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34. - 35. Alliances - Ch. 34, notes

In addition to a basic desire for security, escalating national rivalries in nationalist aspirations of subject my Arnies Spondin system of entangling alliances. It while national interest guided to search for allies, each nation viewed as fulfillment of treaty obligations as crucial to self-preservation. Moreover, the complexity of those applications could not hide the common characteristic underlying all the alliances the outline the circumstances under which countries would go towards support each other. Intended to preserve the peace, rival alliance systems created a framework were even a small international crisis could set off a chain reaction leading to global war. This by 1914 Europe's major powers had transformed themselves into two hostile camps the triple alliance in the triple entente. The triple alliance, also known as the Central Powers, grew out of the close relationship that they had developed between the leaders of Germany and Austria-Hungary during the last three decades of the 19th century. In 1879 the governments of the two empires for on the duel Allience, a defense packed it insured reciprocal protection from a Russian attack in neutral D in case of an attack from another power. Fear of a hostile France motivated Germans to enter into this packed, where is Austrians viewed it as giving them a free hand in pursuing their bulkan politics without fear of Russian intervention. Italy, fearful of friends, join the dual alliance in 1888, thereby transforming it into a triple alliance. From the outset, however, the Italian policy of aggrandizement at the expense of Russia and Austria threatened to wreck the alliance. That's the Italian declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire in 1911 in the subsequent drive to annex the trip Olea region of northern Africa strain the triple alliance because the German government try to cultivate friendly relations with the Turks. The Central Powers sought to protect the political status quo in Europe, but the leaders of other nations viewed this new constellation a power with suspicion. This response was especially true of French leaders, who neither forgotten nor for gay friends is humiliating defeat during the Franceaux Prussian war of 1870 to 1871. The French government was therefore determined to curb the growing might of Germany at all cost. The tsarist Resume of Russia was equally disturbed by the new alignment of powers, especially by Germany support of Austria, will British leaders were traditionally suspicious of any nation that seem to threaten the balance of power consonant. The result was the most unlikely bedfellows forms the triple entente, A combination of nations commonly referred to as the allies. The triple entente originated in a series of agreements between Britain and France in Britain and Russia that aim to resolve colonial disputes. Between 1907 and 1914 cooperation between the leaders of Britain France and Russia lead to the signing of military packed in the summer of 1914. reciprocal treaty obligations, which governments felt compelled to honor lest they face the risk of being alone in a hostile world, made it difficult for diplomats to contain wet otherwise it might be relatively small international crisis.

30. British imperialism in the South Pacific - Ch. 33, notes


7. Lincoln & Union objectives in the Civil War - Ch. 31


49. Results of WW I - Ch. 34, notes


39. Fighting WW I - Ch. 34, notes

The most courageous infantry charges, even when preceded by pulverizing artillery Berridge is in clouds are poisonous gas, were no match for determine defenders. Children by the dirt of their trenches, along with Barbwire and gas mass, they simply unleash a torrent of lethal metal with their machine guns and repeating rifles. And every sector of the front, those who fight rarely found the glory they sought. Instead, they encountered death. No man's land was strewn with shell craters, cadvers, and body parts. The grim reality is of trench warfare the wet, cold, five hi Mina, for Roche a slice, and corpse fattening rats concentrated sharply with the ring phases of politicians in general just to find the unrelenting slaughter. Or had ceased to be a noble and supporting affair, if you ever was. In Eastern Europe in the Balkans, the battle lines were more fluid. After staunch defense, a combination of Austrian German forces Overince Iberia, of the Nina, in Romania. Further north Russia took defense early by invading Prussia in 1914. The Central Powers recover quickly, however, by the summer of 1915 combined German Austrian forces drove the Russian armies first out of East Prussia and then out of Poland and establish a defense line extending from Rita to chernovtsky. Russian counterattacks in 1916 and 1917 collapse in a sea of casualties. These Russian defeats undermined the popularity of tits are in his government and play significant role in fostering revolutionary ferment with in Russian society. There were many battles, but somewhere horrific, so devastating, and so fertile that their names were synonymous with human slaughter. The casualties figures attested to this. In 1916 the Germans tried to break the deadlock with the hugest sold on the fortress of verdun. The French rallying cry was "they shall not pass quote and they did not but the tremendous cost while the victorious French counted three and a 15,000 dead, the defeated German suffered a loss of 280,000 dead. Survivors recovered fewer than one or the 60,000 identifiable bodies. The rest were unrecognizable or had been going to bed by high explosives and sucked into the mud. To relieve the pressure of her done, British forces counter attacked somme, and by November they had gained a few thousand yards at the cost of 420,000 casualties. The German suffered some more losses, although in the end neither side gain any strategist advantage.

37. The Guns of August - Ch. 34, notes

The shots fired from Gavrilo Princip's revolver on that fateful day of 28 June 1914 were heard around the world, for they triggered the greatest war in human history up to that point. By July, Austrian investigators had length assassins to a terrorist group known as black hand. Center to neighboring Siberia, this organization was dedicated to the unification of all South slobs, or Yugoslavs, to form a greater Siberia. As far as Siberian nationals were concerned, the principal obstacle to Slavic unity was the Austria-Hungary and empire, which explains why the hair of the house for thrown it was a symbolic a victim. This point of you also explains Austria's unyielding in violent response to the murder. The assassination set in motion a flurry of diplomatic activity that quickly escalated into total war. Austrian leaders in Vienna we're determined to teach the unrolling only serves a lesson, in on July 23 or the Austrians issued a nearly unacceptable ultimatum to the government of Siberia. The Siberian government excepted all the terms of the ultimatum but one, which in fridge on the sovereignty. The ultimatum dependent that Austrian officials take part in any Siberian investigations a persons found on Siberian territory connected to the assassination of Francis Ferdinand. On July 28, after declaring the Siberian reply to be unsatisfactory, Austria-Hungary declared war on Siberia. The drift toward war had begun, the statesmen and generals discovered that they cannot be easily arrested. The subsequent sequence of events has largely determined by two factors complex mobilization plans in the grinding logic of the alliance system. Mobilization called for the activation of military forces for a inminute battle and redirection of economic and social activities to support look military efforts. Does military platters were convinced that the timing of mobilization orders as well as adherence to precise time tables were crucial to the success will conduct of war. On July 29 the Russian Empire government mobilize its troops to defend it Siberia ally and itself from Austria. The tsar of Russian then ordered mobilization against Germany. Nicholas the second took this decisive step reluctantly and only after his military experts had convince him that he partial mobilization against Austrians would've said complex military plans in timetables. Delayed mobilization my in the fight to see, they advised, should the Germans enter the war. This action precipitated a German ultimatum to Russia on 31 July, demanding that the Russian army ceases it's mobilization immediately. Another ultimatum address in French demanded to know what France's intentions were in case Germany and Russia went to war. The Russians replied with a bullet impossible, and the French never answered at all. Does on first August the German government declared war on Russia, and friends started to mobilize. After waiting two more days, the Germans finally declared war on France on three August. On the same day, German troops invaded Belgium in accordance with the plan. Key to this plan was it the attack on the week left flank of the French army by message her and forced through Belgium. The Belgian government, which had refused to permit the passage of the German troops, called upon the signage worries of the treaty of 1839, which I guaranteed Belgium's neutrality. On for August the British government, one of the saying you're in these, cents in ultimatum to Germany to manning the Belgian neutrality be respected. When Germany's wartime leaders refuse, the British immediately declared war. A local conflict have become a general European war.

