Chapter 9 TopHat Homework
Long term use of antibiotics
Vitamin K deficiency can be caused by:
Vitamin A
What is a fat soluble vitamin?
Vitamin E neutralizes reactive oxygen compounds to prevent cell damage
What is a function of vitamin E?
Vegetable Oil
What is a good source of vitamin E?
It is bound to fatty acids
What is true about provitamin A?
Vitamin D works with parathyroid hormone (PTH) to increase calcium retention by the kidneys
What is true about the function of vitamin D?
Women of child-bearing age need extra folate
What statement is true about the need for dietary supplements?
Rising reliance on fast food has reduced our intake of fruits and vegetables
Why are fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies occurring in the developed world?
Low consumption of milk fortified with vitamin D
Why is vitamin D deficiency on the rise?
It can be produced in the skin by exposure to ultraviolet light
Why vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin"?
Vitamin A maintains epithelial tissues
Why would vitamin A deficiency cause eye infections and blindness?