South used loop holes against them. >South gets around 14th ammendment by "Seprare but equal" (Hence Jim Crow laws, Plessy v Ferguson) & black codes.

How was the question of Oregan settled? Use the phrase "54' 40 or fight"

Claims to Oregan territory had been shared between Britain & America due to treaties. By 1840's, both wanted to resolve the borders & end joint ownership of territory. >The issue had already been negotiated by U.S. & Britain for the US&Canadian border in the Webster-Asherburn Treaty in 1842 where it had been negotiated of the 49th parallel from Great Lakes West to beginning of Oregon. -Polk however wanted more than this promising in his campaign to win all of Oregon to Alaska border (or 54' 40) THE BRITISH GOV'T LED BY PRIME MINISTER SIR ROBERT PEEL'S ADMINISTATORS ALONG W/ POLKS EVENTAULLY COMPROMISED THE 49TH PARALLEL (the current border) in spring 1846. The agreement was AN OBVIOUS COMPROMISE. The phrase "54' 40 or fight" comes from: slogan of those wanting to take all of Oregon; numbers (54 40') was line of latitude where people wanted Oregon border; did not want compromise of 49th parallel, as was done by President Polk. -President Polk (from 1844-1848) demands all of Oregan territory hence "54' 40 or fight". THREATENING BRITISH W/ WAR IF THEY DON'T AGREE, BRITISH COMPROMISES/BACKSDOWN. THE AGREEMENT/COMPROMISE BECOMES 49TH PARALLEL. -Oregon had been split between US&Britain but when "Oregon Fever" broke loose in 1841 fervid EXPANSIONISTS began demanding the entire are for U.S.-hence 54' 40 or fight.

Robert E. Lee

Commands troop attacking John Brown & followers who took hostage of the lightly guarded federal arsenal. Troops attacked killing/capturing most rebels. The ones remaining sentenced by jury to death. (In relation to John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry, 1859) -On the day VA voted to secede, Robert E. Lee was offered command of the Union army but resigned from the U.S. army & eventually commanded the Confederate Army if Northern VA. -Lee=Confederate general. In north Virginia, leads lots of Confederate victories, but after Gettysburg and their loss there, their cont' victories aren't really doing anything, just using up men, supplies, etc. (waste)

Jefferson Davis

Confederate President=Jefferson Davis. Rather than a quick victory, he hoped to wear the union down in a war of attrition that'd eventually force U.S. to sue for peace (compared to Lincoln who wanted a quick war). -Davis hoped that Britain, dependent on Southern cotton would recognize the Confederate gov't. But, he underestimated the Abolitionist opinion in Britain, which already begun to explore alternative sources for cotton in India & elsewhere. -Davis plan to use Britain=failed.


Congress wanted to impeach Johnson for violating the Tenure of Office Act, but he was acquitted by one vote. -Johnson's continual vetoes & siding w/ former slave owners rather than the former slaves move congress towards efforts to impeach Johnson. Congress no longer working with Johnson. Johnson=virtually irrelevant ti federal reconstruction policies as congress passed laws, prez Johnson vetoed them, & congress passed them over the prez veto. -Congress passes Tenure of Office act in 1867 (which said any person whose appointment required the Senate's consent, namely, members of the cabinet and ambassadors, could be replaced only when the Senate approved a successor. The goal of the act was to ensure the Secretary of war Stanton who'd been appointed by Lincoln and who took a tough stance on reconstruction would stay in office) -President Johnson in violation of the Tenure of Office Act fires Secretary of war Stanton. -Johnson tried for impeachment in which House of reps required to act like a Grand Jury deciding weather or not to bring charges, called impeachment against the president. -Was brought upon impeachment with long list of charges, most having to do w/ violation of Tenure act. -When senate finally voted in May 1868, Johnson survived impeachment by 1 vote. He would finish out is term in relative peace, although chance for reelection were very slim.

Radical Republicans

Congressional group that wished to punish the South for its secession from the Union; pushed for measures that gave economic and political rights to newly freed blacks in the South and that made it difficult for former Confederate states to rejoin the Union. -Extreme Republicans. Shifting group of Republican congressman, favoring abolishing slavery & advocated full rights for former slaves in South. -W/ end of war/reconstruction, Radical Republicans on the rise. They were determined that North's victory in Civil War meant country should give formerly enslaved people not only their freedom but also right to vote & hold officer too. Also, believed the country should provide land for those who previously worked on others land as slaves. -All in all, advocates for formerly enslaved people to have all rights of white Americans. -They argued that after the Confederacy fought 4 yrs against the union, the states of the former Confederacy were effectively out of the union &could be readmitted only after some period in which the federal gov't sought to reconstruct states gov'ts to ensure that those who led the rebellion (traitors) would not leave the new states gov't & that the full civil rights of African Americans would be ensured -Reconstruction efforts of Radical Republicans decline in the 1870's as Grant administration faced one corrupt scandal after another. South reconstruction gov't regularly accused of corruption. It was difficult for federal administration or US army officers in South to get support -Wanted equal rights of White Americans granted to African Americans & wanted to harshly punish southern states who'd rebelled. -Had the best organized and clearest vision for progress during reconstruction time -Led by Thaddeus Stevens in House & Charles Sumner in Senate, radicals put forward impressive reform agenda including 14th & 15th ammendment. (These along w/ 13th ammendment) known as "Reconstruction Ammendments" helped to redefine the role of the federal gov't as an active guarantor of the rights of individuals. -Visons of land disturbution to former slaves were ignored & Freedman's Bureau was never fully founded, nor were the radicals successful in impeaching President Johnson from office, but they did make steps during reconstruction.