10. American industrialization - Ch. 30, notes

Industrialization refers to the process that transform agricultural societies into and industrial societies. The principal features of this process for technological and organizational changes that transform any factoring in lead to increased productivity. Critical to the industrialization were technological innovations that Made it possible to produce goods by machines rather than by hand and the hardest inanimate sources of energy such as coal and petroleum. Organizational changes accompanied technology technological innovations. By the end of the 19th century, the factory had become the predominate sight of industrial growth in Europe, the United States, in Japan. Factory production strongly urged the merchants of new divisions of labor, is interchangeable parts and Belt driven assembly lines made the mass production of goods A hallmark of industrialized societies. The need to invest in increasingly expensive equipment encourage the formation of large business by the mid-19th century many giant corporations had joined together to control trade trust and cartels.. Industrialization came first to Brighton. Several conditions favored a move there to word industrial production. Agricultural productivity was high, so many individuals were able to work at task other then cultivation. Skilled craftsmen were numerous, and they rightly turn their talents to the invention and refinement of new machinery. Deposits of coal and iron or were abundant. So entrepreneurs enjoyed access to raw materials crucial to industrialization. Navigate of all rivers and networks of canals reach most part still Landon facilitate a trade and transportation. Wenden was home to sophisticated banking and financial institutions that supported wedging businesses. Finally, Liberal governments looked they really on individual initiative in protecting the interests of early industrialist. Demand for cotton was so strong the producers had to speed up speed spinning and weaving to supply growing domestic and foreign markets. To increase production they turn to inventions that rapidly Mccanna eyes the cotton textile industry. In the early 1930s Crossman began to invent laborsaving devices for spinning and weaving cotton, therefore moving away from him based technics derived from the wall and let it industries. The first important technological breakthrough came in 1733 when the man tries her mechanic John K invented the flying shuttle. This device speeded up the weaning process and stimulated demand for thread. A few years competitions among investors resulted in the invention of several mechanical spinning devices. The most important was Samuel Quentin's mule, invented in 1779. Adapted for steam powered by 1790, the meal became the device of choice for spinning cotton. The most crucial technology innovation of the early industrial era was the invention of a general-purpose steam engine in 1765 by James Watt, an instrument maker at the university of Glasgow in Scotland. Elevation did not stop at Concord actions team inches. The iron and steel industries also benefited from technological refinement, and the availability of inexpensive, high-quality iron and steel reinforced the move toward mechanical eyes Asian. After 1709 British smelters begin to use Coke rather then more expensive charcoal as a fuel to produce iron. Steam engineering in margin call innovations both contributed to improvements in transportation technology. James Watts steam engine do not adapt well to transportation uses because it can seem too much coal. After his patent expire, however, inventors device high-pressure engines that required Westfield. In 1815 George Davenson, a self educated Englishman, invented the first team Howard locomotive. In the emerging capitalist society of early modern Europe, most manufacturing took place under the putting out system . To avoid guild restrictions on prices and wages, entrepreneurs in early modern Europe paid individuals to work on materials in their household. This Proto industrial system of a production centered on the household and usually involves fewer than 10 people. A few Proto industrial factories collecting more people under one roof to perform specialized tasks, but The largest preindustrial workforces consisted of unskilled labor's in mines in slaves on plantations.

20. The Cawnpore Massacre - Ch. 33, notes


50. - 51. Post WWI intellectuals & their work - Ch. 35, notes

"You are all a lost generation, "noted Gertrude Stein to her fellow American writer Ernest Hemingway. Stein had given a label to the group of American intellectuals and literati Who congregated in Paris in the post war years. This "lost generation "express in poetry and fiction the malaise and disillusion that characterizes US and European thought after the great war. The vast majority of Europena looks rules had a rallied enthusiastically to the war in 1914, viewing it as a splendid adventure. The brutal realities of industrialize warfare left no room for heroes, however, in most of these young artists and it'll actually is quickly became disillusioned. During the 1920s they spat out there revolves in in a host of war novels such as Ernest Hemingway's a farewell to arms and Erich Maria Remarques all quiet on the Western front, works overflowing with images of meaningless death and suffering.postwar riders laminated the decline of western society. A retired German school teacher named Oswald spengler made headlines when he published the decline of the west. In this work, which might have been seeing her but she wary of civilization, he propose that all societies pass through a lifecycle of growth and decay comparable to the biological cycle of living organisms. His analysis of history in Western Europe led him to conclude that European society had entered a final stage of its existence. All that remains of irreversible decline, mart by imperialism in warfare. his gloomy predictions provided a kind of comfort to those who sought to rationalize their post war despair, as did the conviction that all the nations of the world for a pulley doomed. In England the shock of war cause the historian Arnold J Tona be too big and his total volume classic a study of history that sought to discover how societies developed through time. In this monumental comparative study time to be in a lyses the Genesis, growth, and disintegration of 26 ascites.

19. English mercenaries in India - Ch. 33, notes

The British Empire in South Asian Southeast Asia grew out of them are Kentile activities of the English East India Company, which enjoyed a monopoly of English trade with India. The East India Company obtained permission from the Mungle emperors of India to build fortified post on the coastlines. Their company ages traded for goods and stored commodities and where houses until company ships arrived to transport them to Europe. In the 17th century company merchants traded mostly for Indian pepper and cup 10, Chinese silk and porcelain, and find spices from South east Asia. During the 18th-century tea and coffee became the most prominent trade items, and European consumers acquired a taste for both beverages that they have never lost. After the death of the emperor in 1707 common among whole state entered a period of decline, and many local authorities asserted their independence of Mongol rule. That East India Company took advantage of Muenkel weakness to strengthen and expand its trading post. In the 1750s company merchants began campaigns of our right conquest in India, largely to protect their commercial interest from increasing disorder in the subcontinent. From there 14 caliber coda, Montrose, and Bombay, at the merge Trents extended their authority in Linden one official rights to roll from the mung whole emperors in local authorities. They enforce the rule with a small British army and a large number of Indian troops notice to sepoy. A revolt by the support is led to the establishment of direct British imperial rule in India. In 1857 support regiments received new Enfield rifles that fire bullets from cartridges. To protect them from oyster, the cartridges came in paper wax from animal fat, and British officers instructor this a poison tear the paper off with her teeth. And disappoints refuse to comply out of concern that they're protected fat came from cows, which they held sacred, in their Muslim counterparts reviews on the grounds but the fat might have come from pigs, which they considered fell. Even the British officials soon change the procedures for packing in opening cartridges, in May 1857 Hindu supporters stayed to meet me, killed their British officers, and proclaim to restore ration of my uncle authority. Peasants in disgruntled elites join the fray and transformed a minor meet me into a large-scale rebellion that seriously threatened British rule in India. But the rebels had different interesting could not agree on a common program in contrast, British forces benefited from powerful weapons and telegraphic communications, which enabled them to rush trips to troublespots. The conflict pretty sure some horrifying episodes of violence. At Cawnpore, near Lucknow, supports quickly overcame the British Garrison in its population of 60 soldiers, one or 80 civilian men, and some 375 women and children. The rebels killed all the men many of them as a surrendered and two weeks later massacre the women and children. When a fresh British force arrived it extracted revenge by subjecting rebels is suspected to summary execution by hanging. Elsewhere British forces punish mutant years by blowing them to bits with the Canon. By May 1858 the British had crush the rebellion and restore the authority in India. To stabilize affairs and forestall future problems. The British government preempted the East India Company in impose direct imperial rule in India. In 1858 Queen Victoria assigned responsibility for Indian policy to the Nelius fabless office of Secretary of State for India. If the Viceroy represented British royal authority in Indiana minister at the colonial through an elite Indian civil service staffed almost exclusively by Englishman. Indian served in low-level bureaucratic positions, but British officials formulated all domestic and foreign policy in India. Under both the East India Company and direct colonial administration, British rule transformed India. As a extended their authority to all parts of India and see loan, British officials cleared for us, rate structure landholdings, and encourage the cultivation of crops like tea coffee and OPM that were especially valuable trait items they both extensive rail road and telegraph that works at Titan links between India and the larger global economy. They also construct a new canals, harbors, and irrigation system sis is for commerce in agriculture. British colonial authorities may little effort to promote Christianity, but the establishing the style schools for the children of Indiana leads, him they saw the supporters of the rule. But they also suppress Indian customs that conflicted with European lot or value. Most prominent of these was the custom of Saturday, the practice of burning what is on their husbands funeral priors. Although not universally observe Sadie was not an uncommon practice among upper-class Hindus who believed in it.

43. Notable battles of WW I - Ch. 34, notes


52. Other casualties of WW I - Ch. 35, notes


23. Regulating European imperialism in Africa - Ch. 33, notes

Continued from #22 Especially exciting was the reliable information about the great African rivers the Nile, Niger calmer Congo, and Zambizi in the access they provided to inland regions. In the 1870s kingly appalled the second of Belgium employed Henry Morton Stanley to help develop commercial ventures and establish a colony called the Congo Freestate in the basin of the condo river. To forestall competition from Belgium's much larger and more powerful European neighbors, Leopold announce that the Congo region would be a free-trade zone accessible to merchants in businessman from all European millions. In fact, however, he carved out a personal colony and filled it with lucrative river plantations run by labor force. Working conditions in the Congo Freestate were so brutal, taxes so high, and abuses so many that human the Terion's protestant Leopold's colonial were game. In 1908 the Belgian government took control of the colony, know that thereafter as Belgian Congo. As Leopold colonized central Africa, Britain established in imperial presence in Egypt. As Muhamed Ali in other Egyptian ruler sought to build up their army,'s strengthen the economy, and distance themselves from automotive 30, they borrowed heavily from European lenders. But the 1870s crushing debt forces Egyptian officials to impose high taxes, which prevents popular unrest in military rebellion. In 1882 a British army occupied Egypt to protect British financial interests and ensure the safety of the seas canal, which the crucial to British communications with India. Do you Stabley submit a bill GEN and British colonies in Africa alarmed European statesmen and heighten nationals rivalries. In an effort to bring order to imperialism, the German Chancellor, auto von Bismarck, invited delegates for a 14 states to meet in Berlin and devise ground rules for the colonization of Africa. The Berlin conference prettiest agreement than any European states that establish African colonies after notifying the others of his intentions and it's occupying previously unclaimed territory. The Berlin conference provided European diplomats with the justification they needed to draw lines on maps and carve a constant into colonies. During the 1890s European imperialist send armies to consolidate their claims and impose colonial rule in Africa. Armed with cannons and machine guns, they rarely failed to defeat African forces in equipped with outdated muskets and sometimes only with spares. By the turn-of-the-century, European colonies embraced of Africa except for Ethiopia, where native forces fought off Italian efforts as colonization of 1896, and La Brea, a small republic in west Africa populated by freed slaves that was effectively you dependency on the United States.

