ARE 112 Midterm 1

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classical school of management comes from 3 examples/sub schools

1. Frederick Taylor - Taylorism / scientific management (shop floor) 2. Max Weber - Bureacracy (back office) 3. Henri Fayol - Administration

Type of conflicts:

1. substantive, 2. emotional/relationship 3. functional 4. dysfunctional


a TQM tool

Which of the following is related to the time Alex figured out "the goal"

a beer


a conflict resolution type


a good conflict

the circus

a market driven organization (ring master, everyone has their own part, even audience)

transaction costs can

drive organizational and industry structure

maslow hierarchy of needs

esteem: respect, prestige mastery, self actualization: self-fulfillment and growth

anthonys management hierarchy included four levels, what are they

executives, managers, supervisors, workers

In our organizational design framework from the start of class, the matching of the buy side and the sell side was referred to as the

external fit

the organization design framework from the start of class — the alignment or matching of the buy side and the sell side was referred to as the

external fit


fact based way of thinking

from class we saw that changes in behavior can come from


from class we saw that changes in behavior come from



final and most dangerous horseman, withdraw from conflict to avoid it at all costs

which of the following is goldratts model for implementing the DBR?

five focusing steps

in terms of conflict resolution we saw an example in the story of the sister and the brother the idea of

focusing on the interest, not the position

the Goal, when alex showed up the plant at the start of the book and saw peach was there, we discussed this was an example of

fundamental attribution error

the mission driven orgsnization from class was

genghis khan

Nature of a conflict:

gottmans four housemen of the apocalyptic conflict 1. criticism 2. contempt 3. defensiveness 4. withdrawal or stonewalling



a difference between classical conditioning and operant learning is

in operant learning the response time improves


intention to purposely insult — reflection of one's personal feelings about the criticisms

the _______ links operations with strategy

internal value proposition or just value proposition

the management science approach to management is characterized by the

introduction of technology to the management system


involves attacking someone's personality or character, rather than a specific behavior (OK but not recommended)


is a subsystem

if i spill coffee on your carpet bc i am sick and sneezed, and you think it is bc i am sloppy in my behavior, then we have an example of

situational error

the matchstick experiment was to give a demo of

statistical fluctuations

Culture leads to _________


the long wall — short wall discussion in class was in reference to the

systems approach

planning and scheduling work and assigning tasks and quality control are examples of

team tasks

planning and scheduling work, training, and channels of communications are topics from our discussion on


management science approach has ______ added to the organization



the $ the org has invented in raw material/talent for throughout and resulting in inventory

the terms from class of "descriptive and diagnostic" are from the topic of

the analysis process


the best conflict resolution

the topic of the "patterns in the middle" was from

the component business model

The emergence of the working class, democratization of education, and population centers are related to

the development of the behavioral school of management

as discussed in class, an event related to the start of the classical school of management was

two of the answers are correct (industrial revolution and improved nutrition)

From class we discussed the purpose of an organization is to

two of the answers are correct (optimize and satisfy)

When we have an incremental change we would see

two of the answers are correct (options: 1. regionalization then globalization, 2. reactive changes, 3.performance gap issues)



when mrs. hogget left for the convention she

was on a bus

the way Rex looked at the sheep

was theory X

bureacracy is

webers contribution


when one party sees themselves as victim, leading to making wxcuses


when someone helps A and B

In the Goal, Alex stayed ___________ at the early part of the story

with his mother

DBR - rope

work release mechanism for the plant, let's work into the system

in the beer bust case, the key phase we wanted to remember was

"the world is not a dichotomy"

Lower Control Limit (LCL)

Control limit for points below the central line in a control chart.

the example in class for the DBR was from


maslow thought

about esteem and safety

Fayols contribution of management was


behavioral approach - the Behavioral School

an attempt to increase production by understanding people as it is easier to change the organization than the people — different than Taylor approach


an organization analysis tool

managerial is

another subsystem

social facilitation

as we try harder due to the prescence of others, our performance actually decreases for difficult or unlearned tasks

Theory Y

assumes that, given challenge and freedom, workers are motivated to achieve self-esteem and to demonstrate their competence and creativity.

A draw back to BPR is that BPR

assumes the processes are the limiting factors

A drawback to BPR is that BPR

assumes the processes are the limiting factors

Theory X

assumes workers dislike and avoid work, so managers must use coercion, threats and various control schemes to get workers to meet objectives


back office - school of mgmt, based on merit and formal rules, hierarchy of authority

in class we comments that the three schools of management could

be seen as layers

Douglas Mcgregor

came up w Theory X and Theory Y

in organizational design framework which one was not included


In the original classical conditioning experiments, the salivation by the dogs to the meat powder is considered the

conditioned response


conflict resolution in a political setting

in terms of conflict resolution as we have discussed in class; the goal puts an emphasis on


in terms of conflict resolution — as we have discussed in class , the goal puts an emphasis on


one of our approaches to the analysis process all but which of the following terms


which of the following terms is not related

corrective (others: descriptive and prescriptive)

Which one is not part of the theory of constraint model from class

cost that vary

"we make what we sell" model is from the

demand chain

An aspect of the STS was to

design of an organization for the joint optimization of the subsystems

"tool tall espresso machines" is an example of

lack of alignment between operations and strategy

Operant conditioning can be seen as

learning she to the consequences of our actions

Which of the following are not related

linear thinking


market - make what u sell, where jonah wanted to be

genghis khan

mission driven organization

Mechanisms for conflict resolution but not resolution

negotiation, mediation, arbitration

in our discussion on the young woman case, we discussed the term "behavior" the additional term related to behavior was


values are

not the same as beliefs but

at the end of Babe, Rex got to competition

on a truck

raw materials

one of the driving forces for transformational change

group think is

one of the group things

the business process re-engineering approach is best described as


the wild west

opportunity driven organization (aspect of inevitability, much like start ups today)

our historical example of organization had a focus on

organizational drivers

At the start of class we had the exercise of listing innovations since WW2 to emphasize the importance of


michael gerber

people come and go but stays stay

The term "responsibility" has to do with

performing the work

DBR - Drum

physical constraint of the plant that limits the entire system to produce more. plant will follow to the beat of the _____\

the term "efficient" has to do with



production- sell what you make, balance to capacity where alex was

DBR - Buffer

protects the drum so there's always work coming. time as their unit of measure, operates on priority of time

upper control limit

quality increases but doesn't foster innovation

in the goal, the data processing member of the teams was



rate at which the org achieved its goal — usually generating revenue

BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)

sets barging zone, needs to be real, is best outcome. not "walk-away" or "reservation" point

Taylorism or scientific mangement

shop floor - a school of management, pick workers to fit the job design, design jobs. by Frederick Taylor

the example from frederick taylor on job design was

shoveling coal

Our example of the value proposition from class was

the espresso machines

one of the topics from class on the theory of constraints was

the five focusing steps

operational expense

the money the organization spends to convert inventory to throughout (everything else energy, labor?)

The red bead experiment was done to point out the problems in productivity was with

the production systems

the long wall short wall discussion in class was in reference to

the systems approach

in class we discussed what organizations can do to achieve a goal. these include

three answers are correct (1. acquire, marshal, and allocate resources 2. organize and harness the ingenuity of people 3. respond to commercial and social environments)

anthony's management hierarchy

top to bottom: executives, managers, supervisors, workers

which of the following is not one of the "ings" from class?

two of the answers (i think smartsizing and real sizing?)

characteristics of the modern organization as discussed in class are

two of the answers are coreect

from the class notes we commented that constrains could be classified as

two of the answers are coreect

in the component business model we discussed type of procurement such as

two of the answers are correct

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