Election of 1864 and Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural

Democrats nominated George McClellan, with a platform for peace; Lincoln with new VP Andrew Johnson (TN War Democrat); Lincoln won. -It wasn't clear weather Lincoln could hold his office. Cont' looses, lack of progress at Petersburg, & hostitlity to emancipation all combined to strengthen the chances of Copperhead antiwar Democrats in the 1864 election. While Democrats grew strong, Republicans loosing heart by 1864. -Sherman however, compensates for Republican doubts redeeming the party through his marches. -Lincoln vs. McClellan, Lincoln wants to unite North and South, McClellan wants war to end if he's elected, citizens of North are sick of war so many vote for McClellan; end result: Lincoln wins Lincoln's 2nd Innagural Address: -His audience is the North. 3/1865. At this point 13th ammendment passed (aka slavery abolished), war was coming to an end but hadn't finished yet-clear North was going to win. -In his Address, clear that everyone is just ready for the war to end as all know North will win. -Slavery=issue and cause of war. -No one expected war to last so long side. -Lincoln reminds North to be careful, if North was so right why was war still going on/not super quick? -Lincoln explains that this war and it all being dragged out is of gods doings and he has a plan. Both sides think god is on there side. -War=both North & South's fault. The war is payment for the sin of slavery. (God doing so to sort out their wrongs) -In last paragraph, Lincoln talks of his plans of reconstruction: bringing South back into union and binding the 2 back together. (In the end, gives Confederates only a slap on the wrist, tells them all to go home and lets all start over

Abraham Lincoln

Elected president in 1860. A republican. Didn't intend to abolish slavery where is existed, but did not want slavery to spread any further. -Lincoln prior to his presidency (from 1860-1864) had little political experience. Was a lawyer. The fact that he was form Illinois-aka Midwest was appealing to Republicans/N. In the election he obtains all votes from N but none from S --> Lincoln's prez. -Lincoln against slavery expansion --> SC & other deep south states to secede. -Against forced labor, BUT not for equality of white and blacks (when it comes to race relations, he is not for the intermixing of races, just against forced labor) -His goal is to save the union when it comes to civil war & if stopping slavery is helpful to the union, then he will do so.

Depression of 1873

Economy crashes -over expansion (mainly of RR's) -Banks (over 100) crash, many business fold as a result -Unemplyment rises -65 month depression -North=motivated not to care about reconstruction as they have their own problems up in the north.

Clara Barton

Free agent nurse during Civil War. A reformer and nurse of the nineteenth century, who founded the American Red Cross in the 1880s. She had organized nursing care for Union soldiers during the Civil War.

Mexican-American War & Mexican Cession (Including causes, opposing views, details of the war, results & terms: Monterrey, Battle of Buena Vista, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, & Gasden Purchase, General Zachary Taylor, James K. Polk, Winfield Scott, Santa Anna, etc.)

HOW THE WAR GETS STARTED: -Polk=concerned w/ expansion into Mexico. America claiming Rio Grande=border between US & Mexico & Mexico claiming Nueces river=border between US & Mexico --> Polk ordering troops under command of GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR into territory between the 2 rivers --> Taylor's troops engaged w/ Mexican soldiers who'd cross the rio grande --> 11 americans killed (April 25, 1846) --> Polk going to congress for a decloration of war, claiming Mexico had invaded & shed blood on American soil. Congress not united on the question (Whigs=opposed to war). Eventually, though Polk gets what he asks for a Decloration of war. -UNCLEAR BORDERS--> WAR. ALONG W/ IDEAS OF MANIFEST DESTINY -POLK=PUSHING MEXICO TO THE WALL --> MEXICO FINALLY REACTING. OPPOSING VIEWS: -Mexican=American War produces strong opposition, including John Q. Adams & young congressman Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. >Whigs mostly opposed the war & there was controversy it congress. Strong oppisotion from Abraham Lincoln, the term "spots resolutions" comes from: Abraham Lincoln demanding to know precise location of where Mexico allegedly shed American blood on American soil. (Abraham Lincoln challenging the Mexican-American War). -CONGRESS=CONCERNED W/ MORALITY & SLAVERY WHILE AMERICAN PEOPLE BLINDED BY IDEOLOGY OF MANIFEST DESTINY >Perhaps the most influential response to Mexican-American War came from Thoreau who saw conflict as immoral. In: Civil Disobedience he outlines his beliefs that his oppisotion to the war prevented him from paying taxes since a portion of these would go to supporting the war effort. He becomes model for civil disobedience for generations to come. DETAILS OF THE WAR: -General Zachary Taylor= chief in command of troops ordered by Polk to go to territory between the two river of the Rio grande & Nueces river. >In initial battles of war, Taylor often defeated larger Mexican forces thanks to technology. Heat & disease still took a toll on US troops. In September 1846, Taylor defeats a large Mexican force & captures strategically important town of MONTERREY -Santa Anna (Mexican prez/leader) marched to North to engage Taylor & 2 armies met at BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA (AKA LARGEST SINGLE ENGAGEMENT OF THE WAR, WHICH ENDED IN A DRAW). (1847) -Prez Polk then turns to experience soldier WINFIELD SCOTT to plan an invasion of Mexico. In March 1847, Scott landed troops in Veracruz, the largest amphibious operation of U.S. troops before D-Day. SCOTT'S ARMY TOOK MEXICO CITY THAT SEPT. >GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR SECURED NE MEXICO & GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT WENT ALL THE WAY TO MEXICO CITY & CAPTURED IT MEXICAN CESSION (AKA GIVING UP OF LAND): -MEXICO CEDED ALL OR PARTS OF PRESENT DAY: CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, COLORADO, UTAH & NEVADA!!!! -In February if 1848, American diplomat Nicholas Trist & Mexican commissioners signed the TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO, granting U.S. CONTROL OF ALL OF TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, & CALIFORNIA. Mexico was paid $15million& U.S. GAINED 90,000 NEW CITIZENS & A RESHAPED NATION. -The Mexican Cession also enabled U.S. to operate several Pacific coast ports. >*In 1840's, American whaling ships led all other nations in Pacific whaling, helping lead the way for the nation to become a dominant player across the Pacific OTHER: -IN 1853, the GASDEN PURCHASE added a strip of land south of Airizona & New Mexico in the final extension of U.S. territory within what would be the contiguous 48 states. US pays mexico $10million for it. *BY WINNING THE MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR, AMERICA BECOMES LARGER, BUT ITS BONDS BECOME WEAKER (N&S CONT' DIVISON). EXPANSION PUSHES COUNTRY INTO CIVIL WAR. In a nutshell: TX=annexed by US but Mexico doesn't recognize it. Polk pushes for war against Mexico--> Spots Respolutions w/ Lincoln. Through congress, Polk gets enough votes --> Mexican-American war. MEXICAN WAR=ISSUE OF EXPANSION/SLAVERY