5. Causes of the American Civil War - Ch. 31

11 Southern states which are from the union in 1860 and 1861, affirming the right to dissolve the union in their support for states rights. Slavery in the cultivation of cotton as a cash crop had isolated the southern states from economic developments in the rest of the United States. By the mid-19th century, the southern states were the worlds major source of cotton, and the bulk of the car up went to British isles. Manufactured goods consumed in the southern states came mostly from Britain, and almost all food came from the regions farms. So there is considered them selves self-sufficient and believe that they do not need the rest of the United States. Northerners saw the situation differently. They viewed success in as illegal insurrection in an act of betrayal. They fought not only Aiken slavery, but also against the concept. Of a state subject to blackmailed by it's constant two parts. They also thought for a way of life there emerging industrial society in inexpensive western agricultural system based on free labor. The first two years of the war ended in stalemate. The word change character on first of January 1863, however, when Abraham Lincoln signed it Emancipation Proclamation Making the evolution of slavery in excellent goal of the war. Emancipation Proclamation struck at the heart of the southern war effort, since slaves constituted a sizable portion of the regions labor force. In practical terms the Emancipation Proclamation have a little immediate effects on slaves status, but his promise of abolition foreshadowed radical changes to come and southern life. Ultimately, the northern states prevailed. They brought considerable resources to the war effort some 90% of countries industrial capacity in approximately two thirds of its railroad lines but still they fought for better years against a formidable enemy. The victor the northern states and it slavery in the United States. Moreover, it is sure that the United States would remain politically united, it enhanced the authority of the federal government in the American republic. Thus as a European lands were building powerful states on the foundations of arrest illusionary ideas, liberal it was him, and nationalism, the United States also forged a strong central government to supervise westward expansion and deal with the political and social issues that divided the American republic.

42. Inspiring, convincing, & controlling - Ch. 34, notes

A construction took meant out of the labor Force, wartime leaders extorted women to fill the gaps in the workforce. This is mid-March out to war, women marched off to work. A combination of patriotism and high wages true women into formally "mail "jobs. The lives of women changed as they Bob their hair and left home for domestic service for the workplace. Some took over the management of farms and businesses left by their husbands who went off to fight. Others found jobs as postal workers and police officers. Behind the battle lines, women were most visible as nurses, doctors, communication clerks. Perhaps the most crucial work performed by women during the war was making of shells. Several 1 million women, and sometimes children, put in long, hard hours in factories. This word expose them to severe dangers. The first came simply from explosions, as keeping sparks away from highly volatile Materials was impossible. Many women died in these incidents, although government censorship during the war made it difficult to know how many men women parish in this fashion. The other, more messages danger came from working TNT explosives. Although the authorities claim that this work was not dangerous, exposure to TNT cause several severe poisonings, depending on the length of exposure. Even before serious illnesses manifest themselves, TNT poisoning March it's victims by turning their skin yellow in their hair orange. They excepted through ineffectual remedy for TNT poisoning was rest, good food, plenty of fresh milk. Middle and upper-class women often reported that the war was a liberating experience, freeing them from older attitudes that has a limited both their work in their personal life at the very least, the employment of upper-class women spot it a decree of the deliverance from Parenteau control and gave women a sense ofbmission. They New that they were important to the war effort. The impact of the great were on the lives of working-class women, by contrast, was relatively minor. Many working-class women in cities had been accustomed to earning wages, and for them or work proves a lesson liberating. Most of the governments promised equal pay for equal work, but most instances this promise remained unfulfilled. Although women industrial wages rose during the war, measurable gaps always remains between the incomes of men and women. In the end of massive female employment was a transitory phenomenon. With few exceptions the great war only briefly suspended traditional patterns of work outside the home. Nevertheless, the extension of voting rights to women shortly after the war, at least in Britain, was in part due to the role of women in the same during the great war. Later in the century, war and revolution continue to serve as at least temporary liberating forces for women, as in Russia and China where new communist governments discourage The partrichal Family system and supported sexual equality, including birth control. To maintain the spirit of the homefry encounter threats to national unity, governments everywhere resorted to the restriction of civil liberties, censorship of bad news, and vilification of the enemy through propaganda campaigns. It will some government officials busily censored or news, people who had the Tameradi to criticize their nations war effort for prosecuted as traders. And France, an example, former Prime Minister Joses spent two years in prison always awaiting trial because he had publicly suggested that the best interest of her friends would be to reach a compromise peace with Germany. The propaganda offices of the nations trying to convince the public at that military defeat would mean the distraction of everything worth living for, into that and they did their utmost to discredit in dehumanizing enemy. Posters pamphlets in scientific studies depicted the enemy as subhuman savages who engage in violent talk or see's. Will German propaganda depicted Russia's as semi agenic barbarians, French authorities chronicled the atocracies commuted by the German "Hun" in Belgium.

41. WW I home front - Ch. 34, notes

Because patriotism encourage alone cannot guarantee victory, the government of Virgilian nations assume control of the homefront. Initially ministers in general strength from compulsive measures, even construction of recruits, but quickly change your mind. Each for Jillian government eventually military eyes civilian more production, sub forward to Nading private enterprises of governmental control and imposing severe discipline on the labor process. Economic measures were foremost in the minds of government leaders because of work created on presidents and demands for Rob materials and manufactured goods. These material requirements compel governments to abandon launchers ideals of a Lizer fair capital market economy into in situ tight controls over economic life. Planning boards re-organize entire industries, separate action photos and priorities, and determine what would be produced and consumed. Governmental authorities also Stablers wage and price controls, extended work hours, and instruments this is even restricted the movement of workers, because of bloody battlefields cause an insatiable appetite for soldiers, nations responded by extending military service. In Germany, for example, men between the ages of 16 and 60 were eligible to serve at the front. Yep I constantly tapping into the available male population, the war created an increasing demand for workers at home. Unemployment a persistent feature of all pre-were economies finish virtually overnight.

4. Post Latin American independence - Ch. 31

As a result, several Latin American lands launch from one constitution to another as leaders struggles to create a missionary or government that would lead to political and social stability. Creole elite also dominated the newly independent States and effectively prevented mass participation in public affairs. Less than 5% of the male population was active in Latin America politics in the 19 century, in the millions of indigenous peoples lives entirely outside the political system. Without intellectualized means of expressing this content or opposition, those dissolution with the system had little choice beyond rebellion. Aggravating political instability were differences among the elite's. Whether they were urban merchants or rural landowners, Latin American elites divided into different camps as liberals or conservatives, centralists or federalist, scholars or Roman Catholics. One thing elites agreed on was the policy of claiming American land for agriculture in ranching. This meant pushing aside indigenous peoples establishing Euro-American hegemony in Latin America. Conflict was most intense in Argentina and Chile, where cultivators and ranchers want to take over the south American planes. During the mid-19th century of United States was crushing native resistance to Western expansion in North America, Argentinian in Chilean forces from modern weapons to bear in their campaign to conquer vintage just peoples in South America. By the 1870s colonists had pacify the most productive lands and force indigenous peoples either to a simulate to your American societies order to retreat to marginal lands that were unattractive to cultivators in ranchers.

33. British naval innovations - Ch. 34, notes

As an expense enable race further exasperated tensions between two nations. For Germans in Britain's convince themselves that naval power wasn't curative to secure trade routes and protect merchant shipping. Moreover, military leaders and politicians saw a powerful navy's as a means of controlling the seas in times of war, you control that they viewed as decisive in determining the outcome of any work. Does control that they viewed as decisive in determining the outcome of any war. That's the one Germany's political and military leaders announce their program to build a fleet with many large battleships, they threaten British naval supremacy. At the British government need to meet the German throw it through the construction of super battleships known as dreadnoughts. But rather than discouraging the Germans from there naval ship building, did British determination to retain evil security stimulated the Germans to build their own flotilla yet of dreadnoughts. This expensive naval raise contributed further to international tensions and out right hostilities between nations.

