BTNY 110 Exam 2

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What is the maximum percentage of solar radiation that ecosystems can convert into chemical energy under optimal conditions?


How many turns of the Calvin cycle are required to produce one molecule of glucose (a 6-carbon sugar)?


The Calvin Cycle has another name that is often used to acknowledge another scientist who contributed significantly to its discovery. What is the name of that scientist?

Andrew Bensen

Where do the reactions of cellular respiration take place in a plant cell?

Cytoplasm and mitochondria

True or False: Cells in a plant that are carrying out photosynthesis do NOT need to perform respiration.


True or False: Electrons gain energy as they move through the electron transport chain.


True or False: Genotype refers to the physical expression of a trait in an individual.


True or False: Glucose is the compound that is exported from the Calvin cycle.


The oxygen produced in photosynthesis comes from photolysis of


Which of the following statements about Roundup herbicide is FALSE

It was developed by Corteva Agriscience

Which of the following is NOT a benefit that farmers obtain from growing Bt cotton?

Less Expensive seeds

C4 plants separate the C4 and the C3 pathways by______ whereas CAM plants separate the two pathways by ______.


During which stage in the first division of meiosis do crossovers take place?


Transcription is performed by ______________.

RNA polymerase

Where does the Calvin Cycle take place inside a leaf cell?

Stroma of the chloroplast

True or False: For some loci, heterozygotes can outperform either homozygous genotype.


True or False: In a plant suffering drought stress, the stomata will close, leading to reduced carbon fixation.


True or False: In both C4 and CAM photosynthesis, carbon dioxide fixation occurs twice.


Which insect pest is known as a "billion dollar problem" in corn?

Western Corn Rootworm

Which of the following statements about Mendel's model of inheritance is FALSE?

When a recessive factor is present, it is always expressed

In a plant respiration occurs in:

all living cells

Leaves appear to be green because

chlorophyll does not absorb light in the green portion of the visible spectrum

In respiration, the Krebs cycle:

combines acetate from acetyl-CoA with oxaloacetate to form citrate.

True or False: It requires hundreds of complex genetic changes to go from teosinte to maize.


A photosynthetically active leaf will

fix atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrates

Amino acids produced by the shikimate pathway are required to make all of the following EXCEPT:


Chlorophyll molecules are pigments that absorb


Which of the following is responsible for production of proteins in the cell?


Which of these bases is found in DNA but not in RNA?


In glycolysis, ____ molecules of NADH are produced for every molecule of glucose converted to pyruvate.


How many molecules of PGAL are required to produce one 6-carbon sugar?


Meiosis has ____ cycles of division and produces ____ haploid cells from a single diploid cell.


The theoretical maximum number of molecules of ATP that can be produced through metabolism of 1 molecule of glucose in respiration is:


When Mendel allowed F1 plants to self-pollinate, what ratio of plants with the dominant trait to plants with the recessive trait did he observe in the F2 generation?


Agriculture appears to have begun independently in at least ___ different places at about the same time.


The compound that is phosphorylated to produce ATP in the last step of respiration is:


The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis capture solar energy and produce which of the following compounds?


What are the products from the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis that provide the energy and reducing power for the Calvin cycle?


Which of the following statements about C4 photosynthesis is true?

C4 plants fix CO2 into the 4-carbon compound oxaloacetate.

The Krebs cycle produces more ATP than NADH.


True or False: Photorespiration is an unnecessary process that plants would be better off without.


True or False: Photorespiration is favored when the concentration of CO2 available to RUBISCO is high.


True or False: Seed for most corn varieties grown by farmers in the United States is produced by self-pollination of an elite true breeding line.


True or False: The chromosomal locations of genes for a particular trait do not matter when trying to combine specific traits in a cultivar.


True or False: The electron transport chain generates a high concentration of pyruvate on one side of the internal membrane of the mitochondria; this gradient is used to make ATP.


True or False: The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis can operate during both day and night


True or False:A transgenic plant is one that has been genetically modified by selective breeding.


Which of the following steps of respiration occurs in the cytoplasm?


In a double-stranded DNA molecule, the two strands are held together by _________ .

Hydrogen bonds

In C4 photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is first fixed into a 4-carbon compound

In mesophyll cells

In plants and other eukaryotes, messenger RNA is produced in the ______.


