Biol 1030 Final Exam Ballen

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Cnidaria: Cubozoa vs. Scyphozoa

- cubozoans have a square shape when viewed from above - Cubozoans have tentacles in groups of four and well developed imaging producing eyes - Scyphozoa DO NOT have velum like structures, Cubozoans have a velarium

Factors contributing to Cnidarian and Ctenophore population explosion...

- overfishing - Eutrophication - climate change - introductions bu balast water

Ecdysozoans: Arthropods: Chelicerata

"arm lips" long pinchers (chelicerae); Lack antennae; includes: spiders, horseshoe crabs, ticks, mites, scorpions, sea spiders, harvestmen; six pairs of appendages- chelicerae, pedipalps and four pair of legs; lack mandibles; most suck liquid food from prey; includes the classes- Merostomata, Arachnida, Pycnogonida

Cnidaria: Cubozoa

"box jellies"; after sponges are the oldest boy structured animals; only jellies that can propel themselves as fast as 4mph; 20 species, some harmless some deadly, medusa dominant form; umbrella edge turns inward to form a velarium; tentacles in groups of 4; feed mostly on fish; internal fertilization; four sets of six eyes that form images!; their venom is considered the deadliest in all oceans instantly paralyzing the heart and nervous system EX: Sea Wasp- size of a basketball, common off coast of Australia, causes excruciating pain and a burning sensation, has enough venom to kill 60 adult humans

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Vascular Seedless: Lycophytes

"club mosses" common in moist woodland understory, 1200 species, comprised vast forest in Carboniferous period(385mya to 298mya)


"cnido"-nettle; 10000 species, solitary or colonial lifestyle, tentacles, cnidocyte cells that house the nematocyst which is a stinging organelle; some freshwater but most marine; most are sessile some move slowly and some are swifter and more complex

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Vascular Seed: Angiosperms

"covered seeds" 90% of plants, double fertilization, flowers, fruit; endosperms-joining of female gametophyte with two male gametes, typically triploid but some go up to 15n

Ecdysozoans: Arthropods: Decapods

"crustaceans"; 67000 species; shrimp, crabs, lobster; mostly aquatic and marine; Carapace- dorsal cuticle of head extends posteriorly and around sides to cover and fuse with thoracic and abdominal segments; in some species it can form clamshell like valves that cover most of the body; carapace may protect gills, which crustaceans use to breathe

Cnidaria: Scyphozoa

"cup animals"; mesoglea with cells and elastic fibers; true jellies; marine; polyp stage reduced or absent; no velum; most of the larger jellies; nearly all float in open sea; the margin of the umbrella has indentation each bearing a pair of lappets

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Vascular Seed: Gymnosperms

"naked seeds" gametophyte is multicellular but no longer photosynthetic Include confiers- woody trees, largest and oldest living land organisms EX: Cycads- tropical, spiny, most are short, but some reach 20 meters EX: Ginkgo- native to china, often used in medicinal purposes


"salt loving" Archaea, live in the Great Salt Lake and Dead Sea, EX: Halobacterium- requires 9% salinity to survive

Large leaves were a major innovation of the fern ancestors because...

- competition for sunlight - enlarged surface area available for photosynthesis

Plants moving to land problems...

Desiccation, Physical Support, Movement of Nutrients, Increased UV radiation

If an organism's first opening (blastopore) develops into its anus, it is considered a _______. -protostome -deuterostome -ectostome -mesostome


Starting with the chordates, what is the correct sequence of nodes to get to sea anemones? -Deuterostomes, Bilateria, Eumetazoa, Cnidaria - Protostomes, Eumetoza, Amniotes, Cnidaria - Deuterostome, Bilateria, Eumetazoa, Lophotrochozoa - Protostomes, Echinoderms, Bilateria, Animals, Cnidaria - Deuterostome, Bilateria, Animals, Ctenophores

Deuterostomes, Bilateria, Eumetazoa, Cnidaria

Match the group with the appropriate synapomorphy group- Dikarya, Glomeromycota Fungi, Sac Fungi, club fungi Synapomorphy: basidium, ascus, arbuscles, separate hyphae

Dikarya- Separate hypae Glomeromycota Fungi-Arbuscules Sac Fungi-ascus club fungi-basidium


A group of organisms that is outside of the monophyletic group under consideration, but closely related to that group. Used to infer the ancestral states of characters

What is the name for the smallest clade that includes a flying insect, a lobster and a tick? - Arthropods - chelicerates - Ecdysozoas - Arachnida


Feeding in Cnidarians

Capture prey and insert into mouth, start digestion extracellularly with enzymes, finish with intracellular digestion Gastrovascular cavity also performs respiration, circulation and excretion via diffusion of oxygen and waste products

What is the group of unicellular organisms that is most closely related to animals?


Lophotrochozoans: Annelids: Sedentarians: Oligochaeta

Earthworms, Few Setae; Not monophyletic; aquatic forms have longer more conspicuous setae; 3000 species; Freshwater, marine, terrestrial, parasitic; feed on decayed organic matter; Direct development(no trochophore larvae) Close to anterior end is clitellum which is where sperm and eggs are deposited; hermaphroditic; most sexually reproduce

Lophotrochozoa: Mollusca: Cephalopod: Mating

Sexes are seperate, males display and court females, in the male seminal vesicle spermatozoa are packaged in spermatophores and stored, one arm of the male pluck a spermatophore from the mantle cavity and inserts it into the female, fertilized eggs leave the oviduct and are attached to stones

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: Flatworm Reproduction

Sexual conflict: occurs when the two sexes have conflicting optimal fitness strategies Penis Fencing is when two flatworms fight to stab the other with their penis first to expel sperm into the others body

Which reptile group contains the most number of species?



The science of classifying organisms and naming organisms

True or False. Pedicellariae are not present in all echinoderms.

True, only present in asteroids and echinoids

the echinoderm doesnt have a head or brain but what kind of nervous system

nerve net as well as ring and radial nerves

Yes or no. Do any echinoderms have a notochord?


what is positive pressure breathing in amphibians

air moved into lungs by force, movements gulp air in and force it backward

what are characteristics of neognaths

all birds not in paleognaths, very diverse

binary fission

asexual reproduction in which a cell divides into two equal parts, occurs every 1-3 hours; the depletion of nutrients, aging and competition prevents bacteria from exponentially growing that would be heavier than the size of earth

in what echinoderms are pedicellariae seen

asteroids and echinoids only

Birds migrate because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT: - more breeding grounds - energetically costly to stay year round - abundant food - less predators - weather is better

energetically costly to stay year round


basic unit of classification or taxonomy

A juvenile sea urchin has ___ symmetry, consistent with ___ development. -bilateral, mollusc -bilateral, echinoderm -radial, echinoderm -radial, deuterostome -radial, radiate

bilateral, echinoderm

what is crocidilia sister taxa too?

birds and dinosaurs

when does the notochord persist for the entire life

cephalochordates (lancelets) and cyclostomes (hagfish and lamprey)


character similarity in distantly related taxa resulting from reversal to original state

convergent evolution

character similarity resulting from independent responses to a similar environment

what is class urochordata

chordates but not vertebrates, tunicates and sea squirts

what are the disadvantages of migration

energy costs, risk of injury, risk of predation, loss of territory

what were the tetrapod characteristics of tiktaaklik

eusthenopteron which comes after lungfish

Which option best describes the structure operculum? -operculums are structures that cover the 5-7 gill openings bony fish possess - every bony fish has two bone flaps, or operculums, which cover their gill openings -bc chondrichthyes are the cornerstone of the transition from cartilage to bone - none of these accurate description

every bony fish has two bone flaps, or operculums, which cover their gill openings

what are some characteristics of lizards

every continent except Antarctica, most prey on insects or small animals, autotomy in some ( tail falls off as tactic for escape) generally have skull kinesis

what are some characteristics of chondrichthyes

exposed gill slits (except in chimeras), no swim bladder or lung (due to lightweight cartilage), vision/mechanoreceptor/electroreception well developed, separate sexes with internal fertilization, placoid/dentine scales

Fish reproduce through __ fertilization, sharks through __ fertilization.

external, internal

Which of the following is NOT a function of tube feet? -gas exchange -locomotion -food manipulation -fertilization


what is the function of pharyngeal slits

filter feeding in protochordates or tunicates and sea squirts (urochordates)


clade of protostomes that exhibit a Lophophore-crown of ciliated tentacles; Trochophore larva with ciliated girdle around mid section; Most diverse group of bilaterians but very little that underpins other than DNA; Includes Flatworms, Annelids and Mollusks

Dikarya: Basidiomycota

club fungi; true fungi- mushrooms, puffballs, stinkhorns, bracket fungi, coral fungi, some edible some poisonous; symbiotic-includes plant pathogens such as rusts and smuts which attack wheat and eat other crops

The tiktaalik is considered the "missing link" between lobe fins and terrestrial animals because it has both fish and tetrapod characteristics. Which of the following is a characteristic that a tiktaalik has that would NOT belong to a lobe fin? - scales -fins -fin skeleton -gills and lungs

fin skeleton

what does polyphyodonty mean in chondrichthyes

constantly shedding teeth

Archaeplastida: Green Algae

freshwater, marine, symbionts, most singled cell Ex: Volvox- spherical colonies of up to 50,000 cells, freshwater, look like little green spheres rolling through water Ex: Lichen- mutualistic symbiotic relationship, body formed of fungal filaments surrounded by green algae Ex: Ulva lactuca- edible green algae

what is class anura

frogs and toads

when did transition to land occur

devonian period

Amphibians gulp the air through positive pressure breathing because they lack a...


