Biology Unit 5 and Unit 6 2019

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The images show the events that occur in your body after you eat a sugary snack. Put the events in the correct sequence.

1) blood glucose becomes high 2) pancreas releases insulin 3) insulin binds to receptors on target cells 4) cells take in glucose 5) blood glucose returns to normal

Ovulation usually occurs on or about day _____ of a 28-day ovarian cycle.


Which of these is a signal molecule?


Types of Hormones the Endocrine system secretes:

Amino-acid derived and steroids made from cholesterol

Which hormone(s) is(are) directly responsible for triggering the development of the secondary sex characteristics of males, such as beard growth?

Androgens, such as testosterone, are responsible for both sperm production and the secondary sex characteristics of males.

Which of these is a receptor molecule?


Hormones are usually transported through ___ and affect only cells with ___.

Blood vessels... specific receptors

The thyroid releases _______ hormones

Calcitonin, T3 and T4

Which part of the brain is associated with conscious thought, memory, and personality?

Cerebral cortex

The process that results in the formation of a multicellular embryo is __________.

Cleavage, a rapid series of cell divisions, produces a multicellular embryo.

The ovaries releases _______ hormones

Estrogen, progesterone

True or false. An individual who has suffered a stroke, which has caused damage in his cerebrum, and is now having problems with his hearing, has probably suffered damage to his occipital lobe.


_______________ involves the development and migration of the three tissue layers - ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.


The pituitary gland releases _______ hormones

Growth hormones

If there is fertilization, secretion of _____ by the early embryo maintains the corpus luteum.

HCG, secreted by the early embryo, maintains the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone, which maintain the endometrium for implantation.

Endocrine system consists of Endocrine glands and which secrete _______


________ is a(n) example of sensory adaptation.

Ignoring the feeling of shoes on your feet

Which pituitary secretion stimulates sperm production?

In males, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates sperm production.

Which pituitary secretion stimulates the testes to secrete androgens?

In males, luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the testes to secrete androgens.

A procedure that involves fertilizing eggs in the laboratory in a glass dish and injecting them into a woman's uterus may be called artificial fertilization but is more specifically called __________.

In vitro fertilization

Why do only some cells have a response to a hormone that is transported throughout the entire body?

Only some cells have the receptors for any particular hormone. These are called target cells of that hormone.

A zygote is formed in the


summarizes the events in early embryonic development?

Ovum - Zygote - Blastula - Gastrula - Embryo ( Fertilization ) - ( Cleavage) - (Gastrulation)

_____________________ are triggered when stimuli become too extreme for thermoreceptors.

Pain receptors

From which part of the pituitary are hypothalamic hormones such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin released?

Posterior pituitary

Which aspect of asexual reproduction is sometimes disadvantageous?

Producing genetically uniform populations.

Which term describes the subunits of a myofibril?


What type of cell makes up the myelin sheath of a motor neuron?

Schwann cells

Gametes are

Sperm and egg

Which part of the brain functions as a relay station for information to the limbic system and the cerebral cortex?


The resting potential of a resting neuron is defined as __________.

The difference in charge across the plasma membrane of a resting neuron - In essence, this operates much like a battery

How do hormones from the hypothalamus get to the anterior pituitary gland?

They are released near a capillary bed in the hypothalamus and travel a short distance to a second capillary bed in the pituitary, where they diffuse out around the cells of another pituitary.

How do Endocrine hormones travel?

Through the blood stream

Sperm + egg =


Which of these causes the release of neurotransmitter molecules?

an action potential reaching the end of the axon

Reproductive systems with external fertilization are most common in ________.

aquatic animals

During oogenesis, polar bodies _____________.

are discarded

The parasympathetic division of the nervous system is part of the __________.

autonomic nervous system component of the peripheral nervous system

A nerve impulse moves away from a neuron's cell body along _____.


Why are polar bodies small?

because the fertilizable egg needs enough cytoplasm to support the embryo for days

Steroid hormones usually ________.

bind to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus

Which of the following is a similarity between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

both involve meiosis and the production of haploid cells

An impulse relayed along a myelinated axon "jumps" from _____ to _____.

c. node of Ranvier, node of Ranvier

A neuron's nucleus is located in its _____.

cell body

The ________ is the control center of the nervous system.

central nervous system

Gastrulation ________.

changes the blastocyst into an embryo that has three tissue layers

The pleasant scent of roses is detected by ____________.


