Child Development: Speedbacks

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According to the information in this lesson, one way for parents to give their children a head start in life is to

Raise them in a positive environment

Which of the following statements concerning self-concept is true?

Self-concept is shaped by those around us.

Eric and Susan are expecting in two months. They begin discussing their different options. Susan didn't know that there were more choices than just going to the hospital. Their main concerns in selecting a location for the birth of their baby is safety. They want a homey atmosphere where Eric can stay with Susan but with the security of doctors nearby. Susan is a high-risk pregnancy because she has gestational diabetes. Her first baby had to be delivered cesarean because the baby was breech. Which of the following choices would best suit Eric and Susan's needs?

A birthing room in a hospital

Angela is eight months pregnant. She is getting very ready to deliver. She knows that there is still important development taking place within her little Alley. Which of the following would not be occurring during the third trimester of pregnancy?

A majority of physical development is occurring.

Alice has a three-month-old baby. She is noticing the rewards of parenting much more often now than when her baby was first born. Which of the following would not be considered a reward of parenting?

Alice has more time for herself now.

Michelle and Ryan have a five-year-old girl named Elizabeth. Elizabeth is curious about her body and asks them questions. Michelle and Ryan aren't sure what approach to take. Which of the following should they do?

Answer her questions matter-of-factly and appropriate for her age.

Meg has a six-month-old son. She is raising him alone because her boyfriend was not interested in having a family. She doesn't receive any support from him and she barely makes enough at her entry-level job to support the two of them. She doesn't dare ask her family for help because they do not have much extra money either. Meg loves her son and is worried that he isn't getting enough to eat because she spends so much on diapers that she cannot buy much infant cereal or drink much milk herself. Her diet is poor, and she is trying to nurse him. Which of the following would be the best solution for Meg in this situation?

Apply for WIC

Eric and Josh live in the same family. They are step-brothers. What kind of family are Eric and Josh most likely a part of?


Edward stands by his wife, Afton, as she delivers their first child, a boy who they name Sammy. Edward and Afton know how important the first hours after birth can be in developing a bond with their infant. Which of the following should they do to promote bonding with Sammy?

Breast-feed him, cuddle, and talk softly

Robbin has a two-year-old son. She is a full-time mother and finds the job rewarding yet very demanding. Which of the following is she not likely to encounter in parenting?

Bursts of extra energy

According to the case study done on rabbits and the findings of the orphanage versus the prison nursery, which of the following statements is true?

Children can die from lack of love

Helen is feeling contractions more and more regularly. They are increasing in intensity and duration. Her cervix is dilating and the nurse says that she has reached six centimeters. Which stage of labor is Helen experiencing?


Elizabeth has been on diets since she was young. Her weight yo-yos between slightly overweight and about right. She is never at the weight she wants to be. Although she tries to eat healthily, she really has very poor eating habits. When she finds out that she is pregnant, she starts taking prenatal vitamins right away. She also tries to cut out the junk food and eat more of the good stuff. She still has a hard time eating at least one fruit and vegetable every day. She just doesn't like them. Elizabeth is afraid that she will get really fat from being pregnant so she skips breakfast most days to avoid putting on the extra pounds. According to this information, which of the following statements is true?

Elizabeth's baby could have problems such as birth defects because of her poor eating habits before and during pregnancy.

Erica and Kenny have been married for a few months. They are both twenty-three years old. They are thinking about having a baby but aren't sure if they are really ready. They have money in the bank and are both finished with college. They still spend a lot of time with their single friends, going to movies, and dancing. Erica gets upset easily if Kenny doesn't remind her daily of how beautiful she is. She is afraid that if she got pregnant Kenny wouldn't find her attractive anymore. In which of the following ways are Erica and Kenny least prepared to have a baby?

Emotional and social

Sammy's mother was only eighteen when he was born. She liked going to parties, and had a hard time putting away the booze and cigarettes, even while she was pregnant. Sammy was born four weeks early and only weighed four and a half pounds. He had brown curly hair and a dimple on his left cheek, just like his mother. He had dark skin and blue eyes like his father. He also had some distinct facial features that made the doctors believe that he was an FAS baby. Sammy seemed to suffer from some mental retardation. The doctors noted that he had A+ blood type. Answer the next five questions and decide whether the characteristics are determined by the environment or heredity. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is determined by


Robert is taking a child development course. He begins to study about children's identity development. He reads a theory that tells him about stages that humans go through. The first stage in the theory states that an infant moves successfully through this stage if he or she has his or her basic needs met by parents. This way the infant learns to trust. The theory that Robert is reading about was developed by which of the following theorists?