What is fungi made of?

fungal structure, called a mycelium, is composed of thread-like, filamentous hyphae. Hyphae are made of cells with chitin cell walls (same thing that forms Arthropod Exoskeleton)

what is the furcula

fused clavicles

what is primary means of respiration for most terrestrial salamanders

gas exchange across skin


ecological interaction between a species and its host in which both species benefit

ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm

ectoderm-which developed into your epidermis and central nervous system endoderm-which forms the lining of your gut and associated organs mesoderm- which contributed to all the stuff in between your gut tube and your skin, muscle, bone, connective tissue, blood, etc.

What does oviparous mean?

egg laying (skates and some sharks)

what is unique about holothuroidea

elongated in their oral and aboral axis, oral tentacles around the mouth, only echinoderm to use internal respiration

what were the musculoskeletal modifications of vertebrates

endoskeleton of cartilage or bone, probably started cartilage and transformed to bone, permits unlimited body size, and forms excellent jointed scaffolding for attached and segmented muscles

Are birds endothermic or ectothermic?


what is the hollow, dorsal nerve cord and how is it formed

hollow cord that is dorsal to the gut and is formed in embryo by infolding of the ectoderm on dorsal side of body

what are the class under echinodermata

holothuroidea, echinoidea, and asteroidea

what are some characteristics of snakes

no legs ( lost pelvic girdle and pectoral), unique anatomy, some constrict prey, lack tympanum but can see low frequency vibrations with jaw bone

Which of the following groups of organisms would require the largest taxon to accommodate all organisms represented in the set of taxa? - insect, snail, sponge, coral, octopus - comb jelly, anemone, coral, and jellyfish - nematode, insect, sea star, and octopus - octopus, snail, leech, marine worm - beetle, nematode, flatworm, earthworm, and snail

insect, snail, sponge, coral, octopus

In which group do we see decreased leg number within ecdysozoans? - decapods -insects - scorpions -spiders


what is the stereom in echinoderms

internal mesh structure that makes up the ossicles

What is parthenogenesis in actinopterygii?

is the development of an egg into an embryo without fertilization


is the study of the distribution of species in geographic space and through geological time

Birds are all of the following except: - Amniotes - Oviparous - Placental - reptiles - vertebrates


Match the organisms with the smallest clade to which the belong. organisms- Planaria, marine worm, sea anemone clades- metazoa, annelids, platyhelminthes

planaria- platyhelminthes marine worm- annelids sea anemone- metazoa

Cnidarian life stages

polyp- anchored- mouth up medusa- free floating mouth down

Unikonts: Amoebozoans: Testate Amoebae

polyphyletic group, presence of a test that partially encloses the cell, with an aperture from which the pseudopodia emerge test allows the protection of the internal organs and the attachment of soft flesh

what kind of shark is ovoviviparous

porbeagle shark

What is the madreporite on the aboral side?

porous entrance to the water vascular system that serves as both pressure regulator and simple filter

Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates at some point during their life cycle? -jaws -ventral hollow nerve cord -post-analtail -vertebrae

post anal tail

A structure unique to molluscs is the - Nephridium - Gills - Radula - Trochopore larvae


what are the three clades in anura

ranidae(frogs), bufonidae(toads), and hylidae(tree frogs)

what is the class actinopterygii

ray-finned fish

Archaeplastida: Red Algae

reddish accessory pigment phycoerythrin(helps collect light and pass to chlorophyll a) masks green chloroplasts in low light, 4000 species, marine, multicellular, often attached by hold fast EX: Nemalion helminthoides

what is the notochord in vertebrates

replaced by vertebra as the primary structure of support

what are the spines on sea urchins

specialized ossicles that can move

Ecdysozoans: Arthropods: Chelicerata: Arachnida

spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, harvestmen; 80000 species; predaceous with sucking mouth parts; most harmless

Ecydysozoa: Arthropods

segmented bodies, reduced coelom: hemocoel/hemolymph, ventral nervous system, Exoskeleton of chitin-secreted by the underlying epidermis and molts through a process called ecdysis, Tracheal system of air filled tubes, trophic breadth through metamorphosis

Ecdysozoans: Arthropods: Insects: metamorphosis

separates the physiology of larval growth, pupal differentiation, and adult reproduction about 88% of insects Stages: egg-larva-pupa-adult

What brought on the movement of tetrapods to land

severe draught that made lobe finned fish live in shallower water

what were the sensory changes in vertebrates

shift from filter feeding to predation, brain and its protected by cranium, paired special sense organs for vision, equilibrium, and hearing, as well as mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, electroreceptors, and olfactory receptors.

S.A.R/ Stramenopiles/ Diatoms

silica "petri dishes", photoautotrophs, almost all are marine, major component of plankton, 20% of all carbon fixation on earth

what are characteristics of aminote jaws

stronger jaws allowed more pressure to be applied to prey, skull fenestration allows for bulkier muscles around jaws, muscular tongue and expanded jaw muscles allow a wider gap


swollen ovarian tissue surrounding the seed(s), some evolved for seed dispersal, others provide fertilizer for the seed


similarities that result from factors other than common ancestry

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Nonvascular: Liverworts

simplest land plants, small leaf like sheets of tissue as the visible organism, attach by hairlike rhizoids, 9000 species, terrestrial but in very moist places, EX: Marchantia polymorpha- common liverwort, widely distributed around the world

protist: choanoflagellates

single celled, some colonial, flagellates, Metazoa likely evolved from a colony of these -often spherical with a long flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli -very similar to a layer of flagellated cells found in sponge body cavity -over time, teamed up to more efficiently filter water and get food -many gene families in common with animals

Which of these is NOT true of metazoans? - ingest nutrients -single cellular eukaryote - motile in atleast one stage of life - develop from a blastula

single cellular eukaryote

Synapomorphy of all opisthokonts?

single posterior flagellum

what is the dermal branchiae also known as

skin gills or papulae

Which choices are dermal branchiae, a synapomorphy of echinoderms, also known as? - skin gills - tube feet - papulae - pedicellariae -ampullae

skin gills, papulae

what is important about the amniotic skin

skin is dry not moist, less water lost via skin than amphibians

What characteristic do all gnathostomes possess? -jaws - endoskeletons made of bone - scales -fingers


what are examples of ancestral body plans for paleognaths

kiwis and smaller birds

Archaea structure

lack peptidoglycan, Different linkage patterns in the phospholipid layer of the cell wall

how many gill slits do lamprey have vs hagfish

lamprey has 7 while hagfish have 12

how do birds know where to migrate

landmarks, position of stars or sun, earths magnetic field, young may have innate knowledge or follow adults of same species, many birds return to same nesting grounds every year


large clade composed of fungi, choanoflagellates(sister group to animals) and animals that all descended from a common ancestor not shared by other eukaryotes

Island Dwarfism

large mainland species sometimes become much smaller on islands

what are some characteristics of birds

lay amniotic eggs, no teeth, kinetic skulls, internal fertilization but they generally dont have penises

what is the parental care of crocidilia

lay eggs terrestrially, nest made of aquatic vegetation, 35-50 eggs that take 65 days to hatch, female guards nest until hatching then removes vegetation to release young into nursery

what are pharyngeal slits

lead from pharyngeal cavity to the outside

What range on the electromagnetic spectrum, can organisms possessing a pit organ utilize?

light and infrared


lipopolysaccharide components of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria, released only at cell death

What does ovoviviparous mean?

live birth but young nourished by egg yolks (rays and some sharks)

What does viviparous mean?

live birth to fully formed young that were retained in the uterus

In a group of organisms that has polyphyodont teeth, exposed gill slits, and lacks a swim bladder, which organ produces squalene oil to provide buoyancy? -claspers -liver -both kidneys - depending upon the species, right or left kidney


First land plants

liverworts and mosses

what is class squamata

lizards and smakes; most diverse group in relation to body plan

what is nerve chord in most invertebrates

solid and ventral to gastrointestinal tract

Lophotochozoa: Mollusca: Gastropod: Avoiding fouling

some adaptation to avoid fouling which is to make dirty or pollute are.. - incurrent and excurrent siphon and left gill - variation in shell shape - nudibranchs: another form of twisting some taxa have evolved longer shells that excrete waste farther away

The "living fossil" coelacanth found by Latimer is a member of which of the following groups? -tetrapods - ray finned fish -amniotes - lobe fined fish -cartilaginous fish

lobe finned fish

what is class actinistia (coelacanths)

lobe-finned fish

where is the endostyle located and what is its purpose

located in the pharyngeal floor, and secretes mucus that traps small food particles in the pharyngeal cavity. some cells secrete proteins homologous with hormone-secreting thyroid of lampreys and vertebrates


long supporting rod that runs through a chordate's body just below the nerve cord

what are the advantages of migrating south

longer days, more food, and warmer weather

Which is a more common name for class Dipnoi? - coelacanths - lungfish -tetrapods -skates


what is class dipnoi


where is the single basal element also located other than lobe fish



make their own food; require only CO2, Photoautotroph- energy source is light example is photosynthesis Chemoautotroph- energy source is inorganic chemical

monecious plants

male and female reproductive structures on the same plant

what is the difference between male and female chondrichthyes

males have claspers

Lophotochozoa: Mollusca: Gastropod: Snails-Love darts

many land snails have love darts which are made of calcium carbonate, chitin, or cartilage they generally shoot and stab once but some repeatedly stab In some a substance in mucus coating dart causes receiver to not digest sperm thus leaving only the most active for fertilization -Dart success not related to copulation success or size of ensuing sperm donation -But dart success increases amount of sperm stored by recipient - and dart success increases relative paternity when competing with an unsuccessful dart shooter

what are the characteristics of the actinopterygii

marine and freshwater grazers, most species have swim bladder, gills open into single chamber covered by operculum, incredibly diverse body forms, every major aquatic habitat

what are neuromasts in chondrichthyes

mechanoreceptors that help them locate prey at long distances; on side of body

What is the allantois?

membrane sac that stores waste

which of the following do all deuterostomes exhibit? -radial symmetry -blastopore becomes mouth -pseudocoelom -mesoderm


what happens to urochordates that makes them lose the notochord

metamorphosis sometimes multiple ones

what are spiracles in chondrichthyes

modified gill slits that allow them to take in oxygenated water

Consider an animal in which as an embryo has a blastopore that turns into its mouth, and it has a protective shell secreted from a mantle. Its hermaphroditic and has a soft unsegmented body. Which group does it belong in? -insects -mollusc -annelids - decapods - demosponges


Generally speaking which of these is true? -Ecinoderms and Cnidarians dont have heads -Cnidarians and Chordates have complete guts -Echinoderm and Flatworms have heads -Crustaceans and Cnidarians have heads

Ecinoderms and Cnidarians dont have heads

Birds are all of the following EXCEPT - Archosaurs -Ectotherms -Diapsids -Amniotes

Ectotherms.... all birds are endothermic

List the 5 synapomorphies of echinoderms.