15. Boxer enemies - Ch. 32, notes

Believing that form powers were pushing for her retirement, Sinex through her support behind an anti-for an uprising noticed the boxer rebellion, violent movement spearheaded by militia units calling themselves the society of righteous and harmonious fists. The form press referred to the rebels as boxers. In 1899 the boxers organized to read China of foreign devils in their influences. With the empress dowagers encouragement, The boxers went on a rampage in northern China, killing foreigners and Chinese Christians as well as Chinese who had ties to foreigners. Confident that Ford weapons cannot harm them, someone hundred and 40,000 boxers besieged for an embassies in Beijing in the summer of 1900. A heavily armed force of British, French, Russian, US, German, and Japanese troops quickly crush the boxer movement in bloody retaliation for the assault. The Chinese government had to pay a punitive indemnity and allow foreign powers to Seshan troops in Beijing at their embassies in a long the routes to the sea. Because Sinex had instigated the boxers attacks on foreigners, many Chinese regarded the Quinn dynasty as bankrupt. Revolutionary uprisings gained widespread support throughout the country, even among conservative Chinese gentry. Sinex died in the member of 1908, one day after the sudden, unexpected, and the serious death of the emperor himself. In her last active stay, the empress doubt Wagar appointed the two-year-old boy puyi to the Imperial throne. But puyi I never had a chance to roll revolution broke out in the autumn of 1911, and by early 1912 the last Emperor of the Quinn dynasty had objected to the throne. Boxer was the nickname for the society of harmonious fists they were opposed to Christianity and it's missionaries. Killed several missionaries in the German envoy to China. West, Japan led by US attacking peeking, restored order. Chinese for us to pay indemnity payment for damage Chinese imperial government weaker than ever. From 1900 to 1911 try to attempt in a number of educational, mistreated, and legal reforms. No effect

1. Manifest Destiny - Ch. 31

By the 1840s westward expansion was well underway, in many American spoke at a manifest destiny to occupy all the North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean

59. The beginnings of Indian independence efforts - Ch. 35, notes

By the end of the 19 century, Indian nationalism began to threaten them and British empires hold on India. The construction of a bass Robroy network across India to facilitate the exported from materials contribute to the idea of national unity by bringing the people of the subcontinent within easy reach of one another. Moreover, because it was possible for a small group of Warner she control and a minister such a vast country, the British I created and only love educated Indian administrators to help in this task. Are European system of education familiarize the local mill middle class with the political and social values of European society. The values of democracy individual freedom and equality where the enthesis of empire and promoted nationalist movements.

12. Causes of the fall of the Ottoman Empire - Ch. 32, notes

During the 18th-century the Ottoman Empire experience military way versus and challenges to its role. By the early 19 century, the Ottoman stated no longer ward off European economic penetration or prevent territorial dismemberment. As ottoman officials launch for reforms to regenerate imperial vigor, Egypt in other north African provinces declare their independence, and European states these territories in the northern and western parts of the Ottoman Empire. At the same time pressure from ethnic religious in nationalist groups threaten to fragment the polyglot empire. The ones powerful ruling slipped into decline, it's sovereignty maintain largely by the same European powers who exploited it's a common economy. By the late 17th century, the Ottoman Empire had reached the limits of its expansion. Ottoman army suffered humiliating defeat on the battlefield, especially at the hands of Austrian and Russian photos. Ottoman forces lag behind European armies and strategy, tactics, and weapon tree, and training. Equally serious was a breakdown in the discipline of the elite janissary corps, which had served as the backbone of the Imperial Army since The 15th century. The janissaries neglected their military training and turned a blind eye toward advances in Europe and weapons technology. As its military capacity decline, you're the Ottoman we Wayne became vulnerable to its more powerful neighbors. Awesome military power translated into declining effectiveness of this central government, which was losing power in the provinces to his own officials. But early 19 century, semi-independent governors and local notables for private armies of mercenaries and slaves to support the sultan in Istanbul in return for recognition of automy. Increasingly these independent rulers also turn the school in the ministry of institutions to their own interest, collecting taxes for themselves and sending only nominal payments to the Imperial treasury, does depriving the central state of revenue. The Ottoman government managed to maintain its authority in Anatolia in Iraq, the heart of the empire, but it suffered serious territorial losses elsewhere. Russian forces took over poorly defended territories in the Caucasus and Central Asia, in the Austrian empire nibbled away at the Western front tears. Nationalist uprisings forest Ottoman rulers to recognize the independence of Balkan provinces notably grease in Siberia. Most significant, however, was a loss of Egypt. In 1798 ambitious French general Napoleon invaded Egypt in hopes of using it as a springboard for an attack on the British Empire in India. His campaign was a miserable failure Napoleon had to abandon his army and sneak back to France, where he had worked to consolidate the French Revolution. Meanwhile, as European producers the Kaymoore vision in the 18th and 19th centuries, their text files in Maine facture goods began to flow into the Ottoman Empire. Since they were inexpensive and high-quality products, they place considerable pressure on on them and artisans and craftsmen, frequently let urban riots to protest foreign imports. Ottoman exports consisted largely of rum Cheerios such as grain, Ronkonkoma him to, indigo, and opium, but they did not offset the. Value of imported European manufacturers. Nothing symbolize foreign influence more than the capitulations, agreements that exempt European visitors from autumn in law and provided European powers with extraterritoriality- The right to exercise jurisdiction over their own citizens according to their own laws. The practice dated back to the 16th century, when all the men sultans signed capital till Asian treaties to avoid the burden of administering justice for communities of foreign merchants. By the 19 century however on officials regard the capitalizations as humiliating in treasons on their sovereignty. Capitalizations also served as Instruments of economic penetration by European businessman who established taxes and things in commercial enterprises in the Ottoman Empire, in the permitted foreign governments to Libby duties on goods sold in Ottoman ports.

8. Post American Civil War - Ch. 31

During the 19th century and early 20th century, two principal influence of mass migration and British and Vince investment seems economic development throughout the Americas. But American states reacted in different ways to migration for an investment. The United States and Canada absorb waves of migrants, exploited British capital, built industrial societies, it established economic independence. The fragmented states of Latin America were unable to follow suit, however, as they struggled with the legacies of colonialism, slavery, and economic dependence on single export crops. Migrants to Latin America mostly weren't not in factories, but on plantations and or controlled by foreign investors. British investment capital in the United States pretty crucial to the early stages of industrial development by helping businessman establish a textile industry. In the late 19th century, it also helps for a vast expansion of US industry by funding and entrepreneurs who open the coal and iron ore mines, build iron is still factories, and constructed. The flow of investment Moni's was a consequence of Britain's own industrialization, which generated enormous wealth in created a need for investors to fund profitable outlets for their funds stable, white government states in colonies were especially fertile grounds for British investment, which often provided the impetus for industrial expansion and economic independence in those regions. In this case of the United States, it helped create a rival industry power that would eventually outperform Britain's economy. After the 1860s US businesses made effective use of foreign investment capital of the reunited land recovered from the civil war. The war determined that the United States would depend on Waze labor rather than slavery, in entrepreneur said about tapping American resources and building a continental economy. Perhaps the most important economic development was the waiter 19 century was a construction everywhere online selling all US regions and help create an integrated economy. Because it is the enormous size in environmental diversely, the United States offered an abundance of natural resources for industrial exploitation. But best distances made it difficult to maintain close economic countries between regions until a boom in real-world concerts and created a dense transportation, communication, and distribution at work. Before the Civil War the United States had about 50,000 km airlines, most of them short rugs east of the Mississippi River. By 1900 there were more than 320,000 km of track, in the American real network stretch from coast-to-coast. Most prominent of these new lines was the transcontinental route, completed in 1869, running from Omaha, where connections provided access to eastern states, to San Francisco.

40. Prognosticating for modern war - Ch. 34, notes

Dying and suffering we're not limited solely to combatants: The great war establish rules of engagement that made civilians targets of warfare. Since they were crucial to the war effort, millions of people out of uniform became targets of enemy military operations. On 30 August 1914, Perisians looked up at the sky and saw a new weapon of war, a huge but silent German zeppelin his underbelly rained bombs, eventually killing one person. This event called it a new kind of warfare airport against civilians. A less novel bit more effective means of targeting civilian populations was a naval blockade. Military leaders on both sides he's blockades to deny food to hope populations, hoping that starving masses would force their governments to capitulate.

17. Cultural attitudes of imperialism - Ch. 33, notes

Even spiritual motives fostered imperialism. Like the Jesuits in the early modern era, missionaries flock to African and Asian lands in search of converts to Christianity. Missionaries often opposed imperialist ventures and defended the interest of their converts against European businessman and colonial officials. Nevertheless, their spiritual campaigns provided a powerful religious justification for imperialism. Furthermore, missionaries often facilitated communications between imperialism and subject peoples in they sometimes provided European officials with information they needed to maintain control of overseas colonies. Their settlements also served as convenient meeting places for Europeans overseas in as distribution centers for European in manufactured goods. While missionaries sought to introduce Christianity to subject peoples, others were to bring them civilization in the form of political order in social stability. French imperialist routinely in both the mission civilizing mission as justification for their expansion into Africa and Asia, in the English writer and poet to find the white man's burden at the duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands.

