Chapter 5 Quiz

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Match each denomination on the left with the region where it predominated. A. Congregationalist B. Anglican C. Presbyterian 1. the frontier 2. New England 3. the South a. A-2, B-3, C-l b. A-2, B-1, C-3 c. A-1, B-3, C-2 d. A-3, B-2, C-1 e. A-3, B-1, C-2

a. A-2, B-3, C-l

By 1775, the ____ were the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America. a. Africans b. Germans c. West Indians d. Scots-Irish e. Irish

a. Africans

In 1760, fearful of heavy concentrations of resentful slaves, which colonial legislature unsuccessfully sought to pass legislation that would halt the further importation of slaves.? a. South Carolina b. North Carolina c. Georgia d. Virginia e. Maryland

a. South Carolina

Identify the statement that is false. a. The triangular trade was infamously profitable and made up most of the colonial commerce. b. A trader would leave New England with a cargo of rum and sail to the Gold Coast of Africa. c. A trader would barter rum with African chiefs for captured African slaves. d. A trader would travel to the West Indies with the African slaves for molasses. e. A trader would travel to New England with the molasses, where it would be distilled into rum.

a. The triangular trade was infamously profitable and made up most of the colonial commerce.

As a result of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the eighteenth century a. a momentous shift occurred in the balance of power between the colonies and the mother country. b. the British government was pleased that more workers would be available to fill an increasing need for laborers in Britain. c. the need for slave labor declined. d. the colonists became more dependent on Britain for the goods that they needed to survive. e. the British government granted greater autonomy to colonial government

a. a momentous shift occurred in the balance of power between the colonies and the mother country.

By the eighteenth century, the various colonial regions had distinct economic identities; the northern colonies relied on ____, the Chesapeake colonies relied on ____, and the southern colonies relied on ____. a. cattle and grain, tobacco, rice and indigo b. furs and skins, tobacco, iron works c. rice and indigo, lumber and timber, tobacco d. shipbuilding, iron works, cattle and grain e. cattle and grain, tobacco, fishing

a. cattle and grain, tobacco, rice and indigo

The New Light preachers of the Great Awakening a. delivered intensely emotional sermons. b. rarely addressed themselves to the matter of individual salvation. c. reinforced the established churches. d. were ultimately unsuccessful in arousing the religious enthusiasm of colonial Americans. e. opposed the emotionalism of the revivalists

a. delivered intensely emotional sermons.

The main reason that Puritan churches were struggling in the early eighteenth century was because a. parishioners found their theological doctrines too elaborate. b. parishioners thought that ministers had gone too soft in their preaching. c. church members embraced the notion of predestination. d. they banned their predominantly female membership from any leadership positions. e. the Anglican Church successfully competed for church members

a. parishioners found their theological doctrines too elaborate.

The South held about ____ percent of the slaves in the thirteen colonies of North America. a. 100 b. 90 c. 80 d. 70e.50

b. 90

How did British authorities respond to efforts by colonial legislatures to restrict or halt the importation of slaves? a. They applauded and supported these efforts. b. British leaders vetoed such efforts. c. They allowed only South Carolina's legislation to stand. d. They viewed such colonial actions as morally callous. e. The British refused to intervene and did nothing.

b. British leaders vetoed such efforts.

An armed march in Philadelphia in 1764, protesting the Quaker oligarchy's lenient policy toward the Indians was known as a. Bacon's Rebellion. b. March of the Paxton Boys. c. Regulator Movement. d. Shays' Rebellion. e. Oligarchy Revolution.

b. March of the Paxton Boys.

By 1775, most governors of American colonies were a. appointed by colonial proprietors. b. appointed by the king. c. elected by popular vote. d. elected by the vote of colonial legislatures. e. appointed by the British Parliament.

b. appointed by the king.

One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the a. British demand to halt the importation of slaves. b. growing desire of Americans to trade with other nations in addition to Britain. c. lack of any British regulations regarding trade with foreign nations. d. British rejection of the Molasses Act. e. the Americans' unwillingness to trade with the French West Indies.

b. growing desire of Americans to trade with other nations in addition to Britain.

Colonial immigrants laid the foundations for a new multicultural American national identity by a. merging their religious traditions with those of Native Americans b. intermarrying with people from other ethnic groups. c. pushing their settlements from the East Coast into the backcountry. d. importing increasing numbers of slaves. e. None of these

b. intermarrying with people from other ethnic groups.

The population of the thirteen American colonies was a. about evenly divided among Anglo-Saxons, French, Scots-Irish, and Germans. b. perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly Anglo-Saxon. c. overwhelmingly African. d. the less diverse in the world. e. None of these

b. perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly Anglo-Saxon.