Gassed Purchase

IN 1853, the GASDEN PURCHASE added a strip of land south of Airizona & New Mexico in the final extension of U.S. territory within what would be the contiguous 48 states. US pays mexico $10million for it. -All about the Transcontinental RR and incorporating it in the south, which subsequently brings along the question of if slavery will join it as well in the west land. -Trying to connect W to E coast. (Bought for the purpose but really land in SW) -Adds territory for U.S. -Pushes issue fo slavery into Kansas & Nebraska

"Bleeding Kansas"

IN A NUTSHELL: A. Popular Sovereignty resulted in BOTH pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Kansas -- Many anti-slavery people came armed with breach loading rifles ("Beecher's Bibles" -- after Henry Ward Beecher ) B. Southerners infuriated by apparent northern betrayal -- attempts to abolitionize Kansas. >1. Douglas' "scheme" informally implied that Kansas would become slave & NB free. >2. Armed Southerners sent into region (many from MO) to thwart northerners >3. Ironically, struggle fought over imaginary blacks (only 2 slaves in Kansas in 1860) C. 1855 election in Kansas for first territorial legislature > 1. Proslavery "border ruffians" from MO poured into KS to vote repeatedly. -- Proslaveryites triumphed and created puppet government >2. Free-soilers ignored the bogus election and established extralegal gov't in Topeka. D. 1856, a gang of proslavery raiders shot up and burned part of free-soil Lawrence, Kansas. E. The caning of Charles Sumner > 1. Sumner a leading abolitionist Senator from Massachusetts, gave speech "Crime Against Kansas" where he lashed out at southern proslaveryites and insulted a S.C. Senator >2. S.C. Congressman Preston Brooks retaliated by hitting Sumner over the head 30 times or more with an 11-oz gold-headed cane. >3. The House of Reps could not find enough votes (122 to 95-- 2/3 needed) to expel Brooks but he resigned nonetheless, and was unanimously reelected by S.C. >4. Sumner came to symbolize for the North the evils of the slavery system (along with bleeding Kansas issue) >5. Blows to Sumner among the first blows of the Civil War, in a broad sense. DETAILS: -Bleeding Kansas=violence between pro & anti slavery forces in Kansas territory after the passage of the K-N Act of 1854. The 4 year battle (1854-1858) gave the territory the name bleeding Kansas & hardened public opinion N&S. Battle was confusing & violent. *Issue w/ popular soveriengity as their was conflict in opinion on Kansas being free or slave state within the state itself. Causes: -All of this violence & chaos caused due to Kansas close proximity of both N&S states w/ people moving into Kansas w/ differing opinions on slavery. Pro-slavery="border ruffians" from Missouri & aboltionists from north pour into Kansas. -Missourians arriving first-->pre-dominantly pro-slavery territory & representation in the beginning. Anti-slavery advocates pour in & out# pro-slavery advocates. Free-state Kansas supporters hold convention in Topeka --> Kansas having 2 LEGISLATURES, 2 GOVERNORS, & 2 TERRITORIAL REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS. Each faction boycotted the other. >Prez Pierce disperses of the anti-slavery Topeka legislature b/c it lacked legal mandate & pro-slavery viewers form Lecompton Constitution in 1857 --> antislavery believers in Kasnas boycotting election & pro-slaves win. Congress calls for a new vote & all the chaos & violence that results & occurs between 1854-1858 known as BLEEDING KANSAS. *Goes to show the division of the U.S. between pro&anti-slavery. ******fighting broke out in Kansas over the issue of slavery b/c of the effects of popular sovereignty -CAUSED BY POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY

In the 1840's & 1850's America, from where were immigrants coming & where did they tend to settle? What challenges did they face? What did they contribute to the growing country?

Immigrants primarily came from Ireland, Germany, & China. The desperately poor often fled for U.S. The California Gold Rush & growing U.S. Industrialization was appealing w/ new economic opportunity. By 1850's U.S.=more ethically diverse. All 3 groups of immigrants faced prejudice w/ the American whites ideology of Manifest Destiny/white superiority Chinese- Came to california & Hawaii. CAME TO WEST COAST. Americans see them as the solution for labor force/people. MANY MALES IMMIGRATED. In early days, they saearch for gold but Chinese begin getting resistance from white minors. The woman that came --> prostitution. Tax & anti-chinese sentiment in U.S. Towards chinese. After civil war, they CONTRIBUTE AS LABOR IN RAILROADS ON WEST COAST Irish- Due to Great Famine, Irish immigration of the poor into EAST COAST of U.S. IRISH=CATHOLIC & American protestants see IRISH AS INFERIOR RACE. Women worked as household help & women and men labored in factories. Lived mostly in cities as living in farms=expensive. BUILT EAST END OF RAILROAD THAT CHINESE WORKED ON IN WEST COAST German- More finance resources than Irish. Settled in MIDWEST. Dominated immigrat FARM TOWNS. Introduced many TRADITIONS to U.S. (I.e. X-mas tree, beer, etc). Germans=diverse in religon