Julie is 6 months old. Her parents love her and want to be sure that she feels their love and develops a positive self-concept. Now answer the next three questions by deciding whether the statements are true or false. Julie's parents do not want her to grow up with bad habits. Every time she does something wrong they look at her sternly and say, "Bad Julie. Why are you such a bad little girl?" This helps her to have a positive self-perception.


Natalie was born two months early. She had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Answer the next three questions by deciding if the following comments are true or false in relation to bonding. Bonding will not be affected because Natalie is only three weeks old.


Natalie was born two months early. She had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Answer the next three questions by deciding if the following comments are true or false in relation to bonding. There is no way that Natalie can bond with her parents because she wasn't with them right after birth.


Nathan has a positive self-concept. In the next five questions identify which of the following behaviors he would demonstrate. Nathan is critical of others. This shows a positive self-concept.


Nathan has a positive self-concept. In the next five questions identify which of the following behaviors he would demonstrate. Nathan prefers to be alone. This shows a positive self-concept.


Nathan has a positive self-concept. In the next five questions identify which of the following behaviors he would demonstrate. Nathan shows off in class. This shows a positive self-concept.


Tom and Samantha discovered some interesting facts about conception. Decide if the the next three questions are true or false. Tom and Samantha learned that several sperm can penetrate one egg if the sperm reach the egg at the same time.


Alexis and Allen are parents to a four-year-old boy. They can nurture their child by doing which of the following?

Feeding and clothing him

Elizabeth is nearing the end of her pregnancy. Her baby is growing a lot in size. All of his organs are formed and functioning. What stage is Elizabeth's baby in?


Sallie and Eric want to have a baby. They are both twenty-five years old and consider themselves mature individuals. Most of their friends already have children, and they enjoy hanging out with them. They babysit quite often for their neighbors and feel competent in their skills. Sallie is supporting her husband, Eric, through law school by working full-time at a bakery. They barely make enough to get by, but they do okay. Sallie and Eric want to know if they are prepared to have a baby. In which of the following areas are Sallie and Eric least prepared?


Karen delivers twin baby girls. She names them Grace and Greta. Grace and Greta look a little alike, but they certainly aren't identical. Karen wonders why it is possible to have twin girls that do not look alike. Which of the following is the best explanation to give Karen?

Her twins are fraternal. They come from two different egg-and-sperm combinations.

Rachel thinks that it might be time to go to the hospital. Her baby dropped a week ago into the headdown position. She is very tired, is having strong contractions very close together, and has lost her mucus plug. She felt her water break a few minutes ago. She is increasingly hungry as time goes on. Which of these statements would be considered signs that she is in labor and should go to the hospital?

Her water broke, she lost her mucus plug, and her contractions are strong and close together.

Sammy's mother was only eighteen when he was born. She liked going to parties, and had a hard time putting away the booze and cigarettes, even while she was pregnant. Sammy was born four weeks early and only weighed four and a half pounds. He had brown curly hair and a dimple on his left cheek, just like his mother. He had dark skin and blue eyes like his father. He also had some distinct facial features that made the doctors believe that he was an FAS baby. Sammy seemed to suffer from some mental retardation. The doctors noted that he had A+ blood type. Answer the next five questions and decide whether the characteristics are determined by the environment or heredity. A+ blood type is determined by


Sammy's mother was only eighteen when he was born. She liked going to parties, and had a hard time putting away the booze and cigarettes, even while she was pregnant. Sammy was born four weeks early and only weighed four and a half pounds. He had brown curly hair and a dimple on his left cheek, just like his mother. He had dark skin and blue eyes like his father. He also had some distinct facial features that made the doctors believe that he was an FAS baby. Sammy seemed to suffer from some mental retardation. The doctors noted that he had A+ blood type. Answer the next five questions and decide whether the characteristics are determined by the environment or heredity. Dark skin is determined by


Rachel also wants to be aware of the positive ways that being a stay-at-home mom will affect her child. Which of the following would not be considered a positive side effect of having a parent at home, according to the reading?

Higher IQ

In the past, society has viewed children differently than during the present day. Which of the following phrases best describes the differences between society's past and present views on children?

In the past, development was viewed in only two stages, infancy and adulthood. Children were viewed as "little adults" and were often judged by adult standards. Today society believes that a human being goes through several stages of development, such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. A human being develops through each of these stages.

Emily is twenty years old. She has a serious boyfriend named Sam. They often talk about getting married and starting a family within the next few years. Based on this information, which of the following is the best reason that Emily should study child development?

It is wise for parents to study about children before becoming pregnant to better prepare themselves to take care of their children.