Which of the following systems usually transports hormones?

circulatory system

Signal transduction involves ____________.

conversion of a stimulus to an electrical signal

During cleavage, cell division is accompanied by a(n) ______________.

decrease in cell size

A nerve impulse moves toward a neuron's cell body along _____.


Photoreceptors are a type of ______________. Photoreceptors

electromagnetic receptor

Sperm become capable of movement while in the _____.


You look down on the trail where you have been hiking. A rattlesnake is coiled and rattling its tail. Which of the following hormones is likely to be one of the first secreted as a direct response to this situation?


If there is no fertilization, degeneration of the corpus luteum results in a drop in _____, which results in the sloughing off of the uterus's endometrium.

estrogen and progesterone

After ovulation, high levels of _____ inhibit _____ secretion.

estrogen and progesterone ... FSH and LH By secreting estrogen and progesterone, the corpus luteum maintains the endometrium and inhibits FSH and LH secretion.

Developing ovarian follicles primarily secrete _____


Photoreceptors are found in your _______________, whereas chemoreceptors are found in your _______________.

eyes; nose and mouth

The completion of meiosis II during oogenesis occurs at ________________.


The _____ is the region of the eye where photoreceptors are most highly concentrated.

fovea Photoreceptors are most highly concentrated in the region of the retina known as the fovea.

people with diabetes have trouble regulating the levels of ______ in the blood


Examine the figure. If blood glucose levels decline, ________.


Gametogenesis is to spermatogenesis and oogenesis as _____________________.

gonads are to testes and ovaries

Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone are antagonistic hormones involved with calcium regulation. This antagonistic interaction means that calcitonin and parathyroid hormone _______________.

have opposite effects

A person whose eyeball is shorter than normal suffers from ________.

hyperopia. - Farsightedness/ the eyeball is shorter than normal - Presbyopia - second form of farsightedness/ comes with age, the eye becomes less elastic

Which one of the following correctly pairs the structure with its major function(s)?

hypothalamus—regulates body temperature, blood pressure, and hunger

Gametes are formed

in the gonads

From which part of a developing embryo are stem cells derived?

inner cell mass

steroid hormones bind to receptors in:

inside the cell

A lack of __________ is responsible for type 1 diabetes mellitus.


As this boxer is finishing his fight, which of these hormones is NOT likely to be elevated?


The pancreas releases _______ hormones

insulin, glucagon

When glucose levels get too high in the blood, the pancreas releases ____________, whereas when glucose levels get too low, the pancreas releases ____________.

insulin... glucagon

Within this part of the central nervous system, specialized nerves called _______ integrate this information, formulate a response, and then communicate these instructions as nerve impulses to ________ . These neurons bring the message to the muscles in your arm to pull your hand away.

inter neurons, motor neurons, If you touch a hot stove, sensory receptors in your fingertip sense the dangerous heat and convert this stimulus into an electrical signal. This signal leaves your fingertip via nerve cells called sensory neurons. These nerves are part of an anatomical division of the nervous system called the peripheral nervous system. The signal travels along these nerves, and then to the spinal cord and brain. These two structures make up an anatomical division called the central nervous system. Within this part of the nervous system, specialized nerves called interneurons integrate this information, formulate a response, and then communicate these instructions as nerve impulses to motor neurons. These neurons bring the message to the muscles in your arm to pull your hand away.

The figure shows the human eye. Which part of the eye gives the eye its color?



is a fertilized egg (the diploid cell created by the fusion of sperm and egg).


is a haploid sex cell (a sperm in males and an egg in females).

asexual reproduction

is the creation of genetically identical offspring by a lone parent.

sexual reproduction

is the creation of genetically unique offspring by two parents.


is the fusion of two haploid sex cells (sperm and egg) to form a diploid cell.


is the splitting off of new individuals from outgrowths of existing ones.

The _____ changes shape to focus light on the retina.


A signal molecule is also known as a(n) _____.


A rapid increase in the _____ level stimulates ovulation.

luteinizing hormone A surge in LH levels is responsible for triggering ovulation.

Which of the following is the best example of homeostasis?

maintaining the pH of blood around 7.4

Axons insulated by a(n) _____ are able to conduct impulses faster that those not so insulated.

myelin sheath

The secretion of androgens is regulated by a _____ feedback mechanism involving the _____ and _____.

negative ... hypothalamus ... pituitary gland

The cells that carry electric signals from one part of the body to another in the nervous system are ________.