Compromise of 1850

In a nutshell: >A. Sunset of the "Great Triumvirate": 1. Clay initiated his 3rd great compromise a. North & South should compromise; North should enact more effective fugitive slave legislation. b. Supported by Stephen Douglas, the "Little Giant" >B. Road to Compromise: 1. Taylor died of cholera on July 9, 1850; Millard Fillmore signed "Compromise of 1850" 3. Stephen Douglas most important in getting the bill passed through Congress. > C. "Compromise of 1850" (Omnibus legislation -- passed in separate parts): 1. California admitted as a free state 2. Abolition of the slave trade in District of Columbia 3. Popular sovereignty in remainder of Mexican Cession: New Mexico and Utah territories. 4. More stringent Fugitive Slave Law (than 1793) 5. Texas to receive $10 million from federal gov't as compensation for its surrendering of disputed territory to New Mexico. >D. Result 1. North got better deal. a. CA tipped Senate in favor of the North b. Popular sovereignty in NM & UT territory probably in favor of North (desert) c. $10 million to Texas a modest sum; new area almost certain to be free. d. Halt of slave trade in Washington DC a step toward emancipating it. 2. Fugitive Slave Law became the single most important frictional issue between north and south in the 1850s. The Southern cause enforced in Northern states. 3. Compromise of 1850 won the Civil War for the North a. Bought ten precious years to expand economic growth and sentiment Union cause. b. Many northerners unwilling to go to war in 1850 for the Union cause. c. Inflammatory events in 1850s brought northern willingness to resist secession 1.-Prez Taylor=trying to tackle complex issue of Cali statehood. Hating threat of secession proposes admitting Cali & New Mexico as new states w/ Cali=free state & New Mexico=uncertain. --> Uproar in congress (S threatening to suceed) --> Senator of Kentucky, the "great compromiser" Henry Clay to get involved 2.-Clay puts forward a new set of proposals hoping for them to pass in congress & avert sectional crisis by defusing tension. >1st Compromise=Cali admitted as a free state (but New Mexico under territorial gov't w/ no restrictions on subject of slavery. As territory, New Mexico=can't vote in senate.) >2nd Compromise= Resolve Q. of TX&NM border by giving more land to NM & $10 million to TX. >3rd Compromise= Abolition of slave trade (but not slavery itself in D.C.) >4th Compromise=law enhancing slave holders rights to reclaim slaves who fled N. 3.-Clay's proposal of compromises tried to balance & appeal to both sections but, most in congress on both sides disliked Clay's proposal b/c it didn't go enough in the direction they wanted 4.-Calhoun of SC threatens w/ S secession. Webster speaks in favor of Clay's proposal of compromises (--> destroying Webster's reputation) 5.-In summer of 1850, Calhuon & Prez Taylor both died. New prez Fillmore from NY favors Clay's compromise. Stephen A. Douglass (leader of new generation of senators) managed to forge a final compromise to close Clay's proposal. In a series of separate resolutions... >1. CALI. ADMITTED AS A FREE STATE. NM & UTAH=ORGANIZED TERRITORY W/ NO VOTE IN CONGRESS (to maintain balance in senate) >2. SLAVE TRADE (but not slavery)= PROHIBITED IN D.C. >3. TX ACCEPTS $10 MILLION IN EXCHANGE FOR CHANGED BORDERS W/ NM. >4. CONGRESS PASSES FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT: DESIGNED TO PLEASE SOUTH BY GIVING THEM THE RIGHT NOT ONLY TO RECLAIM RUN AWAY SLAVES BUT ALSO TO DEMAND FEDERAL & LOCAL NORTHERN HELP IN THE PROCESS. Fugitive slave act=part of the compromise of 1850. created new set of federal agents to help track runaway slaves & required authorities in N to assist South slave catchers & return runaway slaves to their owner. *The South agreed to Clay's 1850 compromise only if a fugitive slave act was a part of such compromisse. *US IS BEING PULLED FORWARD INTO CIVIL WAR. N VIEWS FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT AS INTOLERABLE -Not 1 piece of legislation, happened over a pd of weeks. -COMPROMISE OF 1850 TRYING TO AVOID CIVIL WAR -Politicians don't want to take a stand so leave the decision up to the people through POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY IN NEW MEXICO & UTAH. (Proves problematic, as giving power to the people --> more divison) -The new fugitive slave act is passed within the Compromise of 1850. N caves and gives this to the S. It makes it a felony to help escaped slaves. (Effects N abolition movement & underground RR b/c now a crime to help a slave) -THE QUESTION OF SLAVERY HAD YET AGAIN BEEN PUT OFF/AVOIDED. NOT SETTLED.

Election of 1876 and the "Compromise of 1877"

In election of 1876, loss of interest of Reconstruction=evident. Republicans nominated Ohio Governor Rutherford B Hayes, who was on good terms w/ all factions in the party. His platform said little about reconstruction . -Democrats nominated NY governor Samuel Tilden who'd made a fortune as a legal council for some of the countries richest bankers and RR's, gained fame for fighting corruption in gov't -Campaign=intense. Especially in South where violence & confusion reigned -In the end, Hayes wins The months between the election and inauguration were super tense. Some democrats vowed "Tilden or War" -To ease tensions, democrats met w/ Ohio republicans and negotiated a compromise. Haye's who promised to treat south with "Kind consideration" agreed that, if he were made prez, he would bring an end to the reconstruction, most of all by withdrawal of federal troops that were in the South protecting Republican gov'ts. Southern democrats like this offer and agree (Compromise of 1877) Compromise of 1877-It withdrew federal soldiers from their remaining position in the South, enacted federal legislation that would spur industrialization in the South, appointed Democrats to patronage positions in the south, and appointed a Democrat to the president's cabinet. -COMPROMISE OF 1877 ENDS RECONSTRUCTION. -The election of 1876=disputed. --> Political deal (hence Compromise of 1877) in which Republican nominee Hayes would become president, but in return for the South, Northern troops would be removed from South & South control would be given back to white Southerners.

North v South life during civil war

In south, confederate gov't purposefully created a weak execuitive entity. They had neither the means or power to raise the funds necessary to support the war. Inflation=huge in S as confederate gov't tried to save their financial problems by printing more money-this was counteractive. By 1863, food shortages led to bread riots throughout the S. -In North life was easier. Congress in North creates an Internal Revenue Service & began a federal income tax in August of 1861 to finance the war. Most people fell under the annual income that required taxation so were unaffected by this law. Congress in N also authorized bank notes called Greenbacks, which were legal tender but not secured by gold or silver. These measures paved the way for A SOLID FINANCIAL STRUCTURE THAT'D ENDURE WELL AFTER THE WAR.

