Ch. 37 Parenteral Medications (unit 3)

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a regular syringe is

(standard), most frequently used for IM or subcut injections

how many mL of PPD do you do for a TB test?

0.1 mL injection

maximum volume for an IM injection in deltoid in small children through adults

0.5 to 1 mL

maximum volume for an IM injection in small muscles in infants and small children

0.5 to 1 mL

according to most facility polices, the max volume for a subcut injection is

1 to 2 mL

according to most facility policies the max volume for a subcut injection if

1 to 2 mL

maximum volume for an IM in the ventrogluetal and vastus lateralis (average size)

1-2 mL

What sizes can syringes come in? What is the most common size ?

1. 0.3 to 60 ml 2. most common sizes being between 1 mL and 3 mL

a syringe has 3 main parts, which are

1. a barrel 2. a plunger with a flange on the end 3. a tip that connects to the needle

What are the advantages of administration of medications by injection?

1. bypass of the GI tract; preventing GI irritation 2. rapid onset time compared to the oral route 3. ease of administration to uncooperative/unconscious patients 4. better absorption of drugs that are poorly absorbed via the oral route

disadvantages of parenteral administration?

1. invasive and uncomfortable for patient 2. expensive 3. requires additional supplies and equipment 4. requires qualified personnel to administer 5. carries a risk of infection and nervy injury

What are the two types of tips that a syringe may have?

1. luer-lok tip---> has threaded grooves that screw onto the need hub and lock into place 2. slip-tip --> has a smooth, slightly tapered tip that inserts into the needle hib, requiring a slight twist of the syringe

The 4 major types of syringes are

1. regular syringe 2. tuberculin syringe 3. insulin syringe 4. prefilled syringes

Choice of needle gauge depends on

1. viscosity (thickness) of the medication 2. route of administration 3. size of patient and muscle mass

maximum volume for an IM injection in the large ventrogluteal site or large vastus lateralis

2-3 mL

normal range for APTT (activated partial thrombolastin time)

30 to 40 seconds

therapeutic range for APTT (activated partial thrombolastin time)

45 to 100 seconds

you will administer a subcut injection at a _______________angle

45-90 degree; depending on amount of fat and size of patient

when does a patient return to get their TB test read?

48 - 72 hours

how do you want to hold the need when doing a ID (TB) injection?

5-15 degree angle

normal time for PT (partial thromboplastin)

60 to 70 seconds

what angle do you do an IM injection

90 degree angle

therapeutic range for PT (partial thromboplastin)

90 to 175 seconds

The bevel should face?

ALWAYS face upward when piercing the skin

(T/F) redness is a positive result for a skin TB test

FALSE. redness is not a positive result of TB in a skin test

The parenteral routes of administration include

ID (intradermal) subcut (subcutaneous) IM (Intramuscular) IV (intravenous)

what lab results do you monitor when administering heparin?

PTT (partial thromboplastin time) APTT (activated partial thromboplastin tme) INR (international normalized ratio) assess the patients system of blood clot formation

(T/F) Do not recap needle (for prefilled syringes)


to maintain asepsis when handling syringes what should you always do?

Wash your hands, clean the work surface where you will be preparing the injection, keep a facility-approved cleaning agent near the medication cart or counter where you routinely prepare medications

a vial is

a glass or plastic container of medication with a rubber stopper that must be punctured with a needle for medication removal

The plunger of a syringe is

a piston-like rod that fits into the barrel and slides up and down the barrel to either draw up medication or push it out of the barrel

a hypodermic needle consists of

a plastic hub (used to attach the needle to the syringe) , the bevel, the cannula, or shaft and, a safety guard to cover the used needle as soon as it is withdrawn from the patients body

a subcut injection, which is intended into the layers of the subcutaneous fat of an adult is administered with what length of needle?

a shorter needle: between 3/8 and 7/8 of an inch (depending on patients size)

an ID injection is the injection of

a small amount of fluid into the dermis, or the true skin layer immediately below the epidermis

an ampule is

a small, sealed glass drug container that must be broken to withdraw medication

preferred injection site for insulin is

abdomen because it provides faster and more consistent absorption

what must you do when using a filter needle?

after drawing up the medication you must change the filter needle before administering the injection

multiple-dose vs single dose vials

all multiple dose vials contain bacteriostatic preservatives that reduce the risk of microorganism growth whereas the single does vials do not

What parts do you keep sterile when handling a syringe?

all parts that contact the medication or the patient; syringe tip, inside of the barrel, and the length of the plunger from the rubber tip inside the barrel to 1 inch from the flange end

what is heparin

anticoagulant to reduce and prevent blood clot formation

when removing the needle during a subcut injection what do you do? What are the exceptions to this?

apply gentle pressure to the site after removal of needle and gently massage to distribute the medication into the tissue for better absorption UNLESS you are administering insulin or heparin

one of the liver's most important function is metabolizing and detoxifying potentially harmful agents in the blood. How does this affect oral medications?