Nancy is observing a class of kindergarten-aged children during recess. She sees that all of the children are very active, and two children seem to have taken an interest in the same toy, a tricycle. Because there is only one, the two children are taking turns. Sarah is very good on the tricycle. She pedals fast around the yard while James counts to ten. Next it is James' turn. He isn't quite as dexterous as Sarah; it takes him a little while longer to take his turn. While she waits, Sarah grows impatient; she counts clear to fifteen. When James arrives, she runs up to him and pushes him off of the tricycle. She jumps on and speeds around the yard. When she arrives back to James, she sees that he is crying. She says to him, "I'm sorry for pushing you." Then the two of them decide to play a new game together. In the above scenario, what evidence does Nancy see of mental development?

James and Sarah can both count to ten.

Tracy and Mike just found out that they are going to have a baby. Tracy is just seventeen years old and Mike is eighteen. Tracy is very nervous because she wasn't planning on being a mother for several more years. Tracy has always thought that she needed to lose weight so she generally skips breakfast and lunch. She drinks a soda daily and snacks on potato chips for dinner. As soon as she found out that she was pregnant, Tracy stopped smoking and started taking prenatal vitamins. Tracy realized that she might not want to go to parties with Mike anymore because she just didn't feel like hanging out with lots of people when she is nauseous all of the time. Tracy and Mike have not discussed their plans for the future with a new baby. According to the above information and your own knowledge about teen pregnancies, answer the next two questions. Which pregnancy risk is Tracy more likely to encounter because she is a teen mother?

Low-birth-weight baby

When Mary is only two months pregnant, she loses the baby. She feels great emotional loss because she was so excited for the baby to come. Which of the following terms best describes the loss of Mary's baby?


Beth thinks that she might be pregnant. She is hungrier than usual, goes to the bathroom more often than usual, and is nauseous quite often. Her period is four weeks late and she has been very emotional lately. Which of these symptoms is the best sign that Beth is pregnant?

Missed period

Eric has been a foster child for his ten years of life. All of his basic needs have been met. He has enough to eat and clothes to wear. His foster parents are kind people but have so much to do that they don't have a lot of extra time to spend with Eric. He often appears listless and has little desire to do anything. Has Eric been nurtured?


Robbin is five and a half months pregnant. She is in her second trimester. Which of the following are occurring in her baby Shannon?

Organs are continuing development.

Tom and Samantha Robinson want to start a family. They decide to find out all that they can about getting pregnant. They begin researching the reproductive system to find out how conception occurs. Using this information, answer the next two questions. Samantha learned about her body and which organs are part of the reproductive process. Which of the following organs are part of the female reproductive system?

Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus.

Melanie is two years old. She has loving parents, close grandparents, several playmates, and a good babysitter. Who of these has the greatest impact on Melanie's self-concept?


Rob and Alexia have recently married and are thinking about having a baby. They are quite young, only eighteen, but they love each other. They hang out quite often with Alexia's older sister and brother-in-law, who have two little boys. Alexia's mother always comments about how mature Alexia is for her age. She really puts other's needs before her own. Rob finished several years of college while he studied in high school and has a good job working with computers. In which of the following areas are Rob and Alexia least prepared to become parents?


Jean Piaget observes two other children close to the same age. Both children can count to fifty and can write their names and other simple words. He watches the children make-believe to be a family; they seem to be imitating actions that they have seen at home. He sees that one of the children pulls the other child's hair to see how he will react without thinking logically and realizing that the child will become angry or hurt. The child that pulls the other's hair is punished by missing recess. Jean Piaget decides that these children are in which of the following stages of development?


Jennifer and Peter decide to get married. During their premarital exams, the physician discovers that Jennifer has blood type B- and Peter has blood type A+. Jennifer and Peter want to have kids, but a lot of Jennifer's friends have had miscarriages, which makes her nervous. She also worries about complications such as gestational diabetes because of a report she read in the newspaper. When Jennifer and Peter decide to have a family, which of the following risks are they most likely to encounter according to this information?

Rh factor

In the above scenario, what is the best evidence that Nancy sees of social development?

Sarah and James take turns riding the tricycle. They decide to play a game together.

Nancy is observing a class of kindergarten-aged children during recess. She sees that all of the children are very active, and two children seem to have taken an interest in the same toy, a tricycle. Because there is only one, the two children are taking turns. Sarah is very good on the tricycle. She pedals fast around the yard while James counts to ten. Next it is James' turn. He isn't quite as dexterous as Sarah; it takes him a little while longer to take his turn. While she waits, Sarah grows impatient; she counts clear to fifteen. When James arrives, she runs up to him and pushes him off of the tricycle. She jumps on and speeds around the yard. When she arrives back to James, she sees that he is crying. She says to him, "I'm sorry for pushing you." Then the two of them decide to play a new game together. In the above scenario, what evidence does Nancy see of moral development in the children?