Anaconda Plan

In the north, Winfield Scott proposes the Anaconda Plan which would effectively squeeze the Confederacy into submission by taking control of the Mississippi & blockading the South by sea -Plan for civil war proposed by general-in-chief Winfield Scott, which emphasized the blockade of Southernp ports and called for an advance down the Mississippi River the cut the South in two, the plan would suffocate the South (1861) -Union strategy for winning the war. Idea is to economically strangle the confederacy. -Ultimate plan=take Mississippi River & con't to cut down the confederacy.

Army of Potomac

In the wake of the defeat of the Battle of Manassas (Bull Run) in July 1861, Lincoln called for an additional 1 million volunteers & reorganized the Army of the Potomac under command of George McClellan. -Few Union army victories in the early months of the war, as McClellan consistently overestimated the strength of the Confederate fighting forces. Union navy however, more successful w/ early victories along Confederate coast line.

What did winning California from Mexico do for the US?

It dramatically changed the U.S. Economy- in terms of gold & increased venturing throughout the Pacific (including/involving whaling & trade). US projecting Manifest Destiny across Pacific Ocean w/ few rivals. U.S. becoming world leader in production of whale oil, est. relationship w/ Hawaii, increased its trade w/ China & forced Japan to open itself up to the West. >The intensifying interest of US in Asia in the 1840's&1850's reflects DESIRE of US policy makers to successfully COMPETE W/ EUROPE for new markets & desire for U.S. as emerging/possible world power.

Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)

July of 1861. Confederates succeed winning the first Battle of Manassas (Bull Run), scaring the green Union troops with the notorious REBEL YELL sending them scrambling to Washington DC -First major battler of the war (July 1861), 30000 federal troops marched from D.C. to attack Confederate forces; just as Union was going to win, General Stonewall Jackson countered and sent inexperienced Union troops in a scattered flight by to D.C.; battle ended the illusion of a short war

John Brown

Known for John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry (1859). Brown chooses to lead a slave uprising in the south on a lightly guarded federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry. Brown & followers were attacked and put down by federal troops & survivors sentenced to death. -In the beginning people viewed Brown as insane, but the public view turned as the North started to begin seeing Brown as a hero & seeing his claim of violence as their only answer. South=fearful of violence & promoted revolts by north. -Implicates violence opposed to pacifist Thoreau.


Name give by union generals to former slaves who escaped to the union lines & worked in support of the union troops.


On July 4, Vicksburg surrendered to General Grant after a yearlong siege, enabling the Union to finally control the Mississippi River. In response, Lincoln makes Grant General-in-Chief of all Union armies. -spring of 1863, Grant began siege of the heavily fortified city, Mississippi; union artillery bombarded this city for seven weeks before the Confederates finally surrendered the city on July 4, giving full control of Mississippi River to the Union -Union troops commanded by U.S. Grant finally take control of Mississippi river from St. Louis to New Orleans and thus cut the Confederacy in half while securing easy access into the interior of the Confederacy. (5-7/1863)

Panic of 1857

Panic of 1857 worsened the economic split between the regions. Banking crisis causing credit crunch in North; was less severe in South where cotton prices spurred a quick recovery. -Overproduction of northern wheat helped precipitate the panic. The Panic of 1857 goes to show how deeply the northern states were cut off from the interests of the South where the tariff (supported by the Republicans) raised the cost of manufactured goods but did nothing to keep the price of cotton high. -Northern & Southern economies no longer relying on each other tons b/c w/ North industrialization, more buisness & commerce between West/midwest & the north w/ railroads vs. north & south. -Economic forces, not just slavery, as a primary cause for Civil War. The Panic of 1857 made economic differences between the north and south even more pronounced and problematic in the 1850s

Black codes

Passed by states across the South beginning w/ Mississippi's in 11/1865. Laws passed by states and municipalities denying many rights if citizenship to free blacks & to control black labor, mobility, & employment. -Police patrols not only enforced the laws, but terrorized blacks as well. -Limited black freedom in substantive & significant ways. -W/ Lincoln's assasination & Johnson taking over for him as presidency, Johnson proves to be a big dissapointment for Radical Republicans as he issued a number of pardons of high ranking confederates --> election of Southern legislatures that were intent on restoring the status quo before the war. These legislatures enacted the notorious "Black Codes" -Designed to regulate affairs of freedmen. -PurposeL to restore pre-emancipation system of race relations (to furthest possible extent) -Forced many blacks to become sharecroppers

Presidential & Congressional Reconstruction

Post civil war described into 3 periods. 1.Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1866): When Prez Johnson sought to return states to their prewar status w/ only institution of slavery abolished. (Johnson taking lead to return full rights to former confederate states) 2.Congressional Reconstruction (1867-1870): When congress began to challenge Johnson in 1867 & generally continued through end of Grant's 2nd presidential term in 1877. When Republican-dominated congress controlled reconstruction era policy 3."Redemption": Term used by opponents of reconstruction for the era (1876-->) W/ Hayes election in 1876 & involving withdrawal of federal troops in S & return to white only gov't. Following Reconstruction, South went through a period known by white southerners as "Redemption", whereby the White Southerners regained control nad rolled back black voting & other civil rights in a period characterized by strict segregation & dwindling opportunities for blacks. -Reconstruction saw the rise of a number of black political leaders.

James K. Polk

President elected in 1844 by the Democrat party. James K. Polk="dark horse". The democratic party platform called for the occupation of Oregon & re-annexation of TX. W/ POLK, DEMOCRATS COULD FOCUS ON MANIFEST DESTINY, claiming they were the party of national expansion. >Catholics who also saw the Whigs as a protestant party, also supported Polk. Polk wins presidency & is prez from 1844-1848. >Polk wanted to incorporate Oregan & tips scale to democrats (calling for 54'40 or fight) >Polk=known for no play all work. Was straight forward in his election/presidency telling the people off the bat that he only planned on running for one term & was straight forward in the accomplishments/changes he wanted to get done-people liked this and he hence became Prez >Jacksonian, expansionist, slaveholder TYLER PUSHES ISSUE OF TEXAS --> EXPANSION BEING ON THE TABLE (WHICH THEN POLK IN HIS PRESIDENCY OF 1844-1848 DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT) -Polk=concerned w/ expansion into Mexico. America claiming Rio Grande=border between US & Mexico & Mexico claiming Nueces river=border between US & Mexico --> Polk ordering troops under command of General Zachary Taylor into territory between the 2 rivers --> Taylor's troops engaged w/ Mexican soldiers who'd cross the rio grande --> 11 americans killed (april 25, 1846) --> Polk going to congress for a decloration of war, claiming Mexico had invaded & shed blood on American soil. Congress not united on the question (Whigs=opposed to war). Eventually, though Polk gets what he asks for a Decloration of war. -Polk=Oregan& Mexican-American war (Manifest Destiny prez) -Side note: in the election of Polk (democrat) against Clay (whig) in 1844, you can see that 3rd parties do matter b/c although the 3rd party knows they won't win, hoping to get a foot in the door for later. 3rd party in 1844=Liberty party . >Liberty Party (like all other 3rd parties) has something in common w/ one of the other main parties. Liberty party is anti-democratic. All about anti-slavery & passionate people for a cause.