Endoskeleton of ossicles, water vascular system, pedicellariae, dermal branchiae, biradial symmetry

Mitochondria and chloroplast evolved from a ______

Endosymbiotic bacteria

Endospores (bacteria Structure)

Ensure the survival of bacteria through periods of environmental stress.....In stressful conditions, bacteria can form resistant cells; copies DNA-> multilayer surrounding-> water is removed and metabolism stops-> bacterial cell lyses and releases these endospores; can stay in this state for centuries

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Vascular Seedless: Monilophytes: Horsetails

Equisetum is only living genus, 15 species, can be common in moist areas, gametophyte is small, sporophyte is big, secondary reduction of leaves, flagellated gametes need to swim

Synapomorphy of Excavates

Excavated groove on the side of the cell body

4 Main Protist Groups

Excavates, SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizarians), Archaeplastida, Unikonta

The following features were innovations in vertebrate except: -Exoskeleton of cartilage or bone - shift from filter feeding to active predation - efficient transport system for nutrients - paired special sense organs

Exoskeleton of cartilage or bone


Extremophiles, 3 major groups...Halophiles, Thermophiles, Methanogens

True or False. Sharks, like fish, possess a swim bladder.


True or False: All tetrapods alive today have four limbs.


True or False: Birds and fish are oviparous amniotes.


True or False: Echinoderms are asymmetrical.


True or False: Multicellularity evolved on one singular occasion from a common ancestor.


True or False: One benefit of molting is that the exoskeleton is light with increasing body size, increasing Arthropods ability to grow indefinitely.


What are the primitive kidney like cells in Platyhelminthes?

Flame Cells

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: General form and function of Excretory System

Flame cells= protonephridia (1st kidney) -Flagella beat and create negative pressure to draw water and waste products in through small perforations (pulls in water and ions, keeps proteins out). Selective reabsorption can take place along tube cell before exiting at nephridiopore -probably arose from osmoregulation in freshwater species and then excretory function came later

Predatory fungi

Fungi that have specialized hype to feed on living animals and organisms. how?- toxins, adhesives, constricting ring; prey on amoeba, roundworms, and rotifers. Many of these fungi secrete adhesive substances over the surface of their hyphae causing any animal passing to adhere firmly to it.

Freshwater demosponges have a protective structure called:


Vertebrate jaws are modified...

Gill arches

What is the smallest group that includes a shark, mammal, and lungfish? - Tetrapod -Chordate -Vertebrate -Cyclostome -Gnathostome


What type of metabolism do methanogens use? -Obligate Anaerobe -Facultative Anaerobe

Obligate Anaerobe

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Nonvascular: Mosses

Larger more complex than liverworts, 15000 species, moist terrestrial habitats, decaying layers in water form peat bogs


Last Universal Common Ancestor,

According to modern phylogeny, which of the following groups is most closely related to earthworms? -Flatworms -Leech - Arthropods -spiders - nematoda


what is special about teeth in chondrichthyes

teeth are modified scales, jaw contains disposable teeth, shark's jaw made of calcified cartilage

antibiotic resistance

the ability of bacteria to withstand the effects of an antibiotic

synapomorphy of Dikarya: Ascomycota

the ascus; cell in which meiosis occurs


the back-sides- belly

Dikarya: Basidiomycota synapomorphy

the basidium- cell in which meiosis occurs

what is important about bird courtship

the change in size and shape of feathers for courtship can hinder flight and warmth ability

Island Endemism

the ecological state of a species being unique to a defined geographic location

what in the jawless fish created the jaw fish

the gill arches developed into jaws

what is the pit organ?

the heat sensing organs between each eye and nostril of the rattlesnake

what is the amnion?

the innermost membrane that encloses the embryo

what is amphibian amplexus

the mating position of frogs and toads

what are sand dollar doves

the mouth of sand dollars, look like tiny white birds

Porifera: Calcarea

the only group with asconoid and synconoid body forms; 400 species, found mainly in temperate ocean waters


the pattern of genealogical relationships among species

Tree of Life

the phylogenetic tree that includes all organisms

What anatomical feature make coelacanths important in our understanding of the evolutionary transition from water to land?

the single basal element in their pectoral fin

Index case

the source of the outbreak, someone who is initially infected by an animal or brings a human pathogen to a new geographic location

biological species concept

the species successfully interbreed


the study of phylogenetic relationships and the use of phylogenetic trees to elucidate

what is maternal dermatophagy in apoda

the young eat the skin of the mom to be nourished and the mom can regenerate her skin to take care of them

what is important about feathers

they are dead, they molt gradually to avoid bare spots, the flight and tail feather molt in pairs to maintain balance and waterfowls lose all primary feathers at once and are grounded during the molt

Porifera: Homoscleromorpha

used to be part of demisoingiae, currently >100 species, marine often in dark but shallow conditions, leuconoid organization

what is the chorion?

vascularized for gas exchange

what were the transport enhancements in vertebrates

ventral 3 chambered heart and red blood cells containing hemoglobin, muscular gut with additional digestive glands, and paired kidneys

Which of the following is NOT one of the five hallmark chordate characteristics? -Notochord -Post anal tail -ventral nerve cord -pharyngeal pouches or slits -endostyle

ventral nerve cord

what is the difference between hagfish and lamprey

vertebrae present in lamprey but rudimentary and only in embryos for hagfish

what are the different kinds of fangs in snakes

vipers have mobile fangs so they move into place to strike, elapids have fixed fangs in the front of their mouth, and colubrids have rear fangs and grooved teeth to guide the venom in place

Which is false about the class which consists of sharks, rays, and skates? - they have annually shedding teeth - they dont have exposed gill slits - vision, mechanoreception and electroreception are well developed in all - their swim bladders are encased by their livers

vision, mechanoreception and electroreception are well developed in all

Arthropods are arguably the most successful group of animals on the planet. Which of the following statements is not a characteristics contributing to their success? - well developed dorsal nervous system - Exoskeleton of chitins - wings - segmentation '- metamorphosis

well developed dorsal nervous system; they have the characteristic of a Ventral nervous system

earliest vascular plants

• Diploid (2n), spore-producing plants, Did not have true roots or leaves, Grown in dense stand around freshwater swampy lands; But...Had stomata on the stem

Ecdysozoa: Arthropods: Insects: Cost vs. Benefits of Exoskeleton

Costs- - non expandable - molting of cuticle required for growth - relatively heavy with increasing size Benefits- - Structural support - protection - prevents desiccation

Lophotochozoa: Mollusca: Bivalves

'"Two Shells" includes clams, oysters, mussels, scallops with a siphon Adaptations for burrowing lifestyle- very little cephalization, no radula, filter feeders, some move with foot, pin hole eyes help detect fish that might nibble them; most are sedentary suspension feeders dependent on ciliary currents to bring in food; most marine but some live in streams and pond; Anterior/posterior adductor muscles, eyes/photoreceptors along the mantle edge to detect predators

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes

(Flatworms); 30000 species; free living and parasitic; incomplete digestive tract; Bilateral triploblasts; Hermaphroditic Includes: Tapeworms, Planaria, Liver fluke

Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Aurelia

(Moon jellies); has short marginal tentacles; 4 frilly oral lobes; feeds on small planktonic animals; Polyp medusa alternation but medusa dominated so sexual in the medusa form; the mouth is beneath the umbrella; a manubrium forms four oral lobes to capture and ingest prey; entire body may have nematocysts; Aurelia has short tentacles plankton caught in mucus of the umbrella are carried to food pockets; Extending from the stomach are four gastric pouches with gastric filaments covered with nematocysts.; Sexes are separate and fertilization is internal in the gastric pouch of the female.; Usually single Sexed; the gonads which are the sex organs are located in the stomach lining and mature gametes are expelled through the mouth

what is special about bird bones

(pneumatized) they are not solid and have honeycomb pattern to conserve energy and make their bodies lighter while still being strong enough to fly

Saprobic Fungi

)decompose complex organic compounds into simple molecules that go back into the soils and can be reused by plants, enzymes digest: cellulose, lignin, keratin; earths garbage disposal Saprobic means feeding on dead organic matter EX: Jelly ear fungus (Auricularia auricula-judae)- saprobic on wood of elderberry trees EX: Horn stalkball (Onygena equina)- breaks down keratin on putrefying horns and hooves

The big six organisms are...

- Bacteria -Eudicots - Fungi - Arthropods - Nematodes - Chordates

What eats jellyfish?

- Bearded Goby - Ctenophore - Ocean sunfish - Leatherback sea turtle(Which avoid getting stung because of the thick skin around and in their mouths)

Essential mutualism between Corals and Zooxanthellae....

- Zooxanthellae give food & O2 to host; while the coral gives nutrients and place to live But... Zooxanthellae are picky they must have warm water but not too warm, low turbidity, just the right salinity Which is causing an increase in coral reef extinction because of global warming

Cnidaria: Hydrozoa vs. Scyphozoa

- hydrozoan medusae generally have a muscular shelf or velum projecting inward from the margin of the bell; Scyphozoans do not have velum - Hydrozoa commonly has colonial organization; Scyphozoa do not typically have a colonial organization - Hydrozoa typically have a dominant polyp stage; Scyphozoa have a dominant medusa stage

What makes something an animal?