The first stable molecule that is produced after the fixation of carbon dioxide in the Calvin cycle is a 3-carbon compound called


Which of the following describes translation?

RNA to protein

Which of the following is NOT a reason why famers grow Roundup Ready soybeans?

Roundup Ready seeds are less expensive than non-GMO seeds.

The Calvin Cycle is responsible for the production of


Why don't CAM plants perform all of the reactions of photosynthesis at night when their stomata are open?

The Calvin Cycle requires ATP and NADPH produced by the light-dependent reactions

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

The light-independent reactions can run without any input from the light-dependent reactions

Which is the following is NOT one of the goals of plant breeding and propagation?

To enhance susceptibility to specific pathogens

True or False: Agriculture predates any written language.


True or False: Carbon fixed in photosynthesis is the ultimate source of every organic molecule in all animals.


True or False: Domesticated crops can be quite different from their wild ancestors.


True or False: Expression of viral proteins in transgenic plants can make plants resistant to that virus.


True or False: For a quantitative trait that is influenced by many genes, some genes may have a larger effect than others.


True or False: Many complex traits are influenced by large numbers of genes that can interact in both positive and negative ways.


True or False: More than one gene can affect the same trait.


True or False: Mutagenesis, introgression of a trait from a related species, and production of transgenic plants are methods used to introduce a new desirable trait into your crop of interest.


True or False: The sequence of bases in the DNA of a plant contains information about the specific cells in which every gene should be expressed.


True or False: The sugar-phosphate backbones of the two DNA strands in a double helix run in opposite directions.


True or False: The use of monocultures in modern agriculture can leave crops susceptible to serious disease outbreaks.


After DNA is transferred into plant cells, each transformed cell is ______.


In RNA, which base is used in place of thymine?


Electrons that are transferred from the reaction center of Photosystem II to the electron transport chain are replaced by electrons from which molecule?


The industrialization of agriculture has led to ______ genetic variation.

a loss of

In a C3 plant stomata close _________ when the light dependent reactions are not producing ATP and NADPH.

at night

Genes encoding Bt toxins have been isolated from _______, modified, and transferred into various crop plants to protect the crop from insect pests.


Sexual reproduction is common in all of the following types of organisms EXCEPT


DNA can be physically injected into plant cells that lack (a) ______.

cell wall

In addition to carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy, what else is necessary for photosynthesis to occur?


When oxygen is not available, which process can still generate ATP from glucose?


The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis use the products from the light-dependent reactions to produce ________ from CO2.


The active ingredient in Roundup herbicide is _________.


Which base always pairs with cytosine in DNA?


The first successful transgenic plants in agriculture were designed to improve the efficiency of crop production by making them:

herbicide resistant

As the number of genes that influence a trait _______, it becomes more difficult to place individuals into discrete classes.


When a plant is placed in the dark for a long time it will

lose carbon through respiration

Which of these conditions favors photorespiration (oxygenase activity) over carbon fixation (carboxylase activity) by RUBISCO?

low CO2 concentration

In plants that perform C4 photosynthesis, malate is transferred from

mesophyll cells to bundle sheath cells

Nucleotides are made up of which of the following components?

nitrogenous base, 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group

The monomer unit of DNA is a/an __________ .


In eukaryotes, mRNA is processed in the _________ and translated in the _________.


The components of the electron transport chain in respiration are located:

on a membrane inside the mitochondrion

During C4 photosynthesis, CO2 from the atmosphere is fixed first into a 4-carbon compound called


As the correct tRNAs are brought into the ribosome, amino acids are joined together by _________ bonds.


A homozygous dominant tall plant (TT) is crossed with a homozygous recessive dwarf plant (tt). F1 plants are allowed to self-fertilize. What will be the phenotype(s) of the F2 plants?

ratio of 3 tall to 1 dwarf

As humans industrialize agriculture, a ______ number of people are required to feed a ______ population.


Which of the following is NOT directly required for the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?


The ATP and NADPH produced during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis provides energy and reducing power for

the Calvin Cycle

When an individual is heterozygous at a specific genetic locus

there are two different alleles at that genetic locus

If each individual diploid plant in a population only has one gene controlling flower color with three possible alleles, how many alleles will each plant have for flower color?


The presence of a dominant allele at a genetic locus

will mask the presence of a recessive allele

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