What is the usual site of the fertilization of an egg cell?


Where in humans does fertilization most often take place?


(Sensory receptors, sensory neurons) These nerves are part of an anatomical division of the nervous system called the ______ The signal travels along these nerves, and then to the spinal cord and brain. These two structures make up an anatomical division called the ________

peripheral nervous system, central nervous system If you touch a hot stove, sensory receptors in your fingertip sense the dangerous heat and convert this stimulus into an electrical signal. This signal leaves your fingertip via nerve cells called sensory neurons. These nerves are part of an anatomical division of the nervous system called the peripheral nervous system. The signal travels along these nerves, and then to the spinal cord and brain. These two structures make up an anatomical division called the central nervous system. Within this part of the nervous system, specialized nerves called interneurons integrate this information, formulate a response, and then communicate these instructions as nerve impulses to motor neurons. These neurons bring the message to the muscles in your arm to pull your hand away.

Hypothalamus directly controls the


Amino acid derived hormones bind to receptors in the:

plasma membrane

Which of the following options lists cell types in the correct order of their appearance during spermatogenesis?

primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte, spermatid, sperm

Examine the embryo in the figure. The hands and feet of this embryo appear paddle-like, with no distinct toes or fingers. What process is needed to define each of the toes and fingers?

programmed cell death

What name is given to the opening that allows light into the interior of the eye?


What name is given to the tough layer that forms the "white" of the eye?


Which of the following correctly traces the path of sperm from their site of production to their exit from a man's body?

seminiferous tubule, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra

Sperm develop in the _____.

seminiferous tubules, found within testes.

If you touch a hot stove, ________ in your fingertip sense the dangerous heat and convert this stimulus into an electrical signal. This signal leaves your fingertip via nerve cells called _______

sensory receptors, sensory neurons If you touch a hot stove, sensory receptors in your fingertip sense the dangerous heat and convert this stimulus into an electrical signal. This signal leaves your fingertip via nerve cells called sensory neurons. These nerves are part of an anatomical division of the nervous system called the peripheral nervous system. The signal travels along these nerves, and then to the spinal cord and brain. These two structures make up an anatomical division called the central nervous system. Within this part of the nervous system, specialized nerves called interneurons integrate this information, formulate a response, and then communicate these instructions as nerve impulses to motor neurons. These neurons bring the message to the muscles in your arm to pull your hand away.

A signal transduction pathway is initiated when a _____ binds to a receptor.

signal molecule

If an embryo failed to secrete HCG ________.

spontaneous abortion of the embryo would occur

The space between an axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron is called a(n) _____.

synaptic cleft

What part of a neuron relays signals from one neuron to another neuron or to an effector?

synaptic terminal

Neurons store neurotransmitter molecules in vesicles located within _____.

synaptic terminals

Which of the following structures is not contained within a muscle fiber?


Muscles are connected to bones by ________.


Gonads in males and females are:

testes and ovaries

What advantage is associated with human testes located in an external sac rather than in the abdominal cavity?

testes can be kept cooler than the body's interior

Hypothetically speaking, if a diploid sperm fertilized a diploid ovum, the zygote would be ____________.


In an experiment, a researcher colored a bit of tissue on the outside of a gastrula with a fluorescent dye. The embryo developed normally. When the fetus was placed under an ultraviolet light, which of the following glowed bright orange?

the brain Nervous tissue develops from the ectodermal layer of the gastrula.

If blood glucose levels decline, ________.

the pancreas releases more glucagon, which causes glucose to be released into the blood

The figure shows oogenesis. What is the function of the polar bodies that are produced during oogenesis? They are a mechanism that allows for ________.

the shedding of excess genetic material during the production of a haploid ovum

Calcitonin is released from the _______________ and parathyroid hormone is released from the _______________.

thyroid gland; parathyroid gland

Which of these is the second of the three stages of cell signaling?


True or false. Muscle fibers are among the largest cells in the body and are actually fusions of hundreds of individual cells.


In _________________ diabetes, glucose levels remain higher than normal.

type 1 and 2 diabetes

In ________ diabetes, no insulin is produced.

type 1 diabetes

In _________ diabetes, target cells do not respond normally to insulin.

type 2 diabetes

Sperm exit a male's body via the _____.


A fertilized egg usually implants itself and develops in the _____.


Which of the following options lists the sequence of stages in embryonic development in the correct order?

zygote, blastocyst, gastrula

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