- multicellular eukaryote - ingest nutrients - motile at some point in life - characteristic development - lack cell wall

Radiate Animals...

- simplest animals to possess true nerve cells but no central nervous system - Absence of head - Gastrovascular cavity: single opening that serves as mouth and anus, No excretory system - no true respiratory, circulatory or digestive system -both asexual (budding) and sexual reproduction - Diploblastic, no coelom - muscles that create muscular contractions (Locomotion!!!!)

Lophotochozoa: Molluscs: General Form and Function: Radual

- used for feeding - works like a conveyor belt to rake food off of surfaces and move to digestive tract - complex muscles move the radula and its supporting cartilages(odontophore) -radula teeth made of chitin, constantly replaced - feeding is modified in some groups; bivalves-filter feeders, cephalopods-beak and jaws

Cnidaria: Anthozoans: Corals, Fans, Pens

-Blue Corals- Colonial, In the tropics of the indian and pacific oceans and are unusual because of their blue color which is actually their skeleton - Organ Pipe- Indian ocean and the central and western regions of the Pacific Ocean, tube like; on each tube is a series of polyps which each have eight featherlike tentacles, skeleton is bright red color, in size colonies can reach up to a meter across - Sea Fan- grow together in a flat fanlike pattern, central flexible internal skeleton, form a plankton catching net -Sea Pen- colonial marine order, have a cosmopolitan distribution being found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: General form and function of Nervous system

-Cephalization: the concentration of sense organs and nervous control at the anterior end of the body, forming a head and brain both during evolution and in the course of embryos development - Ganglion: simple anterior brain -Longitudinal nerve cords in pairs, carry nerve impulses to muscles allowing coordinated activity Ventral nerve cords- present in all except simpler tubellarians, nerves are now sensory and motor association types

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: Parasitic Flatworms: Flukes

-Lancet Liver Fluke: parasitic fluke of cattle or sheep, intermediate host of snails and ants, infected ants climb leaves at dusk and hang from jaws to be eaten by grazing animals -Blood fluke: Schistosomiasis- freshwater snails carry the parasitic worm; the snail can then transmit it to water; within days of becoming infected you may develop a rash or itchy skin, fever, chills and cough; second most common tropical disease

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: General form and function of Sense Organs

-Ocelli:"eyespots" light detection organs, allows for directional light absorption and phototaxis; do not like light and will run from it -Auricles: Chemosensory -Statocysts: organ for detecting equilibrium - Rheoreceptors: Organ for water currents -Tactile and chemoreceptive cells are abundant, esp in the ear shaped auricles

Two major early evolutionary branches of Metazoans...

-Parazoans- collection of cells but no tissue level organization - Eumetazoans- have distinct specialized tissues, clade with all major animal groups except sponges

Porifera Anatomy

-Pores: allows water to enter the sponge and continue in a unidirectional pattern as follows below -Atria or spongocoel: Large central cavity within sponges. After entering through pores it filters through this region. Could be simple or very branched and complex. -Choanocytes: Use flagellum to create water flow through the sponge. Food particles get stuck to the mucus inside on of the choanocyte cells. The allows them to filter and phagocytize food particles. -Osculum: excretory structure in a sponge that opens to the outside through which water exits after passing through the spongocoel -Spicules made of silica or calcium carbonate - provide structural support and deter predators

Novel traits of Lycophytes...

-True branching roots - small vascularized leaves - vascular system - independent, branching sporophyte (2n)

Three types of lichens

-crustose:crust like develops close to a substrate -foliose: leafy, closely attached and take on a leaf like form -fruticose: more shrubby form like

All of the following are characteristics of Echinoderms EXCEPT... -water vascular system -papulae -pedicellariae -exoskeleton of ossicles -anus derived from the blastopore

-exoskeleton of ossicles..... All Echinoderms have an ENDOSKELETON of ossicles


-move via flagella -have a feeding groove -heterotrophic and lack mitochondria Include Diplomonads and Euglenozoans

Porifera (sponges)

-multicellular, composed of an aggregation of specialized cells -aquatic -no symmetry - no organs, true tissue or nervous system - most sequential hermaphrodites - skeletal structure of spicules - body with pores, atria and osculum that serve for passage of water -sessile- depend on water current to bring food and carry away waste

Causes of antibiotic resistance

-over prescribing -patients not finishing their treatment -poor infection control in clinics and hospitals -over use of antibiotics in livestock and fish farming - lack of hygiene and poor sanitation -lack of new antibiotics being developed

Four fungal lifestyles

-saprobic fungi -parasitic fungi - predatory fungi - mutualistic fungi

Monocots- one major radiation within angiosperms

-seed sprouts single cotyledon(single leaf) -examples: grasses, orchids, palms, lillies, sedges

Eudicots- one major radiation within angiosperms

-seed sprouts two cotyledons(seed leaves) -examples: legumes, most nonconiferous trees, composites, crucifers, citrus, most flowering plants!

Avian evolution for flight adaption....list

-wings -feathers -pneumatized bones -furcula -keeled sternum -cardio pulmonary adaptations -reduction in reproductive structures -no urinary bladder, uric acid excretion -highly developed sensory perception

Examples of each big six organisms

1. Bacteria- E. coli 2. Eudicots- Arabidopsis thaliana 3. Fungi- Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4. Arthropods- Drosophila melanogaster 5. Nematodes- Caenorhabditis elegans 6. Chordates- Mus musculus

Carolus Linnaeus

18th century Swedish botanist; developed a system of classification that is the basis of what is used today

Synapomorphy of Stramenopiles

2 unequal flagella, many have lost

SAR: Stramenopiles

2 unequal flagella, which many have lost, include brown algae(2000 sp.) and Diatoms(>100000sp)

Multicellularity likely evolved how many times?

23 times

Cnidaria: Hydrozoa

2700 species; most diverse group; often colonial; polyps often predominate in this group EX:Portuguese man of War; multiple cnidarians coming together; one is the sail which is inflated with gas, one is the gonad polyp associated with reproduction, one is the defense or tentacles and one serves as the digestive poly

Rank the following from most inclusive(biggest clade) to least inclusive (smallest). 1. Vertebrates 2. Gnathostomes 3. Bilateria 4. Chordates 5. Deuterostomes


The following are all characteristics of earthworms. In what order did these characteristics evolve(from oldest to most recent)? 1. segmented bodies 2. a completely terrestrial lifestyle 3. blastopore that develops into a mouth 4. bilateral symmetry


With the current molecular based phylogeny in mind, rank the following from least inclusive to most inclusive. 1. Eukaryotes 2. Metazoa 3. Eumetazoa 4. Unikonts 5. Bilateria


Actinopterygii or ray-finned fish make up _____ of all vertebrate species.


Cnidaria: Anthozoa

6000 species; 70% of all cnidarians; all marine solitary or colonial; polyp only medusa absent; reproduce asexually or sexually; include Anemones, Sea fans, sea pens, and coral; Their gastrovascular cavity is large and partitioned by septa or mesenteries inward extensions of body wall

Lophotochozoa: Mollusca: Gastropoda

62000 living species about 80% of mollusca; snails, whelks, limpets and slugs; some have no radula; live everywhere on earth; some drill holes in their shelled prey for food; only group of molluscs that contain terrestrial animals; identifiable by their shell if it isnt reduced like slugs; move using their muscular foot; lost gills, lungs are open to the outside by the pneumostome; Aquatic species have one pair of tentacles; Land forms have two pairs of tentacles; the posterior pair in both has eyes; twist their organ systems into figure eights which causes them to lose organs on either side of their midline and generate a shell that coils to the opposite side this process is known as torsion

SAR: Chromalveolata: Alveolates: Ciliates

7000 species, covered with cilia(small numerous versions of flagella)freshwater, marine, soil, endosymbionts, can be multinuclear Ex: Freshwater, Paramecium- contractile vacuoles pump water out Ex: Marine, Euplotidium- bundle of cilia act as legs for crawling

What are pedicellariae?

A defensive organ (pincher)

phylogenetic species concept

A definition of species as the smallest group of individuals that share a common ancestor, forming one branch on the tree of life.

morphological species concept

A definition of species in terms of measurable anatomical criteria.


A vast fungal group that includes about 98% of all described fungal species and in which dikaryotic cells are formed; include Ascomycota(sac fungi) and Basidiomycota(club fungi)

Porifera: Demospongiae

All leuconoid and all marine except Spongillidae which are freshwater, 80% of sponges-8800 species, Silica spicules + spongin Collagen protein spongin might be true synapomorphy of these sponges

Lophotochozoa: Molluscs: body plan

All molluscs have similar body plan with three main parts... - Muscular foot -Visceral Mass -Mantle Many also have a water filled mantle cavity and feed using a straplike radula Muscular foot is usually large and used for crawling but can also be modified for burrowing leaping swimming or clamping; typically bears an operculum that seals the shell opening when the head and foot is retracted into the shell

The notochord... -always found in chordates at some stage of life -is replaced by vertebrae in most vertebrates -provides flexible structure -None of these -All of these

All of these

Which is NOT true of bilateria? - all options are true - they have distinct tissues - they have 3 tissues layers -they possess bilateral symmetry

All options are true

Ecdysozoans: Arthropods: Chelicerata: Arachnida: Scorpions

All predators feed on insects and spiders; Pedipalps modified into pincers to capture prey; chelicerae rip apart prey; well developed young with maternal care; nocturnal; most common in tropical and subtropical zones; the short cephalothorax has the appendages and 1 to 6 pair of eyes; the abdomen contains a broad preabdomen and postabdomen-long slender tail of five segments that ends in a stinging apparatus; the stinger has venom that varies from mildly painful to dangerous; bear live young carried on the mothers back-undergo first molt on her back

Which is true about echinoderms? - They have a complete digestive system with more than two stomachs. - They have no nervous system - All echinoderms secondarily develop radial symmetry - They have incomplete digestive systems

Answer-All echinoderms secondarily develop radial symmetry - They have a complete digestive system with more than two stomachs.(usually have exactly 2) - They have no nervous system(no head or brain but do have nervous system) - They have incomplete digestive systems

Which suite of characteristics are found in all echinoderms? -Radial symmetry, external skeleton, water vascular system, external fertilization - Anus developed from blastopore, tube feet, water vascular system - presence of cilia at some stage of life cycle, radial symmetry. internal skeleton, eater vascular system - Triploblastic, anus develops from blastopore, sessile lifestyle, external fertilization

Anus developed from blastopore, tube feet, water vascular system

Eukaryotic cells are a fusion of different lineages between....

