Care & Prevention of Injury | Exam 1

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benefits of team approach to the delivery of healthcare

- allows for comprehensive prevention, assessment, & management of an injury or illness - the areas of injury prevention & immediate management are often overlooked or relegated to the coach, physical educator, or fitness specialist, regardless of their background

four elements of negligence

1. duty of care 2. breach of duty 3. harm 4. resulting harm that was a direct cause of the breach of duty

7 domains for certification

1. prevention 2. clinical evaluation & diagnosis 3. evaluation = assessment 4. immediate care 5. treatment, rehab, & reconditioning 6. organization & administration 7. professional responsibility

coach is legally responsible for:

1. selecting most appropriate equipment 2. properly fitting the equipment to the individual 3. instructing the individual in proper care for equipment 4. warning the individual of any danger in using equipment inappropriately 5. supervising & monitoring proper use of all protective equipment

how many states require licensure?


what percentage of Arkansas schools do not have appropriate medical services?


American society for testing and materials


this organization sets the awards the ATC credentials upon passing the test...

BOC; Board of Certification

organization that sets the area of instruction for athletic training education programs...

CAATE; Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education

Canadian standards association


which state does not require licensure for athletic training?



Hockey Equipment Certification Council

national association of intercollegiate athletics


this organization establishes standards for professionalism, education, research, and practice settings...

NATA; National Athletic Training Association

national federation of state high school associations


national operating committee on standards for athletic equipment


what was the first state in the U.S. to require licensure?


reciprocal inhibition

active agonist contractions to relax a tight antagonist muscle

clinical evaluation & diagnosis

addresses responsibilities of the athletic trainer in using standardized clinical practices to make decisions regarding the nature and severity


addresses the risks associated with participation in sports & physical activities; severity ranges from minor to catastrophic; strategies simple to complex

VO2 Max

aerobic maximum

athletic trainers are employed by...

all of the above; physician practices, sports medicine clinics, industrial/occupational settings

duties of the team physician include...

all of the following; perform PPEs, qualify and disqualify athletes for competition based on medical issues, & facilitate referrals to other healthcare providers

athletic trainers

allied healthcare professionals, who work in collaboration with physicals to "optimize activity and participation of clients"; qualified to provide healthcare services to athletes to the physically active


any unpermitted or intentional contact with another individual without their consent



primary care physician

assumes a key role in providing medical care to athletes & physically active individuals of all ages

members of the athletic health care

athletes parents EMS physicians AT PT OT dentists optometrists strength & conditioning coaches equipment managers emergency active plan (EAP)

exculpatory waiver

based on the individual's assumption of risk and is a release signed by the individual or parent that releases the physician from liability of negligence


based on the principle of _________________, if the physical demands placed on the body are within appropriate physiological limits, the body will adapt and improve its function

areas of education include all of the following except...


sports medicine

broad & complex branch of healthcare, encompassing several disciplines; an area of healthcare & special services that applies medical & scientific knowledge to prevent, assess, manage, & rehabilitate injuries or illnesses related to sports, exercises of rec activities

occupational therapist

deals with fine motor movements & smaller tissues

The role delineation study (RD)...

defines the current entry-level knowledge, skills, and abilities for practice in the profession of athletic training

organization and administration

describes responsibilities of the athletic trainer in developing and executing a series of plans, policies, and procedures to ensure responsive and efficient operation


does not require oxygen for energy; uses lactic acid to convert nutrients to energy

individuality principle

each participant is different; individual participants have different responses to a conditioning program

Good Samaritan laws

enacted in many states by the 1960s; developed to encourage bystanders to assist others in need of emergency care by granting them immunity from potential litigation

duty of care

encompasses a variety of responsibilities such as teacher proper and appropriate techniques

which of the following is a written guarantee that a product is safe for use?

expressed warranty

(T or F) the athlete is not a part of the sports medicine team


coach is...

first response to injury

professional responsibility

focuses on expectations of the athletic trainer relative to adhering to ethical, legal, and other professional standards

muscle tension...

generates from tension in connective tissue or muscle fibers


health insurance portability and accountability of 1996; includes laws that are intended to protect the privacy of patients; CONFIDENTIALITY

low velocity

high mass forces falling on ground or ice ex. concussion


identification of an injury/illness based on assessment of signs & symptoms

immediate care

identifies the tole of the athletic training subsequent to determining the nature and extent of injury or illness


if the desired result from a fitness program includes muscular strength, the intensity of the overload should be ________________ of the individual's maximum capacity...