as the liver metabolizes the drug, it decreases the amount of drug remaining in the blood after it leaves the liver to enter the systemic circulation

tips for safe administration for heparin

asses lab results-prothrombin time have a second nurse verify you have correct strength do not aspirate before do not massage monitor patient for bleeding gums, rbc in urine, blood in stools, excessive bruising

intramuscular size of needle

average adult 1-1.5 inches 20-22 G

sites for a subcut injection include

back of the upper arms, abdomen (stay a minimum of 2 in away from the umbilicus ), the anterior thighs, the area of the back just below the scapulae, and the upper buttocks

why is the dosogluteal site no longer used for IM injections unless it is the only option

because it is near the sciatic nerve

needle stick injuries provide the perfect mode of transmission for

blood borne infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C

benzyl alcohol 0.9%, the bacteriostatic preservative used in multiple-dose vials of sterile water for injection and sodium chloride 0.9% for injection is

contradicted in newborns

an IM injection is administered into the

deep muscle tissue below the subcutaneous layer of tissue

ID injections are commonly used as a ________________ _____________, such as testing for _______________or___________________

diagnostic tool allergies tuberculosis

before an oral medication can begin to work, it must

first be absorbed from the GI tract into the portal circulation that transports the medication to the liver

before administering insulin how should you warm it up

gently roll the vial between both hands

when using an ampule attach a filter needle which,

has a device for filtering debris such as glass shards from ampules or rubber cores from vials, to the syringe you will use to draw up medication

how should you position a patient when doing a ventrogluteal IM injection?

have the patient assume a side-lying position with the foot on the top of the leg inverted to relax hip muscles

a syringe is used to

hold and introduce the medication into the need, which will direct the medication into the body tissue

hyperglycemia s/s

hot, dry , flushed skin thirst fatigue or weakness sleepiness sweet or acetone odor to breath

If a needle stick injury occurs what should you do?

immediately wash the punctured area with soap and water, which encourages bleeding from the site. Follow facility protocol and seek medical attention

what is a positive TB skin test?

induration-palpable raised and hardened area, blisters may be present

the most commons parenteral routes are classified as

intradermal, subcutaneous , and intramuscular

chemical incompatibility

involves the degradation of the drug resulting from a chemical reaction

the Z-track method of IM injections prevents

irritating and dark colored medications from leaking out of the injection site (to subcut/sensitive tissue)


is an unwanted reaction that occurs between the drug and the solution, container, or another drug

What is the barrel of the syringe?

is the hollow cylindrical chamber that holds the medication. One end had a tip that connects to the needle and the other end of the barrel is open and has a plunger inserted into it

what knowledge should you know about each drug?

is the patient allergic? what is its classification? what does it do? how does it work? why does the patient need this? is the ordered does within the safe dose parameters for this patients age, size and condition? what assessments should you make before/after administering the medication? is the route appropriate ? how quick is the onset of drug action? compatible with other meds the patient is taking?

to prevent irritation and tissue damage (during a subcut injection) the medication must be

isotonic and must be the same pH as the tissue

put pressure/gently massage the site after an IM injection unless

it is a Z-track

never push on the end of the cap of the needle because

it is possible for a large needle to go through the end of the cap and into your finger.

which size of gauge needle is used for thinner medications?

larger gauges --> 21 G (0.8 mm) to 30 G (0.3 mm), have smaller diameters

to find your site for a deltoid injection

locate the acromion process, place your little finger on the process and measure 3 finger breadths down. Inject into the fullest part of the deltoid

Medical syringes vs Glass syringes

medical syringes are usually disposable and made of plastic whereas glass syringes are more prevalent in research settings

the powder form of injectable medications is used for

medications that are not stable for very long once they are in a solution

tips for safe administration of insulin

monitor finger stick blood levels use a syringe matching strength of insulin do not aspirate before injecting do not massage after monitor patient for s/s of hypo/hyperglycemia

to prevent accidental needle sticks with contaminated needles never do what?

recap a used needle

when administering a subcut injection the abdomen provides _________________ absorption and is the preferred site for _____________,_______________and _______________

more rapid insulin, Lovenox , anticoagulant

the needle size when doing an intradermal injection?

needle 1/4 to 5/8 inch small diameter 25-30 G

with a subcut injection what size needle do you want?

needle between 3/8 and 7/8 diameter between 24 and 29 G

What does parenteral route mean?

not through the GI tract

therapeutic incompatibility

occurs within the patient as the result of 2 concurrently administered drugs that interact

what route is the most common and safest ?

oral administration

hypoglycemia s/s

pale, cool clammy skin tremors or palpitations hunger or nausea increased irrability fatigue difficulty concentrating

when preparing the syringe you should

peel the package open an lay package down with the syringe still resting in one side of the package until you are ready to attach the needle

needle-stick injuries are also called

percutaneous injuries

when doing a subcut injection how do you ensure that it is subcutaneous tissue and not muscle?

pinch or bunch up the skin and underlying fat layer into a fold between your finger and thumb. This helps lift the subcutaneous layer off the muscle

to locate the vastus lateralis injection site

place one of your hands across the thigh next to the femoral crease and your other hand just above the patella. The midpoint between your hands is the middle third of the thigh, inject into the fullest portion of the muscle

how do you perform a Z-track injection?