Archaea and bacteria


Archaea that release methane as a byproduct of metabolism, poisoned by oxygen, live Under Kilometers of ice in Greenland, in swamps and marshes and the guts of cattle and other herbivores

Porifera body plans

Ascon- simple pore structures opening directly into the spongocoel Sycon- more complex body plan, the ostia lead to a network of canals that are line with choanocytes; filtered there before reaching the spongeocoel Leucon- canal system forms a more elaborate branched network and the canals lead to digestive chambers instead of a spongeocoel

Dikarya: Ascomycota reproduction

Ascus- cell where meiosis occurs; sexual reproduction, spore bearing cells contain ascospores, spores are encased

Two types of metabolism in Bacteria

Autotrophs and Heterotrophs

Gram-positive bacteria

Bacteria that have simple cell walls with much peptidoglycan. Rival proteobacteria in diversity

Bacteria vs Archaea

Bacteria- Peptidoglycan cell wall, no introns, found everywhere on earth, glycolysis and Krebs Cycle, affected by antibiotics, circular chromosomes Archaea- Pseudo-peptidoglycans(polysaccharides and proteins without peptidoglycan), Has introns, found in extreme conditions, no growth inhibition, circular chromosomes


Bacterial Motility; movement that occurs in response to chemical stimulus, move up to 50 body lengths per second

Transformation bacteria

Bacterial Reproduction; occurs naturally and can be engineered, uptake of foreign naked DNA from the environment


Bacterial motility; may be all over the cell or centered at ends, independently arose in all 3 kingdoms, analogous not homologous, hook motor and filament, 42 kinds or proteins only 21 are consistent across all species


Bacterial reproduction; Bacteriophages-viruses that infect bacteria, typically due to error in the viral replication cycle

You have a single celled dikaryon fungi with spore producing structures with horn like appearance. Which group does this individual belong to?


Crocodilia is most closely related to what group of animals?


Multicellular organisms evolved only SIX times in eukaryotic groups...

Brown Algae, Red algae, Green algae, Plants, Fungi, Animals

The amphibians that no longer use four limbs are the


Porifera classes

Calcarea, Hexactinellida, Demospongiae, Homoscleromorpha

What are the spines of sea urchins made of?

Calcium carbonate

Notochords are a synapomorphy to?


Which of the following organisms shares the oldest ancestor with a snake? -Lamprey -Cnidarian - Humans - Mussel (bivalve) - all of these


Which of the following organisms shares the oldest common ancestor with a deuterostome?


Body cavities of animals

Coelom- internal fluid filled body cavity, lets organisms become larger; coelomates Those who dont have internal fluid filled body cavities are acoelomates

Lophotrochozoa: Mollusks

Coelomate(Coelom around heart, luman of gonads, part of kidneys and sometimes intestine), triploblastic, protostomes, Advanced locomotion, Shell secreting mantle, Usually possess a radula; Eyes are analogous to humans eyes; Bilaterally symmetry(some bilateral asymmetrical) unsegmented with definite head; circulatory usually open; Metanephridia- pair of kidneys; Gas exchange by gills, mantle, body surface or lungs; almost all sexual reproduction; complex sensory structures(highly developed eyes in cephalopods)

Lophotrochozoa: Annelids

Coelomates; The advantage of Segmentation for annelids is in burrowing efficiency which allows the body to change shape; their larva develop in segments; Segmentation permits modification of body regions for specialized function such as feeding, locomotion, reproduction it allows the annelid built in redundancy-harm one segment others can still function Closed Circulatory system- dorsal and ventral blood vessel, ventral nerve cord: earthworms have 5 aortic arches/hearts that are segmented and pump blood throughout its body Setae- stiff structure resembling hair which help them anchor and have control when moving through soil Monoecious and dioecious; Cephalization; No respiratory system ( respiration occurs directly through the body wall)

SAR: Stramenopiles: Brown Algae

Color from carotenoid which maximize light absorption, almost all are marine photoautotrophs, Largest protist, multicellular EX: Saccharina Latissima, and Fucus vesiculosus which produce numerous gas filled pneumatocysts(air bladders) to increase buoyancy

Ctenophora anatomy

Comb plates- Eight equally spaced bands made of transverse plates of long fused cilia; beat in unison begins at the aboral end and moves along combs to oral end, causing animal to move forward mouth first; comb beat is under nervous control. Tentacles- retract into a pair of tentacle sheaths, the surface bears colloblasts or glue cells that secrete sticky material to hold animals


Combination of DNA from two different sources

Ctenophora synapomorphy

Comblike plates of fused cilia, largest organism to move solely via cilia

Archaeplastida: Land Plants: Vascular Seedless: Monilophytes: Ferns

Common in moist areas, gametophyte is small but still photosynthetic, sporophyte is large, gametes have flagella and need water, spores are produced in clusters on the underside of the fronds; can be up to 10 meters high or small, LARGE leaves!!

Some snakes evolved to have similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments. What is this an example of?

Convergent Evolution

Synapomorphy of Unikonts


What are the common fundamental characteristics of all life forms?

DNA-RNA, Genetic Code, Biochemistry, Cellular unity/organization

Capsule (bacteria structure)

Dense layer of protein or polysaccharide, less dense layer is referred to as a slime layer, used in adhesion to substrates and other members of the colony, dehydration and immune system avoidance

True or False. All vertebrae have an endoskeleton of bone?

False, bones and cartilage

What is ram ventilation?

Fish maintains water flow over the gills by holding the mouth open

What is true about flightless birds? - There are few examples of flightless fossil forms - Flightlessness has evolved many times in birds - Penguins can fly comfortably Flighlessness usually evolves on islands with many predators

Flightlessness has evolved many times in birds

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: Free Living Flatworms: Planaria

Freshwater; ventral nerve cord; pharynx; Ocelli and auricles; ganglia and nerve net Can be cut into 1/279 of original size and regenerate within a week and it will have its full memory

Starting with the coelocanths, what is a correct sequence of nodes to get to demosponges? - Gnathsostomes, Deuterostomes, Bilaterians, Eumetazoa,porifera -Gnathostomes, Deuterostomes, Bilaterians, Metazoa, Porifera G -Lobe fins, Gnathostomes, Vertebrates, Deuterostomes, Bilaterians, Eumetozoa, Cnidarians

Gnathostomes, Deuterostomes, Bilaterians, Metazoa, Porifera


Gram negative bacteria, very diverse

SAR: Chromalveolata

Group of protist that include: Alveolates and Stramenopiles

Fimbriae (bacteria Structure)

Hair like appendage, short and numerous, Neisseria gonorrhoeae uses these to stick to mucus membranes of host

4 classes of cnidarians

Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Anthozoa

Match the clade to the example and synapomorphy: Synapomorphy: Man of war, velium; Lions mane; Box Jelly, velarium; Sea Anemones Clade: Hydrozoans, Schyphozoans, Cubozoa, Anthozoa

Hydrozoans- Man of war, velium Schyphozoans- Lions mane Cubozoa- Box jelly, velarium Anthozoa- Sea anemones


Include ameobozoans (3000 Species) and opisthokonts

What is the most simplistic animal to possess true nerves?



Kingdom composed of eukaryotes that are not classified as plants, animals, or fungi; most diverse group, paraphyletic.... the junk drawer of Eukaryotes


Kingdom composed of heterotrophs; many obtain energy and nutrients from dead organic matter, over 100000 species, single celled yeasts

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Lamprey and Hagfish? -Lampreys are parasitic as adults -lampreys have true jaw -lampreys were invasive species in the Great Lakes -Hagfish are scavengers -Hagfish possess mucus glands

Lampreys have true jaws

Lophotrochozoa: Annelids: Sedentarians: Hirudinida

Leeches: 500 species most freshwater, few marine, few terrestrial; Parasitic with suckers; not ALL parasitic When feeding on host- Anticoagulant, Vasodilators, Anesthetic, and proteinase inhibitors 2 suckers on body; anterior and posterior ends; True leeches have 34 segments with no setae and no parapodia but typically have both suckers Coelom is filled with connective tissue and muscle reducing its effectiveness as hydrostatic skeleton; protrusible proboscis with teeth on it; powerful pharynx provides suction

Mutualistic Fungi

Lichen; (fungi+ photobiont) Absorb nutrients from a host but also give back something to the host; considered pioneer organisms because they are often the first to colonize a new substrate

What is the LIVING sister group to all tetrapods?


Parts of the water vascular system are...

Madreporite, stone canal, stone ring canals, and tube feet

Pathway of water in the water vascular system of Echinoderms?

Madreporite- radial canal- ampullae- tube feet

The lateral line system in sharks are made of ___ while Ampullae of Lorenzini are___.

Mechanoreceptors, electroreceptors

The coelom is formed from which tissue layer?