As the Revolution approached, Presbyterian and Congregational ministers in general a. remained neutral. b. supported the Revolutionary cause. c. sided with the Anglican clergymen. d. opposed the idea of revolution. e. split on the issue of independence

b. supported the Revolutionary cause.

English officials tried to establish the Church of England in as many colonies as possible because a. they were concerned about the eternal souls of the colonists. b. the church would act as a major prop for royal authority. c. such an action would restore enthusiasm for religion. d. the American colonists supported such a move. e. such an action brought in more money to England

b. the church would act as a major prop for royal authority.

All of the following are true statements about colonial newspapers on the eve of the Revolution except a. there were about forty different newspapers throughout the colonies. b. they were typically published twice a week. c. they proved to be powerful vehicles for airing grievances and rallying support against England. d. they consisted of a single large sheet of paper folded once. e. the news they contained often lagged weeks behind the events themselves

b. they were typically published twice a week.

Culture in colonial America a. involved heavy investment in art. b. was generally ignored and unappreciated. c. showed its native creativity in architecture. d. was always important to the colonists. e. for a long time rejected any European influence

b. was generally ignored and unappreciated.

Match each individual on the left with his or her talent. A. Jonathan Edwards B. Benjamin Franklin C. Phillis Wheatley 1. poet 2. scientist 3. theologian a. A-2, B-1, C-3 b. A-1, B-3, C-2 c. A-3, B-2, C-1 d. A-1, B-2, C-3 e. A-2, B-3, C-1

c. A-3, B-2, C-1

The Molasses Act of 1733 was intended to a. stimulate the colonies' triangle trade with Africa and the West Indies. b. satisfy colonial demands for earning foreign exchange money. c. inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies. d. increase the colonists' standard of living and protect the livelihood of colonial merchants. e. require Americans to sell their molasses to British merchants.

c. inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies.

The jury's decision in the case of John Peter Zenger, a newspaper printer, was significant because a. he was found guilty. b. it supported English law. c. it pointed the way to freedom of the press. d. the ruling prohibited criticism of political officials. e. it allowed the press to print irresponsible criticisms of powerful people

c. it pointed the way to freedom of the press.

The most important manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was a. iron making. b. arms and munitions production. c. lumbering. d. rum distilling. e. making clothes.

c. lumbering.

Colonial legislatures were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will because a. the governors often had a greater sense of loyalty to their colony than to the king. b. the governors were usually chosen by colonial legislatures and could be removed from office by the legislatures. c. the king generally held the views of colonial legislators in higher regard than those of the governors. d. colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors' salaries. e. of the threat of violence.

d. colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors' salaries.

All of the following are reasons the thirteen Atlantic seaboard colonies sought independence except a. distinctive social structures. b. distinctive economic structures. c. distinctive political structures. d. distinctive ethnic or racial structures. e. The appearance of a recognizably American way of life

d. distinctive ethnic or racial structures.

By the early eighteenth century, religion in colonial America was a. stronger than at any previous time. b. holding steadfastly to the belief that spiritual conversion was essential for church membership. c. moving away from clerical intellectualism. d. less fervid than when the colonies were established. e. becoming less tolerant.

d. less fervid than when the colonies were established.

One feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their a. relatively equal wealth. b. economic organization. c. similar social structures. d. rapidly growing populations. e. support of religious freedom.

d. rapidly growing populations.

By the mid-1700s, the number of poor people in the American colonies a. became greater than in all of Europe. b. had increased to the point of overpopulation. c. had begun to decline from seventeenth-century levels. d. remained tiny compared with the number in England. e. was about one-third of the population

d. remained tiny compared with the number in England.

On the eve of the American Revolution, social and economic mobility in the colonies decreased for all of the following reasons except a. earlier wars made Northern merchants rich and created a class of widows and orphans. b. the supply of unclaimed land in New England began to diminish c. farmers' sons and daughters were forced to hire out as wage laborers. d. the average size of New England farms increased dramatically. e. the gap between owners of large Southern plantations and small farms widened

d. the average size of New England farms increased dramatically.

The most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was ____, whereas ____ was the least ethnically diverse. a. New England, the South b. the middle colonies, the South c. the South, New England d. the middle colonies, New England e. the frontier regions, New England

d. the middle colonies, New England

Although manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance, they did produce which of the following? a. Rum b. Beaver hats c. Lumber d. Iron e. All of these

e. All of these

The Great Awakening a. undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies. b. split colonial churches into several competing denominations. c. led to the founding of Princeton, Dartmouth, and Rutgers colleges. d. was the first spontaneous mass movement of the American people. e. All of these

e. All of these

The person most often called the "first civilized American" was a. Thomas Jefferson. b. John Trumbull. c. John Winthrop. d. Phillis Wheatley. e. Benjamin Franklin.

e. Benjamin Franklin.