Sarah realizes that what she did was wrong and apologizes to James.

Nancy is observing a class of kindergarten-aged children during recess. She sees that all of the children are very active, and two children seem to have taken an interest in the same toy, a tricycle. Because there is only one, the two children are taking turns. Sarah is very good on the tricycle. She pedals fast around the yard while James counts to ten. Next it is James' turn. He isn't quite as dexterous as Sarah; it takes him a little while longer to take his turn. While she waits, Sarah grows impatient; she counts clear to fifteen. When James arrives, she runs up to him and pushes him off of the tricycle. She jumps on and speeds around the yard. When she arrives back to James, she sees that he is crying. She says to him, "I'm sorry for pushing you." Then the two of them decide to play a new game together. Andrew is exploring the world. Everything that he finds he sticks in his mouth. If Jean Piaget was to observe Andrew, what stage of development would he put Andrew in?


Susan was born with Down's syndrome. Which of the following statements is not true about Down's?

Smoking while pregnant increases the risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome.

Tom and Samantha Robinson want to start a family. They decide to find out all that they can about getting pregnant. They begin researching the reproductive system to find out how conception occurs. Using this information, answer the next two questions. Tom learned all that he could about his own body. How does sperm become available for fertilization?

Sperm from the testicles moves through the vas deferens tube. It combines with fluid from the seminal vesicles and is pumped down the urethra and into the woman's vagina.

Annabel is pregnant. She reads all that she can to make sure that she has a healthy baby. Annabel eats from the five food groups daily, takes her vitamins, and only drinks wine at dinner time. In addition, Annabel also walks daily and gets at least eight hours of sleep at night. She even takes an afternoon nap once in awhile when she comes home from work. Annabel feels that she could be doing something a little bit better, what would you suggest?

Stop drinking wine with dinner. Alcohol can cause birth defects.

Ellen is pregnant. She was due last week. She is worried that she might have to have a cesarean delivery. She hasn't felt the baby drop and her water hasn't broken. Her doctor checked the baby's heart and noticed that it was beating faster than normal. He said that they would continue monitoring it daily. The doctor also measured her stomach and said that the baby was at least nine and a half pounds and says that he probably should have induced her last week. Which of the following is the best reason that Ellen's doctor would choose to do a cesarean delivery?

The baby has an increased heart rate and hasn't dropped

Lisa is only two months pregnant. She is excited because this is her first baby. She goes to see her obstetrician and he explains more about what she should expect during the first trimester of pregnancy. Which of the following statements are true about the first trimester of pregnancy?

The majority of physical development occurs; all features and vital organs begin to form

Brittany is four months pregnant. She decides to name the baby Alex. The doctor says that Alex is growing every month and that it is important that he receive plenty of nourishment from his mother. Which of the following are responsible for getting nourishment for Alex?

The placenta and umbilical cord

Denise and Paul, who have been married for a year, have many reasons for wanting to have children. Which of the following reasons would be the best reason for them to have children?

They love each other and want to provide a nourishing atmosphere for a child.

Experiments have been done to identify what happens when animals and children aren't nurtured. According to Harry Harlow's case studies on monkeys, which of the following is true concerning monkeys who aren't nurtured?

They showed signs of emotional stress

Roxy is pregnant with her fourth baby. She didn't have any problems with her previous children. She is trying to decide where she should deliver. It is very important to her that whoever delivers her baby know her very well. She wants the person who delivers her baby to be her coach and to be with her throughout the entire pregnancy. She is also concerned because she doesn't have very much money to spend on the pregnancy. Her husband isn't comfortable with the idea of having the baby at home in case something goes wrong because they live far from the hospital. Which of the following choices would best suit the needs of Roxy and her husband?

To deliver in a birthing center with a midwife.

Natalie just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She thought that she was done now, but the physician asked her to push one more time. Why would he ask her to do this?

To deliver the afterbirth which includes the amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord

During her third trimester, Ann has many unusual side effects. She notices that she is gaining weight much faster than seems normal. She has her blood pressure tested and is told that it is higher than it should be. She suffers from constant headaches, swollen ankles, and blurred vision. Because Ann's doctor is concerned that her condition could be life threatening, he delivers the baby early. According to these symptoms and clues, what condition may Ann have?