place the lateral aspect of your nondominant hand on the patients skin and pull the skin between 1 and 2 inches to one side while your dominant hand pierces the skin

to locate the ventrogluteal site

place the palm of you hand on the patient's greater trochanter with index finger on the anterior superior iliac spine and your middle finger pointing toward the iliac crest. The "V" formed by your index finger/middle finger marks your injection site. insert needle center in the V


process of dissolving powdered drugs using a liquid or diluent such as sterile normal saline or sterile water

physical incompatibility

produce visible reactions such as color changes, precipitate formation, cloudiness, gas formation or haze

coring is

punching out a circular piece of skin when inserting the needle

what are things you need to do to "Get ready" for preparing a syringe?

review health-care providers orders, assess patients age and size, site you will use, the amount of muscle mass or subcutaneous tissue at the site.

you should gather all supplies you will need before beginning the preparation of the injection because it will

save you time and energy, make you more efficient and enable you to be productive and maintain sterility

the insulin syringe is

similar in size and shape to a TB syringe, but it is calibrated in "units" of insulin and used ONLY for injecting insulin.

a prefilled syringe are

single-dose, ready to use, disposable syringe cartridges, some with an attached needle and some to which you must attach a needle that contains the specific dosage of medication.

the bevel is the

slanted tip of the needle, designed to facilitate needle insertion and prevent coring

downside to oral adminstration

slowest onset of action of all the routes and provides a lower blood level than all the other routes

The needle is a

small hollow, cylindrical tube with a sharp beveled cutting-edge tip used to pierce the skin

The higher the guage number on the needle the _____ the diameter


which size of gauge is required for thick, viscous medications?

smaller gauge, from 14 G (2.1 mm) to 20 G (0.9 mm), have a larger diameter

Why is it important to review the health-care providers orders before you prepare a syringe?

so that you know the type and volume of medication that you are to draw up and route of administration.

a subcut injection deposits the medication into the

subcutaneous layer below the skin and above the muscle layer

the routes of administration that escape "first-pass metabolism" include

sublingual, buccal, and parenteral routes, because they all provide absorption directly into the systemic circulation rather than portal circulation of the digestive tract

administration of medication per an inject-able route requires various supplies such as

syringe, needle alcohol prep pads, dry cotton ball or gauze pad, needle disposal container, examination gloves, bandage

if air is present in the syringe...

tap the barrel of the syringe near the hub to move air toward the needle

to prepare the ampule for withdrawal of medication

tap the top of the ampule to distribute the medication to the lower portion of the ampule

when administering an ID injection spread the skin

taunt over the injection site to ease piercing of the skin with the needls

a tuberculin syringe is

the TB syringe, smaller diameter that holds a total of 1 mL...excellent choice for administration of the small and precise volumes of medication required by newborns and infants as well as for the TB skin test (which it was designed for)

an IM injection for an adult (injected into the muscular layer below the subcutaneous layer), is administered in

the body or the largest portion of a muscle and requires a longer needle length, from 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm)

the most common site for IM injections of small volumes such as 0.5 to 1 mL is

the deltoid muscle

the gauge (G) of the needle refers to

the diameter of the needle and is indicated by numbers, typically between 14 G (2.1 mm) and 30 G (0.3 mm)

the ID injection deposits the medication into

the epidermis or the outer layers of the skin

It is no longer considered safe to abbreviate the word "Unit" with "U" because.....

the joint commission has included it on the list of "Do Not Use Abbreviations". The word units must always be spelled out

Injections are considered to be administered via

the parenteral route

if injecting PPD (TB test) circle

the site and write the date, time, initials by the circle

compare the absorption time with a subcut injection vs an IM injection

the subcutaneous contains fewer blood vessels than muscle, which produces a slower absorption time compared to IM injections

first pass metabolism

the substance degradation of an orally administered drug caused by metabolism in the liver before the drug reaches the systemic circulation

When withdrawing medication from a vial, pull the plunger back filling

the syringe reservoir with air equal to the amount of solution to be drawn up. example if you are to draw 1.7 mL of medication, pull back on the plunger you fill the syringe 1.7 mL of air

the choice of the length of the needle depends on

the weight, amount of fat, and muscle development of the patient, the site of injection and the route of administration

why might you combine more than one drug in one syringe?

to avoid the discomfort of multiple injections. Crucial to check the compatibility of medications before mixing and injecting them

(T/F) never place needles in the garbage or in a recycling bin


(T/F) the outside of the barrel and the flange are the only parts that may be touched


what is used to test an individual for the presence of tuberculosis ?

tuberculin purified protein derivative (P.P.D.)

A subcut injection is injected

under the layers of the skin into the subcutaneous tissue layer

the safest and most comfortable IM injection site for all patients older than 7 months is the

ventrogluteal site

When do needle stick injuries commonly happen

when recapping contaminated needles; improper needle disposal

when is the subcut route useful

when slow and continuous absorption is required

how to stabilize the needle during a Z track injection

without moving your non dominant hand close the index finger and thumb of that hand against the syringe

upon opening multiple dose vial do what

write the date, time and initials on the label

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