Which of the following was not considered to be a naval store? a. Tar b. Pitch c. Rosin d. Turpentine e. Glass

e. Glass

The religious doctrine of the Arminians held that a. predestination determined a person's eternal fate. b. good works could get you into heaven. c. Calvin's ideas should be followed without question. d. emotion had no place in religion. e. individual free will determined a person's eternal fate

e. individual free will determined a person's eternal fate

The triangular trade of the colonial American shipping industry a. was not that profitable. b. involved America, France, and England. c. relied on the Spanish fleet for protection. d. saw the Spanish gaining the largest profits. e. involved the trading of rum for African slaves.

e. involved the trading of rum for African slaves.

Colonial schools and colleges placed their main emphasis on a. math. b. science. c. modern languages. d. literature. e. religion.

e. religion.

The first American college free from denominational control was a. Harvard. b. Yale. c. New York University. d. Brown University. e. the University of Pennsylvania.

e. the University of Pennsylvania.

The population growth of the American colonies by 1775 is attributed mostly to a. white immigration from Europe. b. the natural fertility of Native Americans. c. the importation of slaves from Africa. d. the influx of immigrants from Latin America. e. the natural fertility of all Americans

e. the natural fertility of all Americans.

American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain a. in order to gain their independence. b. mainly to anger the king. c. to anger Parliament. d. to help strengthen the French. e. to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain

e. to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain

In colonial elections a. most eligible voters zealously exercised their right to vote. b. the right to vote was reserved for property holders. c. only a small landed elite had the right to vote. d. average citizens were usually elected to office. e. true democracy had arrived

b. the right to vote was reserved for property holders.

The time-honored English ideal, which Americans accepted for some time, regarded education as all of the following except a. essential training for citizenship. b. designed primarily for men. c. reserved for the aristocratic few. d. essential for creating leaders. e. hailed and embraced in New England more than any other region.

a. essential training for citizenship.

Colonial American taverns were all of the following except a. frequented mainly by the lower class. b. another cradle of democracy. c. hotbeds of agitation for the Revolutionary movement. d. important in crystallizing public opinion. e. places providing amusements.

a. frequented mainly by the lower class.

In contrast to the seventeenth century, by 1775, colonial Americans a. had become more stratified into social classes. b. had all but eliminated poverty. c. found that it was easier for ordinary people to acquire land. d. had nearly lost their fear of slave rebellion. e. had few people who owned small farms.

a. had become more stratified into social classes.

Match the following description with the artist. A. John Trumbull B. Charles Wilson Peale C. Benjamin West D. John Singleton Copley 1. regarded as a Loyalist during the Revolutionary War 2. best known for his portraits of George Washington, ran a museum, stuffed birds, and practiced dentistry 3. from Connecticut and was discouraged by his father as a youth, "Connecticut is not Athens" 4. close friend of George III and official court painter, was buried inLondon's St. Paul's Cathedral a. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 b. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 d. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 e. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4

c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

In 1775, the ____ churches were the only two established (tax-supported) churches in colonial America. a. Methodist and Anglican b. Presbyterian and Congregational c. Congregational and Anglican d. Quaker and Catholic e. Presbyterian and Anglican

c. Congregational and Anglican

In North Carolina, spearheaded by the Scotch-Irish, a small insurrection against eastern domination of the colony's affair was known as a.Bacon's Rebellion b. March of the Paxton Boys. c. Regulator Movement. d. Shays' Rebellion. e. Whiskey Rebellion.

c. Regulator Movement.

Colonists throughout the eighteenth century universally enjoyed all of the following amusements except a. militia musters. b. weddings and funerals. c. celebrating Christmas. d. winter sports in the North; and cockfighting, hunting and horse racing in the South. e. enjoying Thanksgiving

c. celebrating Christmas.

With regard to governmental authority, the Scots-Irish colonists a. showed remarkable willingness to follow authority. b. supported only Britain. c. cherished no love for the British or any other government. d. stated a preference for Catholic authority. e. established good relations with localIndians.

c. cherished no love for the British or any other government.

Transportation in colonial America was a. surprisingly fast for the time. b. safer by road than by any other means. c. slow by any of the means available. d. so poor that no mail service was established until the 1800s. e. fast only on the waterways

c. slow by any of the means available.

The most honored profession in early colonial society was a. medicine. b. law. c. the ministry. d. farming. e. the merchants

c. the ministry.

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