informed consent

implies that an injured party has been reasonably informed of the needed treatment for the services that a coach may need to inform

golgi tendon organs

in a static stretch, the action of the __________ enables a safer, more effective stretch.

the final position should be held for 15-30 seconds, and repeated 2-4 times with a 30-60 second rest period between repetitions

in performing flexibility exercises, the duration should be as follows:

static strength

isometric contraction; no change in muscle length

dynamic strength

isotonic contraction

physical therapist

larger injuries; gross motor movements; came out of war effort

muscle spindles

lie parallel to muscle fibers and stretch with the muscle

high velocity

low mass forces struck by balls, pucks, bats, hockey sticks causes focal injuries ex. contusion

implied warranty

manufacturers have a duty of care to design, manufacture, and package equipment that will not cause harm

aerobic capacity

max amount of oxygen that the blood can use during a period of high intense exercise

which of the following is not an ethical principle established by the NATA's code of ethics?

members shall pay their dues every year and report all demographics changes or updates

static stretching

movement is deliberate and slow


muscle resists in its own lengthening; joint angle increases during contraction


muscles that oppose or reverse a particular movement


muscles that perform desired movement

to be an athletic trainer in the state of Arkansas, one has to be...

national certification & license


occur as a result of an action or lack of an action by a professional who had a legal duty of care


occurs when an individual commits an act that is their responsibility to perform, but uses the wrong procedure or performs the correct procedure in an improper manner; ex. failing to have consistency for a screening, procedure


occurs when an individual fails to perform their legal duty of care; also known as an omission; ex. making an athlete compete on an injury

overload principle

physiologic improvements occur only when an individual physically demands more of the body than is normally required; body will adapt and improve its function


preparticipation examination


process of taking legal action

proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)

promotes and hastens the response of the neuromuscular systems through stimulation of proprioceptors

extensive flexibility...

reduces the ability to effectively perform an action or skin


refers to the length of a single exercise session


refers to the number of exercise sessions per day or week; varies on goals & fitness levels


reflects the caloric cost of work and the specific energy systems activated; amount of work being done during an exercise

ballistic stretching

repetitive bouncing motions at the end of available ROM

professional standard of care

requires an individual to use the knowledge, skills, & abilities that conform to the standard of care for their particular specialization

standard of care

requires an individual to use the knowledge, skills, and abilities that conform to the _____________ for their particular specialization


requires oxygen to produce energy; lasts longer than several minutes

intensity of the overload

strength gains depend primarily on...

team physician

supervises the various aspects of healthcare & is the final authority to determine the mental & physical fitness of athletes in organized programs

overload & specificity

the __________________ principle states that the body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation


the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to produce force in one maximal effort

muscular endurance

the ability of muscle tissues to exert repetitive tension over an extended period

a muscle can only move a load through the ROM with as much force as the muscle provides at its weakest point

the disadvantage of isotonic training is that...

active inhibition

the muscle group relaxes prior to the stretching maneuver

comparative negligence

the relative degree of negligence on the part of the professional (defendant) and the participant (plaintiff) with damages awarded on a basis proportionate to each person's consciousness; ex. $100,000 total, coach responsible for $70,000, athlete responsible for $30,000


total range of motion (ROM) at a joint that occurs pain-free in each of the planes of motion

specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID) principle

used in order to develop a specific component of fitness; the body responds to a given demand with a specific need of the individual with regard to their fitness and skills goals as well as to the various body parts

the strength of a skeletal muscle is determined by the cross sectional diameter of the muscle fibers

which of the following statements is true?

vigorous stretching of tissues should be avoided in each of the following conditions except...

with normal healthy tissues followed by a brief warm-up period


a wrong doing done by an individual for which the injured party seeks a remedy for damages suffered is called a...

foreseeability of harm

a situation in which danger is apparent, or should been apparent, resulting in an unreasonable unsafe condition called...

United States olympic committee



a _________________ contraction involves a shortening of muscle fibers which decreases the angle of the associated joint.


a coach suspects that a player has a lower leg fracture due to the visible angulation of the involved bones. the coach decides to straighten out the leg and immobilize the limb in the splint. the actions of the coach constitute:

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