Tracy and Mike just found out that they are going to have a baby. Tracy is just seventeen years old and Mike is eighteen. Tracy is very nervous because she wasn't planning on being a mother for several more years. Tracy has always thought that she needed to lose weight so she generally skips breakfast and lunch. She drinks a soda daily and snacks on potato chips for dinner. As soon as she found out that she was pregnant, Tracy stopped smoking and started taking prenatal vitamins. Tracy realized that she might not want to go to parties with Mike anymore because she just didn't feel like hanging out with lots of people when she is nauseous all of the time. Tracy and Mike have not discussed their plans for the future with a new baby. According to the above information and your own knowledge about teen pregnancies, answer the next two questions. What other difficulties may Tracy and Mike encounter during the pregnancy?

Tracy may feel socially isolated because she doesn't feel well enough to attend parties with her friends. Mike may feel frustrated because Tracy doesn't want to go to parties with him. Tracy and Mike may have a hard time deciding whether or not they should keep the baby or place it for adoption because they haven't started discussing their future plans. The fetus growing in Tracy may have birth defects because of her smoking and poor eating habits. (All of the above)

Kaitlyn and Cathy have the same mom and dad. They all live together. What type of family are Kaitlyn and Cathy most likely a part of?


Trevor and June were just notified that their adoptive baby will be born next week. Which of the following steps would not aid Trevor and June in bonding with their infant?

Trevor and June go to pick up their infant several days after birth to make sure that he is healthy.

Julie is 6 months old. Her parents love her and want to be sure that she feels their love and develops a positive self-concept. Now answer the next three questions by deciding whether the statements are true or false. Julie's mother and father both spend time daily cuddling and singing to her. This helps her to have a positive self-perception and feel loved.


Julie is 6 months old. Her parents love her and want to be sure that she feels their love and develops a positive self-concept. Now answer the next three questions by deciding whether the statements are true or false. Julie's parents encourage her and praise her when she tries to crawl. This helps her to have a positive self-perception.


Natalie was born two months early. She had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Answer the next three questions by deciding if the following comments are true or false in relation to bonding. Natalie's parents should spend time talking to her while she is in the hospital to begin bonding with her.


Nathan has a positive self-concept. In the next five questions identify which of the following behaviors he would demonstrate. Nathan gets along well with others. This shows a positive self-concept.


Nathan has a positive self-concept. In the next five questions identify which of the following behaviors he would demonstrate. Nathan likes to take risks. This shows a positive self-concept.


Tom and Samantha discovered some interesting facts about conception. Decide if the the next three questions are true or false. Tom and Samantha learned that fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes.


Tom and Samantha discovered some interesting facts about conception. Decide if the the next three questions are true or false. Tom and Samantha learned that the zygote contains forty-six chromosomes.


When Isaac turned one year old the doctor checked his growth and development. He noted that Isaac was twenty-eight inches long, weighed twenty pounds, and could walk without help. He also noticed that Isaac knew about ten different words and wasn't shy in saying "hi" to everyone he saw. Which of the doctor's observations would be considered measurements of development?

Walking, talking, and interacting with others

According to the previous scenario about Isaac, which of the doctor's observations would be considered measurements of growth?

Weighing twenty pounds and measuring twenty-eight inches long.

Rachel wants to be a stay-at-home mom. She is aware that there are pros and cons to being a stay-at-home mom. Identify which of the following would be a pro if Rachel decides to stay at home.

Work environment

Harry Harlow's study of monkeys is relevant to the discussion of children and nurturing because

children, just like baby monkeys, need to be nurtured by their parents.

Sammy's mother was only eighteen when he was born. She liked going to parties, and had a hard time putting away the booze and cigarettes, even while she was pregnant. Sammy was born four weeks early and only weighed four and a half pounds. He had brown curly hair and a dimple on his left cheek, just like his mother. He had dark skin and blue eyes like his father. He also had some distinct facial features that made the doctors believe that he was an FAS baby. Sammy seemed to suffer from some mental retardation. The doctors noted that he had A+ blood type. Answer the next five questions and decide whether the characteristics are determined by the environment or heredity. Low birth weight is determined by


Sammy's mother was only eighteen when he was born. She liked going to parties, and had a hard time putting away the booze and cigarettes, even while she was pregnant. Sammy was born four weeks early and only weighed four and a half pounds. He had brown curly hair and a dimple on his left cheek, just like his mother. He had dark skin and blue eyes like his father. He also had some distinct facial features that made the doctors believe that he was an FAS baby. Sammy seemed to suffer from some mental retardation. The doctors noted that he had A+ blood type. Answer the next five questions and decide whether the characteristics are determined by the environment or heredity. Brown curly hair is determined by


The purpose of the scenarios on famous people was to teach that

people can choose to overcome negative influences in their childhood.

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