31. The legacy of imperialism - Ch. 33, notes

Imperialism and colonialism profoundly influenced the development of world history. In some ways they tighten links between world peoples trade in migration increased hermetically as imperial powers exploit the resources of subject lands in recruited labor forces for working, colonies throughout the world. Yeah imperialism and colonialism also brought peoples into conflict in heightened senses of difference between peoples. European, Euro-American, in Japanese imperialists all came to think of themselves as superior to people they overcame. Meanwhile, for an intrusion stimulated the development of national identities in Coney lysed lands, and over time these national identities served as a foundation for anti-colonial independence movements. Economic and social changes, labor migrations, European migration, indentured labor migration, empire in migration, colonial conflict, scientific racism, popular racism.

48. Maintaining world peace - Ch. 34, notes

In an effort to avoid future distracted conflicts, the diplomats in Paris created the league of Nations. The league was the first permanent international security organization his principal mission was to maintain world peace. Other urging of US Pres. Woodrow Wilson, the convenience of the league of Nations was made in interval part of the peace treaties, and every signatory to a peace treaty had to except Disney World organization. Initially, the leak seems to be the sign of a new era 26 of it's 42 original members were countries outside of Europe, suggesting that it transcended European interest.

38. Slogans of loyal slaughter - Ch. 34, notes

In the first weeks of August 1914, some 20 million young men don't uniform, took rifles, and left the front. Many of them look forward to heroic charges, rented pronation's, and a quick homecoming. Some dreams of glory and honor, and they believe that God was on their side. The inscription on the belt buckle of German recruits read "God be with us quote, a sentiment echoed by Russian troops, who phot for "God inches are ", and British soldiers, who went into battle "for God King and country quote. Several years later Americans felt called upon to make "make the world safe for democracy "similar attitudes prevailed among the political and military leaders of the nations. The war strategies to buys by the finest military thinkers of the time pay no attention to matters of defense. Instead, they were preoccupied by visions of sweeping assaults, envelopments, and all of above all swift triuphs.

56. Post WW I economic problems in America - Ch. 35, notes 57. Post WW I economic problems in the USSR - Ch. 35, notes 58. Post WW I economic problems in Germany - Ch. 35, notes

In the wake of financial chaos came interest to decrease in business activity, wages, and employment. Consumer demand no longer suffice to purchase all the goods that businesses produce, and one businesses realize that they cannot sell very inventories, they responded with cutbacks in production and additional layoffs. With so many people unemployed or underemployed, demand plummeted still further, causing more business failures and swearing unemployment. In 1930 to slump deepen, I am by 1932 industrial production had fallen to half and it's 1929 level. National income has dropped by roughly half. 44% of US banks were out of business, and the deposits of millions of people had disappeared. Because much of the world prosperity dependent on the export of US Capitol on the strength of the US import markets, the contraction of the US economy created a ripple effect that affected the whole globe. With the notable exception of the Soviet Union, his economy was essentially isolated from the international marketplace, most societies experience economic difficulties throughout the 1930s. Although the severity of the economic contraction buried in intensity, virtually every industrialized society saw its economy's travel. Nations that relied on exports of manufactured goods to pay for imported fuel and food Germany and Japan in particular suffered the most. The depression also spread unevenly to primary producers economies in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Hardest hit were countries that dependent on the export of a few **** primary products agricultural goods, such as coffee sugar in cotton enrollment a real such as minerals orders and rubber. US investors, she can buy the collapse of the stock prices, try to raise money by calling in loans in liquidating investments, and Wall Street banks refuse to extend short-term loans as they became do. Thinking houses in Austria and Germany became vulnerable to collapse, for they had major reset tens of US loans. Devastated by the loss of the US Capitol, the German economy experienced a precipitous economic slide that I 1932 resulted in 35% unemployment and 50% decrease in industrial production. As the German economy ground to a virtual hold. The rest of the Europe which was closely integrated with the German economy sputtered installed. Although Germany had lost the great war, and had remained a leading economic power throughout the postwar years. Because the military engages took place on German soil, the national economy its natural resources, infrastructure, and productive capacity had been spared and physical destruction that seriously disrupted the economics of other land such as France and Russia. Germany did not escape the ravages of the depression. The situation in Europe deteriorated further when businesses, desperate to raise capital by exporting goods see United States, found that US markets had virtually disappeared between tariff walls. Foreign trade Fell sharply between 1929 and 1932, causing further losses in manufacturing employment and per capita income. Because of its great dependence on US market, the Japanese economy felt the depression affects almost immediately. Unemployment in X oriented sectors of the economy skyrocketed as many companies cut back on production. Through their global trade connections industrialized nations transmitted the economic crisis throughout the world. Because they exported agricultural products or wrong materials, his prices declined rapidly after 1929, most Latin American studies were vulnerable to the effects of the depression. The prices of sugar from the Caribbean, coffee from Brazil and Colombia, wheat in beef from Argentina, tin from Bolivia, nitrates from Chile and many other products all sharply. Attends by producers to raise prices by holding supplies off the market failed and throughout Latin America unemployment rates increase rapidly. A difficult situation existed in Africa, for almost the entire continent was under colonial rule in colonies had no choice but to follow the dictates of their colonizers. African colonies that's where a principal source of agricultural products or's and minerals for the European masters. As international markets for primary products rank under the impact of the depression, European companies that control the export of the African product suffered accordingly. Africans who produced the commodities does it needed for export had to contend with high employment or unemployment sorry. Many areas of corneal Africa, however, remains unaffected by the global slump. Because their products did tied to the international economy. The global economic downturn and depression markets affected some agricultural economies only slightly, after it all if at all. For example, China's large economy had small industrial sectors that were integrated into the world market today only a limited extent. Thus although Chinese trade and sulk and he declined marketly during the depression, foreign trade made up only a small and relatively insignificant part of the domestic economy. China's large domestic markets to not depends on foreign trade dictated the direction of its economy. Another area that did not suffer particularly from the great depression was the Philippines a colony of the United States. They important sugar producing sector of the Philippine economy, was which employed some 6 million workers, benefited from the protected market in the United States. The Great Depression destroyed international financial and commercial network of that C economies. As international cup operation broke down, governments turned to their own resources make it to practice economic nationalism. By imposing tariffs., Important quotas and import prohibit Asians, politicians hoped to achieve autarchy, or economic self-sufficiency. In an age of global inter-dependents, such gold remains unattainable, and economic nationalism in variable backfired. Each new measure designed to restrict imports provoked retaliation by other nations his injuries were affected. After the US Congress passed the Smoot holy tariff in 1930, which raise duties on most manufactured products to prohibit levels, The governments of dozens of other nations immediately retaliated by raising tariffs on imports of US products. The result of a sharp drop in international trade. Instead of higher levels of production income, economic nationalism yielded the op. cit. Between 1929 in 1932 world population declined by 30% and trade drop by more than 66%.

46. "Lenin" - Ch. 34, notes

Into this tends political situation stepped Baltimore Lennon, a revolutionary who had been living in exile in Switzerland. Born into a warm and loving family, women grew up in the confines of moderately preposterous family living in the province she'll Russian town. In 1887, Shirley after his father's death, the police arrested and hang his older brother for plotting to assassinated the tsar, an event that seared women's use. Following a brief career as a lawyer, when it's been many years abroad, devoting themselves to studying Marxist thought in writing political pamphlets. In contrast to Marks, Lennon view the industrial working class is in capable of developing the proper evolutionary consciousness that were leading up to it Factive political action. To lead in the industrial proletariat require the leadership of the well organized and highly disciplined party, a workers vanguard that served as a catalyst for revolution in for the realization of a socialist society. In a moment of high drama, the German high command transported lenin in 1970 in to rush it in a sealed train, hoping that this committed antiwar activist would stir up trouble and bring about Russia's withdrawal from the war. Lennon headed the Bolsheviks, the radical Wayne in the Russian social Democratic Party. It in April he began calling for a transfer of legal authority to the Soviets in abdicated upcoming opposition to the war. initially, his own party opposed his radicalism, but he seen succeeded in converting his fellow Bolsheviks to his proposals the Bolsheviks, who are small minority among revolutionary working class parties, eventually gain control of the picture roads so be it. Crucial to this development was a government's insistence on continuing the war, it's instability to feed the population, and it's refusal to undertake land reform. The tsarist regains policies lead to the growing conviction among workers and peasants that their programs could be solved only by the Soviets. The Bolsheviks capitalize on this made with affective slogan such as all powers to the Soviets and the most famous peace land and bread in September Lennon persuaded the Central committee at the Bolshevik party to organize insecurrtion in seize power in the name of all Russian national Congress of Soviets, which was then convening to Petrograd.