LUCA had all of the following except? -A multicellular organization -genetic material -bimolecular machinery to replicate the genetic material - biochemical machinery to synthesize ATP

Multicellular organization

Flashlight fish

Mutualistic, Bioluminescent bacteria live under the eye, fish provide them with nutrients, bacteria attract prey and mates for fish

Which of the following list of taxa correctly identifies ONLY Vertebrates? - Urochordata, Cephalopod, Lamprey -Myxini, Shark, Lamprey - Asteroidea, Human, Clownfish - Lamprey, Lizard, Tunicate

Myxini, Shark, Lamprey

The Tiktaaklik was an important transitional fossil. What Tetrapod-like characteristics did it possess?

Neck, Ribs, Fin skeleton, flat skull, eyes on top of skull

What type of organelle is used by cnidarians to sting/ capture prey?


___ is needed for amino acid production in all organisms.



No nucleus, lacks membrane bound Nucleolus, mostly unicellular, cell wall of peptidoglycan polymer, lack complex compartmentalization of organelles


No sexual recombination, new genetic variation from mutation

Yes or No. Do organisms within class Chondrichthyes have an endoskeleton made of bone?

No, they have an extensively calcified, cartilaginous endoskeleton but bone is absent

Urochordata is in a separate classification than Echinodermata due to the development of...


Which of the 5 hallmark chordate characteristics does the name "chordata" come from? -notochord -dorsal, hollow nerve cord - pharyngeal pouches or slits - endostyle or thyroid gland - postanal tail


Internal Organization of bacteria

Nucleoid- contains chromosomes and plasmids, region of cytoplasm not enclosed by membrane


One species benefits, while the other goes unharmed... there are many commensal species of bacteria on human skin; they dont hurt us and dont benefit use, we provide them with nutrients through exuded oils

You're still swimming (this time with goggles), you see a shark and are too scared to move. During your paralyzation you watch a baby shark come out of a momma shark (an example of live birth). Which reproductive strategy have you just witnessed? -oviparity -oviviparity -viviparity


Some Chondrichthyans nourish young with yolk sacs and give live birth through __ reproduction, while others lay eggs through __ reproduction.

Ovoviviparous, oviparous

Sone sharks nourish young with yolk sacs and give live birth through ___ reproduction, which other produce eggs through ___ reproduction.

Ovoviviparous; oviparous


Parasitic, can only survive within animal cells, gram negative, with no peptidoglycan

Cholera (contaminated water)

Pathogen; severe diarrhea and dehydration, skin turns bluish grey

Typhoid fever (food and water contamination)

Pathogen;muscle pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, rash


Pathogen;paralysis beginning in the facial region and spreading out through limbs, respiratory failure

Seastars use their ___ to keep their bodies free of algae and debris?


If one of these answer choices were removed, the three remaining answer choices could be referred to as an informal grouping of bony fish. Which answer choice needs to be removed for this to happen? -Petromyzontida - Actinopterygii -Actinistia -dipnoi



Proteobacteria, Chlamydias, Spirochetes, Cyanobacteria, Gram Positive Bacteria

protostomes and deuterostomes

Proto- Mouth arises from blastospore; Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusks Deutero- anus arises from blastospore; Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Chordata

Pili (bacteria structure)

Pull cells together in order for DNA transfer between cells, conjugation, F-factor: plasmid or chromosomal DNA used to form pilus

Dispersal Biogeography

Range expansion, few members of species move to a new geographical area

what is the internal anatomy of holothuroidea

Respiratory tree

Dikarya: Ascomycota

Sac fungi; monophyletic, accounts for 75% of fungi, 64000 species, includes Morels, yeast, molds, lichens examples: Saccharomyces cerevisiae- first complete DNA sequence of a Eukaryotic genome, baking and brewing yeast; Penicillium- Penicillin antibiotics derived from this fungus

The Tiktaaklik was an important transitional fossil. What Fish-like characteristics did it possess?

Scales, Fins, Gills and lungs

Lophotochozoa: Mollusca: Cephalopods

Squids, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Nautiloids; 800 living species; all united by a suite of shared molluscan characteristics; marine; predatory and have atleast 8 arms derived from the molluscan foot; modified radula and horny like beak for subduing prey; mantle is modified into a siphon for movement via jet propulsion; highly developed nervous and sensory systems including complex eyes and centralized brain; all marine and carnivorous contain the largest invertebrate- the giant squid and smartest invertebrate-the octopus Have internal shells that used to be on the outside but then evolved inside

Avian adaptions for flight include all of the following EXCEPT -keeled sternum -strong dorsal flight muscles -vestigial right oviduct and ovary -pneumatized bones

Strong dorsal flight muscles


Structures in different species that are similar because of common ancestry.

Lungs most likely evolved from:

Swim bladder

SAR: Chromalveolata: Alveolate

Synapomorphy- alveoli: balloon like structures just beneath the cell membrane, serve to support cell structure.

Parasitic fungi

Take up nutrients from parasitic interactions with varying dependence on their host. Can be obligate (cannot survive without their host) and facultative (live independent of their host). Plants and insects are the most common host for fungi

Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes: Parasitic Flatworms: Cestodes

Tapeworms; scolex with hooks and suckers for attachment; no digestive system absorb nutrients from host via diffusion; Proglottids(segments that can become mature tapeworms) near scolex are immature ones further down are mature which are where sex organs from and reproduction occurs Atleast two host in life cycle; Definitive host is a vertebrate

How did the mammalian sense of hearing, which uses three ear bones, emerge from our reptilian ancestors who used only one?

The bones that mammals hear with are the bones that reptiles eat with

Which is incorrect? - Ray finned fishes have a bony skeleton - the amniotes are a clade within the gnathostomes - the coelacanths are a sister group of the lungfishes - lampreys are vertebrates

The coelacanths are a sister group of the lungfishes

primary endosymbiosis

The engulfment of a cyanobacterium by a larger eukaryotic cell that gave rise to the first photosynthetic eukaryotes with chloroplasts.

What modification did jaws arise from?

The first two cartilaginous pharyngeal arches

what is unique about echinoidea

The internal organs are enclosed with a test. Dermal ossicles have become close fitted plates.

Cnidaria: Hydrozoa synapomorphy

The velum that forms a shelf of tissue on the inner surface of the bell margin; when the medusa contracts the velum folds out and shoots the water inside out a smaller opening when it fills which results in the net forward movement

Gas exchange in amphibians occurs:

Through the mouth, lungs, skin and by gills


Transfer of plasmid from one cell to another, uses pilus to link the two cells and pull them together, F-facter: F+ cells contain the F-factor and can donate DNA, F-cells receive DNA

Tissue layers of animals

Triploblastic- 3 layers: Endoderm, Mesoderm and Ectoderm, bilateral symmetry, includes all bilteria Diploblastic- 2 layers: Endoderm and Ectoderm, radial symmetry, includes Ctneophora

True or False. Taxonomic terms to describe you would be Chordata, Vertebrata, Tetrapoda, and Amniota


True or False: A crab is more closely related to a beetle than it is to a spider.


True or False: Holothuroidea have an internal respiratory structure.


True or False: One of the major innovations of the sponges. is the idea if self cell recognition and adhesion properties.


True or False: Pedicellariae are not present in all echinoderms.


True or False: Penis fencing in planarians occurs due to sexual conflict over the differential cost of reproductive investment between male and females.


Excavates: Euglenozoans: Trypanosoma

Trypanosoma- parasitic unicellular flagellate protozoa: T.brucei- trypanosomiasis; African Sleeping Sickness, live in cattle reservoir and TseTse fly T. cruzi- American Trypanosomiasis; Changas Disease, live in kissing bug and lots of mammalian reservoirs both of these cause fever, severe headache, irritability, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and aching muscles

Match the organisms with the smallest clade to which they belong.... organisms: Tunicate, Lamprey, Snake, Hagfish, Shark Clades: Deuterostomes, Cyclostome, Osteichthes, Myxini, Gnathostome

Tunicate- deuterostome Lamprey- Cyclostome Snake- Osteichthes Hagfish- Myxini Shark- Gnathostome

SAR: Chromalveolata: Alveolates: Dinoflagellates

Two flagella: one in an equatorial groove, the other longitudinal, photoautotrophs, 3° endosymbiosis of chloroplast, a few are freshwater, many abundant as marine plankton, endosymbionts of corals EX: Zooxanthellae- live as intracellular symbionts to coral, they provide the coral with fixed nitrogen and sugars, without these organisms the coral will experience severely reduced growth, survivorship and fitness Also some are bioluminescent


Two species living in close contact with each other


a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.