Franklin Pierce

Prez from 1852-1856. Pierce=Northern Democrat; pro-slavery. -Franklin Pierce's son was killed in a train wreck --> Prez Franklin Pierce falling into a deep depression. He became distracted, dysfunctional, and incapitated as prez of U.S.. -During Bleeding Kansas (1855-1856), Prez Pierce doesn't really do anything as his personal life has devastated him. -The country is essentially running w/o a president during his term. -During his prez, issue of transcontinental R.R. along w/ issue & question of slavery w/ it arrises. Stephen A. Douglas trying to satisfy both N & S, makes proposal of popular sovreighnty to decide on issue of slavery to make south happy, and has Transcontinental R.R. run from the N to the W to make North happy. (K-N act, 1854) -K-N act dooms Pierce's prez. Popular soverignty --> bleeding Kansas (people fighting over if slave state or not). Pierce does nothing. (Pierce becomes apathetic due to his depression over his sons death) -

Fifteenth Amendment

Ratified in 1870. The right for citizens of the U.S. to vote cannot be denied by the U.S. or by any states based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude -Aka guaranteeing right to vote for all regardless of race, color, background. -15 amendment did lack some wording that many wanted included. Radicals wanted it to state that neither the right to vote nor the right to hold office could be abridged. Many also wanted wording to prohibit many ticks southern gov't used to limit the black vote, including literacy tests that could be manipulated. -Many woman angered by 15th amendment as it didn't address women rights -13th, 14th, & 15th amendment looked great on paper but in reality, created catastrophe, b/c South used loop holes against them. >South gets around 15th ammendment through unfair tests, only giving right to vote if passed test.


Reconstruction=failure. Union wins war, South wins reconstruction -South=motivated to sabotage reconstruction & revert back to their old ways. While, -North=exhausted from war and just wants to get back to life

Republican Party

Rises in the 1850's, supports stopping the spread of slavery & supported increase of tariffs to strengthen American industries. A coalation of: -Former norther whigs, totally opposed to slavery -Free-soil supporters who could tolerate slavery in the South -Northern reformers "concerned about temperance & Catholicism" -"Old Whigs" who wanted a strong national gov't to enact tariffs, transportation improvements, & provide cheap land for western farmers. -The Republican party quickly grows in the north as noted in the election of 1856 and is the majority in 1860 with republican nominee Lincoln winning. -While North falls under republican party, the South in opposition falls under Democratic party.


September of 1862, Union declared a victory at Antietam, the single bloodiest day of war w/ aprox. 23,000 casualties. -Angered at McClellan's decision to not presue the retreating Confederates, Lincoln relieved him of command. But, the prez had the pretext he needed -A union victory- to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation -Lee marched into MD but was stopped in a fierce battle at Antietam. Lincoln was furious that McClellan didn't persue Lee on his retreat to VA. (9/1862) -Union victory. South wanted to capture D.C., trying to move about nations capital to bring quick end to war. Bloodiest day. -First time south not fighting a defensive battle. -Turning point -The win of Antietam for the union allows for Lincoln to have the stance and strength to put forth Emancipation Proclamation. Needed a strong win, because if they would have lost the battle and put the emancipation proclamation forth, it would have looked like a last resort.

William Tecumseh Sherman and the "March to the Sea"

Sherman marched through the Confederate heartland, crippling the agricultural machine that sustained the Confederacy by destroying farms, factories, and RR's. Along the way, escaping slaves & white Southern unionists joined the march. -chief instrument of Grant's aggressive tactics for subduing the South was a hardened veteran, General William Tecumseh Sherman; leading 100000 men, Sherman moved out from Chattanooga, TN on a campaign of deliberate destruction that went clear across the state of GA and then swept north into SC; Sherman pioneered the tactics of total war, destroying everything in his path and he took Atlanta in 1864, later Savannah and setting fire to Columbia, SC (the capital); broke the will of the confederacy -Starts in Chattanooga. Captures Atlanta

Wilmot's Proviso

Slavery's overriding importance in the Mexican War uses was confirmed August 1846 w/ the Wilmot Proviso- a proposed ammendment that made slavery illegal in any territories taken from Mexico. -Wilmot wasn't really an abolitionist, it was more self-interest b/c worried spread of slavery would hurt labor by free whites & deny them their rights to work (also anti-Slavery Power) -The Wilmot Proviso majorly untied the South in support of the Mexican war, even more than at the beginning. Calhoun led their new position, which was that the territories belonged to all the states & that the gov't was therefore powerless to stop slavery's spread there (5th ammendment right to take property anywhere)-this was the state sovereignty position. (Proposal to prohibit slavery in any land acquired in the Mexican War, but southern senators, led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, defeated the measure in 1846 and 1847. It Failed) -Further divison of the N&S. Congressman David Wilmot of PA proposes prohibiting slavery in any territories acquired from Mexico. W/ support of N Whigs, the ammendeant passed but died in Senate w/ the S senators >Issue cutting across border lines weather Whig or Democratic In a nutshell: i. Slavery should never exist in any of territory gained from Mexico ii. Twice passed House but not Senate; endorsed by all but 1 free state iii. Southerners resented Northern attempts to prevent expansion of slavery ****The Wilmot Proviso created divisions within political parties

Secession (Which states leave before Lincoln's 1st inaugural? Which states left afterwards?)

