bile ducts

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Air within the biliary tree is referred to as: a) pneumobilia b) cholangitis c) choledocholithiasis d) cholesterolosis


a congenital disease in which there is narrowing or obliteration of the bile ducts is referred to as a) caroli disease b) mirizzi disease c) choledochal cyst d) biliary atresia


for pt over than 60 or those who have had a cholecystectomy a max diameter of ____ may be considered normal a) 1cm b) 12mm c) 14mm d) 1.5 cm


sonographically you visualize scattered echogenic linear structures within the liver parenchyma that produce rig down artifact what is the most likely diagnosis


the biliary duct wall should never measuring foe than a) 2mm b) 9mm c) 4mm d) 5mm


the klatskin tumor is located a) at the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts b) at the junction of the cystic and common bile duct c) at the junction of the common bile duct and common hepatic duct d) between the pancreatic head and the duodenum


the presence of an echogenic dot in the nondependent part of a dilated duct representing small fibrovascualr bundles is sen within a) caroli disease b) choledochal cysts c) biliary atresia d) mirizzi syndrome


which of the following is associated with charcot triad a) cholagitis b) cholesterolosis c) klastin tumor d) choledochal cyst


which of the following is not associated with the development of pneumobilia a) cholangiopneumonia b) gastric surgery c) acute cholecystitis d) fistula formation


which of the following would be the most distal portion of the biliary tree a) common bile duct b) common hepatic duct c) gallbladder d) intrahepatic radicals


which of the the following is considered the most proximal portion of the biliary tree a) inttahepaitc radicles b) cystic duct c) common hepatic duct d) common bile duct


Which segment of the biliary tree tends to dilate first with obstruction a) intrahepatic b) extraheaptic


a 32 year old female pt presents to the sonography department with a history of fever leukocytosis and RUQ pain. sonographically you visualize dilated bile ducts that have thickened wall and contain sludge what is the most likely diagnosis a) choledocholithiasisis b) cholangitis c) mirizzi syndrome d) biliary atresia


a gallstone located within the biliary tree is referred to as a) cholecystitis b) choledocholithiasis c) cholangitis d) cholangiocarcinoma


a klatskin tumor is a form of a) lymphocytic carcinoma b) cholangiocarcinoma c) pancreatic carcinoma d) gallbladder carcinoma


a pt presents with jaundice pain and fever secondary to an impacted stone in the cystic duct this referred to as a) caroli syndrome b) mirizzi syndrome c) choledochal cysts d) biliary atresia


pneumobilai will produce a) through transmission b) ringdown artifact c) acoustic shadowing d) edge artifact


the merging point of the pancreatic duct and common bile duct at the level of duodenum is referred to as a) sphincter of oddi b) ampulla of vator c) common bile duct d) cystic duct


the yellowish pigment found in bile that is produced by break down of RBc by the liver is a) biliverdin b) bilirubin c) cholesterol d) chyme


which of the following could accidentally introduce bacteria into the biliary tree this cause cholangitis a) computed tomography b) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography c) magnetic resonance imaging d) radiography


which of the following is characterized by fibrotic thickening of the bile ducts found most often in young males and is associated with inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis a) ulcerative biliary atresia b) oriental cholangitis c) sclerosing cholangitis d) AIDS biliary atresia


which of the following is not a plausible causes of common bile duct obstruction in adults a) choledochalithiasis b) chronic pancreatitis c) choledochal cyst d) pancreatic carcinoma


If an obstructive biliary calculus is located within the distal common duct, which of the following could ultimately dilate? a) CBD b) GB c) common hepatic duct d) all of the above


a 64 year old man presents to the sonography department for a RUQ sono. he is complaining of abd pain weight loss and pruritus. sonographically you visualize an area of dilated ducts that abruptly end. what is the most likely diagnosis a) biliary atresia b) choledocholithiasis c) caroli syndrome d) cholangiocarcinoma


all of the following are forms of cholangitis except a) acute bacterial b) aids c) oriental d) parabolic


all of the following clinical findings consistent with cholangiocarcinoma except a) pruritus b) weight loss c) elevated bilirubin d) dilation of intraheaptic ducts


inflammation of the bile ducts is referred to as a) pneumobilia b) choledocholithiasis c) cholelithiasis d) cholangitis


the spiral valves of heister are located within the a) common bile duct b) pancreatic duct c) common hepatic duct d) cystic duct


which of the following is typically found in pediatric pigments and is described as the cystic dilation of the CBD a) biliary atresia b) mirizzi syndrome c) carolic diseases d) choledochoal cysts


which of the following would be least helpful laboratory value to analyze in pt which suspected biliary tract disease a) ALT b) ALP c) GGT d) CREATININE


which of the fowling would be the most common cause of obstruction a) klastkin tumor b) cholangiocarcinoma c) biliary atresia d) choledocholithiasis


If a gallstone, causing obstruction, is located within the distal common hepatic duct, which of the following would become dilated? a) main pancreatic duct b) gallbladder only c) intrahepatic ducts d) common bile duct


an abd sono is ordered for an infant in the intensive care unit who is suffering form jaundice and fever. sonographically you visualize a cystic mass within the CBD that is causing a focal enlogemtn this is most suggestive of a) cholangiocarcinoma b) mirizzi syndrome c) choledochal cyst d) biliary atresia


ascariasis is a) a form of biliary tree carcinoma b) a congenital disorder characterized by segmental dilation of the intrahepatic ducts c) caused by a parasitic roundworm d) a type of ringworm that invades the liver


clinical finding of choleducholithiasis include all of the fowling except a) jaundice b) elevated bilirubin c) elevated bood urea nitrogen d) elevated alp


primary biliary tree cancer is referred to as a) gallbladder carcinoma b) biloma c) cholagniocarcinoam d) lymphangioma


the most common level for biliary obstruction to occur is the a) junction of the right hepatic duct b) proximal common hepatic duct c) distal common bile duct d) cystic duct


the muscle that controls the emptying of bile and pancreatic juices into the duodenum is the a) cystic duct b) ampulla of vater c) sphincter of oddi d) CBD


the yellowish staining of the whites of the eyes and the skin secondary to a liver disorder or biliary to a liver disorder or biliary obstruction is referred to as a) AIDS cholangitis b) pruritus c) jaundice d) bilirubinemia


which of the following disorders is associated with the sonographic triangular cord sign? a) cholangitis b) choledocholithiasis c) biliary atresia d) ascariasis


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