What is a keeled sternum

a breastbone with a ridge where the very strong ventral flight muscles attach, flattens in flightless birds

what is the single basal element

a coelacanth pectoral fin is homologous to our humerus

What is Aristotle's lantern?

a conical structure of calcareous plates and muscles supporting the rasping teeth of a sea urchin


a group of closely related species

Excavates: Diplomonads

a group of flagellates, most are parasitic, two equally sized nuclei, mitosomes which is degenerate mitochondria, multiple flagella EX: Giardia lambila- most common intestinal parasite in the US

glomeromycota or AM fungi

a group of fungi that form symbiotic relationships with the roots of trees;

Unikonts: Amoebozoans: Slime Molds

a plasmodial(large mass of protoplasm that moves and ingest food) slime mold, movement of the plasmodium by cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopodia, single mass of cytoplasm that is undivided by plasma membrane Ex: Physarum- Pretzel Mold Ex: Lycogala epidendrum- wolfs milk

secondary endosymbiosis

a process in eukaryotic evolution in which a heterotrophic eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell which survived in a symbiotic relationship inside the heterotrophic cell


a shared derived character state

what is the paratoid gland in amphibians

a way of venomous defense

What surface of echinoideas does the madreporite reside on? aboral or oral


where are the ampullea located

above the tube feet

Which of the following associations is incorrect? - Acoelomate; leech - spherical; protists - coelomate; turtle -bilateral; whale

acoelomate; leech

Do all gnathosomes possess either a humerus or a structure homologous to a humerus? -yes -no -all except two classes -all except two classes

all except two classes....the single basal elementis presentin Actinistia and beyond excluding Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygii

what are gnasthostomes

all living and extinct jawed vertebrates, monophyletic groups

alternation of generations

alternation between sexual and asexual reproductive phases

what is important about the notochord in development

always found in some embryonic stage and its the first part of the endoskeleton to appear in the embryo

what are electroreceptors in chondrichthyes called

ampullae of lorenzini

Which pair of organisms listed below is the third most DISTANTLY related? - an invasive garden snail and a nematode - aurelia moon jelly and a Ctenophore - a planaria and a nautilus - a choanoflagellate and a poriferan - all of the pairs are equally distantly related

an invasive garden snail and a nematode

What surface of asteroidea does the madreporite reside on? aboral or oral

answer:Aboral(top of seastars) Oral- is the bottom of the seastar

Which of these is NOT an example of a harmful or invasive organism(s) we talked about in class? -cane toads -any organism within echinodermata - an organism considered to be a cyclostome -chytrid fungus

any organism within echinodermata

what are the classes under amphibians

apoda, urodela, and anura


archaea that live in extremely hot temperatures, Tolerant of temps in excess of 90° C without denaturation of DNA, Used as a source for Taq Pyrococcus Furiosus, EX: Sulfolobus live in sulfur rich volcanic springs

what is the transitional fossil from dinos to birds


Cnidaria: Anthozoan: Sea Anemone

attach to shells, rocks, timber; crown of tentacles surrounds an oral disk; slit shaped mount leads to the pharynx; current carries oxygen and removes waste and also maintains pressure for a hydrostatic skeleton; when in danger water is rapidly expelled through pores as the organism contracts to a small size; equipped with tiny poisonous harpoons and digestive enzymes so strong they can digest the flesh of a small animal in 15 minutes Most harbor symbiotic algae(Protection, CO2 vs sugars for the anemone), some have a mutualistic relationship with hermit crabs(protection vs current and movement); some anemone fishes shelter in them and have a skin mucus that protects them from triggering the nematocysts


bacterial motility, movement toward or away from a stimulus

A restaurant appetizer of escargot (snails), oysters on the half shell, and calamari (squid) would contain which types of molluscs? -Bivalves, gastropod, and cephalopods - chitons, bivalves, and gastropods - gastropods, and cephalopods - bivalves and gastropods - chitons and cephalopods

bivalves, gastropods, and cephalopods

Which species is a diecious flatworm, with the female spending her life residing in the canal of larger male individual? - blood fluke - liver fluke - planaria - tapeworm

blood fluke

What are Osteichthyes?

bony fish with air sac (lung or swim bladder)

Which of the options below describes the correct sequence (oldest to newest) for the evolution of Chordate adaptations in response to selective challenges of terrestrial environments? - gills, gas exchange across skin, bony skeleton, amniotic egg - cartilage, water vascular system, single basal fin bone, lungs, amniotic egg - bony skeleton, cartilage, single basal element, lungs, neck, amniotic egg

bony skeleton, cartilage, single basal element, lungs, neck, amniotic egg

what is different about snake skulls

bottom jaws arent connected

absorptive heterotrophs(fungus)

break down food by secreting digestive enzymes onto a substrate and then absorb the resulting small food molecules.

what is the flow of air in a birds respiratory system

breathe in, posterior air sacs, lungs, anterior air sacs, then out the body

Which option best describes ram ventilation? -Chondrichthyes get o2 directly to their lungs by swimming with their mouths open - the pressure created by constantly swimming allows for exhalation -ram ventilation is not restricted to a specific class - by constantly swimming with their mouths open, water is rammed inside their oral cavities and forced to leave through their exposed gill slits, as the water flows over the gill slits

by constantly swimming with their mouths open, water is rammed inside their oral cavities and forced to leave through their exposed gill slits, as the water flows over the gill slits oxygen enters the bloodstream through capillaries residing in the tissue of the gills

what is class apoda

caeclilians or naked snakes

Spines in echinoderms are defined as

calcareous projections for protection and support

what are spines for echinoderms

calcareous projections for protection and support

Excavates: Euglenozoans: Euglena

can alternate as photoautotrophs and heterotrophs, Mixotrophs, Primarily freshwater... this organism harvest energy like a plant but can also move around and hunt other organisms

facultative anaerobes

can survive with or without oxygen, if 02 is present they use it if not they carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration

where are the ribs fused on a turtle


what are characteristics of urodela

carnivorous, internal fertilization via spermatophore, many have direct development, double metamorphosis

Ctenophora feeding

carnivorous-crab larvae, fish eggs, plankton, digestion begin at the pharynx and then proceeds to intracellular digestion, cilia sends the food into the canal lumen; most use tentacles with colloblasts to catch prey

obligate anaerobes

carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive in the presence of O2

What are Chondrichthyes?

cartilaginous fishes such as sharks, skates, and rays

Which of the following list of taxa correctly identifies only ecdysozoans? - catepillar, spider, nematode - insect, annelid, bivalve - mollusc, crustacean, scorpion - chiton, lobster, snail - chelicerate, cephalopod, butterfly

caterpillar, spider, nematode


comb jellies; All warm water marine, some bioluminescent-to attract prey Monoecious: two periods of sexual maturity: one in the larval stage and one in adult stage with the gonads degenerating between the two phases; fertilized eggs are discharged through epidermis into the water No nematocysts, through gut, Nerve net from ectoderm, muscle from endoderm,

what is an echinoderm digestive system like

complete with usually two stomachs

what do large birds of paleognaths represent

convergent evolution of body plan

what is an example of viperidae


what is synapomorphy of vertebrata

cranium: braincase of bone or cartilage

Which group has comb like plates of fused cilia? - ctenophora - sea anemones -porifera


Which is true regarding love darts in snails? - Dart success increases sperm storage in females - dart success leads directly to successful mating - dart success decreases chances of paternity

dart success increases sperm storage in females

septate hyphae

dividers between the cells, called septa; septa have openings called pores between the cells that allow the flow of cytoplasm and nutrients throughout the mycelium

polyphyletic group

does not include most recent common ancestor

what is the dorsal and ventral plates on turtles

dorsal- carapace ventral- plastron

Which group is most closely related to echinoderms? - mollusca -annelida -ecdysozoa -Porifera


Which of the following is a paraphyletic group, as theyre formally defined? -Cyclostomes; including hagfish and lamprey -fish; including Actinopterygii, Actinistia, and Dipnoi - lobe finned fish - more than one answer -vertebrates; including cyclostomes and Gnathostomes

fish; including Actinopterygii, Actinistia, and Dipnoi

what did the pharyngeal slits develop into in other species

fishes- gill arches, added capillary network with thin gas permeable walls. Terrestrial vertebrates- jaw and inner ear

what are some characteristics of asteroidea

five arms (typically) with central disc and ossicles joined with connective tissue

Of the following Eumetazoa studied in this course, the morphologically simplest group to have three tissues layers are the __. - ctenophores - annelids - chordata - flatworms


what are draco lizards

flying lizards that have ribs and the connecting membranes that can extend to make wings. The gular flag (hyoid apparatus) serves as a horizontal stabilizer and is used in communication

Which of the following was not an evolutionary challenge animals faced moving land? -bone structure for structure out of water - lung development - limb development - food availability

food availability

what are the three groups of crocidilia

gharials (long narrow snout), alligators/caimans (broad snout, lower teeth not visible when mouth is closed) and crocodiles (lower teeth visible when mouth is closed)

Which of the following is not one of the descent by modification structures in molluscs? - mantle - gills - visceral mass -foot


what are primary means of breathing for axolotls and some salamanders


what are characteristics of lungfish

gills as well as lungs, nostrils open on inside of mouth, living sister group of tetrapods

Porifera Hexactinellida

glass sponges, not true synconoid differ too much from other synconoids; engage in symbiotic relationship with shrimp

Hagfish and lamprey are NOT which of the following? -cyclostomes - vertebrae -gnathostomes -chordates


gram positive vs gram negative cell wall

gram +=several layers of peptidoglycan (Pink with purple specks) gram - = peptidoglycan surrounded by two phosholipid bilayer made from Lipopolysaccharide (pink with red specks)

what is an example of elapidae

green mamba, sea snakes, and brown snake

what are causes of amphibian loss

habitat alteration/loss, contaminants, introduced predators, diseases, climate change

Identify the group that is mostly parasitic as adults: - lampreys - leeches - hagfish - tapeworms


do hagfish or lampreys have mucus glands


Which listed organisms is the notochord persistent throughout its entire lifetime? - hagfish - sea squirts - skates - dipnoi

hagfish, notochords persists through lifetime in cephalochordates (lancelets) and cyclostomes(lampreys/hagfish)

dioecious plants

have male and female reproductive structures on different plants


helical gram negative species, move with flagellum like filaments, some parasitic species

why do actinopterygii have schooling behavior

helps with finding food, access to mates, spawning aggregation, predator avoidance (confusion effect, dilution effect or the selfish herd, predator detection), and migration

what is the sister taxa for echinodermata


what is a synapomorphy of squamata


what is an example of colubridae


The single basal element at the base of the pectoral fin is a structure that is similar among some vertebrae species because that same structure was present in the common ancestor of those species. This is an example of... -polytomy -convergent trait - analogy - homoplasy - homology


what is the largest anthropogenic threat to birds

house cats

The single basal element in the pectoral fin of lungfish is homologous to your _. -ulna -radius - humerus - femur


what was the land dwelling creature that came after tiktaaklik



in the gills of fruiting body; club-shaped, spore-producing hypha of basidiomycetes, the basidiospores are produced externally and released when they break off

Where is the endostyle or thyroid gland located?

