BOOK: Emotional Intelligence
Jeanne Segal Ph. D. and Melinda Smith
DEEPENING > according to them, emotional intelligence affects 4 things
Peter Salovey and John Mayer
DEEPENING > initially developed the concept of emotional intelligence in 1990 > they defined emotional intelligence as the following: 1) ability to perceive and express emotions accurately and adaptively 2) to understand emotion and emotional knowledge 3) to use feelings to facilitate thought 4) to manage emotions in oneself and others
Saarni (1999)
DEEPENING > offered the following 5 emotional competencies that are important for adolescents to develop 1) being aware that expression of emotions play a major role in relationships 2) adaptively cope with negative emotions by using self-regulatory strategies that reduce the intensity and duration of such emotional states 3) understanding that inner emotional states do not have to correspond to outer expressions 4) being aware of one's emotional states without becoming overwhelmed by them 5) being able to discern others' emotions
DEEPENING > org made by Jeanne Segal Ph. D. and Melinda Smith M.A.
Daniel Goleman
DEEPENING > popularized emotional intelligence in 1995 in his book Emotional Intelligence
1 performance at work 2 physical health 3 mental health 4 relationships
DEEPENING > the 4 things that emotional intelligence affects according to HELPGUIDE.ORG by Jeanne Segal Ph.D. and Melinda Smith M.A.
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
DEEPENING > was developed to measure the 4 aspects of emotional intelligence
DEEPENING How to raise your emotional intelligence? > all information to the brain comes through this
right brain
DEEPENING How to raise your emotional intelligence? > what is the emotional part of the brain where hypothalamus can be located?
left brain
DEEPENING How to raise your emotional intelligence? > what is the rational part of the brain?
DEEPENING How to raise your emotional intelligence? > when information is overwhelmingly stressful or emotional, THIS will take over and our ability to act will be limited to the FLIGHT, FIGHT, or FREEZE response.
1 perceiving emotions 2 understanding emotions 3 facilitating thought 4 managing emotions
DEEPENING MSCEIT > what are the 4 aspects of emotional intelligence? (PUFMa)
primary emotions
INTRODUCTION > these regulate us in response to challenges and opportunities.
Shaver et al
INTRODUCTION Primary Emotions: > offered 6 primary emotions
1 love 2 joy 3 surprise 4 anger 5 sadness 6 fear
INTRODUCTION Primary Emotions: > what are the 6 primary emotions offered by Shaver et al? (LoJoSASaF)
emotional intelligence
INTRODUCTION > plays a vital role in the person's ability to adapt to his environment. > is considered to be even more important than intellectual intelligence/quotient (IQ). > developing this, will help a person perceive and express emotion accurately and adaptively, to understand emotion, to use feelings to express thought and to manage emotions in oneself and others. > plays a vital role in the holistic development of physical and mental health. > a term that encompasses an individual's emotional comprehension and utilization. > can influence psychological well-being and contribute or protect people from negative mental states.