16. Economic motives for imperialism - Ch. 33, notes

It is not difficult to understand why entrepreneurs like roads way to promote overseas expansion, but their interest alone cannot have driven the massive imperialist ventures of the way 19 century. In fact, a wide range of motives encourage European people still want campaigns of conquest in control. Some advocates argue that imperialism was an economic interests of European societies as well as individuals. They are pointed out that overseas colonies could serve as reliable sources of raw materials not available in Europe that came in demand because of industrialization, by the late 19 century petroleum also became a crucial resource for industrialize lands. Rubber trees were in did US in the Amazon River basin, but imperialist establish colonial rubber plantations in the Congo River basin in Malaya. Abundant supplies of 10 were available in from colonies in Southeast Asia and copper in central Africa. The United States and Russia supply most of the worlds petroleum in the 19 century, but the oil fields of Southwest Asia attracted detention of European industrialist and imperialist alike. Proponents of imperialism also held that colonies would consume manufactured goods and provide a haven for migraines in an age of rapidly increasing European population. In fact, manufactured goods did not flow to most colonies in large quantities, in European migrants went overwhelmingly to Independent states in the Americas rather than to overseas colonies. Nevertheless, arguments arising from national economic interest generated considerable support for imperialism.

2. Canadian independence - Ch. 31

Kenona did not fight a war for independence, and indeed regional divisions, it did not experience bloody internal conflict. Instead, Canadian independence can gradually as Canadians in the British government agreed on general principle principles of economy. The distinctiveness of the two dominant ethnic groups, the British Canadians in the French-Canadians, insured the process of building and independent society would not be smooth, but intermediate fears of US expansion and concerns about the possibility of an invasion from the south helped so merge ethnic concerns about the possibility of an invasion from the south helps the merge ethnic differences. But the late 19th century, can he Canada was a land in control of its own destiny, despite continuing ties to Britain in the limbing presence of the United States to the south.

13. Causes of the fall of the Russian Empire -

Like the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire experience Battlefield three versus that lead to bear the economic and technological disparity between Russia and Western European powers. Determined to preserve Russia status as a Greatland power, the desire is government embarked on a program of reform. The keystone of the zephyrs was the emancipation of the service. Social reform pave the way for government sponsored industrialization, which began to reform Russian society during the last decades of the 19th century. Political liberalization did not accompany social and economic reform, as it is ours review sealed their auto credit powers. The presses political environment smart opposition movements I turn increasingly radical in the late 19th century. In the early 20th century, domestic discontent reached crisis for promotions in exploded in revolution. A respected and feared military power, Russian maintained its tradition of conquest and expansion. During the 19 century the Russian Empire expanded in three directions east into the main Curia, South into the car cost see us in Central Asia, and Southwest for the Mediterranean. This last thrust lead to interference in the Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire. After defeating Turkish forces in the war of 1828 1829, Russia tried to establish a united lateral Road tech toe rate over the weakening Ottoman Empire. This expensive effort threaten to upset the balance of power in Europe, which led to the military conflict between Russia in the coalition including Britain, France, the kingdom of Sardinia, in the Ottoman Empire. The creamy and war clearly revealed the weakness of the Russian Empire, which could hold its against Ottoman aim clean forces, but not against industrial powers of Western Europe. Unable to mobilize, Lakewood and transport troops to defeat European forces operated under a mediocre command, Russian army suffer devastating defeat.

60. Leaders of the of Indian independence effort - Ch. 35, notes

Of all the associations dedicated to the struggle against British rule, the greatest and most influential was the Indian national Congress founded in 1885. This organization which enlisted the support of many prominent Hindus and Muslims are first stressed collaboration with the British to bring self-rule to India but after the great war the Congress pursue the goal in opposition to the British. The formation of Muslim league established in 1906 with the encouragement of the British government added a new current into the movement of national liberation. Both organizations were dedicated to achieving independence for India the members of the Muslim league increasingly worried the Hindu oppression and continued subjection of India substantial meso minority might replace British rule.into this turmoil stepped Mohandas K. Gandhi, One of the most remarkable and charismatic leaders of the 20th century. Going to grew up in a pro in Hindu household, married at 13 home and watch his home town in 1888 to study law in London. In 19 or 1893 he went to South Africa to excepted position with an Indian firm, and there he quickly became involved in organizing the local Indian community against a system of racial segregation, which madeIndian second-class citizens. During the 25 years he spent in South Africa, Gandhi and brace a more philosophy of tolerance and nonviolence and developed the technique of passive resistance he called truth and firmness his belief in the virtue of simple living with him to renounce material possessions, dressing garbage of's a simple Indian peasant, and become a vegetarian he renown sex testing his will power by chastely Sleeping with various comely young women

6. Lincoln & the slave issue - Ch. 31

Opponents of slavery had a dream that the institution would die a natural death with the decline of tobacco cultivation. Their hopes faded, however, with the invigoration of the slave system by the rise of cotton as a cash crop in the early 19 century, followed by westward expansion. The USA population rose sharply for 500,000 in 1770 to almost 2,000,000 1820. As the numbers of slaves grew, anti-slavery forces fought to limit the spread of slavery to new territories. Beginning with the Missouri compromise in of 1820, a series of political contacts and sent into maintain a balance between slave and free states is the American Republic a minute new states carved out of western territories. These compromises ultimately proved to brittle to endure, as proslavery and anti-slavery forces became more strident. Abraham Lincoln predicted in 1858 that, a house divided against itself cannot stand, "and he made the connection to slavery explicit. The election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in 1860 was the spark that ignites of the war between the states. Lincoln was in explicitly sectional candidate, convinced that slavery was in moral and committed to Freesoil territories of slavery. Although slavery stood at the center of the conflict, the Civil War also resolved around issues central to United States of the society the nature of the union, states rights as opposed to the federal government authority, in the impurities of a building industrial capitalist system against those explorieoriented plantation economy.

3. Latin American independence - Ch. 31

Political unity was a short-lived in Latin America. Center Boulevard, hailed as the regions liberator, worked for the establishment of a large confederation that would provide Latin America with the political, military, and economic strength to resist in Richmond by foreign-policy powers. The wars of independence that he had encourage a sense of solitary in Latin America. But Boulevard once a minute that "I fear peace more than I fear war," and after the defeat of the common colonial enemy, solitary was impossible to sustain. Boulevard Gran Columbia broke into its three constitute parts-Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador- in the rest of Latin America fragmented into numerous Independent states. Following the example of the United States, free roll elites usually established for Publix with a written constitutions for the newly independent states of Latin America. Yeah constitutions were much more difficult to frame in Latin America than in the United States. Before gaining independence, when America leaders had little experience with self-government, since Spanish and Portuguese colonial were games are far more autocratic than the British Imperial government in North America. Creole you please respond enthusiastically to Enlightenment values and Republican ideals, but they had no experience putting their principles into practice.

21. 'The Great Game' - Ch. 33, notes

Russian forces have proved Central Asia as early as the 16 century, but only in the 19 century did they undertake a systematic effort to stand Russian authorities south of the caucasus. The weakening of the ottoman in queen empires turned Central Asia into a political vacuuming invited Russian expansion into the region. But the 1860s Kozak's had overcome Tashkent, Bokhara, and Samarkand, The great Caribbean cities of the silk roads, and approach the ill-defined northern frontier a British India. For the next half century, military officers imperialist adventures and gauge in a risky pursuit of influence and intelligence that British agents referred to as the great game. Russian and British explorers ventured into parts of Central Asia never before visiting by Europeans. They Maps terrain, scouted mountain passes, and saw that alliances with local rulers of Afghanistan to the aerial see all in an effort to prepare for the anticipate a war for India. In fact, the outbreak of global war in 1914 in the collapse of the terrace state in 1917 ensured that the contest for India never took place. Nevertheless, imperial expansion brought much of central Asia into the Russian Empire and of subject did the region to Russian hegemony that persisted until the disintegration of Soviet union in 1991. Competition among European powers lead also to further imperialism in a Southeast Asia. The Philippines had come under Spanish colonial rule in the 16 century, and many Southeast Asian islands fell under Dutch role in the 17 century. As imperial rivalries escalated in the 19 century, Dutch officials tighten their control an extended their authority throughout the Dutch East Indies, the arch to Bella go that makes up the motor say of Indonesia. Along with cash crops of sugar, tea, coffee, and tobacco, exports of rubber in tin made the Dutch East Indies a valuable and productive colony.

32. Causes of WW I - Ch. 34, notes

The catalyst for war was the assassination of Francis Ferdinand, hair to the throne of Austria hungry Arian empire, by Siberian Nationalist. It without deeper underlying developments, the assassinations bulleted would have limited effect. The underlying causes of the war of 1914 to 1918 were many, including tens nationalism, and frustrated nationalism ambitions and ethnic resentments, and the pursuit of exclusive economic interests, abrasive colonial rivalries, and a general struggle for the balance of power, both in Europe in the world at large. Between 1871 and 1914 European governments adopted foreign-policy is that silly increase the danger of war. In order not to find themselves alone in the hostile world, national leaders saw alignments with other powers. Yet the establishment of maintenance in Europe of two hostile alliances the allies of the Central Powers help spread the war of the Balkans.