in the pharyngeal floor

monophyletic group

includes ancestor and all of its descendants

paraphyletic group

includes most recent common ancestor but NOT all descendants

Evolutionary relationships can depict lineages among different things including...

individuals, populations, species, and genes

How is the dorsal hollow nerve cord produced in the embryo?

infolding of the ectoderm on the dorsal side of the body

Gnathostomes consist of what type of group? -polyphyletic -paraphyletic -duophyletic -none of the above

monophyletic, all derived organisms share jaws


monophyletic, descended from ancient protist that engulfed cyanobacterial endosymbiont, include red and green algae plus ALL land plants, very diverse habitats

Plants moving to land benefits....

more open niches: reduced competition, reduced herbivory, fewer pathogens; more sunlight, more CO2, rich soils

what is the purpose of a post-anal tail

motility for swimming, efficiency increases in fishes (fins) but may be smaller or vestigial in other lineages, humans have a vestige (coccyx)

Compared to other Echinoderms, all of the following features are unique to Holothuroidea EXCEPT: -Elongated along oral aboral axis - Respiratory structure(respiratory tree) -bipolar feeding' -Cuvierian tubules -Move by tube feet

move by tube feet

what are vertebrae hallmarks

musculoskeletal modifications, enhanced transport of nutrients and gases, new head, brain, and sensory systems

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron

mutualistic bacterial in the human digestive system genome of bacteria produces vitamins, minerals and carbs used by humans, signals from bacteria stimulate building of blood vessels in region to take up nutrients also, signals production of antimicrobials that kill off other competing species, benefiting both

what class has hagfish



naming system

what is a biphasic lifestyle in amphibians

need water to reproduce so they are water dwellers as young and terrestrial as adults

Cnidarian synapomorphy

nematocysts are only formed by these organisms

Camera eyes between ray finned fish and octopus are...

not homologous... this is an example of convergent evolution

what exactly kind of vertebrae do lamprey have

not true vertebrae, cartilaginous structures above the notochord

Name the evolutionary development in chordates that allows for the bending and resistance of compression, while giving the body structure and scaffolding for muscle attachment? -notochord -endostyle -nerve cord -vertebrae


what are the five hallmark chordate characteristics

notochord, dorsal and hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits or pouch, endostyle or thyroid gland, and postanal tail


obtains energy from the foods it consumes; require atleast one organic compound, Photoheterotoph- energy source is light Chemoheterottoph- energy source is organic compounds

Ecdysozoans: Arthropods: Chelicerata: Arachnida: Spiders

only few species can have severe or fatal bites; 8 eyes each have lens, optic rod, retina, perceive moving objects, some form images; Setae on the surface is useful for communicating air currents, tension on web, sense vibrations

Unlike sharks, Actinopterygii fishes have an __ covering their gills.


what side of the starfish has the mouth and what is the other side called

oral side has mouth and aboral side has anus in center

what are the three sides of a echinoidea

oral, aboral, and lateral


other things being equal, a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one

You are swimming and find what appears to be a mermaid's purse, or a thick egg casing laid by a marine animal. This mermaid's purse is an example of which reproductive strategy? -oviparity -oviviparity -viviparity



oxygen generating photosynthesis, gram negative


paired penises found in snakes and lizards

Within the phylogenetic tree of the vertebrates, the largest clade containing amphibians, reptiles, turtles, crocs, birds, and mammals is sister to a group of fish called lungfish. Other lineages of fish such as ray finned fish branched off earlier than the common ancestor of all these taxa, including lungfish. This means that a taxonomic group includes all fish back to their common ancestor is:



paraphyletic fungal group, single celled, aquatic, responsible for amphibian population crashes

What do living crocs and birds have in common? two answers - flight - parental care - endothermy - communication through vocalizations - complex connection of posterior and anterior air sacs for respiration

parental care; communication through vocalization

Lamprey and Hagfish do not possess one of these traits. Which one? - Post anal tail - gills - notochord present as adults - Pectoral fins - paired sensory organs

pectoral fins

This homologous structure serves very different purposes in spiders and scorpions. In spiders, this structure has chemical detectors for taste and smell. In scorpions, it is modified into pincer to capture prey. -antennae - pedipalps - mandibles - chelicerae -fangs


what are the synapomorphies of echinoderms

pentaradial symmetry in the adults (bilateral larvae), endoskeleton of calcareous plates, water vascular system (w/ tube feet), pedicellariea, and dermal branchiea

what class has lampreys



process in which extensions of cytoplasm surround and engulf large particles and take them into the cell


proteins secreted by pathogenic bacteria


proteins that originally arose for one purpose take on new functions through descent after modification

what is the yolk sac?

provides early nutrients (uterine milk) and degenerates after a few days

The fruiting body of fungi is the...

reproductive portion, whose main purpose is to produce spores which are like tiny seeds.

What is paedomorphosis?

retention of juvenile characteristics in an adult, idea that sessile adult and free-swimming larvae

what is the notochord and what is its purpose

rodlike, semi-rigid tissue enclosed in sheath. mainly serves to stiffen the body.

what is urodela


what were the fish characteristics of tiktaaklik

scales, fins, gills and lungs

What is in the class Holothuroidea?

sea cucumbers

Which is not an echinoderm? - sea slug - sea urchin - sand dollar - sea star

sea star

You're walking on the beach and find a dead organism and you're inclined to figure out what it is. You notice it has a madreporite on it's aboral surface, then you break it in half and find an Aristotle's lantern. Which answer choice is most likely what you've found on the beach? - sea star - sea urchin - heart urchin - sand dollar

sea urchin, Having a madreporite means echinoderm, Aristotle's lantern means class echinoidea so it must be either a sea urchin, heart urchin or sand dollar. Since sand dollars and heart urchins are irregular urchins

What are the three organisms that are part of class echinoidea?

sea urchins, heart urchins and sand dollars

What is Class Echinoidea?

sea urchins, heart urchins, and sand dollars

what makes up the class asterodiea


what is unique with symmetry about odd shaped echinoidea

secondarily bilateral so adults are bilaterally symmetric but the left and right halves are not the same halves that they were as larvae

Snake possess a pit organ in order to

see an image of their predator in the infrared spectrum


seed bearing structures of angiosperms, inconspicuous in some species(wind pollinated) -coevolved with animal pollinators -showy to advertise nectar reward - petals provide landing platform -uv absorbing patterns point to nectar

Which of the following is a parazoan? -ctenophores -cnidaria - sponges


what helps provide buoyancy in chondrichthyes

squalene oil in liver

what are the three class of reptilia

squamata, testudines, and archosauria

Which structure is not part of echinoderms water vascular system? -madreporite -stereom -tube feet -ampullae


what is the keeled sternum homologus to in humans

sternum, clavicle, and shoulder blade

vascular plants have...

stomata-control water loss during gas exchange Waxy cuticle- to reduce desiccation Xylem- (roots) transport water and nutrients, structure support Phloem- (Stem) carry the products of photosynthesis from leaves to growing shoots and growing leaves

what is special about metabolic rate and hearts in birds

they have a high metabolic rate to keep up with the energy of flying, and they have a four chambered heart to have fully oxygenated blood

what is important about the respiratory system of birds

they have two respiratory cycles for one breath to reach the lungs and the lungs are only one directional

what are dermal branchiae

thin folds in the body wall that function in respiration, projections of the coelom

what is the important fishpod to remember


what are characteristics of paleognaths

tinamous (can fly a bit) and they have a different palette formation (old jaw)

The evolution of body symmetry did not occur until the evolution of....

tissue layers

Which is false regarding torsion in gastropods? - tension did not lead to fouling - protection is the primary benefit of torsion - animals have undergone changes in shell shape to decrease fouling - torsion plays a part in shell shape variation

torsion did not lead to fouling


toward the back/ toward the front

Todays arthropods are small in size. What is the best supported hypothesis of the limited size in todays arthropods? - Energy needed to molt -tracheal density - decreased prey abundance - predatory effects

tracheal density

what are characteristics of apoda

tropical forests, burrowing, eyes often vestigial, internal fertilization, and often direct development with viviparity (w/ embryos eating wall of oviduct)

True or False: A major difference between the myxini and the Chondrichthyans is that only chondrichthyans have jaws.


what is the synapomorphy of urochordata

tunic: tough non-living cellulosic test, occur in all seas and at all depths, most are sessile as adults, and in most species only the larvae bear a notochord

Which animal would NOT at some point in their life have all of the following: vertebrae, a hollow nerve cord, and a post anal tail? - Tunicate -coelocanth -lamprey


which is a chordate but not a vertebrae? - hagfish -tunicates -petromyzontida - sea cucumber

tunicates.... cephalochordata and urochordata are chordates but not vertebrae

what is class testudines

turtles and tortoises

Lophotochozoa: Mollusca: Gastropod: Torsion

twisting of the mantle cavity; possible hypotheses as to why they use torsion... 1. Torsion allows clean water from the front of the shell to enter the mantle cavity (where the gill is located), rather than water from the rear (which could be muddy from disturbance from the moving mollusk). 2. Without torsion, the gastropod foot would withdraw first into the shell, followed by the more vulnerable head. Thus, torsion may lessen the chance of predation by giving first priority of protection to the head.

The origin of Eukaryotes?

what eventually led to the mechanism of endosymbiosis is thought to be phagocytosis of a bacterium by another prokaryotic cell. In this case the phagocytozed bacteria survived within the host prokaryote, then when the host reproduced more generations contained the descendants of the originally digested bacterium. Over time the prokaryotic host and the bacterial endosymbionts developed something of a mutualist relationship. the host provided a safe environment and nutrients for the bacteria and the bacteria symbiont performed oxidative metabolism. Over time the freeliving aerobic protobacterium became the mitochondria


when a natural situation arises to physically divide organisms

horizontal gene transfer

when the DNA comes from two different species

how do birds know when to migrate

when the length of day changes and the internal energy balance and state of their gonads

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