Southern states secede from the Union >A. Four days after the election of Lincoln, the "Black Republican", South Carolina legislature unanimously called for a special convention in Charleston. -- December, 1860, 170 South Carolina unanimously voted to secede from the other states. >B. Within six weeks, six other states seceded (MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX) all during Buchanan's "lame-duck" period. -- Four others seceded in April, 1861, after beginning of Civil War (VA, AK, NC,TN) as they refused to fight their fellow southerners and agree to Lincoln's call for volunteers. >C. Confederate States of America formed in Montgomery Alabama meeting. -- Jefferson Davis chosen as president of provisional government to be located at Richmond, VA (after Fort Sumter). >D. President Buchanan did little to prevent southern secession. >E. Reasons for southern secession (mostly related in some form to slavery) 1. Alarmed at the political balance tipping in favor of the North. 2. Horrified at victory of the sectional Republican Party 3. Angry over free-soil criticism and abolitionism, and northern interference in South's culture 4. Many southerners felt secession would be unopposed 5. Opportunity to end generations of dependence to the North. 6. Morally they were in the right 7. Saw self-determination of the Declaration of Independence as applying to them. (Right to replace gov't with one that meets the needs of the people) -Lincoln's prez election in 1860 --> South secession as they were infuriated by his election/outcome (division). Night after election, crowd in Charleston demanding action --> SC legislature calling special convention --> 12/20/1860 secession of SC (169-0 vote for it). Other deep S state started following. 1/1861: Missisisipi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, & Louisiana all voted to leave the union followed by Texas in 2/1861. -Kentucky senator Crittenden proposes Crittenden Compromise to preserve union by extending Missouri compromise to pacific (protecting slavery in NM & Cali). Lincoln refuses to consider it. -Pressing Q. for states in Feb/March of 1861 who hadn't yet voted for secession, Lincoln didn't want to loose these border states -In congress people proposed all sorts of ways to avoid secession/war but in the end a good portion of N=ready to fight rather than let Union dissolve Process of secession in the South: the cotton South reacted by seceding most quickly while those slave states not heavily invested in slavery took a more methodical approach to the question of secession

The Golden Age of Whaling

The Golden Age of Whaling=1814-1861 -The Mexican Cession also enabled U.S. to operate several Pacific coast ports. >*In 1840's, American whaling ships led all other nations in Pacific whaling, helping lead the way for the nation to become a dominant player across the Pacific -Whale products provided lamp oil, products for the industrial revolution, bone for the hoop skirts, & corsets prized by fashionable women of the era. -A few african-americans became captains & MIXED-RACE CREWS CAME FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE. -Whaling=Few occupations where BLACKS PAID SAME AS WHITES. -Whaling explored new parts of the world. (Honolulu & San Francisco became major ports) >Almost a decade before Commodore Perry's famous voyage to Japan in 1853-1854, American Whalers entered Tokyo harbor to return shipwrecked Japanese sailors.

Jim Crow laws and Plessy v. Ferguson

Various forms of what came to be know as Jim Crow's segregation developed at a rapid pace. (Jim Crow was a derogatory character in a minstrel show designed to denigrate blacks, but his name had been applied to the whole era of rigid racial segregation that was the rule in many parts of the U.S. from 1870's to 1890's) -Schools, public facilities, transportation, & most other aspects of life=segregated. In addition to loosing the vote, blacks were marginalized economically so that sharecropping became virtually the only option for most. (Jim Crows Laws=segregation laws that became widespread in South) Plessy V. Ferguson: A vicious campaign of lynching controlled blacks through fear & intimidation. Perhaps that capstone of this segregation was the U.S. supreme courts 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision that "separate by equal" facilities were acceptable under Constitution. By the time the decision was issued, the high hopes of Reconstruction were a dim memory & most Americans - white & black - were living in a very different world. *Reversing reconstruction. -This is how South gets around the 14th amendment. Black codes, "separate but equal", Jim Crow Laws, Plessy V. Ferguson, etc.

Henry David Thoreau: Civil Disobedience

Thoreau lived the transcendental life & instituted its values. Many of his time period saw him as a grouch. Thoreau=essayist, poet, naturalist, reformer, & philosopher. Was born in Concord, Massachusetts. >transcendentalism blends romanticism& reform. Political compared to other 2 branches of gothic&true romantic. -Perhaps the most influential response to Mexican-American War came from Thoreau who saw conflict as immoral. In: Civil Disobedience he outlines his beliefs that his oppisotion to the war prevented him from paying taxes since a portion of these would go to supporting the war effort. He becomes model for civil disobedience for generations to come. -When he published his book it was not popular at the time but became popular after his lifetime. -Thoreau's perspective of saying no to gov't. Reacting in a peaceful way. -Thoreau=on MINOIRTY side which is being left out in voice in gov't. Thoreau expresses ideas against gov't that it causes problems, can be abused, & gov't that governs least/not at all is best. -In future years, MLK & Ghandi use Thoreau's ideology expressed in Civil Disobedience. -Civil Disobedience=no violence. Using peaceful methods to go against gov't -Thoreau=in minority's of not wanting expansion (transcendentals feared progress). Does not agree w/ expansion, slavery, or Mexican-American war. -His biggest issue was w/ those in the North who were against slavery yet did nothing. -Thoreau promotes standing up for ones beliefs, if not being represented to something to show it/change it -1849

Thirteenth Amendment

U.S. house of Representatives added 13th amendment to constitution forever outlawing slavery. (The amendment took effect on December 18th of that year, after ratification by states) -Abolished slavery -Lincoln acting quick to get this done as war is coming to a close (wants to get this done before war ends). Lincoln doesn't want to have to worry about getting Southern representatives/senate (who would just vote no anyways, so while they are "seceeded", gov't passes this). Lincoln faces opposition from Radical Republicans (& others) as they wanted more but Lincoln understood that he could only take things one step at a time -13th, 14th, & 15th amendment looked great on paper but in reality, created catastrophe, b/c South used loop holes against them. >Sharecropping=how South uses loophole to get around 13th ammendment (essentially forced land tendants-former slaves to forever work on southern land w/ little pay & rent/bills but were being ripped off)

How did outcomes of the Mexican War affect Hispanic population in the SW?