14. Taiping demands - Ch. 32, notes

The debilition of the Chinese empire at the end of the 19th-century wasn't much a result of internal turmoil as it was a consequence for foreign intrusion. Large-scale rebellions in the later 19 century reflected the increasing population rose more by that 50% from 330,000,000 to 4 and 75 million. The amount of land under cultivation increased only slowly during the same period, so population growth strained Chinese resources. The concentration of land in the hands of wealthy elites aggravated peasant disconnect, as did widespread corruption in government officials and increasing drug addiction. Most dangerous of all was the taping rebellion, which raged throughout most of China I am brought the Quinn dynasty to the brink of collapse. The village school teacher hong xiuquan provided both inspiration in leadership for the taping rebellion. His call for the distraction of the Quinn dynasty in his program for the radical transformation of Chinese society appeal to millions of men and women. The Quinn dynasty had ruled China's in 1644 and queen elites had adapted to Chinese Waze, but many native Chinese subjects despise the Manchu ruling class as foreigners. The taping rebellion per gram contained many radical features that appealed to discontent did subjects, including the abolition of private property, the creation of communal well to be shared according to needs, the prohibit Tatian of foot binding in concubinage, free public education, simplification of the hand written language, in the literacy for the masses. Some taping leaders also called for you status rid of democratic political institutions in the building of industrial society. Although they divided their army into separate divisions of men and women soldiers, the tapings decreed that you quality of men and women. Taping regulations prohibit it sexual intercourse among the followers, including married couples, but hung and other high liters maintained large Harem. After sweeping through southeastern trying to hone in his followers in the society of God worshipers took nanjing in 1853 and made it the capital of their taping kingdom (great peace). From Nanjing they campaign throughout China, and as the real Bowles pass through the countryside a whole towns and villages join them off involuntary, but sometimes under corn. By 1855 1 million tapings were poised to attack Beijing. Queen forces repelled them call of the five years later, firmly entrenched in the Yangtze River Valley, the tapings threatened Shanghai.

55. Post WW I economic problems - Ch. 35, notes

The economic recovery and well-being of Europe, for example, we are tied to a tangle financial system that involved for Deb's among the allies, rip Mary shins paid by Germany and Austria, in the flow the US funds to Europe. In essence, the governments of Austria and Germany relied on US lines and investment capital to finance reparations payments to France and England. The French and British governments, in turn, depending on these respiration payments to pay off loans taken out in the United States during the great war. By the summer of 1920, US lenders and investors started to withdraw the capital from Europe, placing an intolerable strain on the financial system. There are other problems as well. Improvements in industrial processes reduce worldwide demand for certain roll materials, causing an increase in supplies and drop in prices. Technological advancements in the production of automobile tires, for instance, permitted the use of reclaimed rubber. The resulting glut of natural rubber had devastating consequences for the economies of the Dutch East Indies, see loan, Emilys yeah, all of which were light on exporter forever. Similarly, the increased use of boiled undermined the coal industry, the emergence of send the text card to common Cotton industry, in the growing adoption of artificial nitrogen virtually room and then I trade industry of chili. One of the net nagging weaknesses of the global economy in the 1920s was that depressed state of agriculture, the result of overproduction of falling prices. During the great war, when Europe's agriculture put out declined significantly, farmers in the great war, when you're up agricultural output declined significantly, farmers in the United States Canada Argentina in Australia expanded their own protection. At the end of the war, European farmers resend there are cultural activity, thereby contribute to world war surpluses. Above average global harvest between 1925 and 1929 aggravated the situation. As production increase, demand declined and prices collapse throughout the world. By 1929 the price of the bushel of wheat was at its lowest level and 400 years and farmers everywhere became impoverish. The reduce income a farm families contribute to high in Ventura or use of manufactured goods, which in turn caused business to cut back production to lay off workers.

47. WW I peace agreements - Ch. 34, notes

The final form of the treaties represented a series of compromises among the victors. The hardest turns originated with the French, he desired the distraction over the permanent weakening of German power. That's in addition to requiring Germany to except so responsibility and gold for causing the war, the victors demanded a reduction in the military potential of the former Central Powers. For example, the Treaty of bursae lees denied the Germans a navy or an Air Force in limited the size of the German army to 100,000 troops. In addition, the allies prohibited Germany and Austria from entering into any sort of political union. Both the French and the British agreed that the defeated Central Powers must pay for the cost of the war and require the payment of rape Horatian's either in money or in land. Sillies also being excessively harsh, it was no more severe in its terms of the Treaty of brest- litovsk that the Germans had imposed on Russia in 1918. The treaties also recognize successors states in Eastern Europe that had sprung up at the end of the war at the expense of collapsing empires. In the final analysis the peace settlement was strategy sickly week because too few participants had a steak in maintaining it into many had an interest in revising it. Judged by its long-term to results particularly the outbreak of a second world war in A matter of decades the peace settlement was a failure.

45. The Communist campaign in Russia - Ch. 34, notes

The great war had underminded the Russian state. In the spring of 1917, disintegrating armies, meet knees, and vizards shortages provoked a series of street demonstrations and strikes in Petrograd or St. Petersburg. The inability of police forces to suppress the uprisings, and the subsequent meanies obtrusive garrisoned in the capital, convince the well-meaning of in component to Czar, Nicholas the second, to abdicate the throne. That's Russia sees to be a monarchy, in the room off dying to see appeared after 300 years of uninterpreted roll. The February revolution the first of two revolutions in 1917 was an unplanned an incomplete affair. after it's success and Petrograd, the revolution spread throughout the country, and political power in Russia shifted to two new agencies the provisional government in the Petrograd Soviet of workers and soldiers deputies. Soviets, which were revolutionary councils organized by socialist, appear for the first time during the rush revolution 1905. In 1917 Soviets of workers and soldiers deputies surface all over Russia, welding considerable power through their control of factories in segments of the military. The period between February and October witnessed a political struggle between the provisional government in the powerful Petrograd Soviet. At the first new government enjoyed considerable public support as it disbanded the to czarist police repealed all limitation on freedom of speech, press, and association and abolished laws that discriminated against ethnic or religious groups. But it failed to satisfy popular demand for an end to war in for landforms Orlando reforms. Explain that, being provisional, he cannot make fundamental changes such as confiscating Landon distributing it among peasants. Any such change had to be postponed for decision by a feature constitute assembly. The government also pledged itself to unswervingly carry out the groom it's made with you allies quote and promise to continue the war to A Victoria's conclusion. The Petrograd Soviet, in contrast, called for an immediate peace.

22. The quest for empire in Africa - Ch. 33, notes

The most striking outburst of imperialism took place in Africa. As late as 1875 European peoples maintained a limited presence in Africa. They held several small coastal colonies and fortify trading post, but they're only sizable positions for the Portuguese colonies of Angoli And Mozambique, The French settlers colony in northern Algeria, and a cluster of settler colonies populated by British and Dutch migrants in south Africa. After the end of the slave trade, a lively commerce developed around the exchange of African gold, ivory, I am home oil for European text tiles, guns, and manufactured goods. This trade for a considerable prosperity and economic opportunity especially to west African lands. Between 1875 and 1900, however, the relationship between Africa and Europe dramatically changed. Within a quarter century European imperial powers pars Sharon and colonize almost the entire African continent. Prospects of exploiting African resources and nationalist rivalries between European powers help to explain the frenzy quest for empire, referred to as the scramble for Africa. European imperialist builds on the information compiled by a series of adventures and explorers who charted interior regions of Africa that Europeans had never before visited. Someone to Africa as missionaries. Best known of them was Dr. David Livingstone, a Scottish minister, who traveled through much of central and southern Africa in the mid-19th century in search of suitable locations for mission post. Other travelers were adventures like the American journalist Henry Morton Sammy undertook a well-publicized expedition to find living stone and report on his activities. Meanwhile, to English geographical enthusiasts, Richard Burton and John speak, ventured into East Africa seeking the source of the Nile river. Did geographical information compiled by these travelers had great interest for merchants eager to exploit business opportunities Africa.

53. - 54. Post WW I science - Ch. 35, notes

The postwar decade witnesses a revolution in physics that transform the character of science. Albert Einstein struck the first blow with his theory of general relativity, showing that there is no single spot tile and chronicle logical framework in the universe. According to the theory, and no longer made sense to speak of space and time as absolutes, for the measurement of these two categories always varies with the motion of the observer. That is, space and time are relative to person measuring them. To the layperson such notations usually expressed in in comprehensible mathematical formula seem to suggest that science had reached the limits of what could be known with certainty. A commonsense universe had a vanish, to be replaced with a radically new one in which reality and or truth was merely a set of mental constructs. More disquieting even then Einstein's discoveries was a theory formulated by Heisenberg, who in 1927 publish a paper about the quantum theoretical reinterpretation of Connecticut mathematical mechanical relationships quotes which established the uncertainty principle according to Heisenberg, it is possible to specify simultaneously both the visitation velocity of the subatomic particle. The more accurately one determines the position of the electron, in other words, the less per Cicely one can determine its velocity, the vice versa. In essence, sizes cannot observe the behavior of electrons objectively, because they're very active observation interferes with them. The entered to meet at sea of the Potomac universe to mended that the exact calculations of classical physics can be replaced by probability calculations.