Under Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Spanish settlements were now part of U.S., Huge impact on people who were now Mexican Americans. -1848 Treaty gave all Mexican citizens within new U.S. Boundary right to American citizenship or right to Mexican citizenship. Mexico urged its citizens to move south; however, many former Mexicans chose to stay in their homes and make a new life as U.S. Citizens. -THIS CHOICE WOULD PROVE DIFFICULT -Hispanics became a minoirty & treated as second class citizens (especially in regions of California w/ the Gold Rush). -For many poor in SW, transfer of authority from Mexico to U.S. Meant increased poverty & far less opportunity for justice in a court system that was operated in a strange language by people who were often filled w/ racial & ethnic prejudice


W/ continental expansion came the notion of traveling beyond. Central to the command of the Pacific was securing U.S. influence on Hawaii, where U.S. already had major presence through Protestant missionaries, merchants, & whalers. -In 1842 Daniel Webster added Hawaii to the protections of the Monroe Doctrine & in 1851 negotiates a secret treaty making Hawaii a U.S. protecotarate in the event of war. *Webster=especially concerned w/ making Hawaii a useful trading & refue;in point on the trade route to Asia.

American (Know-Nothing) Party

W/ growth of Irish catholics & Germans, prejudice grew. Anti-immigrant group called Native American Asociation founded in 1837& bu 1845, became the political party American Know-Nothing Party b/c when members asked about party, were told to say they knew nothing. -Also was formed from wreckage of Whig party & some disaffected North Democrats in 1854. -In the 1850's the party grew in popularity in gov't/congress. -Their platform was anti-catholic & anti-immigrant, including plans to limit catholic political power in part by banning immigrants from holding office & requiring them to wait 21 year to become a citizen -Targeted Catholics (fear/hatred) aka Irish & Chinese especially. -Immigration in US between 1820-1860 --> backlash of people in the U.S. Blacklash from the Know-Nothing Party. >Nativism=Americans native to the U.S. Feeling protective of their country, w/ a phobia to say of others. Nativism in pre-civil war is the Know-Nothing Party. -One beneficiary of the destruction of the Whig Party (& political vacuum that followed) was the American party. -The American party=reaction to the ability of the Democratic party to attract mostly Catholic foreignborn voters (anti-Whig& anti-black) -Blamed immigration for increasing crime, and the growing costs of helping the poor in increasingly crowded cities

What was the northern white abolitionist movement like?

While uncompromising, it believed an end to slavery must be achieved through moral power, not force.

U.S. Grant

became the first president after the Civil War; previously a Union General who defeated General Lee at Appomattox Court House, which ended the Civil War; during presidency several scams passed through Congress; the Panic of 1873 (over speculation) came about in his reign -A general and political leader of the nineteenth century. He became commanding general of the Union army during the Civil War. He accepted the unconditional surrender of the commanding general of the main Confederate army, Robert E. Lee, at Appomattox Court House. A Republican, he later became president. -Civil war hero

Popular sovereignty

notion that the sovereign people of a given territory should decide whether to allow slavery. Seemingly a compromise, it was largely opposed by Northern abolitionists who feared it would promote the spread of slavery to the territories. -Territorial residents not congress deciding slavery's fate in any proposed new state. Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois suggests this in the territories of Nebraska & Kansas (Nebraska-Kansas Act of 1854) in response to hate on his plan by the south for the unorganized territory between Minnesota & oregan. (Douglas was trying to get federal support for a railroad, however south feared the area becoming a free state --> Douglas trying to get his idea pass & suggests popular soverenighty to solve the issue of slavery). -Although been introduced before, Popular sovereignty gains wide acknowledgement through Stephen A. Douglas

Andrew Johnson

the man from Tennessee who was added as Lincoln's running-mate in 1864 to sew up the election by attracting War Democrats and the Border States -Johnson was Lincoln's vice president; & President after the assassination. He was a Jacksonian Democrat; from Tennessee but after the seccesion from the Union he stayed in the Senate because his loyalty lay with the Union; a month after Lincoln's death he began his Reconstruction vision which offered amnesty to Southerners who promised to keep their allegiance to the Constitution, however the Southern elite were exempt from this because Johnson blamed them for secession -Democrat from Tennessee. Within his reconstruction plan (announced May of 1865), wide spread disappointment (especially for radical republicans) Although Johnson supported 13th ammendment, Johnson refused to go beyond that. He made it clear that he had little interest in political rights for former slaves. Under his plan, former Confederate states=readmitted as soon as they ratified the 13th amendment. Once recognized, these Southern state gov'ts dominated by many of same in power prior to civil war. South states started making black codes. -Congress sees Johnson as siding w/ former slave holders rather than the former slaves. Congress=unhappy w/ Johnson. -Democrat from Tennessee, vice prez to Lincoln in 1864, when Lincoln is assainated in 1864, Johnson serves as Prez for Lincoln from 1865-1869.

Ku Klux Klan

this group was founded in Tennessee in 1866; its oftentimes violent actions during the Reconstruction era represented the resentments felt by many Southern whites towards the changing political, social, and economic conditions of the Reconstruction era. -The KKK was a group of mostly Southerners who were extremely racist against African Americans, and disliked all other cultures and races. They originated in Tennessee in 1865. General Forrest was in charge of this group. The members of this group dominated the democratic party. They also released a campaign that terrified the republicans. The Ku Klux Klan went around blackmailing many republican politicians and burned black schools and churches -One of several villigant groups that terrorized blacks in the South during Reconstruction era. Founded by confederate veterans in 1866. Was committed to ending reconstruction and returning South to white rule. -Memebers of Democratic Party in the South & some belonged to that party's military wing- KKK. They worked by intimidating black & white republican voters alike in an effort to "redeem" the South for white rule, Side note: REDEEMERS=Confederates who fought in civil war & want their land back to how it was before (as much as possible). North response= doesn't care.

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