36. Pre-WW I military plans - Ch. 34, notes

The preservation of peace was especially difficult because the military status of each nation had devised in flexible military plans in time tables that would be carried out in the event of war. For example, French military strategy revolves around plan XV I I, which amounted to a veritable celebration of offensive maneuvers. Indeed, the French master plan could be summed up in one word, attack, to be undertaken always and everywhere. This strategy be the enemies intentions as in sick Wentley and gave no thought to the massive casualties that would invariably result. German were plans in particular played a crucial role in the events leading to the great war. Germany's fear of encirclement encouraged it's military platters to devise A strategy that would avoid a war on two fronts. It based on a strategy developed in 1905 by general account Alfred. The plan called for a swift knock out all of France, followed by defensive action against Russia. German planners predicted their strategy on the knowledge that the Russians could not mobilizer soldiers and military supplies as quickly as the French, this giving German forces a few precious weeks during which they could concentrate their full power on friends. However Brilliantly conceived, the plan rates serious logistical problems, not the least of which was moving 180,000 men in their supplies into friends in Belgium 500 trains, with 50 wagons age. More importantly, Germany's military strategy was serious obstacle to the seeking to preserve the peace. In the event of Russian mobilization, Germany's leaders would feel compelled to stick to their word plans, thereby sitting in motion a military conflict of major proportions.

24. American imperialism - Ch. 33, notes

The very existence of the United States was due to European imperialism. After the new republic had won its independence, US leaders pursue their manifest destiny and brought almost all temperate regions of North America under their authority. Like British migrants in Australia and New Zealand, your American cultivators pushed and did US people on to marginally is in reservations. This domination of the North American continent represents a part of the larger story of European euro American imperialism. The fledging of United States also welded power outside North America. In 1823 Pres. James Monroe issued a proclamation that warned European states against imperialist designs in the Western Hemisphere. In essence Monroe clean the Americas as a US Protectorate, in his proclamation, known as the Monroe doctrine, served as a justification for US intervention in the hemispheric affairs. Until the late 19 century, the United States mostly exercise informal influence in the Americas and sought to guarantee free trade in the region. This policy benefited US entrepreneurs and their European counterparts who work to bring the natural resources in agricultural products of the Americas to the world market. As United States consolidated it's Continental holdings, US leaders became interested in acquiring territories be on the temperate regions of North America. In 1867 the United States purchased Alaska from Russia in 1875 claimed a protectorate over the islands of Hawaii, where US businessmen had established highly productive sugarcane plantations. The Hawaiian kingdom survived until 1893, when a group of planters and businessman overthrew the last monarch, queen and invited the United States to annex the islands. US Pres. Grover Cleveland opposed annexation, but his successor, William McKinley was more open to American expansion and agree to acquire the islands as US possessions in 1898.

44. Victory in WW I - Ch. 34, notes

The word produce trains within all the nations, but most of them manage, often versus Lee, to cope with food riots, stripes, meet knees. But in the Russian Empire, the word amplified existing stresses to such an extent that the Romanov Dynasty had to abdicate power in favor of provisional government in the spring of 1917. Only in few months later, the provisional government yielded power to Bolshevik RevolutionAries, who took Russia out of the war early in 1918. This flow to the allies was more than offset by the entry of United States into the conflict in 1917, which helped turn the tide of war in 1918. The resources of the United States finally compelled D exhausted Central Powers to sue for peace in November 1918. In 1919 the victorious allies gathered in Paris to hammer out a P settlement that turned out to be a compromise that please few the parties involved. The most significant consequence of the war was Europe's diminished role in the world. The war of 1914 to 1918 undermined europe's power and simultaneously promoted national is aspirations among colonized peoples who began to glamour for self-determination in national independence. For the time being the major imperialist powers kept their grip on the overseas holdings, but the days of Europe's preeminence we're coming to an end.

26. British imperialism in the Pacific - Ch. 33, notes 27. French imperialism - Ch. 33, notes

While scrambling for Africa, European imperial powers did not overlook opportunities to establish their presents in Pacific ocean basin. Imperialism in the Pacific took two main forms. In Australia and New Zealand, European powers establish settler colonies and dominant political institutions. And most of the Pacific islands, however, they saw commercial opportunities and reliable basis for their operations, but did not wish to go to the trouble or expense of our right colonization. Only in the late 19 century did they begin to impose direct colonial rule on the islands. European Mareener's re-Connor toward Australia and made occasional windfalls from the early 16th century, but only after the Pacific voyages of Capt. James Cook did Europeans travel to the southern consulate in large 1770 cook encourage his fleet for a week in Bonsall eBay, here modern Cindy called and reported that the region would be suitable for settlement. In 1788 a British fleet with about 1000 settlers, most of them convicted criminals, arrived at Sydney Harbour and establish the colony of new south wales. The migrant supported themselves mostly by herding sheep. Lord by opportunity, voluntary migrants outnumbered convex but the 1830s, in the discovery of gold in 1851 for a surge of migration to Australia. European settlers established commodities also in New Zealand.europeans first visit in New Zealand while hunting whales and seals, but the islands Fertile soil is an abundant stands up timber soon attracted their attention Andrew large numbers of migraines. European migration rock the societies of Australia New Zealand. Diseases like smallpox and measles devastated and did US peoples at the same time they European migrants flooded into their lands. The aboriginal population of Australia fell from about 650,000 in 1810 90,000 and 1900, where is the European population rose from a few thousand to 3.75 million during the same period. Increasing migration also feel conflict between European settlers in need of populations. Large settlers ascites push indigenous peoples from their lands, often following violent confrontations. Because the pneumatic forgers peoples of Australia did not occupied lands permanently, British settlers considered the continent the land belonging to no one that they could see's input to their own nieces. They undertook brutal military campaigns to Invicta aboriginal people from the land suitable for agriculture or hurding, in my 1900 they are largely restricted native peoples to reservations located mostly desert regions. A similar process took place in New Zealand. In 1840 settlers and missionaries persuaded Mori leaders to sign the treaty of waitangi, which they place the declining Maury population on the land of New Zealand under British protection. Settler same purchase titles to the best lands, provoking Maury resistance. Between 1860 and 1864 settlers in Murray phot a series of land wars that ended with victory for the sellers and confinement of the Maury to reservations. Even though imported diseases ravaged indigenous populations, the Pacific Islands mostly escape the fate of Australia New Zealand, where settlers overwhelmed and overpower native populations. During the 19 century the principal European visitors in Pacific islands were wailers, merchants, and missionaries. Wailers frequently imports where they could relax, refit their ships, and drink rum. Merchants saw fragrant sandalwood and so lucent see slugs, both of which vegetable high prices in China. Missionaries established with Roman Catholic and Protestant churches throughout The Pacific ocean basin. Naval vessels sometimes made a show of force or intervene and distributes between Islanders and Europeans or between competing groups of Europeans. Through most of the 19 century, however, imperialist powers had no desire to Sabas direct colonial rule over Pacific islands. The situation changed in the late 19 century. Just says nationals rivalries drove this rambled of Africa, so they encourage imperialist powers to state their claims in the Pacific. In the era of global imperialism, European states sought reliable Collings stations for their steamships imports in their navies. French establish a protectorate in talbots, the society of islands, and the marquesas as early as 1841 and impose direct colonial rule in 1880. Friends also annex new Caldonia in 1853. Britain made Fiji a crown colony in 1874, in Germany annex several of the Marshall islands in 1876 in 1878. At the Berlin conference, European diplomats agreed on the partition of Oceana as well as Africa, and bridging, in France, Germany, and do United States proceeded to claim almost all the Pacific Islands. By 1900 and only the kingdom of tonga remained independent, and even Tonga excepted British protection against the possibility of enrichments by other imperial powers. Quit apart from their value as ports in polling stations, the Pacific Islands offered economic benefits to imperial powers. Hawaii in Fiji were sites of immensely productive sugarcane plantations. Samoa, French Polynesia yet, in many malaise EN in Micronesian islands were sources of Keppra dried coconut, which produce high-quality vegetable oil for the manufacture of soap, candles, and lubricants. New Caledonia had rich things of nickel in many small Pacific islands had abundant deposits of Blondo bird droppings that make excellent fertilizer.

9. Significances of the American Civil War - Ch. 31

Yet the March of the American industrialization do not go entirely unopposed large-scale labor unions in March alongside big business in the period from 1870 to 1900, the confrontations between businessman seeking profits and workers seeking higher wages or job security sometimes correctly. A massive, coordinated strike of railroad workers in 1877 shutdown two thirds of the nation's railroads, violent streaming from the strike took the lives 100 people and resulted in $10 million worth of property damage. Nevertheless, big business prevailed... It's with workers during the 19 century, often with support from federal or state governments, and by the early 20th century in the United States had emerged as one of the worlds major industrial powers.

18. Imperialist success - Ch. 33, notes


28. Valuable African geography - Ch. 33, notes


29. Intentionally unimperialized - Ch. 33, notes


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